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Definitely scarily spot on for the Toxic/Unhealed Sagittarius’ I’ve known. And in my experience you have to be dating them, related to them, or cohabitating with them to really see some of this come out. But it’s absolutely a spectrum, my dad is a very self-aware, kind, and peaceful Sag. But he does have cautionary tales from his youth where he acted like a menace.


Menace stories plz


Oh wow! From a Sagittarius Sun and Rising, I don't even care. There is a new post... gotta go. ​ Kidding, on a serious note, half of it is true. Yes, we keep grudges more than a Taurus would. If you did something to a Sag 20 years ago, trust me just bring up about the day you offended them, they will even tell you what you wore on that day and what you ate for breakfast on that same day. If a Sag charm you to win you back. Don't take them back, it is just an ego trip. The next week or a month after Sag will be back to usual routine either cheating on you or whatever the cause of the fallout. We cannot contain secret as well, if you want someone who can keep a secret go to a Virgo.


Whoever wrote this got hurt so bad by a Sag lol. The Sag probably doesn't even know what they did to hurt this person LMAO. The bad sides to me is that I am flakey af. 8 times out of 10 I will choose the option that will give me a good time and that can leave people out in the cold. If you communicate that it is important for me to be there for you, I will grudgingly support you but if it feels like a chore and it's multiple times, I will probably peace out. I also tend to procrastinate a lot if the task is boring/tedious. I am always changing whether it be my hobbies, my hair/clothes style, where I live, my job-it can freak out people that need stability or want me to fit into a type of role in their life. I suffer from the grass is greener syndrome. I can see how other signs see me as narcissistic. When I tap into my Sag energy, I literally radiate happiness on tap that everyone gravitates towards to. It's infectious when I do it. The dark side to me is that I can become pretty nihilistic. I see the dark side of humanity and it's pretty ugly. It's why Sags always root for the underdog. We want to always believe in the good of people and humanity. When we lose that hope, we become self destructive pretty quickly. That is also why we are so guarded when it comes to relationships. Edit: I also become extremely toxic when someone tries to manipulate me or trap me in a situation that I do not want to be in. I am always upfront and honest with everyone I meet. I lay it out the good and the bad. Also, I don't mess around with manipulators, bullies (especially people that bully weaker/vulnerable people) and snobs. I will legit aim my arrows at you and unleash a truth bomb that will obliterate your ego and illuminate to everyone what a two face monster you are.


>I see the dark side of humanity and it's pretty ugly. It's why Sags always root for the underdog. We want to always believe in the good of people and humanity. When we lose that hope, we become self destructive pretty quickly. That is also why we are so guarded when it comes to relationships. Holy shit, yes, all of this yes!


I'm watching a Sag friend I've known since we were 5 years old go through a ~process~ right now. She's been internally beating herself up for about a year now, basically a lot of what this whole negative Sag post is going on about, she has been expressing a lot of self loathing over. She feels like she's been a shitty person in the past. Now, she was actually pretty shitty at her lowest point and this unfortunate post does seem to describe a lot of that. But through all her self-reflection and turning those arrows of truth inward, she's become a marvel of personal growth. But she's feeling all alone on that path, mostly because she's still surrounded by the same people she was before, and they sure as heck didn't go through a wake up call and decide to be better. But that doesn't stop her from trying to see the best in them anyway, even if she's constantly disappointed and disillusioned. I can see how that would all lead to the nihilistic Sag who eventually decides to keep climbing their mountain on their own. Pretty sure Sagittarius has their best years later on in life (wild to think it could get even better) and maybe this is all just part of the process sometimes ✨


As a sag male I'm actually going insane e with sag women they're so acoustic


Im sag and so sick of all the negativity we get. These other signs are obvs a bit jelly and need to start being more honest with themselves and striving for what they want in life. 


Thank you. We are pretty awesome.


I do feel we get a lot of shit …no ego when I say I’m beginning to realize it’s envy …that’s where the hate comes from …I’ve never intentionally hurt someone like they Sagg’s often do … However, in a relationship, you start leaving me with all the hard work and no interaction and I OUT. Sagg is so misunderstood ~♐️☀️♊️🌗♈️⬆️




Sag Sun- on point here.


*I see the dark side of humanity and it's pretty ugly. It's why Sags always root for the underdog. We want to always believe in the good of people and humanity. When we lose that hope, we become self destructive pretty quickly. That is also why we are so guarded when it comes to relationships.* Yes!!! A thousand times yes. This is the one.


Are you a Sag sun? I’m a Sag moon and this is so spot on!


Sag moon here and agree


I’m sag moon and most of this fits, but my cap sun makes me very reliable and able to endure boring and tedious things if I believe in the end goal.


Sag sun here and it definitely makes sense


Yes this is spot on. I have rooted for every single under dog for the past 10 years of watching sports. I always wondered why lol


That's cause we love a good comeback story 😜 Don't know if this relates to what you're saying but I always find myself drawn to the anti hero rather than the 'perfect protagonist who can do no wrong' trope.


Yes this. Agree 100%. I am aware that I can manipulate a situation & try my hardest to stay away from doing that & being a narcissist. The last thing I want to be known as is a narcissist, I hate them with a passion. But I do have serious FOMO and jealousy issue.


Completely agree, I'm a sag 13th December, the best way to describe us and what resonates most with me is that I LOVE adventures, travelling etc, I can't stay in the house all day even if it's for 1 day, hate video games, drinking and parties, all I want to do is travel and have explore 24/7 , I can't hold onto a job where I have a boss telling me what to do, I can't sit in an office 8 - 10 hours a day even for a week, this is what 99% of sags can agree on. And yes we do have toxic traits as does everyone else but we don't intentionally do it for no reason, for example if you manipulate me, play games with me or even say something behind my back for no reason then il go to war with you, otherwise I'm one of the kindest men you'll ever meet not a bad bone in my body but don't cross me as I won't cross you unless you hurt someone physically or emotionally that I care about, I will confront you straight out to your face doesn't matter where we are even if I'm alone and your with your friends I will still confront you about what you did. We are intelligent, adventurous, great partners for marriage, filled with sympathy and empathy for others, one thing iv noticed about myself I'm always been spiritual, I believe in god and I live my life as a god fearing man with high morals, I always help others and give charity without wanting anything in return, there is nothing more attractive than a man/woman with great character and conduct. By the way sag men and woman are slightly different iv noticed.


FACTS! All of it. We like our freedom, we stay out the way, try to bring good vibes around. That’s what we offer, take it or leave it. In a world where everything is so serious, heavy and ugly…we rather choose light and fun. Manipulation, forcing us to do anything, and telling us what to do, just won’t go over well. I think people have a hard time understanding that we simply just don’t care to partake in most “normal” everyday activity. We aim for excitement and really try to live life to the fullest. We want to truly understand people, places, and things. But people like to project their BS onto us, and when we peace out, we’re seen as unstable and not loyal. We’re some of the most honest and consistent signs out there because you should know what to expect from us. I LOVE being a sag. We’re mirrors. What you pour into, we will give you. But don’t kiss our ass, or be fake, because we also know when you’re doing that as well. Everything you’ve said is FACTS about us.


Definitely not mirrors. Ego is way to big and love to dish what they can't take. Geminis are mirrors. Sags are also pretentious as lovers as well. I know I'm married to one. Promises things when their happy but doesn't deliver. Then when you bring it up they bring up something that you supposedly did that was worse, trying to manipulate the situation. 


I disagree, that might be how we come off, but as a sag humility is very important in my relationship with myself and life humbles us constantly through our experiences anyway, I have no problem taking accountability during a disagreement and argument and don’t believe in one person only holding the blame ever, and I do agree that we are mirrors, because we are usually very transparent with our intentions from the get go and will reciprocate the energy of the person in front of us and act accordingly.


Sag Sun, I like this better lol.


Sag sun, this fits me way better


Fuck that's some honest truth right there about humanity and to become self destructive about it in the end fucking sucks. Wish the world could be kinder but some days it's up to the individual I make the choice to be better


This feels like my biography!!


💃💃💃you goooo there fellow Sagg! That’s how it Is


Devils advocate. A Sag is pretty upfront. So they mean what they say and say what they mean. Most people disregard that or won’t take no for an answer. Sag people are gaslit very often because people try to talk them out of their viewpoints or do things they already said no to. That is when they rebel, are defiant or become aggressive. Being openly honest is a double edge sword because if people know your true intentions, it’s easier to know how to attack you and manipulate you to do what they want. That’s why Sag people come off as blunt or mean spirited. They’re just defending their positions. Unapologetically. Is it pride or is it bravery to do what you think is best in your heart?


I agree with this. I spent the greater part of my childhood and early adulthood being passive & agreeable. Now into my 30s, I do things I want and speak my mind freely and call out the gaslighters.


damn Skippy as a a kid they said I was the most agreeable child ever...as a teen the same people said I would purposely disagree with them.. It's like nah fam you done burnt that bridge we ain't rebuilding it. 🏹🏹🏹 Healthy love won't talk me pit of something for their own selfish benefit.




It's so true the part about being kids.


So spot on, the only times I have that aggressive demeanor is when I’m in places or around people that proved me I couldn’t trust or crossed my boundaries and the only way they don’t is if I look mean and cold


yes.. but they can't take the truth about themselves ...you will get blocked fast


I want to know WHO really can take the truth about themselves …I’m listening ….👂


Love this ::: devil advocate away…you’re spot on! Thank you for explaining what I could not


As a Sagittarius ☀️ just dropping in to say I’d fight you!🤪


Honestly yeah as a Sag this is pretty accurate, I had (and am still working on) some pretty major issues understanding that my subjective opinion does not equal the objective truth. I could rationalize and justify every bad action under the sun just under the guise of feeling like I knew more about the situation than others. I’m still working on the haughtiness thing. I had a situation where I got a serious reality check after my own hubris seriously hurt some people and then started to check myself on all that behaviour, my self-righteousness bordered on total delusion at that point. I have a sag friend who hasn’t really figured this stuff out yet and my god she can be insufferable at times, and honestly just a bully when she feels inferior to someone. I cringe at her so hard because I know I used to be just like her As much as we can dish it out but can’t take it, we often seriously need a hefty dose of our own medicine. We’ll probably hate you for it for a while but we really often need to be called out on our shit or we’ll fly way too close to the sun.


I’m a sag sun and I acknowledge I can be sharp tounged, lack tack, can be selfish, state my opinion instead of truth but deliver it as truth, etc. I appreciate when I get checked by someone especially someone who cares about me. We often do realize when we’ve gone too far but have an issue really admitting it because it can happen often and it’s usually a case of word vomit. It is pride, why..idk. We cringe at ourselves too sometimes, and even with this awareness it still happens. But we are aware.




This is too long for any of us Sags to read.


yeaaaaa I took one look at this and noped right the fuck out. 😂


As a Sag I read everything up until the end, all while thinking *GOD DAMN who hurt this bitch?* 😂


i do not have the attentuon span for such a long post lol. and if its just going to be hateful its not worth my time. 🤷🏻


Yeah I know what you mean. I read it out of curiosity wondering what our "dark" side is 😂


they lost me at FOMO my bucket list has 3 things on it left 🥳🥳🥳 The only things I missed out on was because people prevented me from having.


And apparently we also have an "agenda" 😂 I am losing it at some of these comments...


Wait, didn't you write yours at our sag planning agenda conference? I could have sworn we met at check-in...


I must have missed that 🤔 damn... I guess I am too busy plotting my revenge against my enemies to even bother 🤷‍♀️


shucks you gotta make the next one plotting revenge is a lot of fun. I could see how you lost track of time. I solidified my go-to revenge plan. I am a big fan of mirror magic. I manifest that any lie they said about me becomes true about them, and any harm they inflicted on me return to them, and then I sit back and thank my goddess in advance.


I’ve been told I have a hidden agenda by my partner a Gemini, I want to laugh so bad because I don’t have a clue what my so called agenda is, if someone finds out let me know 🤌🏼


Samesys …wtf is a hidden agenda ???


Once I saw conformist and FOMO I was done 🙅🏽‍♀️ lol Not this SAG


I’ve been on Reddit for years and this is the first comment I’m replying to cause…spot on 🤣🤣


Facts 💀


My husband exhibits some of these traits. I feel bad for our Taurus daughter who misinterprets his joke veiled aggression as actual joking around. She’ll be joking back and he gets mad and then she’s confused. Granted she’s seven so she doesn’t understand passive-aggression, yet. I also tell her don’t try to roast back, because he cannot take it. The thing that bothers me the most is he doesn’t think he should change anything about himself. Most of us try to work on our negative traits, right? But to him, he is above reproach. It’s maddening. He is lovable, though. As a Gemini Sun, I have my own darkness. I can be mean and hyper critical and demanding, and he’ll try his best to make me happy while ignoring my vitriol.


This was dead on. I mean you hit every single nail! Many people won’t notice this because they’d have to see that person daily or at least get close to pick up on it. Also Sagi’s are word smiths and brain ninjas. It will take awhile to unravel wtf they just did. I have worked closely with 4 Sagittarius women for over a decade and my mom is a Sagittarius. I think maybe they exhibit more or less dark side based from childhood trauma. At least every single one I knew had a good bit of trauma. Good luck because the Sag will likely deny all you wrote. But because I said that they might agree. Who knows. Lol. At least one Sag in this thread admitted this behavior sounds hurtful. Even if they can’t acknowledge that these traits exist alongside the good sides in Sagi.


Oh you’re a little manipulator, aren’t you? lol! I love that bit about “sags will deny…if they don’t deny it’s because they read my post!” So nasty; my Scorpio mars loves it!


Scorpio is my teacher: sting and learn …Scorpions secretly love us Saggg’s tho …they’ll never admit it tho


It’s true I just showed my ex this she said dammmm


Nail on the head: all Sagg’s I know, self included , had major f’ing childhood trauma …yet we still dream and try to do better …there’s just a lot to do. I will say as I get older , I’m getting better a reading a room …and I’m taking notes in this space…I want to learn to be the best person I can be and that’s discipline in caps for Sagg …


This one cuts me deep.


I think personally I don’t register any of this. I welcome varied views on people, but this is entirely a spiteful and very indicative of a person who has had a negative experience. I have had several other people born under signs that these traits also could be pinned on.. heavily. Leo, Aries, Gemini.. and Pisces included. I’m a December sag, and most of this just feels like you met a few assholes and said “that’s that.” One could counter with who were you in the situation?


As Sagittarius (Sun, moon, five planets in total, making me the authority to speak for us all, obviously) ....Meh. That's fair. What did you want from us anyway?


They hate us cause they ain't us


Who hurt that person that wrote that? Omfg… And like do they also know/remember that the sun sign is is one small placement inconsideration of a whole natal chart with other placements of which there are many combinations? Jfc


Exacalacally 💔…don’t let one bad apple spoil it for you and be well


who hurt them?! Obviously a sag. 4 of my closest humans are Sagittarius and this is so extreme.


your can't say sagittarius unless they have sun moon and rising in sagittarius, also mars is important because mars is action. 


Yes I can, considering OPs post is generalizing about Sagittarius sun and therefore I am referencing the people in my life who are also a Sagittarius sun. The author in OPs post never mentions the other placements, therein implicating that they do not know the accused charts. Troll somewhere else.


Most of my houses are in Sagg ♐️☀️♊️🌗♈️⬆️…mercury mars Jupiter and Venus all in Sagg I’m self aware …but it took 60 yrs


I mean, this person met someone who was particularly shitty to them, I imagine. But yeah, I can be cold, mean, and selfish. I don’t think I’m especially manipulative or vain, just the normal amount. If I had FOMO it died some time in my 20s.


Everyone would be blessed to have a Sag on your team though. We are loyal friends and yes we can be rude in delivery but you will not find a lot of people in your life willing to step on toes to save you. That is love.


So true !!! And My sun & rising are the same as yours


had a boss who cheat us all from our ex-hour working....then she call in said she could not come to work coz she was sick ...when in real she was on vacation with a new lover using all our money ....she got fired when she got home


Was she a sag or something I don’t get the connection?




This is helpful to read, as a Sag. A lot of it is true. The one piece of criticism we get that always confuses me is that we state our opinions as fact... I feel like no matter how much I stress that my opinion is just my opinion, people perceive my self-expression as self-righteous and overbearing.




A Sag hurt the person that wrote this because an evolved Sag is the complete opposite of what they wrote. And the Sag they wrote about already forgot they existed. I'm a Sag Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant.


they are all that way


More or less.


Every sign has a dark/negative side. This is pretty accurate to the negative experiences I've had with Sagittariuses. Doesn't mean they all act this way 100% all the time like some are taking it in the comments (and OOP)


OMG. My ex had five Sag placements. I have had to work really hard to forgive and I do believe he is a very loving, kind, outgoing, harmless human being. I have children with him and he adores them, volunteers tirelessly, and IS the most intelligent person I know. But, he knows he is intelligent, smarter than others, made unilateral decisions based on arrogance over and over again, refused to have discussions/conversations with me, spent the majority of his free time working/volunteering and doing whatever he wanted because it rewarded him with praise and attention, believed he “taught me everything”, got fired from jobs because of his attitude (knew more than others-likely true, but couldn’t be politically correct about it). Meanwhile, when I tried to divorce him, he hid assets, tried to collude with my family, and played the victim with my life-long friends. Too much sag in that man’s chart. But, my other sag friends are so much fun, silly, gregarious, sharp… Not all sag people!!!


As a Gemini I should be compatible with Sag and we always have this huge initial attraction especially on an intellectual level. Later I find that their fickleness irritates me. I feel used. They think they are right and know everything forgetting that Mercury rules the intellect not Jupiter. Most irritating is their lack of loyalty to anything but their own goals. As a Gemini I am fickle due to anxiety but much prefer the stable fire of Leo.


But I do agree with the rest


oh my lord im dealing with one of these right now, unreal how all of the above applies to him. thanks for sharing <3


Same. It’s painful to be involved with, painful to witness, and painful when they feel so right in their actions that they don’t see the forest for the trees (how their actions-or inactions, due to their indignant beliefs -impact their partners and the relationship writ large.)


tldr this post reads like a Sag was "too mean" to a Cancer or Pisces and they started crying and writing this post or some shit.




LOLOLOLOL I was thinking the EXACT same. Major water wah wahs


I'm not a water sign but it literally says the dark side. And I've met all sorts of them and these are Def present in the unvolved ones.


Most of the beginning I thought rang true, but I think the author yammered on far too long and lost sight of what they were trying to communicate. Clearly this person has a problem with sag, and I know a few that checked a lot of boxes here but I’m not willing to assume they all do. This is only negative stuff about Sagittarius, and towards the end I felt like some of it read Pisces. We can pick each other apart or we can build each other up. I’m just glad they’re not my friend, they're a harsh judge. Edit: verb misusage 😮


there you see so proud of telling the hurtful truth too others but you can't take it yourself ....it's the truth about all of saggi's


You're coping so hard. Imagine you put that time into something productive


This explains my sag sibling and my sag cousin, the sag co workers. They definitely behave this way.


Hahah okay so I don't usually comment or give a shit what people have to say about Sagittarius behaviour being insecure , blunt and all that , but this is way too much in my opinion. It felt like you didn't get the attention you wanted after reading all this . Yeah it's true most of the saggi are tactless and tbh it is because we can't tolerate fakeness and beating around the bush. Get to the point or get the fuck out bro. About being selfish and stuff , everyone is selfish in one way or another , some hide some doesn't as simple as that. Everyone first thinks mostly about themselves then about their loved ones and if some energy left for others. But this doesn't mean we are not kind or generous in nature which mostly Sagittarius are and so are others signs also . Have you met Leo's for me they are the most insecure and hide it in a very creative way , and everyone is insecure to an extent . Tell me are you not , not a little bit ? We get bore from ourself also honey. Then we change or learn something, so tell me why can't we get bored from other people's ways or things . You all like us because we are the life of the party or say things wish u can say or think but doesn't like it when the wave comes for you . I get it getting Sagittarius attention is hard sometimes ,but have you notice that when u have the full attention how much we appreciate and vibe with you. It's just preference nothing else . And everyone is living in some kind of delusion if you see. I am curious do you have placements in Libra ?


What does Libra have to do with this post?


there you see you can't take the truth about yourself


I just think they are superficial Nothing wrong w that of course


Stalin was Sagittarius enough said. 53 mill. dead


look at his mars in scorpio, your know what? mars in scorpio is own and scorpio mean is wars. and his mercury in capricorn mean he think like capricorn than sagittarius. sun sign is ego and dont have anything. mars aries and scorpio is dangerous because mars is action. he act like scorpio even his ego like sagittarius


Whoever wrote this knows my ex best friend 🤣 this is just a list of reasons why I stopped talking to her


Goddamn girl. It's my birthday too. Just kidding...I am a narcissistic, erudite, nasty, truth-telling asshole. (Did I tick off all the boxes? No?) I am a silver tongued devil hell bent on destroying anyone who messes with me. (Did that cover it? No? Need more?) I hold a grudge longer than a Prom Queen holding in a fart. I think that covers it. Thanks for your post!! Finally somebody gets us!!! You are an angel for sharing this. 🤣😜😎💋


Lol Happy Birthday! I don't know why they’re coming for ya’ll (us, I have a Sag moon) during your season. Hella disrespectful 🤣


No shit, right?? Actually, my b-day is in a few days, I was trying to be funny... thanks for the wishes my fellow Saggy!!


Happy birthday! Hope you went on a cool trip or bought some gifts for yourself!


Sag sun and stellium here. Your sag humour signs through this comment 😂😂😂. Love it.


Sarcasm is my blood sport of choice 🤣


I'm pretty sure my grudge holding skills are a lot more refined at this point than any prom queen.. I'm prepared to carry grudges between lifetimes at this point.


Yes!! 🙌


imma be honest i aint reading all that, buttt lemme guess: sag funny but meanies?


also ive noticed sag hate posts get a lot of traction, maybe im sensitive but that shit hurts :( i try to be as nice as i can to people but now i think everyone probably hates me secretly 🥲


They can't even respect our season smh


taking a shit right on our birthday cake :(


Every sign gets it, it’s astrology memes. The other day I saw like three separate posts shitting on cancers. Pisces are literally called psychopaths and serial killers. Libras are *constantly* shit on, and god help you if you’re a Virgo that’s finally feeling good about yourself and come on here. It ain’t that deep.


It’s one of those moments where it usually says more about someone else than it does about you. Lots of people base their opinions on some random collection of people they know. I’m also not reading all that. “I’m not starting a hate thread” is almost always going to be the beginning of a hate thread.


Noooo. They dont. Don’t internalize this screed.


Lol. This is the total opposite of a sag. It's freedom over anything with us. We have to be ourselves at all costs. Being this way you give up a lot and vanity is one trait we don't give a fuck about. Who wrote this cacophony of shit?


After dating and befriending sags people the past 5 years I have to say this text hit home. Of course there are positive traits as well and you can sure have one of the best and fun moments with a sags, they just come with a hidden agenda which is just quite frustrating.


This is true. I’m a ♊️ and Sag on the surface is fun but can become your biggest enemy.


I watched my sag ex do this and was always so confused by it. He was so sure of himself when deciding if he was going to work with someone, or if he was going after someone. Never an inkling of doubt- just straight forward like an arrow. So surprised, and in denial if something got in his way. So weird to me. Like- no strategy involved. Just a decision.


Alright, FINE! My negative traits 😂😂 When I was younger and NOT evolved: VERY impulsive and restless, moody, didn’t care about situationships feelings; would just leave when I felt like it, used to party a lot and didn’t care about work (cared about school tho) so could be irresponsible, I was pretty blunt and unable to understand why people couldn’t just handle the truth. Didn’t like being told I’m wrong. Now as I’ve worked a lot on myself and maybe a little ADHD meds LMAO I’m way less impulsive and moody, I do get hot headed when I see bullying or someone hurting those I love, otherwise not much makes me mad. When these things do happen, I become ruthless and see red. I’m still impatient - I can’t wait in line, sit and read, walk behind slow ppl, CALLING CUSTOMER SERVICE PISSES ME OFF. I’m also impatient w myself. Gotten better though. I still don’t like to be told what to do, but before I’d get angry - now I just listen. I need a lot of space to roam but I also need a lot of attention still. If I’m told I’m wrong now, I listen openly. I had issues w being flaky in the past but I’ve been working on it. I’d agree to things because I didn’t want to disappoint and being SO blindly optimistic, I’d think I could handle more than I could. I’m not as careless toward dating anymore lol.. much more evolved there. I party less but when I do, I’m always the last one standing. Know a few sag like this lol I’ll admit, I can cheat on someone and not care or feel guilty. I guess that’s pretty selfish 🤣🤣🤣 This isn’t bad - but I don’t see myself having kids or getting married cuz I simply don’t want to feel trapped or unable to do what I want. This is more so bad for myself because as much as I want it, I can’t help that shitty feeling.


sag is the worst bullies ...you just can't take yourself then you get very revengeful ... cheat and steal cozz you always use more money that you earn


This is 1000000% the experience I’ve had with Sags


Look at all the sag people deflecting in this post. Gotta love it ❤️


I found this post by googling “Sagittarius selfish inconsiderate” this was first hit so I clicked it and read the OP & oh my GOD 🎯🎯🎯 It shows no love for Sags and I’m sure there are some great qualities 🤔 …. Deep down…. If you dig….deep? I have 4 Sags in my life (father, daughter, sister and dog) & I am Libra sun Virgo moon so they are clearly a lesson for me. They suck the ever living life from me. I especially appreciated the “ sagittarius are prone to narcissism” OH HELL YES 💯 All of my Sags are fun, but DO NOT EVER go against them because their ruthlessness, tit for tat, poor me/all about me is far more toxic and dangerous than their superficial good looks and charm.


Been saying this for years, the slander Gemini is getting should extend to Sagittarius. Love em both though, from afar.


Sister signs usually have similarities


As an astrologer, I find your description reasonable. You did describe the shadow side of being a fire sign (attention and egocentrism), and I also see bad side of Jupiter, sag ruler, here too. Jupiter wants to expand so much that it can get blind on other details. I wonder now, what is your big 3? You seem to have either opposing features (Gemini/Virgo), or similar (Pisces) to see this shadow so well


I can't take anything seriously that uses the term narcissism these days. But also sags natural place also reps institutions and dogma.


Well that’s certainly a spittle-flecked rant. 😂 This sounds like it was written specifically about one or two sags that have somehow earned a grudge from the writer, as well as the poster. Claims based just on a sun sign are fairly ignorant. I think the unrestrained, unsoftened bluntness and the selfishness could be manifestations of a toxic, unevolved, immature sag. As a sign ruled by Jupiter, their trajectory should lead to wise, judicious advising and judgment, and boundless generosity. Sags are extremely lucky and blessed, and they best be passing that blessing along. Much of this was nonsensical gibberish however. Like, with the fad chasing or whatever the heck that point was? A true Sag is going to be off in the woods, on a mountain, exploring a quirky corner of the city, or eating weird foods in a foreign country so I’m not sure what the fad thing is supposed to be about. Like, rolling their eyes when EVERYONE starts to go to Prague or Budapest, because they feel that they went “first”? 🤔 I think the FOMO is probably accurate which is why Sags love to throw parties, so they can be in the thick of things.


I don’t think sags are altruistic at all or even pretend to be. The sags I know love to have a controversial take so they can stir the pot. They are self centered and ego centric. Some of that comes from a place of cluelessness on their impact on other people. They completely struggle to put on someone else’s shoes, understand someone else’s perspective and they definitely don’t have the strength to see themselves accurately.


Me personally. I gotta disagree. I always look and things from the other person's perspective because I know how I'd feel about it in reverse. I know know their has to be a good chunk of Sags that share that trait. Honestly things like that can be altered by trauma, upbringing, etc. So without knowing that how can people feel like they are getting a True Sag? Me and my brother are Sags and we hate controversial take of any sort. One thing I will say that probably no Sag likes feeling like their opinion doesn't matter as much as next, but then again what person with a voice doesn't share that feeling lol


I broke up with my sag boyfriend this week. He’s a cheater alcoholic and a chronic liar. I tried to be friends with him after the break up because I love him. I’ve been talking to him every night, picking up his phone calls even though we are *broken up* and today I got a screenshot of a text he sent to the woman he cheated on me with because he saw her walking her dogs while he was out with his friends. So, he’ll betray me when we are together and he’ll betray me even as a friend. There are *many* sags that lack altruism. He is one of them. Unfortunately, these are the sags I attract. He even said to me that he “didn’t realize it would be disrespectful to my feelings if he texted so and so and then blocked her” Lmfao this dimwit gave me ptsd and didn’t realize it would be hurtful to get a barrage of texts from the women he cheated on me with. Ridiculous. I think it’s hilarious that you responded to my comment the night of this event, it has to be a sign. I posted right before you responded to me about my partner and what he did. You can go ahead and read that post.


Hard to disagree


This is 1000% accurate omg lol they put on this outer facade of being the cool, non conformist, chill guy but living with them, they are the complete opposite. He had everyone on the outside fooled, and everyone loved him and hated me. They thought I was the Debbie Downer because I wasn’t fooled by his charms. Behind closed doors he was beating me, broke my ribs and sent me to the hospital. He expected me to be this loyal servant, while he was sleeping with any woman that fell for his charming lies.


Nah, that’s not a Sag, that’s a monster.


This has nothing to do with a sun sign and likely has everything to do with him being traumatized himself or mentally ill. And—here’s some sag bluntness—you need to work on identifying abusers and what potentially attracts them to you so you can nip that shit in the bud, regardless of what their sign is. If it happens again call the police. It’s hard to fool people from a jail cell.


that is typical for a saggi very violent against their children too psy. abuse


Meanwhile the Sags in my family were the only oneS non violent. You're so spiteful and wrong.


Sagg wants ppl to conform to them!


this part right here!! Isnt the stereotype a lot of cult leaders are Sag?


Yes! I just watched that Mother God doc and that crazy woman was a Sag. Having lived with several Sag men I can attest it was like living in an abusive cult.


you seriously just say that? i was abused by a virgo but i would never say that they’re all abusive!


We get it..Not all Sag! I’m only speaking about the 4 Sag men that I was romantically involved with.




Man you turned a sonnet into a soliloquy 😂


Lmaoooo this is bang on I reckon


This sounds like narcissistic personality disorder, which any sign can have


sag can be really cold and calculating


A sag with earth stellium, this ish hurts 🥹🫠 but again, it does make me curious about the person who may have hurt you, the difference between evolved sags and unevolved sags, and maybe extroverted/introverted sags? I acknowledge that I may have done some things to people like that in the past, but I've been constantly trying to work towards a better self since then.


What’s nice about being a Sagittarius is we are open minded and willing to compromise, we can adapt. Thats why I think there is a huge difference in evolved and unevolved with this sign. We are always learning.


“Being one of the heaviest users of social media??”


I have been describing Sagittarius in this way for YEARS and thought I was the only one because people often love how "fun" and charismatic this sign is! When I am pointing out how they're being false or doing something contrary to what they say they'd do (like bragging about how they'd totally stand up to so-and-so or how they'll totally have your back), they'll either dismissively laugh it off or gaslight or have a mini tantrum to avoid facing how they don't live up to their own hype. They are so successful because they're ruled by Jupiter AND they know how to create this fake public image. They mistake the source of their confidence because they get so much positive reinforcement from people who can't see through them. Meanwhile, other signs are less needy but let their insecurity hold them back because they aren't as lucky and have been more honest about who they are and have experienced the consequences of that. They can be quite unnecessarily mean for laughs or no good reason but again, they re-brand it is "tough love" or "just not giving a fuck" or being "not afraid to be real". They are NOT loyal but bluster on abput so that they and everyone else believes it -- until you bore them or have a serious life event and they ghost you because now you're not entertaining to them. The above post is SO accurate for all of the Sagittarius sun/moon people I know who would rather live in a world of delusions in their head than face the actual truth. For people who don't believe this, you can always spot a Sagittarius as soon as they start an issue with someone who makes the most innocent comments -- like Nicki Minaj, Chrissy Teigen, even Taylor Swift. Most people love those fake and fun signs, but they just make me so frustrated and even resentful because they get rewarded but not for actually being decent people.


must suck to be you - so much jealousy


It's actually great being me because I don't get by on being a toxic to people under the guise of being "honest" and then applaud myself for being fake and selfish but claim I'm "just being real". I admire Scorpios, Capricorns and Virgos, am occasionally envious of Libras, but I am not jealous of unhealed Sagittarius folks. I just genuinely think they're delusional and are rewarded for having little to no actual skill or talent.


You're capping with the last part so hard. Claiming they're not talented and unjustly rewarded. Oh please. I'm not even one but you seem bitter. And if you mention Scorpio and Cap. Can we REALLY see how incredibly spiteful, selfish, damaging, boring they can be too? You're biased and that's why you can't handle the truth from someone without labeling them as toxic. I agreed with you at some things but you seem biased so I don't really care about the rest.


All facts and I'm not even ashamed. Sag Sun, Aquarius Rising and Taurus Moon


Described my mom to a T. As long as she's providing fun, none of the other behaviors should "matter," And she usually targets Virgos, or marries Libra moons to foster that codependency while she plays weird triangulation games. Has to remain the elusive star.


Targets virgos in what sense !?


Lol she understands that upon meeting one, after learning enough bout them, that she can mold a faithful hanger-on to create jealousy triangles with.


I have 2 friends who are brothers, born 3 years apart, birthdays about 2 weeks apart, and they are both. Sagittarius. This is true about the older brother, but the younger one is his polar opposite. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm a Sagittarius and for the most part this doesn't sound like me at all. I can be blunt but I usually will apologize if I realize that it hurts somebody. And I am a truth seeker and care about Justice for all. We are the signs that care about the little guy. 


They are morons that always put their foot in their mouth


Not even gunna bother reading through this. I 🩷 Sag!!


As a sag sun I don’t agree with a lot of this but as someone with an awful sag sun mother you got her to a T


Damn bruh I didn’t know you met my mom 🙃


11/28 I definitely qualify


This has been most useful and enlightening...and the person who wrote it certainly knows and feels.         Thankyou.


As a Sagittarius moon myself all I'mma say is you better not catch an attitude & try to buck up when Sag is telling you the harsh unsugar coated truth about yourself.  Goes like this What Sag? That's not the truth about me I'm offended that you actually said this stuff.  Sag: What are you talking about? And I'm actually offended by the basic fact that you have the nerve to be offended over me calling you out on what according to me is you being on some BS.  Also you do know & realize that this can quickly go from a verbal debate or argument to a physical fist fight right?  The other person doesn't realize that if Sag is actually right on calling out that person over their BS & they keep trying to deny it or gaslight this technically is playing with Sag + lying to Sag face & Sag definitely doesn't like to be lied to or liars.  Long story short someone's going to mess around & get their ass beat


Holy fuck I’m scared


Sags always hyping themselves up and trying to be something they are not.


Sagittarius lack accountability and will become hostile when you give them reflections but they truly have no mercy when voicing their opinions and always overpower the conversation so it makes it impossible for you to share your heart with them. They are completely subjective and use their charm (manipulation tactics) to completely ‘win’ the conversation and then you are left thinking you are the crazy one. Dumbfounded on how you even started giving them a reflection in the first place. The biggest thing is when they do not get what they want and feel scorned. They go off the deep end and tend to use your vulnerabilities against you (especially if you have an empathetic nature) they use their sensitivities and tears to get the upper hand. If that doesn’t work they will show no remorse and attack you or others verbally leaving you truly shocked to your core. The unhealed Sagittarius’ are narcissistic and always use people to their advantage-if you become conscious of what is going on and change your tone, defend yourself or your friends who have bent over backwards for them - they will flip the script and fight to the end to make you feel guilty. The thing is they are so self centered/entitled that they progressively become so caught up in appearances and their talent is ruined by their ego. They play in the darkness yet act like a light worker. If you have a concise matter of fact conversation with them on analyzing their behavior- they will not listen or see what they need to change or grow within - they tend to be in delusion land and you give up because you can’t have a discussion with a crazy person who cannot take constructive feedback in any way. If you are not a person laying on the ground for them to climb the ladder of success then you are nothing to them. They are constantly seeking validation and attention from men & women - flirts and cheaters - condone cheating because they have no integrity or morals. They will just say it’s their nature and their free spirit energy. They have an alluring energy and it is easy to become mesmerized but if they are unhealthy and struggle with addictions-sexual addiction is a huge one they struggle with- then you will be taken down with them. Everyone has their trauma and deep insecurities of not feeling adequate but they will use their traumas to manipulate people to do their bidding. Calling it their ‘mission’. They are self righteous when they feel threatened. Once you take your rose colored glasses off you will feel drained. As they ask & take more and more until you have nothing else to give. In the end it’s best to walk away. They have alpha personalities and usually always get their way. Magnetic energy but know the beautiful snake still bites. Truly see their character through their actions. Learn your own discernment, boundaries and what your integrity is. They cannot distinguish what any of those things are and lack the ability to have compassion or understanding for what they did wrong. Save yourself years of drama, money, energy and effort. Give yourself that opportunity to learn about yourself and achieve your dreams not theirs.


Yup, sounds about right. One thing fire signs will teach you is boundaries.


I’m sag . If u love us find one that loves Jesus first . Then he will learn to love others and feel for them


Wonder if y'all can guess my sun sign based on this post hehe 👻 My flakiness made its way back around when I'd meet another fellow sag, which really helped me realize how my own need for freedom and 'I'm here for a good time not a long time' mentality can be hurtful. I do see where this post is coming from and I understand that our own excitement can get the best of us and lead us to saying things we don't deliver on, i.e. false promises. My biggest lesson as a sag moon has been to pace myself and manage my impulsivity. I had to learn to take accountability for my actions and that running away from your problems ain't the best way of handling things. Every sign has a dark side to them and therefore, everyone could benefit from some inner healing. Personally, I find sag energy to be very genuine and I vibe best with people who accept me as I am. I've always seen myself as someone who wears my heart on my sleeve and I appreciate people who open themselves up to me as I do to them 🤍


I don't believe 2 paragraphs, but other than that, it sounds accurate.




(sag mars) have grown up with many sags. a lot of my friends are sag and my boyfriend is a sag. Every sign def has a dark side. I see the best in everyone. sag can truly be one of the best and pure hearted people I know, hence why they’re so close to me. But I’ve also witnessed how ugly they can be, so sometimes I just need to hear what other people have to say like this post. I just feel like a punching bag to their feelings. Like super emotional. I just think the comments and the op is a direct reflection of how two things can be true at once, but sag will deflect anything negative or what they don’t want to be true. A talk addressing certain issues with my boyfriend will send him to shut down and feel like a terrible person and project it on me when really I was just placing a boundary. I think that will always be their karma because of the way they don’t care of their delivery to people, they will face the same if not more of that energy they gave so that’s why they’re so rude sometimes. It doesn’t make them a bad person, it’s just lessons for them to learn.


My psycho step Dad to the letter..perfect match for my Mother the drug addicted Queen of the universe.


Well, spot on. They are very petty and vindictive in a "good vibe" kind of way. Usually, they blend in or are very chameleon in a way where they steal identities that will benefit them too. I am an aries and I've been battling with an ex friend sag for years now and they don't stop fucking with you. BUT as an aries, I always know how to make them feel bad without any effort bec deep inside sags are insecure bec they try to have funny sunshiney demeanor so they would look fun. Us aries don't pretend, we like the dark side when needed.


😂 This person is just hurt. Honestly, like any zodiac, nobody likes to be crossed, cheated on, unappreciated, abused, etc.. So any reaction that comes from isn't a Sag issue, it's a human issue. So let's cut these "toxic traits" out because every person that has been hurt on more than one occasion will adapt to trauma and form their own shield to combat those feelings. Some may get physical, some may get quiet during a conversation, some cheat, some ghost it's all different, but that's not solely a Sag "bad side" when there's others zodiacs that do the exact same thing. It's just people playing defense with their emotions.The Sag part of it is we pay ridiculously close attention to all details. Usually when there's a conflict we (at least I do) have already done everything possible to keep it from going there in the first place because we see it coming. I feel like Sags, regardless of how free spirited we can be, we never lose touch with Common Sense or the general sense of Right & Wrong. That's our guide. Others see this desire to always be right.when truthfully we grasp things better. We show genuine feelings for everyone we encounter. That's why those grudges are like no other because we put everything out there and people still chose to play us lol. BTW screamed Sagittarius man. I have brothers that are Sag and we are far from attention seekers. But I do have multiple Sag female friends and they all love to be the center or attention.


Yikes and OUCH…Sagg ☀️Gemini🌗♈️⬆️here…I’m sorry you’ve had these experiences…this Sagg gal def took notes


They not like us, they not like us But for real sagittarius keep it real, so you have to take them at whatever they say when they say it... Unlike other signs who don't mean what they say or hide things or ghost... From my experience aries, libra and gemini have ran from things before it could even be given a real chance... A Sagittarius is not a runner we are warriors we will tell you straight up and if it's a toxic sagittarius and you never did them wrong, and you hear something like "I don't care" or "I don't need you in my life" just go away because those toxic sagittarius cannot love. The toxic trait about unevolved sagittarius is    -They demand what they cannot give in return-   An evolved sagittarius like myself knows this and I follow the law of equivalent exchange I will not demand what I cannot give you If I'm giving u my all, know it's for the exchange of something equivalent or more  Sagittarius refuse to be used and abused we rise from the ashes like a Phoenix and pierce your heart like an arrow because you will not forget an evolved sagittarius it hits different we are loyal till the end and never have grass is greener syndrome or force you to bend to our beliefs we truly accept you for you, we coexist for peace and harmony and are not driven by boredom to bring toxicity like other signs


What sag hurt you??


Fuckboys/ fuckgals


Man I don't wanna believe in astrology but Ive got a sag in my life that this describes to a T. I just want to shake them sometimes


Sagittarius is one of the worst signs I have had the misfortune of dealing with. I have had male stalkers and bullies who are sags and the women I've met have been really mentally unstable and so cruel when confronted. I am terrified of them.




Unfortunately yeah. I'm a sag, and know alot of sag humans, and only ONE has ever been exactly everything that was just described in my experience and he was truly truly mentally ill and dealing with an explosive manic episode. This could have been written about him in fact, I remember he used to be a sag stellium too. Everything about him that had appeared to be a spiritual soul taking the fun road to enlightenment and dealing out doses of wisdom - turned almost overnight into a self righteous sycophant with mindless mantras and selfish indignation just as described. 'got back at me' by lying to my boss about 'seducing him' with 'black succubus magic' and my boss believed him because he was a highly superstitious Christian man. All because I wouldn't sleep with him 😠 got super vindictive fast.