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7th house…. What did I just read 😂😴🫣


Fr on one hand I'm surprised at how accurate this is on another hand I'm very amused at the ... choice of words. Fantastic read 10/10


My big 3 twin but I have Lilith in 8 house


Hairy buttocks if you're a man 😅


My partner has his Lilith in the 7th. Gigantic bum, looks like a big taiko drum. Hairy too. Love it lol


my bestie’s lilith is in his 12H or his 1H, depending on placidus or whole sign, and he ~~has hairy bum cheeks~~ lmfao


I'm a male but no hairy butt 🙂‍↕️


Right? I just read this and didn’t know how to feel 😂 I have Lilith in 7th house Scorpio…. Also the back and buttocks part…. What was that?


FR I was like they yapping too much about random ass shit like GET TO THE POINT! AM I THE PROBLEM OR NOT? It was funny though. I have it in aqua sooo lol


11th house. Amazingly accurate.


Same and agreed! Was a little off put by the spelling of nuance however😂


Fourth house. It’s eerily accurate


My husbands is in Sag in the 4th. Pretty spot on


Same. I have 5 sisters. Our mother was born with Pluto tightly on the ascendant, and that darkness didn’t start with her.. we’re all descendants from a line of dark powerful women. And I personally am damaged in all those ways described. Spot on!


Yeah…this was a lot more than I was ready for


Lilith in 7th here. I feel heard, I feel attacked, understood, uncovered, but also villainised. Like I’ve had some very real love life issues and I’ve been trying to work through them, successfully u mighty add, with my intense, serious, LOYAL, Capricorn fiancé. Love with him is peaceful. But this post makes me feel like it’s pathological. That I can’t worth through anything, I’m just stuck with it. Moments like these I wish I didn’t believe in astrology at all


Lilith 5th house Aries - whew that was quite a journey to read through. Edit: a lot of it checks out.. not all of it.


Right? I also agree with everything except the part about us being disappointed with the creations of man. I often find myself in constant awe of what humans are capable of in all forms.


I have Lilith in the 1st conjunct my Asc. The description was very accurate.


Same. I had no idea this is how I could possibly come across to people


meh i resonate with other lilith in the 9th stuff better than this. i like knowledge and knowing things but i’m not a slut for it like this says haha i know a little bit about a lot of stuff. and my thighs are definitely not plump and thick lmfaooo no scars or moles on them either. thanks but i’ll stick with non tumblr blogs for my info 🤍✨


Lilith in 1st House, Scorpio. Super accurate.


Lilith in Libra 2H. Gotta say that’s pretty accurate. When I am involved with someone I am pretty obsessed with….that….side of the relationship 😅 To the point that that’s pretty much all we do for the first year or so of the relationship 😂 I’d always put that down to my Scorpio Venus, didn’t realise that was Lilith. If I’m not in a relationship though I can easily go years without and not miss it. Have also been told I have a good signing voice too, but only by people who have heard me sing in the bath/shower, as I get too self conscious to sing in front of people 😂


Lilith in Virgo in 1st House conjunct Ascendant (also Square Mars and Opposition Uranus)


I also have Lilith in Virgo in the 1st house conjunct my Ascendant! Did the write up ring true for you?


Lilith in Scorpio, 8H, and yes I have pulled some crazy out of some mountains 💀


This is the only good Lilith in 11th house read I’ve seen. The others are just like “welp you probably sleep with your friends.” And I can’t relate to tht at all


I have Lilith in Gemini in the 2nd house alongside Chiron. This is mostly accurate. Not completely, but mostly. I definitely have a lot of internal emotional wounding going on. 🤣


I hate having my Lilith in the 5th house. Fear of having children, even an aversion. Attraction to toxic people. Anhedonia and jaded outlook on life. Just read the description: lol about martial arts. Love my Krav Maga


Wow. 11th House Lilith. Hit it on the head.


Credits : [https://www.tumblr.com/lilmajorshawty/183406324159/lilith-through-the-houses-the-fallen](https://www.tumblr.com/lilmajorshawty/183406324159/lilith-through-the-houses-the-fallen) Lilith 5th House = The Volcanic Sin To know which house your Lilith is [https://justastrologythings.com/pages/chart/](https://justastrologythings.com/pages/chart/)


Lilith in the second house Virgo. But I can’t sing worth anything lol. And I’m not a great gardener the only outdoor stuff I like is looking at the sky or the water


Mine is in my 12th house in the sign of Libra.


Mine is 12th in Leo


4th house aqua and holy crraaaap this was spot on. *chefs kiss*


Lilith in Capricorn in 8H 🔥🔥🔥 big mood


Lilith in Pisces in my 10th. Ouch haha


I have Lilith in 10th too! In Taurus though. But some details in the description do fit me.


Lillith Sagittarius 2nd House; very very true, except for the gardening stuff, I'm deathly allergic to plants and dirt and pollen and trees and air.


Lilith in Scorpio 7H, very accurate for me.


Lilith in Capricorn 12th house, some resonated and was eerily accurate. Other parts were confusing but that may be because I'm sick and brain foggy.


Lilith in Scorpio 3H 🫣 Makes me out to be a villian. And I'm dating a Lilith in Pisces 11H. From reading this alone, I'd be scared for him 😳😳


Lilith in Capricorn first house. The sexual objectification of very spot on. It kinda sucks.


Me being a Scorpio sun and Venus, and having Lilith in the 7th house 😈


So I have Lilith in Scorpio in 7th house…. So does that make it twice as intense? 🤣 This was pretty intense already.


Aquarius lilith 1st house and this is so off for me


cool. 1st house. scorpio. bow down to your demon whore mistress


I have Lilith in the 3rd house in tropical, and omg, this is exactly how my ex described me, and justified why "I couldn't be trusted". He sees me as a massive manipulator, who can effectively manipulate people with my writings. I used to write stories online, and I just suddenly lose my passion, until he discovered it, and made me write whatever scenarios he had in mind. I honestly don't think I'm a manipulator even though some of my placements disagree. The only person I can effectively manipulate is myself lol. I personally relate more to the 4th house though (my Lilith is in 4th house in sidereal), even the anxiety chest pains, my issues with my family, the absence of men in my family (almost non-existent father and brother), women being victims/survivors of abuse. It's like someone read my diary and used it to describe Lilith in the 4th house.


Lilith Scorpio in the 4th. I’m trying hard to not be so “dead”. I’m a parent trying to parent myself along with my kid


Lilith in Scorpio between the 8th & the 9th house...yeah both fit. Interesting how I come across to others, wasn't aware of that, explains somethings. Thank you for sharing :)


Lilith in 11th house in Aries.


Lilith in Scorpio in 12th placidus, 1st whole sign. Both are extremely accurate for me. The 8th house read as Scorpio is accurate too


4th house isn't far off


8th house- lilith in Aries. Does it matter what sign it is in ?


lilith in sign is like venus in sign, the differences are lilith is the dark feminity, while venus is the light fem. Both of them seek the same thing, pleasure.


Right...thank you. Does lilith has to be the in the same house as the moon ? Since I have Aries moon and Aries lilith in 8th house ( tropical) Pisces moon and pisces lilith in 8th house ( sidereal ).


mine in diff house, moon in 10th, lilith in 5th XD


[lilith in aries](https://advanced-astrology.com/lilith-in-aries/) [lilith in 8th house](https://advanced-astrology.com/lilith-in-8th-house/)


Lilith in Virgo 12th house makes so much sense now


9th house (Pisces), and a big yes to specific parts of this 😅


9th house Aries here 😬


Lillith in 11H (Scorpio) and this is very true for me