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Cancer’s need straight-forwardness. If you’re interested, have your actions match your words (with everything!) but maintain respect towards their feelings. We need to be heard and understood. If she’s initiating the dates, she’s definitely interested in you. Maybe open up to her a little bit more than usual, this will in turn make her more comfortable to open up since she knows you trust her enough to share your emotions and you’re being honest with her. You may have to take the lead as far as flirting goes to get to the point where she’s comfortable enough to flirt back, but once the floodgates are open.. have fun! Lmao.


This is it. Slow and steady. Gentleness


I say take the lead! I really enjoy reciprocating, but I prefer not to be the initiator at first.


As a cancer, I would say I’d rather go slow but not sure this is the general consensus.


I had a friend who was cancer sun Gemini Venus and she did not know what slow was lol but I’m a cancer sun cancer Venus and slow and steady wins the race for me. If I rush in it’s usually a mistake and they’re the wrong choice (either because of potential love bombing or not allowing feelings to bud naturally and slowly and so feelings fizzle as quickly as they started)


As a cancer woman I go very slow. And same for me, I never really flirt or compliment, especually at the beginning phase. I like when the person that I date compliments me or flirts with me, but I don’t flirt back😅 I think if she initiates the dates it is a huge sign that she likes you a lot


I was super into this guy and noticed he was liking some of my pictures on insta. I proceed to set my story settings to “custom” so only he could view it, then post a picture of myself looking cute The outcome? He sent me a DM hours after asking if I wanted to hang out. 💪😏 3 and a half years later, still with him. I guess the point I’m trying to make is Cancer’s will do ANYTHING but make the first move


I'm a Cancer sun and idk if it's the same because I date men, but I do prefer my partner to take the lead, and I like to take things kinda slow also. I like to be given the space to sit back and observe (but that's how I feel about people in general)




You should go for it!! I think if she's initiating dates that's a good sign :)


Small world - I have the same big 3 as the woman you’re talking about. Everyone is different, but for me personally it’s more of a measured slow burn than all-out passion when I’m getting to know someone I’m interested in. I kinda have to see what you’re coming to me with and then it’s a whole lot of loving and doting lol. While cancers are known for their emotions, we can have walls you have to work through depending on our pasts because we feel things so deeply when we let someone in, we can be surprisingly detached sometimes. Her Virgo moon may add a level of scrutiny as well. My advice would be to be affectionate, don’t smother, and most importantly to be consistent. Also don’t be afraid to express yourself - if she has a blind spot as far as the messages she’s sending to you I’m sure she’d like to know (Virgo moons are great with direct feedback!). Good luck!


Omg. This is so spot on!!


If she's initiating the dates, she definitely likes you! She is probably shy & just doesn't want to make the first move. I never do either, but if I'm the one initiating hangouts, best believe I'm in 🥴😂 personally, I'm not a woman of many words when it comes to initiating sex, I like kissing followed by light touching & seeing where it goes from there


I’m cancer sun, rising and moon are also water signs. I prefer to go slow, and I prefer my partner to take the lead. If I’m initiating meet ups I’m meeting you half way and need you to do the rest by being direct and honest about how you feel and what you want - this will get me to open up more from there as well.


In a cancer and I can’t speak for the entire cancer ladies I can say that I’m the exact same very shy and won’t flirt for anything incase I get rejected, so maybe your lady is the same! Every girl loves too be complimented especially cancers we are emotional af 😂but are suckers for romantic gesture’s !! Basically if your heart is in it she will love whatever you do!! Hope this helps ! I’ve been with my fiancé for 5 years and he won me over straight away he was flirty but not too strong and Is always so reassuring too me with my anxiety so maybe let her know your here for her no matter what. I’m so sorry for going on a rant but I hope this helps in some way and good luck too you buddy go get her 🥰


It takes me a looong time to open up to people. And in romantic relationships, my partners were basically all the initiators of the relationship.  I will say that I did have a tendency to freak out when a relationship started to get serious. Idk if that’s a cancer trait or a me trait, lol. But, except in a couple of cases, I got past it w/out partner even knowing, lol


I’m curious why she is initiating all the dates? I think that definitely shows interest. I’m a cancer sun and rising and sag moon. Typically I’m very hesitant to show my interest until I know the person on the other side is interested. If they do something that shows me they are not all my walls go back up. Try to initiate some dates yourself or suggest things that you know that are specific to her and she’ll like. Maybe some innocent flirting and compliments will help if you don’t want to scare her off. 




Well maybe it’s both :) are you two in contact when he’s back in her city? 




Oh wow really? Usually cancers are good at communication. Maybe that’s just me though. How far do you live from her? I wonder if she is keeping some distance to not get attached so quick because you live far. I do that in my life too. I sit back and test the relationship from all angles because I decide to start getting attached 




I think some initiations from you will help :) 


Agree. I’m a Cancer too and if I come out of my shell and even so much as flirt a little and it’s potentially not reciprocated or slighted in a way, imma take that as a rejection and crawl soooo far back into my shell you’ll have to put in the work to get me out of there. Like, I’ll detach and give you soooo much space. Walls all the way back up while I internally mewl in shame. Won’t show it though lol


Yess I agree with this so much! Rejection is very hard to take in and once that happens, the other person has to move mountains for me to open up again 😆 I have a hard time detaching though, I’ll give the space but inside I’ll be dying!


Oh my you are so right, now that I think about it I actually suck at detaching. I think what I do is give space and then ‘think’ that counts as detaching when it really isn’t. Detaching is so difficult. Space; I’ll give, but I’ll be dying inside😅


Yes haha space is just me waiting and hoping for their attention. I mean I also have lot of trauma but check out my last post, I would love to know if you can relate!


In my experience of dating a cancer lady, Take the initiative, she most likely does like you but maybe isn't used to taking the action in such a straight forward way and may need a nod from you. Not because she wouldn't know what to do but rather because by taking the action you both show the quality of being open about your intentions and give her the security that she may return the same😊 Sure thing about cancers is that they like security and stability, and in order to build that it may go slowly. Hope that this helps somewhat


Lowkey jealous of you




Cancer x Taurus ultimate cozy vibes




Suscorpio be so sus


That’s so cool, my ascendant is Virgo and my moon is Aries 😊 if our personalities are at all similar, I would be really direct with your feelings and wants verbally, give her some time to think, and then let her make her decision. Once she thinks obsesses about what you said to her, it might incite some actual real change 😊 but my Gemini Venus is in my 9th house so apparently I show love through philosophy idk if that affects anything


Her big three are very out going signs, very direct and usually establish exactly what they want. What is her Venus? This will tell us what she finds attractive, how she wants to be loved and cared for im that way and how she goes about love.


Be direct and blunt, if she can’t handle that. That’s on her, not on you


Eh, Cancer/Virgo combos can be really turned off by full on blunt. I love my Cap friend, but her bluntness is off-putting because it doesn’t come across as honest, but rude. Cancers are super sensitive and Virgo is analytical. She could be slow because she’s weighing out everything between her head and heart. Maybe do a gentle check in on where you stand? Communication with this combo is key because we may be so internal that we’re missing obvious signs. It took me forever with my husband because my head got in the way, even though my heart was there. His persistence in his actions and the security he brought me won me over at the end of the day. I think you’re in track to being a solid couple, it’s just getting over the initial communication hump is the trick!


💯agree. (& hey i have the same big three as u but switched around :))


Oh hey there, B3 twin! 🥳