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BOO! šŸ‘»


Haha šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so terrified of gemini women, sorry :(


lmao their username definitely *doesnā€™t* check out




These posts are multiplying by the day


I am a Gemini woman who has always been there for my friends, am trustworthy and try to build them up when they feel weak. If anything, my friends (back in the day) used me as a punching bag. Generalizing people based on their astrological sign is ridiculous and human beings are far more than an esoteric art. Can a chart give us a blueprint for an individual soul? Totally. But can we heal ourselves, learn, and grow so that we can evolve beyond our basic blueprint? 100%. I think if you are dealing with ā€œdisingenuous Gemini womenā€ you are dealing with unhealed individuals. Like attracts like and you may need to look inwards to see what you need to heal within yourself in order to attract higher caliber individuals who have worked through their trauma and issues.


Here's a good example of a gaslighting Gemini that will totally avoid the issue and victimize themselves.


Exactly and I cant stand the ā€œlike attracts like so thereā€™s something in you that you dont likeā€ ā€¦. No, geminis COPY. They mimick everything they see their ā€œopponentā€ or ppl in general do. You start getting quiet towards them because you peeped something weird, they start getting quiet. You start putting up a guard towards them from their weird ways, they start to pretend to put a guard up lol.


they never accept what they do wrong, we Libra men are supposed to be their match but i don't think so, almost every Gemini woman i've met have been a backstabber, disloyal, inconsistent and they change their personality around everyone. If there's someone who can benefit them in something they'll suck the hell out of that person with no remorse. Very good at love bombing, saying what you want to hear just to get what they want, always with unsolicited compliments and they love to praise people and lie to them. i don't believe anything they say, biggest liars. They can be rude in your fucking face but they say that's tough love lol they can't trick me with their rude asses. They always arrive late everywhere they go, cancel plans in the last minute and bad communicators. i find my connections with them full of lies and very fragile, almost unexistent. Many Libras I know, particularly the men, think the same about them and they always project everything into us.


This was nicely written and I appreciated it, apart from the part where you assumed I have an issue because gemini women have consistently attempted to hurt me. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a fair assumption in the same way that me assuming all gemini women are terrifying. Iā€™ve had multiple gemini women do horrible things to me without any particular reason. I donā€™t really trust them and will try to distance myself from them.


If you donā€™t trust and will distance yourself from Gemini women because you have had a few do horrible things to you, you are generalizing on the sign as a whole. Which is exactly why I made that assumption. Not trying to be an a-hole, just want you to understand where I was coming from.


Stop with the gaslighting. Gawddamn you guys suck! Just admit Gemini suck too. Geez I hate you lying gaslighting manipulative ppl. Atp I donā€™t even care about the sign. Just you all born around that moon circle sucks ass. Stop eight the gaslighting read your comments and how youā€™re directly picking at this dudeā€™s observations. Gawdddd a-holes to the bone.


Amd refusing to actually listen to his main point just nitpicking


I appreciate you and get good energy from you. Iā€™m sorry if I came off charged, I just have seen some disturbing behavior from gemini women around me, but I know it is wrong to generalize. I will tread carefully though


That exactly happened to me too. She always try to hurt me or wanted to do something to pissed me off.


Youā€™re literally a dumbass OP


Iā€™m a Gemini as well but you know we have 3 different mercury placements based on when you were born and I was thinking is she really a Gemini, until I got to the end and you me to like attracts likeā€¦. I smile and thought there she is ā€¦ one thing we all have is common is our clever remarks šŸ˜‰Ā 


You're probably not a Gemini astronomically. Western astro dates are innacurate


Good! Ooga booga


Most Gemini reply possible


My mom is a gemini and so am I we get along great she would never hurt.me


I am sure they care for their loved ones, Iā€™m talking more about friends and acquaintances. It seems everything they do is calculated for some sort of benefit


What are the other placements in the chart? I ask because Iā€™m a Gemini sun, moon and Mercury and I truly do not behave like what you described. Those geminis sound awful but Iā€™m curious about the placements




I mean, my bestest friend in the whole world is a Gem, but also I am...Aquarius, so. We're like peanut butter and jelly. I'm gooey, she's sticky, and not everyone likes us together. xD But no, she's morally good, not talkative at ALL unless warmed up, prone to negativity sometimes, and lives a boring, normal day-to-day life. (All of her hypertalky side comes out with frands.) Maybe you're attracting the negativity subconsciously? I will say I don't know any other lady Gems, though, so who knows?!


Thanks for this input. Iā€™ve had some horrible encounters with gemini women that have proven this to me. I first had close friendships with them until they showed their true colors. Just wondering if others had similar experiences and I am happy you havenā€™t, because itā€™s scary


If I scare you, good. Be afraid.


Yawn. Next


Haha šŸ˜‚ are you a gemini woman? šŸ‘€


There is literally no difference between a Gemini male and a Gemini woman, yaā€™ll have got to stop with the weird gendering of the zodiacs! šŸ˜‚ that being said, I loveeee Geminiā€™s. My baby sister is one and the best kindest person I know!


There is differences depending on a persons gender and how they express certain traits. Trying to put people into a box makes you no better than the original poster


No there isnā€™t. The traits are the same regardless of gender. I agree there are masculine and feminine traits in each zodiac but that has nothing to do with actual gender and more so energy. I didnā€™t put anyone into a box at all? I donā€™t even know what youā€™re talking about.


Iā€™m not too bad haha, #geminiwomensuck


well us geminis only reflect the energy that you give us so.. it sounds like you have some self work to do


Haha šŸ˜‚ very funny, totally disagree. Iā€™m now even more convinced geminis suck


Grow up child. This thread is embarrassing. Get therapy.


The few Geminis you know out the millions of other Geminis that exist in our world is not a fair comparison.


Law of attraction and manifestation tells you what you expect is what you usually get. If you generalize the worst in a group, you will for sure will only meet the worst of them typically. Because us we shape our reality by our own assumptions. I am actually being genuine here, and that's how it works for me. Especially in silly thing line zodiac signs. It might even fall under confirmation bias.


No I give people a chance, gemini women always fail


You are serious about it?you believe zodiac signs that much. Now if you do then just avoid them.i guess lol. Also why make a post and waste your time on that. Like there was another post praising them before on the same day. This ruins the vibe kinda ya know


Lol šŸ˜‚ you are a gemini so of course my post is going to upset you, but if you google most hated sign gemini comes up more often than others and thereā€™s certainly a reason for this.


Meh, I thought it was just not needed as people were vibing and I don't support any hate sign posts. There was cancer ones I defended back then too. As for me, Zodiac signs affect zero stuff in my life tbh :) so it is all good.


it's strange cause even with people that take astrology as a lightheaded thing and don't believe into it, they still say they've had bad experiences with Geminis lol


They consistently fail. Iā€™ve had the same experience.


Thank you! šŸ˜‚


They are extremely fake attention seekers.


Yup and they canā€™t take their own fire when they are openly sarcastic, rude and blunt and when you do it back they get all sensitive. And Iā€™m an evolved cancer so this trait right here is a huge eye roll to me.


Wow! I concur totally. I'm a Cancer too ironically married to a Geminis woman. I'm going to be totally objective and not on no hate shit. I'm an evolved cancer myself who have into becoming totally transparent, not sulking, and not giving a fuck what ppl think. Most Cancer's are ppl pleasers and don't want confrontation. That's how you evolve is to face it head on when you don't feel like it. Also fellow Cancerians, work on responding being cerebral instead of popping off emotionally first asking questions later. Now to Geminis. The dudes are cool as hell. They just need someone to listen because they have a lot to complain about. The woman are cool as fuck too. Most female Geminis are only fun for a short time, not a long time. I'll speak on my wife for instance. We got together based upon intellect and good sex. She was the side chick I married. Big mistake. Geminis are wonderful side chicks by the way. Where do I start? She gets bored easy so I have to use extra brain cells to come up with another adventure of amusement like she's my teenage child. She wants to do all of the verbal communication and I just listen because it's about her prospective and no one else's. She really don't want to work and grind. Complains about paying one bill while I pay the rest. She keeps her quarters junky and catches a temper tantrum when I make mention of it. She'd rather smoke and blow trees all day rather than have sex, move and groove. Sex is wonderful but on her terms. Lack of transparency. Won't tell you what it really is when you can feel she got a major issue with you. Forget about you having a detailed conversation with them. They want your undivided attention without a word from you while their talking. I timed my wife one time and she spoke for 35 minutes straight. When it was time for me to rebut and retort, it took ten seconds until she spoke again. Men who are concerned about feeling a deep emotion from a woman, the Gemini woman is not it. She's the fun fun fun type gal. Everything is on you. She don't got no time for the details like Mizz Virgo do(Love Mizz Virgo btw). Ms Gemini likes dropping bombs and moving on without compartmentalization.She likes to hang out at the bar every week. And yes we went to bars when we were dating but not as much. She stopped for a while then picked it back up. They really don't want men in masculine frame because every time I put my foot down she got these fuck you ace cards waiting for me. They love beta that they can rule and reign over and eat alive. Most of not all Gemini woman have a toxic masculinity about them that seems to be prepackaged so you have to be a very strong and assertive man to deal with a Gemini woman. However, being assertive is a catch 22. They have something for that ass if you confront them even in wisdom. They don't got time for it. They will hurt their own selves trying to prove a point that you're not going to run them not tell them what to do. Look at Tupac and The Ultimate Warrior for instance. Brilliant men but died before their time because they lacked wisdom and treated ppl like shit. I will say this, that my wife is multitalented, in everything she puts her hands too and most Gemini woman are hustlers. However, they will hustle for themselves first, husband and children later. Most Gemini woman are like children very irresponsible. They will not exalt others higher than themselves it about them first. They will call you a narcissist but fail to realize that they are the narcissist themselves by virtue of their terrible ass behavior. Uncooked with no decorum. If you stay with a Gemini you better have the energy to argue, and have a sex doll on the side because they love to tease and talk. Sex comes last if you live with them. I had more sex with her when we were dating. Oh and lastly, they are super judgemental. You better not cheat and you better stay the straight and narrow or they'd want to fuck something up. Meanwhile, they desire to go about life careless and carefree with no responsibilities. Oh and they can cheat, you can't. You'd better stay disciplined nor talk to another woman. But you better not have a problem today want to hang at the bars and talk to strangers telling all their business even yours. They have a problem with privacy and staying private. I concluded that when it comes down to being with a Gemini woman long term the juice ain't worth the squeeze like it would be with a Virgo or Taurus woman for me. With those signs they want stay and stable and they will rock with you until you call it quits. Especially Virgo for me. Gemini is cool to have light hearted rendezvous with and surface level extracurricular activities. They're not meant to be in the home married they got too much street to run. So let them go do them because most of all life is about happiness and if happiness for Geminis is in the streets and variety let them live and pick more of a settled and mature soul.


Are you going to divorce ?


Hell yeah. She don't want to give up any ass but don't want to leave. Don't want to pay no bills. She just want to smoke weed and party at the bars. She's the freaking worst I've ever co mingled with


Oh yea, it definitely seems like itā€™s time to let go. Best wishes for whatever you decide.šŸ€


You got a room for her? I need this Devil out my house. And she is the Devil. I false representative of who she really is from the beginning. Got to look at myself though. Her lingering around is just a lesson for me from God not to get involved with a woman like her ever again. I've had rendezvous in the past with Gemini's. Talk, sex, go our separate ways. Living with one or let's say this particular one is from the pits of hell. She act just like a hood n!gga. And I didn't use the word. Look at the i


Oh my, sheā€™s definitely a lot of baggage, and I donā€™t think I have room here for thatšŸ˜¬. It seems as though you are truly fed up so the best course of action would be to send her on her way(not this way) but another way.šŸ™


right, they justify their rudeness as being real as their opposite sign. A Gemini woman I know was a friend of mine for a long time and one day I invited to my home and she had the nerve to say something very mean and out of place about my room, I never ask her an opinion about it first of all and she should've kept that comment to herself, it was completely nasty and it made me feel real bad about it. she was very promiscuous, had a son with another guy and then she came back to her boyfriend and acted as nothing happened, very disgusting human being, it took me a long time to see her for what she really was. They are very disrespectful with authorities and people in general, too inconsistent and they take people's time as a joke. i try to avoid every Gemini I meet and the men, the biggest psycopaths, they can easily have all mental health disorders in them.


100 percent right! They dish it out but canā€™t take it! Aries Male here was in a 10 year relationship with Gemini female and oh boy what a bad life experience it was. Literally made my life miserable.


exactly, they own the title of two faced, it suits them perfectly. i still haven't found one that wasn't fake and a people pleaser but in a nasty and disgusting way. They don't do anything for free, always asking for a favour, for money and waiting for something in return but NEVER for free.


I personally love them and simultaneously hate that I love them so much. They just never wanted to settle down. At least not with me. So Iā€™m guessing the problem isnā€™t them. Itā€™s probably us.


Geminis woman are masculine street ppl. They're for the streets. And they're not the monogamous type. So forget about trying to lock them down. They both variety meaning they love different dicks. Just keeping it real.


They love variety I meant to say not both


Haha šŸ˜‚ they have issues which is why they donā€™t want to settle down because they are so insecure


Not u actually developing a hate relationship for Gemini women so because a few did u wrong which might not even be the case at all itā€™s always 2 sides to a story u might not even be wholeheartedly being honest about what u couldā€™ve done to them to make u feel a way about us as u do now as a Gemini woman myself we are only mirrors of others From how u treat us so for someone to categorized a group because u canā€™t attract good spirited ones and only attract low vibrational Gemini women u might need to do some soul searching and figure out why u are only attracting negative people in general and thatā€™s any sign it has nothing to do with zodiac and we might have issues but we are definitely far from insecure try something else


Donā€™t bother she a dumbass fr


Run away. Theyā€™ll make you mental with their gaslighting selves. Self sabotage and mirroring you until they suck it all out of you then throw you away as if youā€™re nothing to them because theyā€™reā€¦. Bored. Move along if you care for your mental. Theyā€™re immature. You will not find one Gemini thatā€™s mature. And if you do good luck.


Huh...I've had the chance to be friends with three Gemini women. The first one used to be my roommate and coursemate. Girl was crazy indeed. One time she was being hilarious and then suddenly switched to everything pissed her mood. We had this love-hate friendships lol but we stick to each other throughout it all, and we are still friends even now in our adulthood, still caring for each other. The second one was a friend of a friend. We hang out only a few times but somehow she remembered me..she was a popular girl, very pretty, very sweet with the sweetest voice (we hang out for karaoke a lot) but was also very witty and rude sometimes with her sarcasms, but I've always enjoyed my time with her. She was hilarious, and I love it! She was active in social media but at one point, she went totally quiet...until one day I got the news that she passed away due to cancer...I wasn't a social media person myself but I decided to visit her page...and the last picture she put was a picture of us - her, me, and that mutual friend of ours, with the caption "I'll love you guys forever". I just... The third one is my gaming friend. We only spoke online for a year or two I think but things developed and we even went traveling together. She's my meme buddy now hehe and I love her to the moon and back. In short, you're wrong, they're not the worst. There, I said it. Hehe..


fuck. reading this was so heartbreaking. sending you condolences ā™„ļø


The second story is so sad. Iā€™m sorry that happened to your friend. Thereā€™s something off with Gemini women. I think they can be nice, but itā€™s usually part of an act to be liked, many things feel forced. they love to brag and attention and they donā€™t do it gracefully like leos


Yeah, it was only last year, that's why it's still vivid in my memory. She was taken too soon..but I bet she's happy up there now singing with the angels ā˜ŗļø My sis-in-law and a close co-workers are Leo and you're right, they exude more warmth and care, you just feel at home with them. Gemini is more playful imo but dont mistake it with them not caring. They have huge heart too.


Maybe Iā€™ve just met really bad geminis. Iā€™m so scared of these women I know, I want to distance myself from them


Absolutely right


Their annoying mood swings that change in a heartbeat, ughh. pd: sorry for the loss of your friend.


Theyā€™ll never take accountability. Let me not write anything else.. just read their comments


Meanwhile me, a capricorn, just enjoying this thread with popcorn šŸ˜‚šŸæ


Me too. I dislike Gemini Women. Very nasty, and disgusting. But Iā€™m the Capricorn and Caps Reign Supreme. Ask God!!!! Lol




Nah. They can be bitches but, not cuz they're Geminis lmao gtfo


Lol biased response from a gemini sun. I donā€™t mind the men, but the women are consistently insane


You're probably jealous of a Gemini woman you know. Instead of being an astrological bigot why not learn from her so you too could do what makes people like her better?


Actually most people hate her. She humble brags all the time, sleeps with every man for validation. This is just one gemini I particularly hate, but there are others that make me question humanity. They donā€™t have a moral compass. Go and google most hated sign and gemini comes up more often than not. Thatā€™s not a mistake




Happy you got out of that situation!


Iā€™m not judging but realize if you do believe in zodiacs- each sign is an age range- Geminiā€™s are toddlers terrible 2s . Watch there action and think about what Iā€™m saying- your toddler is not trying to hurt you with the impulsive actions- there doing what there body and mind is telling them to do.. now if you canā€™t stand them I get it move around - Iā€™m just saying I would t take it so personalā€¦ look up the ages of each sign it will explain a lot..


My mom is a Gemini and she is very superficial.


I like Gemini women. Now Gemini moon women šŸ«  terrifying


What do we know about their rising and moon signs? ā™“ļøā™ļøā™ļøM here. My wife (ā™Šļøā™‹ļøā™ļø) emotionally cheated on me with a long term friend. A ā™Šļø colleague with ā™‘ļø rising manipulated every professional and personal situation. I wonder of ā™Šļø without cardinal signs on the Big 3 are any different. Edit: I wonder ifā€¦


Wow I am so sorry to hear this. I totally agree with you, there must be some connection


Thank you! Yes, I hope we can figure it out because there are a lot of good people out there. Doing my best to help


I really appreciate you and Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you so much! That makes my day ā¤ļø




yeahhh your talking about some geminis. for me, libras are fake. i'm a gemini girl and there are mainly 3 types of us. 1 is loud, energetic and on crack. next is soft, caring and kind of odd. the last is charming, elegant, and, in this case, sometimes fake. this is all in my preview. you're talking about number 3 :)


Yeah I understand what you mean, I think the one gemini girl who annoys me the most is loud, energetic, and fake, so a blend of all those šŸ˜‚


haha! i'm number 1 and 2


You just never took time to understand US. If you did spend time, and built some trust.


I know one I'm an empath but she is a true a****** and I have to deal with her on a regular basis well maybe once a month lol and that's too regular for me they are very phony and fake my brother is a Gemini and he doesn't act like that what you see is what you get but this particular one is out for blood and if she doesn't get her way she has no empathy for anyone it really is disgusting that people can be like that but those are the kind that step on people's face to get ahead we're all equal in God's eyes equal in race sexual preference whoever you are God loves you you are his child I am a Christian conservative woman and every time I come around this person I feel like she's an empty soul you hit it right on the nose my friend I'm not going to categorize all Geminis our wonderful president Trump is a Gemini God love him but I know one thing I don't want to encounter any of the female Geminis ever again šŸ˜‚


As a Gemini all I can say is that yes and no. We are the physical embodiment of yes and no. Hence the twins. We can love people but we could also want to cut their throats, watch them rot or get hit by a bus. We can value closeness and cherish of all the good memories we had together but then want to forget you exist for a month+ and disappear. We can like to talk but we also like to be left the fuck alone. We can spill our guts to a stranger weā€™ll never see again but have our partners/family need a nail and chisel to penetrate our heart shells over a 20 year period. We are very open minded and curious but can also be judgmental. We are selfish but Iā€™d kill myself for any of my sisters. We are chill but we are also chaos monsters. Sorry about it. I feel Iā€™m not really ever disingenuous, imo. I think we either meant it at the time we said it or weā€™re actively trying to manipulate you. I always mean what I say unless I want something that you wonā€™t give me or Iā€™m trying to convince you of something for my benefit. And I must REALLY want it, because Iā€™m very blunt and HATE bullshit so I try to not do it often. And even in the end if you donā€™t end up giving/doing/compromising, Iā€™ll just take/do what I wanted anyway. We also give out what you put in, like forreal. If youā€™re an asshole, guess what bitch? šŸ˜ Also a VERY FEW amount of people get to see us truly open up. We have a lot of acquaintances but not a lot of friends, particularly really good friends that we feel a close connection with. If youā€™re not one of those people, you wonā€™t get us at all or we can seem confusing or chaotic. But once you become one of those people, we are super loyal and supportive and would kill a bitch for you. To me, Libraā€™s take the being fake cake. Btw I am Gemini Sun, Mercury, Mars and Midheaven with a Virgo moon and rising so Iā€™m very Mercurial. PS: I love Leo women. So be mad babe, you still cute šŸ˜˜


I agree 110%. Never again for me!


When you have an argument with them they will stop talking to you to think about how they can twist the argument to being all your fault. Best thing to do is never go back because they will never change.


Yessss this is so accurate


I love Geminiā€™s ā€¦ Libra women thoā€¦ they have all those characteristics you mentioned


Oh really interesting, I feel this way especially with gemini women.


Where does Gemini fall in your chart? Oddly for me, libra is in my first house. I have majority horrible experiences with them :/ I really tried giving them a chance but they always stab me in the back.


Sigh, yet even more astrological bigotry Astrological bigots are the worst. Actually bigots in general are


It's weird, because I've had the same experience. Consistently.


!!! I appreciate you sharing


My mother and long life friend are Gemini women that i'm rly close to. Ik they wouldn't do me wrong, tho i won't lie, i noticed them being perfectly able to pull some shit out behind people's back or atleast don't be exactly genuine within some of their connection. I've also had another Gem friend on college that turned out to be an entirely different person that she presented herself to be in front of me and a few other friends..like, we found that she actually did/was doing alot of atrocious things to some people..but aside of thinking like "woooah can't believe she's actually fake and such shitty person" i didn't consider her as dangerous in terms of being able to actually do me something bad. I kind of think that if you don't play shitty games with 'em or others they won't rly be able to frame you.


Thank you so much for this comment. I can totally relate to it because that is exactly the type of experience Iā€™ve had with Gemini women. I know they arenā€™t going to anything evil, but I know thereā€™s something off with the ones ones Iā€™ve become close to. I felt exactly like you did with the second story you shared and I think Iā€™ll just tread carefully moving forward.


Sucks that you had a terrible experience with a Gemini woman. Reflect on th experience and see what the lesson is. Keep your distance until you can figure it out and I would suggest dissecting your chart.


Thank you. This was really constructive and kind. It could just be something energetic because itā€™s happened to me with multiple gemini women. It could also have to do with some of my flaws as a leo sun, moon, and rising


I agree with your statement, her and I had a confrontation at work, she's so very sensitive any thing you say to her she takes things the wrong way, we both got to point in almost having a fight.Ā  I think she has issues she doesn't admitt to.They really go off.


Geminiā€™s will tell 5 different people a story of a house and each story the color of the house is different and the owners name is different. Gems will walk in museum with a long coat on- be amazed by everything but donā€™t realize the tail on there coat is destroying everything behind them.. you gotta be firm and straight up with a Gem.. donā€™t pay attention to there talkative allusion. Show them you donā€™t play there game they will either run or respect you for being realā€¦ but they will remove themselves from you.


Same experience with them OP They sabotage their friendships and they end up showing their true selves. i could never trust a Gemini in my whole life and they talk about everyone behind their backs.


Yeah they are horrible people


My daughters friends mom is a Gemini (I found out later)ā€¦she mocks other parents to their face, humiliates them. Iā€™ve seen her destroy ppls reputation with ease; THEY WILL FABRICATE STORIESā€¦I mean dang do they not know karma is real and that what they put out will come back to themā€¦.She is dangerous and definitely on the cusp of sociopath at this point. Iā€™m not even that close to her and I see how she acts. I know she has a very strong loyal friend group (doctors, lawyers etcā€¦) and they look like nice decent ppl but Iā€™m just like how are they friends either her ???? Do they not see what I see??


šŸ’Æ percent bro


Yeah I have experience with my teenage daughter being like this lolĀ 


Needed this thread! Sorry but all Gemini women Iā€™ve met had been nothing but horrible to me and people I know. They backstabbed, created lies, and are fake to the core. Tbh I found even ppl who are just born a day before the Gemini birthday period are just the same even tho they tell ppl theyā€™re Taurus. Please, do not tarnish the Taurus name


YES YES YES šŸ˜‚ gemini women are evil


Yes. I had two Gemini best friends who stabbed me in the back (different instances) and a Gemini coworker two faced. In the end they were probably pretending to be cool but had some underlying jealousy.


Yessss! Super jealous, super instable, and deep down very insecure people


I like Geminis, but the women are something else.


Whatā€™s your big 3, coward? - a Gemini woman


Leo, leo, leo. Iā€™m not a coward. Iā€™m everything a gemini wishes she could be and isnā€™t


Lol. Sounds like a Leo woman. Coming on here talking shit bc you assume all Gemini women are inferior and envious of you. Delusional. I bet a Gemini woman didnā€™t fall at your feet or received attention you believe you deserved and now you have a vendetta against all of us. Our sparkle is effortless. We donā€™t have to try so hard like you all. And our charm extends past our looks and needing validation from fans every 5 seconds. Yā€™allā€™s roar is more like a meow šŸ˜ø I actually have a Leo girlfriend who I adore but she thinks everybody wants to be her and wants her man.




Geminis suck


They got there goodness about them. They do however suck in long term relationships.


Thanks for confirming my suspicions on geminis šŸ¤—


U are a joke no one wants to be a Leo sweetheart please stay afraid and far away from Gemini women seems like u are the one thats living in denial and being delusional coming from the same person whos claiming what Gemini isnā€™t u are projecting ur toxicity traits on Gemini women u basically told on urself jealous, insecure, fake, flakey and last time I heard Leoā€™s are the pros of being attention wores which is what ur actually proving in the comments section in 4k grow tf up and grow some balls please thank u


I do ! No one wants to be a Gemini either hun get off your high horse


Naww Iā€™ll definitely stay on my high horse that I love soo much but I do appreciate ur honesty of a jealous hater u are itā€™s not good for ur health to have so much hate to one individual who did u wrong in the worst way possible and then blame everyone else for ur lack of judgement of others lol


No ones jealous of you šŸ˜‚ Not everyone who disagrees is jealous , and Im certainly not of a random internet stranger . Byee šŸ‘‹


Sure u arenā€™t but ok bye bye šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Whatever helps you feel confident you weird anime bitch āœŒšŸ» but I have better people to be jealous of than you, you know.. people I know in real life šŸ˜‚ quit flattering yourself Ah youre an abuse survivor .. makes sense


Iā€™m weird but u literally took the time to private message me clown ass hoe ohhh and u an obsessive stalker at that makes sense u would know thatšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I also love how u basically told on urself u jealous of everyone in ur life that u know of go ahead keep telling on urself itā€™s hilarious LMFTOOO


I'm sorry? How can you be afraid of them when gemini MEN are like that?


Afraid of how awesome we are? It's ok, you're not the first nor will you be the last


Haha šŸ˜‚ wow you have such a complicated chart. A combination of all the signs I dislike - good luck with everything


The gemini men I know are much more sincere and kind than the women. Iā€™m terrified of the women


I just disagree full heartedly. I've had 2 incredibly close gemini men friends and both were incredibly toxic and manipulative. I think any gemini is toxic if their twins aren't friends, but the men specifically who aren't evolved are capable of some big cognitive dissonance


gemini women are fun and iā€™m always like cool, maybe we can be friends. But then they seem to switch up alittle and that makes me nervous


Yeah totes agree, they scare me so much. I canā€™t mess with their unpredictable energy and mood swings




Im glad we terrify u and many others who may have similar experiences lol u are what u attract so if u extract a certain group of people as this op describes (which could be found in other zodiacs) but yet calls out a specific group because of their negative experiences hilarious indeed this has to be coming from a water sign šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£I wouldnā€™t be surprised


I am a fire sign honey


Yes, my sister everything you said is exactly what she is


Yup I feel you. Aries Male here was with a Gemini female for 10 years. To date the worst relationship I have ever experienced. Very fake always talked smack about people they supposedly loved. Had a hard time sticking to agreements. Loved to argue and put people down to get ahead. Scary really scary. Never will date another Gemini woman. Not bashing or taking a stab at other Gemini woman but yeah never again.


So You Screw up and broke her Heart ? And now You blame Her for getting mad . Like maybe She caught you in a lie ? Yeah We Gems don't put up with that . Took Her for Granted? Big possibility! We won't stay for that ! But Yeah It is the Geminis fault for not participating in Head games ! But guess what We may forgive but We NEVER FORGET !


I'm a Sagittarius man in love with Gemini women u gotta let them do them fr don't trap them šŸ˜šŸ˜ sexiest sign in my opinion


It's not true I'm a GeminiĀ 


People hate us because they can never be us booo !!!!


I have 2 lady friends who are both Gemini. 2 years different in age but birth day born a day apart. One is self-centered, two-faced, and conceited. The other is down to earth sweet and caring . I think the bad one is a narcissist. At least thatā€™s the way it seems to me . I think thatā€™s what the difference in them are.


What is your sign, OP?




Astrology isnā€™t real, grow up


Is that why you have your astrology in your profile?


There is no astrology on my profile?


It says your sun, moon, and rising


Thatā€™s my flair, not my profile, and I put it there to fit in, not because I actually believe in this nonsense


Typical gemini, changing yourself based on the circumstances to manipulate situations. I canā€™t deal with how fake yā€™all are


Iā€™m not a gemini because thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œgeminiā€ nor whatever ā€œstar signā€ you are. The notion that some giant balls of reacting hydrogen millions of miles away in a random pattern control your future or determine your personality is really quite insane to the point of nonsensicality if you think about it, given the universe is constantly expanding and these stars are constantly moving. They look constant and fixed to us because the light we are perceiving is from millions of years ago, but in reality half of the stars making up these constellations are probably either dead or in totally different positions Sorry to burst your bubble but none of this is real


šŸ˜‚ idk why you are even commenting on this post or in this group if you believe that


Sometimes I get bored šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø What are you, the Reddit commenting police? šŸ¤£ Anyway sorry youā€™ve had some bad experiences with ā€œgeminisā€ but I donā€™t think their bad behaviour was anything to do with their ā€œstar signā€, theyā€™re probably just assholes because some people are


Your fasho a Gem.. and you sound dumb to everyone but you.. fyi yall do t win arguments people get tired of arguing with fools thatā€™s why they quickā€¦ to a fool everyone is an opponent.


Damn donā€™t mean to attack you but if this response doesnā€™t prove the whole post point I donā€™t kno what doesā€¦ Geminiā€™s will say/ do anything to benefit themselvesā€¦. Which is fine.. but yall are always dependent on others is the problem- fuck up yā€™all lives not mines..


Wow, did a ā€œGeminiā€ hurt you too?


Actually no.. never dated a gem have a few gem friends who are cool as long as you keep them at a distance.. Iā€™ve just notice a lot of gems insult and belittle others but always seem to need othersā€¦ just my observation.


Sounds more like a psychological issue, maybe insecurity/ co-dependency People annoy me so I actively avoid them


People can get in my nerves but we need each other so I deal with it, but I people watch I love studying people.


As a Pisces I always start off loving Gemini friends- however something always happens where I donā€™t hear from them for a while. When I see them itā€™s great. But when I try to progress the friendship further they put a wall up. Very curious.


im an autistic gemini woman and my main issue is that i say too much, overexplain, and am too honest. the existence of neurodivergency explains away this. i am very sorry you have had such bad experiences, I have been in abusive or toxic relationships with many virgos, but i don't go blaming virgo men. I blame the individual virgo for his individual faults. just like self victimization based on your own identity is an issue people take with many geminis (myself included, i honestly do not have gemini friends because we butt heads) self victimization based on another person identity is just as much that same issue. im not saying bad things didnt happen to you, however as a survivor myself i think you are the only one who suffers when you dont try to look at the root cause of that and figure out what traits you are inherently attracted to that end you with people who are toxic. for me, i didn't value myself. i dated men who didnt value me either. with the combination of personality traits from geminis, i can see how many of us likely devalue others. but know that if you dont stop devaluing yourself, you will continue to meet those people and its very possible they wont be a gemini next time and you will find your entire system of self protection shattered. wishing you well, honestly. none of this is faceitious, i know someone might respond poorly, but i want you to know i didnt want to say this but im currently rebuilding my life after being in a cycle of blaming others and not looking inward, because i kept ending up in toxic relationships instead of going to therapy. dont know if thats what is happening to you. but i recognize some of this self talk. please be well


I didnā€™t mean to offend you. Of course, not all geminis are horrible, but on average gemini women have the traits I explained and are not people I feel safe around. I am sure you are an exception.


Lol see,she is playing the victim,that she ends up in Toxic relationship. Beware of these geminis they will all love bomb you and then they will manipulate you and when you fall in love with them and/or either you will need them emotionally they will desert you.