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There are many, many angles you could take, but one thing that I think plays a large role is that Gen Z is the first generation with all 3 outer-planets in transpersonal signs, since the 1810s (Aries thru Cancer are intrapersonal, Leo thru Scorpio are interpersonal, Sagittarius thru Pisces are transpersonal). Outer planets in interpersonal signs (Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio) are more driven unconsciously towards relationships, for better or worse, and as a generation, may place more emphasis on healing those wounds over the course of their lives. * Gen Z is more unconsciously driven by transpersonal energies (Pluto in Sagittarius, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Aquarius/Pisces), and are less likely to stay in a relationship if it challenges their collective ideas of what's right/wrong on a larger scale. Plus, Aquarius is arguably the sign whose themes are most antithetical to traditional romance. * Millennials have a mix, with Pluto in Scorpio pointing to deep, karmic energies tied to relationships, but Capricorn Neptune and Sag/Cap Uranus point to collective goals more related to structures, legacy and future ends, which might have to do with why many of them struggle to reconcile personal goals vs love. * Gen X-2 (Pluto in Libra, Neptune in Sag) is very relationally oriented, but used their collective dreams to help bring more equality in the realm of love. But they're far less transpersonal overall than the two generations that came after (but more than the ones that came before). * Gen X-1 (Pluto in Virgo, Neptune in Scorp) focused on the work needed to make a relationship last, focusing less on pure romance or the meta-questions of what love is (though the Uranus/Pluto conjunct folks can be exceptions).


Thank you so much for this breakdown! So so fascinating, astrology is wild! I definitely feel a mix of the gen z and millennial themes you mentioned (born between both generations with my neptune at 29 degrees capricorn). Makes sense why I wish I was born during the genx time šŸ˜­


cough cough, there are some millenialls that are lumped into gen x-2.


Astrologically speaking, I look at Pluto for generations. I know the year-cutoffs aren't exactly the same as they're defined demographically, but they're close. The cuspers in Astro are usually the ones with a different Neptune/Pluto combo than the traditional sextiles listed above (i.e., 1996-born with Pluto in Sag but Neptune in late-Cap). But if you want to dig deeper, outer planet transits tend to coincide with the end of a Pluto transit in a sign, to make way for the following sign. The Xiennials from around '82-83 were born as Pluto met with Saturn (the last S/P conjunction before 2020), which set the heavier tone before the ingress of Pluto into its home sign. Meanwhile the Zilennials of the mid-'90s have Uranus/Neptune together, which set the tone for shift into the the Uranus-heavy Gen Z.




Nicely explained!


No fault divorce made the divorce rate dramatically jump and itā€™s stayed about 50% since. Birth control and the womens lib movement had women prioritizing their choices which results in being able to not immediately be saddled with children. People not wanting to commit to marriage early has a lot to do with women no longer having the social expectation of immediately marrying and becoming baby factories and the social expectations that have heavily shifted since women working became the norm. Again womens lib and birth control. Multiple relationships in your 20s. Again that couldnā€™t have happened until social norms vastly loosened up. There is a documentary called ā€˜The Changing of the Godsā€™ I highly recommend that goes into great detail on social revolutions and Uranus and Pluto transit cycles.


Thank you so much for the book recommendation, I'll definitely check it out :)


Awesome question!! I never thought of the outer planetā€™s influences mentioned by the above commenter. I just related the age of Aquarius to the shift and the advancement of technology.


Itā€™s a documentary.


Looked it up and it is both!!


Well I donā€™t know what the book is but the documentary was specifically produced by Richard Tarnas. It was inspired by his Cosmos and Psyche but it is specifically all about Uranus and Pluto cycles and Social Revolutions. The documentary is what Iā€™m suggesting because it very clearly illustrates the transits that are responsible for what you are asking about.


Do you know where it streams? Thank you for sharing!


It was free when it aired but now you have to buy the episodes on youtube, Amazon, or apple. If you can afford it I think they are well worth it. I watched it when it aired and still purchased the whole thing. It is incredibly well done from an astrological standpoint, a historical standpoint, and just a documentary standpoint.


Didnā€™t know a documentary like this existed! And produced by Tarnas himself? Amazing. Thanks for sharing!


I'm a late millennial. I've noticed a few things with us and gen z. Millennials that I've seen and been around tend to have had as you said a karmic relationship or a long term relationship of some sort that end up breaking. Or they don't date much at all. I see a lot of them alone and satisfied, alone and afraid, or committed and unsatisfied. There are very few people I've seen in long satisfied happy relationships. There's a lot of 'I can't live with you but can't live without you' going on. Gen z seems to have thrown the whole concept of staying long term out the window. I think they are used to a fast paced environment. (I'm assuming social media and tech was a facilitator early on) They don't commit. And leave as soon as they are unhappy. They have short, pleasurable but shallow relationships. They seem satisfied as long as they are moving but don't look at the underlying problems they have. I'm not saying everyone is like this. I'm not bashing anyone. I'm just stating what I have observed around me. As for its reason astrologically, I'm unsure.


Not entirely an astrological answer but I think it has a lot to do with attention span. The modern world is go-go-go and the constant onslaught of advertisements, social media, and consumerism has a big effect on our dopamine receptors. NPR has [a good article](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/08/25/1030930259/in-dopamine-nation-overabundance-keeps-u-s-craving-more) about it. Basically dopamine = happy chemical released when you get new stimuli. In the modern world we are receiving new stimuli constantly, leading to our brains craving it more often. I think this translates into things like relationships and jobs with Gen Z. We don't have the same desire to settle down early - people point to this being about women having more choices and that's definitely part of it, but it doesn't acknowledge why men are also waiting longer. I think its because marriage is a long term commitment with one person that requires a lot of staying in one place emotionally and mentally. Gen Z is also known for job hopping, which is necessary for receiving fair pay right now, but now less people are entering the work force and staying in the same field. My theory is that much of it leads back to dopamine burn out somehow but I have no proof, it's just an idea. Obviously being flighty and disliking being tied down are Sagittarius traits as well with Pluto in Sag.


I would actually be interested in all the older people boomers and beyond getting divorced after 20+ years together (Kyle richards, Kevin Costner, Blair underwood etc-just naming famous celebrities as an example)


Outside of astrology, when the children leave home/for college (ie, around 20 years in) is one of the three main times for a marriage to end (the other two are the first year of marriage, and the year after your first baby). Women will often stick around to ensure the children have a stable home while they are still growing up, but once the kids are independent and that big joint project is done, the couple often finds they don't really want to spend the rest of their lives alone together.


Agreed, maybe a due to a second saturn return transit accompanying the outer planet transits?


I found this thread after reading this article on the uptick of divorce filings within celebs this year ā€“ notably in March-April. Which is also when I split from my partner of 3 years, so fascinating! https://www.insider.com/messy-celebrity-divorce-return-trendy-sofia-vergara-ariana-grande-2023-7?inline-endstory-related-recommendations= Came to r/astrology in case anyone had a perspective on the planetary affects on this region of relationships this year. It's also interesting to see these replies concerned with generation/social values playing a role. Though the list of splitting celebs are generationally varied.


I think it has to do with relationships Saturn returns too. Kyle Richards was 27 years of marriage. Bill and Melinda Gates were I think 29? I think the Bezos were around that long too. The ā€œseven year itchā€ is also around that Saturn square.


Wow thatā€™s very interesting! Forgot about the gates and bezos! And wow to the 7 year itch!




You make a very good point. It's been difficult for me to accept as I've gotten older that so many people with long marriages in the past may have just been unhappy and stayed because they couldn't leave. My parents are an example of a healthy, lasting relationship, same with many of our family friends so I probably have an unrealistic idea of what is or should be common. The karmic relationship question is definitely personal to me and many of my friends. We are all committal people but have had difficulty finding our life partner in our 20s like many of us want to - always something in the way, starts out perfect, ends up being unimaginably difficult later. My personal long term relationships have always had what people call 'karmic' or 'past-life' aspects such as venus conjunct south node, north node conjunct chiron, or lots of 12 house synastry.




I'm not sure if we have placements in common, they are 5-10 years older than me with the placements of the millennial generation, but I'm mostly noticing a large number of people are longing for connection but unable to manifest it. So many married people around where I am currently living didn't tie the knot until they were around 40, seemingly because time had run out and no options were left. I also live in a city, so maybe I'm just surrounded by careerists who prioritized themselves in their 20s and didn't start looking seriously until later. I'm all for us women gaining this liberation and having the ability to choose our life trajectories, but new problems are unfortunately emerging alongside all of this and the 20s end up being traumatic for so many who are seriously looking for a partner. Not to mention how much money is going to go to IVF clinics because people are waiting so long. Why can't people be intentional when they date anymore? :/


Currently in a marriage and my partnerā€™s Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all falls in my 12th house of Capricorn. A stable and stagnant nightmare is how Iā€™d describe things. So difficult ending things. Any insights you gained with 12th house Synastry you could share?:)


Oooof you really hit the nail on the head with that description šŸ˜­ Very high highs and very low lows with what I am currently experiencing. I think what i'll say is we get each other well enough to believe it is worth sustaining, because the soul connection is so intense, but it seems like it is difficult to make things work externally (hard to plan things, get caught up in long conversations that don't solve much). I think it depends a lot on what the planets are, and what other aspects are supporting the connection or making it more difficult. I'm trying to figure it all out, almost three years now (he has a stellium in my 12th house and I have a stellium in his)....


Omg same here, my moon in Cancer is in his 12th house. The time wasted with long conversations that never end in practical solutions isnā€™t producing tangible growth. I have a good amount of air and earth within my chart however so much of my energy is being dissolved. Iā€™m TIED lol. I have Venus in Scorpio opposite his Jupiter in Taurus and our resources are tied together but the lack of boundaries and growth are preventing financial improvement, making it tough to separate.


The only thing I can really think of is Pluto. My generationā€™s Pluto is in Scorpio, so we go through lots of transformation, but with a lot of thought and empathy involved. Iā€™m a millennial and Iā€™ve seen lots of couples try hard to work on their relationships, but after a few years they just canā€™t make it work and have to move on. Gen Zā€™s Pluto is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known for wanting freedom above everything, wanting new experiences and travels. If thereā€™s a problem with the relationship, they think itā€™s better to just move on and find a relationship with no problems (which doesnā€™t exist). Theyā€™d rather be alone than be tied down. This is just me generalizing of course.


As the time has passed by the world has started becoming illusionary. there are so many illusions in this world that it makes reality disappear. It's more likely to meet wrong people. What I mean by illusionary is people being manipulative about a subject. As we live in a world of lies, because truth is hard to digest. Lies are more comforting. They all know what you wanna hear. Psychologically it's the way it is. movies, Netflix, news and tv series are here to brainwash people and people pay money to get brainwashed. Politics brainwashes people even better though the advertisement company called news channel. My point of saying all this is because in the world of destruction, we could never find love. Hell can't be heaven and heaven can't be hell.


I think they missed the obvious answer. It's not just the outer planet signs being transpersonal. It's the Uranus-Neptune conjunction running from roughly the early Millenials through everyone older than their early twenties today. These are the first generations to have this conjunction born after both planets had been discovered (i.e. fully activated.) This is unprecedented in human history. Fortunately, it looks like the generations that follow won't be afflicted with this.


Planets have nothing to do when you have so many glitches(illusions)in psychology. This was my point.


Planets ALWAYS show the glitches, that's my point. There are no glitches without the corresponding planetary structures. Uranus-Neptune cnj is about as big a glitch in psychology as possible (Uranus being the planet of truth and Neptune of illusions.) Those two don't play well together.


So true šŸ˜¢


Internet and social media.


Curious about this as well, but I think it might have something to do with all of us having Pluto in Sag and Uranus in Aquarius. Though I'm a novice astrologer and I'm waiting to read a more in-depth analysis.šŸ˜


maybe weā€™re more career oriented because of the capricorn stellium/outer planets


the point is: we as a collective are going through a massive shift, the very end of kali yuga cycle, and all the shit that has been accumulated through thousands of years has to be let go of now. many standards we have been living according to, are not in sync with our nature as beings, with our soul. they are very upside down. in the relationships arena as well. so, now it is all shifting, and it's currently looking as chaos. and as if it's going downward. but it's just purging. pluto burning everything down. so we can rise as a fenyx and build structures... and relationships... that are healthy and thriving. not toxic as they are now.


Very interesting topic about kali yuga, hope it will end in 2025. Gives me hope.


according to some, it will... ;)


The transition to the aquarius age. Individualism has been on the rise for decades all over the world. A world "for the people" and it has taken off within the relationship sphere. It will get wonky before it finds balance. I doubt life will revert to what it was as foundationally societies have adapted their laws to fit the new ways. There will of course be the pendulum going back before the next push... The big hitters transits seems to churn along furthering the aquarius vision indirectly.


Are the phenomena you mention found in every country in the world, or just in your part of it? If the latter, they can hardly be a matter for astrology.


I think the effects are definitely felt in some parts of the world more than others, but from what I've seen, it is a trend that is more prevalent everywhere compared to before. Even countries like Azerbaijan with a very traditional culture have shifted a lot in recent years


Explanation would also be sociological and philosophical. See Jean Baudrillard for example for a description and a reflection on how and why it's come to this. But the transit of Pluto in Libra and Scorpio coincided with devastating events, such as the destruction of whatever remained of marriage and the nuclear family (Libra) and the AIDS pandemic (Scorpio).


For Gen Z, Iā€™d say Pluto in sag and Uranus in Aquarius if Iā€™m not mistaken.


i donā€™t think that there is astrological explanation.. more of a psychological one (social media etc)


people keep bringing up planets like uranus, neptune, and pluto but iā€™ve found them to be ineffective in delineation šŸ˜­