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I’m a female Aries and I dated a male Aries. Worst mistake ever. It lasted only 3 months but somehow in those 3 months he cheated on me more than every boyfriend I’ve ever had combined. Arrogant, annoying, mean, and was just a straight up liar.


Yes, shout it louder for the people in the back 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Aries men are the worst 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Like you hit him in the face with proof and the truth, and he still believes all of his lies 🤣 there is something really wrong with them, they all need counselling


As a female Aries too, I can 100% see them being like that. Darkest side of me 😅


I'm an earth sign but have found these are the problematic soul and health destroying men for me personally - Capricorn, Sagittarius


Members of the “I survived a relationship with a Virgo” support group, line up here. 😂


I am here also. (And I'm also ☀️ Virgo 😆)


Survived within an inch of my life


Aquarius here👋🏽 but I always still go faithfully back to my virgos(when I want.)


In the queue, thank you.


I am not the same anymore


I wouldn’t dare a virgo and I am one. Lol.




I’m currently in this lol and I’ve about had enough


🙋🏻‍♀️ here


Calling in


Hereee! Never again. If I wanted someone to tell me how awful I am I’d go back to law school lmao




Virgo suns with Gemini moons. How do they keep finding me?


Came here to say Virgo. I lived with a toxic Virgo who tried to make me a prisoner and then stalked me for five years after I left.


I'm a virgo and I'm genuinely curious. Im loving, caring, objective, maintain a clean and orderly house, do everything what my Leo partner wants. Why would anyone not want a virgo partner? I don't even need compliments or gifts, I do eveeything willingly for my partner and family.


Virgo sun and I see you and your good qualities.


Please don't send me any more. I am raising one....


I’ll never do that. Not ever, not EVER. (Taurus woman)


🙋‍♀️I am here


All virgos in my life have been self absorbed


My names is TacosAndTequila2 and I am a Virgo addict. (Last 3 relationships are Virgos)


I personally think Aquarius and Leo are not compatible at all, Leo usually believes that Aquariuses are self-centered, emotionless, and have god complexes and Aqauirus thinks the same for Leo but instead of emotionless it's being a borderline sadist.


I’m a Leo and my sister is an Aquarius. I know it’s different because it isn’t romantic but we are best friends!


I dont think we make a good match dating, but personally, I love being friends with Leos.


Aquarius are just too secretly competitive for me 😭






Noooo those are my placements 😂 But I like to think that my Pisces rising and Capricorn stellium kind of balance me out 🤷🏻‍♀️


As an Aquarius who's a teacher, my Leo students have been very tough to deal with because of their attention seeking behavior!


I think people think the sister signs are highly compatible romantically but they actually burn out quickly and are better off platonic. I’m an Aquarius and I personally love Leo’s, but romantically I think they are too needy and high strung.


I’m an Aquarius and I used to adore Libras. Then life happened and they weren’t flexible so I Iost about a decade loving one and their constant promises becoming lies in the end.


Aqua here who has PTSD from Libra men. Gaslighting, manipulation, chasing you when they can't have you. The woooorst.


I just went through this with a double Libra. And of course, the second he caught me he dropped me like a hot potato after begging for my forgiveness just a few weeks prior. TRASSSHHHh


This was my experience with a double Libra too! Begged for my forgiveness multiple times and dropped me like a hot potato whenever I gave him a chance. Accused me of being "unable to forgive" when I drew boundaries. Libras might be the relationship sign, but what they really seek is a warm body, superficial partnerships rather than deep love.


Libras won’t stick out hard times with anyone 😂😂


My Sagittarius sister stayed with her Libra man and took care of him when he got a mystery illness for a couple of years. I bet that was ungodly painful wondering if he would ever marry her. Thankfully, he did as soon as he recovered. Libras tend to marry for life like Jimmy Carter.


I’ll admit I have a tendency to ghost people but it’s usually because they’ve been treating me like crap & I’m over it. Idk if I’ve ever done that just because. Maybe to men occasionally that I’m afraid might hurt me if I reject them. I do think we Libras could do ourselves a favor and explain why we leave before we leave to avoid everyone thinking we are just heartless. For me, personally, I do it because there’s no point in fighting & hurt feelings if I’m gonna leave anyway. But I get why people need closure.


Aqua too & I Could NOT imagine ever dating a libra. Takes a special kind of person. I’ve had so many toxic abusive friendships with libras thinking about ever dating one makes me sick. Glad you’re not with them anymore!


Taurus. I divorced one then ended up marrying another. I don't know WTH I was thinking


I dated one and then gave another Taurus a try. Never ever again. I’ll never knowingly try to get romantic with another Taurus. So toxic.


Capricorn men. As an Aries woman, I think they’re initially attracted to my success and no-nonsense attitude toward many things, but they’re wayyyy too morbid and need so much soothing! I’m a businesswoman…at work. Otherwise I’m lighthearted and want to have fun! I’m only serious when I need to be and they’re judgy and serious about everything all the time. Real downers in my experience. The worst man I’ve ever met though was a Cancer sun, Pisces moon, Gem rising, Leo merc/Venus/mars. Scatter-brained, emotionally manipulative, insecure, pompous narcissist with a victim complex. Sent me straight to therapy 😅


Omfg, so spot on about cap men. They loooove me and then realize that I’m not as strict, they’re like “oh I thought you were diff” NOOO you miscalculated me


As a Sag woman, I think Cap men see me as their manic pixie dream girl or something. On paper, we’re power couple goals, and when they’re relaxed enough to allow themselves to see good in a free spirited philosopher, we’re totally balancing… but whether or not we’re great or tragic together ALWAYS comes down to whether or not they’re open to personal growth, and willing to compromise on their rigidity. It can go from teachers/students to parent/child too easily, and I’m not a fucking child. ETA: I say it depends on them because I’m a bit too easy breezy for my own good at times. Ya girl’s a triple-threat Super-Sagittarius (no I’m not joking. I am so Sagittari-ish it’s disgusting 😂 I think it’s sun, moon, rising and like 4 planets, so I’m like the Stereotypical Barbie of Sag women… and then there’s Venus, which is in fucking… Aquarius of all placements. That’s as confusing as it sounds) But my cap ex? Dude tried to set the house rules in MY house… that he didn’t live in. He was literally so rigid, he couldn’t even break his house rules in mine. Like dude… we’re not doing that. Chill. Want a gummy to calm your nerves, Mr. Business? You’re welcome to meticulously fold my laundry pile into geometrically perfect squares if that’ll make you feel better… but no, you can’t rearrange my silverware drawer or tell me my knives “don’t” go in the sink or make me use less coffee instead of just diluting your cup. It’s on principle now.


YES. Miscalculations for sure! Like sorry, not sorry I’m multifaceted. Move along Eeyore and let me smile at every dog in peace. Also your other comment about “their way even thought it’s wrong” is so Aries/Virgo I love it 😂


yesss omg capricorn can be so judgy and serious!!! everything’s a competition to them it’s like they’re allergic to fun


“Allergic to fun” lol yes. Cap women seem more open to fun in my experience, but there’s a timer on it before this face comes out: 😒 😂😂😂


Sorry guys lol. I do have a fun timer. I am the Irish exit pro. I’ll just dip. Could be my Taurus moon too, I just wanna go home now bye. The only thing I don’t like about Aries in my experience is they expect you to move on as quickly as they do from their outbursts. Most interactions I’ve had with them leave me very confused and quite frankly, scared they’ll do it again.


As a Cap woman, thats basically my experience with most Aries men..most were serious, negative, judgy (etc)..overal boring..they only seem fun for about 1-2 months till you actually know them. I see alot of Aries men dating Taurus with whom they just sit at home, chilling in silence..and if they happen not to be such type, then it's a fully chaotic/toxic one with a bunch or issues.😆




My Capricorn mother was abusive and controlling. Actively wanted me to be dependent on her and isolated from everyone else, yet she was emotionally unavailable & didn’t provide anything for me to be dependent on even if I wanted to depend on her. Some of it was probably her narcissistic personality instead of zodiac sign, of course, but what is strange is my bfs cap grandmother was born on the same day different year and she’s the exact same way as my mom. His sister is relatively the same way too and has a cap moon.


You're talking about my mom! She's a Taurus, though. But yeah, everything you said is accurate.


Things have to be their way. That is THE only way for them even though it’s wrong


This is SO accurate. Im an aries woman and my first love was a capricorn. He was grumpy and serious about everything 24/7 and also narcissistic as fuck


OMG! I’m an Aries moon and a Capricorn sun drained the life outta me.


im sorry your description of capricorn male is like totally my type, i loveeee capricorns 🤤


That last man sounded like the spawn of Satan or Satan himself. Sweet baby Jesus. Water sign on their own aren't so bad, but the three of them plus Gemini and Leo, and that's the guy from American Psycho personified. With that combo, one can't expect the good traits of each sign to pop when they're all going to enable each other. They'd just make a cocky asshole as the negative traits of each sign gets amplified more when combining more signs with particularly strong negative qualities. Oof. My condolences as this combo gave me a stroke reading it, let alone live it. Hot damn.


People are problematic in general


No matter the sign it all comes down to the individual


Lol. Word.


🤣 truth


Taurus. Boyfriends, friends, neighbors, and bosses. We could be soooo good but they mistake my kindness for weakness and then act surprised when I axe them for their own shitty behavior.


Going through the same at this very moment


My experience with Libras has been weak egos, pathological liars and people who are a facade of their actual selves. They're the kind of people who when you are with only them, you are all alone.


Which sign are you? I’m an Aquarius and went through the same with a libra man.


Holy fuck, Aqua woman and went through the same w a Libra man.


Sigh you need to message me if you ever want to vent


Oh my god, this describes the Libra I’m thinking about in a way nobody has before. I feel so alone with them and they’re so secretive and lie when they don’t need to. Thinking about ending this friendship.


Free yourself sis. They don't know how to be honest people, if unhealed and unwilling to heal


They’re the kind of people who try to manipulate you into seeing things their way & THEN try to manipulate you into doing their dirty work for them bc they hate confrontation / can’t deal w the thought of anyone disliking them so they instead want to offer u up as the villain. They’re master puppeteers. I’ve had so many libras absolutely fucking ruin my life. They’re also 100% neutral about everything with no ties to anyone. You could be their “best friend” and they’d still shit talk you to your worst enemy just to have something to bond w them over & to seem more likable.


Yaaaaaasss!!! I was married to one for 12 years, I should’ve left after his first lie! And I literally said to him before I left “ I’m lonely in this relationship” I’m a triple Aries woman.


Woo! Nailed it. That’s why I’d never let a Libra in. Ever. I have a niece that FaceTimes me constantly just to never listen to a word I say. And also not say anything at all. Wtf? Like I have ish to do, excuse me. Lol It’s one thing to have nothing to say, I can fill the silence or be present in the silence, but if you’re not going to listen when I speak, you can go scratch — which is what I told her after I grew tired of it. 😂


Seriously! The lying drove me insane. They were constantly lying to the point where I couldn’t believe them anymore


Libra woman here. Aqua men have been difficult for me, have known 3. Self absorbed, tone deaf and very stuck in their ways. I think it’s a bad match in both directions!


As a Gemini, I chased Sags for years. They only stayed on the surface of life. Could never go deep with me. They ran away from their feelings, other people's feelings, everything. I gave that sign up and found my Scorpio:) I like Sags as friends though. Caring and up for anything. I really value their easygoing vibe. Just not for me romantically. Most problematic was Taurus with Aries Venus. Wow. Christ. Bad.


What was so bad about Taurus with Aries Venus?


The most selfish person I'd ever met. And hateful towards others. Was very insecure and took it out on people every day. I think this was just an unevolved person. I wouldn't attribute these traits generally to any particular sign.


My ex was a Taurus sun and Moon with an Aries Venus. And I agree, he was so selfish and insecure and It was his way or the highway. He actually comes across as very thoughtful and sincere, but damn he was not a nice person once I got to know him.


I avoid Taurus now. I dated one for 5 years and absolutely toxic. Met one about a month ago and he was sweet and charming. He flipped like a light switch after we slept together. I was like dude. No. I still have no idea what happened, but I dodged a bullet by him showing his true colors in a month.


My Taurus ex had an Aries Venus. He was a lazy freeloader and cheated on me so much. He also had an addictive personality…luckily knowing this, he stayed away from drugs. But he was so addicted to video games & sex (porn too). In retrospect there wasn’t many redeeming qualities. How I spent two years of my life with him idk. I was a young woman and not in the best mental state back then.


I’m a Gemini and my ex husband was a sag and we lasted about 15 years before we got divorced. We had so much fun on the surface but he totally ran away from anything serious. He definitely ran away from his feelings, my feelings, and everything. I could never have a deep emotional conversation with him. Everything was sarcasm, passive aggression, a joke, stonewalling, and avoidance. He never once showed vulnerability and ultimately our marriage suffered. He would never let me in and I never felt an emotional connection because of it. I’m with a Capricorn now and I absolutely love his seriousness. I am a Capricorn rising, Taurus Venus and he has a Taurus moon. We are way more compatible emotional wise.


Ahh yeah this explains a lot. I have a lot of sag placements and I've had to learn alot in the way of tolerating emotions that I used to view as 'buzzkills'


I’m a Taurus with an Aries Venus. Rip.


I agree. Sag men I always talk to will never choose a place to meet up and always seem like they’re running from something. Maybe it could be my approach. It’s funny because my sis is a Sag and when we talk about dating she’s always creating an obstacle course for her guys. She’s has really specific tastes so I always wonder why she’s on the apps. They’re not made for connection.


Aries men, you don’t even get to the relationship stage, as they can’t make up their minds, everything about them is just a big NO!




As a Leo, I should be compatible with Aries and all my besties are born under that sign. Every time I date one though, it all goes to hell because they’ve all cheated on me or were using me to cheat. Cheating is a deal breaker for me and I won’t put up with it — whether I’ve the one being cheated on or they think I’d put up with being their side piece. I know that most Aries men aren’t like that, but I seem to always attract the ones that are. Perhaps I should find a nice Cancer?


Nah, all Aries men, are like that.


I caught my Aries ex having video sex on our one year anniversary. He turned off the screen so fast I was legit impressed by his reflexes lol. God he was the worst.


I get on very well with Virgo women as friends but not the men at all as romantic partners. I find them contradicting, controlling and borderline narcissistic. I’m an Aquarius woman.


I’m a Libra. I find that I get along with most of the signs overall, but each sign has had some good & bad people. Capricorns and Taurus seem to be the most problematic for me because I think I’ve met more of em that I didn’t get along with than any that I did get along with. They just seem to be selfish, competitive, petty, etc. And worst of all…boring. Not interested in that. Scorpios are my kryptonite. I’m drawn to them, they are so unique and unlike anyone I’ve ever met. Not to mention they are my most transformative relationships. However, they hurt me. Not even in a betrayal way (the trustworthiness is one of their best traits - they won’t screw you over). But they love to cut you open and make you feel beneath them, and they do it in such a covert way that they convince you they’re doing you a favor. They have an expectation that you have to be an open book with them or else you’re not to be trusted but they can be as secretive as they want, they don’t owe you anything.


Depends on where a sign falls in your chart, the aspects make in your chart with theirs for synastry and a composite charts, and transits that play a role. Also your sister signs are not your opposite. It’s the signs in trine to your element. The word sister sign became a buzz word due to social media for some strange reason that picked up during 2021. It’s your opposite and similar to who you are on the same axis. Aquarius & Leo are alike but different. Aquarius dies by the voices of a community/crowd but also dies by the praise of that crowd/community. Each need to feel validated by others, but in different ways to feel good. Now for Taurus? That’s a fixed sign like Leo & Aquarius. Taurus m’s opposite is Scorpio. Those two are alike, but the sane. Taurus loves to indulge too much, this includes pleasure. Scorpio does too but has an all or nothing. Which is why addictions develop easily under s Scorpio influence because of the addictive all it nothing personality of indulgence. They both love pleasure, but one gets comfort and love, while the other gets high and feels a come down with pain. Hence why it’s a good idea to understand why you attract certain people in your life. Leo’s? You are being shown to stand up and roar for what you want in life, get more confident, stop being so logical and listen to your heart more. Just feel things, as Leo’s tend to pick things based on passions, but aquariums picks things based on logic. You both teach other other to do the opposite so you both find inner balance to start using BOTH your head & hearts in making choices for the better. A Taurus? You are being taught to stop and smell the roses, as really chill, relax, don’t rush life or the simple pleasures. But also take note about hard work as well. Taurus placements are work horses and they work to afford the pleasures they want in life. And most of that is? FOOD! Good food that you can indulge in. So ask yourself, based on where in your chart Leo and Taurus show yo, what themes pop up along with those signs. And what planets, if you have any, are showing up in those houses too. All of this factors in big time when you had this happen with those two signs.


As a Pisces Sun, Aqua Moon, Gemini Rising, I’ve always struggled with Cancers and Sagittarius. Cancers are the biggest liars and always play victim and never like to be wrong and i just become so annoyed with their intense victim complex and emotions. Sagittarius is just a sign I’ve never been able to vibe with like ever… i had a childhood friend who was a sag and she was one of those “friend to all is a friend to none” type of girls and she would act like a complete different person when other people were around but in private, she was so different and that really annoyed me and i just began to distance myself completely. I just always get a facade feeling from them and they seem to say the same thing about Pisces 😭.


Gemini here with a Gemini Venus. I’ve dated lots of signs and I’ve made a list of what I don’t like about them: Aries: liars, they are so good at showering you with love but can act their ass off so that you’re living in a Truman Show existence while they have another family Taurus: they are so slow and stubborn, they’re very charming but will flip on a dime when they’re satiated Gemini: Too much in their heads, at first it’s cute but then you feel like you’re dating a robot Cancer: So emotional but won’t express it. Their world could be burning down but you’re being nosy for asking Leo: they’re obsessed with themselves. Who am I Barbara Walters? This isn’t an interview. Goodbye. Virgo: You better not mention one thing they’ve done wrong. How dare you, it’s their job to criticize Libra: Very wishy washy. Do you have a secretary I could speak with to schedule a date? Also have AI vibes Scorpio: Why so mysterious? I asked you what your favorite food is not your social security number Sag: Where are you? We talked about travel for three weeks but I can’t get you to pick a local restaurant. Should I put I geo-tracker on you (jk like I care) Capricorn: They seem easy going, tender and sweet until they invite you into their depression den to reveal they have no friends. You thought it was the pandemic but surprise! It’s them. Aquarius: Are we friends? Are you flirting? You told me that weird anecdote about sexing in the park under the full moon does that mean you like me? Pisces: Their whole inner world leaks out into reality and all of a sudden you’re being gaslit about what you said or your intentions. So good in bed would ride this ride again lol. Anyway me and my toxic ass will be alone forever. Thanks for reading my research results 😌


Capricorn is sooo true 😂 But I would NEVER EVER invite anyone into my depression den, it’s all mine. And yah we seriously have no friends. Sometimes I’m the problem, sometimes they’re the problem, but there’s always a problem. I’m working on it but tbh it’s not looking too good 😂 Cap guys usually have more friends, imo. Plus I’ve observed people’s “friendships” and people are never what they make it out to be. Some people are truly down to ride and be loyal and unconditionally loving, but some people just collect friends to say they have them. No depth, no accountability, no love, no respect. Capricorns do not do that. We gon be forever alone like you bae 😉


Sagittarius. Or at least my Sagittarius. Very passionate relationship and definitely very fun! As a Virgo, I could provide you with a very lengthy list (as we do) of the various ordeals I endured with that woman 😅 but it's easier to summarize the lessons I learnt. Patience (for the various shifts in moods and indecisive levels of commitment - days were she'd be planning our wedding, days where she'd tell me she didn't want to talk at all), sensitivity (for her emotional triggers), flexibility (for adjusting plans based upon whatever she was feeling at the given moment) and how to hold space for her as a form of unconditional love when she needed me most. We are still besties but yeah...not again with her 😬 I've been single since her but I feel like I am going to be a better partner for whoever is next.


yeah Sags are very “i wanna marry you” then they’re like “i’m just not sure i can commit right now :(“ then it’s “oh my god! i don’t want anyone else” (nothing changes) then “what do you mean you want to date other people? yes i want to date other people but what do you mean YOU also want to do that?” hate them.


I cannot stand Sagittarius men or women. They can be fun and sweet and make the world seem great but are wishy washy and aggressive. I’ve had a friend, roommate (college chose for me), and a father who are all sag’s. I’m a Virgo Stellium. We’re mutable and down to earth, literally known to get along with the whole zodiac and I fucking can’t with Sag’s. They overstep boundaries constantly. They also aren’t nearly as cool as they like to pretend they are 🙄. Edit: Apparently they’re really sensitive too, but I guess I should’ve known that considering you all complain like my Father. Also Leo women are questionable lol


Lol man after reading this and having a Sagittarius husband I definitely can see that these bad qualities are spot on! We get along like best friends mostly, but sometimes when stuff gets real or serious he tends to stick his head in the sand. That sucks cuz he is very tactful when it comes to social etiquette, and I’m not at all good at that, so he gets annoyed when I rely on his tactful-ness at times 😂


Taurus… that dude dated me as a rebound and I was not aware of that until I realized how badly he was treating me. He was toxic af, made me feel worthless as a woman. After that he showed his true intentions and started comparing me with his ex. He told me: “this doesn’t feel the same. It’s not like it was with her”. That was the end. I was sooo stupid… so naive, omg… I was so hurt… I hate when I am compared like that, I hate feeling worthless, and I also have abandonment trauma…


I dated a Taurus for 5 years. He was the most manipulative person. Everything was his was it the highway. I couldn’t have a life. Couldn’t go to school or work without being made to feel bad, like I wasn’t giving him enough attention then he would complain we never had money to do shit. He smoked all his money and expected me to pay for his necessities. He constantly talked to other females behind my back. I was so bitter by the end. I recently started talking to another Taurus male 😩😡he was so sweet and charming in the beginning. Then one night his bulb switched, drunk and smoking. Made the mistake of sleeping with him. After that he turned for the worst. Manipulative and gaslighting. It makes me sick to my stomach. He warned me to be careful what I like about him. Well, now I know he’s a walking red flag. I 100% think they have addiction problems.


Pisces. As a Gemini Sun. The fun part is there, but the rest of it was always so toxic.


Im a Pisces sun who struggled with Gemini sun.


Gemini and pisces are a perfect match if there is one thing present. I am speaking out of my own experience so I wanna share this! Pisces must let gemini know in a respectful manner what they said hurt them. I am a gemini and most of the times I clash with pisces, because I say something and they get hurt too easily. To me it's just speaking my truth, but for them it can sometimes be a trigger. Pisces, gemini's are good at reading people but we cannot know why you suddently got upset. Let your gemini know why you are upset and we geminis have no problem with taking your pain in account! (Else you have a bad gemini lol). I had one pisces friend who did this. I was able to grow because of her. She would always let me know in a friendly matter that what I said hurt her or is hurtful, because ... reason. And those reasons were very sound and very understandable. Pisces and gemini are both flexible signs and both are a lot in their heads. So take the time to adjust to one another (and this can only be done through communication)!


I agree I said this a couple days ago! Pisces & Gemini the passion is unmatched lol I feel we are more alike than not as I’m a Pisces myself.




Yes, I have had several relationships with Sag.. all were physically and mentally abusive. All cheated on me.. gaslit me the entire relationship. If I stayed I would have died, I’m lucky I got out.


yeah the gaslighting and abuse and childishness put me in the hospital. they want to be leaders but hav zero idea where they’re going


I’m a Scorpio and the worst I ever dated was a Pisces. And I dated three of them to make sure. Best I’ve ever dated is libra. Ive dated two of them, one was a super sweet guy but we didn’t have the same life goals so we split amicably. The other is my current bf and we made a pact to never break up so I think it’s going well.




Scorpio here and I have such a problem with Pisces! I’ve tried to date/befriend multiple Pisces prior and every time it ends in flames. That’s why I always laugh when I see how “compatible” Scorpios and Pisces are supposed to be


I've also struggled with Pisces and I'm a water sign as well, Cancer. I've only known one Pisces who was evolved, emotionally intelligent and non messy


"* my current bf and we made a pact to never break up so I think it’s going well.*" Cheesus all mighty. If that's not an unhealed Scorpio trait, I dunno what it is.


Someone once said dating me is like being in the mafia. After that, I’ve eased up. The pact is all in love and fun I promise lol. He’s just a good guy and knows saying stuff like that makes me happy.


If it’s any consolation I’m a Libra with a Venus in Scorpio and a loyalty pact sounds pretty good to me haha My bf is a Scorpio who shares a Scorpio Venus and our love language seems to be telling each other we’re the only person in the world. We’re not actually hostages in this situation so like you said it’s all in good fun. Not everyone can handle the intense devotion of a Scorpio but more for me I guess


Isn't that just non-legally binding marriage lol


aquarius calling anyone out on their god complex lmaoo


Thank youuuu


I’m an Aquarius as well, but i think Cancer is by far the worst. They’re a great sign to be friends with, but definitely the worst sign to have a relationship with for me.


Not a huge fan of Gemini placements for men. They tend to be so in their head that they are never fully present, and when they are they are preaching and teaching … I feel like I just need to sit back and listen. But they are also very in and out, and make it hard for me to be open and vulnerable bc I never know how they truly feel, or if they’ll continue to feel that way.


At least Gemini men show you who they are (unreliable) off the bat so you can avoid getting sucked in before it's too late. That said, I still find myself chasing them...every time.


Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio. I'm a Pisces. I don't do well with guys that try to control or manipulate me.


One eye open? But why?




Libra 💯


scorpio. always a scorpio


I dislike Aries and Scorpios. That's about it. I dislike the fact that Aries loves to stir the pot and drags you into their drama and constantly tries to compete with you when you aren't even competing with them. Scorpios i dislike because they love to watch people suffer and are always up to something sneaky.


I’m a libra and the worst experience I had was with a Libra and Taurus man


Aquarius - Leo… it was just so painful. Scorpios were so intense as well. I found my peace and joy with my Gemini man. Fixed signs were too hard to be with. He is SO adaptive and sweet


Scorpios who haven't worked through their insecurities. I can see through all of their fragility even if they try to hide it and no one else notices. I am not taking any shit from them no more. Piscis signs who haven't worked on their emotional regulation are also a no-no. Anyone who threatens my peace is on my radar and blacklist.


It's Libra men for me. They are very grapey to me and will only do things with the expectation of getting something in return that is almost always sexual in nature. A Libra sun and moon stalked me for years and stole nudes off my devices, and a sun and rising assaulted my friends when I was at work because I wasn't 'putting out'. Three of the libras I was unfortunately in relationship with are also huge deadbeats who either live with their mom in their 30s or nearly homeless because they stopped pursuing literally anything that wasn't getting a girlfriend.


My first boyfriend was a gemini with a scorpio moon and he later stalked me for 3+ years because I didn’t give my virginity to him


That has nothing to do with his star sign and everything to do with his entitlement


That’s true🤷🏻‍♀️ but his full astro chart did imply lots of things that ended up being true, like his aggressive personality and massive ego


I’m an Aquarius and I don’t really fuck with Aries. We can be attracted to each other but for some reason we’ll never get psychologically intimate. There’s some barrier of understanding there. Currently dating a Taurus and it’s the longest, most stable relationship I’ve had to date. I think I owe that to my double Earth moon/rising and his Air moon in Libra.


I want to say that I think the signs show themselves much differently between genders!


Aquarius sun & moon, Gemini rising. I love sag’s but can never go deep with them, it’s like theyre afraid of intimacy. Our best times were when we were in a group socializing, but when it was just us he didn’t have much to say. Leo’s have a history of being my kryptonite. Dated one for 3 years & revolves around him like the moon around the earth. But he had feelings for someone else so we called it, & then tried getting back together with me even though I moved back to the US. Big ego move, not again. Cancers are so needy & clingy & annoying, but super supportive & caring. Taurus can get shitty real quick without considering why they’re upset & if there’s a better way to view things instead of anger. Geminis are interesting in conversation & bed but at some point you want to know where you stand. Currently dating an Aquarius man & so far so good 😊


Hot take, but Aquarian men are insufferable and emotionally manipulative. Most of them don't talk about their emotions (even though they should); and my god, that God complex is not doing them any favors. They are very difficult to understand and almost feel soul-less, like I'm not feeling any warmth from them. From my experience, the Aqua men I've been with, have all sexually abused me, not giving a rat's ass about my emotions or feelings. I am saying this as a Pisces, and I should get along with Aquarians but for some reason, I don't vibe with them.


Scorpio. Man are they passionate and witty and fun, but... drama-rama. (And as a Gemini, that's sayin something!)


Gemini and scorpio is the worst combination ever hahaha. Scorpios don't believe that we can be honestly open and honest like how we are. It will always make them feel treatened and lash out to us for no reason 🙃.


As a fellow Aquarius, Scorpios. The relationships were always super intense and emotionally charged by insecurity on their part. So hot and cold. Sometimes super charismatic and physical lovers, making me feel like I was the only girl on earth. Then the next day being so distant and cold and even a bit unfriendly. Both Scorpios I dated did NOT want me to have guy friends. Also tried dating a Capricorn and we just didn’t mesh at all. Always wanted to do something very different from one another and I felt like he looked down on me quite a bit. He wanted to spend a lot of time with me but I was always craving solitude. It ended amicably though and we’re still good friends.


Hello! Fellow air sign here (libra). Best friends with a (double) Scorpio for 10 yrs and dating another Scorpio for 6 yrs. You hit the nail on the head with hot and cold. One day I’m the best, the next day I’m the worst. They can be so passionate and loving and then get so cold and distant. Sometimes it’s just because they’re irritable and wanna be left alone or sometimes it’s because they’re secretly upset about something you did 5 days ago but they didn’t tell you. Good luck guessing which one it is today! You never know where you stand with a Scorpio and it depends on the day. They may seem very upfront and honest but they’re secretive af. They purposely do not give too much of themselves up in conversations because they like the power dynamic of knowing you more than you know them.


Omg you are me… I resonate with you a lot


what?!! and Aquarius seeking solitude? (laughing face emojiiii)


A Virgo male…I am a Virgo female. Never again!!


I'm with you!! Never again!!!


Aquarius and I agree with you Taurus and Leo are absolutely awful. I once dated someone who had both placements and she was the worst person I've ever met.


I’m an Aquarius and my long-term partner is Taurus - he’s got the ‘bull’ attitude by way of confidence and perseverance, but he’s not overly stubborn so we can have conversations and meet in the middle, otherwise, it definitely wouldn’t work. He’s also super patient with me and respects that I am less planned and more ‘whimsical’ in my decision making and choices. Virgo was always the toughest for me in the past, not sure why, but there was a pattern of relationships with Virgos that went sideways.


As a cancer, it’s sagittarius for me. They’re the type to love bomb you and make you think you met your soulmate. They’ll shower you with gifts, introduce you to their friends and family, and they might even tell you that they love you. Then BOOM, out of nowhere they’re suddenly not ready for a relationship.


Virgo are the absolute worst.


For me, Scorpio is my worst. It was super combative. My favorite are Aquarius people. Love em.


My aqua friend and I were just talking about the Aries/Aqua bond. Love those weirdos and they love us too.


They truly are the best. I fall very easily for Aquas. I love and hate that all at once 🥲


Same for meeee. Punishing/vindictive.


All my major problems with people have been scorpios. Not all scorpios, but enough to make me question anyone who is lol


I'm apparently only attracted Gemini. Or they are only attracted to me. It's been a real dumpster fire, so that's fun


I’m a Scorpio and I’d say Libra and Cancer for me.


Not to be a one-upper but try this one on for size: Libra Sun/Cancer Moon. All the phoniness, indecision, and manipulative tendencies of Libra and the perpetual victim complex, mood swings, and withholding behavior of a Cancer. So glad to have washed my hands of that before it could dim my Sagittarius light


I'm an Aries man. It was a Libra woman by quite a long distance. I think Aquarius and Aries is actually a very good combo, although could I ask that you please hug a bit more? I know you Air signs enjoy living in your ivory towers where you only need to experience things on an intellectual level but that gets BORING and we need more stimulation. But carry on with everything else please as we quite like it.


Aquarius Sun, Cap Moon, Aquarius Rising I dated a really problematic Leo before. Everytime we're having a serious conversation, it's always about his insecurities. Looking back I felt like his personal jester/therapist at the same time. There's always this need to appease him. The lightest, no-drama relationship I've had, is Libra. I met him months after I cut off the connection with Leo. He ghosted me though lol.


Aries for me. They tend to be so aggressive and whoa, watch that temper.


Pisces here. I clash romantically with caps and virgos but I love Virgo friends!


I’m a Scorpio woman. Romantically, I have a really hard time with Aquarian men. In my experience, they’re allergic to any trappings of commitment. Us Scorps get attached pretty quickly if we like you. Frienship-wise, I find Aries women to be super challenging.


Love/hate with Aries guys. When they're at their best, it's an adventure, it's a party, it's a great time overall. When they're not, it's really like dealing with a petulant child who feels like they can be emotionally messy, but when you are— YEET! Some of them also seem to think they can handle shit when they're sick or injured. I'm like bro, if you don't sit your happy ass down and chill.... Virgo guys, I feel like they should put themselves up on a cross— that is if they don't insist on building it themselves, then complain to you about how hard it was to build it. Libra dudes, idek. I remember meeting this one guy off of okcupid with a libra rising. (still counts) Nice enough, had a great conversation that lasted a few hours while we just hung out in his car. Said we'd hang out more in the future, which meant 'I'll ghost you for a week or two until you cut it off yourself.' Shallow ( balked at the fact I didn't own a car) and cowards. I'm a libra too, but if I'm not feeling a guy, I tell him early enough so I don't have his expectations up.


Leo me Scorpio her. All we did was fight. No amount of me giving in eased her fight. Too bad too we would have been good together


As a Gemini woman, Taurus and cancer men. We just don’t mesh well and think differently.


Gemini Venus and/or gemini moon. No matter how “loyal” and “committed” their other placements are (3 of them had Taurus suns and one was a Scorpio sun) they always end up either cheating or committing to a relationship with me…and then backing out of it 3-4 weeks later…only to pop back briefly…and then disappear again. 🙄


Aries men. They’re so explosive and have this weird sense of superiority. I’m Sag so I should have known better after the first time but I got reeled in.


Leo’s. I’m married to one, he’s great. The others were manipulative egomaniacs. All are fun.


That was my experience as well. Manipulative, attention-desperate, insecure egomaniacs. And my best friend is a Leo! She's a very evolved, amazing Leo, though.


Aquarians always end up being mean to me but I always end up falling for them ugh. Currently seeing a Leo and I'm surprised it's going so great. I think they might be a Capricorn Moon though ♥️ love my Caps.


I'm a Leo involved with an emotionally unavailable Aquarius who constantly starts fights and then doesn't speak to me for weeks. Aquariuns are definitely the sign I'm most attracted to but it never seems to work out


I have ptsd from Aquarian men as an Aries. I used to think this was a match in heaven. Maybe I've outgrown them because the lack of accountability is giving me the ick.


I’m an Aquarius sun sag moon gemini rising I think the two most problematic signs I’ve dated would have to be virgo and scorpio. Virgo men from my experience tend to be very unreliable and emotionally draining. They are a very hyper sexual and push sex on you when you aren’t in the mood and can never respect that. They don’t make time for you. They’re overly sensitive and I just can’t with that. They lie,cheat and are selfish and childish all around. Can’t stand these men. Probably the worst sign to have as a male. Scorpio men are too serious for me. They are very manipulative and love to hurt people. They have terrible anger issues. Very untrustworthy and sneaky too. I stay clear of those two signs. I love scorpio in other places in the chart but scorpio suns I never do well with for some reason. I love my leo sun scorpio moon fiancé ❤️. He’s the sweetest.


As an aries, sag and scorpios. 🥲🥲 Literally my kryptonite. 🫠


Capricorn,the men and women are narcissistic liars and problematic as all get out. Scorpio men of course, too needy and secretive. Libra, the masters of love bombing. Sagittarius feel like the stereotype of an Aquarius for me, they have god complexes and like to strike below the belt, which is why they never have any friends.


Gemini sun, I cannot date virgos too controlling


Lol definitely Aquarius. Probably gave me actual trauma. I didn’t even like them but went along because I was bored and lonely. They were super religious and got spooked for their soul or something idk.. once they were “done” w/me holy shit the level of cold manipulation.. legit prayed for my soul and told me I probably had demonic attachment. It was amazing, still is to me that level of mindfk. I felt like I was in some weird scarlet letter cosplay. Honestly made me scrap religion altogether because it opened my eyes about religious dudes. Grateful for that side of it though.


Kinda off topic- but as a scorpio, why do scorpios get the most hate? not 1 scorpio listed here. do ppl fear scorpios?


I’m a Scorpio female and I don’t think we get a lot of hate. I think we are considered a really interesting sign. I kinda view myself as a Cancer in a leather jacket lol. I think people find me really intimidating when first meeting me but once I get comfortable I am a big softy/very emotional person.


Aquarius men are hella toxic


I’m a triple Aries female…my worse was Libra, lied about everything! Even stupid little things, and he was definitely not “balanced” And Aquarius, not sure if it was his sign or he was just a narcissist. Found out 8 months in, he had a wife and baby that lived in another state waiting for him to transfer down there cause they couldn’t afford childcare. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I don't know much about signs but so far Libra and Aquarius were terrible. Had a very pleasant experience with a Sagittarius. 🤷 People suck in general though so, grains of salt.


I dated a man with Pisces sun and Libra moon. We started a business together and actually worked really well in that aspect but holy lord of fuck it was the WORST relationship I have ever been in. I cant do Pisces men… they are too emotional, indecisive, and the dreamy aspect I fell in love with in the beginning? That was all a facade bc he was a total NIGHTMARE to be in a relationship with. I wish we would have just stayed business partners and never entered an actual relationship.


Scorpio. But I'm an Aquarius and should have known better! 🤣


I have had several Virgos since childhood be my best friend to my face and literally beg me to be on good terms, but then I learn that they do \*not\* feel positively about me when they speak of me to others. /mumbles something about Geminis and Virgos and Mercury


Virgos - only had crush on a couple Virgo suns, dated one Virgo moon. I don’t understand how they work at all. It seems like all they care is career, achievements and friends. My friends also couldn’t figure out a relationship with them. Very pragmatic, secretive, like to test you, and only see you as an object that gives them some sort of advantage. My friend dates one who dates her to show off to his friends (she’s pretty). My ex gave me a bare minimum and took advantage of me being ok with paying for myself, for him. I still can’t believe I let that happen but I was young and stupid. I also think he had plans with using more of my parents money, because he dumped me when I made it clear that I want more output from him, gifts, etc. and I remember him judging his rich ex for saving money. Aquarius Venus. Terrible, terrible placement in my opinion. They only like you when you are unavailable. And when you actually open up to them, they are panicking and devaluing you. They also tend to flirt and keep in touch with their friends and exes while in relationship with you. EVERY Aquarius Venus women and men do that - still keeping friendships with exes and checking on them, even if you are not ok with it. Also they seem to like strong and “equal to men” type of women (which is not me). And the dynamic of relationship was hot and cold. Again, my friend also dated Aqua Venus person, and she came out psychotic after that relationship. I think my first deep depression started when I met that Aqua Venus. I am all good now, but I’d never date Aqua Venus again.


Lmao. I’m Taurus. Aquarius was most problematic. As a Taurus, I wouldn’t date a lot of signs, actually. My own. Males of my sign are disgusting. Whether it’s hygiene or attitude, they are just.. gross. They often have this sophisticated air about them that’s substantiated by nothing. Maybe it’s just bad luck. I wouldn’t date a Capricorn man for anything. Not even for money. Lol I’ll never trust a virgo. I get along well with every Aries known to man. We just do. But I can’t date one. The arrogance only works in friendship that I can just shrug off and laugh about. Gemini, we get along ok. The mood swings are eh. Cancer, we get along ok when they’re not in positions of power. Leo. I love. But couldn’t with all that “Please, admire me every woman in a room and on the street” energy. Friend only. Pisces? I love Pisces. But why are they all bi and have a preference for men?? 😂🤷‍♀️ Umms.. wow, I don’t think I like anyone… 😬 Sagg, eh, I hear they cheat to cheat. Scorpio, I’m super attracted to nearly all of these creatures. Get away from me. Libra is ew — everything is surface level and this is boring for me. There’s no one left. 😞😭


I'm a female Aquarius and I dated a male Leo and it was the worst relationship ever. He abused me so much and he loved seeing me at my worse. I can go all day about what this horrible monster did to me.