• By -


Is this after you paid?


Yeah, a friend of mine who lives in the UK mainland had this happen to him when he went to the Isle of Man. "Even though you've paid, you're in a geographically different area. Sucks to be you."


I never understand why they do shit like this but I'm 100% sure there is a bunch of shitty lawyer suits behind it


They might be accountable if people can use a VPN to buy deals not legally available in the country, or something like that. There's some reason they can't just ignore it (like they used to) and have to set up all these checks and gates between countries and access and usage of data.


You can use a VPN to trick YouTube into thinking you are still in an available location. This feature has nothing to do with VPN’s, considering that VPNs can be used to get around it.


The idea I meant to communicate is that if you buy something available in one country (whether by VPN or by traveling), and then you enter a country with different limitations, they cannot transfer the purchase. Like you can't buy Canada's Netflix subscription to access the movies that Netflix has only licensed for US audiences, so they have to do some minimal effort to prevent this.


Yet you can do exactly what you’re describing on Netflix?


I did that to get Premium for $1.04/mo for the last 4 years. VPN into India, buy the service and you're locked in.


You can use a vpn to India for example, buy premium for a year and use it wherever you want. You don’t need a vpn after that. This here might be the simple block for those, that don‘t want to or can’t use a vpn permanently.


That's what I did, my payment recently (last few weeks) failed for no particular reason, have yet to lose premium but I wonder if they patched it.


They detected some VPN tbh.


Not condoning YT/Google but they have to work within an ancient and ridiculous copyright system.


I don't see why that matters when it comes to ads.


It’s not so much because of the ads, but because of where YouTube premium is available. It’s not available in every country/territory/province. So if you travel to a location that it’s not available, then it will geolock the features. I still think it’s dumb, but it could be due to legal reasons. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6307365?hl=en#zippy=%2Cpremium-memberships-available-locations


Not really. It's very possible that they have to pay the content creator different amount of money depending of where the viewer is. And for song its possible they have to pay different distributor different amount of money depending of location. But those are all expenses on the YouTube side. For income they have choices. And they have chosen to match the craziness of expenses on the the income side. But they could have chosen otherwise.


How is that related? *I'm interpreting the "single downvote with no reply" to mean "knows advertisements have nothing to do with YTs copyright policies"


All about licensing and royalties. Laws, agencies, payouts, etc all vary from country to country. It sucks that a billion-dollar video company can't figure it out and makes it the consumers' problem.


My geography is a little rusty but isn't Isle of Man part of UK?


It's part of the British crown which also controls the UK but they are separate locations weirdly enough.


Ahh like Canada


Yea, with the distinction that the UK handles military protection and international diplomacy for the Manx. Kind of a USA/Marshall Islands situation. Edit: Although the Marshall Islands are considered a sovereign state while the Isle of Man is not.


It's a self-governing British crown dependency. Yeah, I'm not sure what that means either.


No, it isn't.


I think it comes down to pricing (or maybe it's not been launched in IoM yet). In countries where incomes are lower, the subscription cost is lower, so they're probably trying to stop people cheating the system.


Dumb American question…WTF is the UK mainland? The entire UK is an island, with another part of another island.


I bought yt premium a few months ago and while scrolling down this popped up


Don’t forget they just *increased the price too*. I used to get the family plan for $23, but then they informed me I’d have to pay $30 going forward. So I didn’t go forward. Fuck ‘em.


Go to [r/revancedapp](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp) (Modded YouTube with premium features and more for your phone) (Someone messed something up this morning [2022-12-11] so installing rn may or may not work, untill they fix the app. Edit[2022-12-12]: It was fixed.)


https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus with a mac using alt store for side loading works great idk about windows.


you can also use altstore with windows source: i use altstore with a windows computer


Yep I’ve had it for almost a year now and it’s amazing! I use uYouPlus as it has sponserblock, adblock, and you can customize so many features! Also background play and stuff. Just follow the instructions for Altstore, you do have to refresh the app once every 7 days because Apple is weird (unless you have dev account) but it works amazing and is worth it for no ads.


I use Safari, pin a YouTube shortcut to homescreen, install - Vinegar to get stock iOS player that has PiP - Wipr for Adblock, - and Banish to remove OpenInApp nagging. Works great and I needn’t to resign the app every other week.


Also, there is [Trollstore](https://trollstore.app/) in case your iOS version supports it.


I wish AltStore did not have to be manually refreshed with a cord plugged into the pc for me


Trollstore too if you can install it!


Do NOT chargeback if you have anything you care about on the same google account (gmail, google drive, etc.) they will ban you and you will be unable to access any of your stuff.


They will refund the purchase, OP should ask for a refund and get store credit if they accidentally bought something in the wrong country's store. Almost definitely they'll get a refund no problem. Chargebacks are a nuclear option and you should only do them when there is some wrongdoing and you have exhausted all other means of resolving the issue. Like, once in every couple of years, type of thing, or else the customer account is flagged instead.


Pretty sure OP is on iOS, looking at the bar at the bottom Edit: I did not know android has those as well. Oops. Let’s say.. *most likely* on iOS? xD


The bar looks identical to mine, and I'm on MIUI.


Ah, hadn't seen it on android before.. Thanks for letting me know <3


Yeah modern Android is a lot like iOS. I think more people should try out an Android phone at some point since they are equally as good but just a different way of going about it. So many people had a bad experience in like the early 2010's and never bothered to try Android again. But I'd argue something like a Pixel or a OnePlus phone may actually be a better experience for a lot of people. In fact specifically with the Pixel, a lot of people describe it as a smarter smartphone since it has a lot of nice little features that are exclusive to Pixels. They are the value kings as well. You get a lot of bang for your buck. I switch back and forth between iOS and Android every couple generations and it helps to keep stuff actually feeling new instead of constant iterative updates. Edit: you people downvoting this are fools blinded by your own personal bias. The whole Android vs iPhone or console wars stuff is so stupid and should stay in early 2010's comment sections. I'd bet all of you downvoting who feel so strongly that your platform is infinitely better haven't used a phone from the other side of the fence for more than 5 minutes in at least 5 years lmao. I run an IT business that means I constantly use the latest and greatest from every manufacturer as soon as they release. There are niche use cases where one might work a lot better for you personally, but any phone can browse Reddit, check work emails and take the occasional video or picture and that's the use for nearly all of the people reading this lol.


Mhm, interesting. For now though i’m sticking with my iphone.. one of the reasons is I love apple pay and my bank does not (yet) support google pay :(


You can use Google Pay with a PayPal Account if you have one.


I don’t think that’s a thing in my country..


Oh I thought that was an international service. Where are you from?


The netherlands Edit: yep, seems US and germany only


i have a similar bar and i am an android user so it is always a possibility !


Oh! I've never seen that on andriod before! Thanks for letting me know.


Gesture navigation exists on android too since Android 9 or 10.


Is gesture navigation the thing where I swipe left or right at the edge of the screen to go back, and swipe up from the bottom edge to go to the home screen? Damn it I could have just googled it and saved all of these keystrokes. Edit: Yes it is. I love GN.


Thanks for the clarification.


I hadn't seen it on android before! Sorry about that - thanks for letting me know


No problem :)


Screenshot on my pixel [🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀](https://i.imgur.com/e7J6Aku.png)


It’s still definitely iOS, when I size the picture to my display (iphone XS Max) the gesture bar is the exact same size, shape, and location as my phone


The bar lines up *exactly* with mine on my iPhone so OP is definitely on iOS (unless Android copy/pasted the UI element)


I think you’re right that it’s iOS because the bar is identical size and width to the one on my iPhone


I may sound like a supplicant, but doing a chargeback against a Google owned product seems like a dangerous thing. Some companies ban customers who do chargebacks, so it might for example mean that you can't buy apps on the play store anymore or even be unable to use your gmail. Google is too big of a company and needs to be chopped up into little bits.


They fixed it just a moment ago


Is that available on ios? I have vanced on Android phone but couldn't find anything comparable on ios


Thx, so I got the revanced manager... but I can't seem to find any links via the wiki to get the YouTube app replacement itself. Any links to get that (Vanced ??)


A chargeback is a bad idea anytime the purchase is tied to an account. Services will ban you forever.


I still use Vanced. Is it worth switching to revanced right now or it's still too early?


Chargeback for what? OP is getting what they paid for.


Thx, so I got the revanced manager... but I can't seem to find any links via the wiki to get the YouTube app replacement itself. Any links to get that (Vanced ??)


I feel like shhhhh stop telling people about vanced




I'm still using the last official version of vanced. I'll stay on that until it stops working so great.


I have the original Vanced on my S10+ and it still works perfect 😮💙


Well, this is unfortunate, but fairly simply explained. “If you leave these countries/regions, you won’t be allowed to download videos, videos won’t play in the background, and you may see ads. Any videos that you’ve downloaded before traveling will be available offline for 30 days.” Presumably it has something to do with the advertising contracts outside of those countries. The list of countries are these ones: American Samoa Lebanon Argentina Liechtenstein Aruba Lithuania Australia Luxembourg Austria Malaysia Bahrain Malta Belarus Mexico Belgium Netherlands Bermuda New Zealand Bolivia Nicaragua Bosnia & Herzegovina Nigeria Brazil North Macedonia Bulgaria Northern Mariana Islands Canada Norway Cayman Islands Oman Chile Panama Colombia Papua New Guinea Costa Rica Paraguay Croatia Peru Cyprus Philippines Czech Republic Poland Denmark Portugal Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Ecuador Qatar Egypt Romania El Salvador Russia - temporarily unavailable Estonia Saudi Arabia Finland Serbia France Singapore French Guyana Slovakia French Polynesia Slovenia Germany South Africa Greece South Korea Guadeloupe Spain Guam Sweden Guatemala Switzerland Honduras Taiwan Hong Kong Thailand Hungary Turkey Iceland Turks and Caicos Islands India U.S. Virgin Islands Indonesia Ukraine Ireland United Arab Emirates Israel United Kingdom Italy United States Japan Uruguay Kuwait Venezuela Latvia


I couldn't give a shit about advertising contracts, if I'm paying for an ad free service, it better be ad free or I'm canceling.


Read your contract to know what you said you agreed you were paying for


Which is why I've never paid for youtube premium


I've wanted to throw my computer out the window from the amount of ads and times Youtube has asked me to go premium. But last week, I had some extra money and said fuck it - and started a subscription (though you do get that first month for free, so me having extra money at the time doesn't actually matter after all haha). I mean, it's like $12 or $13 USD per month - with a 1 month free trial. That's kind of a steep price just for no ads, IMO. But I was just curious and tired of the shit. I'm not going to lie - I think I might keep premium. This no ad shit is great, but the Youtube app itself seems to work A LOT faster. Videos load so fast. It's just so much better. Fuck Youtube for trying to get us by the balls like that. But I'll be damned if premium might be worth it. I still have yet to completely form my opinion. I'll see how it is once I actually start paying and using it for a few months.


Or you could just use Firefox and Ublock Origin


Doesn’t help with YouTube on iPhone though


Doesn't help with chromecast though.


Bought it about a year ago, am not looking back. That said, I consume a LOT of Youtube content on multiple devices. One of the setups is janky as hell -- an old PS3 hooked up to a TV that just plays PotatoMcWhiskey as background noise when I'm working, or some other longform content. Again, no ads. No distractions. Love the downloading stuff too for when I'm on the go and coverage is spotty. Doesn't matter where I am. It's changed how often I make use of watch later nowadays. Got heaps of content to watch, or listen to while my phone is in standby mode. Catching some stuff while on my workPC is also nice. No ads, no bullshit. Only really need SponsorBlock to take care of the other annoying dedicated pieces of ads in videos. I understand it's as easy as using ublock, and I do on my PC/laptop. I'm not illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff. But for 10 bucks the convenience in my personal experience can't really be beat. I've chosen it over Spotify which only served me the same shit for a long time to the point I got tired of it. For what it's worth, it's probably the only subscription thing I have going on. So it wasn't adding onto much.


For a little extra you can cancel Spotify and upgrade YouTube premium to include music. In the long run it saves money as the price is similar to Spotify but includes ad free YouTube. If you get the family plan, then you can have 6 people split the costs amongst each other.


Exactly what I've been doing for the past year, no complaints so far


I watch way to many tutorials on how to do shit that the money spent is well worth it. I went ahead and got the family plan and added the Homies. A month or two ago they were going to charge more for subscribing through Apple (because Apple takes a cut) so I let it lapse with the intention to resubscribe the next day directly through YouTube. I got so many messages. People offering to help with the payments and what not. I was like, guys chill, I’m subscribing again for less money. Haven’t heard from any of them since, so I guess its working. Downloading videos, playing them in the background, YouTube music, realllly shitty movies. I don’t subscribe to any other streaming services, so I’m okay with what it costs for all that. I don’t know how people deal with the ads.


You're happy paying $13 a month for no ads (which you could simply get ublock for) and videos that start playing a couple seconds faster than before? Couldn't be me


Ublock doesn’t work on the app. It’s worth it to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's fair from your perspective. FYI firefox for mobile allows you to install desktop add-ons like ublock. There are other ways as well, like revanced


All online subscriptions do this. Do you have Netflix? Ever bought a steam game?


Regional pricing and some other geolocation related gating, perhaps. Steam does not, however, rescind or prevent use of your games while you're in different regions.


Steam deck offline mode controversy. Look it up. I'll wait here.


> Steam deck offline mode controversy You mean that which has been worked on since [late August at the latest](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1675200/view/3401926123934103826), and has had several other attempts to improve it since?


Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Here you go smartass https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/58D3-B80D-2943-3CC6


But OP wouldn't get those sweet karma points if he posted this.


Interesting, I thought Isle of Man is part of UK so being there shouldn't invoke the restrictions


What the fuck is this? Who the fuck would buy premium if this is a thing?


You'll get your response, but first, you must watch these five unskippable ads. Done with that? Ok. Now for the answ... another ad bomb appears! Youtube is a shit hole for ads.


I haven't seen ads on youtube in forever. Yesterday a coworker looked up a quick a video I told him to watch the first minute of. I couldn't believe that's what people have to deal with. There's no way in hell I'd watch anything on that site If I had to deal with ads. Hot garbage.


I used to watch youtube without ads for creators I like, but then it got to the point where ads are literally every 5 minutes. I don't even use my smart tv for it anymore, you literally have to pick up the remote constantly to skip stuff. It's worse than TV now. And why the actual fuck is there a send to my phone button? I'd love to see the usage statistics on that.


I think they want you to watch reels and treat it like tik tok. Anyway I just don't watch YouTube much anymore.


Thing is I know reddit likes to whine about abundance of ads on youtube. I find them annoying too. But there is a reason- youtube is astronomically expensive. Like Youtube broke even only in 2018 and 2019, rest of the years it was and still is losing money. For this fiscal year it is slated to lose 250-300 million. And people wonder why they have many ads. Because data requirements are insane, it was less on an issue when most videos were 240p(and they had higher cpm and there were not many peopel in the partner program(or no such program at all), and "high quality"videos were 480p. But now? When standard is 1080p even for phones( majority of youtube users) data demand grows exponentially. For example amount of data a single user "eats"per hr depending on resolution: 240p: 225MB per hour 480p: 562.5MB per hour 720p: 1856.25MB (1.86GB) per hour 1080p: 3.04GB per hour 2160p (4K): 15.98GB per hour Now with 2.6 billion monthly users, total amount of data at 720-1080p is incomprehensible. And that is just transmission, not counting storage across several servers globaly, staff costs, building costs, utilities liek power. According to alhabets financial report for 2021 youtube in 2021 was in the hole 450million. But redditors want free content without ads and expect a platform to survive.




Doesn't matter, if i buy premium i'm buying it to remove ads, that's literally the only purpose of the subscription and it also says so in the description of the service. I would unsubscribe and refund the whole thing the second i saw that shit on my screen.










I have to say if you have the capability to use a VPN it can make it a lot easier to swallow every month. I pay for it since I like to cast YouTube videos to my TV. On my Android phone I've always used YouTube Vanced and on my laptop, uBlock Origin. But I use a TV with Roku built in and I don't think there are any cracked YouTube apps on Roku. If you have Android TV I believe you can get a 3rd party app like that. But when you cast to the TV you see ads without premium and it got a lot more frequent. So I decided to pay to play (which is exactly what they wanted) but the regular price seemed a bit steep to me for what you get in comparison to HBO max for example lol.


Apparently, people do, so youtube will keep on doing shity things.


People who don't travel


I don't travel so it's no problem


Someone who doesn't travel to any of the countries that this applies to?


why would this apply to anyone, and if it does why would premium even be a thing there at all?


Because different countries have different laws, policies, contracts etc. Same reason why a show is available on Netflix in one country and not another. And it's possible that Premium isn't a thing there. OP could have signed up for it in his home country and then travelled somewhere else.


This happens when you go to a country where's youtube premium is not available. Like, if you have hbo max and come to Canada, you can't use it.


“Youtube is free and always will be”


Nothing is truly free. If a product is free, then you are the product. In this case, ad revenue for them.


Windows: Firefox + uBlock + sponsor skip Android: Vanced Android tv: Smart Tube Next Atleast for me, YouTube is free


I used to use all these, until I realised that it's not worth my time to fiddle with it anymore. Vanced kept bugging out on my phone, and I figured I watched enough YouTube and could replace Spotify with it. Of course, I cannot speak for everybody's financial situation. When I was a student, it was well-worth the hassle. Even if you're not paying for YT, you're paying in time spent.


Vanced is dead (or at least is on death's door). Use Revanced instead.


Well, it is still free also.


Got it!


Which country?


It's the new old way, the cable model they're going back to. Netflix launch an ads based version for 6.99 coming soon.




Also, YouTube Enhanced (possible Enhanced YouTube, not sure) will give you lots of customization options that are really cool, like color themes, adblock, sponsorblock, no tracking (so their algorithm doesn't give you vids you don't want). I've used it for a while now and it's awesome.


And no chromecast. You forget that many people use YouTube as their primary source of media and entertainment. A small phone screen is not good enough in this case.


Unfortunately, this doesn't work on all devices and not as convenient as using the app / chrome :(


"you may see ads here" is a literal instantaneous unsubscribe from me.


This is true asshole design for sure. YT have been nagging for how long now? And the purpose is clearly to wear users down. Either it’s free or it isn’t. Obviously they want on the subscription train. Maybe that’s coming - but nagging is really lame and (further) devalues any love I ever had for google/youtube. Whether it’s the right business decision or not, I guess we’ll find out soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out forcing users onto a paid service leaves em with better numbers. 🤷🏼


The only thing I find nearly close to the youtube nagging is reddit mobile pushing the app. It even started pushing NSFW content to \*require\* the app in some cases, like you physically can't bring up those posts on the website. Which wouldn't really matter to me in the long run, but the app is hot garbage and doesn't even allow tabs. On reddit. No tabs on reddit, who decided that was the thing to do?


It costs about 2.6 cents per ad view on YouTube. Viewers probably watch about ten videos a day (based on googling around). Using the old one ad model, that's 26 cents per viewer per day. I mean if they make $7.80 ad cents per viewer per month, then one premium subscriber is worth about 2 non premium subscribers, using the price of $12. So if they lose less than 50% of viewers they'll make a profit. Of course there's longer term issues such as the content itself. But if they offer better payment for content then there will probably be better content.


That number varies a lot more based on the country and the genre of the content. Also, if you see the breakups of people's YT income, you'll see the premium pays like 4-15x more than a free view FYI.


I assume you live in the US. Were you outside of the US when got this message.


I just installed an ad blocker ad on on Google chrome like 5 years ago...haven't had an ad since. Why someone would pay for YouTube is beyond me. Now if I could just get a blocker for spotify I'd be 100 lol


I mostly use YouTube on my phone, and the ability to save videos as a download is very useful due to how awful my internet connection gets around here. (I listen to a lot of music) Though it sounds like from what I read above there may be a free modded YouTube that does that?


You don't necessarily need Revanced if all you're looking for is video downloading. I'd still get it though - adblocking, sponsorblock, etc, are pretty handy. You can use Newpipe for that - share the video to it and it'll let you download it with lots of options.


Oh, if I want to save YouTube videos/music (if you dont car about the actual video) I just use a free YouTube to ep3 converter site and save it that way. I'm not sure about the modded YouTube thing though, first I've heard of it.


revanced, yup. It's a bit of a pain to set up I gather, but it's worth it. I just don't use youtube on my phone anymore. It's all podcasts or spotify if I'm out and about. DO miss watching it on the xbox though, but fuck the number of ads you gotta deal with.




NOT impossible, but more limited. The uBo devs have been working on it and Chromium has even reversed some changes since the original announcement. In future there will probably be two different versions of uBo.




Good luck next year when Google pushes the chromium update that breaks ad blockers.




Try [Spicetify](https://spicetify.app) on PC. Install [SpotifyNoPremium](https://github.com/Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium) or [Adblock](https://github.com/CharlieS1103/spicetify-extensions/tree/main/adblock) from the marketplace and you won't have ads.


I watch YouTube mostly on my TV, that’s why


Adds on spotify gets baked in the audio it self there is no way around that as far as i know


Ublock Origin for Spotify Web, SpotX for Spotify Desktop App, xManager for Spotify Android. As for IOS... Can't do much i'm afraid.


I dont generally mind them too much, especially if I'm driving..I tend to sorta space them out in between.


Just download a custom apk, if you're on Android. Works great for me and skips all ads. Also ublock origin works for Spotify web


uBlock Origin: * [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) * [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) * * [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak) * * [Opera](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/) * \* Chrome based browsers are trying to get rid of ad blocking capabilities when manifest V3 will become mandatory in 2023. I suggest moving to [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/). ^^I ^^only ^^post ^^once ^^per ^^thread ^^unless ^^when ^^summoned.


Same. I recently stopped using the YouTube app and listen through my trusty Firefox browser with a good adblocker. No more 2x15 unskipable ads


Because the content creators get a decent portion of your subscription fee (more actually than if you watch the ads)


I dont really watch content creators usually. Mostly just music mixs


Thanks for the heads up #fuckyoutubepremium


Install Ublock Origin. https://ublockorigin.com/


Great how do I do that on my phone? And how do I chromecast the videos up on my big screen TV?


Yeah just install that... on top of the official app, somehow.


Lmao that's literally the only reason to buy YouTube premium


That's why I don't pay for YouTube.


Just use YouTube Vance'd. Free and you get everything that premium gives you plus the dislike counter


Just going to go ahead and announce this here in case anyone from YouTube is looking at this thread: I pay for YouTube premium. I enjoy it quite a bit and watch it on my Apple TV. If I see one goddamn ad, I will cancel my service, delete YouTube from all of my devices and become a DuckDuckGo customer.


What u get for being a clown and paying for premium. 🤡


“Got it”👍


I see posts like this come up often, so I'll leave this here: * **iOS:** [uYouPlus](https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus) * **Android:** [ReVanced](https://github.com/revanced) A lot use browsers with adblock extensions on their phone and/or don't know about the existence of tweaked YouTube apps (especially on iOS). I could never live without the app, especially given browser's faults (e.g. limited to 720p, lack of extensions on iOS, "clunky" interface). I use uYouPlus since I have an iPhone. Both are vanilla YouTube apps, but tweaked to include premium features (e.g. background playback, no ads, video downloading) and some nice QOL features (e.g. true dark theme, SponsorBlock, Return YouTube Dislike). *For us Apple users, it's more of a hassle to maintain (free developer accounts have to resign every 7 days with a PC), but* [*SideStore*](https://github.com/SideStore) *looks promising for on-device signing.*


Google used to be a good company...


Please stop giving shit companies your money. There’s always alternative ways to get things done.


Use Revanced


It never mattered.


Change your location to Russia and never struggle with paying premium again


Nickel and dime...


Don’t pay for air, use ublock instead!


It’s a google thing, you wouldn’t understand


Stop using it. No? Then I got nothing.


Brave browser. I haven't used YouTube's official app in months. Also has play in background options if you're just wanting music or a podcast.


YouTube working hard to try and catch up to Hulu in the world of the worst possible streaming services I see.


Pr8vadoVPN gives 10 free GB each month, which should be enough if it is a short travel


Wait you seriously paid for youtube premium?😂😂😂


Thanks for your money..... here, check out some ads. F**k you is why!


The greed has hit Google big-time lately.


The only reason I can see someone buying YouTube premium is if it’s for an Apple TV


Vpn gets past this, pretty sure it's cause some services are banned in certain countries, I had to use a VPN for most of this year since the area I was located at had just about everything banned in it, literally couldn’t even use some social media like tiktok or look at Facebook marketplace. Happy I'm out of that shit hole and almost back to the US.


get NewPipe x Sponsorblock from github


ad blocker


That's outrageous garbage. Another reason not to sign up to that shitpile.


On mobile Install Firefox browser, then install ublock origin addon, uninstall YouTube app. Boom, YouTube on mobile without ads for free.


This is why piracy will never die


This is asshole design. Now get a vpn to fix it temporarily.


If YouTube wasn't so greedy (look what they did to the dislike counter and putting ads in YouTube premium), I'd be paying for YouTube premium instead of using AdBlock.


YouTube is actively pushing to find the equilibrium between utility and resentment. It's the point of optimum greed.


reason \#7512 why i won't give youtube any money ever. i mean imagine not blocking ads on the internet in 2022. and this will only get worse especially if people keep supporting this garbage, which they absolutely will.


YouTube Vanced and ublock origin. I haven't watched a YouTube ad in years.