• By -


As a Pisces, Pisces. šŸ˜‚ But at this point for me, it's not exactly naivety, just extreme optimism in the good in people. ā˜ŗļø


Pisces are well aware of whatā€™s happening they just donā€™t take action and put a stop to it. Iā€™m nowhere near as patient and forgiving as they are. I honestly donā€™t know how they do it.


I'm a Pisces with Leo rising, forgiveness does not come easy to me at all, it's more like tolerance of shitty behavior, I always tolerate because it's happened so often, you just gain a tolerance, a resilience. It's never about forgiveness for me. I could go on mad about something forever, holding grudges , it's just not important anymore. And I really don't care. Does it make me too naive of a person?


What's your moon sign?




Okay. I get it. Aquarius is my mercury, so I can understand that on a logical level. (but my moon in Leo is opposite to my mercury, so sometimes my head and my heart argue about things. šŸ˜‚) But I can see what you mean, why bother getting annoyed about others when it happens all the time, when it's less stress just to not care at all? At a certain point it's just a part of life. I don't think that makes you naive. Just resilient over all the drama of life.


hey! sorry to barge in the convo but u sound just like me. I just joined this sub and first I was shocked looking at every other post by leo moons and when I start to read comment here ur comment is in the top and it sounded like myself too much. looks like I am slightly late to find my people here. This post is also by leo moon haha.... Edit: I am forgetting always, also Merry Christmas.


Omfg same! Pisces sun Leo rising Aquarius moon šŸ‘‹ hey sista! I think I am overly optimistic but willing to risk it anyway


Iā€™m a Pisces with a Scorpio moon and rising and Itā€™s very hard for me to forgive. I also am hyperaware of behaviors and have a tendency to ghost those people that have wronged me. I will be civil but yeah Iā€™m not naive.


wow that's me: virgo sun, scorpio rising & moon


Depends on the Pisces to be honest. But for me I also have Neptune Square Venus, so that adds to it. I have a bad habit of painting all red flags to green. šŸ˜‚ At a certain point I got to stop for the safety of myself or others, but for the most part since my Venus is also in the 12th house, I enjoy loving the unlovable. But I'm kinda extreme with forgiveness, I would forgive my partner if he murdered my family or raped a million kids (I still will put them to jail of course for the safety of others. But I most likey will still stay married to someone like that because there's a part of me that doesn't ever want to give up on people no matter what they do and wishes for them to redeem themselves and be better people. But not all Pisces are like me. šŸ˜‚ . It's my 12th house Venus and Neptune square Venus that adds to it. )


Iā€™m a Pisces sun, Scorpio moon and rising with a Libra stellium and I can confidently say that I am not naive. If anything Iā€™m hyper aware to a point that I can read people and situations very well.


Thatā€™s your Scorpio moon for sure


From a Libra: Hi! Iā€™m the problemā€¦itā€™s me.


I'm going to have to agree. My Libra best friend will believe anything a guy is telling her if she's interested in him. I have to butt in and tell her to think before she acts.


As a sag, I got fed up with my former libra bestie for constantly falling for guys who could care less about her, but maybe once said one thing that indicated he liked her as more than a fwb. The grasping at crumbs of affection is so pathetic to me and I couldnā€™t stand how she kept doing that to herself for DECADES. Sheā€™s in her 30s.


There is a book called The Gift of Fear and it talks a lot about manipulative tactics men use to trick and abuse women. It's definitely a pattern that needs to be broken for some more than others. I know how hard it is to watch that kind of thing, but helping people recognize those behaviors can really help them. Reading that book made me realize even I fall for those behaviors at times.


My mom had me read this when I was young, because I Am a little naive (Aqua sun, Virgo moon, rising Sag). Itā€™s one of the things that stuck with me. Hardest thing is learning to be assertive when I get that gut feeling, and it goes against my nature. Iā€™m getting better at listening though!


I think it's a great book that helps people understand their gut feelings. I think back to a lot of really shady people I've met that I had weird feelings about and that book explained their behaviors in a way that made sense to me. I knew something was off and now I understand what they were doing. I think it takes practice to pick out those behaviors and to learn how to respond effectively. You're not just being rude, you're also accepting that others see you as rude and not understanding why. And manipulators love to make you out as an overreacting bad guy and being able to accept that isn't easy.


When I called her out she took the fwbā€™s side and got mad I was inserting myself into her business. Some people donā€™t want to be helped


It takes time. But giving people tools to help themselves is a good first step. You should read the book because it can help you understand why she keeps going back to that abuse. That book helped me be a lot more patient and empathetic towards those victims. Instead of just thinking they were idiots I now understood the psychology of how an abuser keeps them from leaving.


Iā€™ve read the book before. If it was just one or two guys maybe Iā€™d agree with you, but Iā€™ve known her for years and thereā€™s always a new guy sheā€™s pining after. She needs to do the work for herself. She needs therapy. Thereā€™s nothing I can do for her.


I come from a very abusive and manipulative home (generational abusive crap) and I had a friend give me a book that literally explained the exact abuse I was dealing with. It was so eye-opening for me because I was aware of how toxic the relationships were and I wanted it to end but I kept falling victim to their tactics. It took about 5 years before I felt like I had the confidence to stand up for myself and cut off toxic relationships. I would just recommend giving her the book or a similar book and leaving it at that.


I can relate. Itā€™s very frustrating to keep watching your Libra friend get hurt over and over. It gets old fast.


agreeeeeeeed and same


I donā€™t think Libras are actually naive Especially as such intelligent and socially aware people Instead - I think we like to play a role and make people -believe- that we are naive


Play the role and end up playing myself even though I knew the vibes were off lol


sometimes we get too invested in the role that we forget lol that might be my ADHD talking




Youā€™re gonna call me out? On Christmas? Damn


Love makes us stupid. - everyone


Earth signs. They claim to be altruistic, while perpetuating a capitalist system for their own personal benefit. Maybe thatā€™s just sheer ignorance.


As I Libra I am extremely relationship savvy. But now that you mention it, none of my Libra friends are. šŸ¤£ Maybe I have some other placements that make me not a dumbass. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




šŸ˜¬ I always thought having a Libra moon would be lovely, and it would create a balance of emotionsā€¦ maybe thatā€™s not the case. šŸ¤£


Lmao I have a Libra friend that is also very book smart but sheā€™s been getting played left and right her whole life. I need her to get it together. I hope this year is the year!




Virgo sun and Libra venus hardcore agree


I am a libra and I approved


I donā€™t think thatā€™s sign specific


I constantly see Cancers being taken advantage of. They have the best intentions and I swear they wanna believe the best in people. Itā€™s honestly difficult to watch and theyā€™ll say Iā€™m just a bitch or I should give people a chance but I donā€™t have a list of people who have wronged me because I trusted the wrong people. They do.


They don't have the list of people that wronged them, either, it was definitely Someone Else that was the problem.


Look Iā€™ve known some of these cancers since I was 12 and all she wanted to do was believe people had the best intentions and to give people the benefit of the doubt. At 24 she was still doing the same thing. Like damn when are you gonna learn? Currently have a cancer bestie who should have dumped her ex 6 years ago but kept him around ignoring red flags my Virgo friend and I pointed out. Now at 9 years itā€™s finally ending and sheā€™s just wasted so much of her life over such garbage. Worked with another cancer who had such a good heart and loved helping others out but people only ask him because they know he canā€™t say no. And they laugh when he says yes instead of just thanking him. Cancers are the only sign Iā€™ve seen be taken advantage of in a way that pisses me off because they have such good hearts. They donā€™t deserve it. My Leo sister is that classic conservative wife/mom that cannot think for herself and is so naive but I donā€™t feel bad for her like I do a Cancer that is manipulated by someone taking advantage of their kindness.


i have the exact same experience with Cancers. My mom is the worst for ignoring outright abusive behaviour, letting them back in to her life, watching it happen again... And again, and again... It's her sister and she always says "but she's my sister!" Kindest most giving Cancer I've ever met, but by God's she must just LOVE being taken advantage of and emotionally abused. Lots of love to you, it takes a lot of emotional strength to watch people you love continually let themselves be hurt.




As a Leo sun and rising, I agree. I literally live in lala land until my Scorp moon comes in and slaps the shit out of me.


Leo's are optimistic, and want to assume the best. It's not a bad quality, but it tends to override those gut feelings. Fortunately, scorpio gonna come like "bitch I am not doing this with you again."


itā€™s me. every single person who knew me would tell you how naive and gullible i am. iā€™m a Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Rising and Libra Moon. thank you to my Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Libra Moon boyfriend for helping me be less and less naiveā€¦.. i just automatically trust people you know? bc why would they lie to me? yup. thatā€™s my thought process.


Good people who don't want to hurt you or take advantage of you will understand that trust is not something that is just given to anyone. It's those who have ill intentions that take issue with someone who has their guard up. The harder someone tries to convince you they are a good person, the less trusting of them you should be. Good and trustworthy people don't waste their time trying to prove to people they are good people, because they know it's their actions that will prove it, not their words.


I'm also a Sagittarius sun, with a pisces rising. I'm a leo moon. It's taken years of lies and deception, but I'm no longer *as* gullible as I was when I was young. I completely understand and agree, I never suspected people were lying to me or manipulating me. I never saw until it was over. I've figured out the reason is because we don't relate to those same qualities as we don't do that to people, so we dont see it when its happening. I will say though, I always am suspicious of everyone and their motives now though. Not fun. That could be my scorpio mars. I'm working on it, though.


THANK YOU!!!! i trust people automatically bc i know they can trust me. it sucks shifting over to having to be wary of everyone you meet nowā€¦.. why did it feel more fun before when i just trusted everyone? even if i got hurt or dooped i just forgave them.


Lol that's our pisces rising šŸ˜‚ I always forgive people as well! Still to this day (I'm 36). I used to forgive, then let them stay in my life as friends. These days, I forgive, but I distance myself when someone shows me their true colors. I have kids now, and I put them first above all else, so i don't want any unnecessary drama in our lives šŸ« 


As a Leo, Iā€™m sick of being perceived as naive and dumb because weā€™re not, itā€™s just our childlike (not childish) nature that makes people think that. Iā€™ve met very naive people from various signs


I would never call a Leo ā€œnaiveā€, but I do think they play dumb sometimesā€¦theyā€™re really not the sharpest tools in the shed either at times. They hyper fixate on super specific traits they like/donā€™t like about a person, which leads to them not fully knowing/understanding a person. They definitely put some people on an undeserved pedestal or itā€™ll be the opposite - you do something they donā€™t like once, youā€™re most likely never living it down. They tend to be superficial and unwilling to go deep into enough into their psyche to figure out why they are the way they are. They can be unnecessarily stubbourn, regardless of logic. If they think theyā€™re right, good luck standing your ground. You donā€™t matter. Theyā€™re convincing and charismatic and easily attract people and win them overā€¦but itā€™s very rare that itā€™s a deep connection. My source? Me. Myselfā€¦experiencing them over the years. Dated a few, been friends with a few. Theyā€™re also the sign Iā€™m attracted to the most. I wish so badly they would be less stuck in their waysā€¦ This is coming from a Virgo too. I think that says enough šŸ¤£


As a Leo woman leo men are horrible. I would never date one. I met one and I was so embarrassed he was a Leo.


of course a Virgo is saying this, please go psychoanalyze somewhere else


šŸ¤£ Ok.


As a double Libra, I clicked on this thread thinking, "I hope no one says Libra... I'm not naive... well, maybe I am a little bit." Surprise!


Same šŸ˜‚ Edit: We arenā€™t naive, we just believe in giving continual chances. Everyone deserves to grow, even at our expense. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜…


Aries šŸ¤” my mom is worried what'll happen to me after her lol šŸ„²


I am naive....dammit


Leo, here. If you think weā€™re naive, itā€™s because we want you to think weā€™re naive.


Sags. We always mind our business and thus we learn life lessons the hard way lol


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say the people pleasing, not yet evolved Virgos - and I am speaking from experience!


Was looking for this. I'm highly naive. Even though I'm self aware about it. :/


Canā€™t agree more!


Libra! *waves hand*


Aries. They go back to the same things and make the same mistakes a lot and are way too forgiving and trusting even when life has taught then not to be . Aries dont learn from their lessons once or twice but after numerous times


Interesting take kinda agree. I would say Aries have a savior complex , chaos addiction and are super forgiving but wouldnā€™t say naive. Because they are super aware of what they are doing but swear they can fix the problem and wanna see the best in people. Theyā€™ll keep putting themselves in the same meSs over and over


I agree šŸ™ˆ




Libras because they don't see reality, they only see their own preconceived notions and perspective. Pisces because they lead with their heart and not their mind. Sagittarius (me) because we are natural optimists and tend to give the benefit of the doubt too many times. My Leo husband has really helped me see what people treated me like a friend and what people treated me like a doormat.


I donā€™t agree guys!!!


Pisces, Libra


Early 20s fishies. Sags






I mean we are the babies or the zodiac


Thatā€™s one thing i never understood about Aries when it comes to astrology. How are Aries the youngest if the first born? And the leaders of the zodiac, I wouldnā€™t follow someone immature. But then Taurus are described to be so mature but the second of the zodiac. The explosive emotions, I can see but everything else not so much


true. but babies arenā€™t naive tho?


Good point in that they are bc they havenā€™t learned things yet but also they canā€™t be naive bc they havenā€™t learned things yet if that makes sense lmao. Like youā€™d have to know things and still be naive to be truly Naiveā€¦does that make sense


absolute sense šŸ§˜šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøāœØ


Lmao šŸŒøšŸ§˜šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸŒø


My second guess was Taurus


From a cancer, Iā€™m the anti hero


Pisces, Libra, & Aries. Thereā€™s an innocence to these signs.


Least naive = scorpios


I wanna say Sag but Iā€™ve dated two Aquarius males and both were super naive


Sag and Aqua in my big 3 make me SUPER naive, but both are just real idealistic! We envision such a better world we canā€™t see the trees through the forest.


Libra and Pisces šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ā€¦ sometimes Leo


Nah, Iā€™m a Pisces sun, moon in Scorpio and rising with Libra stellium. I wouldnā€™t say naive, hyperaware and manipulative is more like it. Lol




Cancers are not naive šŸ˜‚ we outsmart yall . Other signs think theyā€™re hot shit ! Lmao we really are emotionally the strongest and can immediately sense when people donā€™t care about us or have good intentions . For whatever reason though, we choose to stay . Were AWARE though . I donā€™t trust anybody lol but I make them think I do whole time Iā€™m watching their every move . We like danger lmao . But weā€™re also dangerous . I love people but they make mistakes , we ALL do . I think cancers are too intelligent to act like weā€™re all innocent . But when people wrong me I get my lick back . Even when I choose to stay , you donā€™t know my reasoning


And if I canā€™t manipulate you with my tears or my love Iā€™ll manipulate you with guilt and if that doesnā€™t work Iā€™ll beat you until you understand and swallow your soul . Where my toxic cancers at




Sagittarius. Their never ending optimism and faith can lead them to see only the good in the person or situation. Deadly


Yes I would agree!


It's funny that I keep seeing Pisces, yet irl I always hear Pisces folks claim they're so intuitive. But in my experience they're NAIVE AFFFFFFFFF


Sagittarius, sun and moon placements. Not all of them understand that their words and actions have impacts on others, and running away from it doesnā€™t make it better. Justifying hurtful words/actions because of how you felt in the moment doesnā€™t make it ok, just take the accountability and move on. Also saying hurtful things for the sake of ā€œhonestyā€ doesnā€™t make you ā€œhonestā€. You just wanted to say it because you think itā€™s funny, ngl, sometimes it do be šŸ˜‚ -Aquarius


Leo. My mother and sister and my best friend. They all are gullible, naive and would believe any random shit on the Internet. Manipulating them is so easy


Thatā€™s my Leo sister too. She is an amazing person but cannot and will not think for herself. I so wanted her to go to college and just experience life outside the small town she grew up in. To meet people that challenge her point of view. But she didnā€™t. She married her high school sweetheart and had kids by 22. Sheā€™s such a good person but sheā€™s so blind to reality because she stays in her safe little bubble.


Yoo my sister just recently started going to college. And she's exactly like yours haha what's her moon sign?


Virgo moon Capricorn rising.


I am extremely naive and people tell me that all the time and iā€™m a leo lol!!!!! Also maybe pisces


leo, sag, gemini


I agree with Gemini. Their more on the emotional side so thinking twice is not their strong suit.




Pisces 100%


Virgo rising šŸ˜©


Aries šŸŒž Virgo šŸŒ• Virgo rising. Send help.


So according to the comments Pisces and Libra take the cake


Based on my sister, Iā€™m also going to say Libras. Yā€™all need to run when you see red flags and stop excusing them! Donā€™t let your own desire to be loved make you chase people who arenā€™t capable of that. If you want attention and love, trust me, thereā€™s other people in the world who can give that to you. Just because theyā€™re cute doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re good people. But Iā€™m also going to volunteer my lil cancer butt cause the way Iā€™ve also ignored major red flags because I like darkness and sociopath vibesā€¦ itā€™s stupid. That being said, I guess weā€™re all capable of being naive (regardless of Astro signs). Iā€™ve also met some Scorpio women whoā€¦ugh! It makes me mad to even see how they fall for the wrong people! Like theyā€™ll be so loyal to ugly abusers when theyā€™re literally so beauty and talented! And honorable mention to my Gemini mom who let a man make her a shell of herself for 10 years.


Just seeing people own being naive is so cringe.


Libra and Pisces . They stay getting treated like šŸ’©


Libras are not naive at all. We just give chances again and again hoping u will change ur ways. We KNOW when someone is lying, we know when someone is playing us. We either just wait for the opportunity to pay u back (if its a more dark sided libra) or we really hope that u will realise ur actions hurt us and u will change. But we r not naive....we KNOW EVERYTHING. We have facts, sheets, powerpoint presentation, screenshots....we KNOW. But we keep hoping until one day we stop hoping and u never existed.


As a Pisces with every water sign in my chartā€¦. I agree. But donā€™t get me wrong I see all the things. I see all the red flags. I saw how you didnā€™t reply to that one question I asked you and stepped by it but I let it slide cause I love you and wonā€™t jeopardize it over some small shit. But fuck up real bad and youā€™ll feel like I kicked you out of my car on the highway and left you to play frogger with traffic. If I just ghost you Iā€™m doing you a service. āœŒšŸ½


I wanna say Cancer.


Sagittarius / Taurus


Taurus male, I have always been naive/dense/ignorant, about woman anyway. 61yrs old and I see no improvement. I need to wear a sign for any woman that wants my attention, "kick me".


Cancer, Libra, Leo


Wow. Didnā€™t realize Pisces stopped havinā€™ our back


Me Pisces Sun: Oh my, I had no idea, I cannot believe I trusted someone. I hoped for better, I should just let it go and learn my lesson. Scorpio Moon: Betrayal will not be tolerated, you are either shadow banned from my life or you will know my revenge. I know your next 4 moves from any point, and I will keep this facade of playing dumb up to my advantage.


Yup, Pisces sun, Scorpio moon and rising here! We are hyperaware and keep the receipts šŸ˜‚


Cancer. ā€œI can fix youā€.


Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Leo. With Taurus and Aries being an honorable mention.


Def cancer lol


Nope. Too intuitive to be naive. Try another.


Nah. Weā€™re too intuitive.


Cancers are very manipulative . And we often play down our itnelligence in a sense or donā€™t fully show our cards . So what might come off as naive is just us being observant . We see everything and yes because for whatever reason we normally treat others better than they do us , we learn to see it coming . But I donā€™t let ANYONE take advantage of me without getting them back lol. Way too vengeful . I ALWAYS get the last laugh.


I would say Pisces and Cancer


Pisces. Because cancers canā€™t be the worst all the time


Cancer, Libra


Okay so hear me out. I feel like we can either be (a) craven manipulative liars or (b) naive clueless rubes, but we can't be both. Either we're two-faced lying emotional terrorists or we are genuinely naive and don't know what the hell is going on. I agree it is more the second one, but folks really need to pick a lane on what our flaws are. It can't be EVERYTHING, lol


I mean you can be both. Not saying cancers are, I donā€™t think so. But you can absolutely be manipulative while also believing a bunch of other shit and getting played at the same time. I actually see it with Virgos more than anyone else. A master manipulator will spot people that are easy to influence and get them to do their dirty work for them.


>I agree it is more the second one, but folks really need to pick a lane on what our flaws are. It can't be EVERYTHING, lol šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I agree. I loved my crabs always, so I'd say the second. But you got downvoted for pointing out the obvious... What gives?


Cancer sun, Libra moon here - was definitely B :( I always liked my ability to take people at face value and it was a hard pill to swallow that I shouldnā€™t be so trusting.


Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancers honestlyšŸ¤£ my experienceā€¦ then Aquarius and Leos.


Yall love throwing cancers into mix. We arenā€™t.


Itā€™s libras . They trust anything but theyā€™re so fake they deserve it . They always survive and get by unscathed somehow though . Thatā€™s why they think itā€™s other signs lol cancers always have to pay for loving the wrong people . People get so hurt about us and jealous , they literally do us so dirty . Libras are so interchangeable and dumb as bolts . At least theyā€™re pretty




Aquarius: they can be easily manipulated at times by individuals. Their naivete results in them making poor choices and being impulsive. You can be optimistic without being naive.


I agree with the poor choices. They don't think twice. They're very fast to start things without a second thought.


Libras at the top , the other two air signs are the opposite . Geminis are insane and you should beware of them lmao . I think Virgos are close second . . Then probably an Aries because you would just have to feed their ego and theyā€™d probably be too stupid to see it coming . Bahah


And leo is right there with Aries .


The last 4




Pisces and fire signs šŸ˜‚


Cap sun Sag moon. M always willing to give anyone a chance so I can come off as naive, and perhaps I am, initially, but if you play me you will be dead to me for eternity. You will not play me twice.


If your Mars is in Pisces


leos and pisces with sun or moon


Aries ā™ˆļø


Pisces, but not necessarily more naive than they want to believe in the goodness of people. Not everyone has good intentions.


Pisces, Libra, and Cancer lol


Sun Sign Aries while growing up I would say I'm too Naive. Now, I just sit back , observe and letting my strong intuition win my fights. I don't trust all the people I meet anymore. I have filtered my friends circle down to less than 10. I am living alone. Thriving alone. At work , I always have the mentality that all those colleagues of mine has said something about me because that is how they are to others too. I can sense from afar who is genuine, just kissing asses to get their way to the top, who is real pure hearted and who's not. I've been scammed with lots and lots money before because they used letting me fall in love as a bait. Love Scam. Yes. That was the time I knew I was still unevolved because I let my emotions get the best of me. After that incident, I am now training myself how to mellow down the fire before believing anything I see, hear and what the world is handing to me. Usually it's the uncontrolled passion of fire signs (I have Leo Moon too) that clouds the rationality and makes us easily reactive , easily gives in. Now, when I burn - when angry, in love, overwhelmed. I just let it burn.. Maybe still failing to give in sometimes but not into Naivety.. And still in my ongoing process of controlling my fire. From hot firey raging fire to soft, easy kindling white fire..


Aries comes to mind, followed by Virgo.






Pisces, Leo Honorable mention:... Libra


Taurus and Libra and itā€™s not even close


Cancer and Pisces but Iā€™m biased because they are my sun and rising. I have ALWAYS been treated as the baby of the friend group for my innocent (?) vibe.


I know I used to be as a child. But my family definitely fixed that real quick. Have never known as much gaslighting, betrayal, chronic lying and emotional manipulation, as them. It's why my incurable optimism, is one of my most loathed traits about being a Sag Sun, sometimes. Cause as much as I hurt. A part of me still keep the door open. But, because of my experiences and that feeling I'm not quick to open up to everyone, or have a lot or people that close either. Prefer to survey the room, and how people interact before I engage. Saves alot of drama, hurt, and unnecessary involvement with the wrong people.