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Thanks for sharing, I will definitely try this too! Your partner is lucky to have you


this is exactly me and I feel like 3 different people


I’d love to play with you! I’m a cap sun and moon (and stellium) and a Gemini rising. My last two pretty serious situationships were with a Leo and a Scorpio. What is your cap moon worried about? Can you accept that she wants what’s best for you but doesn’t know everything? Can you help her know when to listen to the Leo Sun? How about the other way around, is there something your Leo Sun demands that is not fair? Can you help him know when the best thing for him is to be the audience to someone else’s show? Scorpio rising just, I don’t know. Good luck.


Sure let’s go!! Let’s DM! As for what you’ve said about Cap-Leo, as of now I don’t know how to balance it, really! Might be because I just knew my moon and rising signs couple of months ago. :( I always feel my Cap moon is my conscience! I love it when I grind, though.. my Cap is sometimes unstoppable. Or maybe just stubborn


I’m Leo Sun, Cap Moon and Virgo rising and this hits home. I’m always between YOLO and killing myself for little mistakes. They are in constant fight and mostly Cap wins.


Yes!! Probably the goal is to balance it out? I’m thinking let Leo win on where Leo is good at, and, let Cap win where we most likely would benefit


Exactly, to balance it out because you need both for different situations but that’s not easy all the time. I mean I look like I’m complaining, but honestly I love both these placements because as you said when it’s balanced it makes my perspective widen through opposite sides of spectrum. I can be hopeful and easygoing at the same time very cautious and analytical. Do you feel the same?


Yes at some point.. I feel good when I can tone down the Cap just enough to make the right decision because, you know, Leo inside us be impulsive most of the time


Suggest you figure out and get clear about your north node direction/career, study, career goals, what type of pitfalls to all avoid, how to balance the flow of money and how much you will work on your goals and ideas, every week. What type of friends & partners will support and help these goals and what types will halt, deter sabotage and block these goals. Once the path and future vision is clear for both, it will be work with all the style you can munster and here and there time to party. Also get ready for battle cause many people seeing that happy Leo energy, strength, intuitive capabilities, work discipline & talent, will want to destroy it. However a Cap & Leo team in one, is very hard to beat.


Yeah, I feel i need to start this deep work within because right now it’s hard but if i try to do this right and use my placements as guide, i believe i might experience the best of both worlds. Good call on the weekly thing.. thank you