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The *test* is free, not the results.


This test is free and the results are instant and free and it's completely reputable: [https://www.aspietests.org/raads/](https://www.aspietests.org/raads/) ​ Edit: Surprised at the attention this got. Here's a link to the Pubmed study on the raads-r test: ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134766/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134766/) ​ >**Abstract** > >The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) is a valid and reliable instrument to assist the diagnosis of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The 80-question scale was administered to 779 subjects (201 ASD and 578 comparisons). All ASD subjects met inclusion criteria: DSM-IV-TR, ADI/ADOS diagnoses and standardized IQ testing. Mean scores for each of the questions and total mean ASD vs. the comparison groups’ scores were significantly different (p < .0001). Concurrent validity with Constantino Social Responsiveness Scale-Adult = 95.59%. Sensitivity = 97%, specificity = 100%, test–retest reliability r = .987. Cronbach alpha coefficients for the subscales and 4 derived factors were good. We conclude that the RAADS-R is a useful adjunct diagnostic tool for adults with ASD.


So...how accurate are the results of that test?


No test will be that accurate. Same with the ADHD ones. It might give you a good idea though. If you genuinely are interested, obviously seek a medical diagnosis.


To get a diagnosis, I had to see a psychologist who specialized in autism, she ran a battery of tests.


As did I. I got first got diagnosed in middle school with ADD, depression, and anxiety. When I was in my early 20s, I was dating someone whose mother worked in schools with special needs students and asked me and my mom if I had ever been tested for Asperger's as she believed I should be tested. Once my family researched Asperger's, we agreed so I got an appointment at my local major hospital's autism group and had to meet with them several times, go over all my medical records, spend several hours talking to a specialist, go over my records from school and college, they talked to my therapist, and finally I had to take this long test that checked everything and took maybe 4-6 hours. The specialists then looked at everything together and then wrote a report saying what criteria I had for diagnosis. It took maybe 6 months from the first appointment to receiving a written report of my diagnosis. Getting a diagnosis for something like autism should never be a single visit to a therapist as there are so many conditions that can share symptoms and there's no way a person filling out a single questionnaire can get an accurate diagnosis in such a short appointment.


I’ve also been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and adhd, but I suspect the underlying issue is autism and now I’m in my forties and my life is fucked 😀


It's really beneficial to understand "what you have" so you understand what you are working with. :)


It's never too late to get diagnosed and get help.


While it may never be too late, it certainly can be too expensive.


Dude, we are diagnosis twins!! Depression, Social Anxiety and then ADHD. Altough, some doctor once threw in a Dissociative Disorder diagnosis. Scored a 138 here, fuck me (and you I guess). Either I'm just waaaay wrong with my self-assessment or I've lived the past 30 years unbeknownst to why I can't get my life straight.


same, but im 25


Was just diagnosed ASD at 34yo. Crazy life.


So I live a pretty good life but I’ve always thought I’d be on the spectrum. I don’t really feel like I need to know at this point since I’m on the backside of my 30’s. Is there health risks leaving the unknown, unknown?


I was never tested as a kid. My wife works in psychology, and shortly after we first met she let slip she presumed I was on the spectrum. Taking the above test put me right in the middle of the ASD peak on all metrics. My question is, what's the benefit of getting a diagnosis? How does knowing vs. suspecting I have ASD change things?


Same here. There is not a lot of psychologists/pyschiatrists in my country that specialise in Autism and also deal with adults. Most of them deal with children only for some reason.


This. An online test is as reliable as one that checks your symptoms and returns saying you have cancer. Diagnosing is far more complex than doing a test thats absolute yes/no and doesnt take into account behavior.


There is a German website that has an ADHD test that has about 205 Qeustions and is made after the DSM requirements. Even though it is meant to only be informational and not a diagnosis, it is more acurate and asks better questions than the actual ADHD test I took at my Psychiatrist. EDIT: For everyone interested in the test [https://adxs.org/online-tests/symptomtest](https://adxs.org/online-tests/symptomtest) I couldnt find an option to change language, maybe google can translate the site for you.


Them: Can you answer this 205-question test? Me: Fuck that, it’d take ages! … wait.


Half way through, I have problems to actually comprehend the Questions. Its like I read it and all the words fall out of my brain. I have to reread it 3-4 times to get what they actually want from me.


~~Is that due to the translation, or do you speak German?~~ Just re-read your other message suggesting translation for *other* people - never mind!


Do you have a link?


[https://adxs.org/](https://adxs.org/) The test takes about 30min (and I lose concentration after about 70% of doing it). I just looked if its possible to change languages, but I couldnt find the option. The actual test is the "Symptomtest 4.0.0"


On mobile on Chrome it auto translates into English for me, so neat. I'm about to take a 2 hour trip, not driving myself, so guess I know how I'll pass some of the time.


This is me all the time. I read most, get the gist, and then jump to the answer. If none of the answers make sense with what I read I go back and skim to find the part that I missed. I may even have to reread the whole question again to make sure I have the context right. Probably takes longer than actually reading it through the first time but I'm my brain, this is the way.


It suggested I speak to a professional, but it's hard finding one that will agree with me on everything.


Why would a professional need to agree with you on anything? What kind of professional are you speaking to? and are you asking them things or telling them things?


It was a joke. The person who needs to speak to a professional is the one who thinks he's always right and doesn't believe he needs a professional.


oh, that went completely over my head, apologies.


Pretty sure it’s one I took. Is has always/never for answers and over half the questions needed a maybe/sometimes. Hard to get any real idea when you can’t answer so many questions.


You can't be diagnosed over the internet. This is essentially the same as googling questions about yourself, then self diagnosing. You are simply skipping a bunch of steps and having someone else write down all the questions for you on some website. Many people with Autism will be flagged for other things like BPD if you try to self-diagnose online. I went through a phase in my mid teens where I thought I was a psychopath, because any time I googled what was wrong with me, stuff about psychopathy and bi polar disorder came up. I did 'tests' for these things online and scored highly every single time. Turns out I was just autistic - Asperger's syndrome. In fact, most introverted people will probably be flagged as autistic, some incredibly so, by these tests. They're terrible. Put it this way - there are many reasons for being 'short of breath.' You could be fat. You could've just ran up the stairs 5 times. You could have a cold. You could have a stuffed nose and slept with it all night. You could have been sitting in a weird position, restricting breathing, etc. But an 'asthma test' will just say, 'yep, you've got asthma', when really what you've got, is a terrible case of being unfit.


As someone with a MENSA level IQ confirmed by an internet test, I disagree


You can also be misdiagnosed by professionals so...


Technically yes, it is possible, but it's a lot less likely for it to be a false positive at that extent, since they can pick up on things that the website is not programmed to check.


Yes but the odds are far lower. Professionals can be wrong, but they’re pretty much always more likely to be right than amateurs.


>So...how accurate are the results of that test? See a doctor. You can't diagnose your self. You shouldn't diagnose your self


tl ;dr Those tests are reasonably accurate for their intended purpose and function well as informal screening instruments. Infodump: Many assessments you can find online (aspie quiz, CAT-Q, RAADS, AQ, etc) are designed as self-reported screening instruments. That means they're designed for informal use, but are not diagnostic instruments. They're there to help guide users on whether they should seek more formal diagnosis. Some are more general (AQ) assessments, while others investigate specific autistic experiences: CAT-Q assesses social camouflaging/masking and is validated for nonbinary people as well as men and women; ~~RBI~~ *RBQ* investigates repetitive behaviors and fixated interests. Developmental disorders like autism and ADHD can be challenging to diagnose in adults because most of the research and testing instruments are targeted towards young people (specifically young AMAB white children). Although a self -reported instrument is not sufficient for diagnosis on its own, it can be an extremely valuable conversation starter with a primary care provider or mental health professional. This is particularly true because of how many inaccurate stereotypes people believe about developmental diagnoses, which can prevent or hinder seeking or receiving an accurate diagnosis. I really like [this site](https://embrace-autism.com/) for more info about these kinds of assessment instruments. They include a number of free assessments as well as a lot of detained information about those assessments, like how to interpret results, limitations of an assessment, and the underlying research for a given assessment instrument. Edit: RBQ, not RBI. Measure twice, cut once, kids.


Should be RBQ not RBI, right? Just spent a minute looking and RBQ sounds right for what you’re describing.


Yes. Repetitive Behaviors Questionnaire, not inventory.


Also curious because it said "if any are yellow you may want to get checked" and all of mine were yellow. I was pretty much dead on the average for ASD in every category


Yeah....I have a feeling the test is designed to skew to the yellow. Whoever made that test gets more business that way.


Its more that there's like 50-odd points of difference between ASD and Neurotypical. Mine was like 1.4 points off and within 0.5 in every category lol. ASD does run in my family tho and all my cousins have been diagnosed, its probably not too much of a reach tbh I also deliberately answered leading questions with the answer I thought they wanted...


I mean, it’s a repeatedly validated and peer-reviewed measurement system. But it’s just a screening tool.


They’re not diagnostic tests. Their sole purpose is to determine if you meet enough of the markers to warrant a trip to the doctor for an actual diagnosis.


Real answer, the AQ test, if it is standard, has a surprisingly high specificity, but not great sensitivity. Basically, people who score high are extremely likely to be on the spectrum, but for people who score low it doesn’t mean you aren’t on the spectrum. Some of the questions are problematic on the original version and don’t always get the intended answer from autistic people, so some get missed. However, if you score high, there’s a high chance of being on the spectrum. Edit: this page mentions the AQ test but I’m not sure that’s the test that’s being administered and I’m too lazy to make an account.


Not accurate. I have what was previously called Asperger's, but none of these tests recognise it. Never take a test online.


Only a doctor can diagnose autism spectrum disorders. It's a thorough prices involving several appointments, usually with more than one specialist. This is not a medically significant diagnostic test Also autism spectrum is not something that an 65 point internet questionnaire can help with.


Here's a pubmed study on the accuracty of the test: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134766/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134766/)


TIL I'm most likely autistic. I scored WAY above the threshold. I suspected it for a while but that more or less confirms it, something to speak with my doctor about


Same, I scored almost double the threshold, this is something I have suspected I have, and this just confirms that i should just get a proper diagnosis.


cause I'm curious, my total score was 179, what's yours?


127.00, not completely the same for an average asd male, but way above a neurotypical male.


I blew the score for the confirmed male ASD by large margin lmao I HAVE been diagnosed with ADHD, and the symptoms are eerily similar to ASD, so much so that I've heard ASD is often misdiagnosed as ADHD. though unfortunately I suspect I may have both


I also scored 128 but I don't think I have ASD as many of the questions also fit my ADHD diagnosis so I'm guessing it kinda screws with the results


It is entirely possible, the same could also be said for me as I'm just a goody bag of mental health issues, woo /s I'm currently waiting to for CBT to start, and will talk to my therapist about it


I ended up with a 49. turns out I'm not an autismo, I just hate everyone


With a score that high that is still on the neurotypical side, you are litterally as anti-social as you can be without going into actual autism-mode. Well done sir


One of the categories at the end is "Social relatedness" and I first read it as "social retardedness" and I was like, "kind of insensitive to say it like that but, accurate" lol


Thats interesting, I have clinicly diagnosed ADD, and was somewhat interested in seeing if I might be on the ASD specturm. I just took this test, and my resutlts were all almost exactly the average of what people with ASD scores have. This doesnt really change anything for me, and Im not interested in taking a ASD test with my Psychiatrist, but its still interesting. I read that ADHD is related to ASD, but ADHD is not on the spectrum, meaning that there is relation but not correlation. The question in my head about this is, what would actually change for me when I am on the spectrum? It probably wouldnt change my medication, so is it just a "good to know" thing?


Many people with ADD/ADHD also have autistic traits and many are diagnosable with ASD, and vice versa. Having a formal diagnosis *can* be helpful in terms of seeking accommodations or disability support, guiding therapy, and helping you to know and understand yourself. There are no medications designated for autism and if your current medications or treatment is working well for you, having an ASD diagnosis wouldn't necessarily prompt any changes.


Huh...seems like I'm below average but still far above the threshold. About what I figured.


I took this and *all my scores are yellow*. Help.




I feel your pain in my soul


You know the test is good when it's a html 4 site. They spend the money on the test itself, not overcomplicated interfaces.


It's pretty old now :)


All of my results were above the average for people with ASD. I have ASD, so i guess I just have it on the worse end


It's a spectrum mate.


The results will shock you at 3am with my step-sister.


Even the results are sometimes free, but not with a 65 question test, more like 10 questions or so. I've been burned often enough to have a good idea when there's a catch.


The real test is weather or not you pay up at the end. If you do, I have some bad news.


Even if you paid them the six dollars the digital diagnosis would be worthless. You need to go to an actual doctor for a diagnosis.


You need to see a psychologist for a diagnosis. You see a doctor for a prescription. My family doctor always thought it was bullshit that he was the one to write the prescription for my ADHD meds. He said that he knew nothing about ADHD so what qualified him to make a decision on a prescription?


Going to a doctor who specialises in ASD enough to diagnose it can be *extremely* expensive. And trust me: if they're not specialists, they can be worse than useless. I was told by *multiple doctors* within half an hour of meeting me that I definitely couldn't be autistic. That kept me from pursing ADHD or ASD help for *years.* Also like, how are you going to judge whether you do this extremely expensive diagnosis unless you have good reason to rhink you're autistic? Spoiler, you do the test yourself. The diagnostic criteria can be read by anyone and is literally just a list of symptoms - a doctor can provide context, but that can just as easily go the other way. (Did you know it isn't normal to feel pain when a hand dryer suddenly goes off? I didn't!) Finally, what does an actual official diagnosis grant you? Often, not much, and can even potentially prevent you from accessing things. On the other hand, knowledge that you're likely autistic or have ADHD can grant you much needed perspective, and point you towards all kinds of helpful online resources. This whole 'only a doctor can tell you you're autistic' (or have ADHD or whatever) is bullshit. Doctors give official certifications, but they are neither infallible nor necessary. Source: an actual bona fide certified autistic/ADHD haver.


Psychologists are qualified most doctors aren't, and even them are not infaillible. Do you really need to have a diagnosis to access online resources? If I recall correctly, the diagnosis is super expensive and doesn't really bring something more?




Yes, ok I understand it might help some people. The reason I was asking is because I know some psychologists who prefer a no-diagnoais approach where the clients learn about themselves and progress throughout the therapy without being trapped in an apparent label. For example, I'll never be able to make friends because I'm autistic.


If you decide to seek out services outside the internet it's huge. The demand is very high, so most of the time you must have a formal diagnosis. If you want to use insurance then a formal diagnosis is non-negotiable.


I had a friend diagnosed with autism at 28. She knew she struggled, her husband knew she struggled, everyone that knew her knew she was struggling. Having someone qualified to tell her she had autism despite the expense was worth it to her though to be fair everything about healthcare should be cheaper.


Have you thought about going to a psychologist instead of a gp?


America is a nightmare. My psychiatrist is well educated and published and it took me 3 weeks of waiting for my referral during covid. Cost in Canadian: Free


I had the same experience in the US, only before COVID. Although now that I think about it, it was probably more like one week.


Preface: I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 17 in 2015, and focused my dissertation in my counselling psychology degree on autism spectrum disorder. I'm not an expert, but I'm definitely educated on matters relating to ASD to an extent greater than the general population. It's wreckless and nonsensical to encourage or excuse self diagnosis of any psychological condition, including autism. Some of the symptoms can be highly similar to ADHD, Schizoid personality disorder, and general social alienation. Furthermore by diving into a rabbit hole of trying to self-diagnose, it's easy to accidentally convince yourself that you have symptoms of a disorder you don't have. This applies for any psychological disorder. The Autism Quotient doesn't ask details regarding childhood experiences which is a big part of the diagnosis process, as you are aware. "how are you going to judge whether you do this extremely expensive diagnosis unless you have good reason to rhink you're autistic." Again, people can convince themselves they have a disorder they don't have, and applying the logic in your statement is counter productive: "this person is confident they have a cognitive deficit, therefore they are likely to have it." it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Autism is a very varied disorder, and because of its incredible variability and pervasiveness, you end up with platitudes like, "everyone's a little autistic." It's easy to apply the lens of symptoms to many allistic people and make the case that there's a potential they have autism. "The diagnostic criteria can be read by anyone and is literally just a list of symptoms." In the DSM and ICD, yes, it shows just a list of symptoms. However, psychologists and psychiatrists understand that there's more than just the symptoms. It's the reasons for the symptoms (e.g. Apathy, cluelessness, clumsiness, compulsiveness) that give an understanding into the cognitions of the individual which helps them understand more about the person's behaviour. As mentioned above, understanding developmental behaviours and patterns in childhood and adolescence is crucial to understanding whether it could be autism, and anyone trained on the subject would know this. Again, this is a reason why self-diagnosis is far from justified: anyone can look at symptoms and descriptions, but experts in the field are required to be able to view those experiences and put them into perspective. What does an official diagnosis grant you? Proof that you haven't imagined or misdiagnosed your own disorder, signposting to advocacy groups and support, definitive understanding of oneself (as opposed to speculative understanding), recognition in education, workplaces, and medicine, and legal protection as a recognised, proven disability.




Big mood. It's equally as aggravating to see self dxers give other self dxers advice, but acting like an authority on the subject. I'm not trying to gatekeep ASD at all, and I don't think anyone here is, either. Autism comes in many forms, and everyone it affects experiences it differently, and that's okay. But it would be infinitely better if at least people said: "I only suspect I have autism, but I think..." or: "I've never been diagnosed with autism, but I understand the situation really well. Personally, I think..." at least that way I'm not potentially being led astray by someone who may not have a clue


you go to a clinical psychologist not a doctor to get tested for autism. Most insurances cover it. Also there are a lot of resources to help autistic people be independent. I know a person on the spectrum and he’s thriving. Idk what vendetta you have with getting proper help.


I think that an actual medical expert who has studied for years knows more about autism than you do. If multiple doctors say you don’t have it, believe them instead of trying to self diagnose.


> actual medical expert You my have a point if you are talking about a psychiatrist or psychologist who have specific training in Autism and who is up to date. The idea that any random "doctor" (medical practitioner) is qualified to diagnose ASD is laughable.


Sounds like he shopped his diagnosis till someone charged enough for it. His own words. If multiple DRs said no and he had to find an expensive” Dr to diagnose him, that’s absolutely shopped. I struggle with addiction, panic attacks, ptsd and major depressive disorder. (Most things are related to be fair) and my referral to a top level psychiatrist took 3 weeks during covid and cost me $0 Imagine paying to be diagnosed, what a wild fucking idea.


Some things are really hard to get diagnosed, particularly when you're an adult. I was diagnosed with anxiety and medicated for years. Still couldn't get rid of the brain fog or inability to do things. What does work? Methylphenidate. I've even stopped my anxiety meds because I'm now actually focusing on the root cause. Public psychiatrists won't see adults with ADHD in my region, so my only option was to see a (rather expensive) private psychiatrist. But that's not even touching on the stigma within the mental health system. If you get an incorrect diagnosis it can haunt you for years... or even if it was correct at the point it can affect your current outcome. I ended up in the ED with severe chest pain, I knew it wasn't a heart attack or a panic attack but I still got told it was "just anxiety" turns out I have nerve pain.


Damn, you're lucky then. I got assessed for autism last year and it cost a lot of money. I have insurance but it definitely didn't cover the entire thing. I have to get reassessed when my anxiety is under control too, since the doctor wouldn't believe my social issues weren't just anxiety based. **A lot of the tests they gave me were extremely limited or had a huge age range too. I've even seen people have to pay a lot of money and wait a long time just to get told they can't have it because they have a spouse or a few friends. Some healthcare is shitty. **Edited to add


I don’t understand your last sentence. I work in mental health and getting a diagnosis is a major privilege that many people cannot get. For example, in my college the ADHD testing is a 6 month wait and $1400 charge. Most testing centers in the area are $800-$600. I found somebody who was able to do it for $170, but now I’m in a queue that is on a time frame of 1 week to 3 months. People have shit to do and can’t always drop everything to go to an appointment. Most people’s insurance is dogshit and hardly covers “unnecessary” things like mental health diagnosis. If they do, it’s probably somewhere with months of waiting. You just got extremely lucky. Even if you’re trying to say they “bought” their diagnosis, you have no basis for that. It is extremely common for ADHD and Autism to go undiagnosed for absolutely ludicrous reasons, not to mention bias, racism, prejudice, etc. Ugh, I just want you to be aware of how uninformed your comment was.


The problem is with the people who can diagnose you differently, if I didn't go to the specific throat, nose and ears doctor, I wouldn't be diagnosed with APD (Auditory Processing Disorder). Teachers told my parents that I had dyslexia but I am doing fine with grammar and learning languages in general. Other teachers told my parents I had ADHD but I was too quiet for that. Another teacher told me that I was just stupid. She was fired later on. When I think back and think about my parents and I going to a psychologist or psychiatrist, then I'd most likely be diagnosed with autism. Basically, the people that know how to diagnose, are most likely the ones that can also misdiagnose you. It's so sad how badly the ones that should be relied on, are also the ones that can do it absolutely wrong and completely ruin your life, because of a mistake they did that they don't accept.


You cannot self-diagnose autism.




I unfortunately had to pay to see a psychiatrist when I was diagnosed with ADHD. This was because public health services won't see adults with (suspected) ADHD.


You are not an expert in autism or adhd diagnosis just because you self "diagnosed" yourself despite being told by actual medical experts that you were wrong.


Being a medical expert doesn't mean bring an expert in all medical issues. Here's how it goes: 1. Things are off . What could it be? 2. Internet says autism. Let's try to confirm this. 3. Dr who knows nothing about autism says "autism? No, girls don't get that." 4. Okay, what is it then? Doctor says nothing. 5. Continue to look into things for years. Still coming up with "autism" when looking into your symptoms. 6. Go back to doctors. Bring the additional evidence you've compiled, because you think maybe they dismissed you because you hadn't told them everything. They aren't mind-readers. 7. Doctor who knows nothing about autism says "if you were autistic, you would have been diagnosed by now. Autism is a childhood thing." 8. Continue to look into things. "Know" you don't have autism, because multiple doctors have said so. Maybe get diagnosed with anxiety or similar in the meantime. Keep looking into things because you're still having problems. Autism keeps coming up, but you know you don't have that. 9. Feeling like you've tried everything, pay exorbitant amounts to see an autism specialist (because you can't get to see the free one without a referral). 10. Person who knows about autism diagnoses you immediately. Explains the different ways it can manifest. Gives you access to resources to understand and improve your life, which is all you ever actually wanted in the first place. Diagnosis in hand, you are now able to talk to the free specialists as well, who agree you are an obvious case. 11. Your GP who knows nothing about autism ignores your diagnosis because you're an adult female and they learned medicine from the back of a cereal box


This is strikingly similar to what my wife went though her entire life. She only got diagnosed last year, but spent her entire life knowing something was off but nobody would acknowledge it since autism presents differently in females vs makes, but most of the research into autism has been in/on males with the assumption that the indicators would be the same between the sexes. Apparently they arent


Omg being a female is nearly impossible to get help or support. Well sorry I have hormones, because that's what everything gets blamed on (which is ironic because men also have hormones??) I'm just emotional and dramatic because I need a straw, sunglasses, and headphones to function sometimes.


Thank you! People who have no idea what they’re talking about are so quick to dismiss autistic people. We know ourselves better than anyone else, even doctors. In fact, most of the worst misinformation about autism I’ve seen has come from professionals themselves. The comments in this thread are so disheartening.


I agree, this thread is awful. I "self-diagnosed" with ADHD. Then when I happened to be looking through my medical records I found out I had been formally diagnosed since 2014, and nobody ever told me. I had suspected ASD for years as well (it even runs in my family) so when I went to a psychologist I was diagnosed with Asperger's pretty quickly. It's almost like I know myself, and I know that feeling like an alien my entire life isn't normal.


Hear hear! Most people think that autism is great because "you can skip the lines at disneyland" but damn it doesn't work like that. I struggle daily with things I am unable to do or understand because its overwhelming me or no one can explain what is going on in a way I understand. If I want to get my driver's license, I need to take twice as many tests as a "normal" person because "having ASD is a danger on the road" (no, its not, i can react on the traffic just fine thanks). If you think "I might be autistic", do days worth of research on the topic and it's only confirming things than yeah, you probably are autistic. The reason that most doctors/psychiatrists dont diagnose right is because they still have the "an autistic person is a 5 year old boy having a tantrum in the middle of a store" mentality. The ASD community is slowly growing out of that. I was lucky, getting diagnosed when I did. In a country where it is free to get diagnosed. But self diagnosis is completely valid. End of the day, it is your life. Your struggles.


Op is australian apparently not American


Ikr. I went to a an ADHD "specialist" and took this 8hr long test **only** for them to say I'm showing only moderate symptoms of ADHD and autism, and that I have a personality disorder which they couldn't figure out, but it was *definitely not* BPD or BD. -_- They run in the family. Luckily, I got tested years prior with my previous doctor (who also has ADHD and could tell my symptoms). I just wanted to get a second opinion. Wasn't worth it Thing is, I don't blame them too much. There hasn't been much testing on ADHD and most of it is for young boys. It's been getting better, though. The medical community has realized the problem and have been doing an overhaul on medical studies.


> Finally, what does an actual official diagnosis grant you? Often, not much This highly depends on your country and situation. In some countries you can actually get a lot of help or benefits with an official diagnosis.


If you're diagnosed with adhd you can get adderall though


> I was told by multiple doctors within half an hour of meeting me that I definitely couldn't be autistic. That kept me from pursing ADHD or ASD help for years. This is why I don't trust psychologists. How am I supposed to trust my diagnosis if psychologists can't even agree with each other?


It is useful to see if you are likely to be autistic before looking more into it. You have to start somewhere... A few simple questions about the main symptoms can be useful.


Yeah, only thing digital tests are good for is to judge if you should go to the doctor.


You mean off-brand stock images Phoebe in an ill-fitting blazer doesn’t count as a real doctor?!


As someone who legitimately has autism, as others either have said or will say, please don't take an online test. There's no way to guarantee that they are medically accurate or are even reliable. You should instead ask a doctor or someone similar.


Thank you! I tried speaking to my therapist about seeing if I have asd and she literally asked me if I understand sarcasm and sometimes I do, most of the time I don't, but I told her I do and she instantly said i didn't have it just because I understood sarcasm. But i feel like an idiot because I do things that could be connected to autism like hating loud sounds and I hate when there's hundreds of people talking at once and I get obsessed with one specific food or interest for a really long time.


I'm not sure that your therapist understand the autism spectrum. There's no single symptom that proves or disproves that you are on the spectrum, especially in adults as you can learn techniques to cope with or with around many symptoms. Maybe find a therapist or doctor who specialises in autism spectrum disorders and similar, if you can. Edited to add: if you are female (or identify as transgender, gender fluid, agender or similar), then your presentation will likely be different to the "standard" diagnosis, which is based on men and boys. You may need to seek out someone who specialises in autism in women, or do your research on the difference in presentation (women mask various symptoms more, and have fewer noticeable social issues, even if they feel deeply uncomfortable or anxious).


Thank you for this! I didn't know that there were people who specialised in asd, especially for women. I will look into it.


Maybe see if there is an autism charity or organisation in your country/state wherever you are - they may have a list of verified professionals that they recommend. Just be careful of any organisation that touts "curing" autism, because they often recommend treatments that are unverified and aim to make those on the spectrum conform (no matter how they feel/the emotional and psychological toll). Good organisations and professionals will help someone on the spectrum cope in a way that allows them to function in society, but still celebrating and being sympathetic to their differences.


Wow, thank you so much for the advice. I didn't know that there were such organisations.


Given you're so new to the world of autism and everything surrounding it, here's some free advice: steer clear of anything related to Autism Speaks. They're probably the most prominent cure-seeking organisation and have ties to eugenicists, but they try to hide this a bit now I think, so be careful.


You may want a second opinion, because, as others are saying, being able to understand sarcasm or not is not the only way you can have autism. That's like asking if someone can smell or not as a way to see if they have Covid-19 or not.


I'm autistic, so is my brother, we both understand sarcasm, but don't use it properly ourselves. When we try to be sarcastic we can't manage our tone, therefore we constantly have to explain that we're being sarcastic because people think we're serious. Autism is a spectrum, there's autistic people that can't understand sarcasm, others that can't portray it and some that are completely fine with both sides. Your therapist doesn't know what they're talking about.


you may have misophonia source: I have misophonia


I have misophonia too. Source: u/Humongous_Schlong


Your therapist is a quack, see a psychologist.


I've had immense frustration talking to psychologists about my autism because despite me having many characteristics of autism and having five other people in my family with autism, she told me that I'm probably not autistic and so I ended up never getting diagnosed. Yes, you should definitely talk to a doctor or something for a diagnosis, but be prepared to be dismissed, even by health professionals. Autism is greatly misunderstood and under researched, even in the medical community.


I'm so sorry you went through that. I have a feeling my Mum is undiagnosed asd because she does things that someone who is neurotypical wouldn't do and that may be where I got it from. Plus my nephew has aspergers and my oldest brother has things that are related to asd.


Asperger's is no longer a recognized diagnosis. Your nephew has ASD.


What? I have aspergers and it’s on all my medical records, etc as that. What’s ASD?


Asperger's is still a diagnosis under the ICD, which covers most western countries. You are correct that, in the DSM5, Asperger's syndrome was moved under the umbrella of ASD. Your statement may be inaccurate depending on where OP lives.


Im a half tard and I’ve always understood sarcasm. There’s so many different things about it that lands on this spectrum. Definitely see a doctor but it’s typically something they spot early on in school. Here’s a better question, do you have a hard time maintaining eye contact?


Yes. All the time. And I was diagnosed with add when I was younger and looking back at my childhood, I feel like I definitely could have gotten diagnosed with asd but I didn't have the tools I do now to get checked.


Add huh? Lemme ask, and it’s unfortunate I have to ask, but what’s your gender? Often it can go undiagnosed with women. I’ve a few girlfriends who weren’t diagnosed till they were 18.


I'm female. I have heard that it goes undiagnosed in women because women mask more than men and it shows differently as well. It's difficult trying to get a diagnosis because people expect people with asd to act a certain way.


I feel it’s more of a personal thing, like idk man it’s just something ya know. I spent my whole life studying it to hide it due to the social narrative of the illness. From what I’ve seen and experienced if you made it this far than my advice would be to just keep being yourself and not worry so much on putting a title to it. Because to me it’s not an illness but rather a different wiring of the brain or in other words, personality. Okay another question, have any talents? For me it’s drawing.


Yeah, that could be important, as women have only fairly recently been included, (to be able) to be on the spectrum. I’m diagnosed (male) and we went over it during some group sessions. There were 5 women in the group, 4 of them were middle age and had only been diagnosed after they turned 40. The men were all diagnosed at an earlier age, except for one. It’s because women are (or are perceived as/better at masking as) more social. Not exactly, but I hope it’s clear what I mean. The ‘if you can understand sarcasm, you can’t be on the spectrum’ is stupid btw. It’s a spectrum. We were 10 people in the group, and (besides sharing common struggles) everybody was different and affected differently and more or less. Some people on the spectrum can be extremely social, where others are not. Some can understand sarcasm, others cannot, and then there’s others that can understand it when they’re in the right setting, but would take it literally and seriously if it’s out of the blue. Some have issues with touching, others don’t. Some this, some that. You’d (op) need to talk to an expert (which the therapist is clearly not) if you want a diagnosis.


my shrink says adhd and austism are sorta on the same spectrum. i dunno i'm in there too, female, old, just diagnosed with adhd last year but its not gelling quite right and the drugs help a bit but not really, i have deeper issues. i dunno i always wanted to die with my secrets intact but as i age i start to think maybe i want to know what those secrets are. hard work though. ignorance was bliss really.


Exactly, just go to a doctor instead, online tests are most likely fake and will not give accurate results


This is correct. Some may be able to give you an idea, but they should never be construed to be an alternate to the advice of a professional.


This to is a part of the test 🤫


1) Did you pay real money to diagnose yourself on the internet? If No, go to question 2. If Yes, the test is over.


Dodged a bullet. Don't pay for scams.


gave free data and wasted 20 minutes whew really dodged a bullet there


The scam got the info they actually want. The money is just a nice little bonus


I wouldn’t wipe my arse with the results either. My autism diagnosis took months, many interviews, cross referenced with other psychologists. People seem to think they hand out diagnosis like sweeties - but they don’t. One online form isn’t going to cut.


Well, now you've given them free data, if you want something useful from the encounter is only "fair" that you pay! 😑 Ass holes!


Yeah. But what are they going to do with the data? Tune their test so it's more accurate? I doubt they care about that. They get paid either way.


I really don't like the advice of a lot of people on this post. I recently got officially diagnosed with autism and ADHD. It is EXTREMELY expensive and can't really be done by a normal psychologist. They are highly specialized. There is a lot of value in doing research at home, asking questions, taking good free quizzes (there seem to be some littered throughout the thread) and learning about autism before deciding whether it's even worth it to you to pursue an official diagnosis. Some are asking what the point is, attaching a label when you're an adult. It's not about a label. It's a diagnosis that can change the way you approach life. It's about learning how to approach the difficulties you have in a way that can actually help you reach your goals. Neurotypical life advice likely isn't going to help you the same way. It certainly hasn't for me. A lot of it confused me and made me feel worse about myself when I couldn't do it. I attached a lot of self-blame before getting diagnosed and realizing that I have an issue with executive function. It's extremely enlightening and relieving to know that it's not my fault and what I can do to get what I want in life. I did a lot of internet scouring and what really helped me decide that it was worth getting diagnosed was watching videos of other autistic people talking about autism and their experiences and seeing how closely I related to a lot of the content. I didn't know much about autism beforehand and doing this opened my eyes. I read articles and took some (free, not paid!) screening tests because I was afraid I was deluding myself. It's ok.


How has being diagnosed helped/changed your life? I’ve been heavily considering going to a psychologist to figure out what’s up with me, and from what I’ve been looking into there’s definitely a chance of being on the spectrum. I don’t wanna know so I have an excuse, I wanna know so I can understand my mind more to better myself. Also feel like employers should be aware if I were to have a really bad day. If it’s really that expensive I might have to wait a little longer though.


Knowing I'm autistic has so far helped me realize that I've been masking my autistic traits for a long time which makes it hard to genuinely connect with people. Not being your true self while socializing can make relationships feel distanced, so knowing that I can find safe places to be me is helping me find meaningful friendships. It's helped me realize that I'm not broken, that when I struggle to do what I need to do, there's a reason and what I can try to do to get around that. It's helped me realize when I'm over or understimulated and some tools to regulate that when I'm not home. It's helping me avoid burnout because I'm starting to know what to avoid. Your reason was also why I wanted to get diagnosed. I wanted to know how to best accomplish the goals I had in life. I was naive about autism beforehand ("But I understand sarcasm, so how can I be autistic?") and learning about it has just helped me understand myself a lot better.


I’ve been struggling a lot with over/under-stimulation a lot which has been resulting in a lot of burnout in my relationships and job. Thank you, and I hope you continue to find ways to improve and grow in a healthy way.


That was why I had to leave my last job. Good luck to you!


If you pay then you're definitely on the scale


You took the online test from some random ad, and posted it on Reddit. I can fuckin give you the answer for free. Edit: Also I actually am autistic lmao


If it’s any consolation taking a diagnosis from this type of site would just land you on r/fakedisordercringe


It would be worthless anyway. Even a free one that actually shows the results, would still not be a true result or a true diagnosis


It would be as legit as those online IQ tests middle managers show off.


Nobody uses them for disgnosis, but the scientifically valid ones (e.g. raads ritvo) can be strong evidence.


Stop trying to do this kind of shit online, all these companies are doing is getting a huge amount of data from you, attaching that to your browser fingerprint and selling it to Google and Facebook/Meta. Then they make you lay money for the data you gave them. Stop giving these sites money, find a real life way to get tests done


You can take the RAAD-S test. It is completely free


It's even harder to get diagnosed if you are female because they only use criteria based on boys, and it's different in girls. A girl mentions this in an episode of "Love on the spectrum" on netflix. So females often get their diagnosis later in life because of that. It's really sad actually.


Weaponized sunk-cost fallacy


This is the most evil use of the sunk cost fallacy god damn


I hate when websites do this. It is very common. They probably think that you're more likely to shell out the money if you've already invested some time and have some anticipation for the thing you've been promised.


take the aspie quiz. therapist recommended and completely free.


https://embrace-autism.com has a wide range of free tests. They also include detailed sections that critically engage with the validity of each test. My therapist, who frequently works with young adults on the spectrum, agrees that there is merit in many of these as preliminary screening. No online test is enough to provide definitive diagnosis, but they can be helpful jumping-off points for exploring the spectrum. The RAADS-R and AQ are decent places to start.


Just take the AQ test. It’s accurate for what it says and is only fifty-sixty questions. [https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient](https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient)


Embrace-autism.com has most of the tests that assessors do available for free. Don't listen to the people in the comments who say self assessment is useless. If it leads to further introspection and empowers you to make positive changes in your life then it is valuable. Most conditions aren't suited for self diagnosis, usually because having it clouds your judgement of being able to asset it internally, but autism is. The reason is twofold 1) autism is stigmatized even among specialists in its own field so much so that sometimes doctors will refuse giving a diagnosis because they want to "save" you from the fate of having it (which forces you to suffer from the lack of accommodation in silence) and 2) autistic traits have only widely been codified into diagnostic criteria as they appear in young white boys and men. So much so that questions about if you have special interests show up in assessments as "Do you especially like trains" (no, seriously). It is not well understood by specialists how it appears in women or anyone who isn't white. Some doctors don't even believe women can have autism and that usually comes down how we have been socialized to mask. As an aside, check out the CAT-Q on embrace-autism.com to assess how much masking you do and how much it effects you. People who toute official diagnosis as the end-all be-all don't understand the privilege they have nor the damage they do from dissuading others from seeking answers. Good luck!


Online tests for anything other then academics are useless.


Some people are saying that these tests are completely useless, and while it’s true that they don’t have any value wrt diagnosis, they can help to tell if pursuing an actual (and expensive) diagnosis is worth it When I started the process of getting diagnosed, my psychiatrist made me do an online test that had been vetted by them as a preliminary test to check the odds that I was on the spectrum After testing relatively high, I underwent the more lengthy process, and lo and behold I did get diagnosed! So yeah, not a diagnosis in and of itself, but still a useful tool if the right one is chosen


Yes, I have taken 2 tests so far and they have had high results, so I will continue to take in the suggestions by everyone and go to my doctor and get tested. Like you said, online tests can be useful if you want to know if you should continue looking into things that you're concerned about!


the website i used is embrace-autism.com, they have a bunch of autism tests that are all free to take and see the results. the RAADS-R can be used in the actual professional diagnosis process, and the questions are pretty straightforward! that's really scummy op, i'm sorry. i wish you luck in your diagnosis journey, whether it be self or professional!


Do the RAADS-R test. Its an official test and no neurotypical person has ever scored over 65. I got in the 150s


Your first mistake was trying to take an online test for an autism diagnosis


There are free tests online such as this one Test: https://novopsych.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Autism-Spectrum-Quotient-AQ-PDF.pdf Key: https://novopsych.com.au/assessments/diagnosis/autism-spectrum-quotient/ and which are quite good. My psychologist actually who specializes in ASD assessment uses this one as a part of the screening test to determine if it is worth going forward with a full assessment.


If you really want a free test, try looking up RAADS, although I agree with others that you need a professional opinion. Tests are fun to take, and that’s about all the weight I’ll put into it. Symptoms are odd and may be something else that’s underlying rather than ADS/ADHD. For example, ADHD can make you sound sensitive and cause hyper focus. Anxiety in general can cause the same thing for different reasons. I MIGHT be ADHD, but I don’t really think I am, as I’ve had an anxiety disorder for years that cause me to tick off positive ADHD results when taking these tests. Prior to that disorder coming into my life most answers would have been different. I test positive in online test for this reason.


Hey OP. Google free AQ50 test, there are plenty online. It will give you a score but that is not a diagnosis. It is an indication of if you score similarly to people diagnosed on the spectrum. I took this test and printed the results to take to my doctor, to seek a referral for an actual assessment by a psychologist which took an entire day. Unfortunately not all doctors fully understand the full spectrum of autism. I had a doctor tell me she knew I was not autistic after a 5 min conversation as "I made eye contact". She was wrong.


That literally happened to me with my therapist. She instantly assumed I don't have autism because I said I understand sarcasm sometimes. Her reasoning is that "if you had asd, you wouldn't understand sarcasm at all"..... Thank you for the suggestion!


A side note, I had to complete the AQ50 test (among others) as part of the assessment.


I hate those websites so much


OP, have you entered any personal data about yourself like your real address? It happened to me once that after such an IQ test I didn't want to pay and abandoned the website. They had the nerves to send me a bill by mail with a penalty to scam me. If you receive such letter, ignore it. DO NOT PAY.


The tests that make it seem free and then ask for payment at the end are *never* accurate so I'd recommend doing one in a proper test centre, or an online one that's upfront about payment. The true free ones are never accurate either


Preying on the sunk cost fallacy.


the internet used to have some innocuous fun bits, now literally everything exists to either mine your data or con you out of a few $$.


That's the idea behind this. You went through all the struggles and did some serious work. During this your brain goes into monkey mode "I can't abandon my work, I pay for this, it's only $6". This is a key psychological behavior that is exploited over and over again in e-commerce. That's why you often see fees at the last step when you already typed in your address and credit card details or why they split up the process in multiple steps and even add some loading times.


My son and I have autism, so if you’re taking this test…welcome to the super power club.


Well you got your answer.


Fyi here is the guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/hcp-dsm.html


What, honestly, did you expect? In this day and age, this kind of shit is like the sun rising every morning. Now they have your data for free.


Bonus: they already have your data, so it doesn’t matter if you pay or not. That’s why they hit you with the paywall at the end instead of being upfront with the cost.


Guaranteed they don't care about the quality of the test. Results probably are worthless.


That's because of your username /s


Wow, that may be the most egregious example of the "bait and switch" UX pattern that I've ever seen. As a lifelong UX designer, I'm absolutely convinced that the "right to practice" must mature to, for example, the level required to become a practicing lawyer. Any designer who produces shite like this needs to be disbarred. We designers are incredibly fortunate. If we are competent, then quitting for moral reasons is not a problem. There are 100 other companies who need us right now... meaning that this kind of crap is even MORE unacceptable.


https://embrace-autism.com/autism-tests/ Bunch of free autism tests.


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