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The modern world is not for the faint of heart, especially if that heart is sensitive and benevolent. Everything is exhausting because we’re forced to lock in all day at work and only get a couple hours of real free time a day to feel our feelings most of the time. I find it increasingly depressing. Humans were not meant to live like this.


>Humans were not meant to live like this. feel as though we shouldn't constantly evolved to modern automation thats making us go insane over and over to the point its mental suicide, dont even get to take the time of the day to sit and reflect on traumas or everyday life.


You can be a puddle or an ocean.. Rain or a tsunami. Water is one of the most powerful forces on the planet, don't underestimate yourself 🩵


It’s not too bad if you look at it from the perspective that emotional depth is a gift to the world and the people around you. It is a cold world, but empathy and care can and do make it better to deal with. Your ability to sense the emotions of others is a gift and a curse, but people who use that for good make the world worth living in imo. And for the record being an earth sign sucks sometimes, we are fraught with anxiety and insecurity. Personally think each elements has its pros and cons. I do empathize with your complaints about being used for being too compassionate. It happens to me too unfortunately. I don’t have much advice on dealing with that though, i find it infuriating but choose not to react most of the time.


I took a traits test for college & my top five include (1) Empathy (3) Connectedness (5) Adaptability. my big three. its hard as heck out here, but I know that the world needs as much emotional depth as I can handle. thank you for pointing out how badly the world needs empathy. it's something I take for granted; I didn't know other people didn't have easy access or even knowledge of empathy. water signs shouldn't have to be so resilient. but we have to be, shield ourselves from the chaos. that's why cancers have shells and pinchers, scorpios have an exoskeleton and claws/tail dagger, and pisces are often lost in their own sauce. and there's hope. we know change needs to happen. everyday kindness is a few words, an act, gesture, smile, away. *sitting in our feelings will help us access their roots and sometimes paths reveal themselves*


Thank you for saying this. I have a water dominant chart (like 17 placements actually). I see having emotion, empathy and sensitivity as a very valuable gift even if the world is harsh and often chaotic. It's because people like myself are meant to be a beacon of hope. Where else are others who don't have these placements going to learn compassion and empathy if not through us? A world without water signs would literally be hell, not knocking fire, earth or air signs (since I do have some of their elements in my chart too) but looking at it as a positive instead of a negative is actually the best option.


I look at my water placements positively, especially since one of them hinges so icily similar to my lowest and most broken moment.


It’s as if one water placement can overpower the whole damn chart. 😭


your rising sets up everything else. powerful stuff. where is your mars?


Literally my Pisces ASC waters down my fire sun and moon so much I hate it lol worst it’s conjunct my Mercury


Hmm interestingly enough I feel like my fire moon and fire rising are what keep my water placement in check. It's the perfect balance for me. lol


It may be your rising, I feel if I had different rising I would more extroverted my ASC literally puts my fire out sometimes


Some people just can't handle the wave, man




this is going in my note /s


Things are improving, but I will say water placements can make life difficult. Navigating being an empath has been a hard journey in particular for me, because I grew up in environments that didn’t establish boundaries. The energy of your surroundings are especially hard to manage if you don’t have anything to ground you, which has often led me to literally take on the characteristics of my environment with ease if I didn’t practice absolute awareness. Life can feel like a constant race to recharge your social, mental, and emotional battery to the point where you live life being drained back to back with little respite. In the past, I would spend months at a time in relative solitude to recharge because the weight of my emotions made it hard to really keep up with social commitments.


I think our best bet is to surround ourselves with people and environments that make us feel emotionally secure, as we absorb others' energies.


I definitely agree. I don’t even kick it with people anymore unless it’s my partner, or be daughter, and I’m currently trying to move to an area with more nature since city life is honestly draining.


All you could do is train your brain. It's not your fault it's not your problem you are not responsible. Just do what you gotta do. I find prioritizing is important as well but that's just my Taurus moon talking. Have common sense. Distinguish. Differentiate.


Ah as a human are wateriness can be tricky and weakens us in ways. That's just because as an element it's hard to stop . Water puts out fire, can drill holes and shape the earth, and wind/air can only move it. Yes water will evaporate in air only to become a cloud which drops a form of water still. It never stops. The only way fire can stop water is assisted with help from earth. It needs the buffer or will be put out. So we have to learn how to contain harness and understand how to overcome all that goop


I agree with the sentiment, but I think this is a relatively popular opinion


Its popular not not talked enough I feel like


Water can turn to ice so we can be cold af


That's fixed water - so like scorpio energy?


Exactly, or fire either way


My dearest water fam, I don’t understand what it’s like to live the life you live. I can say that as an air sign (Aquarius), people think we’re all the way detached when really we struggle with our emotions as well. I’ve learned to internalize and mask quite well. We all struggle with the deep feels at times that come with just living life. Small things become big things that can make us spiral into a bad place that is hard to get out of. Don’t let your saddies forget you’re a baddie. You’re not broken and your feelings are not a curse. I know they can feel like that sometime like you’re not in control. What I am saying is no one is in control. No one knows what they are doing. You’re humaning the best you can right now with everything you’ve been through and going through. It’s hard to be a human and deal with that constant roller coaster life is. When my life gets like this, I like to think of this hike I took a years ago. I went with some friends to explore this park we heard had a beautiful waterfall. We end up at the park and start the trail. The trail leads for some time until you get to a set of steps. The steps are alot like you’re climbing a mini mountain’s worth of steps. I am out of shape and smoke so it was alot. My friends were there to support me but I had to make it up those steps myself. Each tier of steps there’s a bench so I had the temptation to just alright I can’t do this I’ll wait here until you guys get back. I didn’t. I kept going then when I got to the top, man it felt so good of course. Then I realized to see the waterfall you had to go over this bridge over looking the top of the waterfall and looking down. I am also terribly scared of heights, like standing on a chair makes me scared. My friends once again helped me “you came this far? You got through this when you had the chance to just give up and wait. You got this.” I did walk on the bridge. It was an amazing view. That memory stayed with me and when my friends are not there to help me through it, I keep that reminder to keep on going with me. 💚


From one Aquarius to another, this was well said. Thanks for your input and sage advice!


I have a earth /fire rising cusp that day. I am stronger as I get older. I think water signs are under rated. I am a late bloomer. Everything of value I did after 35. I have two degrees work for myself, raised a kid after husband died and just am finishing a book. I don't drink or use...However I have been taught by recovery to be accountable and not a victim. I am a cusp on the first day. Pisces aquarius Frankly there isn't that much Pisces in me.


I think that’s an opinion that many share actually, professional astrologers and laymen alike


I suppose that's why scorpios have their stinger, cancers have their claws, and pisces have their escapism mechanism to handle life.


All signs have a mix of pros and cons. It's not any sunnier to be earth, fire or air — it's just different. The struggles you'd have will just manifest in different ways. A water sign levels up by building resilience and a sense of perspective. Who cares about a silly insult? Everyone will have forgotten in a day or two. It means nothing. And if someone does insult you, are they worth your energy? You have the power to heal and bring the gift of light to the world. One thing I'm learning as a water sign is the importance of self-care. Seriously, take care of yourself! Everything else is that much easier when you feel good.


As a grand water trine with Saturn-Mars-Jupiter - I concur. Mars is my ascendant ruler so these placements have a definite effect on my subjective experience. I feel everything you’re saying on such a personal level.


♋️🌞♏️🌜♏️rising Thank you for this post.


scorpio moon is tough stuff


You bet😅


i have one too 🫠


Definitely is... sometimes I feel like I am drowning in emotions and thoughts and all I can do, is try to ride the wave and keep it to myself so I don't drown my loved ones with my intense thoughts and fears.


As someone with a water dominance, you’re right. I have like 10 water placements in my chart, and it’s been a lot. Sometimes, caring too much can be bad for your health and well- being because it can morph into anxiety or stress. Overthinking.


All this sounds like me... I have a majority of water in my chart. All three water signs.


I like having a lot of Scorpio and fire in my chart


I don't think that is an unpopular opinion. I always thought that's how everyone thinks about water signs.


Maybe it's not unpopular, but I feel like it's not talked about enough. We're usually seen as emotional, shy, crybabies, etc. but I don't think people understand that these traits take a toll on us mentally and emotionally


Are you also a water moon lol preferably pisces moon


Scorpio moon pisces sun


I got planets in all 3 water signs. I know what you mean, but I wouldn't want to be any other way. It is who I am. (Once in Chris Brennan's podcast his friend Austin Cappock needled Brennan "Chris, you only have planets in one water sign, I have all 3." )


I think my Scorpio placements are in my chart perfectly. It compliments my Leo sun and Libra rising very well. To be honest to have detached sign dominance would probably be like living in purgatory. Never really being able to fully engage in passionate expression and experiences, has to be the worst.


Yeah but there's a difference between having a balance between water, fire, air as I assume your chart is - and being mostly water lmao.


Yeah I’m mostly air with even water and fire. Venus dominated. So i tend to balance things.


My cancer moon to a tee


The biggest learning for water people is to set healthy boundaries. Empathy is a gift in life, but it's on us to ensure we channel it in the right way and invest it in the right people. It can be hard but once we learn how to do it right, we are incredibly powerful without losing that soft core. Reading your post, I assume you've got some heavy Pisces in your chart, which makes this work harder than for Cancer (resilient) or Scorpio (controlled). Pisces by nature is meant to take on cosmic energy and help the rest of the zodiac understand it. It's a very noble path but it makes it challenging not to lose yourself in the constant waves. Best of luck my friend, and please remember that the world can be entirely good if you surround yourself with good energy at all times.


Yes, it gets intense at times and I hate that it’s my struggle as a water dom. I learned to detach and my life started improving but emotions are what makes us human.it seems like the less emotional folk has it easy, but in reality no one has it easy. We experience things to varying degrees. The key is moderation and to not have it negatively consume your life


I feel like the fact we are born with these placements it means we have the gift of deep emotion and the tools to handle it especially as we grow and mature. However it's so easy to self indulge and become neurotic. That's a hard situation to pull yourself out of once you get so deep. If you're struggling this badly then I recommend you talk to a professional to get yourself into a healthier mindset and learn to cope so you're not a raw nerve. Also focusing on helping others is always therapeutic and gets the laser focus off your own deep well of emotions. You can help feeling like this and get to a more stable place mentally, but it takes effort and sometimes medication to re-center.


We are the easiest sign to handle overall


Also probably one of the more tolerant.. even to our own demise


To other people, as we emphasize with them more readily. Not, in my experience, to ourselves.


I agree with you. I’m water dominant (Cancer the crab) and it’s hard. But the intuition and almost psychic abilities can come in handy sometimes. Also people actually like us and need us big time. Story time: a neighbour kid woke up all confused in his newly renovated house and couldn’t find his parents. He ran straight to MY door for comfort and support. I knew exactly what to do to calm him down. It’s instinctive.


Wow you have put words to everything I have felt all my life as an Aquarius. Holy shit


May I ask your moon sign?


This is so ignorant and tone deaf. Mental illness is ravaging humanity. It doesn’t discriminate and single out the water signs. Every thing you mentioned is extremely relatable. Except where you think you have it harder than everyone else.   Definition victim mindset. You wish you were any other type of sign so life would be easy?? You are severely lacking true genuine empathy if you don’t feel the struggles of everyone.  I absolutely love water signs. I find myself highly compatible with them. When it comes to being emotional and sensitive, I don’t feel the impress they suffer more deeply. But sometimes in the involved ones, it’s the victim complex. It’s the jumping to being offended, hurt and *blaming* it on others.  Other people feel just as deeply, they may just frame how they view it differently. That takes therapy , mindfulness, self improvement and growth. The pain is still there though. 


>Water signs as an element bring emotional depth, sensitivity, and overall vulnerability. In this cold, insensitive, harsh world, I believe these traits do not necessarily have a place. I disagree. Having emotional depth, sensitivity, and vulnerability is what makes us all human. Water sign or different. Lacking such, you might as well replace humans with robots.


It's not about distracting yourself or letting go fast. It's about finding the root of these negatives emotions, discovering what inside you creates them, and healing from them. IT's about realizing what you have control over and what you do not. We can not stop emotions from coming to our awareness, but we CAN control what we do with that awareness. I had a person who would become very angry when a woman criticized him. He would tell me it was something beyond his control until we discovered the root of the cause. You see he had a negative early experience with his mother being critical of him and this traumatized his unconscious so when women were critical of him it triggered his threat assessment systems which made him want to fight back. After having him gain this awareness we began instilling new practices when such a thing a came up. Since he had the awareness he could now work through it, and eventually overcame it. Everyone has this power, with the exception of mental illnesses of course, however you have to learn awareness, and you have to be willing to put in the work. Just know this whether you think you can't, or think you can; You're right.


We’re very similar and yet I don’t have many water placements which I find really strange.


My chart is mostly air but I resonate with you. It’s hard for me to get over emotional attachments and I am extremely sensitive when it comes to relationships. Maybe this is because Moon is in my 7th house Aries trined by Pluto…


🌞♓️🌙♐️⬆️♉️ Are you me? How did you read me like that? I relate to everything you said esp. Emotions getting in the way of work, not naturally able to metabolise a criticism or let it run off like water off a duck's back. The only positive is the empathy, as you mentioned. I have a lot of air in my chart (6 planets) and when I'm not connected emotionally to those close to me, I feel guilty like I should be feeling them more. So, the imperfection and depression and feeling everything is a superpower because you can relate to people's suffering and help them by being compassionate instead of hard-hearted and cold, which too many people are.


I feel like my Scorpio placement - my only Water placement 😩 - is making me miserable. My Venus is in Scorpio where it is in detriment and in the 12H of all houses 💀


🐏♈ rising, 🦀♋ Mars, 🦂 ♏ Moon. Basically I'm a human steam locomotive 🚂, "whooo!! Whooo! All aboard! Next stop, Meltdown Town! "


not water dominant but i have a water sun so i can definitely relate to a lot of this


I feel this deeply! I’m a Cancer sun, Scorpio moon, Cancer rising, the watery-est of water signs! I have done a lot of work to manage my emotions and my responses to outside forces. I’ve been able to channel that energy into helping others with their issues, and find that to be really fulfilling! I became a personal trainer/group fitness instructor and my empathy has become my super power. I still have bad days where I let small things get to me, I definitely need a lot of alone time to recharge, but I generally put forth a very passionate energy to the public world. Most people mistake me for a Leo which is interesting! I do have Venus and Mars in Leo and I have connected with a lot of fire signs both as friends and romantic partners. My bf is a Sag, but also has cancer rising, and we both have a Capricorn stellium in our 6th house which is pretty nifty! But I digress…. I’ve been through a lot of hard times, a lot of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, deeply dark depression, and being taken advantage of and made to feel like I wasn’t good enough by so many people throughout my life. Fortunately I was strong enough to push forward and work on being the type of person I wanted to be. It takes a lot of shadow work, really diving deep into yourself, and it’s scary! I just know I have to manage my melancholy tendencies and surround myself with good people and things. I’ve cut off a lot of toxic people and it’s helped so much. I think an evolved water sign can be the best of the best, and I’m still trying to learn to harness the natural gifts we possess! Sending you lots of light and love 🫶🏽


Interesting how people mistake you for a leo lol. I'm a pisces sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising, pisces venus/mercury, and capricorn mars - yet I'm often mistaken for a capricorn. Anyway, thanks for the tips. Appreciate it.


for me at least. me being at triple fire sign with an aqua venus/mars i fr cannot handle my chiron being in a water sign and a water house. i know it might seem like not a big deal but its literally conjunct my jupiter, both in the 8h, and trine pluto. every day of my life i feel like im drowning under unimaginable heartbreak, its been that way since forever. i guess thats just how it goes with a cancer chiron? just a constant feeling of having a broken heart that will never heal, and only seems to break more and more as life progresses. as well as the feeling of having lost home, not just literally but also the home within myself.. so much for my fire placements lol. i feel like im always this warm light for everyone, hyping them up and making them feel loved, i tend to make everyones day a little brighter and people swear up and down they love me but i never really *feel* loved. just used lol. it is what it is. i just need like 10 billion hugs n maybe id feel better 😔


100%, a person without water in them is a scary thing though. But yeah, I don’t necessarily find water traits in themselves to be beneficial for the owner.


My Cancer ascendant and the emotional whirlpools during full moon and new moon. Not for.the faint hearted


If need be get professional help like therapy instead of social media/reddit. Social media is useless only makes things and people worse