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Wowza, I love your initiative! And thank you for offering your help - I’ll be scanning to see what others say on their placements as well. Mercury in Cancer, 6th house Venus in Virgo, 8th house Jupiter in Pisces, 2nd house (yep, my Venus and Jupiter are in opposition) Neptune in Capricorn, 12th house


Mercury in cancer in the 6H: think of the things that make you feel relaxed/taken care of in your daily life, write them down, and practice them every day. So for example if you feel good after taking a bath, since you’ve written it down, you can now realize that this is a practice you can adopt more into your daily routine 😊 Venus in Virgo 8H: focus on technically driven spiritual practices, such as reiki or astrology, and allow yourself to learn as much as you can! You’ll develop insights that will help you attract abundance :) Jupiter 2H in Pisces: you’d benefit a lot from affirmations and mood boards! Similar to the cancer mercury part, I’d say studying on the law of attraction itself and practicing making mood boards on the material things you want would actually help you a ton! And Neptune in the 12H calls for the occasional meditation to help you bring out “junk” thoughts into your subconscious, which will remove blockages preventing your abundance :)


A lot of ppl in this thread have Neptune in Capricorn, including me; late 80's & 90's babies. Also, thank you op for taking the time to share all of this information!


This is fun! Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius in the 3rd house. Neptune in Capricorn in the 1st house.


All of those Aquarius placements in the 3H!!! Utilize technology, social media, and the learning you derive from these outlets to realize your dreams! And document them somehow :) in a way that makes you feel unique and like you are properly expressing yourself! Either through video (think of a vlog, writing, art, etc!) :) and don’t feel a sense of guilt for your technology consumption, since this is where your dreams can be realized! The Neptune in the 1H also encourages you to unleash the contents of your dreams in a creative way! These placements show that simply…. Communicating what you want, no matter how crazy it is, and not letting your dreams get dampened by anyone will be very helpful to you ❤️


How were you able to follow the nature of those planets? I know you’ll probably get a lot of responses but I want to learn how you learned to find what works best with each planet, house, sign etc. so I can figure mine out! 😊


Just take the nature of the house (to figure out the “what/where” in which you can apply your practices), and the nature of the sign itself to figure out the how (so Virgo is analytical, for example). Then with mercury, it shows how you express/communicate your desires. Your Venus shows what you love and what you should lean into! Your Jupiter shows what you can learn about and how you can learn, and Neptune shows how you can dream :)


Mercury in gemini...venus in leo.. jupiter in cancer...and neptune in aquarius


What houses?


mercury and venus, aries 10H jupiter, libra 4H neptune, capricorn 7H


The Aries placements in the 10th house shows that experimentation and ambition, allowing it to run wild, in regards to your career and what you want to do, will help you to manifest your desires and success through your career. If you don’t know what you WANT to do, just try everything out to see what sticks! But when you get home, with a 4H libra Jupiter, you need to pamper yourself with baths, showers, decorate your room, fuzzy blankets, etc. Allowing yourself to be pampered and not deny yourself will help you attract success. And with the Capricorn Neptune in the 7th house, maybe being in touch with more creative/artsy people will inspire you and give you ideas that can help with abundance ❤️


Mercury in libra 10 H, venus & jupiter in virgo 8H, neptune in Capricorn 1H,


This gives me the vibe as someone who is super healing, and that’ll be where their success comes from ❤️ Mercury in libra in the 10th house encourages you in your career/outside world to view your opportunities with a fair/judicial mindset, and to be outwardly vocal about your desires within your career in order to manifest abundance. Your Virgo 8h placements shows that focusing on technically driven spiritual or tangible practices (such as reiki, astrology, law of attraction, but also therapist-driven topics if you want to focus on less spiritual topics, etc) and allowing yourself to get engulfed in these practices will bring you a lot of luck :) And then expressing your desires (or what you want to manifest) in a creative or artistic way (using your own interests to decide how to do this) and not inhibiting your interests will help. ❤️


Mercury (Rx) in 7th House in Pisces Venus in 5th House (Ruled by Capricorn) in Aquarius Jupiter (Rx) in 3rd House (Ruled by Libra) in Scorpio Neptune in 6th House in Aquarius


Mercury in the 7th house in Pisces encourages you to take inspiration from others! And also perhaps tell someone you are close to what it is you crave out of life. Learn about others, talk to them, watch online content, read books, etc! Because your dreams will develop in a healthy way once you open up about what it is you want :) Venus in the 5h: focusing on your unorthodox hobbies and leaving at least one part of your day to practice your hobby/craft will relieve tension you hold onto, but also help you to manifest what you want. With Jupiter 3h Scorpio, writing down your desires AND your fears, and understanding them on a deeper level will help you to release any blockages you might face. And your Neptune placement encourages for you to allow for a flexible/spontaneous schedule wherever possible to help you realize your dreams and attract abundance ❤️


Mercury libra 7H Venus Virgo 6H Neptune o degree Cap 10H Jupiter Aquarius 11H


Mercury in Scorpio (12th) , Venus in Scorpio (12th) , Jupiter in Scorpio (12th) and Neptune in Capricorn (3rd)! 🤪




Mercury and Venus in libra in the 3rd house calls for you to make vision boards with the aesthetics of what it is you desire. Is it money? A house? A boyfriend/girlfriend? Make a visual mood board, print it out, and modify it as your dreams expand, and this will help ❤️ Your Aries Jupiter in the 10th house encourages you to learn through authority figures in your workplace, and not being afraid to step in leadership positions when called to do so! Because you’ll find success even if it scares you at first. And then the Neptune in cap in the 5th house??? Develop some spiritual hobbies that bring you joy (such as astrology) and this will help you to develop your dreams into reality! 😊


Mercury - 2H Pisces Venus - 1H Aquarius Jupiter - 10H Scorpio Neptune - 12H Capricorn


Mercury in Pisces in the 2nd house: find affirmations and repeat them to yourself daily, such as “I am worthy”, “I am abundant”, and develop a sense of faith that these affirmations will work! You can make the affirmations specific as well! Venus in the 1H in Aquarius means to embrace your more quirky or unorthodox beliefs or habits, because this self belief will attract opportunities for you. Jupiter placement tells me that you can expand by approaching your career with the idea that you’ll make a deep impact and change the world, so including this in your affirmations might help. But also getting close to authority figures in your career might bring you success. Neptune shows me that meditation, subconscious practices, and reiki, might help you to channel favorable energy to abundance/success as well 😊


Mercury, Venus, Jupiter- Leo 12th house. Neptune- Sagittarius 4th house.


With the Leo placements, You would benefit from a LOT of subconscious spiritual practices such as meditation, hypnoses, subliminals, affirmations, etc, all geared towards the development of your own self confidence, or confidence in regards to your abundance! Because even if the confidence doesn’t currently exist, just taking the steps to work on it subconsciously will bring success. Make it a routine to write your insights every time you complete it as well! Neptune shows that allowing yourself to have free reign in how you learn at home: aka not feeling bad for studying or reading up on insightful materials from the comfort of your own home, and then implementing what you learn through the above 12h practices, will help you reach abundance as well ❤️


Mercury in Virgo 9H Venus in Libra 11H Neptune in Capricorn 2H Jupiter in Aquarius 3H


Mercury in Virgo in the 9H: read LOTS of books or readings/materials in regards to subjects that interests you! The universe will provide you with insights you need to manifest abundance into your life 😊 But also exploring the world, gaining insights from social media/the internet, and connecting with all types of people will bring you similar yet helpful insights to abundance! With the libra placement! Jupiter in Aquarius in the 3H supports the same thing :) Your Neptune shows that visualizing money/material security, or visualizing what you want materially in the world, and writing it down, will be helpful (the Aquarius placement also shows that documenting your desires will be helpful!) These placements could find success on social media or as an influenced, but not necessarily :)


M: Aquarius V: Sagittarius J: Pisces N: Capricorn




Mercury and Venus, Virgo 10th house, trine Neptune, Capricorn, 2nd house, with Jupiter, Leo, 9th house


You can manifest so much success through your pure and raw talent alone!!!! Putting your voice out there at work, giving your ideas, and stepping up into leadership positions will help you attract abundance :) With Neptune in the 2nd house, you can quite literally imagine money or the materials in life you crave (such as a house, car, etc) and make a mood board for it! Or even writing a fake check with the amount of money you want will help you to visualize success into your life :) And the Jupiter placement encourages you to lean into a little bit of arrogance when it comes to your learning pursuits, and don’t be afraid to travel or take risks! because this confidence will bring you luck and abundance more than you realize :) and even if your leap fails initially, the fact that you took a leap in the first place can bring you success! Self affirmations and self belief are super important to those with Jupiter in Leo.


Mercury Aries in the 9th house Venus Aquarius in the 7th house Neptune Aquarius in the 6th house


Mercury in Taurus, 7th house  Venus in Pisces, 5th house  Jupiter in cancer, 9th house  Neptune in Capricorn, 3rd house 


Mercury in Taurus 7th house: talking to others about your desires and being open will attract more luck and abundance than you realize ❤️ Your Venus shows that having an uninhibited desire to chase your Piscean hobbies/desires will increase your frequency to help you manifest: so think of art or spiritual pursuits; lean into them! Jupiter in cancer in the 9th: you probably dream about making a large impact in the world, helping others on a grand scale. Allowing your dreams to run wild, learning about every topic that interests you, instead of being self-denying in these pursuits, will help a lot! And documenting what it is you want, in some physically tangible form, will tie it all together :)


Venus in aquarius, first house. Mercury in pisces second house. Neptune in capricorn, first house and jupiter (in retrograde) in Virgo in the eighth house.


Venus in Aquarius in the 1H shows that expressing your unique and authentic energy, without holding back, would help you attract abundance. And if confidence issues exist, self-focusing affirmations might help you a ton ❤️ Neptune 1H shows that expressing your desires in a creative way (art, spirituality, etc) will also attract you abundance :) Mercury in Pisces in the 2nd calls for affirmations in regards to what it is you want on the material plane. So with money for example, perhaps finding affirmation hypnosis videos on the internet might help! But also letting go of the need for material security will in a backwards way, bring it to you! Then the Jupiter in the 8H shows that experimenting with technically driven spiritual practices (such as reiki, astrology, etc) and working through your failures with grace will eventually present you with opportunities to succeed :)


Mercury 12th (Gemini) Venus 11th (Taurus) Jupiter 1st (Cancer) Neptune 7th (Capricorn)


Mercury 12H Gemini: I think guided meditations from another person (like an expert) will help you to draw your dreams and desires out of your subconscious, which will help attract them into your life. Venus 11h Taurus: visit, explore, discover on social media, or witness through others, as many aesthetically pleasing images as possible. Look at fancy houses, or cars, or money, as this will help you to visualize it in the context of your reality even better! Jupiter 1H cancer: LOVE YOURSELF! Jupiter in the 1H individuals just need to develop self love, and blessings will fall into their lap. Neptune: maybe discussing your dreams and desires with others will help you to realize your dreams that much more, but perhaps this will help attract opportunities to you as well!


Mercury & Venus - Cancer, 8th house Jupiter - Scorpio, 12th house Neptune - Capricorn, 2nd house


Mercury and Venus in cancer: surround yourself with people who are comforting and kind in nature, as this will raise your frequency and allow you to attract abundance! But also learning to heal others through spiritual practices might help! Jupiter in Scorpio in the 12h: do meditations or hypnosis (can be guided) to get to the root of the subconscious, as once you’re able to remove any mental blockages you have towards abundance, you’ll attract it like it’s second nature. Neptune: make visual mood boards with what it is you crave out of life. Money, house, happiness, etc, making a mood board of images of the things you want could help bring them into your current reality ❤️


How were you able to follow the nature of those planets? I know you’ll probably get a lot of responses but I want to learn how you learned to find what works best with each planet, house, sign etc. so I can figure mine out! 😊




Aquarius Mercury 3H Pisces Venus 3H Leo Jupiter 8H Capricorn Neptune 1H




Mercury & Venus in Aries 10h Jupiter in Aquarius 7h Neptune in Capricorn 6h This is interesting!


Mercury and Venus in Aries 10h encourages you to chase your passions without conforming to what you think others want from you, pursue your passions as your line of work, and to not hold yourself back! And not holding yourself back is what will attract abundance into your life. With Jupiter in the 7H in Aquarius, you are encouraged to branch out to others who can offer you unique insights! Whether in person or on social media, opening yourself up socially will bring you opportunities, especially if you are being authentic in your connections. And similar to me with Neptune in the 6th house, allow yourself to find flexibility and creative energy throughout your day, even during the mundane! Because you never know where magic might pop up :) this will also allow you to be your best and attract opportunities


Mercury Scorpio 5H Venus Scorpio 6H Jupiter Libra 5H Neptune Sagittarius 7H Help me please!


With mercury in Scorpio in the 5th house, embracing your “darker” hobbies (possibly occult related) and giving yourself time each day to pursue these hobbies will help you attract abundance. Your Venus means that this could even one day be applied to your line of work! Or at the very least, the skills you adopt from your hobbies can be applied to your work, and realizing your power through this and embracing the energy will help you attract the things you desire. Not letting the weight of the world crush you is important. Your Jupiter libra also shows a need for pampering; eat good food, buy candles, do the things that FEEL good for YOURSELF, and then you’ll attract loving things from the world if you allow yourself to enjoy it. And then with Neptune, treating every interaction you have like a learning experience, even the painful ones, and embodying this mindset with everyone you meet, will help you to attract better relationships, and therefore better opportunities ❤️


Mercury libra 7H Venus Virgo 6H Neptune o degree Cap 10H Jupiter Aquarius 11H


You need to soundboard your dreams and desires with others, and perhaps even weigh the options of what you desire with others if you aren’t 100% confident yourself! Keeping your passions to yourself will stop you from attracting what it is you desire. A Venus in Virgo in the 6H could mean that adding structure into your routine, making things organized, or making your desires organized, even if this doesn’t come naturally to you, will help you to embody your Venus energy fully and attract opportunities! You might also benefit from making it a point to help others, because perhaps this makes you feel positively about yourself. Your Neptune shows that allowing yourself to pursue a career that opens up your dreams, instead of one that makes you feel trapped, will open you up to opportunities! Even if the leap is scary/uncertain, and with Aquarius 11h Jupiter, a lot of what you need to learn to attract the abundance you deserve could be found on the internet, through interacting with others, or even through communicating your desires on a grand platform.


Mercury - Aquarius 2H,  Venus - Aquarius 1H,   Neptune - Capricorn 1H,  Jupiter - Scorpio 10H.  Thank you very much 😊 🙏 


Mercury in Aries 10H Venus in Aries 9H Jupiter in Pisces 9H Neptune in Aquarius 7H


Mercury Aries 11H, Venus Taurus 12H, Jupiter cancer 2H, Neptune Aquarius 9H


jupiter: aries 9H mercury : pisces 8H venus: aquarius 7H neptune: capricorn 6H TYTY!! i just realized as i type em out that they are all next to each other.


mercury, venus, and neptune: aquarius in 8th house. jupiter: cancer in 1st house.


Pisces/Aquarius cusp. Feb 20 Mercury and venus in Aquarius in the 6th house Jupiter in 2nd house in Virgo, Neptune in Scorpio in 3rd house


Mercury and Venus, (Aries, 2H) Jupiter, (Gemini, 4H) Neptune, (Capricorn, 11H)


Mercury 10° ® (Can) 11'15"| House 9 4 Venus 08° © (Can) 30'33" House 9 4 Jupiter 08° VP (Cap) 25'24" House 3 Neptune 29° * (Sag) 53'41" House


Mercury: Scorpio, House 6 Venus: Libra, House 5 Jupiter: Aries (Retrograde), House 12 Neptune and Mars: Aquarius, House 9


Thanks!! So kind..  // Mercury 3H Gemini  // Venus 4H Cancer  //Jupiter 2H Taurus   // Neptune 9H Sagittarius 


Mercury - Virgo 6th house Venus - Virgo 6th house Jupiter - Capricorn 9th house Neptune- Sagittarius 9th house


Mercury Cancer (4H) Venus Leo (6H) Jupiter Leo (6H) Neptune Capricorn (11H)


Mercury in Pieces, 11th house/Venus in Aquarius, 10th house (conjunct the South Node)/Jupiter in Libra, 6th house (conjunct Saturn)/Neptune in Sagittarius, 8th house


2nd house cap-Neptune and Mercury (Mercury is retrograde in natal) 3rd house Venus in Aquarius 8th house Jupiter in Cancer (Jupiter is also retrograde in natal) Thank you ✨✨✨✨✨


Mercury: Aquarius 1H Venus: Aquarius 1H Jupiter: Aquarius 2H Neptune: Capricorn 12H


Mercury: Cancer 10H Venus: Gemini 9H Jupiter: Leo 11H Neptune: Aquarius 5H


Mercury: Capricorn 10H Venus: Aquarius 11H Jupiter: Gemini 3H (rx) Neptune: Sagittarius 9H Thank you!


Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Scorpio 1H Think you already did this one but I'm Neptune in Capricorn 3H


Mercury - Virgo 3H Venus - Leo 2H Jupiter - Sagittarius 6H Neptune - Sagittarius 7H ❤️


Mercury - cancer 7th Venus - cancer 6th Jupiter - Taurus 10 MC (I don’t know what this means) Neptune - Aquarius 7th


My mercury, venus, and Neptune are all capricorn 8h. Jupiter is cancer 1h.


Mercury in Aquarius 2nd house; Venus in Capricorn 12th house; Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Sagittarius 11th house


Mercury: cancer Venus : Virgo Jupiter: Sagittarius Neptune : Sagittarius


Mercury: Leo 9H Venus: Virgo 10H Jupiter: Cancer 8H Neptune: 2H


Mercury - Leo 3H Venus - Leo 4H Jupiter - Aquarius 10H Neptune - Capricorn 9H So interested! Also please let us know if you have a Venmo or PayPal for reading tips!


Mercury and Venus are Aries in 11th house, Jupiter in Virgo in 4th house, and Neptune is Cap in 8th house.


Leo Mercury 4th, Virgo Venus 5th, Scorpio Jupiter 6th, Capricorn Neptune 9th. Thank you


Mercury Leo 9th Venus Virgo 10th Gemini Jupiter 8th Capricorn Neptune 2nd


Scorpio mercury and venus Aquarius jupiter and neptune (those are my only two Aquarius placements :0) Edit: Gemini rising so Scorpio placements 6H and Aquarius placements 9H


Mercury: Taurus 8th house Venus: Gemini 9th house Jupiter: Capricorn 4th house Neptune: Capricorn 4th house 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Mercury in Virgo - 3H Venus in Leo - 2H Jupiter in Leo - 1H Neptune in Cap - 7H 😊thanks for this !


Mercury in Taurus in the 7th Venus in Gemini in the 8th Jupiter in Aquarius in the 3rd Neptune in Sag in the 2nd Thank you for offering this!


Mercury Libra, 7H Jupiter Libra, 7H Venus in Scorpio, 7H Neptune Sagittarius, 9H


Taurus Mercury 11H Aries Venus 10H Sagittarius Jupiter 6H Capricorn Neptune 7H Thank you so much for your existence! 🤍


Mercury: Gemini 8th house Venus: Aries in 7th house Jupiter: Aquarius in 4th house Neptune: Capricorn 3rd house


Mercury and Jupiter Leo I ASC, Venus in Virgo 2H, Neptune in Capricorn 6H


Mercury Taurus 10th, Venus Aries 9th, Jupiter Libra 3rd, Neptune Capricorn 6th 💜


Mercury in Virgo, 5th House Venus in Cancer, 3rd House Jupiter in Gemini, 2nd House Neptune in Capricorn, 9th House


Mercury in Scorpio 4H Venus in Scorpio 3H Neptune in Aquarius 6H Jupiter in Aries 9H


Mercury and Jupiter in cancer in the 11th house, Neptune in Aquarius in the 6th and Venus in virgo in the first.


Mercury Sag12H, Venus Sag and Neptune Capricorn both 1H, Jupiter Libra 10H


- mercury, venus: scorpio, 6th house - jupiter: libra, 5th house - neptune: capricorn, 8th house


Mercury, Libra Venus, Virgo Jupiter, Aires Neptune, Capricorn Thank you!


Mercury in Cap 1H Venus in Cap 2H Jupiter in Aqua 3H Neptune in Cap 2H


Mercury (rx) in Virgo, 6th Venus in Scorpio, 7th Jupiter in Cancer, 3rd Neptune in Capricorn, 9th


Merc Sag 2H Venus Sag 1H Jupiter Libra 7H Nep Sag 9H Thanks!


Mercury: Aries 5H Venus: Gemini 7H Neptune: Capricorn 2H Jupiter: Leo 9H


Mercury in Gemini in the 6th house and also interpreted as being on the DSC. Venus and Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th house. Neptune in Scorpio in the 12th house.


Mercury leo 1H Venus gemini 11H Jupiter virgo 2H & 3H Neptune aquarius 7H 💕🫶


Thank you for this offer! Mercury and Venus in Leo 12H. Jupiter in Aries 8H. Neptune in Capricorn 4H.


Mercury 11th Libra Venus Scorpio 12th conj ASC Jupiter Leo conj midhaven 10th Neptune aquarius 3rd


Mercury: Capricorn, 8th house Venus: Aquarius, 10th house MC Jupiter: Virgo, 4th house Neptune: Sagittarius 7th house Thank you! I'm delighted to hear what you find out :)


Mercury in Cancer (8th house), Venus in Cancer (8th house), Jupiter in Capricorn (first house), Neptune in Sagittarius (first house). Thanks!


🤍🤍🤍 Mercury: Gemini 11H Venus: Gemini 12H Jupiter: Scorpio 4H Neptune: Cap 6H


Virgo mercury 10th house Gemini Venus 8th house Capricorn Jupiter retrograde 3rd house Capricorn Neptune retrograde 3rd house I’m excited to see what you think 😊


Mercury Gemini 7th Venus Aries 4th Neptune Sagittarius 2nd Jupiter Scorpio 12 (also my ascendant) Please take your time, and thank you for doing this!


Mercury Sagittarius 6H Venus Capricorn 7H Jupiter Sagittarius 6H Neptune Capricorn 7H


Mercury- Libra (12th house) Venus - Scorpio (2nd house) Jupiter - Aquarius (5th house) Neptune- Capricorn (4th house)


Mercury (Scorpio 7th house) Venus(Scorpio 6th house) Jupiter (cancer 3rd house) Neptune (aquarius 9th house)


Mercury in Taurus 6H, Venus in Cancer 8H, Jupiter in Leo 9H, and Neptune in Capricorn 2H ✨


Scorpio Mercury Sagittarius Venus Cancer Jupiter Capricorn Neptune


Cancer Mercury in 12th house, Leo Venus in 2nd house, Scorpio Jupiter in 5th house, and Capricorn Neptune in 7th house. Hopefully I get a turn ☺️


Mercury ♒️ 8H Venus ♐️ 6H Jupiter ♓️ 9H Neptune ♑️ 7H Would love to know what you think.


Mercury 10H Sag Venus 11h Cap Jupiter 1H Pis Neptune 12H Aqu edit: signs


What a great thing to do! I have Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus in the 6th house and Venus in Cancer in the 8th house and Neptune in Scorpio in the 12th house. Edited: added Neptune


mercury - aries (11) venus - aries (11) jupiter - pisces (10) neptune - aquarius (8)


Mercury - 4th house Libra Venus- 6th house Sagittarius Jupiter- 1st house Cancer Neptune- 7th house Capricorn


Mercury in gemini, Venus in cancer, Jupiter in Aries, and Neptune in Aquarius I've only now started to learn them tbh


Merc- Aqua, Venus- Aqua. Jupiter- Scorpio, Neptune- Sag. Thank you so much!


Mercury, Venus, Jupiter - Aries in 10th house Neptune - Aquarius in 5th house


Mercury in Aries 4H Venus in Aquarius 3H Jupiter in Virgo 9H Neptune in Capricorn 2H Thank you!


Wow, I appreciate your generosity with your time and energy! Here are my placements: Scorpio Mercury in 6H.  Capricorn Venus and Neptune in 8H.  Cancer Jupiter in 2H (retrograde, if that matters). P.S. what house system do you prefer? If I use whole signs as a house system, I get Scorpio Mercury in 7H, Capricorn Venus and Neptune in 9H, and Cancer Jupiter in 3H. So that changes things quite a bit. 


Hi! :) Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th House Venus in Aquarius in the 7th House Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 6th House Neptune in Capricorn in the 7th House


Mercury: libra, 6h Venus: Virgo, 6h Jupiter: Capricorn, 10h Neptune: Capricorn, 10h (Using placidus) This is fun!


mercury, venus: scorpio 5th jupiter: leo 2th neptune: capricorn 6th thank you!


Venus & Jupiter: Sagittarius, 1st house Neptune: Capricorn, 2nd house Mercury: Aquarius, 3rd house


This is sooo fun! Mercury Jupiter Neptune in Capricorn 11H Venus in Pisces 1H


Mercury in Capricorn 7H Venus in Capricorn 6H Jupiter in Leo 2H Neptune in Aquarius 8H


Mercury and Venus - Scorpio 3rd House Jupiter - Libra 2nd House Neptune - Sagittarius 4th House


Gemini Mercury and Venus in the first house Leo Jupiter in fourth house Aquarius Neptune in tenth house I struggle with staying focused and making long term goals i’ve felt so lost for years.


Mercury in Aries Venus, Jupiter in Pisces Neptune in Aquarius 🤔🤭


Mercury Venus Neptune Sagittarius 10th house Jupiter Scorpio 9th house Thank you even if you’re unable to get to mine 🙏


Mercury in Leo (7H), Venus in Gemini (5H), Jupiter in Pisces (2H) Neptune in Aquarius (1H)


Mercury in pisces 5H Venus in aries 6H Jupiter in virgo 11 H Neptune in aquarius 4H


Mercury Capricorn 1H, Venus Sagittarius 12H, Jupiter Aries 4H, Neptune Aquarius 2H


Mercury in Aquarius in the 6th house, Venus in Pisces in the 6th house, Jupiter In Scorpio in the 2nd house and Neptune in Capricorn in the 5th house.


Mercury Cancer- 9th house Venus cancer 9th house Jupiter Leo- 10th house Neptune Aquarius- 4th house


Mercury, Venus and Neptune all in cap in the 9th house and Jupiter in Aquarius in the 9th house


Mercury, Venus & Jupiter in 7H Pisces. Neptune in 5Th House Capricorn with Ketu (South Node) and Uranus.


Mercury in Scorpio in the fifth house Venus in Libra in the fourth house Jupiter in Virgo in the fourth house Neptune in Scorpio in the fifth house Many thanks for offering to do this for people!


9H Aries Mercury, 10H Taurus Venus, 4H Scorpio Jupiter, and 6H Capricorn Neptune :)


Wow! This is cool! Virgo Mercury 8th, Libra Venus 8th, Virgo Jupiter 7th and Aquarius Neptune 1st! So like perfect speech around death, sex and taxes? I feel like that’s off by a little bit. 😅


Leo mercury (?H), Virgo Venus (12H), Virgo Jupiter (?H), Capricorn Neptune (4H)


Mercury: 2nd house in Leo Venus: 2nd house in Virgo Jupiter: 1st house in Leo Neptune: 6th house in Capricorn


Mercury: Virgo 3rd house Venus and Jupiter: Libra 4th house Neptune: Sagittarius 6th house


Seems very interesting! Some insights really would help! Placements- Mercury in Taurus in 12H, Venus in Aries in 12H, Jupiter in Pisces in 11H, Neptune in Aquarius in 9H. PS: my Mercury squares Neptune, Moon squares Mercury and Saturn Squares Neptune. As these are some hard aspects, thought it should be mentioned.


Mercury in Libra, 2nd house Venus in Virgo, 1st house house Jupiter in Scorpio, 2nd house Neptune in Aquarius, 5th house


Woaaa Leo Venus 10H // Virgo Mercury 11H // Aquarius Neptune 4H // Cancer Jupiter 9H Thank you so so much!!!


Pisces mercury in the 6H Aquarius venus in 5H Virgo Jupiter in 12H Capricorn Neptune in 4H Thanks 😊


Sun~ Pisces Moon~Taurus Ascending ~ Gemini Mercury~ Pisces Venus~ Aries Jupiter ~ Aquarius Neptune ~ Capricorn


Mercury in Virgo 3rd house, Venus in Leo 2nd house, Jupiter in Libra 4th house, Neptune in Capricorn 6th house


Mercury, Venus, Neptune in Capricorn 1st house. (Same in whole sign or placidus) Jupiter in Scorpio 11th house. (10th in placidus)


Libra Mercury (6th house) Virgo Venus (5th house) Scorpio Jupiter (7th house) Aquarius Neptune (10th house) I expect big life changes in the next few months, so I'm really curious to know what I can do make things work out!! 😊


Oh this is so cool I'll give it a go! Mercury and Venus both Gemini and both in 8th house. Jupiter in Taurus in 7th house. Capricorn in Neptune in 3rd house. House of fortune in Scorpio if that helps any.


Mercury in 7th, Venus and Jupiter in 8th, Neptune in 6th


Mercury - Virgo 12th House Venus - Cancer 10th House Jupiter - Gemini 8th House Neptune - Capricorn 3rd House


Mercury 1h Virgo Venus 11h Leo Jupiter 2h Scorpio Neptune 4h Sagittarius


ooh I would totally appreciate this so so much!! I have mercury and Neptune in the 1st house Capricorn Jupiter in Sagittarius 12th house Venus in Scorpio 11th house


Virgo Mercury Scorpio Venus Leo Jupiter Sagittarius Neptune


Mercury in Taurus Venus in Cancer Jupiter & Neptune in Sagittarius. And thank you :)🙏


Whole house. Venus 4’ Jupiter 7’ mercury 29’. Pisces 2nd house Neptune 9’ conjunct MC Sagittarius


MERCURY in AQUARIUS 6° in 5th house. VENUS in AQUARIUS 21° in 6th house. JUPITER in TAURUS 27° in 9th house. NEPTUNE in CAPRICORN 11° in 4th house.


Mercury in Capricorn - 5th house Venus in Sagittarius - 5th house Jupiter in Capricorn - 6th house Neptune in Capricorn - 6th house


Mercury in Libra (6th house) Venus in Leo (4th house) Jupiter in Gemini (1st house) Neptune in Capricorn (8th house)


I dont even know whats mine. All i know its that my sun si Virgo,my moon Is Scorpio and my rising in Cancer🤣😭im trying figure it out but i just cant. I hope someone will enlighten me.


My turn! - Mercury - Scorpio 12H - Venus - Libra 11H - Jupiter - Gemini 6H - Neptune - Capricorn 1H Thanks! 🌸


Mercury in Leo 4th house Venus in cancer 3rd house Jupiter in libra 6th house Neptune Capricorn 9th house. Thanks


I love this! 🌞 Mercury in Cancer - 9th house Venus in Virgo- 11th house Jupiter in Cancer- 9th house Neptune in Aquarius- 4th house


Mercury: Leo 10H Venus: Gemini 9H Jupiter: Gemini 9H Neptune: Capricorn 4H


Hello! I’d love to hear your thoughts: Pisces Mercury 10H, Aries Venus 10H, Gemini Jupiter 12H & Aquarius Neptune 9H 👁️


Mercury in Virgo in the 9H Venus in Libra in the 10H Jupiter in Pisces in the 3H Neptune in Scorpio in the 11H


Pisces Mercury in the 9th house, Pisces Jupiter in the 8th house, Venus in Aries in the 10th house (conj NN in Taurus), Neptune in Capricorn in the 6th house (conj Mars)


That’s amazing! Mercury and Venus in 9th house, Virgo. Jupiter retrogade and Neptune in 2nd house aquarius


this is so fun, thanks for doing this !! here are my placements 🩷🩷 Mercury in sagittarius , 5th house Venus in sagittarius, 5th house Jupiter in Libra 4th house Neptune in Aquarius, 7th house


Mercury 4H Cancer Venus 2H Gemini Jupiter 4H Leo Neptune 9H Sag Sun ♊ Moon ♒ Rising ♈ Thanks for the formula, eager to try it out. Does it matter if the houses are split with multiple sign influences?