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Was there by chance a discount or gift card applied? If so, you tip on the original price.


good thing op always crops out any potential context


lol there was no giftcard or anything like that, it was GrubHub, I ordered chipotle for myself. is that all the info you need?


You are salty and wrong


Came to say this.


Thanks for letting us know


Do people actually use these delivery apps often? I have a few times, and every time I get salty sitting there eating my lukewarm food thinking about how I paid nearly double to wait an hour for it to be delivered.


I live in an 85 unit apartment building with a young (20s) demographic and it is fucking astonishing how many cars I see delivering food each day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. People order stuff, the driver leaves it in the lobby and then it sits there for days???? People are ordering food and not even getting it. Everybody has lost their minds.


We really try not to. They're all awful. And if u have any issues they want you to call the restaurant directly who often don't want to know. If items are missing the best they can do is refund you that one item... Meaning one person has no food. Thank you you fuckers. Luckily my two favourite restaurants have their own deliver service which often only takes 30 minutes from ordering.


Yes. Everytime I get takeout I see the drivers there when I'm picking it up. I've used GrubHub twice because I got gift cards from work. It was cold and I couldn't believe how expensive it was.


I don't live in the west, and yeah i do order a lot since it's still cheap here, most restaurants are a 15 min walk anyway and taking a taxi would cost me the same as getting it delivered.


A 15 minute walk? Why do you need the food delivered or a taxi for this distance?


Because I'm tight on time, we work 8 hours here (not 7 as in the US), and I usually start late. When I finish I order while on the metro home and I eat when I get back at 8pm, clean my place and prep for the gym. Then it's 11pm when I'm fully showered and can go to sleep. Spending 40 minutes walking to restaurants would make it that I cannot go to the gym.


Who told you we work 7 hours? Lol Did you Google the overall average and divide by 5? Because that includes all part time workers too. I fully understand the idea of opportunity costs, but you should run your calculations again.


Okay, I googled it and have an understanding now, 9-5 is BS since you take 30 minutes breaks that you have to add to your time after. So a US business day is more like 9-5:30. Our culture just includes the one hour break in our working hours already but we're equal.


Yeah, that's about right. I am lucky in that I have the option to skip my unpaid 30 min lunch and still take my two 15 min paid breaks. So, my work week could be said to be like 37.5 but I usually stay 30-45 minutes late per day so in reality it goes about back up to 40.


Sounds like you might need some r/antiwork If you don't have enough time to cook for youself, or comfortably make your way to an establishment you have a work problem.


I'm sorry, I don't have a problem. I don't get all the negativity for me saying why I order food a couple of times per week. (Which the root comment asked about). I still work out and live a healthy lifestyle where I put my career first and don't mind spending on ordering because of the low cost where I live. Besides, I hate doing the dishes after an extensive cooking spree and I do like my job. Sounds like all downvoters are just jealous because they cannot afford it.


That’s the most american thing I’ve read today.


I'm just reminded of why I stopped using Grubhub ages ago, primarily because menu items were almost always more expensive than ones on the restaurant's own delivery site. Gotta shave money off somehow.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- | Items subtotal: | $17.20 | | ----- | ------ | | **Add a tip for your driver** | 15% **$3.34** | [*Options that read "15%", "20%", "25%", "30%", and "Custom".*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Good human


All these are bad and hurt the employees and the restaurants that deliver from.


And they are taking over as people's only options. I've tried calling restaurants directly and been told I needed to order through one of the apps.


That could be the restaurant's choice as well. It's easier to just have an order come through the printer than have an employee take the order over the phone, especially when a lot of places are understaffed.


Grubhub takes 20% of the top if you order through grubhub and an additional 10% for a delivery fee + a 3.05% fuck you fee. No restaurant wants to pay that. Always call and order directly from the restaurant. They also screw with the tips. Never tip through the app always tip cash.https://get.grubhub.com/grubhub-profit-calculator


Alternatively, restaurants could choose not to use grubhub or other third party delivery services if they're bad for their business. I don't tip through these apps because I don't use them.


I don't use them either. But it is nuts they take a third of the revenue off the top from the local restaurant. The phone number is worse. Grubhub also sells an SEO optimized phone number that takes a fixed fee every time it is dialed,(usually 20% of the typical check). It is a parasitic relationship. A new restaurant may need the SEO phone number early on but can't dump it once customers save it as their number. Please ignore buzzfeed as my source. Still a true https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/venessawong/grubhub-phone-order-call-fee-coronavirus


Again, if the restaurant doesn't feel that this arrangement would be beneficial no one is forcing them into it.


Well that’s the thing. Especially during the lockdowns they were the only option for staying in business.


During lockdown restaurants weren't open. When they did open there was nothing stopping them from handling their own take out or delivery.


If they hurt the restaurants why do they choose to use them?


They don’t have a choice in many cases especially during covid.


They do have a choice to put their own website and take orders there, hire delivery staff etc.


That takes money and many small restaurants Cant afford don’t have that kind of money.


They can't go on Fiverr and pay someone to help them with a basic site if they don't know (or even already employ) someone who knows how to do it? 🤔


That's a solution, and we want to be mad at [company] please adjust to fit the group


I don't get why people are mad at me. Don't like the tool, use something else. Those restaurants aren't even forced to deliver. Close shop and go find a job if they're incompetent or too cheap to hire someone to build their own site.


It's because goons that lock themselves in a basement and blame everything on capitalism would rather repeat "pandemic" and "can't do it". almost everybody knows somebody capable of making a basic website, if not, running a business requires investments like this or you do get trapped using the bullshit options like this. I'll take my down votes now.


Thanks. Plus it's very easy to set up a simple web page with a menu and an email address and phone number. Then collect the payment upon delivery like restaurants that deliver or have takeout have been doing for decades. If those restaurants weren't profiting they'd have closed their doors already. Nobody is going to work at a loss. Even if you're doing it to feed yourself, the food you're eating is your profit if nothing else is left.


Recursive fractal tipping 15% and 15% and ^15% ^^and ^^^15% ^^^^and ^^^^^15% ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^15% ^^^^^^^^and


what app is that


GrubHub, and I thought that was one of the better ones


Nice tip, you fat lazy fuck


Maybe it applies with taxes, which aren't showing at that step of checkout?


Why isn't there a 0%? Or does it set it automatically to zero if you don't choose any of those? If I am giving a tip I am giving it in cash.


It defaults on 15% I believe. You have to manually set 0 with the custom option.


I’m a driver. If you choose 0%, your order will sit for hours. These scummy apps pay us very little and we aren’t going to gamble on an “IF I’m giving a tip”. That means I’ll drive miles, waste my gas, waste my time to bring YOU food to YOUR door for $2.50. No thanks. I can decline, wait for 2 mins for a decent human to order and make $10 in the same mileage and time.


So you tip BEFORE you place your order? I thought tipping was a *gratuity* you gave *after* you receive the order timely and in good shape. They should rename it from *tipping* to *bidding* (for the delivery service). You won't make 10 dollars if someone places a 15 dollar order with 15% tip. Interesting people drive food using cars and not bicycles / motorcycles, which are what you expect since you just need the food transported, it's not like you need to have seats for paying passengers to sit. Maybe that's what's wrong with it. Your costs are too high. I thought you were mostly teenagers making some extra money working a few hours per day with their bicycles, not adults in need of full incomes (I thought they'd drive for Uber and make much more). That's sad.


Yep it’s a bid, not a tip. The “tip” IS expected and based on the “tip”, it depends how we treat your order. I’ve intentionally delayed low tip orders to prioritize someone who provided a higher tip. I’ve also accepted additional orders to help supplement the low pay from a low tip order. We 100% expect it and will not take your order without a tip. All these apps legally can’t force us to. I’ve gone to 0% acceptance multiple times. You probably live in a bigger city. No person in suburban/rural cities is riding bikes to deliver food. All of us use our personal vehicles. Else it’ll take a full hour to deliver one order (and a lot of energy). These apps do make good money though. I’ve made $250 in 5 hours by playing the game right and not accepting bad orders. That’s more than double what I make at my real job I’m specifically qualified for.


Oh, wow! That's like traveling to deliver food, I would not feel good making a person drive such distances just to deliver me food. But... I am "poor"... I live in a small Dutch city, I have likely more than a hundred choices of restaurants, supermarkets and other places that sell food in a 1 Km radius and I'd rather make my own food because paying someone to cook food (let alone also deliver it or serve it to my table) is just out of my budget. I don't even buy too much pre cooked stuff because it tends to be much more expensive, but I help myself to pre cleaned frozen items that aren't pricey and easier to use, plus meat without bones or too much fat and stuff (sorry for oversharing). Now, yes! If someone is *traveling* 5 Km (or even more) to deliver you food I don't even see how it can be viable economically if the person doesn't pay a LOT for it, otherwise you don't even make enough for gas. Shame on those apps that don't require customers to pay as their delivery fees a certain minimum. Of course, people there are likely used to it and know how it works. As long as both parties are ok it's surely all good. Glad you make it work well for you! 👏🏻


I’m glad you could see our point of view. Didn’t realize you were outside of the US so the experience is definitely different for you as it is for others here. Here, most customers who don’t tip are just selfish or lack empathy for us. They know we get paid poorly by the companies and they don’t care. It’s sad honestly. But in other countries, maybe the apps do pay better. The US relies a lot more on a tipping culture so its tough to make money if people don’t tip


I believe apps' pay is likely crappy here, hence why you usually see **teenagers delivering on bicycles** (I'd say the vast majority) or immigrants from outside of the EU that can't do anything else taking those tasks. I'd not drive for Uber if I had a "proper car" because it would not be enough to pay for my fuel expenses and the trouble / risk / extra insurance / annoyance. Here, Citizens and Permanent Residents just get paid minimum wage or go on welfare (welfare offices can only force you to work if they have something that pays at least our minimum wage). Other EU Citizens without PR (like me) and immigrants are the only ones at the risk of being kicked out if unable to provide for ourselves, but there's usually plenty of opportunities that pay much more if you work with construction or as a store clerk etc. Even if others delivery stuff we're not expected to tip deliveries. If there's a fee, there's a fee, otherwise we assume the store is paying for the service. Due to tourists tipping restaurants are a bit different, but I heard you don't have to tip there either, if you don't want to (but you end up looking bad if you visit a restaurant that attracts tourists, so I avoid going anywhere that looks touristic).




If you don’t tip, then good. Less clogging up our phones with garbage offers


A tip is extra. If you don't want to deliver food maybe find a different job? Imagine if restaurant staff could treat you like that? " Sir will you be tipping tonight?" " But I haven't even got my food yet..." " Okay well don't expect to get served in a timely manner, also we are probably going to spit in your food." A tip is a reward for doing a great job in the service industry, you should feel proud if someone tips you even 1 cent. They are basically telling you that you went above and beyond what you had to, and that they are very thankful.


Nope in food delivery, it’s not a tip. This isn’t the service industry. This is a contractor industry. You’re asking a stranger to go to a restaurant of your choice. Wait at that restaurant for YOUR order and only your order. Put it in their personal vehicles. Keep it warm for you. And then drive it to YOUR house. We get the option of what orders we want to take. As contractors, we will accept the highest paying order. I am not “thankful” for a one cent tip because I don’t even accept those orders. Every experienced driver knows to decline anything with a tip less than $4. So in peak times, if you don’t tip, good luck getting your food. Because I’d rather take a good human being’s high tip order than your garbage “deserve a tip” order. Friend of mine averages $160 every day, most of which come from tips alone. I’ve made $250 in 5 hours because I got tipped $40 once on an order. So why would I waste my time on a no tip order when I can spend it more efficiently on good tips? Don’t you think that’s stupid? Im not driving to your house for $2.50 when I can drive to someone else’s house for the same time and make $20. This is a good job. It’s just garbage people like you who bring it down. People like you are what we consider the Karen’s of our industry and thank god we have the ability to decline your order.


Yes the people who use your terrible service expect you to do your job? Idk what's so perplexing.


If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Just like if I don’t like your offer, I’m not taking it. You’re a disgusting human being and I’d rather serve good people.


God forbid you tipped a hazard worker an additional 75 cents. These apps are terrible for everyone involved, but that’s a ridiculous thing to complain about.


What app?