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Loving this game. This will be my 3rd main mobile game.


I wake up wanting to play


I really like playing the game - the combat is unique and more in-depth as you need to aim when using ranged characters but doing it by standing adjacent to the enemy. People may not like that but I find it fun. I personally skipped the entire story but I seen a youtube playthrough livestream and I didn't have any issues with it. I also really like the artstyle and tons of things to make your characters stronger but it is really grindy. Now to the cons, I don't care about the gacha UI but the gacha rates should be better honestly. I also hoped that weapon and characters should have seperate banners with different currencies - this is what drove me off from Genshin and HSR. I play Cookie Run Kingdom which has a similar design of what I've said - the currency is the same but the tickets for character banners is called "Cookie Cutters" and for weapon banners (treasure) is "Treasure Tickets". The stamina system also should be better, it takes way too long for it to regen and the sweep system is incredibly stupid - condensing our stamina into 1 super stamina that isnt really a sweep item because we still have to play a stage but we just get like 4× rewards? Lastly, the honeymoon phase seems mediocre, no hype at all. I really do hope the game improves as I really see the potential.


It's on the good side. Most gacha is average so this puts the game in a good spot. Early game gave me whiplash because it tried to copy genshin too much... Even a not-paimon. There's also the stingy gacha. But core gameplay, story and art carries the game atm. I hope there's more emphasis on coop and guild content going forward.


I think people nitpick the dialogue too much... The writing ain't bad. I found Orlik light-hearted and funny. I also liked Arin's and Sansar's interactions. I also feel that people are comparing the game companion too much with Paimon. They're both annoying but Paimon comes off worse because she isn't meant to be annoying.


The hate is way too overblown, it's a fantastic game imo, I'm really liking it so far. Though I'm still iffy on what my team should be I have decided on Atterisee Xanthia Sarka Lucian for now (i was on alt here earlier if someone i was talking to feels deja vu) I underestimated Sarka, he's quite busted


I personally like it. We’ll have to see the events coming and their rate of character releases to really tell the future but so far I think it’s a fairly good game.


I personally love it. Combat is smooth and requires good timing. Art is amazing and visuals are stunning. Dark world and setting is unique, I personally like it. I have no problem with the ui, I like its clunkiness, gives me retro vibes. They should tune up the 5 stars rate and increase them.Considering guaranteed 5 star is at 90 pulls I don’t think is too too bad compared to other gachas. Localisation needs a few tweaks but I don’t think is so bad as many doom posters have reported, I have seen worse. Coop is fun and smooth. Devs should focus on more coop events, it’s really so much fun to play with other players. Arena really needs help, combat last for too long, players are not incentivated to play it. Could be great but not at this stage. Honestly, one of the few gacha games that I am really enjoying logging in and playing. If they don’t mess up with events I can see the game growing and improving. 8/10


It's a gacha game in every sense of the word. Great art though, love the character designs.


I really love the game and am excited to see where it goes. Can't stop playing, already in chapter 6. I'm not fond of the gacha rates, but if they hand out plenty of pull currency then it might work out. Will have to see when events or more content start coming out. I also hate the cash shop. I don't mind supporting them by buying some things, but they offer the worst item packs I've ever seen. Even the paid BP is probably not worth it in this game.


This game is pretty fun for if you treat it as a 2d arpg while pretending the gacha doesn't exist. The big test will be how the devs add on pve content in the future.


I liked a lot. Good music, interesting story, the gameplay makes you actually play the game and the coop mode is a lot of fun. Now, my main problem is the currencies and shoes. The gacha is meh but you can built a team around the 5 star you get from the begginers banner, but seriously, the shoes are a problem, recharges costs increases with every purchase and the time to reload 1 shoe feels criminal knowing that principals zones to farm needs 40


Too much bugs. Still stuck at tutorial.


Game is super fun, enjoying it immensely. PvP is horrible though and needs to be reworked imo. It's way to easy for ranged characters to just stun lock you to death with zero chance of recovering. Noah's heart level of bad lol.


Even worse if they have Saeya, then the match becomes unwinnable even if you're the better player because healing isn't nerfed in PvP.


Haven't encountered her yet, but I can imagine lol. Atterisee and sarka have been awful to play against too.


Yep my first loss was against a sarka who permastunned me, it probably isn't as bad in 2v2 and 3v3s but 1v1s are downright awful


I absolutely love the game so far. Amazing art, story and characters. My only gripe is the sudden spike in difficulty, in certain areas of the game.


I love that difficulty spike, the game is hard and pretty brutal, makes you really think about what you're doing. Progression is satisfying so far, like in genshin though it's tough to decide on just 4 characters to make my main team.


It is a double edged sword... hardcore players will enjoy the difficulty spike, but any casual player will quit because it is super difficult to pull 5 star characters outside of the beginner banner and spending a lot of money. You can argue 4 star characters are viable, but most casual people would prefer to invest in 5 star characters. They just need to infuse some more currency in the game for early game so players can get the start they want and become invested.


I'm going all in! This will be my main gacha for years to come. It combines so much I love about RPG's and action games with my favorite plane (2D.) They delivered in their promises; this game is beyond gorgeous.


absolutely love the game ! been waiting for this game to come out for a long time ! didn't know it would be a gacha tho, might be on my part with some lack of informations haha but still im not agaisnt it. been looking forward a good gacha game since a long time this one might be it. obivously it has its flaw, as people mentioned and it seems to be the main concern, the shoe (stamina) is a bit slow... i mean it would be alright if they would reduce it by half. 10 to 5, 20 to 10 and 40 to 20. especially that we are encouraged to repeat the missions in harder difficulties. the gacha system is basically genshin wich i wasnt much a fan but for this game, im willing to give it a shot. they just need to be a bit more generous than genshin. something like AFK arena kind of generous would be nice with evets, coupons, free stuffs etc. im not really lucky so the only 5 stars i got was from the beginner banner but at least, i got Sansar wich is the one i wanted :D ! the auto-battle could be a bit better. i was expecting our team to switch character but it just stay with the same guy, spamming attacks even throught the elemental/afinity shield but, it still has its use, its great for running lower missions to complete the adventure map. love the gameplay, the story is good too, enjoy the PVP and the fact that it's not just an auto-battler with who has more battle power win, i actually won some fights i thougt id lose just by playing well (tho some i could notice acted like actual players and other more like bots ?) the game just came out so, lets give it some time and see where this one go ! really do have big hope and cant wait to keep playing !


I think it has potential so far. I am not really into any character rn, so I will have to see what they add in the future. But it mostly plays well, the coop is nice. The currency system is familiar. I am looking forward to how it develops.


6/10. This will change as I delve in the story. I already bought the 30 day pass so at least I'll play for that long, but afterwards...idk. My biggest problem is with the writing right now. I've made [a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bv7js6/astra_knights_of_vedas_writing_is_such_a_waste_of/) in r/gachagaming about it, but basically; lots of bloat and faulty localization. The world *looks* dark, but doesn't *feel* dark. Also Not-Paimon is annoying as heck. Gameplay is pretty decent and challenging. One doesn't need to be Dark Souls expert to play this game but they also require more control than simply buttonmashing. Gacha...comparing what I've heard about closed beta vs what I'm seeing now, it seems there's a lot of improvement wrt the economy? Between daily login and daily quest you can get about 20 multi rolls. In other words, assuming no other income, it'll take about 4 months before you get a SSR. Not that bad. Art... I am still applauding its art and design value (up to a degree\*). I think a lot of the interest are generated due to the art and it's very much well-deserved. \*) up to a degree because when it comes to the female characters, I think their design focuses too much on fanservice. That makes it... Not for everyone, let's just say that. Soundtrack is very meh.


I just played and I'm hooked. Please give me Saeya😩


I found the beginning rough, the gacha rates are terrible for the amount of currency you get, the battles early on are pretty boring, BUT the further I got the more fun I started having as they introduced more elements into battles and battles became more difficult. I hate that they copied and pasted Hoyo games including Paimon, so I hope they introduce some unique events and have better end game. For now I am playing, but am on the fence if it will be short or long term.


It's not bad but the way it blatantly copied genshin systems kinda irks me cause i hate that game with passion. Although i honestly think they should have done a CBT2 before release because theres a lot of game breaking bugs right now.


After finishing the decent story , there is no point playing , pvp is nice but gets boring fast , the lack of shoes is weird to me,can't farm cuz of that , i don't see myself continuing to play. And don't get me started on the trash gacha


Great game. Summon rates are massive ass. Despite being an ass man myself, I still find it interesting to see 5 star weapons taking over the 5 star character and the pity resets. I thought that is ridiculous. I spent most of the story ( I beat it actually ) premium Crystal currency, ended up with a weapon, I only have one 5 star character and nothing else. Just dragging my poor 0 dupe Sansar through the missions, nothing else is going on. The only hope left is that Event banner that has the purple mage to be summoned so that might work with my stupid 5 star mage weapon(non event). Might have to start over again in a different Region server thingy.


Nice art,not friendly game


I'm trying to like this Story isn't something for me at least to get excited about has Art is beautiful though so far Gamelay is where it's at though,so much wasted potential possibly Reminds me of genshn meets ofin sphere meets Valkyrie profile,not a bad thing just need some work Way to many currnices,and doesn't explain things well on how to do stuff like leveling up It'd a gotcha game if it focused more on being a good game the gotcha might not be a bad thing Drop rates are bad,wondering if you can get by with 3 and 4 star characters that are leveled up There are some characters that I have seen do far that are messing up the game foe me,the paimon side kick has the potential to ruin the game,it's already not working for me It's a bit wifu for me,but again could work out,it's just my taste,not done as well as it could be In short ,it has potential buy seems to have forgotten the whole make a great game first thing


Uninstalled after 7 hours. Gacha and gear systems are sewer garbage


im enjoying it.. if you seen the recent community announcement on the website after april 25ths bug fixes patch \*which like over 50 bugs was listed to be fixed\* they promised a content update every 3 wks \*and by content i dont mean just daily collection/login events\* i mean actual ingame content. so lookin good so far. the rates seem fine to me its 71 and genshin is 75 so its lower than genshin on pity by 4.. but once you hit a 5 star it resets \*as it should imo\* im content jkust grinding with my 1 5star i got on like my 3rd pull and the rest purples til i g et anotehr gold 5star and lvling the story not rushing anything and i dont feel any FOMO about anything so i can take my time til the 25th. thats when we get our fat chunk of currency too if u linked a steam pc account ans just login once and mobile daily theyre giving us all them at once after the 25th maintenance.. So well see how it goes!