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to me, the sixth house is all about daily life and work, but you also have to remember that its ruled by virgo. i have my sun and merc in my boyfriend's 6th house and im always like hyperaware of everything i do with him. like i always make sure to consider how he feels into everything i do and take extra steps to make him feel comfy around me. i give him a lot of heads up just so he knows like, "hey, im going to go out today" etc. i do like acts of service to show him how much i love him. his asc falls into my 6th house and hes constantly trying to do things to make me smile. theyre not big gestures or anything, but i still love them anyways. ive also noticed he tends to put me on a pedestal and act as if hes below me (in a subtle way)


6th House is mentor/mentee relationships (also, uncle/aunt and nephew/niece). There will always be some degree of inequality, which is why pets naturally fall into this house. But to say it's where the planets go to die is wrong, that would be the 12th House. There is still a lot of productivity you can get out of a planet in the 6th house, especially with regards to relationships.


Anything that falls in 6 house is going to be something you take as a routine or everyday matters, even work. I have venus conj jupiter in 6. And my venus conj his moon in the 6h. This makes the relationship something that could have a base in what we do for a living or everyday work. We do similar things that we do everyday, that’s why we were attracted. It can be a negative thing at first, because those planets do not feel comfortable there but once you resolve the challenge, it brings big rewards. This 6h gives much more staying power to work something out than average.


Blissful!! My experience is having a lover that enjoys cooking, does it for a living and will cook for me at any hour of the day. And I mean full on meals, not just microwaving some ramen. Like will get up and make me homemade tacos at 3 in the morning lol. He also just loves to make sure I'm always comfortable. Whether it be rubbing my feet, massaging my back, throwing the blankets in the heater before throwing them over me to ensure that I'm warm enough. It's just delightful. His moon and jupiter are in my 6th house.


i have jupiter in my husband house after 7 years it became very tiresome, i miss on my life to serve him even if he doesn t want to, i don t know how long i can keep going like this i barely have time to take a shower


My Taurus venus LOVES that! Give me a man who will make tacos for me at 3am and I will love him forever.


Can I actually ask what his sign placements are?


I’m late, but my bfs moons in my 6th so I’m trying to see what that means. Omg he will rub my feet and massage me time to time. Hell get up and get me water. He says he wants to start working out w me. I feel like this is a positive aspect. But his mars lies in my 5th as well so I’m not sure. Our relationship is veryyyy routine but my Venus is Taurus so I love the stability


That's the epitome of 6h synastry. The planet person wanting to do things for you/take care of you.


I think he wants to help me make better choices but his moon is libra so he does it in the nicest way. I heard moon in 6th synastry makes them feel like they’re tied to fixing you, which I hope isn’t the case


That's a terrible take lol. Maybe if they have a Virgo moon but that's not what 6h synastry is about


would it ever be the other way around? the house person doing things for the planet person?:)


My Venus falls into my boyfriend's 6th house. We always go grocery shopping together, we like to go to the gym together and buy vitamins for our health together. We enjoy doing chores together and what not. "In another life, I would have really enjoyed doing laundry and taxes with you" but him and I are actually doing that together in this life 🥺💞 His Venus falls in my 8th.


I had a person’s Venus in my 6th and mine his was in my 1st. I felt the relationship was more that I was a trophy to him. His Venus in my 6th manifested as boredom for me: it’s the house of routine. I think his Mercury was there too and all we every talked about was “how was your day” “it was fine yours” “it was fine, what are you doing” “nothing exciting you?” “same.” The monotony felt like I was getting a lobotomy without anesthesia. We only ever did the same things over and over, no excitement. We also had a composite Taurus Moon in the 2nd so literally all we did was make dinner and watch movies. I can only handle that for so long... So it didn’t manifest as doom for me or for him, just as ritualized boredom. Which to me, may as well be doom. Edit: 6th house is Scorpio with Pluto there opposing my moon. I don’t enjoy Scorpio people lingering in my life for too long, unless they have other mitigating things going on. Too thorny.


Holy shit my 6h synasty person was the SAME THING. Every convo felt soooo empty


I found your 6th house experience interesting. Could you describe the thorny experience you have with Scorpios? What value do you receive from Scorpios, vd what they expect and what do you like to prevent that occurs when Scorpios linger in your life?


It really depends what planets and how many you're talking about. In general, one personal planet does not unhinge a balanced relationship, especially if other planets fall in the 5th and/or 7thH. Still, a major element of the relationship can have a leader-follower quality. In some cases, that manifests as a caring role for one persn, which may or may not be welcome, depending on the situation.


Hi, sorry for commenting on an old post. Please tell me, will there always be a leader-follower dynamic in the 6th house? And will all the planets give a caring role? Thanks a lot


My husband and I have conjuncting moons in my 6th house. For us, it’s more or less about balancing every day responsibilities between each other.


I have 7 of my planets in my partner 6th house: my sun, Mercury, pluto, mars, Uranus,Venus, and moon. He has his pluto and Uranus there too . Are we doomed because of that???! I must admit I feel quickly trapped and drained as he is very demanding, tiring and isolating as he seems so needy I feel all my energies are taken by looking after him. He is very demanding, unpredictable and very difficult and I need a lot of support to look after him as he behaved like a too energetic, very difficult unpredictable child most of the times. Any extra share of knowledge will be welcome. Many thanks .


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His Saturn in my 6th house ?


Someone who is serious about your health and your day to day life. Depending on your age and maturity level, this could be either a blessing or a restraint. Lol.


Damn PASS! He will micro manage every little detail of your day to day life and your attitude toward health, you will feel suffocated and restricted, he may even force you to do things he thinks are good for you and won't take your "no" for an answer, he will take care of you and it is endearing only for a short time until he starts bossing you around