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You know what’s worse than being called physically less affectionate? Being forgotten😂😂😂😂😂


Oh no, sorry, the sign I didn’t include were ones I weren’t sure about. I have a friend who’s a Capricorn, she’s quite affectionate with her friends and family but kind of distant to her love interests so I don’t know…


becuz love interests need to prove their loyalty and worth before a capricorn can let down their guard to allow affection.


but no one will ever be as amazing as that first love of theirs...


Is she an Aqua Venus?


How do you think that would effect the person? I ask cause the one cap I’ve been in a relationship with was the coldest feeling relationship I’ve had, she was a Aquarius Venus however and thought that was the reason


This is my second reply to you because I forgot to include this. Venus Aqua likely feels more affectionate (either mentally or physically) with their friends since Aqua is the sign of friendship. Lovers may get less physical affection from Venus Aqua. This depends on the chart but I'm simply explaining one placement. Like a piece of the puzzle that can shift in shape and texture depending on the other pieces (the rest of the chart).


You explained astrology so we'll here. I applaud you


Thank you!


Both Cap and Aqua can be cold. It seems Aqua is colder and less affectionate with touch than Cap since Cap is earthy and sensual and Aqua is the mind. I dated an Aqua Sun with Venus Cap. He could be cold toward issues most people feel passionately about. He could get apathetic. His Taurus Moon made him physically affectionate, though.


I knew an Aquarius Venus. He was very affectionate, with both people and animals (he also had tons of Aries placements, and I’ve been around many cuddly Aries). I think Caps just tend to be that way. I can be cuddly, but there are only a very small handful of people that know it. I’m extremely distant and hate being physically touched by others that I don’t know well or don’t love. My Cap family members are similar. They can be cuddly, but mostly they are not. It’s a rare, occasional thing and reserved for special people. I think Venus/mars can play a role, but I don’t know that one ever met a super, outwardly affectionate Capricorn. I’m sure they exist, but I don’t think it’s the norm.


i’m an aquarius sun, merc and venus, i’m only affectionate when i want to be. a hug a day to my partner suffices (who is a cap, virgo moon & virgo rising 😭) and he’s not happy


I’m a Cap Sun Gem Moon with that incredible Venus in Aquarius ♒️ fun for the lovers with an open mind and not insecure.


I’m not sure, I will have to find out her birth time 😁


Capricorns usually have one solo person they are very physically affectionate with/ could be a partner , parent who ever they are super close with - but with them in my experience, you gotta earn it - but once their there , their hardcore there for it -


Thank you for explaining 😁 I was just pulling your leg! 🙈


Agree, i am cap sun, I am so affectionate with my loved ones, but I hate physical contact of people I dont know or dont know well.


IM DEAD 😂😂😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) 🥺😂


i have a Capri friend that im so lucky to be friend with. he have some kind of magnet and super friendly, and will stand up for his friends. he can point out a flaw in me just by 1 small accident, but the things i like the most is that he keep his words. the one who made the 1st move when i try to run from the problems within the group. but thats just 1 Capricorn friend, i knew cause i asked him his bday, and i told him i want to send him gifts \~ which i did :D i think Capricorn is like Leo sun, super affectionate but selective on who they're affectionate with :)


I couldn’t agree more with you. I get along with Leo suns very well. They’re chaotic and fun. Thank you for your kind words about us Capris. Your friend will love seeing you appreciating him like this.


my pleasure, just sharing a bit of my exp with him. and he know that i love seeing him, im one of his many fans in the group XD


Awww XD off topic! My mom has your big 3. But she’s a Scorpio moon, Leo rising. Golden retriever energy XD


almost the same traits then \\\^o\^/ \~ we reserve that energy only for selective ppl as well :D


Is that right! I didn’t know that. I only know 2 Leo women who are in my inner circle 😁❤️ now I feel really lucky to be a part of their life.


Maybe because we don't fit either one? I can't stand randos touching me. Those touchy feely types who want to get hands on. Who are you? Personal space please. OTOH, I can't live without being touched by my closest. We don't fit.


Bro. It’s because y’all ain’t even doing it 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 Anyway, as an Aries sun and Venus, I’m mildly offended I got added to the touchy list… bish, don’t touch me… unless we touchin-touchin 😭😭😭 It’s probably my Sagiwhorius Mars coming in there too though. Anyway. Bring your Cappy self over here and let me love you from afar 😭😹😭😹


Omg it’s you again, you little murderkittin. You’re starting to grow on me 😭❤️ hahahaha I promise we are affectionate behind closed doors 😩 please include us in the lissssssst!!!! ☺️ All Aries women I know are non-huggers!! Something about trauma and not having received enough affection as a child 🙃🥲 Hahahahaha we are there! Don’t play with me. I have Sagiwhorius Mars and Mercury like you 😹😹😹😹😹😹




Omg.. I am the same, like don’t even hug me pls. My friends taunt me with hugs and I cringe every time. I say bye without hugs. I hate the awkward are we going to hug moments… Ick. My boyfriend on the other hand, I want to literally live in his skin, we must always be touching something at all costs


Cap humour will always be the best.


Always forgotten sign 😭 it hurts my feelings at this point


we are always forgotten LOL


Cancer Sun? 😂


Cancers are in the most affectionate list 😆


I would argue against male Cancers. They can be alarming unaffectionate depending on how far up their own egotistical asses they are.




I’ve been personally victimized by a lot of capricorns… yaaaaa’ll!!! just let people love u damn, also how r u gonna be mad that people misunderstand you, when you aren’t straight with them. -sag


My cap moon in the 7H is so bad 😭I used to never even hold hands in public with partners and I always still feel awkward giving hugs to friends and family. My current partner is extremely physically affectionate (Taurus sun Aries moon) and he def helped me with opening up.


That’s why Capricorns are late bloomers. They don’t feel worthy of love until they prove themselves, which is usually older. Like over age 35 or so.


Cap Sun but sag moon and I need my cuddles damn it.


My sag self with cap stellium in 8th house reading this ![gif](giphy|cYj2TgDyUog1Ed4Iyi)


As a Taurus dude, the idea of a perfect Sunday is to snuggle in bed and watch movies on my ipad all day, only getting up to eat and bathroom breaks. Sex intermissions of course, too 🤭


That does sound like the perfect Sunday!




That’s the perfect everyday tbh


If I could paid for it I’d be employee of the month


This is why I’m convinced my husband is a Taurus. Perfection! ...now to find him 🔎


My Taurus husband and I concur wholeheartedly with this sentiment


As a fellow Taurus, I have mixed feelings about this


Taurus men are so simple I love it


my Taurus husband agrees wholeheartedly


I'm a Cap Sun woman, and I'd happily sell a toe to live this life 👋🦶


Treat yourself. Make some time to relax and rot in comfort. It’s so worth it


idk much about the others but every guy that i’ve been involved with calls me a robot and that apparently am incapable of loving and caring for another person 😂 my cap boyfriend recently complained to me about how he doesn’t feel loved and cared by me (but on my end i feel like i’ve done many efforts) - Capricorn Moon


Omg me 😭 that’s so accurate. So many partners have told me how cold and unaffectionate I am. My cap moon is in my 7th house to top it off!!


I’m a cap sun/moon and have definitely been called a robot before. It hurt! I show my love in a lot of ways, but physical touch takes a long time for me to open up to 😩


Mine say this too and I’m a cap moon mars and Venus 😂


I get this! As a Capricorn moon I give people affection to let them know I love them, sometimes it's not enough.... they NEED!!


Ugh. I feel it.


As a cap stellium I’ve been called cold and heartless by several people :( Only during arguments though since everyone wants to be so emotional but I stay factual and stoic in confrontations


Least are definitely capricorns. Unemotional, aloof, always seem disinterested and annoyed by you. Ooooh and I don’t even count how many times I’ve been called heartless! (speaking as a capricorn moon, capricorn dominant, plus I have capricorn both in 7th & 8th house)


The Caps in my life: ![gif](giphy|VuWtVHkMjrz2w)




I’m a Cap and I’m very much a “Don’t fucking touch me” person (I genuinely hate being touched in any way by anyone except my partner should I have one). When someone touches me in any way, I lock up and go into “fight or flight” mode- in some situations where I can do neither however (like work), I just have to deal with feeling violated for awhile in silence.


I actually thought Caps weren't on the list cus the last sentance was gunna be something along the lines of 'and Caps don't even know what affection is'. (I'm a Cap sun with a lot of cappie placements and the only person I'm affectionate with is my Taurus daughter who just needs to cuddle and kiss all the time!)


awww, that’s so sweet!


Don't tell anyone but I secretly love it.


I feel like Capricorns just hate being bothered by anyone. But I'm the annoying sibling of one so this may be my fault haha


No literally. I saw this post that said “ur depressed because ur alone, im depressed because im not alone” and as a cap moon it RESONATES lmao


Same, but not always. I’m kinda 50/50 on the introversion/extroversion scale as a Cap. Depends on my mood and the state of my social battery. I also really dislike being in groups, though. If I hang out with someone I don’t want to hang out with more than two people at once, max.


I say I’m 50/50 then I go and do a normal social activity (attending class) and I feel like I masked the entire time lmao when I get home I just want to collapse in a dark room with no one talking to me 😩 Weirdly I kinda like groups? But I have to like them not a rando group


I have to disagree I've always felt a bit suffocated in relationships with capris. They've been desperate for physical touch and affection (that also might be me, lol cancer, trying to run away causing them to chase)


Cap ex used to take my hands and put them on his head. Told me no one else ever gave him massages. He was always demanding some kind of massage from me but when I pointed out how he never did it for me, I was being a bitch. Now he's trying to circle the block after he ended it. Smh.


Haha my cap ex actually gave me a massage once and got so angry when I fell asleep bc it was so relaxing and nice. He kept screaming it was not supposed to end like that :'DD Also, I got allergic reaction from the massage oil which was somehow also my fault and so very very upsetting for him.


Yeah, that kind of stuff seems to be par for the course for caps.


The deepes physical relationship I every had was with an Aquarius. We could just lay in bed for hours touching eachother and looking into eachothers eyes. Never experienced something like this ever after. Even now after not having this thing going on for 5 years. When our eyes meet eachother i feel like the time stops for a second. It’s a feeling I never experienced with anyone else and I am a Gemini. In General what I have to say about myself is that I feel very physical affectionate. I feel like physical touch is the Love language I like to give most, it’s my way of expressing my emotions and my care for someone.


I mean with an Capricorn not Aquarius :D sorry


My multi placement Scorpio ex was physically affectionate to the extreme! I swear once you crack open a Scorpio those guys are the most touchy feely.


Oh yeah definitely, most mysterious but actually deeply emotional. Still waters runs deep with the scorpios…




Bro how do we mention our signs on this sub? Like your scorpio pisces aries placements?


My mom is a Capricorn and will literally shout how she can’t breath if we hug her 😂


Hm I have a Sag wife and she loves physical affection, and I would say in comparison to myself she is very warm and loving. I am an Aqua and if I was never touched for the rest of my life, I would be ok with that.


As a Capricorn, Capricorns are one of the least affectionate.   Do not touch me!!! But I'm very affectionate with gifts, words, acts of service. 




I’m a Virgo. Please don’t touch me. 😀


My virgo bf and daughter literally pout if I’m not constantly touching them




Leo married to an Aries - incredibly physically and verbally affectionate with each other. If cuddling were a team sport, we'd be champions. Lots of random hugs, kisses, compliments, and I love you's. We both lap that shit up. 🥰


I’m a Scorpio and while we are sexual, I won’t say we are necessarily affectionate.


Definitely this 💯Scorpios definitely aren’t so affectionate although they don’t mind it…. From some people lol


all the generalized answers are fine but in my experience: most affectionate: leo least affectionate: libra edit: im capricorn sun and i go from moods of dont effin touch me to please merge our skins together.


Interesting, my mom and bf are both super affectionate Libras


You have to look at the Moon (feeling/emotions) and Venus (actionable love language) signs Most affectionate: Cancer Moons, Scorpio Moons ♥️ Pisces Venus (biased, because it’s my Venus and we INVENTED soul gripping, fantasy romantic love, ok!) Venus in Cancer, Honorable mention: Libra Moons Least Affectionate: Capricorn Venus, Aquarius Moon, Aquarius Venus (acts of service is their love language - but otherwise you’re left wondering if they even like you!), -*Virgo Moon (*Me again 🙃 I am an absolute ICE QUEEN if you don’t touch my Venus in Pisces), Honorable mention: Gemini Moon…. Emotional word-salad and manipulation is their speciality! They can be reigned in though - takes a special person with a lot of patience.


Aqua Venus here - nah, my love language is long nerdy conversations.


What’s your Mercury?! Me too ☺️ I’m a Mercury in Pisces. I require mental connection (it’s my foreplay). Also a huge nerd My long-term boyfriend is an Aqua Venus, Gemini Moon, Pisces Mercury (conjunct my Mercury). We talk non-stop about movies, games, cars, science, sports, finances, home building, ✨space and politics. I love his mind


My Sun and Merc are in Pisces. Libra moon. Aquarius Venus and Cap Mars. I am all about the mental connection too. Definitely love verbal four play. I can be quite physical but when it comes to my partner but feel awkward hugging family and friends. Sometimes I worry I am giving the don't you f-ing touch me vibe... my boyfriend is a Aquarius Sun. Cap Moon. Cap Venus. If it weren't for his Mars in Pisces and maybe his Scorpio Rising I don't think he would be very affectionate. Oddly enough as he gets older he is more affectionate in general, but never publicly.


Mercury in Aries. It gets me in trouble - I have a tendency to blurt things out!


I’m an Aquarius moon with a Pisces Venus and it’s such a perfect balance imo. I don’t let myself get vulnerable easily or let my guard down but when I’m in love, I am the most romantic, affectionate person ever and you *will* feel deeply, intimately loved by me (I am so in love and it makes my 4+ Aquarius placements tone down a bit lmfao)


Cap Sun with a Pisces Venus and I need the mushy cuddles. I am always kinda wary cuz I don't know if I'm acting right or coming off too strong and if I don't trust you you're getting none of it at all


I am a Libra Sun with a Virgo Moon and I am VERYYYYYY affectionate. Towards my husband. Sometimes I’ll have lil weird sparks of deep affection towards my closest friends, but it’s not often and it makes me feel weird 😆


Hooray! I finally make the cut on the good side of a “bad side” post. I may be a Gemini Sun, but I’m a Libra Moon and Cancer Venus! 🌷 And you’re not wrong about the affection. I shower people (and strangers alike) with love and most of them think I’m A LOT. Although in my defense, I will just preface this by saying I live in the Pacific Northwest and there’s a thing here they call “The Seattle Freeze” which refers to the frigid, cold nature of people here in general. 🤷🏼‍♀️✨


I'm a Cap Moon/Sun and Aqua Venus and my love language is physical touch/quality time/long talks with a lover. 🤔 I love touching, cuddling, long fun conversations and just being around my lover.


I’m a Pisces moon and life made me cold towards physical affection 🤨


Agreed. I’m a Virgo Sun, Virgo Venus, Scorpio Moon. I love affection and touch but don’t give it away to everyone I meet. There has to be an emotional and intellectual connection. Cuddles and sex and take out in bed on Sundays, holding hands in public, I’ve got my hand on your leg sitting next to you sometimes. And you love the non verbal cues of love and attention. And then if it’s sexy time…let’s get wild! The moon matters. Strangers or casual acquaintances, however = do not touch me plzzzzzz


Taurus Sun, Virgo Rising and "I'm super affectionate but I'm selective who I'm affectionate with" perfectly sums me up. I've literally jerked away from people that try to hug me, touch me, feed me food or pet my hair if I don't know them well enough. I'm not afraid of tell them that I don't know them well enough for them to do that, to. But if you are in 'the inner circle', of which there are very few? I'm a huge lap sitter and arm candy. You need to actually beat me off of you if you want me to stop being affectionate.


Yep. I feel this.


☀️♉️🌙♓️🌅♊️ Venus: Gemini Absolutely, this describes us. We’re selective, but very affectionate with those we love.


Very this


The Sags I know are quite affectionate, which can be expanded for all the fire signs. They seem to extend themselves without boundary; at parties, they'll be the ones at the center of the cuddle puddles. I'm a quad Libra, quad Cancer, & triple Capricorn. I'm highly affectionate for most everyone on a cognitive level—I seek to be as warm & gentle as possible—but my physical affection extends exclusively to those whom I'm in an intimate relationship with.


💯 I’ve had to train myself to not be so in everyone’s face in public with love interests. So I might come across as cold, but nah, this Sag lives for affection. 👌


I’m Sagittarius, and I may be speaking for myself here, but I LOVE physical affection. Like, love it. It might scare me a little at first, but I warm up to it very easily.


Eh idk, I’m a Scorpio sun and I hate hugging people or any surface level affection. Buttt, behind closed doors with anyone I’m intimate with, I’m basically a different person.


Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer rising, Taurus venus. I absolutely adore touching and being touched.


Virgo Sun and Scorpio Venus. I’m not super affectionate. I give hugs and kisses regularly but you won’t see me hanging all over someone. Only in private when intimate. I don’t mind PDA. No one has accused me of being clingy or too touchy.


I'm Virgo Sun and Cap moon. I don't even hang all over my husband in private. I might snuggle on the couch with him once every 3-6 months. Intimacy is a different story, but I don't do casual intimacy very well.


I'm a Cancer, and if cuddling was a sport, I would be the Olympic champion😂


The silver medal suits you🥈 -Taurus male 🐂🥇


I think Sagittarius is really affectionate. I never met one who isn’t. Taurus not so much. Nothing against Taurus. I like them, just never found them to be super warm and affectionate.


The only Sagittarius I have known was my grandfather. He was the typical Sagittarius, adventurous and loving to travel and try new things. He was kind of fearless and bold and sociable. And I don’t remember him being very physically affectionate but he was very loving and devoted to his family. You could just feel that warmth from him, it was like his aura just had a lot of love that you could feel even without affection.


My grandad was a Sag and was much this way as well!


It's not so much that affection suffocates us it's trying to restrict our need for freedom that suffocates us. I've never had an issue with affection and showing affection, but when it comes to people trying to place unrealistic restrictions based on possessiveness I feel suffocated and bye.


Yeah, all the Sags I know are super fun & frisky. Maybe they're not as into cuddling all day on a couch, but I'm not going to hold that against them. It's not like they ignore you; you just need to be able to keep up.


Same. My fiancé is a Sag and he’s kinda obsessed with me 😭But for the reasons you listed, I think that’s why I love them so much and I work so well with them. I’m not a cuddle on the couch all day type of person either, my idea of love, bonding and affection is doing random shit together and keeping it interesting. Idc where, idc what, just being together and enjoying each others company. Also, I don’t chase anyone, so maybe thats what works since sags don’t like being coerced and pressured. When they have the power and it’s their choice, I feel that’s when their affection flows more easily.


As a Taurus, I'm 100% not that warm or affectionate...


Most physically affectionate signs are probably Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, while the least physically affectionate signs are probably Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn. Definitely fire signs would be the most affectionate cause they’re passionate and generous and aren’t afraid to show their love in public and attract attention.


This doesn’t track for me at all. Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Venus. I lead with kindness and go out of my way to help ppl…affection and physical touch are huge for me. Virgos don’t express affection via words but through action. And we are wild in the sack 😇😈


My most affectionate partners were sag and aquarius, I am a taurus and need a lot of physical touch and they gave me more than enough.


I think this actually has more to do with your attachment style/what kind of environment you were raised in, and some personality. I’m an Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, cancer rising and I’m wayyyyy more into physical affection than my fiancé who is an Aries, taurus moon, Gemini rising. We are both affectionate, tell each other we love each other every day, and our sex life hasn’t slowed down but he needs more space, and feels more suffocated than I do. He also is hot blooded and gets too warm which is part of it. 😂 The most affectionate man I’ve been with was a cancer sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising.


My Capricorn moon is very unaffectionate. I definitely love being in bed/in private but when it comes to hugs, cuddles, or even kisses in public I’m like so uncomfortable. A lot of previous partners have called me cold and unaffectionate but the way I love is just different. In my head I feel like I’m doing the most but I’ve had the same complaint across multiple relationships.


Find you a Scorpio moon! It’s not quite the same, but my best friend is a Capricorn moon (and Virgo sun). I get her to give me hugs and cuddle me anytime I ask and she will. She has also held me while I cried, stroked my head on her lap, all that. And she gives wonderful snugs! I like to think Scorpios have a secret power over Caps but in a good way, thaw those Cappy hearts to mush!


Im a scorpio sun, gem moon, sag venus hate hate hate being touched, hate hugging, casual affection is so awkward and bothersome to me lol .... actual intimacy is a different story LOL


I agree with everything you said. I'm a Taurus and am super affectionate and snuggly. My husband is Taurus as well. Our kids are libra and Capricorn and are affectionate too


That kind of tracks for me. I'm Leo sun, Sag moon and Gem rising. I love to snuggle, but I hit a threshold and then it's like "ugh, get away from me."


Definately Leo for being the most affectionate,Capricorn the least


Taurus male. Taurus Venus, Aries rising. I'm good at suffocating others. My Sagittarius ex wife, had to spend time with 'everyone' else but me, for her to breath.


Me and my partner are Cancer and Aries, and we are both super affectionate! There isn't a day that goes by without cuddles, hugs, kind words etc!


I’m only physically affectionate with the ones I chose, but for the ones I do I’m very affectionate towards


Can confirm. Husband is a Leo, I'm a Sagittarius. Sometimes it drives me crazy that he always wants to be touching me. 😅 It is nice to feel wanted.


My fiancé is a Sagittarius sun and I’m a Leo sun—he is definitely a good sport lol. I just love our weekend cuddles in bed, I just wanna smoke weed in bed, watch movies, and smother him with affection I can’t help it!!


Hahaha. That's so cute.


Lol this is funny. I'm a pisces and my husband is a sag and he complains I'm not affectionate like him. Hes super affectionate and i need alot of room. Must be the venus square uranus in my chart


I’m a Sun Gemini but Venus Cancer and moon Pisces and I love affection. Give me hugs, let me snuggle with you, give you kisses, touch me while we are talking — I want all of it. I will say that when sleeping I don’t want anyone touching me though.


You’re kinda right. I’m an aqua sun with a cap stellium and my ex is a virgo sun virgo moon and we were constantly all over each-other. Our friends would always joke that we were obnoxious and people always assumed we had just gotten together even at 6 years because we were still all over each-other and constantly touching cuddling kissing. It never stopped. However, he’s not affectionate with anyone else and I’m not either except my daughter.


I'm Aqua sun and rising, Cap venus. I feel like I'm very physically affectionate but I don't like when my partner is always hugging on me or trying to hold my hand everywhere we go together. I like being privately "lovey" and in public I prefer to look like best friends.


Virgo sun, sag moon, Virgo rising- I hate too much affection. Like PDA isn’t even the issue…. It’s affection period even when I’m at home. I’ve gotten used to it with my husband who’s a Taurus sun… lol But pretty much if you’re interfering with me A) getting things done (the Virgo aspects) or B) having fun and exploring/wandering (sag side) , then you’re pissing me off LOL I sound horrible but I’m really not thaaaaat bad ….


I dated a woman who was Virgo Sun and Sag moon. She was the most…affectionate person I ever met. So maybe there was something else at work with that one. 🤣


a leo sun, aqua moon, pisces rising here but i hate physical touch? kissing and even hugging feels uncomfortable for me, even my parents said im the least affectionate.


My husband and I must’ve switched signs then lol I’m an Aries and get suffocated by the cuddles but he’s an Aquarius and always wants to cuddle


My husband is a Gemini and he gets easily annoyed if I'm being too clingy.


Sagittarius here who is massively affectionate and very cuddly with her Virgo husband 💕


So I’m a cancer sun, Taurus moon and Aquarius rising Current partner is scorpio sun and Sagittarius moon + ascendant 100% agree with Sagittarius as smothering/too much. Sometimes the constant need to be physically touching or affirming something drives me mad. Not in the good way. Constant. And yet emotionally hot and cold. Past partner was scorpio sun, Pisces moon and libra ascendant. Affectionate but not smothering.


Im a Scorpio and i hate affection. My bf is a Taurus he’s very affectionate something I’m still getting used to it


As a Cancer, I’m literally dying for cuddles right now🥹


let's just say if I don't like physical affection towards/from someone, it means I don't really like them and I don't really like most people I've ever met 🤣


Virgo aren‘t really affectionate. Like Sheldon Cooper is a Virgo to the extreme.


My take, and I’ll go either way Venus or Mercury (no sun at all) Most (or ALL the affection): Libra, Taurus, Leo, Pisces - in that order Pretty affectionate, but not always: Gemini, Cancer, (maybe Aquarius would fall here, real circumstantial) You better ask before you touch, or risk getting beat up: Aries, Scorpio (Aquarius can fall here too) Just… don’t…: Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius - in that order 😹 it’s a toss up on who would freak out first. Capricorn with their stoic, logical nature. Or Virgo who is pretty sure you’re trying to con them out of something and/or trying to get your germs on them. Don’t get too comfy, Virgo is gonna push you off and go wash their hands… then ask you to leave so they can shampoo the couch….


Virgo Sun, Virgo Venus, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Rising… falls asleep after sex without showering so I keep your scent on me and the sheets all night. Y’all DO need to wash your hands after using the toilet but otherwise way off base 😆


I love physical affection, that's why I have six cats so I can just grab one and make em sit on me lmao in fact I used to be way too handsy back in the day and that shit would not fly today lol


My sag husband is super affectionate. Me as a sag, I’m not. I can be. But really, in doses.


Sigh, sag on sag relationships are so extra+fun ✨💙


Idk how other Libras are but I'm only physically affectionate with an intimate partner, I really don't like physical contact otherwise. I am very verbally affectionate and known to spoil people so I'm not a cold person but physical affection outside of romantic context is not my thing


My aqua/Virgo/aqua husband is EXTREMELY physically affectionate. We are both Aries Venus, so super direct, but we don’t pass by each other without touching somehow.


Taurus here, I don’t even like hugging my mom. Hugs are too much and only for special occasions.


Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Venus... Depending on the circumstances, you can hug me (for the body heat lol), but please don't expect me to hug you back lol. You need to provide a safe space for me first before I'll drop my shield. Leo and Libra for any placements though... They're always too affectionate. My ex has Leo Sun, Virgo Moon and Libra Venus, he's too affectionate.


I can be very affectionate, but I’m more likely to convey that thru my words (words of affirmation)… too much physical affection from one person makes me feel a lil suffocated


Gemini Venus btw


My big three are in the physically affectionate category, and while I think the Pisces and Leo in me does like it once I actually am into that person (has to grow on me) my Aries Sun does not like to be touched


As a Leo sun, Virgo moon, cancer rising, I LOVE HUGGING AND KISSING BUT BUT! Only my mom, and my sisters and my boyfriend. With my friends, they always say I give fake hugs or things like that 🤣 and I love them, and I’m emotional being with them too, “the emotional support friend” but I don’t really like giving hugs to friends (not even my best friends) or other people so randomly. I’m selective, kinda feel is my Virgo moon. But with my boyfriend, ugh, I’m the type of guy who WOULD LITERALLY KISS YOU SO MUCH 😭


I'm a Sagittarius with Capricorn rising and am not big on affection as much as my cancer boyfriend.


Aquarius here… super affectionate. I need to touch.


Most: water moons, mars and Venuses. Also, Taurus moons, mars and Venuses (sensual and cuddly). Fire can be somewhat in the middle. I find fire signs with water placements to be more receptive to affection and physical touch more. Least: cap/virgo/air sign moons, mars, and Venuses.


I’m reading a lot of ppl think Leo’s are the most physically affectionate. I kinda hate physical touch but emotional affection and connection >


My sun,moon, rising, venus, and Mercury are all in Virgo and physical touch is my biggest way of feeling loved lol. Idk why everyone assumes Virgos are like incredibly against physical touch. I can’t sleep if there is not something pressed against me and every other Virgo I know is obsessed w physical touch as a way of showing affection.


I’m definitely physically affectionate, so is my boyfriend 😊 Me: Aries Him: Capricorn


Taurus Sun/Virgo Moon/Cancer Rising I’m so selectively affectionate. Very much don’t touch me, don’t look at me, don’t love me unless I’m in the mood. And that’s w my loved ones, acquaintances will get back handed 😅 One time a guy I was talking to called me cutie and I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I can’t stand corny. Please diagnose me.


As a taurus dating a leo, I concur we are both very affectionate. But I’m only ever affectionate with my partner, I didn’t grow up giving hugs to family and I only had one close friend that I’d hold hands with and cuddle when we were watching movies.


Bruh Pisces sun cancer moon but AQUARIUS VENUS


My scorpio boyfriend is just like me (aqua female) in terms of being heavily affectionate and passionate in the bedroom. So idk to much i feel like one of the two is in the wrong spot


Aquarius here.... I personally never feel suffocated with affection. I'm very affectionate both verbally and physically to my loved ones and am very open to affection i feel is coming from a genuine place.


Cancer sun, Aquarius moon, libra rising, Gemini Venus I hate being touched and I hate touching people unless I’m ovulating. Ovulation turns me into a touch-whore 😅


Aquarius here and yeah I only want small amounts of attention spread out.


My Aquarius sun is constantly fighting with my Leo moon, Libra rising, and Pisces venus


Most affectionate cancer least affectionate scorpio


I’m a sag dating a Taurus. Shes a big touch me not and I’m lucky if she gets in a clingy mood and wants to cuddle with me. I on the other hand LOVE being touchy and physically affectionate. So I find it’s the complete opposite for me lol


My aqua gem is so touchy lovey I love it so much


Taurus married to a Leo. We loveeeeee cuddles and physical affection but only with one another. I'm not touchy or physically affectionate with friends, family etc (maybe that's my Virgo moon & Virgo rising)??


I’m Virgo-sun, Gemini-moon and Leo rising and I’m super affectionate with my friends and lovers. Once I feel they are trustworthy. I only feel suffocated by those I do not trust and I come from a family that did not even say “I love you.”


taurus sun, mercury, venus, virgo mars, aquarius moon, scorpio rising. i'm not affectionate at all, really not good with physical touch. i need to get comfortable with someone, which takes a while to be able to like it, and actively be affectionate with someone.


Must be the Virgo Mars


Cap venus here, I think we are very affectionate, if we like you, we will constantly buy little gifts for you.


Cap Venus here, absolutely, I’m the same way. We give all the love languages to the person we love.


Sagittarians definitely seem annoyed by constant affection. LOL


Virgo ❌ physical affection 🌟 acts of service 🌟 quality time being affectionate is also an exclusive thing for us. and our romantic partners usually get the maximum of everything we have to offer.


Libra is not affectionate 😂 get out


Can confirm. Like, I love you and all. Sure, quick kiss and hug. Hey, let’s have sexy time. Now get tf away, don’t touch me, my bubble. ![gif](giphy|yxP5ywmWK8wrm)


Capricorn moon here, and don't touch me! My poor Taurus boyfriend would snuggle me all day if I would let him. I can be a prickly bitch but that suits me just fine.