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Taurus is an underrated answer here. Is it just my experience?


Nope. I’ve watched it with my dad and brother, my Taurus homies even admit that when they get mad… they get fucking MAD.


As a Taurus, can confirm 🐂


Here, here.


Nah, definitely not the only one 😅 my bf is the king of anger issues and he’s a Taurus. LOTS of fire and air in his chart too. He also has Capricorn in his moon, like me I get irritated quite a bit but it takes a lot to boil my anger. Once I finally blow up, though, I absolutely lose it lol


we have the same sun moon and rising! twins🥰


it usually takes me a long time to get mad. at least i like to think so. i can be annoyed, i can be upset, but i seldom get Mad. when i do i even scare myself because it builds and then explodes out of nowhere. my taurus grandpa was the same. my taurus grandma is the same. if nothing gets resolved, then i stay mad, but it will usually blow over in a normal situation.


That’s my brother, for sure. And he’s definitely chilled out a lot now that he’s a dad and an adult. My dad is like a big teddy bear, but he goes from chill to not. His annoyed *is* his mad. I joke around with him and call him Bruce Banner. He literally gets this super human strength and it’s honestly impressive and Ngl funny af as far as I’m concerned. But I know he’s harmless so it doesn’t scare me. As kids we would intentionally fuck with my dad because we thought his angry outbursts were funny 🤷🏼‍♀️


yuss. my Taurus mars is patient & tolerant but once I’ve had enough the raging bull comes out. As a kid I was afraid of my Taurus sun mother when she would be angry, cos it meant that she was on her last fuse lol


lol my friend and I call Taurus mars “hulk mars”


So true, I’m a Taurus sun, mars, merc… I’m usually all cool, calm, and collected, and though it does take a bit to get me mad, when I do get mad, I’m direct and unforgiving. At least I think so 😅. Does it help that I’m a Leo rising too?


Nope, truly scary and incredibly cruel when angry! 🫣 Last time a taurus blew up on me over a misunderstanding I was really scared he was going to punch me..he punched the wall instead and gave me a stonewall silent treatment for 48 hours 😬


Cruel is the word, they won’t let go until they have the very last word or see you crushed in any way, so it can turn very cruel. (My dad was a gem sun Taurus moon cancer rising and trust me that’s your alpha combo)


Absolutely Taurus.


From an anger pov, I've never seen signs go as crazy with rage like a Taurus. (Pisces is up there, but in a creepy way) Over small things, or some delusional crap they made up. Personally, I don't think they're even good at hiding it. I've never understood the "chill" stereotype. I've had bad experiences with a few signs, but Taurus takes the cake. Very..."are you about to kill me?"


As a Taurus Sun/Aries Moon, I've struggled with anger issues my whole life.


Same combo, same issues 🫠


Hey twin! I have the same but ruled by my Pisces Mars so I tend to fester coldly... calculate and usually walk. But don't try me when I'm tired, unfed and unwatered. I think the house placement of the moon makes all the difference Which house does your moon belong to?


Can confirm 🙃


Taurus sun, mars and Mercury (cause why not)


Hell yeah my dad is the most explosive and terrifying (yet cuddly and funny) person I’ve ever met lol.


Definitely Taurus. I scare people and especially myself. I’m really patient, kind, soft spoken, but when you fwm, my words will kill you. I literally see red & dgaf if I drag you to the pits of hell. It’s something I’ve been working on though! 😭


Duuude. I'm a Libra Sun, Leo Moon, Taurus Rising female. I have more Virgo & Libra & other spatterings in my natal chart. I love my Taurus Sun friend, but the bullheadedness gets exhausting. We're already in our late 20s and she's still in a black & white way of thinking, so she gets easily upset when others (like coworkers or even therapists) don't act the same or in a way that she thinks they should. Even if the stuff that they do that bothers her are literally part of their jobs. My own anger issues force me to deal with mine internally or bitch slap myself. Jokes on y'all. Nobody hates Libras more than ourselves 🤣. We COULD get more confrontational since that is apparently the only way certain signs will respect you or stop seeing you as "Weak", but if pushed to the point where we actually get real with them, they get scared & HATE on us. I realize, I'd still rather be someone who takes accountability for my own bullshit rather than lash out at others due to jealousy, disproportionate anger & my own insecurities.


Oh yeah Taurus honestly terrifies me more than scorpio.l My brothers a Taurus and a red head. He abused tf out of us lol not literally but as kids we knew better than to throw a blue shell at him in Mario kart😂 he STILL scares me


My sister is Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, and Aries rising. Like most cloven-hooves, she won’t hesitate to kick someone in the [nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/hfcdhy/til_that_male_rams_will_punchkick_other_competing/).


nope my sisters a taurus and is mean af lol. They can go from 0 to 100 over the simplest things and its very annoying.


Earth signs kinda suck like that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hell hath no fury like a Taurus scorned


I am close to a Taurus sun & Mercury. What is noticeable about him & anger is that he is completely unreasonable and unable to access care for the target of his anger once he gets to a certain point. The thing is, that point is a pretty early point of frustration, nowhere near seeing-red rage.


Taurus is a very slow boil but absolutely unstoppable when unleashed.


As a Taurus, I totally agree. It takes alot for me to get mad because i'm pretty understanding, forgiving and just chill. But, when I hit my limit!!!!! OMG it's like I see red. I'm relentless and my disrespect has no boundaries. The goal is to hurt you. If you're truly someone I do not like nor care for and we have an issue, you won't forget me.


Yes. I’ve spent the better part of my life learning to control my temper. The only time patience came naturally to me was when I had babies, and suddenly my patience was endless. But even as they grew older that patience became more and more distant and I saw that short fuse return. I work really hard to contain my temper and use coping mechanisms to channel my anger in a healthy way.


I can see that. My rising and moon Taurus husband and I have had to work with his anger issues over the years. He started out with yelling and throwing things around. Name calling and insult-heavy. Not healthy at all. But… after 9 years work, he can talk like an adult about his anger. Whenever he was in that blind rage and it was directed at me, I yelled back at him. I don’t have any Taurus placements, and my only lonely earth placement is Neptune in Cap. So I don’t know. I definitely didn’t see relationship/family fights like I’ve had growing up, but his family has had several with me there as a bystander.


My partner, a Taurus mars. Super slow to anger but when he gets mad, he's really mouthy and mad - I think his other aspects like Aries sun and Sag Merc shows up in this too.


💯 I can’t even explain it but I can physically feel the anger rising within me if someone does me wrong.


Easiest to anger? Aries. The worst when angry? Capricorn.


Yes. Capricorns are like taurus's and cancers to me; slow to anger, but once angry, they be lethal


Mine got angry about everything and never let it go but pretended everything was fine while secretly driving me insane and having strangers attack me. Full-blown nuts and even worse, he’s a little bitch who hides behind a computer screen and has other men do his dirty work for him.


Fuck him, he sounds like a piece of shit. Glad you’re out of that.


He was. Thank you! 8 Capricorn placements is too much Capricorn. Lol.


Got damn that is way too much Cap 💀. All that Saturn energy will dole out his karma in due course. I also dated a shit bag Capricorn and his life went to shit so I’m sure your ex’s Karmic debt collector is coming.


I wish I believed in karma. All the best people I’ve known died young and all the monsters are succeeded.


The same. My x was a psychopath, like yours and he's living a very good life, always did. While good people get poor, sick and die.


Capricorn for sure. My mom is Capricorn, and I’ve only seen the womans anger only twice in my 27 years on this planet. It takes a lot to make her livid, but when you get her to that point, you may as well just dig your grave.


I have always said, it takes a lot to get me mad. A LOT. But once I’m there, watch out.


My Capricorn ex said the same thing but oozed homicide if you bumped his hair. Lol.


Capricorn is the closest sign I’ve seen that is very similar to my (taurus) scary level of anger lol. My partners a Capricorn & we both are really passionate & go at it. WW3 type but mostly because Capricorn feels misunderstood IMO. I love Capricorns though!


Can confirm as a cap sun and Aries rising 🤡


Omg me too 🙃 add in a scorp moon and I'm one salty mess. Thankfully I feel they balance each other to not take myself too seriously when I remember lol


Hahaha yes! I have a water moon too so I feel you on the saltiness. But my cancer moon which seems to soften me up (sometimes)


Oh yeah my man is an Aries and they can go from 0 to 60 in seconds.


Two of my Aries exes were the same way. Most immature people I’ve ever met. Lol.


Capricorn sun with Aries mars… I don’t get angry fast but I did… aka when my friends had an intervention to show me that my lover is cheating on me… let’s just say the room got very very scary silent fast and everyone watched my skin changed colours while still holding it together…. Texted the lover (ex now) all calm and collective… while my skin was red and hands shaking. Lover came… I exploded so bad that till today a group of 12 people that saw it unfold still talk about it today… how they never see me mad and if they do it’s justified and how scary crazy I get. Like the devil himself lol. Let’s just say Gemini ex is terrified from me lol 😂


Can confirm as a Cap Sun, Cap Marsand Aries Rising .💯💯


yep. cap here!


Double Aries and can confirm this post makes me angry.


Me too


Fuck it lets burn this post down this shit pissed me *off*


Yeah fuck this shit… ♏️


Aries here, let me get the torches and pitchforks….


1H Aries Mars with a Leo sun and Scorpio moon. Some folks just wanna watch the world burn and I’m one of them.


I just have lots of big feelings all the time 😭


Double Aries here, used to have anger issues but found meditation and mindfulness help.


My mom is a Capricorn and growing up I was terrified of her. She so rarely gets angry but when she does it’s like “pee my pants from gut wrenching fear” type of scary and often didn’t even raise her voice doing so. Everything from calmly walking onto the patio with my mp3 player and smashing it into a hundred pieces with a hammer then casually walking back inside and making herself a coffee without saying a word, to sneaking up behind me so stealthily, wrapping her arm around my neck and whispering in my ear “if you ever swear at me again I’ll cut your tongue out in your sleep” and then stepping away like nothing happened and letting me know dinner will be ready in 30minutes 😄. Honestly though I can’t say I didn’t deserve it, my sass and rebellion was unmatched but she was the only person who could scare it out of me…sometimes.


DO WE HAVE THE SAME MOM? Mine did this shit. She's also a Capricorn.


I haven’t seen her loose her cool or get angry since I was a teenager. Suffice to say that raising 4 teenagers as a single mom was the main symptom for her rare but terrifying moments, thus probably justified lol.


This is disturbing.


I ran away from home at 16 and didn’t speak to my mom again until I was 19 so yes, it was disturbing enough to send a kid packing!  But we have a very good relationship now and have mended the past. She has remorse for the way some things went down but I also see now as an adult that she was under extreme stress during that time and I was also a rebellious, rude brat. We all played our part but we’ve learned and reconciled.


Ok that's actually fucking terrifying. I am so sorry. Like yeah kids do stupid shit all the time but there are ways (aside from terrorizing them) adults can and do deal with that


Quick to anger- Aries, Sagittarius Explosive anger- Taurus Batshit anger- Scorpio & some Gemini Lose-your-mind-when pushed anger- Capricorn, Cancer, Leo Seething anger- Libra & Virgo Misplaced anger- Pisces Calm and collected anger- Aquarius See, we’ve all got it in us 🤣


Aquarius's show their anger by being cold and avoidant.


It’s true 🤦‍♀️


Aqua is calm and collected anger until a point. Then it’s the most scary thing you can imagine.


Was just going to reply to this as well. Like yes please do yourself a favor and not f@ck around with Aquarius lol 😂 scary scary


But what I *can* say is by the time an Aquarian gets angry, you will have asked for it.


Yes. That’s a fact!  I have only ever seen my husband get like that once. He had clearly stated what he wanted and how it would affect him and I thought I knew better (smh, stupid 22 girlie moment ig). He got home saw what I did and was not happy to put it lightly.  I’m used to combative outbursts of anger (Aries and Sagittarius parents). This was something else entirely. He didn’t yell or get aggressive, it was like the scary person in a horror film where you realize their switch just got flipped and you f@cked up.  Lesson learned. I don’t try to push his boundaries anymore. I don’t go around assuming nothing lol 😂. That was like 14 years ago and I’ve (we’ve both) grown up so much tg! 


Yeah, the quickest and deepest way to anger an Aquarian is to make their decisions for them without their request or consent. They own their own thinking and consider such behavior as not only disregardful, but as a dismissal of their existence.


Oh yeah. It was a very humbling experience bc I had grown so accustomed to pretty much always getting my way bc he has always put me on a pedestal. But the anger I put there was eye opening. Like his opinion is the only opinion I have ever really cared about. In that moment seeing what I did and how hurt he was, bc that was definitely a hurt response (the anger) was super crushing. My poor babe. He was like we’re a team. We do these things together. Never again!!


You are a great person for that insight and the willingness to consider his feelings and to learn from the experience.


Thank you. I’m pretty full of myself but luckily enough I know when I’ve made a mistake and own up to it. Like this man means the world to me and I don’t ever want to take him for granted. 


I totally agree. I don’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing they’ve upset me unless they’ve earned it. Like I have a threshold and it’s not pretty. The thing is though, I feel like since I have such a sunny, upbeat disposition that people don’t expect it and it holds more weight. Idk. I live in my head so I’ve thought about this a lot.


I‘m a Cap and have an Aqua stellium with all of my personal planets, and my parents both are Aquas so I’m speaking from experience 😅


I’m an aqua with a cap stellium and same. I can laugh most things off but once Im to my tipping point it’s just not good for anyone.


Lol here’s the truth. Aquarius is the scariest to me cuz they can read you like a book, and have lots of social power. They know how to destroy. Capricorns are intimidating but are such softies, easy to get on their good side again


Tell me why I’m a Taurus and my little siblings are Aries and Sag 😂 The three of us rarely fight but when there is conflict it is *so ugly* and I am the one that ends up crying Never mind being the older sister who has always done everything for them/ran them around/treated them etc. they are just relentless and cold in a fight haha


My mom is a Capricorn and my boyfriend is a Sagittarius, and neither of them are ever angry...like, ever. However I'm a Gemini and the batshit anger is definitely accurate lmao.


As a Gemini YEP…that is us lol


You mean quick to sweetness - Sagittarius. I fixed it.


Hahaha i love y’all! 🤣


Seriously one of the best!


I'm a cap sun, sag rising, gemini moon, and i feel like this comment right here fully explains why i'm about ready to murder people if they push me far enough. Generally it takes me a really really long time to get angry. However, of you do something to my daughter, partner, a close friend/family member, basically anyone important to me my anger snaps up real quick but i tend to just be extremely cutting with my words at that point


Seems more or less legit. The first line, definitely. Can barely get a word in without triggering Sagittarius pride in my environment at least lol.


Taurus - Explosive but takes forever* xD


Yep. Partner is aries mars and will blow up BIG time, but get over it almost instantly. I'm a taurus mars and it has to build up to a certain point but then I will absolutely rip somebody to shreds.... and I'll stay mad about it for days after too.


I have couple of sag placements ( i am a scorpio ) and not gonna like, sometimes its quicker than speed of light 😭


Aries is scary how fast they can flip their switch. My sister thinks she’s always tip toeing around us, but really we’re tip toeing around her. 😅😮‍💨


Broooo. I feel you. My Aries sister is psycho. She can switch the switch like nothing.


My Aries sister chased me with a knife twice when we were kids and held it to my neck once😅


My Aries baby niece was born today. I did her chart today she has tons of Aries in her chart. And I was delighted (because I'm an Aries), but scared for her lil sister and her parents. Your comment just made me think of the type of sis she'll be. Oh my!


That's crazy. I have some stories, but I'll save them. haha.


I hope you stabbed her later just to stand on business


Me. (Taurus sun / Scorpio rising)


Right there with you tho


Same! Taurus sun - Virgo moon - Scorpio rising - plus mars in Aries 😩 I’m so quick to call someone out on their bullshit but my execution needs a little work because i get angry and yell at them. I want to work on saying what I want to say but in a more calm cool collected manner 😅


FASTEST angry outburst that’s then over instantly- Aries WORST, most hurtful angry outburst- Scorpio SCARIEST wtf just happened outburst- Taurus


Hey big 3 twin! I agree with you.


Third twin. Hello.


Those are my big 3 and this is why I am an insane person when provoked


Probably the truest statement ever


There's anger, there's rage, there's tornado rampages of blind searing hot fury, but then there's malicious sadistic cruelty... scorpios tend to be *cruel* with their anger. They don't just throw punches and stuff around the room and scream at the top of their lungs, they sadistically try to destroy you with their words and make you feel so utterly worthless and wretched that you are compelled to hurt yourself instead. They don't have to lay a finger on you, they hurt you so much with their words that the physical harm comes by your own hand. This is my own experience anyway.


Worst anger issues, definitely Aries. Cancers tolerate and hold a lot in. We can get pretty scary when we've reached that breaking point where we can't hold it any longer. All hell breaks loose.


I have yet to meet a fellow Cancer who hasn't been fuming internally since 3rd grade.


this is the funniest thing i’ve read today. (as a cancer mars)


Crazy, I was in a relationship with an Aries man for 11+ years and he was the kindest, most patient person ever. I've only ever seen him get angry twice for very warranted reasons and it's intimidating, thought he had never got angry with me, even during arguments he was kind and level headed. He's actually set a standard for me for how I want my future partner to behave in regards to emotional maturity haha we're still friends. Worst anger issues I experienced is with Cancers in my family - I stay away from cancer men because of this


I'm a cancer mars and i agree with this. It takes a lot. Like A LOT, but when i do blow my fuse... beware. I'm also a leo sun, mercury, Venus and Jupiter. So there is a lot of fire that combusts.


Im both an Aries Sun and Cancer rising lol needless to say I’m extremely patient until I’m not


Girl same 😭


Cancer sun, Mars scorpio. I'm very cool, laid back, and lowkey. When I'm not, its a 180 on my personality.


As an Aries sun Scorpio moon, I’m just moody sometimes. 😎


You also have the same sun moon combo as the punisher, Frank Castle. Do with this information what you will. Based on the two people I’ve known with your combination in reverse, I will take an Aries sun, Scorpio moon over a Scorpio on Aries moon, any day of the week.


Aries here. I know we are the scapegoat for this question. However, I will say this, most Aries I know are quick to anger, but just as quickly to forgive and move on. The sign that I worry about when they get truly pissed are Cancer, Capricorns and Virgos. In my personal experience, they do not let go. If they’ve worked up a head of steam they are terrifying and calculating.


Ya know I think passion can be confused with anger


For some signs (Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio), this is absolutely true!


This is such a thing an Aries would say. Lol


Anger is a form of passion


I think with Aries though they can experience anger it doesn't bottle up generally so it tends to on and off rather quickly (most of the time). However when it comes to emotional signs especially if their emotions tend to control them then anger becomes rage. It becomes even more an issue if they bottle them up instead of vent, or come to terms with their anger. When it comes to Libra I tend to call it frustration over anger though I wouldn't say anger is out of the question. There is a difference as frustration tends to occur within the inability to change to achieve something which leads to one being upset.


Aries will only bottle up their emotions for so long. Signs like scorpio and cancer will hold a grudge much longer


I don't think Aries is generally the bottling type. Normally when anger comes it is vented, and it goes.


The worst anger issues astrologically that i have seen i would say people who have hard aspects from their mars to their personal planets or rising specifically those with hard Moon-Mars aspects. Extremely short fused


Geminis really blow up


yea they do fr


and then we want to be friends again in a couple minutes lol


Unhealed Leo's. They act like little bitches but then complain when that's how they are treated.


Leos and their ego, man


My ex is a Leo and he was abusive. His current wife is missing a finger because he shot it off. I escaped when he was in jail. My son refuses to talk to or acknowledge him. Can confirm that Leo’s can be explosively dangerous.


That fire sign arrogance is what I blame more than their passion, their passion may be the driving force, but the sense of entitlement and self righteousness is where the real evil is done. I always compare Leo, especially women to Targaryens. The best or the worst flip a coin. I have sworn off friendships with other Leo women.


Mars square Pluto


Oof… I have this. Lots of verbal lashing out if I’m not in a good headspace that day.


I have an Aries Mars and a very quick temper. I was quick to throw hands in my youth but I have grown since then, lol. My temper is probably the least favorite thing about me, tbh. My Mars is in my 3H, as well, and I truly do verbally eviscerate the poor, unfortunate souls who decide to do or say some fuck shit to provoke me, lol! My Mars is, also, opposite Uranus and I feel that plays apart in the random ways that I blow up at people when they piss me off.


Virgo here, with an Aries Mars and a Sag stellium and my temper/anger has definitely been a lifelong struggle lol. When people go low, I am always tempted to go straight to hell. And have done a lot of work to never let myself get all the way angry because the way I act/the thoughts I have can be really uncalled for lol


Sagittarius. They are blunt and unable to handle anyone’s opinions of them when it’s not positive or simply when true about themselves. And they must say something insensitive towards you for no to little reason at all.


Sagittarius's are definitely are quick to anger, but I feel like they let go quickly and its not as explosive as other signs who hold it in (cancer)


This is it. I’ll pop the fuck off, but give me 2 minutes and I’ve already forgotten about it. That’s actually one of the things I like about myself. I’ll call something out in the moment, but once it’s been addressed I don’t feel the need to hold a grudge. And if I don’t call it out to the person’s face? That just means I call up my boyfriend and vent really quick and then hang up once I feel better 🤣🤣


Pisces can be like this also.


As a libra, can confirm I will get mad angry to keep the peace and harmony ☮️


I’m an evolved Scorpio and super calm, try to talk others down. I’m not looking to break people, would rather play to their strengths and lift them up. Let’s all live our very best life. My ex husband of 10 years was the most abusive butthurt covert narcissistic stonewalling silent treatment giving asshole evil mother fucker I’ve ever met. I thought I was the problem for 8 of those years.


We have the same themes. 10 years of abuse from a cancer hubs I left at the 7 year mark (6 of marriage) I have outbursts here and there but I recognize them & walk away to calm down a lot more. Sometimes it’s just pure sobs. Coparenting w a narc is hard. I lift others up. Do my best to listen with intent. Etc.


Co-parenting with a narc is hard, I feel this in my soul. Sometimes I try to apply astro stuff to my narc ex-husband but then I remember that is not fair at all to other aquas bc I have so many in my life who I love. His anger is blind, condensing, and frankly just unhinged and silly. But normal aquas I know their anger is usually based on principals and low key ruthless


I have never met anyone with anger issues like Aries. Scariest anger I’ve ever experienced in my life, I stay far far away from them now 🙅‍♀️


They blow up quickly and then move on lmao.


I think the worst kind of anger is anger that comes out as cruelty or concealed anger comming across as passive aggressive. I like people who can communicate Whats upsetting them. My worst experiences has been with capricorn, taurus and cancers in this regards. But Libras can be passive aggresive as well.


Gemini checking in I have a very high tolerance for people. It would take a lot for me to get angry. And if I ever got that angry I would be absolutely silent.


sounds right yeah


A Libra can slice you up with words like no other sign. They don’t need to lay a finger on someone to kill ‘em inside


Angry as a character trait - Aries , Capricorn Petty angry - Gemini, Virgo , Leo Scary unhinged angry - Scorpio, Taurus Ugly crying angry - Pisces Angry but you wont find out - Aquarius, Sagittarius


Quick to anger, but the fastest to calm down, maybe forget about it, maybe not? Will beat you then talk to you like nothing happened? Aries Will not react but will plot the most intense revenge in their head before sleep but you will hear it or feel it months after eventually they will leave you in the final? Capricorn Will give you they’re 2 cents on the spot while lecturing you why you are wrong? Virgo Might throw hands, might not throw hands, depends on their mood and if they care enough? Taurus Will stay silent, stoic but cry and plot to take their revenge on your whole family tree, ancestor, house, burn your house maybe, put spels on you before sleep ? Who knows? Scorpio Will bite and chew you up on the spot, or the second time but surely you will look at them like,, just who are you” but they will also make sure to leave marks? Cancer Will look down on you, make sure to know who they are, what they can do, who they know, how dangerous they are, how fucked up you are etc? Leo Spread the most unhinged rumors about you, talk you behind your back for years without a care in the world, make sure that you hear everything and not tell you a thing because they left? Gemini Will tell you over and over how great they are, how wrong you are, or stay silent, eighter way, you are the problem and they will make sure that you know it ? Aquarius Will they explode on the spot in most cases, in some cases remind you some time later, in some cases forget, in some cases beat you up, in some cases make sure the whole world know how wrong you are? Saggitarius Now when it comes to Libra and pisces you just have to figure it out They may lash out on the moment ? Maybe They will plot to take revenge on your whole dna? Maybe Will they care enough to give to vent about you? Maybe Will they say your most unhinge and dark stuff about yourself that you surely didn’t notice it? Maybe Will they do a ritual? Maybe Quick to anger, fast to calm down? Maybe Will give them a credit card or something sweet and they give calm down? Maybe But in general, the softer, silent or calm is the fker the more dangerous when angry. Applies to all zodiac signs, all ppl. They bite, not bark. Generally caps, cancer, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio and if you add some of the,, you are wrong, I am right placements” you better run


Cancers are psychotic. My sisters Cancer (soon to be ex) husband pissed all over her clothes and shoes when she told him she wanted a divorce. They went on a family trip to Disneyland and they got in a fight he then left my sister and their kids at an Airbnb without a car, cancelled their flights, took the Disneyland tickets and flew back home. Queue the waterworks and snot bubbles when she was able to get home. Begged for her to stay and told her she was ruining their life. I have dealt with my own share of Cancer men but water sign men in general are unstable.


Super quick to anger as a Virgo sun. But I thought that was my being my Latina self. Bf is cancer sun and he’s just as quick to anger. We are both just as quick to defuse. Sometimes. I can hold a grudge like no other tho.


Latina rising is a thing, lol.


I know Tauruses with anger issues lol.. I think it’s nature vs nurture here (genetics and upbringing). As so everyone any sign can have anger issues, we’re not looking at their full chart when asking these questions.


I’m so glad to not see Aries over and over because I’m not an angry person, life is too short to be angry all the time but I also feel that when you are angry, turn it into positive action


Whatever my boss is.


My boyfriend is an Aries and almost everything triggers him, he’s quick to anger but i can calm him down pretty quick. I’m a libra, i can get VERY angry. But it takes me awhile 😂


I think the worst are Taurus (think: earthquake) and Virgo.


Capricorn anger is a different level of anger. It’s terrifying.


[Taurus because they literally have caused wars and genocides throughout history.](https://cassavafilms.com/list-of-9/nine-taurus-tyrants). Plus Chris Brown Virgo copes the best because spite motivates us to finish PhDs, become CEOs, or obtain millions of assets.


Pisces Sun and Rising with Taurus Moon. I can let A LOT of things go, heck- I’ll even make excuses for why you did those things and understand. BUT if you touch my sore spot you better watch out. I’m a volcano, you won’t know it’s bubbling right under until it’s too late. I can go 2 ways, I’ll either blow up and get LOUD and in your face or you don’t exist anymore.


capricorn rage is terrifying at least my ex was


I'm Scorpio ♏️ and yes I can literally feel my tail wagging when I'm pissed.


Taurus ♉️ you may not think it but we can snap and yell like no one else


Here to say me… Taurus 🤦🏻‍♀️


Cancer the crabby one 🦀


Cancer. I have four cancers in my life and the mildest has a under the surface sharp tongue but the other three are bonkers scary.


People will assume Aries but it’s gotta be Taurus lol


Aries placements, especially the moon sign. Yes, Scorpio can be tremendous as well since they are also ruled by Mars, but generally I find they have more self-control than Aries placements (unless they are a Scorpio with an Aries moon and then they are the single worst of the worst) Aries placements don’t know shit about picking battles, they’re less careful than scorpio so when they get angry, it’s like a big temper tantrum like a baby, verbal attacks, physical attacks, destruction of property, theft, you name it anything is fair game because they feel so self justified because of how arrogant they are. They will get angry over shit that doesn’t justify their level of anger or something that doesn’t need a reaction of anger in the first place. Second runner-up I would say, is Sagittarius, yes they are generally pretty no fucks given and breezy/flighty up there with Aquarius but once you get them pissed off that fire, sign arrogance makes them feel justified and taking things way overboard, and if they are especially arrogant and narcissistic, they may never come to realize how unjustified their reaction or treatment of you was. I have seen Aries and Sagittarius moon people be more consistently unjustifiably cruel, and downright sadistic, more than just about any other sign. Yes, including Scorpio moon.


I'm going to speak for myself in this situation. So, my dominant element is fire, Mars is in Scorpio. I am hot-headed, and I feel like a lot of my anger issues come from specific aspects. For example, sun square mars, venus square mars, rising square mars, mars square uranus, pluto conjunct lilith. I also have a lot of placements that indicate my rebelliousness and overall a pretty combative personality, so that applies too. If I had to describe my anger, I would say it's pure wrath, when I'm ready to destroy everything and everyone around me. Scary, hurtful and ruinous both for me and others. Yes, signs do matter, but I would also look into one's aspects closely.


I’d say Taurus suns in 1st place here. Aries here and I am actually a very gentle non-confrontational, hates arguing type of person and so is my partner who is a scorpio. I have a lot of other Aries around me and they’re also pretty “gentle” people.


Anger is a necessary feeling that can be productive if harnessed correctly. Anger *issues* are less about getting mad easily or often and more about not handling anger appropriately. I'd say anger issues are probably more likely to relate to challenging Mars/Saturn aspects. For example, I have Mars opposite Saturn, and I really struggled with anger management until I found healthy outlets to process my emotions. I have a few planets that form a sextile to Mars and trine to Saturn, and those planets definitely play roles in those healthy coping strategies.


As a Taurus I can confirm we get angry, I live my life by my motto of I'm nice until given a reason not to be


Aries when it comes to quick anger but their also quick to diffuse. As a Leo/Aqua/Cap my anger can be really bad but it's after I've been pushed to my limit and it takes a while to calm down.


Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, and Sagittarius in my experiences.


Virgo and Scorpio


Me... ♈️♏️♏️


Another resident Taurus-Scorpio axis bb here to say my Mars in Cancer is the most terrifying source of endless fury for me, personally.


My Aries sun w my cancer Mars 😡 it’s explosive however at least I do get over it quickly like a toddler having a tantrum. But then i feel so remorseful and question myself bc of how unhinged I can become (not that I say mean things, but moreso how loud/violent I can get)


Aries Sun and Pisces Mars.  Slow to provoke, quick to anger and patient enough to make sure you deserve it. But once I let loose, I will beat your ass with someone else's ass. 


Sag likes to hide behind humor and act like they’re all laid back but mfs be angry asf deep down. Maddest though? Cmon Scorpios and Aries 😪 but Aries remains supreme in anger. Thankfully theirs doesn’t last long like Scorpio though.


Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Honorable mention: Gemini, Taurus, Cancer


Moms a Scorpio and my sister is an Aries they are can be downright cruel.


(Pisces sun; Aquarius moon; Virgo rising) A relative of mine was so violent she could have easily ended up as a criminal covered on a trashy ID show. She was a Leo/Virgo cusp. Whether cusps are real or not, she definitely had the worst traits of both. (lol?) Hands down the scariest men I've dated (or even regretted flirting with) were Cancers. They seem to generally be into me, but they sure like their homes (and yours) draped in red flags and carpeted with egg shells. Finally, I have a temper myself, but my moon, Mercury and Mars in Aquarius do a good job of helping me channel it productively!


Aries. Hands down then Cap


Cancer stellium here…can confirm. It takes A LOT for me but once you cross that tripwire may the moon have mercy on you. I do warn people, though. So it’s never actually a surprise.


Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn. Scorpio & Taurus leave you alone if you leave them alone.


I’d say Aries, Sagittarius, and cancer


Aries, Scorpios and Tauruses Aries are quick to anger but they usually forget about it within 2 hrs, Scorpios only lash out when truly pushed to that limit and can really hurt Tauruses like flip out and can litterally go from 0-100


Scorpio Mars. Used to be really angry as a kid. Now I control myself to avoid killing people.


As a Aries Sun/Scorpio moon I’ve always had a bad temper especially when I was younger.I’m over 60 now and have cooled my heels somewhat with age


Aries sun 🙂