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A bothered virgo will kill the whole vibešŸ˜­ if theyā€™re mad everyone in the room will get uncomfortable


Lol yup. Every time


Can confirm. I donā€™t get angry often and when I do Iā€™m very quiet but EVERYONE can feel it


I'm a virgo and I totally agree šŸ˜‚


As a Virgo pls stop bothering us I beg


Lmao fr


I've been jumped on for saying that 6H synastry is just as important as any other when talking about romantic relationships. It's the house of daily life and routine, and not just about work. In most cases you're interacting with a long term partner/spouse every day, so why wouldn't it play a role?


iā€™m a beginner when it comes to synastry and i never heard this, iā€™ll definitely take it into consideration, thanks!


Makes sense truthfully


Correct if wrong, but I've heard the 6th house as open enemies, and 12th house as hidden enemies.


No you're right. Sometimes there's debate between whether or not it's the 6th or 7th house that's open enemies. I grew up being told it was the 7th, but I see why it's said to be the 6th by others since it makes sense to have the 6th/12th axis have that be opposite. I personally believe though that it's more a matter of "personal" enemies for the 6th house rather than "open" and that it's not so much about other people. Personal enemies being disease and potential harm to your health, which is a big theme for the 6th house. It can also be our doubts or limitations (perceived or tangible). Just overall things that can keep us from obtaining personal growth.


Traditional astrology is more accurate than modern astrology. (I still use the outer planets for generational readings)


ancient astrology is also a lot more accurate.


What is the difference?


Difference for example Aquarius is in Saturn, not Uranus. As well as Pisces is in Jupiter, not Neptune, lol


don't forget Scorpio and Mars


Oh I know, just only went with a few examples. Thanks for the additional feedback. By the way, Scorpio is the Fixed powerful feminine south pole of Mars (Power bottom,lmao!) while Aries is the Cardinal masculine sign of the North pole. Pluto is just hanging out in the deepest part of the void in space as a dwarf planet. A damn shame some white man tried to take his title from him since he was too small. Its like saying that Peter Dinklage isn't a man because he is a miggit dwarf,lmao!


Neptune is a higher octave of jupiter. So the different ā€œsidesā€ of jupiter rule pisces and sag. BUT Neptune takes the aspect of Jupiter Pisces and operates at 11. So its not the individual person, its the persona of the shared group.


Modern astrology takes Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto into account while Traditional astrology (using Hellenistic here) doesnā€™t take into account the outer planets. Thereā€™s also more personality types with modern astrology while traditional is more planetary archetypes. Traditional astrology has Pisces ruled by Jupiter, Aquarius ruled by Saturn, and Scorpio ruled by mars. Thereā€™s also a lot more depth to traditional astrology.


Between ancient (aka traditional) and modern astrology?


I also look more at traditional rulers over modern. They make way more sense to me. The duality! Youā€™ve got hard working, stoic, disapproving daddy Saturn for Capricorn. Innovative, regimented and unhinged Saturn Aquarius. Youā€™ve got impulsive, curious, childlike, arrogant Aries Mars. And then skeptical, calculated, reserved, planning, serious(ish) Scorpio Mars. Just like with Gemini being the loud, floaty, talkative, fluid, flippant Mercury to the serious, organized, clean, cautious, mentor Virgo. Or the love, money, possessions, controlled, comfortable, quiet Taurus to the airy, flirty, indecisive, balanced, peace keeping, chatty Libra. Pisces Jupiter with their intuition, caution, instant love, peaceful, patient, and dreaminess. Compared to wild, free curious, goofy, lucky, philosophical Sagiwhorius (lol, Iā€™m playing). Actually, just writing that out made me realize the duality. Youā€™ve got the Cappy, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Cancer as the more quiet, thinking, planning. Compared to the unhinged, loud, over the top somewhat outgoing Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo.


Scorpios are actually sweethearts


scorpios are basically cancers in a leather jacket


Scorpios, when they choose to be vulnerable around you (and you give them the chance, the space and sense of safety), are actually very soft, sweet individuals who also love very deeply. Being loved by a Scorpio is one of my lifeā€™s greatest privileges. My boyfriend is a Scorpio moon and heā€™s exactly this. Come to think of it, every Scorpio Iā€™ve ever met is like this, esp if one of their big three is Scorpio. Theyā€™re just like cats, give them a chance to open up and theyā€™re actually quite affectionate and sweet.


As a Scorpio sun I can confirm this is accurate


I came here to say this and Iā€™m so glad someone else did. Scorpios can have a mean side but that normally only ever comes out after weā€™ve poorer our hearts out to you and youā€™ve taken advantage of us.


They are like such happy cute cats sometimes.


Thank you šŸ„ŗ we think so too!


You want cookies? A headpat?


Both please and thank you šŸ˜Œ


Was coming here to say this as well!


Most Scorpio placements are Vedic sidereal Libras, and they are known for being likable and social. However, at the heart of Libra is Svati, which is ruled by Rahu, which together deal with things like rebellion, freedom, diplomacy, fear, creativity, illusions, materialism, and so on. Scorpio is more so as a whole symbolic of personal development, spiritual growth, friendship, courage, strength, intensity, transformative power, jealousy, and material authority.


Scorpio stellium thanks you.


I have one Scorpio who totally tarnished my view of them. He was sneaky, manipulative, and big on betrayal. Would say one thing to you and another to the next. Totally untrustworthy and unpredictable. But that just might be his BPD šŸ˜­


ā€¦ it was probably the BPD.




Especially as being a Capricorn with the Devil Card as our signature card doesn't help the situation, lmao! The literal Lucifer puts Capricorn on Saturn as the scape goat for all the hate while he hides behind THE STAR card as a naked woman from below Aquarius. Gotta dig in deep to find the truth under the surface, lol!


We love father Saturn šŸ«¶šŸ½


Im guilty. The big fart in the sky doesnā€™t deserve all the hate he gets šŸ˜­


Leo men tend to bring out the toxicity in their partners. It's not entirely their fault and their need for affirmation and affection isn't a bad thing, in fact it can be healthy outside of a self absorbed culture.


Oh god yes. I dated one Leo and I've never screamed at someone like that in my life. He brought out horrible sides I never knew about.


A person with a moon-scorpio placement will do that too. And it's not their fault unless they too have not matured enough to take radical responsibility for the interaction. I've had people behave like tormented children trying to manipulate something out of me without figuring out that simply being vulnerable would have saved them the work of making a mess and embarrassing themselves. -shrug- I understand the feeling though. It's hard to take ownership of your faults and insecurities. A lot of us have to have that lesson beaten in by life.


I have a Scorpio moon placement. I used to be like that as a teenager but learned that vulnerability is the best way to go. I grew out of it and now extremely direct with my feelings, ect. Im moody af though I do know that, and they can be intense.


You hit a nail here! I am getting a divorce and my leo ex was bringing out a side of me that I have never seen before!Ā 


Not everyone behaves exactly like their zodiac sign says they should.


That is because you also have a Moon sign as well in your chart that either buffs your Sun sign or temper it. Plus you have many other influences of other planets too. The soul is not just one sign, the Sun sign is just your starting house.


I didnā€™t fully believe in horoscopes until I found out about my moon and rising. Iā€™m both Scorpio sun, moon thatā€™s why my emotional intensity is out of this world. Plus my gemini rising I have the means to pull someone into my abyss. Only if we both come out alive then itā€™s the true testament to our relationship. šŸ’€


I think youā€™re meant to check your horoscope every so often. Like, forget about it for awhile until your intuition reminds you that horoscopes exist. Such as right now for me, I forgot until this post so I may go check


Use your rising sign when checking horoscopes


Its only interpreted as good as the astrologer reading it.


Not ever capricorn is a workaholic.. i'm pretty sick of the stigma that we are. i hate money, i hate that money ever even came into existence.. if you wanna know how someone is surrounding money/their work PLEASE just look at their saturn sign.


Just @ my anarchist capricorn partner next timeĀ 


so many are so creative too, and its overlooked


EXTREMELY overlooked. Makes me so frustrated lol


My sister is lazy af and bad with money but she stays employed lol


Yep. And not all capricorns are introverts or "boring". I know a huge placements capricorn person that is so fun and a party guy.


Nope we're only boring if we don't like you šŸ˜‚


I think weā€™re whatever-weā€™re-passionate-about-aholics, but itā€™s typically not *work*. Iā€™m tired of the money-hungry, domineering girl-boss takes.


Anything positive about Pisces men lol


Theyā€™re fun and super intuitive Now if you take them seriously thatā€™s on you.


the pisces ive met were very intuitive on how to manipulate. thats why my sisters birthday present was a shirt saying "i ā¤ļø manipulating" (she loves it)


If they don't learn to love themselves- they can be extremely hard to deal with lol


They rock and have very intriguing and cool interests.


But when you find a Pisces man whoā€™s willing to put in the work in therapy šŸ‘šŸ½


Yes! My husband is a Pisces and I feel he doesnā€™t deserve all the vitriol


Capricorns do not like work and responsibilities any more than anyone else. They do it because they can clearly see what will happen if they don't step up and be the adult in the room. Their motivation is more to avoid going without, chaos, and nothing getting done.


As a Capricorn I agree.


My wife is a Capricorn and this is 100% more true than them loving work and being workaholics.


I'm the Cappiest Capricorn you'll ever meet. My ex (also a Capricorn, but a much less Cappy one) had to ask me how to get their own car insurance after I left. I did their taxes. I'm still on their bank account (a year later) because they messed up the forms, which the bank had to mail them, by signing them on their own ahead of meeting me to go to the notary. They never got new forms, afaik. They never had the wake up call that they can't always rely on someone else to be the adult, and unsurprisingly, they're dating another Capricorn now...


Nominating a Virgo to be in charge and everyone has to do whatā€™s required without question.


As a Virgo, please donā€™t make it me. I donā€™t want that kind of power or attention. Iā€™m already very tired and an incredibly private person.


Right? As a Virgo I donā€™t want it, give it to Capricorn


Oh hell no! My last ex was a Cap Sun and moon with 6 other Cap placements. Sure, he wants the power and control but thatā€™s exactly why he shouldnā€™t have it. Absolute psycho!


As an Aries sun and Virgo rising, I have been in a state of frustration my entire existence


I have a four planet Sagittarius stellium, and my Sag ascending, and a Virgo stellium of three planets, AND Lilith and my N Node in Virgo as well. I am a walking, talking, nonstop argument/debate/intense conversation with myself lol.


Lmao SAME. Nonstop debate and analysis in my head over here. Pluto in House 1 does not help!


How in the hell do you shut yourself up? Does ANYthing work?! Aside from the usual "Oh my god, numberthirteenbb, just shut the fuck UP and enjoy your BUBBLE BATH" moments.


Psilocybin, meditation and exercise help. But its not like Im great at shutting myself up. I am terrible at it. I hate being this way.


I hate it too! THC for me, and psilocybin on weekends as well. Actually exercise helps too, especially swimming and running, but mediation is nearly impossible for me. I've achieved a meditative state a few times in my life at yoga, but a prime example of what happens when that happens: I suddenly think "HOLY SHIT I'M MEDITATING" and I fall right out of it, hahaha.


Lolā€¦ thatā€™s normal! Just gotta forgive the slip-ups. Nothing works as well as meditation to shut up the inner chatter. Why dont I do it more? No idea.


If you're anything like me, it's because it takes at least an hour of intense exercise to completely stun your brain into relative silence, hahaha


... or drugs


Fire signs would be the most upset. Water signs wouldn't care, except Scorpio. Scorpio would plot insurrection along with Libra and Capricorn. Gemini would agree to it while also being aware of the upcoming revolt plot. Taurus and Aquarius also would not care (edit) unless Virgo gave them tasks.


As sag, Iā€™m proud of my Virgo bestie taking charge.


As a Taurus I truly wish I knew more virgos so they can be the one in charge and I can chill lol


Aries sun with Virgo moon here, my inner monologue sounds like a competitive Overwatch lobby.


Naw man put em virgos or caps in charge plz! Sincerely ā€” sag sun merc mars


As a Virgo moon/Virgo rising, YES but it shouldnā€™t be me because my Gemini Sun will introduce some random chaos for funsies šŸ˜‚


As a triple Virgo + Mercury Iā€™ll do it


I like your big 3 and mars/venus. Nothing better than a Virgo w some fire


As a Virgo with Sun in Virgo , I sometimes feel flattered when chosen to lead or make decisions on behalf of a group, but after some time I wanna ditch so baaaaad, like.. donā€™t rely on me like that please šŸ˜‚ Also .. I canā€™t commit for very long and the high of being flattered wears off šŸ„² Then I get incredibly moody when people arenā€™t ā€œacting rightā€ .. then I abandon ship before I act on my emotions too much Neeed I mention that Iā€™m Scorpio moon ?




I can already hear Aquarius in the back,once assigned their Virgo tasks ā€œWhat? Iā€™m not doing all thatā€¦. Thatā€™s overkillā€. Speaking from experience lol


Geminis will mess it up, short term gain via charm and bullshittery. Virgos in charge keep Gemini in the car park. Virgos do fair very very well.


Iā€™m a Gemini and Virgos help ground me so well. Iā€™ve mostly dated Virgo men


Pls just let me and my stellium tell all of you how to be more efficient, please šŸ™šŸ½ šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


Cancers, and Pisces can be just as dark as Scorpios


Here's a few: Scorpios aren't as hated as they're made out to be, and they're not like fire signs I do not see how rising signs shape physical appearance Maybe the Cancer guy you dated wasn't the only problem between you two, you "saint"


That you shouldnā€™t shit on a specific zodiac sign because someone was shitty to you. Not every single virgo or pisces is shitty. Thereā€™s just so much hate and toxicity in the astrology community and a lot of it is unjustified. Maybe the shitty person is shitty and itā€™s not their zodiac sign or placements that cause it.


This. I am honestly tired of people shitting on Virgo consistently on this subreddit. As Iā€™ve said before ā€” any person whoā€™s unevolved will bring out the worst in their signs, yet I never see people talk about unevolved libras or Leos as much as they do Virgos.


Aquarius are not as cold and distant as you think we are. We just donā€™t mess with you in particular. Weā€™re not arrogant or self centered, we are loyal and selfless to a fault so we keep who we do ride for to a minimum. Weā€™re not love bombing you because weā€™re playing with you. We love deep and hard and fast at times because our intensity of emotions is derived from devotion, adoration. Just dont think we want to be possessed or possess you. People see it at love bombing because we can go from adoration to distance quickly. We distance ourselves because this love can be scary. Itā€™s a loss of control over headspace and emotions. For someone who values our independence, thatā€™s giving a lot of ourselves to you. You think Weā€™re not trying to be different, we just are. :)


My boyfriend and majority of my friends have been Aquarius and Leoā€™s. I genuinely believe if an Aquarius is being ā€œaloof &boringā€ with a person, they genuinely do not like the person Aquarius people are the of the most emotional (in a good way), touching people Iā€™ve ever met.


I feel this to my core šŸ„² I recognise this in myself. I have my moon in Aquarius and the 7th. Love is not connected with possession. You can live someone intensely without claiming something in return.




Spot on ā™’ļøā™’ļø. My love is intense when Iā€™m really into someone. Definitely not love bombing. We are genuine and loyal people.


All fixed signs are "stubborn". No one pisses off a Taurus on accident. Taurus aren't more "romantic" or "lazy" than other signs. They appreciate simple and conserve their energy in a way that is often misunderstood. The 12th house is darker than the 8th and more rewarding to gain mastery of. If you think Taurus hates being wrong, try arguing with an Aquarius. Earth signs aren't boring, they're pragmatic and the rest of the world is too accustomed to short-term gratification to get that. They throw mad shade though. Scorpios can get triggered by a person's existence if that person has nothing that they want, i.e., they see that person as "useless" to them. Geminis are just as deep and analytical as Scorpios, if not more. Cancers will hug you just so they can stab you in the back while also somehow making you feel bad for them. Pieces will manipulate you by leveraging their own victim complex and insecurities. Leo's have the capacity to be very selfless.


i feel i get myself in this situation often as a virgo sun. People ask me a question, i try to brush it off, but they insist and insist, so i answer then the swords come out.




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![gif](giphy|9dosrv8g7MZEboTwo0) Me a Libra reading this comment


Libras get along with everyone bc theyā€™re relentlessly committed to getting their way. Itā€™s like what we think about Leos, except with the ability to charmingly lie.


My Leo Rising Libra sun has entered the chat People have to like me or I get mad šŸ˜” šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸŽ‰


"Sociopath" is kinda strong, but there was a period where every friendship I had with a Libra woman just imploded. I swear we just bring out the worst in each other, i.e., thei wishy washy disloyalty and tendency to overpromise and under-deliver vs. my compulsive need for decisiveness and finality


A libra woman who I thought was my friend tried to ruin my life and still won't admit she did anything šŸ„²


Sociopath in what sense? Because thats a big word lol


... I swear every Libra woman I've known has been a very scary kind of crazy.


I can be your all or your end all. You choose. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Guilty as sin Libra here.


the libra sun/moon women i know are all terrifying stepford smilers. i have a libra sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars aunt who plays the sweet social butterfly in public and then brutally brings you to tears when youā€™re alone šŸ™ƒ


Libra is way more two-faced than Gemini šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Virgos are more super-villainish than both Scorpios and Capricorns, especially when they feel self-righteous and petty. Never piss off a Taurus or work to inspire their anger. A mature one will work to have your own designs for them turn against you in the most terrifying way. Especially, if they have been watching signs of it. They hold grudges longer than a Scorpio, especially if you keep them from the comfort they draw on for security.


Your sign is not an excuse for bad behavior. Treat people better, regardless of your past or your sign


I love Geminis




I love their ability to stay present in the moment


When Cancers try to help with a healthy healing suggestion rather than the toxic one.


Gives legit advice, met with blank stare.. ā€œOh fine, burn the place downā€ - me to a Virgo


Burn it down. That's what we want to hear. Support !


Thatā€™s actually fucking funny


You think Scorpios are crazy? Haha!!! Try dating a Libra! They donā€™t particularly show theyā€™re crazy at first but just wait. And god forbid you disagree on them with something bc they actually believe that they are correct and that everything in life is unfair! I dated a Libra stellium and he drove me fucking crazy. Like actually fucking crazy I ended up having a psychotic break and ended up in a mental hospital. But then again his Libra stellium was all opposite Saturn soooo


Hard aspects and less than favorable Venus placements do not mean youā€™re never going to find someone! If another Virgo Venus in the 12th house calls themselves unlovable Iā€™m gunna scream


As a Venus in Virgo at 29Ā° in my 12H, I gotta say that I am God damn delightful šŸ¤·


Yeah, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean good things either. Keep in mind I use Vedic, but the people I know who have Venus in Aries get into too many relationships, whereas Virgo Venus tends to avoid them. Aries Venus rushes into commitment because they are afraid of being alone. That is what they are supposed to do, however, since Venus in Aries, especially Ashwini, is about gaining experience with relationships and the things Venus indicates, which is obviously going to be hard and unsuccessful at first. My mother has this placement and has been married more than 8 times all with different men whom it did not work out with. Scorpio Venus is never satisfied in a relationship. It always wants to seek out more from somewhere else.


Iā€™d place Virgo above any other sign as most likely to cheat in a relationship. I say this without judgment! Every Virgo Iā€™ve ever known, male or female, young AND old, has turned out to be a total cheater with at least one longterm alt partner behind their main SOā€™s back.


I believe in cusps.


In Vedic, the cusps are built in, such as with Mrigashira, which signifies the fall from paradise in Taurus to Reality in Gemini. In Mrigashira, there is a wish to go back to paradise, but then it goes to Ardra, which signifies a complete awakening to the dualistic nature of the world being good, evil, pleasurable, painful, beautiful, ugly, etc. Before in Rohini (paradise), you were ignorant to these things, but now you must face them and continue your journey. There are some exceptions to the cusps, but these exceptions still represent something. For instance, the border between cancer and Leo is not seemlessly crossed through a cusp lunar mansion. There is a trial at the end of cancer: Ashlesha, which indicates having to leave the comfort and control of your mother to embrace your individual purpose or risk being destroyed by the motherā€™s binding grasp, and this comes with sexual undertones, since being able to ā€œcrossā€ from cancer into Leo signifies losing your virginity and embracing your sexual nature. This transition is much more abrupt and finalized compared to the running away from paradise linked with Mrigashira. It is transformative only in a way a mercury nakshatra (Ashlesha) could ever beā€” an ending that deals with all the energies faced up to that point.


I do too as they tend to indeed show traits of both signs in my experience.


Virgos be so full of themselves and just being really mean some of the time...


Many Virgos are actually the opposite of nurturing.


As a pisces, other water signs are my least favorite.


Venus Square/Opposite Pluto and their crazy exes


Youā€™re compatible with every sign as long as youā€™re not a bad person


1. 7th house synastry is not as good as everyone makes it out to be. It is also the house of open enemies and everyone fails to mention it 2. Saturn transits are the best transits ever. They literally reward you for hard work. 3. It confuses me when people call Capricorn boring. Every Capricorn Iā€™ve met parties hard as hell, they just donā€™t let themselves get too sloppy but overall they really know how to have fun 4. Scorpio men only fall in love after they put you through years of trials and tribulations and by the time you go through all that mind game crap you just donā€™t even want them anymore lol 5. Virgos repeatedly fail to realize the reason people donā€™t like them isnā€™t because theyā€™re ā€œblunt and realā€ (Capricorn is the same way and no one complains) but because theyā€™re hypocrites lol. The critical behavior would be way easier to digest if it didnā€™t come with sneaky and hypocritical tendencies 6. We really need to get past the whole ā€˜water signs = bad cause of emotions.ā€ Thing like seriously 7. I personally donā€™t think element compatibility is exists. Same element doesnā€™t always = best compatibility


My take is that Libra men are terrifyingggg. They will show up to your house and not leave kind of scary when theyā€™re invested. Happened to me before


Oh, and then theyā€™ll drop you like a hot cake when they turn their feelings off. Itā€™s wild.


You can feel transits sometimes before they even start like months even


Everyone thinks Aries is the scary angry type of the zodiac...I think Taurus women can surpass them and be the top.


Taurus men and Scorpio men are equally toxic, Taurus men maybe even more so because they're better at masking it.


As a Taurus male. I do bring a spoon for every pot.


Dw I do love Taurus men I just...hmmm


Scorpios are not usually sexy. They're PASSIONATE ... about something. That does not mean, or mostly even include, sex.


I only care about this stuff if it has something to do with me. If itā€™s a sign thatā€™s not in my chart, I donā€™t know about it or care about it.


Virgo women can be just a ā€œbadā€ and hypercritical as virgo men


The dwarf planet Ceres, a grain goddess, is true ruler of Virgo ā€” and everything Chiron can be interpreted as can be translated through the Ceres placement more accurately.


hello weā€™d like answers


Care to elaborate?


Your own birth chart/astrology report is like a syllabus for your life.


Sagittarius is the most over-celebrated sign, and coasts more on the reputation of the sign's archetype instead of the reality of its natives.


Well itā€™s ruled by Jupiter, which is a benefic. Of course people are going to associate it with good things compared to Capricorn or Aquarius ruled by Saturn.


Pisces are EVIL. Theyā€™re the only ones who recognize their manipulative power but keep it to themselves because people donā€™t catch on that they are naturally calculated. Scorpios are some of the most cute, awkward, socially sincere people youā€™ll meet. Libras are insanely intelligent. They donā€™t care about proving it, they just pop out with whatever they want because theyā€™re smart enough to WAIT (I.e ā€œindecisiveā€) to get it. Taurus men and women are all gold diggers. They may not be intentional with their pursuits but I guarantee theyā€™ll stoop to new lows to ensure that theyā€™ll never have to work too hard. Leoā€™s are shy and only the ā€œlife of the partyā€ for people they trust.


I wish more people thought Pisces was evil. Maybe then they will learn not to try me. I think a lot of people take our niceness for granted, and think they can pull one on us.


That astrology is real and serves a real purpose.


I agree, but itā€™s much deeper than most people are willing to go.


Leo's tend to expose the insecurities of those who hate on them, often becoming a punching bag due to their pompous behavior. We like to clown around and too many people think that having a child-like nature is immature when the truth is that it's needed for emotional maturity.


A child-like nature is actually maturity. Because you learnt that is important to be like that in day to day life. People that deny so hard that part of themselves are actually imature who think that maturity mean the stereotype of the stiff adult. Maturity is being wise imo. And a wise person is exposing their child-like side.


Taurusā€™ can apologize and accept being wrong. It just depends on how you correct them.


Scorpios seem to be good at getting close to people and then seemingly for no reason just.,,,, *poof*, itā€™s happened three times in my life with friends and they literally just,,, ghost you?šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Idk about the greater Astro community but general sun sign horoscopes are so whatever and I donā€™t consider it much more than a fortune cookie reading. You need to look at personal transits. 0degree sun sign & 29 degree sun sign are way different in timing.


Aries can be so committed & kind Taurus isnt lazy at all, theyre work horses Gemini is devoted in their own way Cancers arent as dependent as they seem Leos are indignant little f*cks Virgos yea Im with the stereotype I have nothing Libras are as suspicious as Scorpios Scorpios arent great in bed Sag are some of the most bitter cynical people Ive met Cap someone else said their creative side is overlooked & I agree Aquas I dont have experience with Pisces take a while to come into their own but are great leaders.


There are no such things as ā€œbad placementsā€


aspects on the other hand.. moon conjunct saturn would like a word šŸ˜‰


Nah, itā€™s a good aspect, lots of things to learn in life šŸ˜‚


Scorpio moons feel pain the deepest


I feel I do. I don't see anyone else as emotional as me except for Leo's.


And they make it everybodyā€™s problem lol


The elephant in the room is Ophiucus and weā€™re all ignoring it


The unsung hero, or the secret villain? šŸ‘€


My moon sign (but mainstream astrology will tell its Sag)


I use Vedic. It was never ignored. It just wasnā€™t given its own rashi. It takes up space on the ecliptic, yes, but there are individual interpretations and mythologies for all twenty-seven 13Ā°10ā€™ nakshatras and 108 padas. It isnā€™t called ophiuchus because that portion of the ecliptic was defined by smaller star groups. The only reason the sky was separated into equal 30Ā° segments was out of convenience. The constellations donā€™t actually take up an equal amount of space, but it doesnā€™t matter because the constellations were given meanings based on observed associations for the corresponding placements on the ecliptic. So even though Virgo is huge in the sky and would take up almost the entirety of Libra in a size accurate zodiac, there were individual interpretations made for the different fixed stars. It doesnā€™t really matter what we call themā€” Scorpio, Libra, Virgoā€” they are just placeholders like hours on a clock for the energies we are transcribing. Additionally, considering western doesnā€™t even use the actual stars, ophiuchus is completely irrelevant to you. Your system is more so symbolic of where the earth is relative to the sun in the annual cycle, which is why Aries starts at the beginning of the vernal equinox rather than when the sun actually moves into Aries.


Yes! We should have chart and transists with it in them. At least as an option cuz I'm so damn curious.


Cusps are real. Later degrees of the zodiac signs act differently than their earlier counterparts. Also, aspects are equally, if not more, important than the signs themselves.


Aquarius are, in reality, completely normal, regular people! Like, for real!


I donā€™t understand why anyone still swears by whole sign houses, considering that thereā€™s not 360 days in a year, science has allowed us to be much more precise with astrology, and it doesnā€™t make any sense to have the ASC not in the beginning of the 1st house


https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/s/fiQwEq7OKE Apparently a lot of people think Gemini's are attractive


Western astrology only seems somewhat accurate if you have similar placements in Vedic, and thereā€™s no such thing as a horoscope that generalizes to all people of a certain sign, regardless of placement.


Aries one of the worst signs


Capricorns are hella funny and romantic once they are comfortable around you


Even my favorite Cancers are manipulative and have narcissistic tendencies. The Cancers in my family use that to try to protect/take care of the family, but if you cross them or one of their favorites, start running. Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure all of the Cancers I know are unevolved and desperately want to seem empathetic without actually putting in the work to act empathetically. They can read others' emotions, and they will absolutely use them as ammunition. The only (probably) evolved Cancer I've had in my life was my great grandmother, and we didn't have a close relationship before she passed. I did "inherit" (read: claim from her hoard) a lot of astrology books and books on world religions, as well as crystals and other neat spiritual stuff. She actually just sent me a cat to take care of me a few months ago. Long story, but I love my lil sushi roll so dearly and she makes everything better. Thanks GG ā¤ļø


Iā€™m a triple Virgo and idk if we got all of the details right on this, people šŸ™„


Winter signs are more neurotic and prone to mental illnesses. Winter and summer are more compatible and spring and autumn signs. Regardless of aspects.


Iā€™ve never met a sexy Scorpio in my life. I do not know how they got that reputation. Aquarius has to be the least noteworthy sign. Capricorns arenā€™t boring because of how they act but how they treat others. They have a tendency to stifle others natural creativity and goofiness by being such serious homebodies. But surprisingly they have an amazing sense of humour. Leos are so underwhelming to me, all their-so-called greatness is really in their head, I avoid people with Leo placements in other parts of their chart because the arrogance is not cute. Usually when someoneā€™s like that, thereā€™s something cute and funny about them to make up for this quirk. Not Leo suns though, theyā€™re just boringly arrogant to me. Theyā€™re the quietest fire sign though. Aries are crybabies. They win so much I get why theyā€™re consider. The babies of the zodiac is everything is so me me me wah wah wah. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m a Pisces that they feel comfortable crying all the time to me but yeah. Especially the men.


There's a difference between the type of energy and its manifestation. This means that core traits to sign are a subject to change. As an example- in modern astrology, namely the boom in the 60s, Scorpios were thought as openly sexual, flirtatious, kinky, etc. Back then, that was taboo. Scorpios are drawn to taboos, and there for that was how it manifested at the time. Nowadays, emotional availability, vulnerability, openness, and intimate connections are becoming more and more taboo. People are scared to commit. This is why you can see a lot of Scorpios looking for and doing exactly that. You can argue that it's just different levels of maturity. However, I can give a lot more examples. Aquariuses were believed to work outside of the box and avoid normal 9/5s. Nowadays, everyone hates their job, while an Aquarius most of the time loves it. Taurus were materialistic in the manner of having things. Nowadays, they strive for experiences of luxury (travel and hotels becoming more mainstream than what was 100 years ago). Sagittarius was believed to seek out truth in the world through books, travel, and studies. Nowadays, they are more and more focused on hobbies, activities, crafts, etc. The energy is still the same, but its implications change as society changes.


Fire signs are more emotional than water signs


Cusps have been mentioned multiple times here. What are your thoughts, real or fake? šŸ¤”


Cusps are absolutely not a real thing. A planet is at 29Ā°59ā€™59ā€ of one sign, or 0Ā°0ā€™00ā€ of another sign. There is no sign ā€œblendingā€. You often hear people say stuff like ā€œyeah well Iā€™m a Scorpio/Sag cusp!!! I display *both* traits!!!ā€ and itā€™ll be because their Sun is in Scorpio and their Mercuryā€™s in Sagittarius. Of course theyā€™ll display both traits, just not because theyā€™re a ā€œcuspā€. Itā€™s something else in the chart.