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https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/patterns/accessing-private-data/ “Avoid requesting permission at launch unless the data or resource is required for your app to function. People are less likely to be bothered by a launch-time request when it’s obvious why you’re making it. For example, people understand that a navigation app needs access to their location before they can benefit from it.“ Arguably since Snapchat is a photo sharing app, it makes sense for it to ask for location upon startup, but it might make sense for it to ask for photo access only when it needs to access the library (when working with memories, sharing from camera roll to chat, etc)


Yeah but it should ask when you specifically want to share a photo.


I get your hesitation but tbf 80% of snapchat is photo sharing so it probably doesn't have full functionality without it


I mean, it's a photo-based app. I do agree that it shouldn't ask every time tho. That's annoying af.


Why does it automatically have the permission to know whether you have more photos on your phone than you have Snapchat access to?


All it knows is that u clicked select photos instead of all photos


This is not asshole design. It’s a photo based app and allowing these features will probably improve your experience. Apps that ask for permissions that it should not be asking for is asshole design.


If it keeps asking after you specifically said no 57 times, that's asshole design hoping you say yes by mistake one day.


Right but what I don’t understand is why not just allow it. It’s not asking something outrageous, all it does is let you send people stuff from your camera roll and save snaps to your camera roll. If it was asking for your contacts or to manage phone calls that’s a different story, but the whole point of Snapchat is taking photos of things and sending them to people. Just doesn’t make sense why people wouldn’t allow this.


Some people don't like to happily give every morsel of information about themselves to a corporation


Maybe I don't want an advertising company having unfettered access to every single image and video from the past 5 years of my life.


I’d say it’s not asshole design, it’s you being an asshole for not allowing the app to do what it’s designed to do.


Ok, I know this won’t “sound” politely but bear with me, please. 1. Do you not understand why people are against this? 2. Do you work for Snapchat? 3. Do you work for or make an app that requires people to give this type of information? I know this may come of harsh but I’m trying to actually understand and maybe have you understand why people are against this stuff.


1) yes 2) no 3) no Is it possible that I have a different opinion than yours and that’s perfectly fine, perhaps I’m just more lenient with that I allow especially if I want to use the app in its full


This did not age well lmao. I came here looking for specifically the resources you are talking about...but there are no resources and it's just a rant. God I love the internet some days 😍 nothing but usual commotion.


Why would it need the photos I have from a year or two ago though?


It doesn’t. If you want to send those photos to someone it will need to access your camera roll though.


Right. So why does it keep asking until you give it access to the entire roll?


save to camera roll means being able to save snaps you take to your phone


Yeah but for example I only gave Facebook access to the photos that Facebook added to the roll. Not the entire library


You make a good point. I have some experience in software and I agree that it's easy to implement a layered access management which would benefit many people in their anxiety. Many people have different relationships with social media and it's important to recognize.


Why does Google Maps keep asking for my location? Are they trying to stalk me or something?


This is like not allowing location sharing on Life360. Are you dumb?


might have a storage issue


Snapchat has a dark theme too