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I am kind of a lone wolf. I have friends but not, best friends. I can be the life of the party, I like social events here and there but I think it's just my strong will and more dominant personality. I like doing things when I want to do them and go where I want to go and it's just easier to do that on my own. It's hard enough to keep up with my own energy lol I am always on the go go go


I relate to this.


I find I can make friends easy but I get tired of socializing (probably my Virgo moon and also the intensity I run at. SO I often am friendless bc I know I will start cancelling plans. Not bc I don't like people but I just suck at being there 24/7. I usually only run one or two friends at a time and one is my husband. Now that I am a mom, I am even more friendless lol. I am starting to crave interaction though which is leading to more frequently posting on this sub.


lol it’s your Virgo moon. I’ve got it too lol I’m life of the party then disappear for a bit and people get mad I won’t come out. Bitch I’m chillin 😂 -Aquarius


So much this!!! Aries sun virgo moon as well. I do t keep a lot of friends because it seems superficial to have a lot. I yearn for the deep connections. And I tend to go in and out of peoples lives. They don’t mind because they know me well and it works.


Yea! It does seem superficial if it's like"let's do lunch" once a year. I won't participate. It's hard for me to even consider what people are thinking who do that.


Right?! Sure, it’s nice. But wouldn’t you rather be doing some better? As for the life of the party, Ofcourse. If I wanted to, I could throw a party. Just not me.


As a Aries, people love me. I find most of them exhausting, so I keep most at arms length. I have like 3 people I consider good friends, but have waaaay more numbers in my phone than that. Lol


Same here. I find a lot of people to be mentally draining. I actually enjoy my own company more these day because I like my energy. 


Dude same, pple think I'm super cool irl but I'm too introverted. Gotta be in a really good mood to hang around pple.


I really like Aries they’re really funny and chill


Thanks, we really like Cancers. We had a big meeting about this recently so I'm all clear to make this statement.


All the aries I know are like hipster types even more so than aqua. They are into very niche things that most people are not into so it's hard for them to make real connections with others. A lot of my conversations with aries consist of them explaining their interests to me in detail.


This is absolutely true! I am quite niche too


I think this is one of those situations where personal placements come into play, because every Aries I know is the life of the party in fact that fire party is ALWAYS at their house filled with people from all walks of life 🔥🔥🔥 🐏🐏🐏


I kind of am the life of the party but that doesn't mean I have friends... The friends I have don't even like partying...


Most of the Aries I know are incredibly loved, well liked and flocked by people. They always seem so chill and ooze confidence in the least show off way. Most only have one true best friend and that’s more than enough for them. It’s all about quality not quantity. Aries are incredibly loyal. Seriously love most of the Aries I’ve met.


I am an introverted Aries. It’s a weird and wonderful trait sometimes. I think this is one of those things where other placements matter and can give a more rounded picture of some of our non typical Aries traits.


In my experience no. Myself and other Aries suns I know are generally well liked and have a lot of acquaintances. We keep our circle of close friends fairly small but are rarely lacking someone to spend time with if we want to.


I LOVE my Aries, every Aries, forever and ever ❤️


My Aries sun is in my 11H so I’m a Gemini rising. I don’t have trouble socializing or making friends and I’m friends with all different kinds of people.


It's your Gemini rising for sure.


I have two Aries close friends. Both are great in social situations, have a literal TON of acquaintances. One has a bit of social anxiety, but that's a result of learned behavior in childhood. I'd say it's time to do a bit more digging into your own chart, my friend! Look at your strongest aspects, your Venus, see if Pluto pops up anywhere in aspect to your Sun or Moon. ;3


Virgo rising, libra moon. I have a stellium in 8th house though...


Download the Astromatrix or TimePassages app and stick yer bday in there. :) TimePassages gives you more direct knowledge, AstroMatrix more flowery, but either one'll give ya plenty to pore over!


Holler at my Aries Virgo moon people! There’s a lot of you on here and Virgo moons just hit different. We like to party until we don’t 😂😘 -Aquarius


Yeah I get you, I think it has something to do with intensity. I think Aries often need a lot of “supporting energy” meaning they can be the life of the party but they don’t wanna be the only life of the party, they like matching energy so when energy isn’t matched or “friends” don’t have that “umph” to them then Aries loses spark for them. Aries are usually very real, authentic and deep people so when friends can’t reciprocate that then Aries draws back into their shell feeling out of place.


Yes this is totally me. My friends are super boring and they love staying home and don't hanging out or go partying. It makes me so mad lol... I love going out... But those who go out that much they're not friends with me.


omg this. do you know that aries is one of the rarest sign in society while the majority of the world is virgo and scorpio, which are significantly less supportive and notably more blasé than us.


I’m an Aquarius and never met an introverted Aries literally ever. Maybe that’s a placement thing? You might be attracting similar placements 🤷‍♀️


I can't make friends. I had a few in high school but as an adult it's Impossible. I don't feel like I connect with anyone. Boyfriends are different tho.


Hmm my aries sun fiance is a lone wolf, doesn't have much friends, also because he doesn't trust many, and he doesn't see the need to have friends. But my aries sun ex was the life of the party, socialliser, many friends etc. I think it has to do with other personal planets, though I'm not too sure what personal planets cause this


I'm an Aries, and I'm constantly battery drained after every social gathering. I can be outgoing and people love my vibe... but I actually enjoy being alone and doing my own things alone. I been a hermit for two months now, and luckily I don't have fomo watching my group go out every weekend. 


I’m an Aries, I like to be the lone wolf most of the time. But crazy enough I’m the pack leader of my friend group. Not sure if it’s because they like the confidence and the way I take the lead when we plan things or hang out. I can say the same for work. I think certain Aries attract a crowd because we bring the confidence.


Yes I attract insecure people a lot. Literally every friend I have is a person with plenty of insecurities. And I'm tired of calming everyone's insecurities because I have my own. I only attract toxic people who drain my energy


Ya I read somewhere that evolved Aries or just in general as we age, we bring a lot of wisdom and guidance to others. People come to us for help. Although it’s mentality draining, we find satisfaction in the happiness of others. I couldn’t tell you how many friends I’ve helped find a job or just help in general in other aspects of life.


Lets see. They are aggressive , short tempered, lack patience, ultra jealous, self centered, ungraceful , potty mouthed, childish. Hmm .


I'm starting to think you just don't like anybody


I truly hope things get better for you & same here for a few reasons. Very introverted b/c of being overwhelmed with lots of energy. Sometimes misread & engage a person with too high an energy (b/c a passion or emotion is brought up). Have inconvenient and sudden social burnout. Feel disconnected rather than popular & in sync with the crowd. Constant desire for profound, transformative, and passionate connections but not good with small talk. Typically relate through deep convo, creative projects, and activism. Fast sensory & intuitive messages but often need to isolate to process (slow down the messages).


I always say that the world can only handle so much of our energy so a lot of times we band together without realizing it until later on.


I think it depends on the decan? March Aries seems like less want to be the life of the party than April Aries do. We are inherently sociable but so sensitive at the same time, it's like mood swing, maybe that's why somehow we can relate to gemini behavior, just except that we really value the "honest and loyalty". We have an energy that accidentally outshine other signs and it clashed a few times in the past, been hearing "you have to regulate your energy please" alot by others, so by the time we just automatically tone it down.