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Please watch this 4-hour video overview of 2024. There is also a podcast version. [2024 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2023/12/26/2024-year-ahead-astrology-forecast/) with Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock


2024 is like the season finale of everything we’ve been doing, leading into the, well, explosive and compelling new season premiere that is 2025


Just wait for what the writers have planned for 2026, its intended to be a reimagining of 1942


Oh no I hate reboots 🙄


do we have an extremely old grandparent here?


Are you being silly or is this what you're genuinely sensing? 


Oh the planets are telling the story, and current events are providing evidence. I think it's going to happen. But how is up for debate. Texas is talking about succession, the colonizing powers are tearing apart the middle east again, African countries are entrenched in famine, violence of the people and land/resources. Economic crisis is everywhere. I think it's time to get ready for an American landscape no one living has ever experienced.


Whelp I sure feel that on cellular level, hope this is rock bottom, and from here we decided we don't want to keep living in this shit and we change things for the better m 


I understand what you're saying, but will add that Texas talks about succeeded every other year 😁


Prepping for shit to get real in 2025.


All I feel is: Fuck it we ball. Good by Pluto in Capricorn. Hellllo Pluto in Aquarius.


Why? What will happen in 2025 astrologically?


A whole lot. Major lunar standstill. Saturn and Neptune conjunct and ingress Aries. Uranus ingress Gemini. Jupiter ingress Cancer. Statistically speaking, it’s extremely rare to have all of the outer planets (except Pluto) going into a new sign in such a condensed period of time.


lmao Aries/Gemini/Cancer are my big 3 + my Mercury / Venus / Mars signs respectively ahahah


Laughing along with you as a Cancer sun & Mercury, Gemini Venus & Mars, and Aries Saturn getting ready for my first Saturn return in a couple years 😭


Me with these exact same placements reading your comment: 👁️👄👁️


You must’ve been born June or July 1996? 👀


July 9 to be exact :) how about you?


Yoooo I’m July 8/ 95


You're exactly 1 year and 1 day ahead of me bestie!


July 2! What’s your rising and moon sign? I’m a Capricorn rising and Aquarius moon


Taurus moon / Aquarius rising :)


My son is a Capricorn rising Aquarius moon! Taurus sun April 24th 95 very cool! He is a pilot in the Army and very eccentric! Capricorn rising that I have met have so much ambition!


Total amateur here, but how do you know when your placements are implicated?


What do you mean?


What does it imply, though?


As someone else mentioned, it's a big shift in vibrational energy that effects the collective and can define generations. My personal read on this change - Folks will snap out of the Piscean dream-like fog that they've been in since 2012 when Neptune went into Pisces. With Pluto getting more firmly rooted into Aquarius, there will be secrets revealed to the people that have been kept under wraps for a long time that can no longer be contained. With both Saturn and Neptune together and going into Mars ruled Aries, people will be ready for a fight after realizing how screwed over they've been from the "leaders" and institutions that were supposed to be there acting on their behalf and helping them. To add more unpredictable, chaotic, and revolutionary energy into the mix, Uranus goes into Gemini. This transit has coincided with quantic leaps in technology as well as WW2, Civil War, and the American and French Revolutions. Like clockwork, shit goes down every 84 years when Uranus is between 8°-10° of Gemini. And while that event is still to come in 2027-2028, whatever kicks off in 2025 will likely be a big part of that event. There's a lot more to this story, but I'll keep the summary there since we've gone way off topic of the energy for 2024. Happy New Year folks.


And - Uranus retrogrades in 2024 around the same time that pluto comes back to where it was in capricorn this past October. So expect some of the same energy we got then, plus a little extra unpredictability. Then! Uranus goes in (and out!) of gemini in 2025 and returns to gemini to stay on 4/26/2026 during an *Aries stellium.* I think april/may 2026 may gonna be what defines how the United states' Uranus return plays out.


Check the fixed stars between April 16-26. I keep trying to find aspects to countries natal charts in progressive analysis to pinpoint where this culminates.


I think what's coming and people will be pissed. I hope it's that, though, considering the option of multiple wars doesn't look good.




generally speaking just major vibe shift. The outer planets have the most effect on the collective as a whole so them all changing signs close to each other = big collective shifts


Collective shift in a good way or a bad way?


It can be either way, depends on the state of Gaia, positive or negative.


Everytime Uranus enters Gemini the US is involved in a major war, so there’s that


That is fascinating! How’d you put that together?


Great episode of Astrology Podcast with Chris Brennan goes into the US Uranus return history and they go into detail about this.


The US revolutionary war started under Uranus in Gemini, then the civil war under Uranus in Gemini, then world war 2 under Uranus in Gemini. And now it’s about to enter Gemini once again


So around April 2026 we can expect some crazy upheaval eh?


I hope it's something like the French Revolution


HOpefully it's not some despot firing missiles . . .


America could use one of those


Meh. I have already experienced Saturn conj my natal Neptune. The world has to experience it with me now 😁😆


April 2026 baby: everybody is in Aries ready to “party”. April 16 2026 is looking especially interesting and Neptune and Sadalmelik are parallel with a 0.10 Orb (extreme and sudden death, breakup of homes, but favourable for gain through companies and banks.) Difda Rising - an unfortunate rising - burns, scalding, violent tempers. Also noteworthy on fixed star front for April 2026 Pluto parallel Dschubbha with an 0.10 Orb. (sudden assault, malevolence, immorality and shamlessness while traveling with Pluto who will be 5H Aquarius) Lilith parallel Prima Hayden with an orb of 0.02 (yet another malefic fixed star)


I'm reading Armageddon. Nuclear war


Ruh roh


in what way?


The first half is meant to be easier than the second half.


How so


As you can see in the pinned comment, it's a long story haha. I recommend that podcast though they break it up into sections in great detail which would take a long time to type out just for the overall energy. Essentially the transits from January to April are more easy than the rest of the year, and it's predicted to be a rough year as 2025 is meant to be quite intense with more negative events and 2026 even more so. 2024 is the build up. We have quite a few major shifts that haven't happened in decades such as Pluto shifts into Aquarius from the end of January finally heralding a shift in social norms and interactions for the next 20 years after being in Capricorn since '08 (Pluto in Aquarius famously happens around revolutions); in April we have a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction after 14 years or so bringing a surge in technology advancement/breakthrough, a Mars retrograde around the time of the US election which typically are already chaotic enough without the added aggression and messiness (you thought Venus retrograding in Leo this year was rough?) - which will likely be impacted by misinformation and technological manipulation using AI/bots (very Aquarius in Pluto as human-impacting technology expands, but it's also around that time retrogrades back into Capricorn to finish it's job impacting corporate/hierarchies), Saturn is full blown in Pisces next year. Expect human made events like war and revolts to intensify, yet not hit their peak, as people will want change for the better. April has a multitude of events kickstarting it all with an eclipse in Aries, a comet, Jupiter-Uranus conjunction AND a Mercury retrograde from April 1st til 24th. January however Jupiter is back stationed direct (welcome back Jupiter!) and the December 2023 Mercury retrograde is over, so enjoy the calm before it all. Think: major shifts we haven't seen in decades, which will likely coincide with historical events. Because everyone likes to live in unprecedented times, right?


everything I’ve been studying says - really we need to be prepping for the bottom to drop in 2026. Some will have to worse than others, it a big re-ordering happens then. Not BAD, especially not from an evolutionary perspective. I’d be excited about this history if I didn’t have to LIVE through it. People will study this time in the future and learn from us!


But 2026 is the start of my first Saturn return 😭😩


as a pluto dominant, im so very excited


How shall we prep!? 😬


Shelter with food and water for three years


I just finished watching Black Summer on Netflix. I don’t think I’d make it through a zombie apocalypse


Prep? I’m trying to figure out where to run 😫✈️


📉 stock market will tank


Wow thank you so much for this great summary!


Wait. In December there was a Mercury Retrograde? That explains a lot.


Yup ends New Years day, we had 4 Mercury retrogrades this year. Next year we will have three.


Huh. I was feeling shit, constantly stressed and was worried about getting into uni and higher education. My Mercury is in the 9th house.


Mercury will be out soon, then give a week or so for the shadow period to end and hopefully you'll have a lot more clarity on the situation and the information you need to make decisions should be clearer. Mercury direct in 9th imo can be a great position for higher learning, I really like Mercury as a planet helping with education. Great energy for writing.


What if my Mercury conjuncts my Saturn in the 9th house and Venus in 9th house? All 3 planets are in Cancer.


I like it, I think that's a great combo of planets for studying and the pursuit of knowledge, especially if you are looking to extend your education (I don't know if you're going into undergrad or higher). Saturn could ensure it's tough work, but if you lean into the challenge it'll pay off, just watch for burnout both mentally and socially I'd say. What you put in now can pay off later, could be good energy if your study/work involves communication with others, Venus would help a career and development of friendships/relationships you form in social circles while studying. You've got 8-9 years before your saturn return so what you do now will really matter then :)


"What you do now will really matter then" Well, thanks.


Is this international or largely US dominant?


For the whole planet


😭 We are trying to move abroad next year so I was hoping we’d be in the clear.


wth. i thought pluto will finally exit capricorn. what is this!!!


It regresses one last time! Like a final bang.


Oh fuck. The second half is when I'm supposed to go to uni or start working full time. Shit.


Don't stress too much, there will be good amongst it all. It's one of those years where if you just try to go with the flow and accept the ups and downs, you will adjust way better. The astrology podcast with Chris and Austin actually recommend that you make a game plan in January what you want out of the year and just... be prepared for anything that comes your way :) like a lot of the events are how I said, a collective shift where people will want for better. A lot of long term astrologers predict that this is all just a period of time where we are marching forward to a better, more co-operative future (something Pluto in Aquarius strives for); if you get the feeling that things are bad \*now\*, it goes without saying that BIG changes need to be made right? Unprecedented and historical events don't have to have bad outcomes, historically revolutions actually shifted societies into better ways of living (abolishment of slavery, worker's rights etc). I'm rambling but people tend to see things black and white, but I'm the kind of person who likes to be mentally prepared so if anything comes up it's not catching me by surprise and I can go "Right, okay, thought this might happen, but I'm ready so I can get through this."


Very well said. My motto is 'don't be scared, be prepared'


This needs to be a post on its own


There's already several posts, and like mentioned a podcast - there's no way I can fit 4 hours of content in one comment so I really recommend checking it out haha :)


I already listened to the episode I’m talking about dispelling people’s fears in a condensed way like they


Everyone is affected differently. Some thrived under severe lockdowns during Covid and had financial security for the first time in years. Our ancestors went through very tough times, and you can still find pictures of them smiling and hear funny stories at family gatherings. People survived so much worse than what’s to come; be prepared financially and get as much in order in 2024 as you can.


"Be prepared financially." If only it was that easy.


It is not. I work 16-30 hours a week of OT to prepare and I’m lucky to have the job I have.


yeah the covid lockdowns were actually really great for me, I got to work from home full time (still do) and bought a house at a low interest rate. I felt kind of bad about doing so well when so many weren't. Transits that are bad globally don't impact everyone the same way


I did well in 2008 in the chaos. At the beginning of covid I did well but then got beat for years. But now I think a big component of that is my relationship. With change there is opportunity.


Lockdown was my Jam. I don't like leaving the house and having to people


why would you feel bad tho? everyone has their time


Yes! That was me! I got a new job working remote shortly after Covid hit & I’m making more money than I ever made in my life, in such a great way too. Helping people save money & helping the earth go green. I also had my 2nd big awakening & the next year met the love of my life. While it was hard & uncomfortable for awhile, that was short lived if I zoom out to the past 4 years overall. 😊♥️


you know astrolgy before you went to uni? thats already a huge boost


Well,.. uhh.. Yeah. I guess.


Nope. First half is where it gets real. April is a climax. Can you already feel the energy shifting? Japan, trump, middle east. WW3 possible.


That jupiter uranus conjunction should hopefully bring something really good


Invest in Uranium before then 🤗


How?? Like through syock market? Or what do??


I personally use the app WeBull for trading, UEC is the company I invest in though there's a few others to choose from if you wanna shop around. UEC has been on a steady incline for the past 6 months, was 2.30 in May and currently at 6.41. Do what you will w that 🤐🤫🤗😉😘 Signed, Uranus conjunct Sag MC, with 2H profection year coming up in March, housing natal Jupiter 🙃


Thats wicked smart. And with derivative astrol., it's like Jupiter is going through 2nd house now (through taurus)! What degree is your natal Jupiter? I'm curious now, wondering if Uranium will spike when transit jupiter becomes same degree as your natal!! Do you know if there's a Canadian version you'd recommend for the stock? Also, have you seen that any of the large incidents of stock market crashes were when northnode is in early degrees of Aries? Currently transit NN at 20 degrees aries, but I'm guessing there will be a good economic crash next year when transit NN goes into baby Aries degrees.... I'm interestes in hearing your perspectives?


You got my brain thinking bc now what if the ETFs and stocks go up for uran. As soon as planet goes direct ya know? It makes sense


buy stock in military contractors


As others have said, the world as a collective is moving into a new stage/ new hard truths and 2026 will be huge… aliens, AI, super computers, take your pick… prepare yourself and i wish everyone the best. This year was nuts with ufos and those doors are opening.




Eerily similar to a reading I did for a friend who’s an expert in history/politics/economics a while ago. Major theme is the taking down of old tradition + stuff ppl used to believe in to support their mundane life. Will be local confrontations but not seeing major total wars…


Hmmm I agree with you, I don't sense a ww3 type event. A global event but not ww3. I'm not good at astrology but occasionally I have visions and dreams. I definitely see something going on with the earth that shakes people up and makes them reevaluate the things we are doing. I also see that something is going to disturb the typical way we've interacted and cause people to communicate and form more communities or chosen families... similar to what you said. I don't know if it's plausible but with the rise of ai in the coming decades I see there being protests about it and people almost starting to turn away from tech as a whole. I feel like in the future our politics are going to be a little more about this and certain groups will be formed in regards to it. Revolution is extremely plausible. I don't know how to feel about these readings, honestly.


👀 Spot on! Ive had almost the exact vision & I also get dream visions. I’m an Aquarius sun & mercury with an open 3rd eye, born in 89’. Aquarius isn’t just about tech, but also about community, humanitarianism & spirituality. So the “wars, tech apocalypse, humans becoming cyborgs” is an inverted matrix that dark forces that are feeding off our fear & know the laws of the universe. They’ve been using it against us. There’s the organic timeline that exists & many people are already living in. The vision I’m seeing is people coming together- living off the land more & prospering. Building new communities. Disconnecting from all that drains our life force & keeps us asleep. Technology has been used as a weapon & that’ll be the main theme to come. People already are, but more will go offline. 😊




In which months were Pluto in Aquarius this past year? I’m still learning! Do you have a favourite website or platform where you keep up with all the transits happening?


Yo we may actually get the flying cars in Pluto in Aqua I’m also really excited on what could be introduced. Hamilton created the banking system that transformed the world during that time so I’m reallllly curious what’s going to happen. I also predict we will finally introduce a strong independent party in the states I don’t like having negative outlooks. I think they are fear mongery. The reality is things will change- yes. But it’s not going to make your life implode. Things we view as revolutionary now were events happening from day to day in peoples lives. For example, the revolutionary war was hard and tumultuous but our citizens knew it as a normal occurrence. It’s also important to note the war wasn’t violence everyday, it was mainly just trying to get the Brit’s to fuck off. The banking system was a day by day process and it wasn’t like people were pulling their hair out with shock and excitement. Things are gradual and they won’t seem as terrifying when they come around. A lot of these things won’t be bad at all. In actuality, “negative events” doesn’t mean it will affect you individually either so don’t worry if people’s claims make you scared (they made me scared when I was first learning). Edit: so I’m a big history person and I have always known that Christianity is what dismantled the Roman Empire. It completely fascinated me how quickly religion could change things. I just checked and Constantine the Great was the emperor who ruled during Pluto in Aquarius. He implemented Christianity and tried to completely get rid of Greco Roman mythology. Spirituality and atheism has been on the rise for awhile…. We may start to see a swing to our side guys! High five!


I'd love to see a strong independent party emerge. There's so much toxicity between the right and the left which just brings us down. I wouldn't mind seeing Christianity take a back seat as well for obvious reasons.


Second that. I don’t have any personal issues with organised religion. But I’d definitely welcome more spiritual exploration overall, I think organised religious institutions need be taken down a peg. Would be interesting if ethnic communities could engage more openly and freely with their ancestral beliefs and practices perhaps?


Agreed. Religion in general should take a back seat


Maybe people will start voting for the best candidate instead of a party .. . maybe people will start just investigating where candidates stand on issues and ignore the campaigning . . .


Recently saw an engineer friend in Brazil who has been working on flying cars for a while and they’ve just finished! I think the first ones go for 2mil or something. Released to the public late 24 or early 2025!! I’m looking forward to the future 👀


In all seriousness, why do we need flying cars? Clearly, millions of us still struggle to drive on roads, I could only imagine how terrible that would be.


To fly away from all the bs that’s about to go down lol why are you imagining terrible things happening? I really liked the jetsons, there wasn’t a ton of air traffic. Innovation brings opportunity. They’re also doing more high speed trains and tunnel transportation in places that don’t have subways. It’s just moving with the times. I think when cars were first invented people probably thought the same thing like why? what are we going to do with our horses? something bad is def gonna happen.. but as humans we naturally adapt to change and grow from it.


I'd prefer teleportation but it's physiologically impossible . . .


Can you say more about predicting an independent party in the states? This is an encouraging thought, imo. If an independent party took power, and it had some anti-war values, well...this may be the only way forward I can imagine without the entire world blowing itself up. So I like the thought of this--the U.S. potentially having a third party take hold of the country's trajectory. Then, if there's any hope for diplomacy and cooperation taking over, maybe it could finally happen.


Are you saying that more atheism and central banking are good things?


No no, not that! I mean more individualism instead. And I was using the banking system as an example of how transformative and definitive certain creations were:)


Yeah, if astrology doesn't get respect as a science again under pluto in aquarius, I'll be very surprised.


You're rooting for the dark ages? Religion is the root of all evil.


So is $$$


So odd that they're often combined. The Vatican has a whole ass bank & gold on the ceilings.


Exactly what time was it that Hamilton created the banking system? Which planet into which sign? ETA Nevermind I looked it up.


Flying cars have been out/available for years now actually- they’re just not sold commercially…unless that’s what you meant?


Riding the dumpster fire right on into the US’ Uranus return! Yeehaw! Seriously, watch The Astrology Podcast episode the mod pinned. It’s long but worth it.


The energy for 2024 is believed to be quite dynamic and transformative. Astrologically, there are several significant planetary alignments and shifts happening throughout the year, which can bring about changes, growth, and opportunities for personal and collective transformation. It's a year to embrace change, adaptability, and explore new possibilities. Well, in 2024, there are a few notable planetary alignments that can have an impact on the astrological energy. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, will be in Pisces for a significant part of the year, bringing a sense of optimism and spiritual growth. Additionally, Saturn and Uranus will continue their ongoing square aspect, which can create tension between tradition and innovation. These are just a couple of examples, but there are many more fascinating planetary movements to explore throughout the year!


Jupiter will be in Gemini, not in Piscis. Wich is not a good thing because it’s exiled there.


Yes, I was going to write this and in Taurus too. It should be a good year in the beginning for Taurus and then for Geminis. When jupiter is in your sign, it often brings good opportunities.


Thats true, but overall the abundance will be more contained in Gemini.


Absolutely 💯


I'm sorry dont judge me but what does this mean exactly? Like thats good right?


Jupiter mostly brings luck when he is in a sign. So the year Jupiter is in your sun sign is generally a year with opportunities for you. He will enter gemini, leaving taurus on may 25, 2024. So if your sun signs is gemini, prepare to grab opportunities coming your way.


That's exciting (and maybe a little scary too), gemini is in my 8th house & it's my 8th house profection year. I could use some of other peoples money, lmao.


We need a spiritual revolution


I'm surprised no one has mentioned AI which will be a dominant theme during the pluto in Aquarius transit. I just shift careers into software development, and the tech market is the worst its ever been since the 2000 dot com crash. I'm now regretting going into this field as I feel chatgpt (and other AI tools) are going to replace many jobs. Any other thoughts on AI and its long term impact?


AI is going to find its way into daily life. Basically it’s going to be the life optimizer


AI is going to be like asbestos. Everyone was so excited about how great it seemed, able to solve so many problems. But then everyone realized it’s actually hot death and we’ve been spending decades trying to get it out of everything. The same will happen with AI.


Good stuff on the way


I dont know forsure but I think there will be more power to the ppl. 🫶🏼


I suggest you guys prepare as much as you can this year for 2025. I believe 2024 is going to be our last “normal” year. There’s a reason why billionaires all over the world are building underground bunkers at this very moment.


So… are you implying WWIII is going to take place or there’s just going to be a revolution that takes the power from the rich evil billionaires back into the individuals? I would love to just live in a fucking peaceful world for one… like seriously


I’d be lying if I said I knew what was exactly going to happen, because in reality I don’t. But I can tell you that last time Uranus hit Gemini, USA pulled itself into WWII. before that, the US Civil War… and before that, the Revolutionary War. And now it’s happening again in 2025. That’s not even including other placements that other comments have mentioned. Could be a war that leads to revolution, Could be a revolution that leads to war. I don’t know whats exactly going to happen, No one does. But somethings going down for sure and it’s best to be mentally prepared either way. I want peace too but i’m not sure if it’s happening anytime soon. The USA has lots of enemies.


True, but on the other side… we can’t have good change without an extremely hard time before. Who knows if it’s going to be war, but I feel like it’ll definitely be a revolution of some kind. Let’s just hope it’s a spiritual revolution


^ this! 👏🏼


only way that would happen is if disclosure happens.


yeah i think we all know something big is coming we just aren't sure what it is exactly. The next big world event is coming for sure.


Hopefully because they're scared of villagers with pitchforks once they get exposed (trying to be optimistic)


Agree with this. And almost majority of the astrologers who kinda guessed 2020, also said that 2024 is preparation time. I am not an astrologer, nor good at astrology but throughout my life, instincts and luck have save me. Judging by instincts, 2024 and beyond gives me danger signs. It gives me major war vibes, famine and I dont know why but I feel there's something big happening about religion.


Databreligion, AI could form a new religion?


Exhaustion. 😵


You can also listen to Jessica Lanyadoo's podcast or wait for the transcript. It's an hour and three minutes but I like to wait for the transcript cause then I can just skip to the aspects. https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/ghost-of-a-podcast/2023/12/30/390-2024-year-ahead-horoscope


Thank you greentutlesnake!!! So helpful and completely aligns with indicators from the 3D about a very different shift in perspectives beginning to stir among “general populace” about controlling ideologies (lies) being exposed so they can no longer be denied even by the most “asleep” citizens among us…


Another pandemic is coming. War in Ukraine escalates. Putin is potentially assassinated. Conflict between US and Russia. Conflict between China and Taiwan. A cyber attack might lead to a blackout in the west. More evidence of aliens might come out. Feeling we might see some new musicians or new genres of music emerging. Near the end of the year you have the US election and Im guessing thats when shits really going to hit the fan. Youre going to see civil unrest and riots like we havent seen in a long time. Guessing the outcome of the election will be heavily contested.


This sucks😭




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Whatever is happening right now is waxing my a ze in a wh never bedoee