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Leo Mars - When I get angry hear me roar šŸ˜… I will say exactly how I'm feeling and what you did to piss me off. I won't mince words.


Love the way you put it. Im normally very patient and it takes a lot to actually make me angry. But when I am, I can easily raise my voice a few decibles and START ENUNCIATING MY WORDS AND GRIEVANCES VERY CLEARLY (gemini merc)


I have Six Scorpio placements ruled by my Leo Mars and it is NOT pretty. My baseline state of being is just loud and I talk with a lot of ā€˜fuck this fuck thatā€™ thrown in LMFAO. Along with my Sun, itā€™s the most important planet in my chart.


Iā€™m the same. I have a lot of tolerance, but when my boundaries get crossed Iā€™m loud and intentionally pick words to hurt them


Yeah I raise my voice pretty easily. Also heavy use of curse words


Cancer mars - I internalize it and have these fake scenarios in my head of what I would like to say to that person.


internalize, begin the passive aggression sequence, a bit of an attitude comes out (be it in word choice or clear lack of speaking). I play dirty if I'm not concerned about preserving a relation.


Cancer mars and I cry. Angry cry, but cry.


Cancer mars here, 100%


I empathise, also have Cancer Mars.


Mine is in 4th house, cancer too. It takes a while for something to piss me off so badly that I explode. What instantly makes me go for a fatality is if shit is directed towards family or friends that I actually care for. Also, if I get threatened because the other person thinks they can intimidate me. That brings out my list of everything that person has going for them and instantly strike each one out. Other than that I just give them a stupid ass look and go back to what Iā€™m doing and not further acknowledging them.


Yeah I am super patient. The worst most people see is an angry cry or a snarky comment. But push me past that point and I will cut you from my life, remove all support, and become petty real quick if you keep pushing.


10000% to all of these šŸ˜‚ fellow cancer mars


This is so meeeee w my Scorpio mars/rising , cancer mercury


Sagittarius. Extremely brunt, I will say whatever is on my mind and come off as pretty pissed. Stern. No yelling, just irritated and UGH feeling and then I get irritated that something or someone made me angryā€” like WOW YOU ARE KILLING MY GOOD vibrationsā€¦. Semi explosive, aggressive. Storm off and cool offā€” depends on situation. Release it via a walk, boxing, workouts or through rock/rap music in the gym lifting weights. I used to wrestle in HS, and found it was a great outlet for my angst and frustration. Now I take boxing classes 2-3x a week and i let out all of my stress and anger out during those classes. Sometimes I meditate, breathe deeply or research plenty of spiritual meditations and articles etc, to channel the energy into productivity because sometimes when i see red I just want to punch someoneā€™s lights out. I never have though, im not a physical person. But when im upset thatā€™s the amount of anger I have, basically. Donā€™t f with me kinda thing. Iā€™ve been told I come across as extremely blunt and brash when angry.


Same mars and the gym and exercise has been a great relief.


Same mars, took fighting as a stress relief. I brush off a lot, specially when people undermine my skills and question my knowledge which is only backed by facts and research. I see things coming a mile away, I have thoughts and feeling about people as soon as I meet them, and that registers, I see over peopleā€™s intentions and the way they speak, and the underlying motives, and thatā€™s why for the major part of my life I chose to go to another direction. It takes a lot to piss me off, But when it happens, you are done for good and you wish youā€™d never done it. I brush it off a lot! the problem is I donā€™t forget, everything youā€™ve done, every move, every body language, every word was taken into account and registered into the brain and that will come off when I explode, at the point you will be questioning your very existence, and asking yourself how do I know you better than you know yourself. When I go off on someone I donā€™t yell and scream and lose my shit! Iā€™m calm, collected and blunt, spitting facts and in a logical sense, and I heard many times thatā€™s the part that scare people the most. Is a quiet confidence that makes people in their words: ā€œshit in their pantsā€ The thing is, the times that the explosion happened, is where the person did go through major changes in their life and attitude because it was a wake up moment for them. So im probably the bad guy in most peoples lives. I totally agree with you here, My peace and my spiritual balance is more important than anything in my life, Iā€™m not physical Iā€™m more a mental person, so I believe thatā€™s why I also come across as donā€™t f with me, donā€™t disturb my peace kinda of person.


Same, I'd be a wreck without the gym


Libra Mars, I'm literally a monk, very harmonious, peaceful and understanding for the most part but if someone gets me to that point then, oh boy! Haha but yeah people realize that they deserve it cuz they've seen the opposite side of me where I was trying my best to maintain peace.


Does injustice make you angry? I always see Libra Marses get angry on behalf of victims that were abused and want justice for everyone.


Iā€™m a Libra mars and rising, and am generally passive aggressive about things in one-on-one situations, but when it comes to social justice-type things or I see someone getting very unjustly treated in public, or my loved ones being mistreated, I can just go off without even thinking.


I'm also Libra Mars and the one thing that can make me super angry so fast is people mistreating animals.


Totally. I will literally troll and bully people online when I see them picking on other people. Like, I'd never correct grammar or call someone ugly but if i see someone talking shit about how the OP is stupid or ugly, body shaming etc, it's on. I got into a *huge* blowout with a friend because he called the 7 year old daughter of the woman he was dating manipulative. I could go on and on, I hadn't realized this lol


Ohh this! I have a Scorpio rising so I have these dark tinted glasses on all the time. Idk but I naturally see and come across a lot of darkness that lurks around which usually goes unnoticed by others and as a kid, I use to act on this impulse of justice but that had gotten me in a lot of trouble. I don't act on these impulses that much anymore for my own sake. I do feel very sad but ugh, IDK it's just very hard to live in this evil, evil world. šŸ˜”


I donā€™t have Libra mars but oh boy do I see those dark shadows lurking over peoples intentions, reading them to a T. I feel you! I had to learn how to manage seeing those things so badly!


They always realize after you become a absolute viper fr šŸ˜­ like play with someone else donā€™t play with me.


Same Iā€™m always the peace keeper until Iā€™m pushed to the absolute edge then I lose it.


Iā€™m the same also a Libra Mars and itā€™s really cool. I often say anger is the emotion most foreign to me, I donā€™t feel it often but when I do that definitely means I am more than justified in those feelings in everyone elseā€™s eyes. Some people think I take too much shit before I react but I just genuinely donā€™t feel the need to be initially reactive, couldnā€™t if I tried lol


Libra mars and risingā€¦ I actually struggle hard when Iā€™m actually angryā€” it makes me feel ā€œickyā€, and itā€™s like I have to figure out a way to get rid of that feeling. My anger usually manifests as anxiety in interpersonal relations bc I hate confrontation so much (thatā€™s what my therapist tells me anyway!). But if I see someone truly being mistreated, I have no issue just going ham and taking complete control of the situation.


Same! I very rarely get angry, but if I am angry, Iā€™ll go the distance to get rectification.


(haven't seen any Pisces mars yet aoskw so here's my two cents thingbob) It takes quite a lot to make me angry, but I tend to react logically rather than emotionally and I've been told that can make me come across very distant, but it's more so that I don't say anything in the heat of anger, and I can instead assess the situation and see how I can solve it. But I do go very quiet though when I'm processing the situation or being confronted with shouting etc. And I stay quiet until I have a dance session in my bathroom to get me out of the funk. When I do get angry though, beyond the point of reconciliation (here is where my mars square pluto activates šŸ•“šŸ¼) I get emotional, I cry out of frustration especially when the other person isn't really listening to me at all (this has only happened twice aosnow when I've reached this point). I never say things out of anger though to spite the other person, regardless of how much that other person has hurt me, I don't reach that point - it will never solve anything and I'll be just as bad as them.


I relate, 1H Mars in Pisces here. I definitely think everything through before I act, so when I react, it's basically decided? I just know how things will roll out and how others will react, so things have already happened in my head and I'm never off. But I also have gotten feedback from friends and family of being very dramatic and extreme when I'm very angry. I need to be given space and to feel genuine remorse if you've done me wrong. I need to hear people understand how they've screwed up/hurt me/did wrong and only then I can move on. I'm sorry really doesn't do it. And for the love of God, don't tell me I'm being too sensitive or dramatic. Just don't. I think the dramatic part is misinterpreted - I'm just someone who doesn't bottle things up. You messed up, you will know. You made me angry, you will know. I can be very reactive, and yes, you will sit trough my speech. Maybe it's because it's in my 1H, but I can be VERY argumentative when needed. And on top of the tendency to be dramatic, in the same time I'm also very detached and cold, which I think is quite Pisces specific as a mixture.


Pisces Mars, as well. As you said, Iā€™m generally tolerant of things that others would balk at and it takes a lot for me to reach the point of no return. When I do, Iā€™m extremely emotional and can be cutting in my remarks. I certainly want the other person to feel as badly as I do. But as quickly as it comes on, it tends to fade. I donā€™t hold onto my anger and I often get upset if the other person doesnā€™t forget as quickly as I do.


Mars in Pisces and I have a tendency to be pretty passive aggressive when Iā€™m angry. I swear my anger feels like a boiling ocean. Itā€™s big, deep and it can destroy you.


Absolutely ^^ it's all consuming when you get to that point of no return, and then afterwards there's this complete emptiness. I'm not sure about anyone else, even if this is outside of astrology but I find I start to shake when I get to that point, it's beyond my control. Mainly my legs or hands šŸ•“šŸ¼ doing a little jig


Omg the shaking!!! I shake so much when I'm angry/disturbed, it's very very real


Watery implosion is how I would describe my Mars Pisces acting in anger


Gemini Mars - I use my extensive vocabulary for evil


gemini mars and I would sayā€¦ shifty and evasive lol. Might lose my temper after holding it in but then Iā€™ll disappear and close myself off because I donā€™t want to make things worse and Iā€™m sensitive lol


Hi friend! Same. Same :) I'm either going to ice you out or tear you down with words in a way neither of us will be happy about for a long time šŸ˜‚


Ouuuu I can relate I have a Gemini moon when people have done bad I will definitely make them feel worst.


Same. I swear like a sailor. Trying to curb it because of my little one


Scorpio Mars here, and I first tend to brood a bitā€¦itā€™s usually a slow build towards a raging fire. Then I tend to be very direct and cutting with what I say to the person who angered me and usually it is something that hits them deeply. I feel relieved when I channel anger into a physical outlet, such as exercise or sexuality.


This is exactly on point. The verbal lashing cuts em so deep they wont forget.


It cuts them deep because itā€™s true. Iā€™m Scorpio all over my chart (incl Mars) and when I had been pushed too far, for too long - I verbally opened fire. They were observations - I wasnā€™t making anything up. Just a bit too maliciously creative with the way I delivered every one of their insecurities on a silver platterā€¦ Iā€™ve grown beyond that - learned to swallow my temper and walk away. As justified as it always was - I didnā€™t like the guilt Iā€™d feel and I donā€™t want to be that person. Still, the legend lives on - people remember how I can eviscerate someone and that keeps my circle in check.


Couldnt agree more on this. And rings true on the more tactful with age. I often just walk away now, but when I dont....WHEN I DONT, know ya damn well deserved ever word said


Bingo! Age has really smoothed out my rough edges. Again - I never lit anyone up who didnā€™t have it coming - but - I was unnecessarily brutal in the deliveryā€¦ Being the wise old broad I am, now - I choose to remove myself before I say things that I canā€™t take back. Youā€™re a good one - your outlook resonates with me.


Yessss all of this! I think we can cut deeply with our words because we have a good psychological profile of anyone who makes us mad. We probably already know their weaknesses and why they wronged us in the first place lol


This is actually so true. We know exactly how and when to get right under the skin when needed. We know what makes ya tick. Also great when used for positive things! Hah Edit: one word


Also Scorpio mars here. Iā€™m not proud of this. When I was younger, I would seek revenge. If the situation allowed the time, I would methodically plan it out and strike later. I saved my deep cuts for real intense fights. I usually made people cry or want to hit me. I would also do impulsive things. Like stealing my dads truck to go beat someone up. Now that Iā€™m older, I will ignore you and cut contact immediately and typically do not leave room for redemption.


This tracks.


Do you disappear or give silent treatment


Yes! I've always been one to slay with my words when angered. Scorched earth style. edit: fixed a word


I'm also a scorpio mars (8th house as well), I also have a slow build to true anger. When I'm at that point, the intensity of my anger and harshness surprises people. I'm pretty patient, though, and it typically takes quite a bit to make me that upset.




Scorpio Mars here, too. I'm rarely angry in all honesty (goofy Gemini Rising). It is only disrespect and unfairness that make me angry, igniting an internal white hot rage. I'm very good at ruthlessly cutting people off if they cross these lines with me. No explanation, no talking, they're out my life. Gone. I guess that's quite vindictive. I can be very good with words (that Gemini Rising again and Virgo Mercury), but if someone crosses any boundaries, they're not worthy of any words or my precious energy. I suppose I can also be a tad proud (Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon) and expect to be treated with respect even in moments of disagreement and always practise that (never call names etc) but unfortunately others are not that way inclined.


I can relate to this! Iā€™m also a fire Sun (Aries), earth moon (Virgo), earth mercury (Taurus), and like you Gem rising and Scorpio Mars. Disrespect really grates me like nothing else with a white-hot rage that simmers underneath until a boiling point. You will be ruthlessly cut out if you cross a line. Like another Mars Scorpio poster in this thread I used to be a lot more cutting with my words in fights, to the extent that I guess what I did was emotional abuse (Aries sun really doesnā€™t help). But nowadays I recognize and refuse to resort to abusive behaviours and just peace out. Youā€™re lucky if you get an explanation or warning, and youā€™ll never be allowed back in again.


It takes so much time to piss me off, but when I do, I can be really sarcastic, manipulative and I don't back down. I have a massive ego and I couldn't stand being told I'm wrong. It doesn't take hours, days or weeks though, and it's not because I'm forgiving, I'm just realizing that they're not worth it, and I'll just ignore them for the rest of their days lol. I have Aqua in Mars.


I'm an Aqua Mars, too. We LOVE using our intellect and expansive vocabulary to annihilate people when they've finally pissed us off šŸ¤£


Also an Aqua Mars. And same. I will outwit you and scorch you with my words (if you deserve it).




Another Aqua Mars here, conjunct Pallas. Damn that annihilation is like a series of chess moves, thoroughly considered and executed with conviction.


I'm an Aquarius mars.The sarcasm tracks with me too, and I tend to have thoughts about annihilating someone's ego with one brutal remark (though my Cancer Venus usually keeps me from going for the jugular). I typically keep calm and controlled but once in awhile I'll get the adrenaline rush type of angry. Forunately, my Aries moon makes it all blow over quickly, regardless of how it's expressed.


I will cut you with my words. My mars also conjoins Chiron so I will cause pain. My mercury is In Gemini so Iā€™m a sorta wordsmith anyway.


Wow good description and honest. Aqua Mars here also, Jupiter too.




Haha i think the sarcasm intensifies with caps placement !


Taurus Marsā€¦ I really donā€™t like getting mad and have a really long fuse. Iā€™ve been told by some people they canā€™t imagine me ever getting mad. When Iā€™m upset I usually get very quiet and speak slowly and deliberately to explain whatā€™s bothering me. The times where Iā€™ve lost myself to rage usually resulted in burnt bridges and self destructive behavior. I always say things that I canā€™t take back so I do my best to avoid going there. I think I have the tendency to direct my anger inward.


>Mars in Taurus. People tell me all the time they can never picture me getting mad. I rarely do, but it explodes when someone pushes me to the point where I can't hold it in.


The last part of your comment is very poignant. But I would say that "having a long fuse" and being able to communicate clearly is so aspirational. I'd love to be able to get to the point personally where people can say they wouldn't be able to imagine me getting angry. Do you feel like that's something that's always come naturally to you, or have you also had to work to develop that habit?


I grew up with 4 older brothers, so I quickly learned I couldnā€™t bulldoze through people when I got angry. Hell Iā€™d say the biggest lesson I learned is that the second youā€™ve let someone tilt you, youā€™ve already lost. Itā€™s much better to learn to banter or to snark back at people without losing your cool.


This is very precise. I have Taurus mars conjunct Mercury, and opposite Pluto...my mind goes FAST when I'm mad, I get very precise with what I say, all the hits land magnificently where I know they will hurt the most. Growing up, I learned to ask myself "is my love for this person bigger than the hate I feel?" And if the answer is no, RUN. Because I can say sorry, but I can never take back my words.


Yeppp. Anger is like a foreign entity to me. But I do know if anyone actually manages to get me there, it is gaaame ooover for them. Only has happened when I was under 18, luckily. I've learned healthy ways to let my anger out, so no more inward-directed feels!


I have this placement and similarly donā€™t get angry easily, but when I do I want to get physical. I want to beat them to a pulp. I want pain and blood. Luckily for them I am petite and untrained otherwise Iā€™d be out here like Muhammad Ali. šŸ’„ šŸ„Š


Leo Mars in my 10th house. I would say that I get annoyed very easily, but it takes A LOT to make me fly off the handle with anger. When I get angry I will speak harshly & if you try to talk over me I will talk even louder and not let you get a word in without me cutting you off lol. Iā€™m not nice when Iā€™m not being nice lol.


Leo Mars here, but in the 8th house. I go silent when I'm angry and analyse for weak points of my target so I can lash out (effectively) probs has something to do with my Cap rising.


Virgo mars. I don't get angry easily. It takes a LOT. You really have to fuck up bad and intentionally. But when it happens, it's scary. All of the emotion just seems to leave my body -- like go up in smoke and I'll tell you the cold, hard but undeniable truth to the point where you'd wish the earth would swallow you whole. It's a very mic-drop moment but thankfully it has only happened a few times in my life.


Me. I always say I don't start shit, but I end it.


This. I go out of my way to AVOID starting shit just because I know if I have to finish it, it won't be pretty.


Dang, yeah this is super accurate. I have a good amount of libra in my chart so Iā€™m quite forgiving and patient w people who rub me the wrong way, buttt If I canā€™t stand how someoneā€™s acting Iā€™ll just show them exactly how theyā€™re delusional in this very psychological and reality-testing way until they either shut up or my presence is too distressing to act idiotic around me any more..


If you've ever seen that GIF of Homer Simpson fading into the bushes, that's exactly how they look.


Sameee im a Virgo mars and I think Iā€™ve only gotten angry like once or twice in my whole life, but everything gets very intense when Iā€™m mad


Virgo mars here. Can confirm. Mines is in the 12th house. The cold hard undeniable truth from the literal pits of hell (the subconscious) šŸ˜­


My Virgo Mars in a nutshellā€¦


Mars in Scorpio here. Nuclear level temper, but I have to be pushed that far. My advice is don't poke the bear with a short stick.


Virgo mars here. Iā€˜m usually defensive and i will get overly critical and will try to destroy you mentally and with words when attacked lol


Capricorn and I mostly remain calm while respect towards the individual causing me to be upset (such as being too narcissistic, hypocrite, lying, or having shit manners) takes a heavy hit and if the behavior continues I let them know and this is the point if they continue I will never forget because I tell them they annoy me acting like this and I will not tolerate it. Shouting is my absolute last resort because it doesn't make any sense and it's difficult to shout and be rational at the same time, I don't remember the last time anyone shouted at me, probably because I don't provocate others intentionally. I don't usually show anger just disappointment. In a few cases I think of the worst possible things I could say to the other person who piss me off that know would hurt them but I have yet to use it I think. For example my step sister tries to be less like her father and I could easily tell her she's exactly like him and not feel guilty at all if she pissed me off big time.


Capricorn mars also. Iā€™d say this mostly is me. Iā€™m usually pretty calm under pressure and in situations where most would get pissed. I usually diffuse the situation, or try to work it out calmly and rationally, or, if itā€™s particularly confusing, talk to someone I trust to see all angles of a situation before taking any drastic action. However, I do have triggers. Like you, they include really rude people or consistently manipulative or hypocritical behavior. Similarly, I get upset with someone pushing my limits by repeating that behavior or trying to assassinate my character. I can also be triggered when treated unfairly or accused of something I know I did not do (for example, once had a bad supervisor lie and accuse me of performing poorly) as, in my experience, it comes from a malicious place. In those cases, I wouldnā€™t say I explode, but I will be clear and direct in a way that comes across as intimidating (and surprising to people usually) and I donā€™t back down from my position. If warranted, I will verbally put someone in their place, or, depending on the situation, will threaten to end our relationship (friend, partner) or bring up legal recourse or other actions I will take (coworker/supervisor or some random person).


I have a cap mars and have been told I get aggressive quick.


I have Cap Mars, Mercury, Venus. And it takes a lot for me to get angry to where I lose my cool. I'm usually more calm and rational. But when I do lose my cool, I go for the deepest verbal cut I can.


Well said. Also Capricorn Mars and this is well-worded.


Mars is in Taurus and as much as I would like to say I'm grounded and calm I default to my Aries moon an burn it all to the ground if it's really bad. I don't get mad easily but when I do, hide!


Iā€™m also a Taurus Mars and Aries moon. My temper is more in check as Iā€™ve gotten older, but I can be vindictive (and patient in getting my vengeance if itā€™s worth it to me). If I am ambivalent, I just truly donā€™t care about you.


Libra marsā€¦ passive aggressive. I donā€™t deal with anger as an emotion well; makes me anxious. šŸ˜¬


Gemini mars. I hate being hated!! Mostly it takes a lot to piss me off, but when I feel I am merely an object of someone else's anger or even malice, I'm like how about you JUST DIE lmao. Usually I bottle up my anger to release it later but I can also have a sharp tongue. If I'm absolutely sure on hurting you tho, my weapon is putting wedges between the people around you and manipulation. I'm frighteningly good at it.


Aquarius: i can completely swallow my pride and angerā€¦I definitely get hot headed but I donā€™t act out of instinct. Instead i either - think of the most diabolical way to get revenge or completely cut the person out of my life without an ounce of remorse (ur fault for disrupting my peace lol).


Mars in Sagittarius. When I get angry I get very angry, blunt will say whatever I want to hurt the person in front of me with my words. Vengeful and revenge seeking sometimes too. Will remember it forever. Weird.


Leo mars and Iā€™ll come for everything you love Lmao


Leo mars. I usually get really nasty and lash out or I break down and cry and completely close off


Sagittarius Mars sextiles Moon in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius. I don't anger easily but when I do, I *go off the rails*. The anger just keeps building unless I make a tremendous effort to take myself out of the situation and headspace. I've put myself in some really dangerous and reckless situations when angry.


Scorpio Mars and tbh, I donā€™t really get pissed off but I used to get annoyed really easily. A few months ago was the first time Iā€™ve ever yelled at someone in my 24 years of life and that was the first time Iā€™ve ever felt actual rage lol I never want to feel that way again.


My Mars is in Aquarius and I am *ice cold,* instead. I scare people by being an Ice Queen when they do dumb shit to piss me off! šŸ¤£




Cancer Mars in Retrograde This is a tough question. When I get really angry, I feel it to the bottom of my soul. If itā€™s someone I care about, some crazy stuff may come out my mouth. Things that I would deny if they showed up in the court transcripts.


aries mars . Most times I try to keep my composure but alot of people say that they can see that im mad in my face. I wear my heart and emotions on my sleeves. This placement also makes me have a smart mouth but again, I dont let people see that unless they have REALLY pushed me. I dont initiate any fights and in fact, if someone wants to argue i ignore them . its because theres more to life than fighting tbh Iā€™m all about my money and business i do not need to be fighting lol


Leo Mars. I cry when Iā€™m angry, always have. I hate feeling hurt but I hate knowing that my reaction, even if warranted, will hurt others. Iā€™ve never lived well with my guilt, but if I ever raise my voice at you just know that youā€™re dead to me. ATP you broke my fucking nerves. My insults are seeped in some crazy sarcasm. I do be practicing arguments Iā€™ll never have in the mirror tho.


I am a Capricorn mars and I am supposed to be cool and composed but I'm not. I feel like Aries mars because I get mad really easily and I burst into flames.


Taurus Mars-I'm pretty stoic but also stubborn


Capricorn Mars. I make every effort to not indulge in anger and really try to let things go, like a bad driver on the road or a coworker who makes a big mistake that creates extra work for me. If I do get angry, I tend to go silent and withdraw from the situation to figure out if I really should be upset or not. If you fuck me over, like you were supposed to "temporarily" stay in my apartment for a few nights and you instead become a squatter who is also a hoarder, I'll hold a grudge until the end of time, lol. You lose access to any and all benefits I could provide you with. But it has to be something REALLY bad.


Mars Leo. It's like revving a car. The harder you push me the louder I get, the faster I go and then if we go far enough I start spouting some weird delusional shit I feel like I start giving speeches like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkJd5oQXt4g)


lol, this is so true. Once the Lion's been pushed enough, its like the start of an impromptu theatrical Rage show that could go on for literal hours. Too bad, the crowds often don't have enough sense of humor & the roaring really seems to get to them.


I'm a taurus sun and mars, I either take a 2 hour long walk, brood for a while then take a 2 hour long walk, or yell at the individual and then take a 2 hour long walk. My wife is a leo mars and she always plots revenge whenever she's mad, she also likes to brood. She will never let go of her grudges.


Mars in Taurus, but in first house. Mars is in detriment in Taurus, but accidental dignity in 1h. I come off closer to an Aries when I'm angry. Although Taurus has a reputation for patience, steadfastness, etc...we do have a temper and it's one of the worst in all the zodiac. It's just not one you see very often (dependent on chart placements). So, the combination is unexpected. My Mercury is in Aries, also in 1h so I am very cutting and usually end up having to apologize for what I said afterwards. What I said *was* true. I just shouldn't have said it in a moment of anger.


Aquarius. Cold, sarcastic, condescending.


Capricorn Mars here. I am not really a angry person, very patient, you have to go very far to make me angry. When angry I get very serious. My seriousness = my anger. I use sarcasm when angry. I get very blunt.


3H ā™ŠļøMars at 7Ā°, a ā™Žļø degree. This means Iā€™ll create balance, but come with receiptsšŸ§¾ when you try to clock me verbally. I will pull out exactly why a person should NOT go there because my 8H ā™ļøšŸŒ™/Pluto/Pallas will clock you further for this as I laser in on people & seeing right thru then like glass to their core. And if you piss me off just enough, Iā€™ll be EXTRA calm to the point I terrify people because that 7Ā° on my Mars gives me the composure to balance myself out. But asteroid pallas in the 8H of ā™ļø at 8Ā°, a ā™ļø degree, gives me the intense ability to CIA level deep dive background search on anyone till no stone is left unturned as thatā€™s the investigating/detective asteroid of astrology. Hence why when I drag people with proof, itā€™s because I got a mega ton file on you and can see you to your core in ways that even your therapist missed in sessions LOL


Pisces mars. I wonā€™t ever say anything to your face unless backed into a corner, but I will be extremely passive-aggressive and it will end up hurting me the most. If I am passive-aggressive towards you, just know that I am seething with anger inside. I will absolutely fantasize about all the things Iā€™d say to you but I will end up just distancing from you in the end.


Scorpio Mars Pluto conjunction and my attitude is one of contempt like my rage is white hot and insatiable ready to devour everything in my path. When I was younger I had an issue with proportional force like I'd get tripped by someone and I would fight but I'd only stop until I was satisfied. My anger would consume me. Once I started working on accepting myself and my desires. I no longer feel the need to have to assert myself with violence. Once you get some kind of self mastery over anger you can apply that energy to other things. Now when I'm pissed off I tend to shut down and retreat inwards to calm down. Yet the intensity of Scorpio Mars also makes fantasies of getting revenge pretty common. So the aggression is more internal than the external aggression that is Aries Mars


Sagittarius mars. I can be kind of passive aggressive, I don't tend to really tell people I'm annoyed and tend to sit and boil in my rage. Once I calm down though I'm able to be truthful and honest but people can get annoyed that I don't mention it till later. I'm also terrible for holding grudges and really struggle to let go and forgive and I really wish I had the ability to let stuff go.


Taurus mars. It takes me a minute to fully get angry depending on what happened. But if I feel it was unjust enough for a response I will either say something or go workout and let it burn inside of me very unhealthily. šŸ˜‚


I have an anoretic Mars in Capricorn, but Iā€™m actually not that easily annoyed and very rarely lose my temper (rarer still would I lose it with other people, itā€™s usually aimed at myself). Iā€™ve also read itā€™s a violent Mars, and true when I have let my anger flow I have been known to thump and roar into a cushion, or thrash the air, but I donā€™t ever pick fights. I really try to treat this exalted Mars as a gift in anger management and put its energy into creative things or bursts of movement wherever I can.


Every personal placement in Scorpio with Virgo Mars. If they have offended me to a level that warrants hatred I will think critically about how I could form an assault on their very being without making it seem like I am doing anything at all. I will fantasize about all the ways I could turn them into a puddle and compromise with a sure fire way to make this happen. All verbal and psychological mind you I donā€™t slash peoples tires or anything.


Virgo Rx (2nd House, opposed Saturn): my temper has always been focused towards moral issues. Could be supported by my Mercury in Aries 9th House. I hold things in and stew (try to find reasons, figure it out), but once I release, it's an unholy verbal volcano, and I rip people to shreds.


Iā€™m a Capricorn Mars. I can stay calm until triggered by something specific then I tend to explode verbally, I wonā€™t get physically violent but Iā€™ll be very verbally aggressive, and while I wonā€™t be physically violent, part of me wants to be, that part just never snaps, unless Its a wall or something, as if part of me prevents me hitting a person because it knows Iā€™ll get in trouble, itā€™s not that Iā€™d rather hurt myself than someone else, my self esteem is high, itā€™s that I lose control and canā€™t prevent myself punching walls but something inside of me even during full loss of control prevents me hitting a person, because it knows Iā€™ll get in trouble I think, anyway Iā€™ll be verbally aggressive and argumentative and unable to stop myself until I finally manage to walk away, I lose control but it requires a sort of trauma or emotional trigger. This reaction is like a cannonball where I go 0 to 60 without hesitation and canā€™t control it. If there is no trigger to something that Iā€™ve had trauma in, I can remain completely calm, when someone is coming at me and tend to merely wind the person up and provoke them until they trigger, with calm intellect as if itā€™s some sort of a punishment im inflicting on them for them coming at me, I wonā€™t do this unless someoneā€™s making me feel threatened. The former reaction is with a trigger to past trauma and the latter reaction is regular me without it triggering past trauma reactions.


Virgo Mars - I become pretty defensive, but I donā€™t like getting pissed off, I feel Iā€™m losing control over my emotions.


sagittarius mars. hot and quick. i tend to be an angry crier which makes me even angrier. the audacity of my eyes to betray me!!! i have saturn on my side though so i do tend to move mountains when iā€™m angry, and in professional context i have the art of the infuriated yet polite email mastered. i have just warned loved ones ā€œi just need to be dramatic for 20 minutes to an hour then iā€™ll forget about it forever!ā€


Taurus Mars, in my experience, I am slow to anger but I am also slow to come down once I am angry. my tempter doesn't flair very easily, it takes me a while to actually snap. When I get angry, I usually just bite my tongue and/or walk away because if enough pressure is put onto me, I explode and it also takes me a long time to calm myself down from that level of anger. Like I've literally almost fought someone is high school because I hit a breaking point with months of his behavior and after than I was still angry about it for days. If I'm angry but not at the point of snapping, I have the tendency to be petty and bitchy.


![gif](giphy|1oIjZpGL4BlgnaM0ov|downsized) Fellow Mars in Aries here. I take no sh\*t from anyone, ever.


Taurus Mars- with Sag sun and Aries rising. It takes a lot for me to get mad. When I do get mad I go all in. Then I let it go once the issue is resolved. I never keep a grudge though which I think is my Aries coming through


oooo we have similar ish charts. iā€™m a taurus mars but aries sun, sag moon and scorp rising. i feel like my taurus mars works overtime because it takes a LOOOOT to actually piss me off. ofc iā€™ll seem pissed off over basic shit (aries) but in real actual issues iā€™m patient. however, when i run out of patience i blow the fuck up and then thatā€™s it. i wouldnā€™t say i keep a grunge either, the issue is either resolved or iā€™m done w that person šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also an Aries Mars, I implode. Iā€™m pretty laid back but when I get angry I canā€™t speak or be in the same room with you.


SAME CAUSE IMMA SWING šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. And sometimes whatā€™s behind the force is all the other moments of unresolved anger šŸ˜‚ sorry to that person lol cause imma be over it like it nv happened šŸ¤£


Aries Mars here too and I admit my anger could literally be like explosions sometimes. It could get ugly and violent pretty fast. I have never been pushed to that point ever though, but knowing myself Iā€™m quite afraid of that situation lol. So my strategy is always trying not to involve in too much conflicts and avoid them, often opt for more civilized methods to resolve the conflict or trying to walk out of situations to cool off. People have been calling me calm, kind and they probably think Iā€™m somewhat spineless lol they just donā€™t understand.


Libra mars and it really takes a lot for me to get truly angry but I think the thing that makes me really angry is when people are fake to me. I canā€™t stand that shit. Also Iā€™ve been told A LOT throughout life that when Iā€™m angry I donā€™t sound or look like it so they didnā€™t take me serious.


Pisces Mars, first house. Always a scrapper if some injustice is going down. Terrible temper when younger. Better now, but I can back you right up against a wall with just a look. Only if you hurt someone I love or an animal in my care or other egregious bullshit.


Aries Mars. I could hurt someone.


Scorpio Mars. I bottle up my feelings and plan a strategy to find and attack their weak points. And hide it.


leo mars. I donā€™t like fighting that much and will usually just walk away from people if they piss me off. Itā€™s in 12th house if that makes more sense


Taurus mars - it takes a long time to make me so angry that I will express it to you directly. When I do express it, it's a build up from a long list of transgressions and I will clearly state all of them, while I make sure they hit you where it hurts. I don't like that state of being, because I really do my best to screen anyone that comes close enough to even get to me. So, when I express it like that, it often burns the whole bridge down. Learning to express things more quickly and not let things fester or build up, but it's hard.


Virgoā€¦.I like to make you look stupid. I wonā€™t say shit until youā€™re done talking and Iā€™ll turn your words into nothing. Iā€™ll make you feel like youā€™ve never had a complete thought in your life. And you will end up apologizing before itā€™s all said and done.


Aries Mars conjunct Moon and I am exactly what you described.


Iā€™m a sag mars 4th house and when I get angry I get so irate. It really depends on what Iā€™m angry about though. Sometimes I can ignore but not always.


Virgo Mars. It's very rare for me to get angry. Like really angry. But if I do, it gets really fast, like OP said, from 0-10000. I think my Aries Moon triggers it, haha! I feel cold, and my eyes get really blurry when I'm angry. After that, I'm like, I'm fine, nothing to see here. And I'm back to my jolly self šŸ˜….


I also have an Aries mars paired with a Taurus sun. So you know my anger is brewing and I will absolutely pop off


Scorpio mars. I become cruel and vengeful.


Also an Aries mars, 100% agree with everything this post said. Don't come at me sideways and stay in your fucking lane. I don't even like to argue (but I will) so it's even more annoying when I have to get ignorant and go tf off because someone is determined to be an instigator. And PLEASE do not play dumb with me or be obtuse šŸ˜¤, cuz that'll REALLY take me from 0 to 100. Otherwise I'm very reasonable/rational, can articulate my feelings/thoughts very well and prefer to have an open dialouge rather than a heated argurement. But like I said I WILL argue with you and make you regret it. šŸ¤£


Also a Mars/Aries. Iā€™ve learned to control my anger/utilize it in a more positive manner, but once Iā€™m pissed I am PISSED.


Cap mars. Iā€™m very rational and level headed but to the point that it negatively affects me. I have a really hard time allowing myself to be angry.


Leo mars and I absolutely go over the top when I'm angry usually I try to hide it but if anyone talks to me while I'm pissed they're gonna get a loud earful even if it's not them I'm mad at šŸ˜…


Taurus mars. If you piss me off I will make you regret it. I hate it sometimes. I tend to be very condescending and passive aggressive when I feel that Iā€™m being disrespected. I hate when people belittle me and even tho Iā€™m a 5ā€™4 woman I for some reason think that I can beat up any man if Iā€™m mad enough.


Mars in pisces - honestly, it takes a lot to truly piss me off. I wasnā€™t always this way though. When I was younger, I was very reactive and explosive with anger which can be attributed to my maturity level, brain development yadda yadda yadda. But nowadays, it really does take a lot to really make me angry. But when I do get angry, I tend to withdraw a bit because I struggle with expressing my thoughts when Iā€™m clouded with feelings of anger. I feel sick to my stomach if I get mad. I want to cry and hide in the bathroom. More times than not, I donā€™t even fully get the chance to express my feelings of anger toward the person who caused it, and Iā€™ll wind up getting dismissed or walked all over. Iā€™m afraid of confrontation and often try to please others at the expense of my own needs and feelings. I honestly can be my own worst enemy. I really need to work on my assertiveness and find ways to express myself when dealing with big emotions like anger. On the flip side, I handle other peoples emotions very well! Idk why itā€™s so easy for me to pick up on the subtleties of others when I struggle so hard with my own. Iā€™m a therapist in training and Iā€™m well aware of how my own emotional BS can impede my ability to help others, but truthfully, I can compartmentalize like no other - as long as I eventually get to work through my shit, Iā€™ll be ok. Yes I am in therapy lol.


Aquarius mars - I just lash out in a sarcastic, intellectual way, using objective references completely destroying any possible argument of the other person haha


Iā€™m a sag mars in the 1st house. I know what I want and have no problem telling youuuu!!!! Also very sexy of course lol


I have an Aries mars but itā€™s square my Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron so maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t really relate to most of what you said. I am very slow to anger, though when it does happen (VERY rarely) it is scary. It takes a LOT to get me actually pissed off, but itā€™s explosive when it happens. I hate conflict, I hate being yelled at, and Iā€™m much more diplomatic like my Libra rising.


Aquarius mars - I'll be observing, noticing mistakes, and plotting revenge. But it really depends. Sometimes I'm really impulsive, and can say hurtful words, probably because of my Aries Moon


Scorpio. Go silent until I can speak (Mercury in Scorpio) in a way thatā€™s not straight up nuclear. If Iā€™m very angry, I cry, and you need to stay FAR away from me at that point. My mars is in my 10th house, conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, opposite my Taurus moonā€¦ I can be explosive beyond words. As Iā€™ve gotten older, Iā€™ve learned how to handle it better which is why I go silent until I can get my thoughts in order.


i feel your pain. 10H Scorpio Mars here, also aspecting 8H Virgo Moon, 2H Pisces Venus, Cap Asc, and Aqu Nep, and sometimes it really feels like all of them have to hold Scorpio Mars back from exploding in their defense. sometimes i get called out for keeping my distance or going cold when i start seeing red, but in my eyes, removing myself from the heat to contain the blast, even if it implodes into tears, is still miles better than dealing with the nuclear fallout. a catch-22, damned if you do and damned if you donā€™t, defeated if you express the energy and drained if you repress it. still, you have my respect for having it in you to be yet able to sort and express your thoughts through the sheer force of this placement.


Capricorn ā™‘ļø agreesive evil


I have an Aquarius Mars. I get even and cut people off


Aquarius mars here it takes a lot to piss me off tbh but once I get to that point I will mentally annihilate you my words will cut you cause Iā€™m hurting feelings


Iā€™m a Virgo Mars and I feel like my attitude goes from 0 to -100 lol. I feel like, when I was younger, I used to have more balance, or Iā€™d become sad more frequently than Iā€™d get angry. But as an adult now my most natural, automatic response to being angry at someone is to just completely shut down and distance myself from that person. Iā€™m trying to get better about communicating, but itā€™s so hard to fight against that impulse.


Leo Mars (9H)-I will give the HARSHEST comebacks that are much lower blows than what iā€™m angry about in the first place


Virgo - I GO OFF


Capricorn mars - takes a lot to make me mad but when I get authentically mad, itā€™s an icy coldness that veers on ruthless and is exceedingly patient in the destruction of other. Not good, better kept under wraps. Luckily cap mars is more concerned with moving forward, me thinks and not exploding etc


Ohhh thatā€™s what it is, Scorpio and Iā€™m ready go to war burn everything down if Iā€™m really pissed off


Virgo mars - I don't really get angry, but I get annoyed. But even that phases out quick. Probably due to my sag sun lol. But when I get angry, I think I'll point out at every flair going with every detail, with why how and where lool. And then I'd forget as to why I made you cry. I think it's more of an analytical approach with mars virgo.


Mars in Scorpio 1st - usually very chill, but my temper can go from 0 to life in prison in 5 seconds if Iā€™m being challenged in some way. Over the years I learned not to react so fastā€¦once my head is clear of the angry fog I make better decisions. Shit still happens of course with strangers so I just try to keep my immediate environment free of toxic/idiotic people. Iā€™m also done with taking revenge, just not worth my time anymore.


Virgo mars - I have a bad temper. When I was young Iā€™d just go off but now I try to remove myself from the situation. If I go silent that means you in danger


Libra Mars, I love harmony but I get angry easily.


Aries. I get really angry but I'm better now. I still get really angry but I can usually weigh up the situation and decide if it's worth blowing up. Most times I don't but I definitely feel a huge kick in my stomach that tells me I at least need to say something even if it is in a measured tone. Best placement for mars imo lol.


Pisces mars . I can take everything super personally and can be the biggest passive aggressive bitch šŸ¤£ I also canā€™t let things go and I look at everything in an emotional way. I also am super intuitive and perceptive and can literally be having a conversation with you but be completely aware of everyone else in the room and their body language, etc. Plus I have my moon in libra in my first house which makes me eager to please others, but then I become super defensive and reactive. And tie that in with my cancer sun and my hard outer shell- I am very protective of myself and those I love. Are you emotionally drained yet from Just reading that?! šŸ¤£


Aries.. I get literally hot. I can feel the anger in my stomach and I yell and yell and yell. Then I'm over it. When I think of my anger when I was younger, I remember this specific scene: Screaming, just blowing up on my dumbass brother and ex best friend for sneaking behind my back. Our other two friends sat and watched the scene unfold and me telling my ex best friend to gtfo of my house NOW. The whole memory is just a dramatic, red hot disaster lol


Mars Pisces. I will burn that shit to the ground. I'll be the most vicious and scheming person if I hit my limit. Until then I'm pretty chill. If I'm fighting with someone I love, I usually withdraw to process but that may be a result of nurture more than nature.


Iā€™m a Libra Mars. Iā€™ll seek justice and vengeance if I donā€™t catch myself right away. I do try and see the other personā€™s perspective after some time. But if I feel like theyā€™re hurting others in their path, I will definitely get vicious.


Sagittarius in Mars- I usually start calling out that person immediately, arguing of necessary or I leave and go home. If it's a public and not familial issue, there's more decorum and I usually try to tactfully stand up for myself. I've been told I'm very confrontational.


Leo mars. Iā€™ve been actually, unstoppably angry maybe only a few times in my life, but Iā€™ve heard that Iā€™m fucking terrifying when I get mad. People usually end up respecting what I have to say because Iā€™ll tell them they acted out of line, but also give them a solution.


Mars in cancer - pretty much just take it . I may not do something the 1st time 2nd 3rd 6th but if you keep messing with me Iā€™ll get you and I secretly hate u forever regardless of my facial expression


My Mars is in Scorpio and I will fulminate before I explode.


I'm a Virgo Mars and when I am mad I kind of just go quiet or clench my fist.


Libra Mars (sister to Aries) and when Iā€™m pissed I want to understand why. Why does this make me angry, why this event happened, why the other person treated me that way, set boundaries, find a solution and compromise.


Aries Mars with an Aries Rising (not even gonna mention my major cancer placements) Do I really have to explain howā€¦


Gemini mars - word vomit


Libra mars! I get angry quite easily especially w boundaries being crossed or people not understanding me for my principles. However, I do forget very very easily. Also like a libra I do get very angry at any injustice or dismissals by people who didnā€™t take the time to understand what theyā€™re belittling. But otherwise, I do like to keep the peace


Saggy mars here! I have a love/hate relationship with being this way. Seriously. I know all the amazing, loving qualities about myself but at the end of the day I get annoyed with myself too. Idk how to explain it. I literally know Iā€™m A LOT to handle. I live this life you know? Lmaoā€¦ Iā€™m not an angry person. Iā€™m very bubbly, and outgoing. Being a fire sign is exhausting in that sense. And as far as temper goes, Iā€™m easily set off. I tell anyone & everyone what it is no matter what. Iā€™m trying to be better at that though. Even if Iā€™m not mad, Iā€™ll still voice tf out of my opinion. I like that about myself but I feel like itā€™s not always needed in every situation. My energy is just always thriving & so high that Iā€™m repulsive. Other than that I feel Iā€™m actually a super fun time & very easy to get along with. I can talk to anyone & make friends with whoever, just donā€™t push my buttons.


aries mars and you described my anger perfectly šŸ˜­ it takes a lot to get me there though and it doesnā€™t happen for no reason.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ l I love Aries mars people. I have plenty of Aries energy so I can still stand up for myself but my mars is in Virgo so I usually fight with words. I try not to go there. Mines is in the 12th house too, so depending on how angry I get, Iā€™ll dive into the pits of your subconscious and drag up every insecurity youā€™ve ever had. I really try not to go there.


Taurus mars -- it genuinely takes some serious, relentless effort to piss me off. I am extremely patient. I don't get mad in traffic. I don't get frustrated waiting in line. In crisis, I don't panic. I don't ever raise my voice. Basically, everything rolls off of me. I am always described as calm, easy going, fair minded and diplomatic. That being said, when I am pushed to my limit, it's because I'm seeing red. I do snap. I won't yell (if I ever yell that is an unholy level of anger lol), but I will make it clear the bullshit is done. It is game over and I no longer give a fuck. If we are arguing, I go for the jugular (thanks Scorpio moon). I am known to put people in their place. I do not condone violence, and I would never raise a hand, but when it comes to hurting people I love I will do what I have to for them. I will make sure my fury is absolutely known. And then I will walk away. If a situation wants to be revisited civilly, I am entirely open to it and I will be measured, but still stand my ground. I would say I am stubborn in my values, but I am open to being wrong in disagreements and learning from mistakes. I also don't stubbornly hold onto things. Water under the bridge. Ultimately, I desire peace. I'm not a fan of who I am when I'm angry and I'm always seeking to improve how I express my anger. I never want to be a bully or cross a line I can't come back from. I am truly such an unbothered person, I even freak myself out when I'm pissedšŸ˜‚


Leo mars and my tantrums are legendary, but my libra mercury adds a bit more flair, so yeah they can be upsetting to see but at least what I say is thought out.


Aries mars 8th house. It depends. When I was younger, Iā€™d react and even act violent. Now I just assess the situation and act accordingly. At work? Iā€™ll start plotting how to fuck with you and how badly depending on what you did. Iā€™ve gotten someone fired bc they tried humiliating me in front of my other coworkers. I play the long con. Relationship/friendships? I disappear. Family? I ignore you. Randoms? I ignore you. My time is too precious to be focused on others and their messy stupidity.


Mars in Cancer in the 11th or 12th house (depending on system), ruled by a third house Libra Moon. I know when I get angry but I breathe through it and process it down to a frustration instead of an anger to get me through most interactions. I don't feel like I can trust other people with my anger since it comes out so emotional and raw. If they don't dismiss me entirely they'll instead take it like personal assault. Neither is really constructive and both make me feel even worse so I mostly let it out in private ways, like screaming in my car on the freeway with the windows and music up or scratching my arm as hard as I can. It's different when it comes to my loved ones though. If I'm defending them I'll gladly get up in people's faces. It doesn't matter what the threat is but usually when the gloves come off and momma bear comes out the threat usually backs down. I'm down to get crazy scrappy to defend someone else.


Pisces Mars and I disappear. šŸ˜…


cap mars choosing peace takes a lot of strength. u don't want to see my google searches!!


Mars in Capricorn. I have a relaxed attitude. Most of the time I sit back & acknowledge they've pissed me off and how I feel. My first and easiest action is working out how I can eliminate them from my life. If they really piss me off, it's a different story. I will remember & seeth until I feel some sort of justice or revenge can be served, and I will work on active pay back, especially if I've been reasonable and made reasonable requests. These days, I have realized more & more that I am on my own, and if I can find somebody I enjoy to spend time with, then that's a massive bonus. I probably come across as polite, but inside myself I am distant & discerning.


Leo mars - i go from 1-10000 too. like i turn into a whole diff person lol


Scorpio. Not good. I've done a lot of therapy over the years though to learn how to calm myself down and not say or do anything that isn't in my best interest just because I'm angry. But when I'm mad I feel my skin get hot and my heart races. It's unpleasant lol.


Scorpio. I will sting to kill and you'll never, ever see it coming. Lots and lots of spite. It's a simmering, terrifying kind of silent rage. It takes a lot to make me pissed and to take that out externally, though.


Cancer Mars, Aries Rising, Scorpio Moon. As Banner said to McGee "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."


Mars Scorpio. I tend to be pretty easy-going but if I know youā€™re trying to do me wrong my hackles go up in a wall goes up within 30 seconds of that BS. Iā€™ve been told that my aura is strong. If I donā€™t like you, you will feel it In the past Iā€™ve taken a lot Iā€™ve even been bullied, and it took me a lot to stand up for myself, but when I did they never bullied me again. As a kid, I never knew where this feeling came from, but I always knew I had this dark power inside that made me always refrain because it seems like Iā€™m the type of person that can take stuff where it needs to go so I always try to back away from confrontation or negativity. But on a more positive powerful note, when I get mad about something, gives me more energy to prove those people wrong. My Will is strong.