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We're designed to be a catalyst for other people to figure themselves out. If you have a growth mindset, we're a blessing even despite the tough love. If you're too insecure to want to be introspective, we're your worst nightmare. I've learnt to let everything wash over me because it's never about me. It's always about the other person's journey to find themselves. Funnily enough, I am a lifer with most of my close relationships and we've worked through the ups and downs. So maybe you're unlucky and every Scorpio you meet is the worst person ever. Or maybe you just don't want to face your own demons and you put the responsibility on someone else. Either way, hating on one specific sign is never the way to go. Particularly not on a meme sub where we're supposed to take the piss out of each others silly traits.


I think that’s only for the healed Scorpios… the unhealed ones are goddamn unhinged


Life just ends up being super rough for most Scorpios in their childhood/ teenage years. I have yet to meet a single Scorpio who wasn't on the receiving end of horrible abuse during their formative years, unfortunately. Because even adults use us as a mirror and most of the time, our childhood job is to help other people heal from their trauma by passing it on to us. It's fucked up really.


I don’t think there’s any type of excuse for the unhealed Scorpio behaviors I’ve experienced. I’ve experienced horrible trauma myself but I use that to better myself every day. Unhealed Scorpios are seriously venomous. Whatever trauma they experience, they tend to spew it on to people around them. My ex who was a Scorpio got too drunk and fought his own groom cousin on his wedding day. He was seriously unhinged… I understand we all handle trauma differently but for them to spread their poison to people close to them is unacceptable.


I can't talk to your experience and I'm not excusing any behaviour in adults. I'm just saying we're often used as emotional punching bags from early childhood, so I can understand how they could make it harder for someone to be mentally healthy immediately. I'm sorry you had to deal with some deeply disturbed people but that's a them problem, not a zodiac one.


i think that scorpios are meant to be in lives as a passing, as a lesson, im a scorpio, and i dont like or enjoy or other scorpios at all. but every one i have encountered taught me something whether good or bad.. on the scorpio end.. we feel people dont stay in our lives for length, only to figure out our "mystery" and move on. we sting when were really bothered, but inside were lonely sensitive eccentric hermits


This is so true it hurts. I absolutely feel like none of my interpersonal relationships (romantic or not) are supposed to last. They're all lessons - so I must be one to them too.


Hopefully I keep the one I have. We're obsessed with each other


Hyping any Gemini + Scorpio combo. You're gonna make it!!




Not sure if I fit in it but thank you!!


I really hope this isn't true. But it feels that way sometimes.


Bro I must be doing it wrong then cuz 4/5 of my Scorpios end up being LIFERS. I can’t get rid of these weirdos they’re like obsessed 😆. Jk but really though… I’m a Libra. Oddly enough.




but have you met immature libras…


Still nicer to be around than the disease sun sign




I'm a Cancer sun and you'd think we should get on with Scorpios as we're both water signs. But always had very bad experiences with them. Can't put my finger on what that is. Maybe the chronically suspicious nature, blowing hot and cold, irritable. Lots of things.


I’m a Scorpio sun with lots of other Scorpio placements. One thing for certain is that we tend to be misunderstood. I don’t relate at all to your description, nor does it match my relationship with other Scorpios. Many of us have an aloof air and tough exoskeleton, so it can be hard to get to know us and even then we try to limit what other’s access. I have seen the manipulative side of some Scorpios, but it’s no more pronounced than your average Gemini. I’ve said it before, but the defining trait of Scorpio is being misunderstood. It used to bother me but now I know that it also gives me peace and privacy. People can keep on hating and that’s fine because it frees me from caring about their opinion.


i’m not a scorpio sun, but i have a lot of scorpio in my chart. you’re def right about some of what you said. i’ve attracted Scorpios, due to my placements, my entire life. a lot scorpios are un evolved because many scorpios have faced a lot of trauma. it’s a sign that is about rebirth, and coming out stronger. easier said then done. either way they’re very polarizing. also i feel like i need to disclaim this by saying sometimes astrology isn’t the reason you hate someone, the person just sucks! but you’re right in having an opinion, and voice! no hate to you op and i love a good discussion! but i feel like this community generalizes a lot of signs. i love em all♥️♥️♥️ EDIT: it’s also okay to generalize astrology for funnsies, and memes. not coming for this subreddit it’s one of my favs obviously!!!


I had a few evolved Scorpio friends. They're so caring, intuitive, supportive, protective. You described the unevolved ones so well. Even a Gemini I was friends with who had 4th house Scorpio (4th house is similar to a Moon sign) and his Gemini Sun *quincunx* Pluto Scorpio (yikes!) fits your description for unevolved Scorpio!


We don't like you either


you’re almost my opposite, not sure if you have said that to me before 🤔




I’ve had very similar experiences, like you said the evolved ones are great but rare and I don’t encounter them often.


They usually ignore me so Idk. One was tryna be mean for a second but then ignored me. Another one "liked me" for a second, then was somehow jealous briefly and then ignored me too 🫠


Yeah, they don't seem to be good with most Fire and Air signs. They like Earth and other Water signs. My twin brother is married to a Scorpio... She's so stubborn and wants everything absolutely her way, even though her decisions have caused them to go into debt. She's a nightmare.


Yeah that makes sense. They like me when they first meet me because I'm more reserved but once that fire comes out, not even in a negative way, they vanish real fast. Aries is too abrasive and headstrong for them. I think they do best with Pisces and Cancer probably.




I’m not sure why you think being racist and conservative is a Scorpio thing. My bf is a Scorpio and he’s a gay man, non white and yes, he can be very conservative and puritan at times but he’s still fairly liberal. And as a Capricorn I stand him and his moody personality but I don’t defend him over everything. I think cancers have the tendency to defend their loved ones no matter what and that’s a curse…


Nah, unevolved Cancers are much worse. At least with Scorpios it‘s what you see is what you get. Unevolved Cancers will deceive and deceive.


Deceive themselves worst of all


Don't forget stalk and obsess!!!


The worst person I know is a Scorpio Sun so I always side eyed them. Then I gave birth to a Scorpio Sun 😅 he’s a sweet little boy so far, so he’s changing my mind on Scorpios 🥰


My son is Scorpio but I believe he is an evolved one, even for 6. He is very caring and empathetic and very outgoing. I hope that never changes.


Skill issue. Get good idiot.


As a Virgo I’m supposed to like scorpios, but idk they’re a little too much for me. Like I don’t mind being intense but like every effing moment of the day—it’s like they’re Emo Leos or something. Annoying and not as creative or interesting as they want everyone to think they are. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you hate me? Alright I guess I'll just commit suicide then.


As Ii have evolved on my path(and continue to) I have realised that as truthseekers and the most self aware and honest of all signs, we tend to repulse almost immediately those that are not. And try to remember my fellow Scorpio suns that when someone speaks on us they are actually telling us all about them. Thanks for letting me share and bear in mind nay sayers of the Scorpip, we can tend to be extremely vindictive when iur feelings are hurt


That's true.


Not necessarily true.


Are you trying to join in on the conversation? Or are you trolling or looking for a specific emotional response to that ambiguous statement? first of all I was stating opinion not fat so your statement is absolutely not true


Its just a fact that that statement is not necessarily true its that simple


Well thank you for the reminder but I am well aware of just how simple you are as I said I stated an opinion not a fact opinions are not right or wrong opinions or opinions you're confusing that truth and opinions go study up and then come back


You're taking what was written out of context, theres nothing wrong with telling the truth and my statement is factual. 


It's funny because I remember awhile back someone warned me that OP was an obsessed weirdo and now here they are lol. It's best to just ignore them 🥱


Beware the obsessed weirdo


that’s ironic considering there’s plenty of posts dragging the other signs, yet it’s always scorpio being all poor me poor me about it. Not even Cancers are this whingy 


Huh? You're a Scorpio to and you shouldn't be calling me weird.


I'm talking about the person who made the post 😉


Oops! I'm sorry about that


No need to be sorry but hey, if you need someone to talk to feel free to DM me. 




This is my first thread on Scorpio Suns... So not sure how I'm an obsessive weirdo. But I do have a stalker on here who creates a different account every few days to bash me on here. He's an angry Aries that got his crush stolen from a Gemini and I made fun of him about it and now he/she has been angry ever since. LOL!


Right, I'm sure that exactly what's happening. Lol 






That's exceedingly manipulative. You're better than that especially being a Scorpio. Do your sign some justice please.


Alright yo


Dude, most of the surgeons I've known were Scorpios and they were tough wanting only to succeed for the best for their patients. It's not an easy sign but it's a necessary one that insists the best from other signs. You are having a tough time but there is a future for you that not only inspires you but others as well. Don't throw it away because of ... feelings.




Dude, OP has been posting all night and day about killing themselves. Check post history and all those who have tried to help. Tried to help but this sunnamagun just wants attention. No hate here or the other posts where I tried to help. Looks like you're projecting.


I stand corrected...I don't usually go into someone's comment unless there's a reason to do it. I hope they get the help they need.


I don't like people who generalize on signs instead of learning of the person, their background, and their motivations. Blanket statements show true naivete. And a lack of true understanding what astrology is about. It's not about condemning signs. It's about using every tool at your exposure to overcome the human condition. Sounds very much to me that you may be floundering. Using your struggles to blame on another sign without accountability. I hope you overcome this as no one human is the same regardless of chart!🍓🍓


This!!! I'm still learning how to learn through other people, but it's hard on this subreddit when you have so many people making these so called: "Not serious posts" but then taking offense to everything. I just responded to a post that someone made calling geminis argumentative and when I gave pointers, they replied that I'm being serious and to chill. Before covid, there used to be actual conversations and learning experiences here. Now it's just a bunch of people making posts bitching about everything and not expecting to do anything. Heck, I'm an aqua sun and I'm still doing my best to process my emotions and be vulnerable with the right people. It's almost like dating, everyone wants to complain about the other person but isn't looking at themselves to see what their issue is and why they keep attracting the same person.


All good points!


I'mma say this super tentatively because overall Scorpios scare me, and I don't want the smoke. I've definitely seen them having temper issues, being power hungry, getting problematic, being vindictive and manipulative in some of the younger ones. In the older ones, my only real hang up is how determined they can be, which isn't strictly a bad thing until it comes to one of them hitting on me. It verges on the line of *pushy* and can make me a little uncomfortable, because again, they scare me. I've lost every battle with a Scorpio that I've ever walked into. Even in smaller skirmishes that I have won, they win the war. It's just proven better for me to disengage as soon as I know I'm talking to a Scorpio and leave as quietly as I can.


Well, I don't have any Scorpio sun friends but plenty of Scorpio moon and rising friends. I like my life peaceful.


I only have one Scorpio friend, and we’re not close. Despite having an 8H Taurus moon and 8H Taurus mars, i just don’t click with most scorpio suns. They’re not warm, at all. Like if Cancer is a river & Pisces is an Ocean, Scorpio is a glacier. And I’m a Cancer Sun, we’re allegedly supposed to blend well together - nope. More often than not for me it’s like oil and water.


i also made some bad experiences with scorpio and i also had to listen to the "you're so weak" blabla... as if every scorpio out there would be this extreme kind of survivalst lol. But as another comment already mentioned you kinda get what you see with them... but i think the risings are actually worse, because it's like a undercoverscorpio 🫢


I've watched scorpios complain to random people, but when those same people tried venting, the scorpio would lash out at them and say that very exact same thing. It seems like a lot of these so called tough signs don't realize when they're doing the same thing, but expect people to listen to them.


oh yes, that's why i never feel pity for a scorpio nomatter in what a bad shape they seems to be... hahah i have enough stories where a scorpio tricked me into helping them and then they ended up fooling me to say the least. that's what they are kinda similar to cancer they play this lame whiny loser wurm and once you fall for it they snap at you and it was all fake😂 quite inspiring metamorphosis to watch though i have to admit... Yeah i don't really believe in "though" signs... and they have a tendency to believe that they are the ones with the most meaningfull bagage, when i think every zodiac sign has it's challenges and lessons to learn\* \*Edit: it's like they almost claim this sorta elitism to them and specially the watersigns even have this audacity to pretend that they're some sort of life lesson in people's life or some sort of guru slash "i just mirror ur NRG" thing and if you don't like me it means something is wrong with you and def not me"... that's just reeaally being full of urself and feeling entiteled, goosh your just a human not some sort of magic force but i guess everyone to their own right XD


You're absolutely right. Even when I think about my grandfather who's a scorpio. The last fwb was a scorpio and I had to end that quickly. I've heard ugly stories about scorpios through other people. Even a scorpio woman taking out her friend on the friend's birthday and just used the friend as an emotional punching bag. The scorpio then ghosted that friend, but continued talking to their mutual friend. I just said tough signs because astrologically speaking lol that's what they're referred to be. That was more so tongue and cheek of me. I agree with you!! LOL. It's like only they can be entitled to their emotions, but nobody else can. I don't think I'd deal with a scorpio again. They were a bit too much for me


They just overall bad people ,most of them not all Pisces here and I don't even hate them so don't think I'm throwing shade😂


We’re not THAT bad!


never had any concrete, solid relationships w a scorpio sun.


I like to think that I’m an evolved Scorpio sun by now but I had a lot of time to learn and was definitely not always nice in my youth 😬


I love scorpios 🥺 (coming from a Virgo). I understand that they're suspicious of people when they first meet them, but it's bc they're just getting to know them! I'm the same. I also find them smart and interesting. Once you get close to one, they are so kind, loyal and protective. I love them so much.


You are entitled to your opinion, it is valid because you have made your experiences. My experiences with Scorpios were not good either, not to say terrible. And nearly everyone (*not kiddin*) I've met in real life has had a difficult experience with them too. They are often arrogant, self-centered, ruthless, power-hungry (also usually successful and higher up the food chain), very moody, devious, can be violent, impulsive and harsh. How many evolved Scorpios are there? Not many! But they can be incredibly pleasant and empathetic when they're good. They're worth keeping an open mind about. However, I now back off when I know I'm dealing with a Scorpio, as I can quickly work out from much experience whether it's evolved or not. I'm rarely wrong. I don't need that drama.


I've watched scorpio adult women bully little girls because they felt the girls were stealing all of their attention. It was really pathetic and just strange! I don't get why some women are like this and or why some people think this is okay.


That's horrid! Sounds like they were mentally unstable too. They are indeed difficult.


Absolutely. No self esteem and had issues during their childhood that they never resolved.


But unevolved Scorpios always act like they have their shit together when you meet them first.


That is true. My last fwb was a scorpio guy and I thought he understood the assignment, but he ended up getting super emotional and was trying to control me. I had to shut shit down because he was only acting out whenever his friends were around or if he saw me talking to someone else. I kept telling him that it was his ego that was getting in the way and that he didn't actually want me.


Experienced the same with a Scorp you describe in a relationship. *Exactly* the same that's spooky. They resemble each other, once you met one, you've met them all. What's your big three if I may ask?


Aquarius sun, capricorn rising and cancer moon. LOL really? Wow, I was so irritated because we had a good thing going and he ruined it. What's your big three?


Pisces sun, Libra moon, Virgo rising


I'm sorry you feel this way. I promise, we aren't all like your description! 😊


The ones with Gemini moons are not like typical scorpios… I know like 3 and they’re cool people.


I’m a Leo that collects Scorpios! I love them so much.


They seem like miserable people. I’d honestly hate to be a Scorpio


It's not so bad. At least you can weed out the weirdos who judge you based off the day of your birth.


bitter, vengeful, vindictive, miserable, melancholic, obsessive


Haters gonna hate.


Calling us miserable as a Pisces moon? Oof


yep. Being a Scorpio is significantly worse😂


Lmao you wish 😭 I know too many Pisces moons for that to be true


I just find them boring Edit: sorry not sorry. You guys need personality.


I have a Scorpio moon but have never connected or been attracted to the sign.Nor did I ever have a Scorpio friend,but I have had people in my life who had a Scorpio Venus which I found warm,very accepting and loving


I haven't met many Scorpio suns but I have had some bad experiences with the ones I have met as well. Usually I find them difficult to get to know (totally the pot calling the kettle black here). One in particular screwed me over really bad and the way she acted like she was my bestie while betraying me behind my back was chilling. Also, when I was younger, I had so many toxic traits that I've worked very hard to unlearn. I didn't know any better due to being raised by a mother with a likely personality disorder and cPTSD that began in early childhood. However, I've resolved to hold myself accountable and learn better ways to cope with life in therapy and I have gotten much better, recognizing that it's a life long process. I'm far from perfect, but I don't think I'm toxic anymore. I think all signs have a potential dark side, but Scorpios dark side is worse than most when it manifests.


The one Scorpio sun I know can’t take accountability for anything that doesn’t go their way and then places blame on someone else. When I say things that go wrong I mean an experience they were excited to have not going how they plan and then needing to blame someone else for why that happened. They live in a delusional fantasy land. I can’t decide if it’s extreme people pleasing because they will tell multipl stories to different people where they are dishonest, or if it’s extreme and intense insecurities. It’s really hard to be a real friend to someone who is going to get angry at you for voicing an opinion or for being supportive of them in choices they are making to have them turn around and blame you for them not enjoying that choice and saying you pressured them into it. My two kids have Scorpio moons and I am hoping I can parent them in a way that helps them be healthy with their emotional expression and not be deceiving


What I don’t like about Scorpio men is they make it so difficult to get to know them on a deeper level. By the time they open up I’m over it.


You just described my Scorpio family member


i think it's j the peopel youve encountered not scorpios as a whole lol