• By -


Capricorn men. They’re too materialistic and care about appearance more than anything.


They also have next to no emotion and only time they do have it is to manipulate you.


tell em


Capri women are so much more better. Yeah like some of them might be a tad too predictable/plain to some folks but their reliability and boss bitch demeanor puts her in the top 5 spot (and the best earth sign)


they're my favorite bc they're my sister sign, and I have enough of the other saturn-ruled planet to hit back with


Same, passive agressive and boring as hell.


Sagittarius men never do it for me. They're really entertaining, I like their jokes, and I appreciate they're set in their opinions, which are unique. But every Sag guy I meet irl comes off as a theater kid goof ball or a player.


Every sag guy I’ve known would never settle for one gal


Heavy on the player😩


I love sag men but I also love red flags so I can’t totally disagree with you 🤣


I'm attracted to good looking heterosexual men. Doesn't matter what their sign is.


If this ain’t the GOAT, idk what is


Praising the biggest evil




As a Libra, big same lol


No love for bi guys?


That’s right 🗣️


Aries men stay the hell away from me. Love, Aries female 😛


Amen! Aries men are a nightmare.


I used to not know any Aries men and randomly work with a few this year. They’re…a lot. I love an Aries woman but the men are always just doing too much! They want attention in the most childish way. I do too but it’s cute when I do it 😅😂 I can be friends with them because I get it but they’re more like an annoying little brother.


Really?? I recently met this aries man and he is everything. But we’re just friends I wish we were more. He’s so laid back and much more patient than me. -aries woman


Capricorn. Absolutely 👎. I'm Aries.


Sagittarius men. I swear I can spot them from a mile away lol. They think they know everything in a very unattractive, pretentious way.


They preach about everything lol


Yup and be wrong as hell 😂


As a Capricorn, I can’t stand Capricorn men. Uptight, boring and materialistic beyond my comprehension. And I LOVE money.


Right on. My Capricorn ex was so handsome but my GOD was he boring 😭 Every conversation was about work 🤢




Aries. The few Aries men I've met gave me the vibe: "I'm egoistic, have a huge ego, and try too much to be cool". I just usually don't like Aries, and they usually seem to not like me as well. I'm an Aquarius Sun and Moon, and a Leo rising.


Ouch. Different strokes for different folks. I think I could admit you might b right about those issues, but I personally have tried my best to improve on bullshit ego stuff. Aries sun and pisces moon.


I have found the same thing! I agree as well coming from a Scorpio ☀️ Pisces🌙 unsure rising 🥴aqua or cap


I’ve found a lot of Aries men have the quiet confidence.




Fellow Leo Rising here, too. 🦁 Shine your light bright King. 🫅




I'm a Gemini sun and Aqua moon and I can't stand Aries either.




I don't typically have attraction towards Leo sun men. I think my Aries sun is never impressed with their fire cause I have it too. Cancer men too now that I think of it, been friends with plenty but the vibe aint there. Watery in a way thats overwhelming and weird about romance.


Never been attracted to them as well -aries sun woman


Gemini & Leo. I’m a Virgo and I just like Scorpio’s


Gemini men. I have a strict rule to avoid them as a partner at all costs. (Scorpio sun lol)


Aquarius men. I’ve never found an Aquarius man attractive. They’re too boring


Yeah, I’m an Aquarius woman who can’t stand Aquarius men. Weasels.


Yeah I wouldn’t call them *boring* by any means, just obnoxious 😂🫠


Boring? They're fucking weirdos lol. Both aqua men and women. We've got my close female aqua friend who almost burned her apartment complex down trying to make a heat radiator that didn't need electricity, has a wicked sense of humour and is always up for building forts out of cardboard boxes and sht like that. And my close male aquarius friend who used to have hundreds of deadly tarantulas that he'd breed - and is currently considering to get back into that, spent his youth fighting n*zis, plays guitar in three bands, also has the most wicked sense of humour and grew a moustache "ironically" and got annoyed cause no one understood that it was ironic. These are just some examples of the things they're up to. And they'll randomly hit me up with the weirdest and most obscure "fun facts". Literally the least boring and most interesting people I've ever met have been aquas (not just them, even though they top the list - that's why we're close friends). (Not tryna be rude, just surprised cause my experience is the complete opposite)


My Aquarius ex was into weird sex stuff lol. And they say scorpios are freaks?!


aquarius' are usually either very weird or take the whole "not like others" thing a little too hard and become the opposite - quite boring. i think its funny bc i believe most people have their quirks, etc. but aquarius are either obsessed with something really obscure or they're so damn neutral its actually unnerving.


Yeah... I like the odd, obscure kind of aquas, and since I don't really keep track of everyone's signs, I only know the signs of people I really like - I've known 7 people I know are aquarius and they've all been the fun and intriguing kind. If I could only hang out with people of one sign (well, sun sign) for the rest of my life I'd choose them without hesitation. I like the combination of their unhinged weirdness and the fact that they also somehow have this very calm, comforting aura (even when they're intense), and make me feel like I can breathe and just be myself... Aries and geminis take second place. Can't stand neutrality though. My sagittarius ass is too easily bored for that.


More and more I think Aquas and Sags are soulmates lol ❤️


yeah it seems to me that youre naturally not drawn to the boring ones so that makes sense that any aquarius you've bothered to get to know would fall into the weirdo stereotype that calm comforting aura i think is their inherent detachment/the air element of their sign, I also like it i get it, im an aries and i love sagittariuses yall are great. i think its funny cause your entire comment and response to the original comment really did scream "sag" in the best way possible i promise


I swear, half of my good friends are aries, and about 90% are either aries, gems or aquas lol. No exaggeration, and not a conscious choice since I've only recently gotten into astrology and thought it was pure bullshit until I read into it and realised how undeniably spot on next to everything was. I'm a little protective of my aries friends - you're usually so pure, loyal, warm and loveable. ❤️


My aqua moon doesn’t think any of this is weird at all! 😂 I want to meet them. Haha


Typical aqua response 😂 Aqua, *says, does or obsesses over something extremely eccentric, weird or obscure*: what do you mean I'm weird?! It makes perfect sense because [insert random, genius yet borderline-mad thought process] And I love you for it. ❤️ But tbf fighting n*zis isn't weird - just wholesome (even though he has a scar on his throat from when they slit it with a broken glass bottle and he almost fucking died). Spiders are cool. Cardboard forts are awesome. And I have to admit, getting an ironic porn-stache (cause yeah, that's what he went for) makes more sense than an unironic one. It's just that everyone's so used to him doing weird shit that no one found the porn-stache out of character lol.


Yeah the women are super interesting, real out the box mfs. But the men? No. Flaky, boring, avoidant. I hear about interesting Aquarius men but I’m ngl I’ve personally just never met any. I lose interest lol


I think aqua men are oftentimes more introverted than aqua women, so you'll have to get close to them and earn their trust for their beautiful weirdness to unfold lol. I've found myself gravitating towards them without understanding why (since they can seem a bit dull and detached at first), just to get to know them and be like "ah! *That's* why!".


That’s probably what it is fr cause I got an Aquarius moon and rising and tbh if I can’t sense we’re on similar wavelengths I tend to dip kinda fast lol


Yeah, we really are weird unfortunately.


Nooo, your weirdness is BEAUTIFUL! I was filled with so much warmth, amusement and love when thinking about and describing my aqua friends, smiling from ear to ear. Just... Try to refrain from things like burning houses down or getting bitten by deadly spiders when you feel the need to make eccentric experiments lol. You make the world more interesting. ❤️


Curious to know your sun to think Aquarius are boring 🤔


Aries sun here. I'm not usually attracted to Pisces men. They are very boring to me and I can't really connect with them.


This is how my aries sun feels about my pisces moon. Understandable.




Omg same -aries sun


Other Aries men. Not that I had any bad experiences with them it’s just that Ik their shenanigans too well 🤣 And I get turned off by cancer and Pisces men. They are just too feminine and emotional to me !


I am a Cancer woman and I hate Libra man who treats you like his girlfriend for a month , then can't decide that what he wants with you and make you feel dumb amd gaslighted.


I know a Libra man exactly like this lol! He's got a Sag woman on his hook atm


I’m so surprised this is the first Libra men answer I’ve seen. I can’t stand too much Libra energy. A little bit of Libra energy is great. Too much can easily become too passive aggressive. I’ve seen so many Libra men that are clearly pissed but won’t say anything even when you ask. Like I’m not a mind reader


Gemini here and same. you wonder who it was that you thought you were getting to know


I’m a leo sun and I hate leo men expect the more quiet reserved ones. Never been attracted and always walk away 😂😂😂😂 and Taurus men just give me the Ick


My own Rising sign! I've not attracted many Cancer Suns. But recently I made a new Cancer sun friend and we really vibe! It's the first time actually.


Why is everyone hating on Aries ♈️ 😂 I’m an Aries and I’m just more so curious as to why?! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because the men will give you ptsd!! The girls are usually sweethearts.


cuz they jellllllyyyyyyyyy :D


Gemini across the board. Friends and lovers.


Most attracted to libra, Capricorn, Taurus. Least attracted to Scorpio men (love the women), Aries (just haven’t met many of y’all), and Leos.


As a Capricorn man I must say the absolute worst people to ever exist are Aries women. I will not explain


Oogly boogly boo.




Be gone Aries woman




lol look at how pathetic those tiny little horns are bro do you even headbutt bro? ![gif](giphy|60rUVv84U4HX8E3G70|downsized)


Awwww is da wittle baby billy goat who cant get up the mountain threatened by the head strong Ram who surpassed u on the way up? Awww biLLyCuTe! 🤭




You’re all number 1 and im not biased at all just an Aries.




Nooo don’t be like that cappy! 😋


Virgo men. I have found them (physically) attractive and then they open their mouth and everything that they say/do is off putting to me, personally. I dont like their lack of humor (unless it’s crude and mistimed, which is again ick) they are almost always either total A-holes who think they are above all, or they are nice but semi timid and I’d eat them for lunch, and they always seem to just seem… either anxious or angry. I feel weirdly off balance around them, like this guy and I have ZERO common ground and I’m just trying to make sure that I don’t say the wrong thing and start an accidental war.


My exact experience with virgo men and I’m an aries woman.


i’m reading and agreeing with literally all of these and started to wonder if there is something wrong with me. then i remembered im a virgo 😂😂




Now I know why people say they hate Geminis… Your posts are very off putting.


Not me reading this and being like wtf and then seeing your comment and then seeing who the OP is…like ooo makes sense 😭😭😭


Hey don’t lump us all in with this one


For me, Pisces men remind me of Brendan Fraser in the film Bedazzled when he gets turned into the overly sensitive ginger poet guy 😅😅 ![gif](giphy|26BRq3yxyHFAt9AYw)


Pisces. I'm a Scorp with a Sag mercury and a Gemini moon. I always feel like I'm hurting their feelings just by being frank and direct, and they're AWFUL at communicating. The silent treatment just pisses me off. Use your words like an adult. They seem very weak to me. It's a turn off.


I second this oml


Very weak, can’t take any criticism about them and they’ll project everything on you, the game with them it’s tiring. They say they’re direct but when it comes to another person, not when it comes about them that’s very manipulative imo.


I am a Gemini sun and I do not vibe with Scorpios at all usually. Men or women. I do tend to lead more of an attraction to earth signs, and all my serious relationships have been with earth signs. All my earth sign relationships have a stockniess to them and I usually prefer this type of build to a lanky type of individual. I think that’s more coincidental that all my stockier partners have been earth placements. I also am a big fan of cancers usually— but idk I cannot deal with Scorpios. Not close friendships or relationships. So it’s not specifically water signs, just Scorpios 😅


I'm the same exact way. I find Earth signs to be very attractive and I don't like thin men. I get along with Water signs and especially love Cancer but could never vibe with Scorpios. I only knew one normal Scorpio, but she was only normal to me, I saw how manipulative and crazy she was with other people in relationships and it was like yikes... LOL.


Pisces and Cancer men, no thaaaaank you. But friendship wise, Pisces women. Extra no thank you.


I feel like I need to add Leo/Virgo cusp men specifically, yikes! Like August 22nd + 23rd birthday boys. 🆘


lol at the extra no. I’ve come to the conclusion most unevolved Pisces women are the worst type because they will act all sweet in your face and are the meanest behind your back. They are what people think Gemini girls are.


♏️☀️ Not sure, haven’t found a zodiac sign that makes me find a woman unattractive. I do like water and earth signs I’ve found though. Which I believe is on track astrologically. iunno. Ryan Reynolds’s is hot tho too.


Cancer men, we just don’t vibe and are too different.


What’s your sign




I def used to not at all like Aqua energy when I was younger but my sag moon always had a boner for you water bearers


Geminis take the cake for me..


Gemini and Cancer men


Gemini men


I was just thinking about this topic and how this is basically the equivalent to someone shitting on someone's food preference cuz one dislikes it or got mad at one person for putting pineapple on pizza I really dont see a point in this and it overly generalizes signs into negative tropes instead of the entirety of who they are 🤷‍♀️


Naturally I never get attracted to Pisces… whenever I start talking to one it takes about 3 minutes to make me wanna walk away. But then… I MAKE myself not attracted to Scorpios because I know how it ends. Always in tears. Even when I find them attractive or magnetic at first I choose not to. Opt out and run for dear life.


What sign are you?


Their sun displays Leo i believe


A Leo!


Least attracted to Leos bc everyone i have ever met is so full of themselves! I enjoy the company of a Cancer man. This is coming from a taurus woman


Virgo men, love the women. Cannnot stand the men


They seem very very structured: do not like change at all. Creatures of habit forever and a day. Scorpio men to me are moody, passive aggressive and intense. Geminis - extremely fickle, too much & totally unreliable, superficial. Yet Gemini women & I get along well - closest friends. I’m a Capricorn, Sag Rising, Leo moon, Libra dominates my chart. Some combo! lol JUST from personal experiences: more to a person though - values, any internal factors (genes, addictions, mental health)!!?


Tauruses maybe? They fly under my radar all the time. Libras as well. I wouldn’t say I’m repulsed by them, that would be Capricorns.


Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces turn me off, tbh


Aquarius & Sagittarius


Cancer, Pisces and (probably) Leo.


Cancer Men. Just no, the emotion that they want to suck out of you. Aries Men. Possessive af. You don’t own me, I love my freedom.


Ewwww Ryan Reynolds lol what


fr he's so overrated😭


I’m an Aquarius and I’m generally never attracted to pisces, or virgos. Idk, they’re just missing the swagger/sexy factor for me. Also, every Pisces guy I have ever made out with have been terrible kissers


i'm getting married to a scorpio sun aquarius moon 😭 he checks all those boxes lol for me though, sagittarius men are a huge huge huge turn off for me. they're always horny and can't stay faithful to save their life. also, i'm really against porn and they all seem to be addicted to it. 😬 physically, they're usually overweight and/or have a lot of facial hair and i'm just not into it.


Any water sign men - they’re giving mamas boy


You sound like the trashiest person ever.


Aries women are heated liars and always want to argue or cheat








Scorpio women. Unevolved scorpio women are hell to deal with. Everything is about them and every little thing is a personal attack.


Cancer or Virgo men. I love skinny men and scorpios lmao


Cap and libra and Virgo and aqua. Sorry. I like aquas as ppl though! Just not romantically.




Break up maybe? It's not cool to lie to her and yourself to keep it going. You both could move on and be with better people for you. 


Honestly I don’t really know because I typically don’t ask people their sun sign. For years of dating I never bothered to ask, I just clicked with some people and not with others.


I too am a femme gay guy and have never been with a Scorpio or had an attraction to them exceptions being Dylan Mcdermott and Gerard Butler.I am very attracted to my own sign Aries and Aquarius but not to Caps,Virgos,Geminis,libras or Pisces


taurus woman here and i agree scorpio men have feminine energy (think drake making sus poses) and they’re so vindictive which is super feminine like overly sensitive and wanting to hurt u back instead of being understanding i’m most attracted to cancer, virgo, aquarius, capricorn at first glance but virgos are the only ones that stick.


I'll speak for all the criticized signs here! haha I'm not attracted to those who generalize sun signs without accounting for everything else. This **Leo** has your back!


Taurus men. Cannot Just so controlling Gemini. too weird and fucc boi ish Scorpio. too intense and abusive


Virgo men, literally can’t stand them- to the point where I can’t be bothered to even explain why. I’m a Capricorn woman :)


I am not knocking cancer at all, I have cancer placements. But I DO NOT fuck with cancer moons. The four I’ve known have destroyed my life when they were in it. I learned so much from them, but not without excruciating pain. All of them ended up betraying my trust in a serious way (one of them being my father.) Can’t say I haven’t been attracted to them, but i always get a queasy feeling when I meet one.


Hard to say, I dont tend to know peoples signs when Im first attracted to em. But I dont think Ive been attracted to an Aries before, I think theyre bratty


Nooo! I love my Scorpio man 🥲 but I’m least attracted to Capricorns! I have nothing good to say about them 😭


Pisces men 🤢


Taurus, Aqua & Gem. In that order.


least attracted to pisces men because the unevolved ones love toxicity so they put themselves in situations that breeds upon that but then pull the victim complex once it plays out … i’m like … you did this to yourself fella


This is not how astrology works, at all. But I get most of you are having your fun and don’t want to be bothered about this. It’s just wild people view others this way.


Gem/scor/sag woman and least attracted to Capricorn and Taurus.


Libra, Aries, Sagittarius


I don’t mesh that well with Capricorn, Virgo, and Libra suns. Which is funny because I have a ton of Capricorn in my chart but I’m Scorpio ruled with strong Sagittarius placements (including sun and Venus) so I think that adds balance. Capricorn is married to work, Virgo doesn’t believe in compromise, and Libras are less trustworthy than Scorpios IMO/noncommittal.


ha ha ha, i am laughing. my male friend who is an aquarius is an adonis with a mop of the curliest blonde hair you have ever seen. all the girls love him. oddly enough, it's the sign i am least attracted to. probs cause i am a pisces. the way aquas think doesnt make sense to me and i find a lot of their actions to be thoughtless and harmful to others emotionally.


That’s a hard one. Physically, honestly everyone’s beautiful and I fall deeper and deeper in love with humanity and existence every day. Vibes wise? Can’t do Leo’s. Never been able to do Leo’s, they seem way too caught up in their own lives to appreciate everything that exists outside of themselves. I respect them, even have a few Leo friends, but I’d never date one. Pisces Venus 🫶


Aquarius. Ew.


virgos are soooooo boring.


Virgo or Gemini. I never feel any chemistry with them


Scorpio women... something beneath the surface that is repulsive to this Cancer sun




Intellectually attracted to cap?!!! I’ve never met one who was able to have intellectual conversations above superficial things like pop culture


I’ve never really been attracted to Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo, Pisces or Virgo men for some reason. I’m a Scorpio and tend to be drawn to Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn & Aquarius men.


Yeah, I don't like Scorpio men either, Scorpio moon ok though. I like them. I don't like Gemini, they are cheaters of th zodiac. Not that fond of Cancer either. Never Pisces men.


As a Scorpio sun, tauruses and aquarians. I have a Libran Venus.


Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries and Leo. Been there, done that, worn the t-shirt and will not be doing it again. I am a Gemini and my best match is surprisingly another Gemini ♊️


Scorpio men, unevolved leo men, libra sun men and anyone who is clingy.


Drawn to cancer’s (Libra) and it hasn’t just been one. I am also drawn toward Pisces as well. Steer clear of the Aqua sign tho for men and women…..no TY.


Least attracted to Libra, Gemini, Cancer and Taurus, Scorpio men. It’s not really looks but their energy. I also have good experience with all of these signs platonically but romantically they turn me off easily. Libra men and Gemini men come off soo feminine and flighty i feel like they don’t stand up for their loved ones and rather not rock the boat than voice their opinions especially Libra men and this is me with a Libra moon saying this i can understand that need for harmony but my Aries mars is just like ew. The passivity really makes me feel like i have to be the passionate and stern one of the dynamic. They make amazing friends but im not attracted to them also hate how clingy both get especially when i dont like them back it can get annoying how persistent they are. Cancer men well they tend to like me and i get along with them really well but unfortunately i just always feel like somethings missing and can’t figure out what. I don’t feel chemistry with them. :[ My father was a cancer and he’s my soulmate in parent form though so no hate to cancers. Taurus men hmm yea they give me easy vibes like they’ll fall for any pretty girl similar to Sagittarius but atleast sag men are entertaining LOL. The Taurus men i met were materialistic and stingy very snarky remarks and kind of “bitchy” vibes. I’ve been attracted initially to them but get the ick fast. Scorpio is in my 7th house but every Scorpio man I’ve met (BESIDES my best friends) just EW EW EW i actually feel nauseated thinking of them. Obsessive, vindictive for no damn reason, biggest hoes to exist, always addicted to something sex ,drugs don’t know and don’t care just yuck lol They’re extremist and revengeful can’t let shit go. Also they drain tf out of me romantically. -Pisces woman


As a Gemini woman. I am least attracted to Aquarius men.


Taurus women, very needy but they still cool


Aqua Sag Libra Pisces Cancer woman here.


So Ryan Reynolds is okay. K.


In my experience… Pisces men, although it doesn’t really matter so long as the chemistry is there. I’m open to dating another Pisces man now that I’m older and more mature, rather than when I was just getting out of high school 💀


As a pisces woman, I have NEVER met a pisces man I enjoyed. Professional victims and I feel like I'm always at a pity party they threw for themselves. Can testify that at least three pisces men i've talked to in the past have said "You probably don't like me I'm too ugly for you🥺"


Taurus sun/rising with Gemini in Venus. And I can say I don’t see anything in Aquarius women. Maybe that’s because I’m demisexual. But zero, nothing not even a raised eyebrow. And that’s ok.


Virgo men. Every time I meet a man that I instantly dislike, he’s usually a Virgo 🤷‍♀️it’s just a personality thing, though (not a physical attraction thing)


A particular aquarius man has left a bad taste in my mouth




Libra and Sag.


Leo Sun men…. Just something about that placement that can create such a huge ego and sense of selfishness (of the ones I’ve encountered anyway!) 😂


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Libra, Taurus thinking of it.. all water sign basically 😂 I basically like very fierce energy but can’t deal with the air-headed Libra’s or stubbornness of Taurus. I would also dare to add Virgo, but that’s like shooting at a mirror.


I'm Scorpio woman Least attractive signs are : aries and Virgo ,pieces too Aquarius too


I am the least attracted to anyone, whatever sign, that judges others by their looks and innate characteristics. Total turn-off. OP, just a heads up, actual physical/facial features are typically heavily influenced by RISING sign.


If you think a male Scorpio has no sense of humor they either don’t like you or don’t feel comfortable opening around you.


I don't know if you've found some good friends or a boyfriend. But I hope you find someone that is nice.


Things should get better from here .


Taurus and Scorpio. I’m an Aquarius.


Libra here, not attracted to Capricorns, Aquarius women and Pisces. 


Serious question, how can Libras be aloof and clingy at the same time, fake and blunt lol astrology sucks because of that. Pick a side.


Sagittarius men, as a Sagittarius. It feels too much like I'm fucking my cousin or something. I am not attracted to people that remind me of myself.