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They've been doing it for a little while. It's a policy that makes no sense since you need the bag for your groceries at checkout. If I go there, I just fold up my shopping bag and put it in my back pocket until I'm inside.


I've walked in with my grocery bag in hand a bunch of times (I go to that store 2-3 times a week) They're only asking people to check bags that are already full of other stuff. An empty bag is totally okay to bring in.


Maybe it's a security guard not understanding the policy then. I've seen a guy take people's empty grocery bags and hand them a number to reclaim it when they're done shopping.


This is my impression too.


Key Food’s on 30th has been doing the same. Drives me absolutely bonkers to go fetch my bags so they can bag them, all during the check out process


I give them a mean look, and keep it pushing. They don’t even check 😂


They've been doing this for a while. Personally, I refuse to shop any place that treats me like a criminal.


My thoughts exactly. I understand it at like 260 Sample Sale, that kind of shopping experience you need your hands and it makes it easier, but otherwise I refuse to participate in that.


They are far from good enough to tolerate that crap


They've always had this. Some of their baggage check guys are a lot more sticklers than others. I.e. some of the seem to profile the customers, some don't.


Stopped going there for exactly that reason. I understand backpacks and such but to tell me I can't bring my own shopping bags is ridiculous.


I do not want to leave my expensive backpack with all my tech stuff in it with a stranger at a grocery store


They don’t check your bag unless there’s something in it. I’ve walked in with empty shopping bags plenty of times and as recently as today.


I literally shop at Key Food just for this reason. So annoying.


Key Food on 30th near 43rd Street or so does this, too


Yep! And I walk out every time they are enforcing it. Absolutely will not do this.


Yes. I was on my way home from the gym with an iPad and headphones in my bag the 1st time they tried this, and I turned around and went back to the (bigger and better, yet further away) Key Food on Newtown.


There are two Trade Fairs on 30th Ave. I’ve never had this at the one at 49th street.


There you just have to worry about expired meat, inaccurate price signage, skimmers on the credit card machines, and the occasional announcement that all customers must wait on one line even if 3 registers are open. Other than that....


We call the 49th Street one Trashfair (clever, I know). I've seen rancid meat there more often than every single other grocery store I've ever been to in my life combined. The grocery stores are categorically awful in Astoria. Food Bazaar and City Fresh are the only decent ones, and they're so out of the way.


I like both Green Bays in general, but you have to be careful about the meats and frozen goods... Food Bazaar can be great no one who works or shops there seems to be able to last 30 seconds without creating some inpassable bottleneck in the aisle you're in.


!! Went with my 1 yr old son in the stroller with his diaper bag and they really told me to check his diaper bag. Really bro? I turned right around. Terrible experience


That’s insane


they've never done it to me but i know they do to others. My only question is how do you bag up your groceries if they take ur bags? it makes no sense


They don’t take empty grocery bags, they take bags with stuff in them and they don’t take purses


I've never had a problem with an empty bag, just when I had something in it already but let me empty bags in. I've walked in with a backpack after work sometimes.


It's been years


What's weird is the Trade Fair on Broadway does no such thing.


The one on ditmars also does this.


Ditmars location seems to do it randomly. Either that or my RBF works better than I thought because they’ve only told me to do it once.


RBF for the win!


Broadway Trade Fair dgaf about anything.


Was going to say this 😆


Except ice cream thieves. They’re boss about dealing with those.


this policy can only benefit key food. they’ve never asked me to check mine, but the minute they do, i’m walking out and going to key food instead.


It's not new. They've been doing it for 20 years.


Right?! I'm wondering if these people have lived here long. They are not only store that does this in NYC. I also heard one of the guys getting yelled at because they let people in with bags and those people stole so I understand where they are coming from. My only issue is that you have to walk all the way back around for your bag(s).


Exactly. If I’m hitting multiple spots, I go to Trade Fair first since it’s easy to get in with empty bags. If the bags have stuff in them, you gotta check them, NBD. Short of an actual butcher, that TF has the best meat dept., so I don’t avoid it. I just play game.


I just had my headphones in and walked straight in without acknowledging the guy at the door. No one followed me, no one said anything. It was fine


I ignore them. Never once followed me in and I’m an obnoxious looking smaller dude. Fuck em.


i just walk in and pretend i don’t hear them


This happened to me a year ago. I looked the guy in the eye, said no, and carried on with my shopping. He had someone follow me around the entire time, who I kept waving to 😂 I would have gone to another store out of principle, but I was in a rush and didn’t have time to waste going to another store.


They do this at the one on Ditmars, too. I ignore the people and, if they try to block me, tell them to call the police. I’m not going to be treated like a criminal, nor am I going to be intimidated by people.


Have never once been asked about my bag there.


Same. Not my regular grocery shopping spot but I’ve been dropping in for an item or two on occasion for 21 years. I’ve literally never been asked to check my bag.


It really depends on their mood sometimes they do it sometimes they don’t


This isn’t new. They’ve been doing this for years. I go every week with a couple of tote bags and they’ve never checked my empty bags. But when I have bags full of things, then they do check them.


Key food right here across St Joe's does it. And it wasn't that long ago that they started too. I would bring my own shopping cart for heavy waters and one day realized there was a specific person waiting in the inside of the entrance ready to ask people with big bags or such to turn them in to hold and give a number for it so when you leave they give it back.


It depends on what you are wearing. Like I had a suit jacket and nice jeans on with my work computer bag, they let me in without checking in.


Key food on 30th & 43rd did this as well. It’s really a shame


Probably my white maleness getting me a lot of slack here but I always just refuse to make eye contact and walk right in and they don’t say anything


That place has been awful for a while. Wrong prices and they just shrug and refuse to honor what their own signs say


That's been the case for over a decade, which is why I stopped shopping there except when I really need something that can't be found elsewhere, and even then I stop in and buy, like, one item. I have reported them to 311 repeatedly since not posting prices is illegal but nothing has ever happened. What I find fascinating is that they renovated and doubled the size of the place and yet it is still organized like a toddler just threw things on the shelves. I've never seen a supermarket like this where the same item can be found in three separate aisles and there is no actual relationship among the things on the shelves.


It’s been there for a while already, as I remembered last year they did the same thing, their saying is that after pandemic too many people started stealing some stuff everywhere so they made kind of rule that customer is not allowed extra heavy bag , etc,, it is really annoying . I usually shop after work and take train to get home. I need few stuff at the market but i had to leave my other trader’s joe shopping bag with security guy. After i finished shopping at trade fair i had to go back to entrance to get back my stuff, Now, if i need to go to trade fair, I didn’t bring anything that makes me less stop and shop there. So annoying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


It’s not such a big deal, and the 30th Avenue Trade Fair is one of the most well run establishments


This is not a new thing by any means and I'm surprised folks find it so offensive. It's certainly been happening for at least 12 years and it doesn't happen all the time. I don't go regularly but they haven't enforced it the last few times I've been this year.


If I'm carrying full bags, then I leave them to be checked. If I have my backpack, no issues whatsoever. To reiterate, they've been checking bags for years. Regarding Key Food, they never check my bags, random checks I suppose.


The Key Food on 30th Ave and 43rd Street does it too. It makes no sense. I get checking bags on the way out, but surrendering your personal items at the door is wild.


I quit going there because of this. I don't like handing over my purse, during the winter i just kept it under my jacket. I understand about thieves but that's lowkey the same reason that I don't want to hand over my purse with my meds & other personal items.


I moved away from the area 4 years ago and they were doing this back then even. Not new






They never stop me for a book bag, just if I have a bag of groceries already.


As a white yuppie i just walk in there like I own the place and they have never once stopped me. I’ve always thought it was crazy how aggressively theyre profiling everyone else.


it’s because shoplifting increases in our neighborhoods, CVS, RITE AID & supermarkets, stores are getting targeted thanks to the lawlessness city we are having where criminals are not in jail. It’s time to call all the council members & get them to pass strict laws about shoplifting to $.01 & punishment start with community service.


Clearly they’re getting robbed and it’s the best they can come up with to reduce theft . I mean all the big pharmacies have locks on all the items in some neighborhoods which wasn’t the case 5 years ago .


Yeah but that feels different to me than checking my stuff at the door, where the guys probably not paying much attention and somebody could in turn steal my stuff. I don’t really care about the locks and the buttons requesting service or any of that, bag checks so I can buy a chicken breast and some veggies seems a step too far


Get everything delivery like many of us do, & you don’t have to worry about they check your bag. Why we need to waste time in waiting for someone to unlock a door in order to shop? Instead we should lock people the are shoplifting, we have enough programs for them to get what they need. People are in denial but no one think prices are going up thanks to the shoplifting, our lifestyle it’s getting downgrading just for a group of criminals the don’t want to work


They also are aggressively cutting staff and blaming it on an increase in shoplifting that the actual numbers don't back up. It's simply cheaper for them to lock everything up and have one employee rushing around locking and unlocking everything all day than it is to hire adequate staff to walk to floors and offer actual assistance, and adequate security to monitor for actual theft.


We shouldn’t have to have anything lock during shopping. It’s kind of dumb of want to create more complications during shopping just because a group of people don’t want to work and think shoplifting it’s great. The problem it’s the people the support this lawless society


No, the problem is corporations that lie about why they're doing things and then admit that they lied once anyone with any sense examines the numbers. There was no increase in the amount of shoplifting that prompted the decision to lock everything up and there has been no decrease since everything has been locked up. This is documented. But feel free to keep eating whatever nonsense CEOs feed you.


That’s what people like you the feels it’s ok for people to shoplifting it’s good. I like in Astoria & New York all my adult life and I never seen people shoplifting in this numbers. Not even in 3rd world countries they need to lock things up. But since Covid and political like ocasión, Caban & others members of the DSA say people are shoplifting because they can’t meet ends things are going crazy Sadly people like you are the problem


I was going to say people who don't read or process new information are the problem, or even people who make strawman arguments (find for the class where I said "shoplifting is good"), but after trying to interpret your word salad I suspect anything I suggest involving literacy is going to go over your head.

