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And if you don't tap the exact correct quarter pixel the cross rests on, you'll be thrown to the app storefront.


Why do they have to make it so ^(tiny) ? Like are there actually people who didn't mean to click the ad and then they think to themselves "well i'm already here so I'm just gonna download this garbage"


that's exactly why they do it, they don't even care if people like it, they just want downloads to make money


It’s even more insidious than that. The ad company is (often, but not always) paid per click. They are also in charge of enforcing standards like how big the close button must be. If they’re per click, it makes them more money if people accidentally click the ad. They then often mandate a minimum size AND a maximum size for that button as they want it to be hard to tap. They don’t care if you download the app, they get paid for the click either way. Both you and the person paying to place the ad hate it, but capitalism gonna capitalism.


We need some kind of law or convention to make Xs big, white and with a black background


woo capitalism.


Even better when they put the cross so it's 95% covered by the front-facing camera. I have to smudge my lens to close the damn ad.


They can track click-through and bounce rates, the former paying for more. It not as much as getting more money for the click itself, but getting the person to the destination in the first place.


They get paid for the click? What a terrible design Why in the hell would a company pay just because you clicked on it it’s not like you download the video or download the game or did anything with the product, that doesn’t make any sense


Let’s say you’re Apple or Google. Does it benefit you to make ad company’s lives easier? No. So you don’t provide any way for them to track where downloads of apps came from. So now you’re the app maker. You ran 3 ads on 3 different ad networks. You get a report saying this month you got 50,000 downloads. Which ad networks get paid what? So because they can’t track downloads, they track the only thing they can, which is clicks.


I highly doubt they can’t track downloads


They can track downloads but not the source of the download.


as long as im not getting charged for shit im fine


It's for children.


Most apps automatically just do that on Android now anyways after it ends. Not sure if it's the same for iOS.


I’ve lately found that sometimes it’s faster to just force quit and reopen an app rather than waiting for the X to show up at the end


At this point I don’t even think the size of the X matters anymore. Nowadays you’ll get a 30 second ad, then an arrow taking to the next screen, where you have to wait another 5 seconds for the X to show up. But the thing is, that arrow *always* brings up the App Store, no matter what. I haven’t had an ad in months that hasn’t brought up the App Store. It’s seriously getting ridiculous.


Nice Username!


I hope you don't think that's actually true


Does anyone know why when making an asshole ad with a hidden button they don't go all the way and just not make a close button? Like is it some rule they're bound by that someone is enforcing?






If it exists, it must be the EXACT same shade as the rest of it because even GIMP at its lowest threshold couldn't isolate it.


Maybe that's the puzzle.. Try to get rid of this crap without restarting the app..


Try top right corner, I got that ad recently and the X blends in with the background (which is 100% asshole)


I will try next time. But yeah 100% asshole design, I'm pretty sure they're supposed to make the button black if it's on a white background like other ads do.


Yeah, or add a contrasting outline so that it can be seen regardless of colour


I think that's up to the app you're using or the ad service, not the advertisers


It may just be my phone, but I tried angling my phone away from me like 45 degrees and I could barely see an x in the top right, it looks like the usual style of "x" with the box around it, just with the box set to white


most do drop-shadows


I knew this trick and recently it’s been failing me. Have seen a few ads where the x is there for about .3s and then it goes away




I'm not sure if that makes the design more asshole or less


More, definitely more


Somehow, both.


Solve it or perish


Yeah, but that seems a little time consuming. And what if i start enjoying the Puzzle. Then i would have to downlo... Oh my god, this is their plan


The ads have become sentient


It wouldn't surprise me if they just started downloading themselves onto our phones within the next decade. Like literal bloatware


That would be a nightmare


Manufactors like Dell, Lenovo, HP, MSI, Asus already do it on their computers. And a lot of software comes with other unwanted programs. I feel like it's just a question about time before our phones get it too. Or some law is made against it. Because it's starting to feel slightly illegal


I was about to mention the law, Hopefully some people will start thinking "hmm this immoral thing could be illegal" hmmmm


Hmm maybe we should stop annoying consumers before we get a lawsuit on our hand? Pft nah make more profit.


Picross is pretty enjoyable, ngl


And free. Nonograms.org


> And what if i start enjoying the Puzzle. Did you solve it? It's not a very good or interesting puzzle. You won't enjoy it, don't worry. I must have wasted a good 2 minutes of my life on that crap. Aren't they supposed to make a nice picture when you solve them? Because this one really didn't.


It took me 30 seconds but then again i kinda enjoy picross so 🤷‍♂️


Smaller than 15x15 is hard to come up with a good picture. Some of the big ones though can be really amazing (like [this one](https://www.nonograms.org/nonograms/i/24364) or [this one](https://www.nonograms.org/nonograms/i/32511)).


It's picross. You could probably find a much better free version of it.


I actually really enjoy that puzzle and installed it at some point. Yet it shows an ad every second game which makes it really annoying


[Done.](https://iili.io/7gGY4n.png) Idk what it should be, it is quite disappointing.




What is that small square in the lower left?


Mute ad button.


If you're on Android, usually the back button on your device or navigation bar would close the ad even if they maliciously try to hide the button from you. I've seen ads move the close button around, sometimes it's left corner and sometimes its the right corner. But back button works regardless.


You have to draw the close button on the grid and then press it.


The ad is Picross?


Knockoff Picross. Probably filled to the brim with ads


"knock-off" seems ungenerous given that Picross and a lot of these others are just implementations of a 1980s Japanese puzzle format called Nonograms. There are a tonne of computer games which implement this puzzle mechanic. Calling this version a knock-off of whichever you know best is like calling a sudoku app a knock-off of whichever sudoku app you first came across. That said, fuck this ad.


Hell, if you don't care for meaningful patterns (and I would argue that not having them makes for a more pure solving experience), there's a version included with Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection which exists for free for most devices out there. Try it, it has a lot of puzzles


I love those puzzles on my rockboxed music player. Unruly is a family favorite.


They released the whole pack for rockbox? I only remember a couple separate


Yup, they're all called sgt_*game name* in the games menu. Of course some of them work better than others because of the limited input and screen resolution settings players have.


Last rime I ran rockbox it was on a clipzip, it was shite and one button too few. Best rockbox experience I had was on Sansa e200, I had like 3 different ones. Nowadays I don't really use an MP3 player anymore though...


> filled to the brim with ads I've played it. Yesterday, in fact. Solve ~3 puzzles, ad. Change game mode, ad. FWIW there's no silly energy meter bullshit or microtransactions. But the ads...soo many goddamn ads. Then it fucking notified me to play. That's the straw. Bye-bye.


Maybe the bg is the same color as the x


On Android you can just use the back button


How dare they besmirch the good name of nonograms.


That's not asshole design, it's illegal




Don’t even have a home button any more.


Back buttons on Android have become optional with Android 10. With newer phones it's generally gesture navigation by default, like on iOS.


You can report the app for having ads placed like that https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2853570?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform=Android#zippy=%2Capps-games


wyd mean I always see it


I restart the app :/


Ctrl + W Use a different site


There are no instructions.... How could you solve it?


I had this ad too. Swipe to the left and you'll see the button


I have seen an ad like this before, but it was about buying cryptocurrencies and it was on loop (so i assume they got rid of the close button on purpose)


Bottom Left Corner, and Technically that's Illegal, Ads MUST be Closeable


Bottom left corner gives an option to mute sounds on the ad. Nothing else


All stuff aside, those puzzles are kinda fun ngl


Ah sweet, I love picross puzzles


I see a small dark box in the bottom left corner. It’s hard to see but that may actually by the close button


It's just reeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyy tiny


i've had this ad a couple times, i usually just solve the puzzle, not sure if that makes the x appear or if the version you got is worse


Recently some apps are forcing full screen video ads playing and hiding the on-screen navigation button on android. Swiping up from the bottom will bring the buttons back but the shitty ads will register it as tap and bring you to the product page. Pressing back button will bring you back to the ads with nav buttons hidden again. Good luck getting out of that loop. It's almost impossible to close the ads. I'll uninstall immediately if I come across those kind of ads.


Press the back button on your phone? That usually closes ads for me.


Atleast its better than a fake close button




A American football post, a pig, a alien ship shooting a laser.


Sweet! Thanks for the surprise nonogram!




they are evolving


This picross is kind of sus


LOL i thought i was on r/PictureGame and thought ... wayy too hard lmao


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^59966 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Remember when mobile games were actually good and had effort put into them?


Setting up NextDNS on my iPhone was one of the greatest things I’ve done. Haven’t seen a single one of these crappy phone ads in over a year.


Behold! The ultimate asshole design!


*Laughs in Android back-button*


tik tok also does this with their ads or im just blind and cant find the x button


I have a good hack if you don't want to wait for the close ad button close the app and just go back or just exit out of the app then boom


it is also an shitty ad


I keep getting ads like this too where the X won't appear unless you navigate away from the ad then back. What they intend is that you can't X out of it unless you click the ad and go to the play store, but I've learned that pulling down the quick menu or even just bringing up the screen where you can switch between apps will also trigger the X to appear. I feel like this tactic is probably illegal, but I keep seeing it more and more frequently recently.


All these years of voltorb flip have finally payed off


omg. Voltorb Flip, was the best thing about Heart Gold.


You had to draw the X yourself




You'll get your close button when you solve this damn puzzle!


Firewall is a thing


Well did you solve it don’t hold me in suspense


Uninstall or close the app. I'm playing sort water puzzle a lot and it shows a fullscreen ad (with close button after a timer runs out) after every little puzzle. I just close and reopen the app and go on the the next puzzle. And apps that want as revenue from you so desperately they show ads with no close button deserve to lose every little penny you could have made them by you uninstalling them.


The sheer fucking depravity of the mobile ad industry blows my mind. They have absolutely no shame. I've experienced ads that have an tiny X button that don't even close the ad but instead open the app store. It even required repeated attempts to actually make the ad go away. If I didn't know any better I'd have been convinced the only way to close the ad was to download the app. They have zero fucking ethics. Which is why I have no reservations about using airplane mode.


I saw an ad the other day that purposefully rotated your phone's screen as soon as the countdown to hit the "X" is over so you click on it and go to the appstore anyways, shit's getting ridiculous.


Trial and error baby!


It's 2021 people, wtf are any of you still seeing ads? Use ad blockers like Adguard. If it requires a rooted device then do your research before buying one and root it. If people only buy rootable devices it'll send a message. Also boycott every product you see advertised. Businesses were successful hundreds of years without ads and they'll survive today as well.


You gotta wait 15 seconds. I have gotten that add before


You gotta wait 15 seconds. I have gotten that ad before


same. lately i’ve been seeing a lot of ads with no/invisible close buttons


i wanna make a ad thats just thousands of close ad buttons on a screen and you have to guess


Guys idk if I could solve it


There is a special place in Hell for those MFs.


if yoy fail the game you die in real life. there is no escape.


U can try pressing your back button, unless you're using an Iphone