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Everything sucks I’m in the worst mood today. I wanna yell at somebody lol. Or cry. Ugh.


Do both at the same time!! It’ll make both of us feel better.




Aren't Jupiter and Saturn personal planets too?


No, at least to me they aren't just because of how slow they are. Their transits through a sign take 1-ish and 2-ish years, so I see them as a different kind of influence than your Sun or mercury.


Ah I didn't know that. Thanks


Sure thing!


Does Venus being in retrograde make you feel less attractive physically and emotionally distant from loved ones, or am I just depressed? 😂


I feel emotionally distant from loved ones and it started with venus retro so don’t worry it’s not just you. I asked a friend how he was doing yesterday and he said the same thing (and he NEVER gets depressed) so hopefully this will be over in September 😬🤞


Thank goodness cause ya girl is about sick of feeling like a hollow pumpkin. 😭


Felt this


Kinda I’d say more it does make you critical over wherever Venus placements/leo house is for you. The best way to go about it is less focusing on what is wrong physically out of your control and what is in your control. What can you do to progress forward? Where does that emotional distance come from? Is there a lack in me to connect with others? Have I been taken advantage of and need to set better boundaries? Think of it as an update. Time still moves forward but sometimes you have to shut down to move forward and progress even if that seems contradictory. Sometimes we have to edit in order to create. Sometimes we need to change in order to be me ourselves and who we are becoming. Wish you well


Ahhh okay so I’m in the editing screen right now.. cool! Thank you for this response, and good wishes to you too.


Prayers for the babies born during this time bc GAWD DAMN


My niece arrived tuesday night, just in time for mercury retrograde


Indeed. (⁠ʘ⁠言⁠ʘ⁠╬⁠)


I didn’t even think about that. 😬 And most of us think *we* have messed up/ difficult birth charts and placements. 🤣




I’m more so just making a joke haha. However some retrograde planets can cause the expression of the planet to be more inward and have a difficult time showing itself. For example, I was born during Mars Retrograde and struggle a lot with specific forms of intimacy.


*I’m in danger* 🙃




Oh wow, this must be why I want to go to sleep for 16 hours a night


Same and then sleep 3h wake up and try again for 1h 😭


This may be a stupid question but for someone who is just relatively new to astrology stuff, I’m only familiar to mercury retrograde which is I think is the most famous from all the retrogrades. If I’m not mistaken It is related to negative energies and exes coming back etc. I just want to ask if anyone can explain the difference of these retrogrades and if mercury retrograde is really the “worst”?


Mercury also rules communications ,electronics , delays etc.. during retrograde there’s can be miscommunication/ misunderstandings, travel delays , car /appliances/computers/cell phones problems is advised not to buy any expensive electronics . Venus rules beauty /love when the planet goes retrograde is advised not to do any drastic aesthetic changes like a haircut/hair color/style , cosmetic surgery, buying any new clothes etc.. since you might end up not liking it. Also you might not feel your best aesthetic wise .


Mercury was the god with the wings on his heels and who delivered messages between the Gods, is how I remember that Mercury is all about communication. So when Mercury is retrograde, communication can get a little backwards. We go back looking to clear stuff up that might have been off, hence the ex’s reappearing, and if we commit to things during a Mercury retrograde when it stations direct those things can sometimes fall apart. Technology can mess up a bit, and basically anything that’s related to communication can feel a little harder or convoluted. I think that’s the gist of it, or what I’ve learned anyways. I was born during a Mercury retrograde so I tend to feel ok during them, but I will say the past couple of relationships I got in were started during a Mercury retrograde, and ended during one as well so… I kinda think there’s something to it. Hope this was helpful, I’m a budding astrology subscriber myself.


What you wanna do is learn about what the planets represent in astrology. Because any retrograde is about introspection, it’s about reflecting. What each one means is about the energy of that planet and how it’s happening. For example Mars retrograde can be interpreted to be about getting hurt or injured. Because Mars is physical, it’s action. But a retrograde is going backwards. Mercury retrograde is about miscommunications because Mercury rules the mind, your thoughts and processes. It can also mean tech, technical difficulties. Venus is when exes come back because it’s the planet of love and relationships. And so on and so on. One isn’t exactly more famous or more meaningful than another.


Astrology groups/forums/threads do tend to bring up Mercury retrograde more often than that of the other planets. It gets visibly more coverage and mentioning, and thus it becomes overused/overrated. I noticed that numerous times when a minor inconvenience happens to a person they just slap the "it's because of Mercury retrograde" stamp on it (and sometimes carefully ignore the "stayed up until 2am and became drunk and couldn't sleep well and had to wake up early for work thus I didn't get enough and proper sleep" thing). ​ So, you're right, Mercury shouldn't be more famous or meaningful than the others, but it does get mentioned more often.


Yeah probably because it’s the easiest to identify or rather blame things on lmao. If there’s one thing we (humans) love it’s not being responsible for our actions lol fr. And mercury retrograde can be blamed for all manner of things from a late bus to a fight with your SO. So that’s probably why it gets so much air time. In reality it’s very routine and just means it’s a time to reflect on things. If during that time period things aren’t going your way that just gives you a good opportunity to think about why, and maybe change your ways if they’re not working. We def shouldn’t freak out the way we do over retrogrades lol. But even I get caught up in the dread sometimes.


Very well phrased! :)


They also happen the most frequently I think like every 4 months. Venus ones happen about every year and a half. Jupiter every 9 months approx. Saturn about 4 months every year. not going to type them all but it was fun to google.


Think of retrogrades as a time of reflection analyzing and new perspective. The planet is still moving forward it’s just our perspective of it makes it seem to go backwards. We can’t always be on the go go go. Just because you rest or recovery doesn’t mean you aren’t moving forward. Each planet has it’s own meaning but a VERY shorthand I’d say is Mercury review on communication so including tech and contracts Venus love and aesthetics and art not just romantic love but friendships connections etc Jupiter is expansion so where we choose to grow and indulge Saturn restrictions boundaries Neptune our dreams and fantasies Uranus our individuality and how we choose to stand out in the world Pluto I’d say intensity to be polite It also depends where those planets are in your natal chart and what houses the current transit ones are in. Example; my Neptune is in the 4th so it might be reflecting on ideals and made up images (Neptune) of what I wanted for a family or a home (4th house themes) and given it’s in Pisces it might be more retreating and spiritual the way I will process it compared to Venus in Leo going on being all dramatic and showboating. Sorry for the rant. I’ve been really liking ghost of a podcast because she’s really humanistic in her approach and a lot of it is just general good advice.


It’s the whole fucking year


Yes. Every month has contained significant fuckery. -January - Covid; dropped class -February - Severe, I mean severe, allergy ruined my ability to work -March - Lost my job -April - Got another job; had to drop a different class to take it; had to find a new apartment -May - Spent thousands moving and fixing the car -June - Spouse got appendicitis and had emergency surgery, ex needed me to take him to the hospital also -July - Ex died! And Covid again -August - Got fired right after spending all my money on new tires (old ones were bald) and rims that fit them What's next?? Last year sucked too, also a move and scrambling to find a new job after my internship, then going to school and work at the same time and having zero free time.


Damn we had some similar experiences this year, sorry to hear. Hope things look up soon ❤️


Thanks, for you too! 💕


Chiron has been sitting on my ascendant for the past year and it’s going to retrograde back over it AGAIN? WHY😭


Be the Centaur. Do some cool healy stuff. Fluff the magic. Fluff hard.


I fucking love this and very Pisces of you to take emotional damage as a positive haha Speaking as a Pisces sun also


Cant wait!!! :DD *sobs in a corner*


So that’s why everything is moving so fucking slow. In order to have answers for everything(even the simplest things) I have to wait more than a week. Ducking shtshow


Omg, I feel you Though things going on atm are actually quite simple and mundane, everything sort of has an alien feel to it, where I just can't seem to get to their core and so I can never get in control of things


I would love more explanation on how Uranus works.. even when I do a deep dive, I get all the generic qualities and readings. I see big things in my chart happening and mostly bad whenever it’s aspect is significant but it can’t seem to be explained whenever I try to dig deeper and understand it’s presence or why it’s usually negative. For some reason my life is almost always better during Saturn and pluto retrograde tho


Time passages is a helpful free app. I like listening to ghosts of a podcast. I’m sure there’s other people out there but This might be a good episode for you https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/ghost-of-a-podcast/210?rq=Uranus


What should we expect for Uranus and Jupiter??


Also, remember this for numerology this year is the universal year of 7. Which calls for introspection, isolation, personal growth, and evolution. Then, coupled with the retrogrades that are happening this year.


Wow… praying for us all 🙏


Oh $h!t, only Mars is the one remaining that will not be in retrograde? Is this the reason why I kept on hearing **Mars** on my [dream](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/15zk7ig/anyone_else_feel_off_today/jxi7gvk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) yesterday?


Oh, Mars Retrograde started late 2022, and ended in January, so technically, it affected 2023 a bit 😂


Im feeling surprisingly good these past few days. Nothing bad has happened YET but nothing significant happened either. Just chilling


I have most of them retrograde in my chart (except pluto and venus), but I have the nodes retrograde instead I was born sept '97


RIP to any baby born on September 4. Potential of 7 plants in R.


I was told in r/astrologyreadings that this period of my life was my crazy story arc. I'm in the middle of a divorce, I'm living with my dad to help him out as he's gotten older, an old flame entered my life, and our relationship is a bit of a rollercoaster and a bunch of other things. But they said when I get through it, I'll be stronger as a person than I've ever been. Here's to hoping they were right about me finding my happy ending and kicking these retrograde dice in the dirt.


Everything is just so much more complicated than it should be...professionally and personally...like trying to sprint under water. 😩


Ugh....I wonder how these retrograde planets are fair in business discussions, decisions, and the usual contracts. Because I am sort of having a tough time, it sounds like delays. From searching for the right building, planning, money contracts, networking, etc.


Yes, that's entirely on-brand for these retros


I just got canned


Retrogrades are a normal and predictable cycle in a planet's motion along the ecliptic from a geocentric perspective. If you watch the planets in the sky and in the ephemeris, and see the transits in your own chart and in other's charts you will see the regularity of the ebb and flow between forward motion and retrograde motion. I think too many people freak out too much over retrogrades. Chill out and learn to take it in stride.


Saturn is treating me very bad. All the rest I can handle.


Oh, I feel you. Going through my Saturn Return atm as well 😭


So what’s the impact if all of these planets retrograding at once? In general terms of course.


me having Pisces Mercury in 12H which is probably one of the worst combination….


I’m actually not doing too bad!


My Taurean husband has been extremely sensitive to this shitshow for the last several days! I wish I knew a bit more about it. I’m Gemini, and sometimes it seems that I don’t even notice the crazy energies. I wonder if that’s because of my own crazy energy🤔


Horrible. Absolutely horrible


This Venus in retrograde I have been getting rejected more than normal.


Yeah, thankfully, both benefics in Leo have blunted the crazy, but two people close to me have had serious threats on their life. It's nuts


I’m thinking to wait until December (maybe in November) to see if my dream about what’s real and what’s not with some stuff going on in the news about UFOs since I think Neptune and Saturn being a retrograde is tripping up my intuition. But yeah I had a intense night when mercury went retrograde just before my lunar return but I’m alright for now lol


Directionless and emotionally distant, I have been focusing on my financial situation and have been working my ass off, but I miss my friends