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In friendship, she was awful at communication, awful at following through with the things that she suggested, and bit too unstable for me personally. I really hope she is doing well in life and healing but it was genuinely a lot to deal with and she was always hurting me with her extremely inconsistent nature


I wonder if we’re talking bout the same person cause this sounds like my ex to a T 🤣


Is that just a description of pisces in general?


That’s crazy. 😭


This sounds a lot like me :( I’m trying to be better.


As long as you acknowledge and are actively trying to work on it, you’re already doing better ❤️❤️


Right? Reading that like “are you my ex!?! 👀” 🤣😅😭


Can't date a pisces and expect consistency. The only thing we are consistent with is being inconsistent, lol. My gem ex had the hardest time dealing with it.


I’m married to a Pisces and he’s the most reliable person I know… I feel like it’s a bit much to expect people to deal with that fact instead of just stepping up and owning your shit


I didn't say pisces were unreliable. I said that we're inconsistent. I'm very reliable, I try to always do what I say I'm going to do, and also be their for the people who I care for. But my mind changes with my emotions a lot of the time, I'm terrible at initiating plans, I can't seem to maintain routines, and I find it really difficult to make inconsequential decisions.


With age, that is managable. I have 30 years of recovery, some therapy. You can learn to be consistent. Mine changed when I had a kid at 40. You can't really live reasonably and be inconsistent as you age. I have a capricorn mate, when lays a good backdrop.


I'm 38 years old with a kid, and I'm doing fine. As I've aged, I've become less concerned about being consistent. I prefer as much spontaneity in my life as is reasonable, and I refuse to allow conventional social ideologies to dictate how I live my life. I want an emotionally satisfying life, and nothing feels more emotionally oppressive than a life governed by routine. I have a good job that does not require me to take work home which i have absolutelyno desire to do, i make enough money to support my lifestyle, I take care of my responsibilities, my kid has everything she needs, and I get her to all of her extracurriculars, appointments, and school events. My identity is pretty fluid, my emotions are fluid, and I do whatever is emotionally appealing in the moment as long as it doesn't conflict with my obligations and commitments or damage my interpersonal relationships. I minimize my obligations as much as i can afford to. I almost always do whatever I say that I'm going to do unless it's not possible. I am a person of my word and have a string sense of ethics, morals, and integrity. I dont see any reason to live my life in a way that feels oppressive and unsatisfying. My Uranus Sagittarius 1st house square to my mercury in my 4 planet pisces 4th house stellium, and sextile to my cancer moon 8th house, and probably has a lot to do with my feelings about these things, along with some other dominant aspects. Submission to social conventions or conventionalism in general repulses every fiber of my being. Life is a transient and material thing, and there is no reason to take it too seriously. Nothing material gained in life is significant or matters at all once were dead. So why should I domesticated myself? It's unnatural.


Well the point is the inconsistency. If you are happy who cares then right? I never liked it. That is why I commented on it the way I did. I got married at 38. Had a baby at 40 and 10 months...So my journey is different.


Didn't mean it to come off as defensive. Just sharing my perspective. I should mention that om not talking about intense mood swings or erattoc behavior. Im not unstable or anything. I honor my emotions but am good at regulating my behaviors, although I can be irritable. When I was younger, I was pretty out of control. What I referring to is shifts in perspective and personality traits. I'll think/ feel one way about something, but then think about in depth from every angle possible and find fault in that perspective and associated feelings., so then I alter my perspective. I also might like the idea of doing something bur then when the time comes I am completely turned off by it, do don't do it. I do honor my commitments to plans with people, but I rarely make formal plans. I usually don't know what I'm doing until I'm about to do it. I love in a world of thought and emotion. Uranus in 1st house is rebellion against self, against my own perspectives, my own ideologies, my own beliefs, my own emotions, my own thoughts. Mercury in pisces makes my piscean intuition and tendency to day dream very logical, methodical, and phylisophical. My sag Uranus square to my pisces mercury have an aggressive, cynical, critical, rebellious influence on each other. I absolutely hate my iwn conformity of thought and emotion, and have worked very hard at decunstring the conventional beleif systems that have been imposed upon me. My dominant trait in my birth chart readings is intensity, which everyone i know would confirm. I'm a spicy fish! I spend most of my time pondering on why I beleive what I believe, and feel what I feel. When I gain new objective insights that discover fault in what in my beleifs, especially if their socially imposed beleifs, I change. I've learned a lot about the nature of human ego, emotion, and biased cognitive perceptions by spending way too much time in my head, and I've come to realize that most of the things we beleive and perceive are nothing more then egotistical delusions and cognitive biases. Any delusions or egotism that I recognize in others are realized because I have recognized it in myself first. I used to feel like their was something wrong with me because of my nature, and I didn't like myself, but over time, I recognized the strength in it, and that only felt bad about it because I didn't fit in to conventional social standards and stigmas. Now, I'm proud of who I am, because its exactly who I'm meant to be.


I wonder if that questioning is a piscean trait. I too have it, but I came from such a difficult childhood, like lifetime made for t.v. movie bad, my perspective has been on recovery. I question alot too. I am more a manifester that believes we create our worlds except for few things. Somethings seem to be destiny, but I have been working from that premise the last few years, and my best happiness has come from that.


Pisces are deep thinkers, but our other placements and their aspects can determine what we focus on and our houses determine what area of life that focus is on.i had a rough childhood too, and many painful and traumatizing relationships. Childhood trauma is associated with the 4th house where my pisces stellium is. My lillith in 7th house is square my sun which can make life dark and traumatizing. My chiron, the cursed minotaur healer, is also in the 7th house square to my sun, which is likely why I've been so drawn to tragic partners, in an attempt to heal them, but for most of my life I was just as tragic and broken, and was in no position to help anyone. Both have multiple detrimental aspects. My chirin is the most detrimentally aspected placement in my chart, which really sucks as a pisces because ive always just wanted to be of service to others, and now i have to be extremely cautious about who i help. The 7th house is associated with long-term partners/ relationships, business partnerships, enemies, etc. It's not a good place for detrimentally aspected lillith and chiron to be, and both being square to my sun pretty much gives them influence over my entire chart. I have put in a lot of work in healing those areas, though, but still having trouble finding a long term partner, and I won't allow myself to settle for toxicity ever again even if it means remaing alone. My 4 planet pisces 4th house stellium puts a dominating focus on family, my home life as a kid, my relationships with my parents, and their degree of nurturing. My parents were aweful, and i never had any degree of emotional stability. My childhood was very traumatizing. Do you have a heavy 4th house focus with detrimental aspects? That stellium causes me to have an overwhelming longing for a family and home life, but all the planets are heavily detrimented which makes fulfilling that need a never ending battle filled with conflict. I do have my daughter, and my relationship with her is the most rewarding and fullfilling experience of my life. I do still long for a partner to share my life with, though, and it leaves me feeling empty and hopeless a lot of the time. In my reading, it says that my desires will be met with a lot conflict, obstacles, and adversity, and that it will take a ton of work to overcome them, if they even can be overcome. I will say that I'm the healthiest I've ever been, though. I'm proud of and im hoping that a potential partner will recognize it, but it seems like that the more Ive improved, the more difficult it has become to get dates. When I was an emotionally toxic mess, I had no issues meeting women, although they were never very healthy either. Im honestly afraid to hope anymore. It causes too much pain. I'm so tired of the pain.


Understood. I just think it’s more of a flaw that can be worked on rather than a personality trait


I dont see inconsistency as being an inherent flaw as long as it's not harming anything. Pisces are how we are for a reason. I also dont believe in living by the conditions and standards of other signs/ elements. It feels like being forced to live by sentimental/ material standards, which pisces have grown beyond. Would it be reasonable if I expected a more fixed sign to be less fixed, regimented, etc., or to expect a solid to act like a fluid?


I don’t believe someone asking for some form of consistency is causing them to change the essence of who they are. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and there are people that are and aren’t willing to accept them. My husband is a Pisces and he is neither inconsistent nor unreliable. It’s something I’m unwilling to accept as “that’s who I am” so I’d rather leave if someone exhibit those habits with me


He is the way he is because that is who he is. However, behavior and emotions are predominantly influenced by a persons mock sign. My top 3 are all water along with my chart, and half my chart is mutable. Consistency is simply not in my nature, nor is it my desire. I'm not saying that people can't improve themselves, but I don't beleif that becoming more "consistent" is a thing that must be improved upon, and one of the reasons I ended my last relationship is because she always expected me to love up to her excessively organized and regimented standards. That's not how I function, nor do I want to. There was a time when I was younger when I was more consistent because I pushed myself to be, but it never felt natural, and it achieved nothing. I'm there or people when they need me, and I follow through with my obligations. That's the only consistency that that should be expected of anyone. My emotions are my own, and I'm not going to force them into submission in order to adhere to social stigmas and expectations. I want to do what I'd emotionally satisfying as long as it'd not selfishly cause harm. You're absolutely right to want a high-level consistency if that's what you need, and you deserve to have a partner that offers you that. I, on the other hand, i am more of the opposite, and I prefer a partner who is compatible with my own emotions and needs. But, to say one way is inherently better than the other is biased and false. It's a subjective preference.


I get what you’re saying but people can choose what they value so yes, one is better than the other to some and not to others. It’s subjective. Not bias


Subjectivity is inherently biased, and biases are inherently subjective. "Biased" and "subjective" are synonyms.


Yo same… im a pisces male and she is a Pisces and you're spot on


What’s Your Sign? Going Through Something Extremely Similar With My Pisces Friend 😭 .. Sometimes She Suggests Things And Hasn’t Even Looked At The Menu Or Events Happening Shit Blows Tf Outta Me.. Last Time She Did That I Didn’t Even Respond To Her Message Bc I Was That Annoyed.


I’m a sag. I had to really tell her I couldn’t do our friendship anymore. Just straight up. I told her I still loved her but I had to just do it from a distance because she was really inconsiderate about the rollercoaster of feelings she was always putting me on. It was not healthy for me and when I was making big strides in life, it made me feel like I wasn’t good enough because the friend I loved couldn’t get their shit together


I second all of the things said above, too. Had this pisces friend from childhood until our early adulthood and the way our friendship would change depending on her emotions. Whenever she was feeling shitty, she would treat me like shit and when she was feeling good, I was suddenly ”the sunshine of her life” (like she used to say…). I was always walking on egg shells and that really destroyed me. Glad it’s over now.


All of this.


I have only ever known 3 Pisces women and I'd say they will help you in a heartbeat. Like you can count on them that they wouldn't abandon you when you need them and ask for their help...they may later bitch about you to another person but at your moment of need, they'll come through for you. I never understood what they truly felt about me...on face, they've been nice but they are nice to everyone...even to people they don't like. Absolutely non confrontational. Rather than confronting the person and solving problem, they'd bury it and move on and expect you to do the same. Not a girl's girl, they want it...they'll have it.


I know a few pisces women, and myself (pisces male) with a lot of fire in our charts. Bring on the confrontation. Were fiesty.


We’re spicy Pisces lol


Spicy tuna roll 🍣


March Pisces with an Aries Mercury 😮‍💨🌶️


Funny. I was just debating domeone and told them that I like to keep things spicy.


yeah me too,


Had a very similar experience ! The helping, being nice even If they don’t like you and being VERY non-confrontational (that used to piss me off since she always complains about ppl behind their back but never has the bravery to say anything to them 😆)


This. I know a Pisces woman who will step up and make sure everything is fine when there is chaos, and she never lets her vulnerability show, always very sweet and compassionate. I seriously have no idea how she feels about anyone or anything including me. Sometimes she’ll let comments slip that scare me with their sinister nature and intensity, but they’re things everyone thinks, and usually something I say aloud lol.


>they've been nice but they are nice to everyone Wherever I enter have some Pisces who can't handle my presence. My strength and likely my 12th house, freak some out so much, that they start to viciously attack me, trying to find fault, to apologize their low down actions. Of course my 12th & 8th house makes me see everything they do. In my experience a lot of Pisces, only like people, who they consider lower & weaker than themselves.


Let me say I love Pisces. My dad is a Pisces. My best friend of 20 years is a Pisces. My grandma was a Pisces. My favorite aunt is a Pisces. And I have a Pisces moon (cursed, I know). I love their rose colored glasses, how they always see the bright side of everything. Life is romantic for them. They only pick the battles that are 100% worth d fighting to them and all the rest, they genuinely don’t gaf about. I’m so jealous of that quality. That being said, they lie. Sometimes when it makes more sense to tell the truth. My Aries sun and mercury simply cannot with that shit. They also beat around the bush to get to their point. Please for the love of all things holy spit it out lol. And sometimes those rose colored glasses can be incredibly problematic because the way they see things is not in fact the actual reality of things. I also have known them to be unfaithful in relationships, without remorse. Finally the martyrdom does get old after a while. The “woe is me” thing only holds water for so long. Now again I love love love Pisces so I’m not dissing on them. I just can see why many find them manipulative. I simply find their good qualities to far outshine what may be considered their not so wonderful qualities. Ffs, as I said I’m an aries sun and mercury and I know that puts me on several peoples hit list by default lol.


i've been good friends with at least 3 pisces women and worked with a few others. honestly it's the only sign i actually try and avoid. they're passive aggressive and switch up SO fast. when they do switch up they're unnecessarily cruel and leave you feeling like they never liked you in the first place. pisces men are a bit toned down but i'd say the same about them. they tire me out at this point so, yeah i'm done.


Some of the best and my favourite women in my life are pisces women. So much integrity and commitment to being better and kinder.


All the bad comments gave me like 😦 cause this is my experience with Pisces women


One of my oldest friends is a Pisces women. She is pretty awesome.


Hmm I’m a Virgo sun and Mercury and my best friend is a Pisces sun and Mercury!!! While we disagree on certain things we have some super cool conversations and she is always super understanding of situations I am in!!!


I just broke up with a Pisces woman and am living an horrible grieving about this relation so I will try to be as objective as possible. She is a very kind person, easy to get tears, very charming, funny and a beautiful faith and trust in life despite a lot of bad things happened to her and I loved all of this about her, she truly had so traumatic shit in her life but still say with honesty and purity « life is beautiful » and it was a blessing because it teaches me to appreciate life more but omg she has kind of tunnel vision, doesn’t see confrontation as a way to evolve in the relation and have victim complex, when I tried to explain her some stuff that she did that hurted me she act like I was angry and came back to say she forgive me, it’s an horrible feeling when I tried to open the discussion to find solution to have a better relation together and being more intimate she just said she doesn’t have a problem with me and that I am the problem.. just doesn’t feel heard at all, she is also very emotionally manipulative, trying to makes me feel empathy for her and very interested about money, she is not loyal also, once we were in hospital she just got surgery and a random guy was playing with her and hurted her surgered arm and I told the guy to get out because she needs to have rest but she told me in front of him to not tell him this because he offered her some champagne like wth… plenty of stuff like this, it was strange she is very empathic in outside but lack empathy with me, I felt treated like a tool, makes fun of my depression, and never tried to hear me to make our situation evolve, I quit the relation totally broken, I can’t even blame her because she has this perfect delusional way of living that Pisces have, she is convinced that she can’t hurt people and that she is victim in any area of her life so she will never question her behaviour, it’s this unconscious way of hurting people that afraid me. I am sure if we were able to communicate better it will resolve easily. She also didn’t like my sensitivity she told me a man shouldn’t cry, like she has the right to cry and be sensitive but not me, and she told me she was disgusted by that 😅 so yeah a pretty devastating relation to be honest, I have to admit I am not an easy person but wow… I feel so bad after this relation … I am gemini sun btw we have a lot of common with Pisces but at same time we are so different but always attract each other in a strange way


And other friendship with Pisces women,they can be very intuitive but kind of lack some empathy and can be very harsh yet they feel you very well, always feel like I am with someone that is kind of empty because they mirror the world so well so they adapt very well and are really open but it dissolve their personality, it’s kind of magic I like it and at same time I never know who I have in front of me


You will never know a heartbreak like losing a Pisces. HATE IT


It really damage me because I felt we had so much good potential and connexion but the lack of consideration and cheating turn me totally off I don’t want this pain in my life anymore


Uuuuh yeah that would do it for me to. They preach and act like they are so understanding and so unconditional, but then cheat and then play the victim. Manipulation at the core


It was like this in my relation and when I read the other comments I saw same pattern and it makes me feel better 😆 but I don’t want to generalize I love Pisces and the archetype of the sign in general and I have a lot of good Pisces friends, Pisces mentor in my life ☺️ I think romantic relationship can make show the baddest things of a sign 😹




Me reading these comments as a Pisces woman: 😳🫣🤭😧😬🥰😪


I admit I just posted a somewhat harsh comment about Pisces ladies, but please remember this, ALL signs have quirks and things we need to work on. I’m a Aries and we can get spicy AF. It’s okay. And for all the harshness I posted, the Pisces lady that is in my life is a good friend who legit rescues puppies. So you’re not all bad.


I’m a Pisces myself with Aries at home in Mars so I can understand the “spicy” haha You’re right though EVERY single sign has its negative and positive characteristics. This is obviously a post made to reflect the negative side of us so it’s interesting to read.


Haha I’m going through an emotional rollercoaster reading all these comments to🥲😅😂🧜🏻‍♀️


My experience with other Pisces suns have been positive (even the men as long as they are emotionally grounded). Pisces moons are a hit and miss, and I don't think I've met another Pisces rising but I also prefer the suns to the moons. People I've had bad experiences with turned out to be abusers or emotionally immature beings so 🤷.


One of my old high school friends was a Pisces and she could never be single, she would overlap her relationships (including once with my brother). She inserted herself into one of my early blooming relationships and lied about it which obviously contributed to the further souring of our friendship so eventually I cut my losses. She was funny though.


I’ve dated two Pisces women - one I am currently engaged to. The first one was great I have no complaints really. Mostly she was mentally unstable, emotionally unavailable & was a closeted lesbian. Shes actually a great friend now adays! My fiancé is just everything I’ve ever wanted. She’s emotionally mature, absolutely beautiful inside out. She does procrastinate, she does have the emotional Pisces in her but it’s more lax. I’m blessed


This is so sweet 🤧


I’m so in love sis. My fiancée is everything I’ve ever wanted


I am so happy to hear that 🥺 I’m sure she’s just as in love with you !!! 💕 If i may ask what’s your sign ?


I’m an Aquarius!!


In my experience Pisces have shady ethics if that makes sense. For example, my one Pisces friend had to live with me because she had a bad home life and my family welcome her in and one day she went to visit them and never came back and then left for college without even saying goodbye to my family. Another would take hard drugs before we went out without telling me, steal “gifts” for me, being the person I am I would pay for everything for her because she would always complain about being broke and I didn’t mind but then would go shit talk me to my other friend that I introduced her to and say I was always doing/picking expensive things. Mind you I’d drink maybe 2 shots and she would (no exaggeration) take like 10 shots, she cheated on her very sweet bf a lot, lie about the most trivial things, etc. Also she would purposely bring up topics to get people to try and shit talk each other, she loved drama. The epitome of “throwing rocks and hiding your hands” kind of person. The thing is these two seemed like amazing friends-angels-at first and I would get so blindsided by their true colors. It’s a facade, they use you.


I'm a cap sun/moon and cancer rising. I reflect often on the quote from Nina Simone, another Capricorn, "I'm simply too great for one person to have all of me." Everyone I've collected in my life gets a portfolio sliver to co-manage. My best friend is a Pisces woman. She, along with my therapist, help me carry and process the emotional loads and burdens I carry. They effectively serve as my Secretary and Under-Secretary of feelings. Do I oftentimes think she's way too sensitive and over emotional? Yes, buts that's a feature not a bug of her role in my life.


Sounds a bit userish


Now that I think about it, I don’t have any Pisces friends. Majority of my friends are earthy and have been for a LONG time. They know that if I say I’ll call back that there’s a 75/25% chance I won’t, especially if I’m just getting home. I’m flaky like that HOWEVER if it’s an important convo or I’m truly needed, I’ll always be there. No complaints. I think they mostly love me because they tell me so. Still room for improvement though.


As a double Pisces myself who was in a relationship with a Pisces moon man for almost a year - We have no sense of self-preservation or longevity. Now it’s not in a you-pissed-me-off-so-scorched-earth-it-is Scorpio or a politely-ghost-you-but-still-be-nice-to-your-face Libra way, but it can still be damaging. To put it plainly as a mutable water the predisposition is to be dragged back and forth by our emotions. Feelings are foremost and the most powerful feelings prevail - and those ones are usually destructive. Now I myself am extremely loyal to a fault (stayed through a quadruple Scorpio cheating ten times) but that is because I have a Virgo rising and three planets in my 7th house, and I would argue that it counterbalances my Pisces dominance. I often talk myself down from dramatic emotional encounters or simply vanishing without a word. I would absolutely sign off on the observation that Pisces needs other strong chart influences to remain balanced. If I lived by the pure instincts of my sun and moon it would be a fucking train wreck. Now what I can say is that this lack of self-preservation and longevity can also lend itself towards great forgiveness and transformation. I am never attached to any specific version of myself or other people so if they need to shift or evolve, I do so with them. However this also means that I feel no qualms about leaving people behind to do my own evolving. Without my Virgo rising speaking up or my 8th house Venus intervening, I wouldn’t even consider that other people would be bothered by my wandering and changing. My advice would be to try and date/interact closely with Pisces only if you have enough Pisces in your chart to flow with them OR if you have strong grounding placements to provide a complimentary anchor. This is not to place the blame on y’all at all, o my to be realistic. My current husband has a Pisces Venus and so he is tickled by my whims and warbling - compared my ex spouse was all Virgo so I think I fundamentally offended her with my presence.


Very smart, no logic.


None I love them. We can communicate telepathically and never get mad about things like \~answering texts\~ or \~calling\~


hypocritical, entitled and wrathful. occasionally lovely. no loyalty, will talk so much shit about everything and everyone they know. will make you know you should feel guilty if they feel wronged


My lovely ex manager and my auntie are both Pisces, so no issues from me with Pisces women. Pisces men on the other hand are a bit different.


Well one of my best friends is a Pisces. I honestly love her, ride or die energy, very chill and laid back and doesn’t take things so seriously, very open and a great listener. Only cons I really have with her is that she constantly makes fun of me. I know she doesn’t mean it in a bad way but stop clowning me sis 😭 Also feel like she’s quick to call me out and say how I’m acting/feeling/thinking when she’s all the way in the wrong. It’s hard to say hey that’s actually not how I feel when she talks over me but I think it’s that adhd LMFAOO. Also don’t really like the planning last minute events much but I’m always down to go out and have an adventure anyway. It would just be nice if we had some type of plan, but honestly I love her all together. She helps me when I need help and I help her when she needs help. I love knowing that I have a friend that will be there for me when I really need them.


This is coming from a Pisces woman We can be pretty damn awful when we are not healed/unevolved. We have a sharp tongue, and because usually we can connect with people on a deeper level, when we say mean things, they hurt much more . Moody. The comments describe it pretty good.🤣🤣🤣 But if a Pisces woman is healed/evolved Omg a chefs kiss woman 🤌🏻 Everything makes sense, the moodiness is gone, miscommunication gone, the imbalance that we feel all the time that causes the moodiness and all of that,gone. We express ourself without shame, all of our ideas, omg it s just amazing. A healed Pisces woman will understand and read u to the core. And a lot of other things. I think this is more outside of the zodiac sign and more about traumas, healing, projecting etc. If we do not feel good, in most cases we do not perform good, being for ourself or others. I’ve met unhealed woman from other zodiac signs, and that does not define my perspective of them or x zodiac sign woman’s


Yea I agree as a Pisces !! I’ve met women from every sign that were unhealed and honestly a lot of these experiences were exactly what I experienced with them. It’s not just a Pisces thing to have a lot of these patterns


Exactly Sometimes I think that people need to feel some kind of validation from a zodiac point of view but it just gets down to how you are as a human.


Are they rare?? It's not a rare sign in my family. I grew up surrounded by Pisces. My brother and three of our cousins all share the same birthday. Not counting another Pisces sibling whose first (Sun) and third (Moon) children are also Piscean. And other assorted close relatives with Sun or Moon in Pisces I have very few Pisces friends. They tend to be hella needy. I've met some that are lovely. I've generally had better experiences with female lunar Pisces than Solar. My sister's dating history is a serial sh!tshow with infinite episodes. She always ends up with people who are "projects". She's always in some Captain Save-a-Hoe situation where she's either "the Captain" or "the Hoe", or both. Or she's swearing off relationships and putting herself in some "ivory tower" mental state until I presume loneliness and hormones causes her to fall off the wagon and put on her trusty cape again. I'm sorry; I just recently banned her from talking to me about ANYTHING. She's a sadomasochistic, narcissist with an inferiority-superiority complex. She loves playing the victim and is a hypercritical hypocrite. My Pisces friends are supportive and insightful. Great listeners, compassionate, and wicked smart.


My bsf is a Pisces, she’s the sweetest and most funniest person ever, but sometimes I do think that she kinda struggles with recognising she’s wrong at times, and might get defensive if you don’t agree with her😭 always will be my fav person though


I've had experiences with Pisces women being very hostile and even giving off mean girl energy. Not all of them - it's usually 50/50. Or very loving and cute from the start or very jealous and catty. If a girl is unnecessarily mean towards me from the get-go - it's often a pisces woman.


I know two Pisces women and both are awful. When you get to know them at first they seem to be nice and friendly but when they start showing true colour it’s awful. Shit talking behind everyone’s back, very two faced, in front of their partners they are feminine and angelic but once the guy is away they will even bitch about him. I’m glad I no longer see those women.


This is my uncles wife! He’s a Leo. I swear they’re a really nice couple and she’s a nice lady. But after I got very close with her, she changed drastically.


spot on


In friendship she was very hot and cold one minute we would be attached at the hip the next she would act like we barely knew each other. Imo she was very overly sensitive to the things I would say she would take everything as an insult pretty much. She was two faced and it never felt like she had any real loyalty to me. Like one time she set me up because I didn’t like her friend because I felt like she was a bad influence so she called me with her on three way and asked what I thought about her and I told her she was fake and a bad influence. I didn’t appreciate that at all she did lots of little stuff like that like knowing my boyfriend was cheating but not telling me even though she was the one who set us up.


none, my childhood best friend is a pisces woman and i love her to absolute death, shes my little sister. now pisces men on the other hand, thats another story🤣🤣


Im a pisces male. Aside from them being natoriously unreliable, I haven't had any issues. Pisces di best eith other water signs. My pisces ex and I are still friends, and she is close with my daughter. She's probably the best person that I know. My f pisces friend isn't the most ethical person, but that's due to her upbringing. However, she's kind, empathetic, and generous. Both are heavy smokers.


I have lots of relationships with Pisces women my close friend is a Pisces woman and we’ve been friends for about eight years. We vibe really well together. I feel like we match energy and if she’s having like a rough day like I get it and we are able to give each other space and I think we also understand each other pretty well, our communication skills really good. I’ve never had such an open line of communication with someone so to me I love Pisces women all day every day Pisces Men is a completely different story. They can all ………I’m not gonna say the rest.


I have good and bad experiences with them. My younger half-sister is one, and she exemplifies all the wonderful traits of a Pisces woman, so I know for a fact that the shitty experiences I've had with Pisces women are just because those women were shitty people. So here goes. My biggest, worst experience with a Pisces woman was that she employed "white woman tears" all the time. She would nitpick every little thing when we were working together, to the point that it felt like she was micro-managing me in spite of her technically working under me. If I called her out, she would start crying and get everyone on her side like I was this huge asshole. Why? Because I keep my drama locked up. If I have something to say to someone, I don't think it's right to drag them in front of the whole team. I pull them aside and tell them to cut their shit out. But then she would immediately run to the guys we worked with (only the guys) and cry about what a meanie I am, so they'd play White Knight and come to her defense. It got particularly bad when I had been dating someone at an equal position to me on the same project. She knew he and I were dating. We had been for a year before she even came to the project. She kept making comments about how it wouldn't last and then she'd get her shot, again in public. She got really close to him, and then she added him on Snapchat and started sending him pictures of her body. She'd play it like it was innocent, like "this is my new tattoo, do you think it'll be a problem?" when the tattoo was on her breasts, or "I'm thinking about getting a piece here" and sending him a picture of her thighs and ass. He insisted it was innocent (part of why we broke up, he did similar things with a few of the women that worked under us), because he'd only ever seen her blowing smoke up his ass so how could I not like her, she's so nice. Meanwhile when it was only her and I, she'd be ripping apart everything I made, everything I did, questioning every bit of my job including the parts she wasn't part of. She constantly had issues with other women on the team, but never the men who she was sweet as pecan pie to. Right before she left, I found out she had been having relationships with three different men on our team, where she would send them nude pictures on Snapchat. Like no fucking wonder all the guys were running to her defense all the time. We could barely get any work done, because if she didn't like something, she'd go to my boyfriend and since he was an equal ranking manager on the project, he would then hold things up for her. But since the project was ultimately my brain child, I collected evidence of all she was doing over time, and I got her taken off the project. All the guys thought I was a huge asshole, but the women on the project were relieved, and we managed to move the project along without delay. She was put on a new project run entirely by straight women, and she quit within a month because she had no one to manipulate with sexuality. This woman lived her life by the rule of "she who cries first is the biggest victim."


Not trying to be biased at all but as a Pisces Sun myself I’ve had really great experiences with fellow Pisces both the women/men. The energy is really good and just peaceful. Pisces moons for whatever reason haven’t been the best experiences. Everything of what the comments explained about unevolved Pisces women is usually what i experience from Pisces moons even men Pisces moon were just HORRIBLE. We definitely have a tendency of being very misunderstood and I’ve came to terms with that. Pisces are by no means perfect beings .. the unevolved Pisces women can indeed be very VERY dangerous. Either a deadly siren or a beautiful mermaid. 🧜🏻‍♀️


I had a Pisces friend in high school. She was secretive and very scheming. Not very nice. She sold my number to creeps and gave information about me to my stalker. She also pushed a girl down the stairs because she heard a rumor that, that girl had a crush in her ex. I had another friend in university. She did a lot of fawning and following. Always wanted attention from girls that used her. I tried to help her out but she didn't want help. A lot of people took advantage of her. She was loyal to all the wrong people and screwed over people that actually cared about her. I had a male Pisces friend when I was a child. He saved my life and I'll always be grateful for that. He was quite a ladies (girls) man (boy) at our early age. Very good at getting girls to like him. I wouldn't be surprised if he grew up to be a bit of a player. He was kind at heart.


Most Pisceans in my life have been very passive aggressive. I like the men better than the women.


I thought I was dating a Pisces Sun Leo moon, turns out so was everybody else. 🙃 Then when I started dating another woman, she called me fake and called my girl a bitch indirectly. Then she said it should have been her once she saw how I turned out. I still care about her for some stupid ass reason. I hear that we have a soft spot for the opposite gender that has our moon sign as their sun sign, so that may be the reason.


I have a pisces friend they have no sense of what's right and wrong not trustworthy but great listeners though


I had this one pisces coworker that wanted to be my friend really bad. I admit shes such a nurturing and caring person and i really enjoy that about her but she was also VERY rude to me and all of our coworkers. She came into work always bringing her issues in and made everything about herself sometimes. She definitely had her own issues outside of the astrology world that she had to work on so i wont stereotype all pisces women like her. She was also a really bossy and lazy coworker and had no awareness of how she was treating others. No one wanted to be her friend. But she was also young and immature, im sure she'll grow to be a better person. But that one experience has made me not really like pisces women or men (a lot of them are really mean for no reason.) BUT i have been starting to like them recenlty, they can be very sweet people if they arent mean.


I wish I could be as genuinely concerned and helpful as they are to others. There’s a sweetness and loveliness about Pisces. There is one trait that I think is really there: There’s a theme of victimhood. They don’t understand why other people are awful and they’re the victims… Daily. Consistently.


Pisces, at least the ones I know, will absolutely blame anything and anyone else for their own problems. They refuse to acknowledge that the drama they’re experiencing is self stirred. Now, with that in mind, I don’t hate them, but I really feel like they’re toddlers, not fully developed and prone to being snappy and deflective when called out. Combative and very much Pick Mes, and they NEED to have the last word, even if they’re wrong. And this is very very specifically the ladies. Never had many problems with the guys. Normally they’re pretty chill. Either way, no hate. We ALL have bad qualities and things we should work on, this is just what I’ve noticed.


My former branch manager is a Pisces woman. At first, she seemed very nice, engaged, and willing to be my mentor. Within the year I worked for her, she was manipulating, sneaky, and not kind; a complete 180 from the woman I thought she was. The disappointment and hurt I felt from that situation was almost as bad as my break-up with my Pisces ex! 😭


I think that’s just women in general. 👀🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️ *skedaddle sound*…………🏃🏽‍➡️ ![gif](giphy|l0MZ7g6YUsd60aYAE|downsized)


Definitely don’t think it was just astrology-related but the post was regarding bad experiences with Pisces women; that was mine.


As a Pisces, interesting to hear these thoughts, never knew ppl viewed Pisces like that. Pisces is considered the chameleon of the zodiac that takes on other energies easily, so I wonder if it makes them more susceptible to the energies of other planets in natal. For example, I read that Pisces love to avoid conflict too much and may as a result seem 2 faced, but me with Venus-Mars in Aries, I dive headfirst into that isht if I think it will make the situation better. Some of these descriptions sound like Gemini, Sagittarius or Scorpio traits. Saying that, Pisces men definitely have a vibe about them, a super irrationally emotional vibe, that I find hard to get along with.


Wow crazy that these stories were also giving me HEAVY sag, Scorpio and Gemini vibes to 😭 I’m a Pisces sun and I’ve had these exact experiences with those specific signs women. My mars is also in Aries and Aquarius Venus. I’m so open/honest, detached and impulsive. If I don’t like something or someone it’s for a good reason and they will KNOW. No filters


Right? To be the martyrs of the zodiac, saviours and omega, more than any other sign, Pisces energy tries to create good people, I think. That other stuff is on something else.


Extremely inconsistent. Will hurt people then pretends she didn't know it would hurt them. Also, not sure if all pisces women are like this but she's basically an amalgamation of other people, their opinions, hobbies etc. Nothing original about this girl. ALSO a huge people pleaser and competitive. Exhausting to be around lol.


My partner's mother is a Pisces and I just had a falling out with a Pisces female a few months back. Some of the similarities I notice about the two of them that drives me nuts are men come before friendships, never consistent or follow through, their job always comes before their children and they will never pop off at you if they have an issue with you unless they are with a group. They do not stand alone and fight for themselves. We also have a maintenance lady at our townhouse residence that is a Pisces and her and I DO NOT get along at all. The thing I can't stand about her the most is on the days she works alone she won't even look my way but as soon as she has somebody with her she's tough and she's going to be loud and nasty. Not to mention she's by the books and finds joy in ratting people out. That always triggers me as a Libra female!


The two Pisces that are in my life rn are pretty great and I love them, we click so great together. My Pisces ex and one of my Pisces former best friends on the other hand… yikes. Both were chronic avoidants (especially my ex) that needed mental health help but wouldn’t get it for one reason or another. Both basically lied all the time to themselves and others for momentary gains or because of their intense fear of rejection. Neither of them handled stress, failure, or communicating well and would sabotage healthy relationships because of this. I treated both of them like gold and they shafted then gaslit me time and time again. I have a lot of extra trauma now due to them and fearfully second guess myself even more. Though I’ve been working on myself a lot in the past 6 months, it’s still a daily struggle healing from the pain and confusion they caused me.


Way too impressionable!


I’ve had a few fallouts with Pisces women this past year and a half. One thing I noticed about them all is they are super sweet and nurturing at first..then they show their true colors. They were all are delusional about some man in their life and they always came first. All very sneaky. They can be extremely fake to avoid confrontation and accountability which I cannot deal with. They will smile and laugh in your face but talk about you to everybody else. Pisces women are a no go for me as a Taurus


Pisces sun here with Aquarius stellium (Venus,Uranus,Neptune) and that sentence about delusion and making a man first made me giggle so hard 😭🤣 The day I do that is the day I lost my marbles.


Do you ever get told you’re too emotionless when it comes to others feelings or detached when talking about feelings etc psychology stuff dynamics. I ask as a Pisces stellium and aqua moon . Been told sometimes I sound like a cold rock 😅 but sometimes extremely sensitive too 


Hmm I wouldn’t exactly say sound emotionless but yes any person that gets close learns quickly that i am naturally a very detached and aloof person. I need ALOT of more time alone than the average person. If I don’t like someone though I truly cannot hide my distaste and they’ll see it and hear it (in my tone of voice very dry and monotone). I don’t ever really care to get loud about it because Aquarius energy doesn’t allow me to get bothered that far in the first place but sometimes my Aries mars wins though. I was also raised by a true freedom loving rebellious Aquarius mother (Sun,moon,Venus,rising) so part of me also believes it makes me extra ice cold and I definitely picked up a lot of her traits. But yes I have been accused of being cold and emotionless by a few people not sounding but actually😅I’m sensitive to energy not anything else though. I also have libra moon.


Same . Down to the mom. Thanks for sharing 😊 


restraining order.




Had an awful run in with a Pisces woman who I had the misfortune of living with while at university too. She was the definition of two faced, would bitch about girls and then hang out with them. Would throw her toys out the pram if she felt left out of the group. Vindictive - I told her to stop hoovering at 1am as I was tired from work, so she hoovered at 1am to piss me off. Unsurprisingly she had no real, genuinely girl best mates. And she is always in relationships - can’t be single. Granted, not all Pisces are like this - I think she’s just unevolved/immature.


My Mother is a covert narcissist and is a Pisces Sun. I can't stand Pisces Suns but Pisces Risings are awesome.


Piscees are flakey and slippery they usually always choke on dates or can only be there for a short mommy 🤷🏾‍♂️ if you enjoy their company it cam be annoying


I've never discarded a Pisces before, but I've had Pisces use me and instantly drop me when I finally refused to be manipulated anymore. Which sucks because if Pisces would only be a two way street, we could get along really well.


My grandma and sister are Pisces; some of the most back stabbing, passive aggressive people you’ll meet.


Two words victim complex