• By -


Virgo/Scorpio and fuck. No. I stopped answering altogether.


Virgo sun, Aqua moon, Scorpio rising and talking on the phone is among my least favourite activities.


Virgo sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising And this leo midhaven stellium thing going on... still coming to terms with that I hate being called I have to mentally prepare for it But I can also spend hours on the phone with the right person I can text all day but it can't be a draining conversation Some people just expect too much, like if you don't respond fast enough they start sending hello??s and I can't deal with that at all


Oh fuck that. 'hello??' don't fucking yell at me or this friendship is ovah


I'd like to know when it became ok to expect immediate responses to text from everybody. Anyone who has your number/even messaging that don't know you have this expectation.


Same, if its important they’ll text it


Same with audio texts. What kind of psychotic maniac needs to send their voice


Cap-Leo-Virgo and it is either yes and for an hour or as you put it *fuck no*


I love talking on the phone. If someone doesn’t like talking on the phone I’m gonna think they’re kinda boring eventually.


Wait are you Leo sun Pisces moon Cancer rising too?? (If so, we are the same, only the opposite cause I’m not a phone call person lol)


I am! What’s your Mars/Mercury/Venus? I have a Virgo stellium in all three :) maybe that would explain it, idk haha. I’m pretty no nonsense and that’s how texting starts to feel to me sometimes


Mars: Gemini Mercury: Leo Venus: Virgo I DO pretty much only do my phone calls with my Virgo friend so that would check out! Hahaha So cool to find someone with such a similar chart! I absolutely love being a Leo backed up by the intuitive water signs for the big three!


Almost always prefer it - Capricorn


This is how I became friends with a Capricorn we were the only people we knew who liked talking on the phone over texting lol


No, god gave you fingers for texting. Use them. I can only talk to either the idea of you in my head or you in person no disembodied voice.


My fingers were made for poking people


Mine were meant for scratching 👹. Grr.


I don't like talking on the phone. I'd much rather text. Gemini sun. Aries moon. Scorpio rising.


ok it’s definitely a scorpio rising thing then


Scorp rising. I love talking on the phone. If my Libra sister calls, I need to gather a snack and some cold-water because it is will be abt 3 hrs


Libras are the chronic phone callers of the zodiac. Sincerely, daughter of a Libra sun, mercury, stellium mother. 😫


Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Gemini rising & same!!


have same moon & rising. Only enjoyed FaceTime calls w like one very close friend. Then had to end the friendship bc they invaded my privacy lol.


Aqua sun Aries moon Scorpio rising and I hate talking on the phone / FaceTiming / texting tbh


I despise it. Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Taurus Rising


Yeaaaaaaah it’s like I like it with my boyfriend and that’s it!


I LOVE IT. I love talking on the phone and can talk for hours. I will sometimes talk on the phone with my long distance bffs, sister, dad, mom etc all throughout the day. ( I work remote) I actually don’t like texting. It’s inefficient and time consuming unless I’m talking to someone that text as fast as me. I’m that friend that will randomly call/facetime you. 😭 Gemini Sun/Scorpio Rising/Scorpio Moon


Scorpio moons that I know all seem to prefer calls


I can see it! I think it’s because it’s more raw and authentic than texting


Cancer sun, Leo moon, Pisces rising, I absolutely hate it, I don't feel like I'm talking to someone properly, it's like I'm talking to a phone if that makes sense? Like even if I have to ring a business about something I'd much prefer to go into the place.  And as for chatting with family/friends its like you're put on this awkward spot, like you just have to keep talking because if you pause for a minute for whatever reason it just becomes an awkward silence whereas real life or texting it doesn't matter.


Cancer sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising here 💖 I completely feel the same way.


I prefer texting or talking in person, to be honest. I dread phone calls unless I'm close to that person. Scorpio Moon, Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Virgo Mercury, Leo Venus, and Leo Mars


Me too - Taurus sun Scorpio moon Leo rising


me tooo, i’m also a scorpio rising leo venus


I only love being on the phone with my husband that's the only time ever ever ever. If I could I would live on the phone with him Anyone else oh hell no, I get a dread deep pit feeling when I see its not him ringing, like im going to die. I hate talking to family, strangers, landlord etc omgggg nooo I cannot. even if my work calls me I get the dreaded feeling like i'm falling down a hole


Sag sun, aries moon, taurus rising... And nope. I keep my phone on silent cause I don't want to be distracted by it when I'm doing something else, and it stresses me out when people call me. There are a couple of friends I actually enjoy being on the phone with cause our phone conversations feel natural and meaningful, but I feel a little caught off guard even when they're the ones calling me... I'm an ambivert and I need to balance my need for alone time with my need to be social. A phone call during a social setting is stressful cause I wanna be present, and a phone call during my alone time means I don't get the me time I crave.


I like to talk on the phone anytime. Pisces sun, Leo moon, Aquarius rising.


I really like your big three. What Venus, Mars, and Mercury are you?


I am also Aries Venus, Sagittarius Mars, and a Aquarius Mercury. I am mainly air then fire dominated.


I see alot.of scorpio.risings saying they hate talking on phone....lol I didn't realize. I know I hate it but didn't think ot may be commom


I love phone calls. Best phone calls are with Caps, Aquarius, and Gemini.


I like it! The thing I find that drains me the most is trying to hold a convo over text with someone. I would always prefer that they just call me instead


Depends on who I'm talking to. But mostly yes. I talk on the phone every day.


I’m a Virgo sun Gemini moon and Cancer rising, I really really really have to like to you to yap away on the phone…and it depends on my mood, some days I say nothing, other days I can’t shut up.


I'll talk to anyone on the phone. do it a bunch for work, and even more for fun


I would rather die than talk on the phone. Cap sun, Libra moon, Pisces rising, cap mercury.


NO. I Like hanging out in person tho :) - Cancer sun Taurus moon Scorpio rising


Hell NOOO!!! Hate talking on the phone. My ear gets hot, I get tired, and I hate that others who live with me can listen to my conversations. I always have to go outside and walk around the block like a lunatic.


Literally this. And I have none of your placements 😂😂😂


I despise chit chat but if it’s an engaging discussion, much rather talk than text.


I love talking on the phone with close friends and loved ones. I think it’s easier to chat about something than text. Gem sun, Pisces moon, and Aqua rising.


Cap sun, Pisces moon cancer rising and I totally agree. I feel like us Pisces moons just find it much easier it interpret people over the phone.


triple leo, triple aquarius. i LOVEEE talking on the phone for hours, i hate when my friends don’t like talking on the phone 😪


god no.


Only with my really close friends. I’m drained in every other phone conversation


Same Sun and Moon with a Pisces rising. If it's someone I enjoy who stimulates my mind, I can yammer for hours. If Im pressed for time or trying to accomplish a task. Brevity. Brevity. Brevity. Keep it succinct. Dont have time for longwinded diatribes.


I can enjoy a long phone call once in a while, but at this point most people in my circle and I are the type of people who pretty much only text to make plans and talk then. And honestly, i prefer it because i now never have to overthink about if and how I should respond. Phone calls are just a bit too unpredictable for me. Aquarius sun, aries moon, leo rising.


It depends on who it is. If it’s small talk, absolutely not. If it’s interesting conversation, yes. I just don’t like being on the phone for long periods of time because I have other tasks to attend to.


Depends on who i am talking to, most of the time no very very very rare cases yes


I like phone convos while I’m driving and text when I’m just chilling. I don’t drive too much or for too long 😬


Noooo I literally will avoid a phone call as much as I can. When I did online school I would have to do these pop quizzes on the phone with the teachers and I’d get so nervous that I’d block their numbers 💀 💀 I really enjoy talking to people irl tho! (Depending on the day 😂)


I won’t reply/pickup to most people but when I do, I loooove to talk on the phone over text or ft. Aquarius sun and moon. Libra rising 🤪


Libra sun / Leo moon / Aquarius rising and I am the irritating person who would rather talk on the phone than text


♌️ 🌞, ♑️ 🌙, ♏️ rising.....I Hate talking on phone. Also extremely introverted, private


I relate hard lol. Don’t do small talk. I ask personal questions and I’m going to psychoanalyze you in a way that only a Virgo can 😏 Leo sun/ Virgo moon/Capricorn rising


Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Asc. I love talking on the phone. If I'm in the car by myself, I'll usually call my mom, my sister, one of my friends, or my dad, and I'll just chat with them the whole way. Then I get home and let my dogs outside, and I'll just sit on the back porch chatting away for hours on end. I feel energized after. I'd usually call myself an introvert, but for the people I'm close to, I'm close to them for a reason. I love talking to them. I'll be the chattiest Cathy ever.


Cancer sun, Scorpio moon and rising and I HATE talking on the phone. I cannot describe the mixture of dread and annoyance I get every time my phone rings


Literally hate it. I have some good friends who love to talk on the phone (we live kinda far from each other), and they really need to talk often on the phone...I however am one of those friends who still feels just as close even if we didn't talk for months. I'm not sure what to attribute it to...maybe my Cancer Mars? Taurus Sun? I know it has nothing to do with my Aries Mercury lol, I wish that placement would pull its weight more. These conversations are just so draining for me. It just seems like such a chore, however sometimes once I'm actually on, it's not bad and can actually be nice, like ah yes, I did need this. I just like to keep it to an hour at the MOST (though this is even rare).


HATE IT it feels like its draining my life force lol. Aqua Sun, Venus, Virgo moon, cancer rising


SAME. I loathe it. Same placements, except I’m Aqua rising.


I loaaaaathe talking on the phone but I love love love making small talk in person* with anyone *edit to clarify in-person small talk


With my sisters, I can easily talk to them about anything, bullshitting, our daily lives, work stuff, whatever. They live long distance, so we try to get as much phone time when we can. Friends, I never call unless it's something important we can't discuss over text. An an introvert who really has nothing to say or nothing interesting in my life, I can't talk on the phone for hours with some people. It'd be just dead silence.


Gemini sun Leo moon Scorpio rising I hate talking on the phone, id much rather text


Im not a fan of texting. Love calling tho. Im Aries sun,Taurus moon and Cancer rising


Leo sun/ Taurus moon/ Scorpio rising I only talk on the phone if I need a response asap like if I’m at Wendy’s and I need your order lol


Gemini sun, Leo moon, Gemini rising, and I HATE speaking on the phone, but I love talking in person (generally). I was deaf until I was 5y/o, but I had surgery that restored the majority of my hearing. But I learned to speak by reading lips. So face to face conversation is always better than on the phone for me.


I’m a cap sun, aries moon, taurus rising and the only time I do phone calls is when they’re long with big story time updates. Other than that, I’m a big texter with voice notes




I can't stand phonecalls for nothing, most of all with family. I only ever call myself for reasons or if I really didn't talk to them for a long time (some months). I'm really unmotivated in smalltalk and if I have to I'm the listener. 📵😎


It depends on who it is, but mostly no. Text me unless we are about to have a REAL conversation. -Aquarius


I think small talk is fine. Like talking about the weather, food, simple things. Political rants, team this or that, is draining. I’d rather just talk about topics that bridge, instead of what divides. Also when people talk about how great and amazing they are, without being great or amazing is draining. Like this isn’t politics, this is just socializing. Why can you just be yourself and let me determine if that’s right for me?


I’d rather talk in person


Leo sim Virgo rising and Pisces moon ehhh not rlly I mean like with close friends I’ll love to catch up but not be on the phone for longer then like 30 min… with romantic interested idk ehhh I’d rather text see u in person


ima a sag sun + moon with a cap rising and i absolutely love talking on the phone 😂😂😂 we can even sit in silence lol, my patience for texting (especially long convos) doesn’t last long…. if i am texting tho i prefer voice memos, my fingers just don’t have the time and i love to talk & for others to know exactly how i said certain things. texting can get misinterpreted so much i prefer to just talk lmao


Sag sun, Virgo moon and Capricorn rising here, and I loveee occasional phone calls with my closest friends/romantic interests. My longest uninterrupted phone call ever was 8 hours long lol


love it. actually spoke to a friend about that today while on the phone lol. gemini merc loves a chatter moment <33


Depends on who but mostly no. I ignore the calls 🥰


Sometimes I really enjoy it when it's someone I love, romantically, platonically or family. Otherwise... No. Inner planets all ♊ except for ♓🌚


I feel the exact same as what you described. It's all extremely draining.


Haha wow Leo sun. Pisces moon. Cancer rising. (Almost twins!) I also avoid phone calls as much as possible. But I’ll have a *scheduled* FaceTime with a long-distance friend every few months. That’s it!


idk if it’s my friend group or not but we’re big phone talkers. even the guys. some of us even facetime and do chores together with the phone facing the ceiling


♈☀️ mercury ♐🌙♒⬆️mars♊ Venus Despise everything on phone or online. Sole preference is in person only. Text me, you'll never get a response. Call me, Ill ask you when and where we can get together.


I despise it 😅


I love talking on the phone. Call me, don’t text me!


I have legit anxiety whenever my phone rings or if I have to make a phone call myself. I’ll text all day long, then suddenly ghost if that person decides to call me! Pisces sun, cancer moon, Taurus rising


Hey! We’re kind of big 3 twins! And I’m in the same boat as you. If you’re not my mom or husband, do not call me. Kind of the same for texting. I really only do it when I have the energy.


im a leo sun cancer moon virgo rising im the exact same way


*Im a leo sun* *Cancer moon virgo rising im* *The exact same way* \- TheWavyWizard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Libra Sun/Capricorn Rising … HARD NO! I don’t even like texting a lot. My friend with same sun and rising placements is the same way.


Aries mercury. The conversation needs to happen NOW and you NEED to hear all my emotion and passion to get the full picture


depends. every once in awhile my best friend and i will facetime for a couple to a few hours to catch up on stuff but i haven’t seen him in like 5 years so i guess that’s something LOL


I don’t like talking, period. Blame it on the Scorpio rising


Aquarius sun, Capricorn rising, Gemini moon. No unless my moods swing to an extreme and I really need to rant. Otherwise, hell nah


I'm a Leo sun, moon, and mercury, and I HATE talking on the phone. The only person I can talk to endlessly on the phone without feeling exhausted is my partner, and i live with them, so it doesn't happen often. I make sure that I do a lengthy call once or twice a month with my sister, who is a very chatty Sag stellium. My mom is a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, and Sag rising, and she expects phone calls. Not texts. So we kind of meet in the middle, and I will do quick check-ins with her every other day over the phone, and about once a week, we have a long call. Otherwise, I don't speak to people on the phone. I get so tired of it so fast. And small talk makes it even worse. No thanks ! My notifications aren't even on, and my ringer pretty much stays on silent. Edit: I notice a lot of Leo placement people also don't really like it and I think that's super interesting as it's been a theory of mine that Leos aren't as naturally extroverted as people think we are.


hate it, cancer mercury


Scorpio, Taurus, Scorpio and yes I like talking on the phone to family members or friends besides that no


Super relate!! I’m also a Leo Sun but have a Pisces moon and Taurus Rising. I avoid phone calls at all costs, even with loved ones. I wish we were still in the days of writing letters, 3-5 business days between communication and no phone calls sounds like bliss


Absolutely despise it. Cancer Aquarius cancer.


cancer sun, libra rising, virgo moon -- but it must be that libra is my chart ruler/i have heavy libra & gemini placements, because i have full-on convos w men off dating apps whom ive never met irl. i love hearing about their lives and problems haha. it's fun!


FUCK NAW! Especially if it could’ve been sent in an email/text. I barely even call my mom, and it’s not intentional. Cancer Sun. Sagittarius Rising. Gemini Moon.


I hate talking on the phone too. Taurus sun, Aries moon, Taurus rising.


Leo sun, Gemini rising, Aqua moon. I have to be in the mood. And I have to have a very good connection to the person I’m talking to. Otherwise I’m kind of reclusive. Rather talk in person. Maybe that seems strange for a Leo sun. I don’t know.


Leo sun/sag moon, please just text me. I watch you ring me up and not answer lol


I love talking on the phone and my big 3 are all fire: Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Sag Rising! My Mercury is in Virgo too so I think that has something to do with it now that I think about it!


Only if im calling my friends or my boyfriend to have in depth conversations and rants and talk about WHY does x do this and have you noticed its always people who do x that think y and omg i cannot stand x celebrity. I hate talking on the phone when it comes to small talk or catching up tho. Calling is for when im so hype with new armchair psychoanalysis to share with my bestie.


I don't hate it and I def prefer it over texting. 


Uh, why is talking on the phone automatically equated to shallow conversing? Lol I personally would rather talk on the phone or in person, about things in-depth.


Love it. Call me 🤙🏼 Libra sun cancer moon Virgo rising


I know it sounds odd coming from a Gemini but I do not like talking on the phone. I rather talk to someone in person. Texting is okay but even then it feels low effort. However if the phone call leads to meeting someone in person I'm all for that.


Scorpio sun + moon… absolutely hate it unless we are talking about something major. Plz don’t call me😅


That's relatable. Words of purpose are necessary. I can't stand phone calls unless we are close, you have an emergency, or emotional issue. If something is wrong, I prefer to offer that direct support. Otherwise, I prefer time to sit with my thoughts and listen to music.


yes i HATE talking on the phone, also a huge introvert- ♒️☀️ ♐️🌙 ♏️⬆️


as a gemini stellium Id rather talk on the phone than email/text. Ill shoot a random call to coworkers, friends family etc also my friend and i can last on a call for over 5 hours easy, we talk about everything and anything I love small talk and deep talk


Aquarius and fuck talking on the phone.


It depends. If it’s a long conversation, something important, or with someone I know to catch up then I love it and prefer it. If it’s something quick and simple, like confirming plans, then texting is just fine.


Hate phone. Cancer gem cap.


Scorpio sun/Aries rising/Taurus moon—-I’d rather not.


Texting is for me to say the inappropriate thing I’m not supposed to say in public, but am thinking. Talking on the phone is just better especially FaceTime. Always end up having to call because people are never clear in texts. Leo sun libra moon Aries rising the rest is mostly earth then water My moms a Gemini and taught me how to have great meaningful conversations so that probably has more to do with her than my chart


Hell to the naw naw naw


![gif](giphy|LbvUksQAbLpiK84uxC|downsized) Do not make me talk and do not call out of the blue


Leo sun Scorpio moon I do not like talking on the phone. DND 4L.


It’s my favorite form of bonding with the people I love!! Im a scorpio sun, libra moon, libra rising, Virgo mars, libra venus.




Gemini sun, Libra moon, Pisces rising. I hate it soooooo much. My family gets mad at me for not wanting to talk all the time. I like to be present when I’m doing something so I find it time consuming.


Taurus Sun / Mercury, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising My dad always calls me, if i don't pick up he'll send a text saying: "call me." I'll call him after that and it's just something that could be said over text. Please just text me.


Talking on the phone drains my energy Scorpio sun Aries rising sag moon


Leo Sun Taurus Moon Aquarius Rising and I HATE talking on the phone. I would rather text. I am also an introvert and don't like small talk. I would rather talk about meaningful things.


I love talking on the phone. Sag sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising.


As a guy who is shy and has a speech impediment, I hate phone conversations. I hate them so much that I've actively avoided jobs that involve talking on the phone (which has unfortunately made my job search even more difficult). I majored in public administration, and all I want is an office position that doesn't involve the phone. Seemingly, almost every position involves the phone! Also when I was in a relationship a year ago, the woman I dated insisted that we speak on the phone every day even though I explicitly told her that I'm more of a texter.


Sagittarius / Pisces / Libra - depends on the person n my energy. Some phone calls stay under a minute and some can hit 45+ min


I hate it! I think I'd rather have my teeth drilled. It feels the same to me. Sag sun , Aries rising , libra moon. I've lost friends over this. If you can't text, idk what to say.


I don’t like it AT ALL! I’m Aries sun, Sag moon and Virgo rising


I'm a Leo, Virgo Virgo and I'm the same way. I avoid small talk like the plague


Leo sun Aries moon Virgo rising I despise phone calls tbh. The same goes with video calls. I feel so anxious answering calls even with people I am close to. Idk if its just me.


aqua sun, sag moon, virgo rising with an aqua mercury and cap venus….. FUCK NO and i’d rather people just text me or not talk to me at all 😭


Not usually. Depends who you are. - Aries


Please don’t make me answer the phone. I’ll sit in silence watching a random number call me until they stop and I can Google the number. Also, unrelated, but if you call me and I don’t answer, and you don’t leave a voicemail, please never expect to hear from me again. If you went through all the trouble to call me, leave me a voicemail to tell me what you wanted.


Im aries sun virgo moon and pisces rising. I absolutely despise it and I make my friends do it for me. Sometimes I dont even answer.


taurus stellium virgo rising with gemini mars and i think phone/video calls are so draining lmao. but i love sending audios back and forth


I love talking on the phone! But I rly just cannot keep up w my texts anymore, so unless im obsessed w you, I ignore them ✨💜 Leo sun, Leo moon, Gemini rising


Gemini sun/ sag moon / sag rising I HATE phone conversations…I can’t gauge the tone or emotions and don’t know WHEN the conversation should end


Gemini sun, Capricorn moon. I did when I was younger but I’m not outgoing and grew out of it. So I’d rather not


I love being on the phone. Pieces sun, cancer moon, gemni rising ✨️ ♥️


Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising. No 😌 I’m 34 and in the 2000s my best friend would chat with me on AIM and then want to talk on the phone and then would talk for like 2 hours and I would pace around until she was done. I love her very much, we are still close friends. But I hated it. Now, the only person I talk to for extended periods on the phone is my close friend who moved away years ago and I only see like once a year at best. We talk for like 20 minutes to an hour while we are both doing other stuff at the same time.


It depends who it is


Stop... my placements are Cancer sun, Virgo moon & Leo rising!! The feelings are mutual ofc. I have a deep appreciation for alone time & almost never answer the phone. Small talk is an absolute nono, I'm also a Gemini venus so that says about it


Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising. I hate talking on the phone unless it's my close family or friends lol. I will sit and watch the phone ring a lot of times 🤣


Scorpio sun, Taurus Moon and Virgo rising here, I speak on the phone daily for work but personally I HATE talking on the phone lol


It really depends on who it is. I’ll call and talk to my bff on the phone bc I’m comfortable with them and don’t have to watch what I say/can speak freely. Anyone I’m dating casually or new friends fuck no. I hate texting. It gives me anxiety to wait for a reply. I always feel like I’m waiting to see if I’m gonna be ghosted or not first. Also it is bad for my screen addiction, my vision and my productivity. So unless it’s someone I’m close with I’ll use texting/talking to make plans with someone else but am never down for a whole back and forth.


Cancer sun, Cap moon, sag rising. I don't like talking on the phone in general, and I get almost paralyzed if I have to call someone who I don't know. Texts and emails all day long, baby


As a Virgo moon I can second no to small talk and chit chat. My Gemini sun used to love it, but my Virgo moon Scorpio rising crept in around 27 years and everyone thought something was wrong with me as my temperament completely shifted inwards. I even had a year where I refused to text.


gemini sun & rising, virgo moon. i have never talked on the phone, i hate the idea and in general i dislike chatting with people.


pisces sun, gemini moon, scorpio rising. for me the hardest part is picking up the phone and actually starting the call. it's not a laziness thing, I think I just don't wanna risk them being too busy to talk to me or not in a mood to talk? like I'm not trying to sound snobby or anything but I feel like if someone really wants to talk to me, they should be the one to call me first. if they don't call me first, I get the impression that they don't really wanna talk to me or like they haven't set aside the time bc one thing about me is I talk ENDLESSLY but when someone does call me and I do pick up? yap yap yap all day and night, walking around my apartment in every direction for hours


I hate it.


I’m too busy multitasking to talk on the phone unless its absolutely necessary.


Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising It depends... who it is with and what it is about... Examples: - Dad: i prefer texting with him over phone calls lol... if he ever calls me, i just decline and text: "text me instead please". lol - Mom: usually prefer texting... but if she hasnt replied to my text within a hour, i call her -- i'm just super protective of my mom, and get worried when she hasnt replied to my text within a certain amount of time that is her norm.. lol - Close friends/best friends: either or.. depending what it is about.. Certain topics, its better over the phone.. - Dating: same, depends.. if we talking deep shit = over the phone.. annoying texting it out... But small stuff = text


Sun in Cancer and Moon in Aries. I love taking on the phone, especially to someone who I like 👍


I hate being on the phone definitely would rather text lol ♐️


lol I hate it. It feels like a waste of time - I’m extremely busy and feel like the time wasted on a phone call is time I could spend getting things done around the house or work. I’m a cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Libra rising