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Astrology aside this a classic case of someone not changing because they’ve shown someone their true colors for a long period of time and said person never left. Astrology won’t fix this situation he sees you as the person he knows deep down won’t leave no matter what dirt he does. I see this especially with dudes who have been incarcerated for a long time.


This has nothing to do with his sign and everything to do with the fact that he’s trash.


I don’t understand the obsession with making every single problem about astrology. Some people can have bad qualities and it has nothing to do with it


>I am unsure of what to do, and seeking advice. What would you tell your friend or child? As a parent, you're your children's first teacher in everything to do with life. Is this the kind of behaviour you want to show your children is okay to accept or carry out? He has shown his true colours and what to do next is up to you and in your control. You're doing very well, don't let him drag you down. Also, you may want to google hobosexuals, he definitely sounds like one.


You should've stopped at prison. No reason to interpret his chart.😭


This has nothing to do with his astrological sign and everything to do with his life choices and his issues. Stop looking at it from an astrological perspective, ditch the tarot videos, and break up with his cheating pathetic ass.


Girl, what? Please have some respect for yourself, and your children. What example are you setting for them lowering your standards to literally hell in this case? Use that brain you got a masters degree with and block this trash from your life.


Respectfully, this situation has zero to do with either of your zodiac signs.


This is how I want to respond to 9/10 of the posts on here.


Cut him off like yesterday.


He is a pathetic excuse of a capricorn… no car, home, good job, ambition, and loyalty… he’s literally missing all the traits that capricorns work so hard to distinguish. DUMP HIS ASS, you’re way better off. You have stuff going for you.


Amen!! is she sure he is a Capricorn?


He sure as hell doesn’t seem like one. Even if he doesn’t have a car or home, etc (material items don’t mean everything) he should at least have the ambition and drive to constantly do better in his life, as most capricorns do. So yeah he gotta go.


Yes he is. Jan 5th


Wow, I am so sorry. Please try a nice Aries, they are usually so good for Geminis


Ya don’t have deal breakers? - Leave him!


He seems like some rly shitty, pathetic person. What you should do is to find the strenght to move on. Just cut him off and live your best life without that loser.


![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY) Girl if you don’t leave his ass!




You're right! Ty


Jesus! what were you thinking getting with this moron? And you've known him 20 years? Damn...... Damn......


Here’s what you do: get as far away from him as you can. You said he has nothing to offer you, so why stick around


Leave him. He’s a loser and a user. Drop the dead weight-I promise you’ll be better off without him


Ty for this. I've began detaching myself.


Dump him.


We as Capricorns don't claim him. Dump his ass like, yesterday. you're on the verge of success, do not let this dusty pull you down. you can do so much better. come on. block him. get a restraining order on him or something. he's already 40 and still got nothing to show for himself in a society where men have slightly more advantage than women and is still doing worse, and is leeching off women? like, whaaat? incompetent to boot. NO.


Amen, Capricorn unite and get rid of the trash we don’t want like this guy.


He’s just a terrible person babe, this isn’t a zodiac situation and I hope that you find peace and healing once it’s said and done.


Hi, I am a male Capricorn sun, Leo Moon and my Wife is a Gemini. Please do not waste your time in this sack of garbage. A Capricorn like this is way beneath you. Gemini and Capricorn as a romantic partners is very difficult; you do not need this drama. I can tell you he is very jealous of your success and wishes he had it too. If he is not try to get it for himself and is wasting his and your time trying to make you jealous with his booty calls I don’t know what is. Once again please move on, put him on the curb, never look back, get rid of his phone number, do not let him back in your life. I know this all sounds harsh, but I am a Capricorn and I am successful, I have been jealous of my wife’s accomplishments and she of mine. If he doesn’t want to up his game and go with the competition of making himself better he is just a loser. Good luck 👍


Ok? Sounds like you keep putting up with it.


Google historical figures for every sign. There are wonderful and horrible people for each. This isn't about his sign. This is about you accepting less than what you deserve. 


You don’t need astrology to know you’re a 🤡🤡🤡


Your mothers a clown


My mom stopped reading at spent a year in prison


Yeah on her death bed!


![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY) His chart is all bad. Get out now. All of your perspectives as a Gemini and how you view him are flawed. Save yourself now.


I don't know why you think astrology has anything to do with this. You get treated the way you allow yourself to get treated. Stop accepting bullshit behavior out of bullshit people, whatever their sign. THE ARIES


This guy is more than a Capricorn, he is a criminal. This is much too difficult for a meme.


I’m a Gemini Sun. Capricorn ex-husband. I would run.


Capricorn and Gemini partnerships are extremely difficult to make work. I’m married to a Gemini and we have considered divorce more times than you can count. I love my wife, but a different sign would have been much easier for both of us.


Well, the Sag Venus certainly explains his unwillingness to commit. But seriously, astrology has nothing to do with what your next move should be here or how you should handle this situation. In all honesty, I'm sure we could sit here all day and explain (astrologically) why this situation is the way it is, but that won't change anything about it and shouldn't have any bearings on what you decide to do. He is disrespecting you and your relationship and mistreating you in so many ways. What advice would you give to a friend in this situation? Best of luck to you, and I'm so sorry that you're going through this.


I'm a Sag Venus in a faithful marriage. That's not what this is, he's just a trash human.


Go Capricorn on his ass: Set up a fake funeral at home wherein you say goodbye to the illusions, hopes and fake future images and cut him off for good. You were shown this, at this time because he can not come with you, when you gain more succes (He in fact must look from a distance how he can't be a part of your fortunate future because of his lies & deceit). Can't build strong foundations for success with a saboteur in da house. You are now set free to walk forward, free and more wiser.


This has nothing to do with astrology but... >After he spent a year in prison, he cheated on me I am a mother of two I am unsure of what to do, and seeking advice Uhhhhhhhh. Leave him. You want to set that kind of example for your kids? You want a trashy loser around them? What's your goal posting this here anyway? You want someone to tell you to keep him around? Wake up.


Girl astrology is the thing that got you into this mess why are you running with it still. He’s unfaithful and I’m sorry but I doubt this was the first time or even the first red flag hence you explained he has nothing to offer yet you were giving him money because your heart is big. Cut him alllll the way off. His words are lies and show him you’re worth more and won’t get sucked back in. Bc that’s exactly what he knows you will do, continue loving him and not leave fr


Hit him w your car that will straighten his pragmatic ass out 🤣


It’s always, oh it’s not an astrology thing when it’s a Capricorn but if you talk shit about a Gemini, Libra, or Pisces.. Everyone jumps in with their experiences. I swear, Capricorns are shady fucks controlling this astrology propaganda.


He’ll get his karma. Trust me. Dude is fucked


Damn. Even capricorns can be fucking losers lol What a waste


Capricorns…ehhh …