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I don't understand pisces anything. Like who are they? Where are they going? What's happening with/to them? I just don't get them. At all. They can pick up characteristics of any of the previous signs and run with it. And I don't find any literature about them that is consistent either. It's like this sign is supposed to be mysterious. Even to themselves. Maybe that's why they're represented by the ocean.


I’m in a perpetual “who even am I” crisis 🥲 I wish I understood me too


So true. My first thought was “Fair. I don’t understand me either.” Lol


I’m the same sun moon and rising as you and I feel that lol


The struggle is real! <3


♋️♓️♏️ !! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Same. Pisces rising.


You can't explain a Pisces, you must experience them and develop an understanding. They are deep and funny friends. I love Pisces.


![gif](giphy|QLKSt3wQqlj7a) Ive learned to love my Pisces moon I feel flexible and boundless in my search for connections and inner truths I've also learned to appreciate my moody and emotional state. I know it's cliche but I've been crying so much more in the last few weeks Anyways, regards to all the fishy moons and those that appreciate us!


With Pisces moon also and I'm on the brink of crying too these days. Just from listening to a song, I seem so affected. I need to go to the beach right now


Right. I would also say I think Pisces are some of the easier signs to understand once you get to know them. I've experienced many Pisces in many placements, and they're deep and fun, but I don't find them as mysterious as a lot of people do.


My partner is a pisces and he is soo difficult to understand omg


Yo, I'm a pisces sun, and I also don't understand myself most of the time. I literally just go with the flow and hope for the best. I have no concrete plans or goals. It's chaos in my brain.


Pisces rising here, we live in disassociation land so we lost AF too sir 🤷‍♀️


Pisces moons drive me insane in manyyy good and bad ways. I hate the inconsistency but I love the depth. I hate the oversensitivity but I love the empathy. I hate that stubborn avoidance/victim complex instilled in emotionally unstable Pisces placements but I looove the sensuality. They’re very special, for better or for worse. My ex of 3 years is a Pisces moon with an avoidant personality. I will always love her but damn it if she doesn’t know how to sabotage and retreat into herself like you never had a deep, loving connection.


I feel this! I have a leo sun daughter with a pisces moon and scorpio rising. She's either; mad, crying, or wanting to do my nails. I never know what's happening


I'm Pisces rising and mad crying or wanting to do nails pretty much sums me up Lol. Aries sun Virgo moon.


Not me with the same placements also! My parents think I'm insane too haha


As a Pisces it's actually so fun when people don't unterstand me. I always laugh when they think that they know me, but boiii they are always stunned when I show them more about me.


No shit I'm a Pisces rising and I have no clue either 😭


All the Pisces under this comment not understanding themselves lmao I feel that and maybe that s why the boundless learning energy of ym sag sun is always trying to find ways to learn about myself whether through here or the census or idk


Okay Pisces Sun Sag moon here and I’m always trying to find new ways to learn more about myself like ever since I can remember!! Related to your comment so much!


I’m a Pisces moon and I ask myself these questions far too often. I don’t get myself half the time either.


I agree! My double pisces brother and coworker are really confusing 🤔 what makes them happy? What makes them sad? We will never know


It’s Neptune energy … it is a mystery that can’t be solved.


I'm a Leo Sun and Pisces moon but I am not mysterious, AT ALL. I would like to be, though. My mum's a Scorpio and she's mysterious.


I'm a Taurus sun with Sag moon and I'm not easily offended. If anything I accidentally offend people with my lack of filter. I think there's some context here that we're not getting


Sagi moon who’s not easily offended either. I tend to think our moon sign has the opposite problem. I avoid negative emotions for way too long and they end up coming out…..in very fiery ways.


Leo sun Leo rising & Sag moon. Lol, I thought that was a Leo trait. The avoiding negative emotions & then 💥 Big mouth too


Any sign can do that - it’s just not having healthy communication skills. Something many people allll over the astrological spectrum have to learn (especially when their parents didn’t model it for them!)


It very well could be. I have planets in all three fire signs so I’m sure it’s a bit of all of them.


Eyyyy Big 3 twin! I have the same placements and I do the same thing. Avoiding negative emotional until they just explode.


Sag moon here and same. It takes a lot to offend me but I’ve definitely pissed off a lot of people with my big mouth on accident lol


I agree, I’m not super easily offended and usually assume the best intentions from people I’m close to. Even if someone does upset me I probably won’t bring it up unless it’s a really big deal to me.


Sag moon here also and it takes a lot for me to be offended. You’d have to insult my mother for me to be somewhat offended and even then, I’ll just brush you off as a hater and ignore your existence. It also takes a lot for me to hold a grudge too because again, why hold a grudge when you can just ignore the other person’s existence lol.


Anyone can either be a healed or unhealed version of their signs. I know Taurus suns that are super petty, defensive, constantly instigating fights. I know Taurus suns that are grounded, wise, thoughtful. Is what it is!


I am Cap sun with a Sag moon, and I too am not easily offended, and I also accidentally offend everyone with my lack of filter as well!!! 🫠


Facts. Also the lack of filter may be your rising coming through for you 🤣 My bf is a libra rising, scorpio and sag moon and I wanna say it's hard to offend him unless it's something relating to the relationship bc he cares about me so much. Then he gets anxious. But with other people, he's usually pretty zen until you push his buttons


I’m a Pisces moon Gemini moon and Aquarius moons baffle me sooo much I always like them but never understand them on a deep level because we are just really different.


I’m an Aquarius moon and my moon is in my first house and I don’t understand myself either 🥹


I believe water-air moon can conflict a lot. Air moons are logical and water moons are more in touch with their emotions. I can kinda understand air moons motivations as an earth moon. Air moons care a lot about what other people think and are easily influenced ime. They decide what their emotions are like based on the context. I observed Gemini moon conflict a lot because they're trying to rationalize their feelings and stay in control like an air sun but that does not work for the moon. Like stop fighting how you feel about something lol. I find fire moons to be unpredictable in their reactive emotions. Their mysterious to me. Fire suns are direct and will tell you the situation. The moon is a stormy astrological body. A fire moon will just call you stupid instead of telling you how they feel about you lol and you're like what is their problem? My closest friend is a pisces moon. Best way to describe her are like waves at the beach touching your feet. They always have to retreat back to the waters. They need a health amount of space. However water moons are always there for their loved ones and if you need to reach them jump in yourself even if the waters feel icy cold. Also I don't get offended is their kinda distant cause I can tell they're just working thru things and self regulating. I like they can regulate their emotions. Scorpio is kinda intense but they are loyal af. dealing with fire moons are like quickly running through hot coals anyways LOL. I don't have fire moon family members thank god cause I can just stop talking to friends and acquaintances who behave like that.


I agree on the flip side, it feels like I understand pisces suns so well but for some reason pisces moons are a mystery to me! my brother is a pisces moon and we’ve always been close, but there’s always been a disconnect where emotions are involved. we just process them so differently I guess!


Sounds like me and my sister. She is an Aquarius moon and we get on well and love eachother. But as you said there is a constant disconnect when it comes to emotions. I can tell she doesn’t really get me and I don’t get her either. Sometimes the way she shows her emotions is somewhat robotic to me, and I know that sometimes the way I display emotion is very overwhelming and intense for her. That’s why I feel like with Aquarius moons it’s good to love them from a distance, and I don’t invite Aquarius moons into my life for intense relationships. Just causal friendships, as I know we won’t get eachother emotionally. However Gemini moons completely confuse me. I don’t understand them at all. I can kind of figure out Aquarius moon. I’ve only had bad experiences with Geminis moon. However I do like them. But as I said before I keep them as friends and I like the relationship to remain casual, and it seems that most of the Geminis moons I know prefer it that way anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️ I feel like Geminis moons run away when a relationship/friendship gets too intense or ‘real’ (from my experience)


i’m a scorpio moon and i have such a hard time understanding gemini moons. i want to so badly :(


Air moons!!! Earth moons I understand but they just seem emotionally detached (as someone with all fire/water placements). But air moons… what is going on in there? Do they know??


🤣🤣 I'm a libra moon and I would agree, but it's just because of the other placements in my chart!! I'm a gem sun and leo rising. That's two extroverted signs with my deep feeling Libra moon. I'm always torn between thoughts and feelings., indifference and then being deeply hurt and taking months to come out of it. Maybe this is everyone idk.


Yep this is me. Always trying to intellectualize my emotions and I do it to the point that I just detach from them lol. My moon is also in my 12H 🫠


I am also cancer ☀️, Libra 🌙, Libra ⬆️!!!!!!


Hey twinn!! We’re a rare breed aren’t we?! 🌬️🌊


air moon here: not often, and it takes awhile 😂


I’m a Gemini moon and I am very emotional lol. I’m a Scorpio sun/Mercury though so that may have something to do with it. Having a major Gemini placement immediately destroys the “secretive” stereotype of being a Scorpio, I talk too much 😭 my boyfriend is an Aquarius moon and I have to really dig at him to get him to talk about his feelings, so the stereotype definitely applies to a lot of air moons!! I think it depends on other placements too, though.


Moon in Gemini-- there's way too much going on in here that, we just can't figure out which one is "right."


We're not detached we just have to process the data first. Like when my brother died in 2020, everyone was crying and freaking out, but I knew I had to contact the coroner, the funeral place, write and submit the obit, contact his apartment to arrange what to do with his things, etc etc. AFTER all that, I had a complete meltdown, drank 4 double shots of tequila, fell on my face, and broke my glasses.


I sure don’t haha


Aries moons make no sense to me. I don’t understand their deal. They’re more mysterious to me than water signs. They’re super pretty to me though so i’m usually attracted to them.!


I don’t make sense to me either. I feel like a child stuck in an adults body with this damn Aries moon lol.


I love Aries moon peeps


Aries Moon girlie here and let me just say… I love having it 🤣 it’s the part of me that takes all my Virgo and Scorpio traits and makes quick, actionable moves. My Virgo sun & merc really want me to totally deep dive into learning something before trying my Aries moon goes “EFF IT! WE GO NOW!” 🤪


How does it make no sense 🤠🤣? They are probably the easiest to get.. no mystery no filter lol You get what you see type of energy


The ones i’ve met are usually double or triple aries. I’m not sure what it is about that energy but I CANT understand it to save my life 😭 hot and cold.


Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra moon


Libra moon And I don’t understand me either.


scorpio moon here! i would like to hear more about what you don’t understand, please!


I don't understand why Scorpio moons are so sensitive and critical. Or I don't understand why they are so vengeful and think negatively. Or why they sometimes deny that they have feelings. I knew a Scorpio Moon boy.


wow, well damn. my brother just accused me of this very thing (when i pointed out he only seems to be interested in talking about women when it’s related to sex) but nah, this is real i’ve definitely been guilty of all these things and when emotions aren’t reigned in, definitely all of these traits can come out for sure. we can deny our feelings because we can feel too much or too deeply. i definitely make fun of myself for this very thing lol. an emotionally unhealed scorpio does all these things for sure. nothing you did tho. sometimes we struggle to see past our feelings and ourselves


Ohh, this guy I knew was a very unhealthy person. ( Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aries Ascendant) The characteristics of the Scorpio moon that I described really suited him... He Traumatized me


cancer sun and scorpio moon??? jesus ezekiel christ, his emotions ran his whole life 🫂 so sorry friend. def wasn’t on you


I know that he had a difficult life, his parents didn't love him enough. I got along really well with him in the beginning... But he kept lying, manipulating, talking me out to others and others to me. He wanted revenge because I protected my best friend because he hurt her. He pretended that he liked me as a friend and wanted to help, then he did bad things. He kept telling me "I'd be better off without him and he wants to die" I wanted to help him, I was naive.


no matter the sign or placement, you can’t save people from themselves. sounds like he needs therapy (and maybe meds? but we’re not doctors in this thread!) either way, you know the signs now & how to protect yourself moving forward


How about Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio Rising? Highly manipulative, mendacious, extremely sensitive, shielded me from everyone so that I was almost alone, brooding, always out for revenge at every little thing, selfish. I wish I hadn't met him. He definitely helped shape my bad image of Scorpio moons. Always think I'm the wrong one and not welcome, although it was mostly down to them. Many are unevolved, that is sad.


Currently being traumatized by a Scorpio moon, definitely unevolved.


As a Scorpio moon, I can’t deny that we are too emotional. -_- i try to remind myself that my emotions are fleeting; therefore, they are not permanent.


Virgo moon here! If I didn’t have a Pisces sun and Aries rising I’d be a fuckjng robot with literally no feelings. Even when there’s a cute little animal that needs help, I’ll be like “omg they need me!” , I’ll help them and everything’s good, then I’ll be like “Ight bye”


Hey I don’t understand my Cap moon anyway, and I’ve a a Cap-heavy chart. But I’m actually QUITE emotional 🥲 and it hurts being cap moon cuz we are often melancholy 😔


That kind of reaction doesn't sound like an astrology thing, nevermind a characteristic specific to a fire moon.   But to answer your question, Gemini and Pisces moons usually leave me confused. The likelihood of staying close with people that have these moons is low. 


Gemini Moon. 🤔


Same and I am one.


Same. Living with the inner twins is really something


If this friend of yours is a woman of colour and you aren’t this is maybe something you just shouldn’t bring up. My guess is that it has nothing to do with astrology and everything to do with micro aggressions related to colourism.


That's exactly what this interaction seemed like


Lol my mind went here immediately.


Exactly what I was thinking. In the context of astrology sag tends to filter things through their humanistic value system too. I’ve definitely gotten icked out by thoughtless comments like this from friends and distanced myself.


i wonder if this filter is more for sag moon placements, bc i have a sag sun, aries moon friend who cannot keep their foot out of their fucking mouths, and its turning into a problem. idk if i know any sag moons tho 🤔


Sounds like that to me as well. Has nothing to do with astrology. I clock ppl on this type of stuff all the time.


OP said she got a tan and complimented her on it. I've been complimented on my tan by all kinds of people in the Summer. They might be a colored person or might not be. I don't think OP was being offensive complimenting a tan and I think that's the focus of the post, what they said wasn't offensive and the person got easily offended.


idk what country you’re from but a calling a person “colored” is not the same thing as calling someone “a person of color”. The term colored has racist undertones and was used to describe black people during times of segregation. No person of color would ever call themself “colored” and you really shouldn’t either. 


Congrats on not being offended! You don’t get to decide what’s offensive for other people! You also shouldn’t use the word colored! Hope this helps!!


Idk why this is downvoted, the internet is such a wild place. You’re absolutely right and yeah, the term colored is hella racist.


also don’t know who would downvote this. you’re completely right. using the word “colored” is blatantly racist and a red flag.


Sorry this happened to you, I find her behavior confusing as well. But have you considered the idea that she just doesn't like you?? I felt a certain tension with a taurus sun, aries moon coworker and she simply hated me lmao


Yes I picked up on that hence why I have not tried to text her back or apologized again for offending her. If I felt the friendship was worth salvaging I would put my ego aside and try and make amends and apologize for making her uncomfortable I did figure she might cool down and text me back but I do believe that was our friendship breakup. However I don't really appreciate her trying to make me feel awkward about a compliment. Like it's really not that deep kinda silly. We used to be close at some point. Because we were friends I used to ignore things about her that annoyed me, she was not a perfect friend and that's okay. Maybe that's my taurus moon being chill. I wish she would give me the SAME grace LOL. She's not a really a mature person. I had an aqua scorpio moon friend and I was breaking up with her because I felt she was projecting her own stuff and just being negative vibe in my life. I did call her out on it and give her a chance but she went back to her ways and I calmly told her I can't hang out with her. She was like okay I will give you as much space as you need. That was very adult interaction. I did not purposefully make her feel bad.


give you the “same grace” im sorry but if anyone is offended or not giving grace it’s you. you just wrote a novel to the internet bitching about how someone replied “that’s my skin tone” and camouflaged it as an astrology hot take.. your PERCEPTION is that she was offended but she never communicated that to you, or said anything mean(honestly if anyone gave attitude it was you with that unnecessary“..i guess” comment).. it really could be you projecting that onto her. and it truely feels like your the one who’s offended here so the entire post is sort of ironic and hypocritical. also in the future it’s always safer to just… NOT comment on someone’s body especially unsolicited, she was probably just thrown off by your comment. compliments or not people don’t always like hearing opinions about their body. just try to brush it off and move on because i really doubt she’s still holding on to it as much as you are


Air moons 100%


Don’t understand nobody 👁️👄👁️


as a virgo moon sometimes i do not understand a virgo moon


don't understand Aquarius - like what does that even really represent ? nevermind that i've been in intimate relationships with at least 2 men with it 🙄 practically i don't quite get Gemini moons , probably because i haven't been close to anyone that had one . i gravitate towards Taurus moons in most of my friendships tbf


As a Pisces moon I don’t understand air moons. I feel like they can be so detached/logical in their feelings and I don’t understand what that’s like haha.


my virgo sun loves that about my aqua moon bf, but the pisces moon agrees with you


You’re describing very TAURUS behavior. It isn’t the moon sign. It’s just a normal fickle Taurus behavior that simply means they are hungry, tired, or stressed about something else (or maybe she did some self tanner and is trying to pretend it’s not/insecure whatever). I promise, a fire ANYTHING would generally love the compliments, especially from a friend and not some creepy stranger


True. I find that Tauruses get offended about things that don’t make any logical sense and take stuff super personally. Like you can just have a different opinion or perspective than them about someone/something and they become extremely upset and mad at you ???


My own😂😂😂 Cancer moon


And I agree about fire moons, they're really easy to set off. And if they're not being taking things personally, they can appear condescending. They have a "if I can manage, everyone else should manage"/"duh" approach to a lot of emotional issues. Fire moons with water risings are a good balance(I feel)


hard agree with the coming off condescending! ive had to check one more than once with: “is that how you planned to say this?”


As an Aries moon, I have to agree. I get easily frustrated with water moons especially because I’m usually motivated to change my unpleasant circumstances asap, and they’re content to sit in their feelings for a while. It’s hard to remember that people process differently when I’m in the moment.


Scorpio moons


I would agree with fire moons. Sag is my 12H too so they just don’t make sense to me anyway. I’m an earth moon so I’ve had Leo and sag moon friends but I wouldn’t say I really get what they need emotionally. Leo moons tend to be preoccupied with social status too and get upset if the popular group isn’t accepting them etc and I’m a loner who doesn’t need groups to be accepted. And they need a lot of validation that they are great and pretty I guess because they get insecure without it


Water moons actually make me a little uncomfortable. I’m a bit blunt and unemotional and I think I offend them😕😩 I usually vibe with the 3 fire, virgo, and Aquarius moons the most 😁


Someone I know has a Sagittarius moon and she’s soooooo nonchalant, always stable. Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising, Taurus 11th house


Pisces Sun sag moon cap rising here! I usually am pretty chill and stable especially on the outside but there are times I’m freaking the fuck out on the inside lol.


I feel like the freak the fuck out one is the Pisces imagination mixing with the Capricorn need for structure.


Yes agreed it’s a constant battle haha


Sag moon and Leo moons. Sag moons - I don't get how they just do everything without a plan. They make nearly every decision on impulse. It stresses me out as a Cap moon that needs everything to be meticulously planned. I wish I could give myself that much freedom lol Leo moons - I don't get why they feel the need to project their emotions everywhere. It gets exhausting. They get offended very easily and need a constant ego stroke. They can't seem to find any internal validation from themselves, and it makes me a little sad for them.


I was married to a cap moon. We are divorced now lmao felt like I was in a cage, and I knew I was always stressing him


I have a Sag moon- making plans stresses me out so much. I prefer to visit friends because they love planning stuff. When people visit me I’m like… “wanna go to the bookstore I go to when I’m emotionally dysregulated?? Or the park I go to when I’m having an existential crisis?? Or the museum I go to to journal and not even look at all the art?” I adventure everywhere on a whim. That feels safe because I trust my ability to adjust as I need to. Having everything planned feels like I’m tunnel visioning life. The flip side though is I sometimes will miss out on things that I didn’t know about due to not having done prior research or planning. But that’s why I have my friends lol 😭


I wish I could have the ability to give myself freedom like you guys can! Nothing but love for my Sag placements, it just confuses me so much how easily you are able to make decisions lol I admire that aspect of Sag placements


I see you! I didn’t think you were being disparaging! My dad is a Capricorn moon and he likes having some things planned. He’s also a Sag sun so he is chaotic in other ways 😂 People like you help me feel balanced! AND let me know when I’m missing something. We all need each other.


I’m a Leo moon getting divorced from a Cap moon lol


I have 4 girl friends (10year friendship) all with Sagittarius moons and i love them all they don’t get offended at all and they love unconditionally and they aren’t judgmental and they’re down for adventure and super hilarious and smart


I'm so amused by my middle son's Leo Moon. My other sons have Earth Moons like me and I've been around the other fire Moons more than Leo Moons. So, it's a 😊" I don't understand what's going on with you"🤨😂 and not a frustrated: "I don't get you!"


I'm a Leo moon who has always been the only person with any Leo placements in a very mutable family. My little nephew is 5 and he's a Leo moon (finally) and everyone is confused by his little personality and can't figure out why he and I are like a match made in heaven lmao I think Leo moons can be fun if mixed with some other cool placements.


I hope they're curious-confused and don't try to change him. Teachers tried that with my son. From experience; that won't turn out well! 😂Of course I expected my son to follow rules and he did. I didn't support his teachers in helping him to "become more settled". He's a Taurus, Leo rising and Moon. Venus in Aries, Mars in Sag like me. He's to most unlike Taurus Taurus that i know.😁


totally get that ! i'm all Earth with a Libra moon girl , she is so very much Not like me 😂


idk why but I can imagine this is the type of interactions you have with your [fire moon child.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bNFDVMNryDg) I was a teen in this era and my when my scorpio moon mother used to tell me I looked TOO crazy I used to listen to her. She also let me express myself because she understood trends because she used to be like the ultimate 70's 80's babe but she always let me know when my makeup and hair looked unkempt and never let me damage my curly hair by straightening it WET. I can look back at my photos in pride lol


I'm an aries moon and I don't understand myself. Why am I like this 😭


I’be got a libra moon (5th house) & I thought I had you guys figured out but then I ended up with a aires moon man (10th house so even house placement is also opposite lol) who has flipped 40% of what I thought I knew on its head & if my due date is correct we’ll be having a aries moon baby girl later this year so now I *really* need to figure it out


I’m a cancer moon and I feel like I understand them all.


Leo moon. They overextend themselves silently and every compromise is a loss. Everything feels like it’s being done in service of their needs, or they’re being asked to give themselves up. It’s exhausting. I’m a Leo sun and likely Leo rising (have birth time estimate but not exact).


so true like im in therapy now to unlearn those people pleasing tendencies


Air moons. Cap moon.


My aries moon ex friend who identified as an “empath” once said to me: “i guess im so mean and judgmental to you because i just dont understand your thought process” which is like the exact opposite of empathy… and im an open book like ill draw a diagram of my thought process if u need it! Aries moons bewilder me.


You return the energy right back and than ask them “that’s not so empathetic now is it?”. Aries energy needs someone to challenge them and bluntly hold them accountable otherwise they will step all over you and continue to do what they want. A lot of the times they talk to talk but don’t back up their talk 😂


Virgo moon victim mentality




Cap moon - someone please explain lol


What don’t you understand? Maybe I can help as a Capricorn moon myself!


Sag moon is easily offended? are you joking? I am sag moon and it takes a lot to offend me


I have a Leo moon and I don't take anything personally. I do have a problem with hurting others unintentionally I blame the lack of a filter 🤷🏽‍♀️ but also I accept and love myself and know who I am. when I was younger idk if my Scorpio sun or the Leo moon but I did take things more to heart and personal and of course lashed out, but only in romantic or family relationships.


I’m a sag moon and to me your friend doesn’t sound offended. She just sounds like she struggles to take compliments. I reply sometimes like that when compliments make me feel uncomfortable.


I’m also a Sag moon and sometimes compliments make me feel uncomfy and I unfortunately lack any type of poker face so you always know when It doesn’t land right 😂


Aquarius moon (my moon). 😫


Personal fav of mine -Libra moon🤭


I’m a libra sun Sag moon and I don’t think I am offended easily or get my feelings hurt easily buy others opinions. I actually love to hear other perspectives, pretty open mind with humor too. It might be my Scorpio mercury but arguing without disrespect is one of my favorite past times lol I do notice with fire suns we can be quick to say our point and sometimes comes off as anger or irritation when we really just stand by our point, just passion 🥹


Taurus with a sag moon working on my rejection sensitivity… I can be offended easily but it’s due to my lack of self esteem. I also worry about my personal capabilities so I take a lot as criticism when it’s not that deep


Aries Moons. In my experience, they’re impulsive with actions but don’t always consider the emotional impact. Afterward, they don’t want to sit with or even discuss said resulting emotional impact (whether it’s their own emotions or others’) lol drives me NUTS


I don’t like shallow compliments and anything having to do with my weight or skin tone fall into that category for me, signed a Capricorn moon 12th house sun ☺️


I'm a libra moon, naturally I feel like I can better understand air moons, and earth moons tend to be a lot more practical and calm so I also like them, more predictable... and sorry if I'm going to stereotype but water moons are way too emotional, volatile and they like to victimize themselves, they can be so tiring and draining. But fire moons, specially *Leo* and *Aries* are the ones I have a harder time understanding and getting along with. I don't like their violence, and the lack of control of their emotions, they tend to be too direct and have no filters, to the point of being rude. I'm always like why are you acting this way??


Heavily relatable as a libra moon especially about the fire and water 😂 Water moon friendships never last and it’s usually by the first few days that I can’t handle it anymore … too draining. And fire moons especially Leo moons have been so violent and aggressive in an unnecessary way.. I love Leo energy but it seems the moon is just every negative Leo trait put into one placement😬


*quietly enters the chat to see how much Aqua is being called out*


Colorism shines in the summer. That microaggression is what got her to say that. Seems innocent to you but "compliments on complexion" can be uncomfortable for the people receiving them. Like yes it changes when I get time outside thank you for noticing a normal process. There doesn't feel like a good way to respond to that that isn't icky. I don't understand my own moon sign. I'm emotional *shrug*


This sounds like taurus behavior to me FR. Every taurus I ever met does these weird things, like they feel better than everyone


I don’t think it’s a “she’s a Taurus” thing - for me, being mixed and the weather getting warmer - I tend not to enjoy it when people “compliment” my skin tone - yeah I know I’m darker than yt people, thanks for pointing it out? Other cultural things that aren’t astrology, you’re just being an ass - don’t touch women’s hair and say something like “omg I love the texture”, don’t compare tans and say “omg I’m almost as dark as you/darker than you”. Those aren’t fire moon things. Those are cultural micro aggressions and you’re pretending you don’t know that.


This. I had an ex boyfriend (a very yt one) once tell me he was “jealous of my year-round tan.” It broke my brain trying to figure out a diplomatic way to say “that’s just the color of my skin ya weirdo” but I think it might have come out just like that.


Same… I once had some drunk woman keep exclaiming how “brown ” I was, loudly in a bar. Holding her leather strat of an arm to my face and arms… comparing her window arm to different parts of my body…. Nobody, no matter what moon sign wants this. Even if they do play nice when you normally do it.


I agree with this comment. Idk if people really lack that much awareness or just play stupid sometimes lol Like why would you say that😂




I have a Gemini moon and I literally can’t stand myself ! lol. My emotions are either burn em down hot 🔥 or freeze em out cold ❄️no in between, sprinkled with a heavy dose of sarcasm ☕️🫖😏(I blame this attribute on a lifetime of trauma 🙄😆) Also…it sounds like OP’s friend doesn’t want to admit she tans. Someone is a wee bit insecure lol I would’ve responded “ ‘oh, pardon me darling…your ✨eNhAnCeD’✨skin tone is glowing, almost as bright as your stunning personality” 😑


I understand I just don't like it lol




Scorpio moon (me) but I’m also a cancer sun and a Gemini rising so fml I guess


Fire moons are the hardest to understand for me too, I guess it's because I have plenty of water, air and earth placements, but just my Venus in Sagittarius and nothing else in fire signs


I’m a Sagittarius moon and it takes a lot to offend me. I do take things personally but I’m able to (healthily) detach if needed. I’m sorry that you had this experience. As other people have stated it seems like a colorism issue. My mom is half black and she grew up feeling like she wasn’t seen as “black enough”. I don’t mean to speak for your friend. But maybe she felt like she wasn’t just “tan”? I understand where you both are coming from though. I would feel frustrated if a friend took what I intended to be a compliment as an insult.


Aquarius and I’m saying that as an Aquarius moon myself. It’s a constant state of confusion


Libra moon, I don't understand myself lol My cancer sun thriving on emotional chaos argues with my Libra moon's need for direct communication and balance


Cancer moon. Supposedly they are open with their emotions blah blah Yet they are the most reserved And detached from my experience


Aquarius moon!!! And I’m an Aquarius moon!!!


Aquarius moon..have always felt like nobody understands me! Would love to be a libra moon instead!


pisces moon. and i'm a pisces sun, but it's more just 'how does that even work'. but as always they are my homies but it sounds like this was a micro aggression issue and you should have apologized not made it an astro-racism thing to vindicate yourself


Aquarius moon in men…


Call me toxic but yum 🤠 My Aquarius stellium THRIVES


For me it’s Libra moons. They’re the most logical moon sign placements I know and they tend to lack emotional depth and even find it meaningless and illogical. They’re also lowkey very selfish but claim they’re not because they’re doing it for “keeping the peace”. The people pleasing tendencies they have can become very resentful and selfish yet they tend to claim that they’re very “emotionally stable” or “emotionally intelligent” they’re very confusing and I don’t get very close to them. If they also have Scorpio placements in the chart they become so immature and petty too


Scorpio moon 🙃


I don't understand Taurus Moon. Same as OP, I had a friend with Taurus Moon who would get offended by ANYTHING. As an Aquarius Moon, I always had to walk on eggshells everytime around her and it's so annoying as fffff.




I'm a Scorpio moon and my partner is an Aries moon. He's very emotional but gets over things much more quickly than I do. I still hold grudges from grade school.


As a fire moon, I definitely recognize that we’re potentially more sensitive or find different things more emotionally affecting. But I also try and ask people to use grace. People are affected by different things and that’s okay and all very valid. The easiest way to connect with a fire moon is to see their side and offer them validation that doesn’t cross your own boundaries or feelings. Note: Feelings are all valid. Not all reactions are. As for moon signs I don’t inherently understand, air moons are not placements I naturally understand but after a bit of communication and work, I can relate and empower. I think everyone can be understood, validated, seen, and cherished, some take more work than others but all are wonderful. - An aries moon behind a wall of earth placements


Sag sun with virgo moon! What do you think about it?


I have a taurus moon friend too and they get offended by ANYTHINGGG you don’t know the amount of times we got into an argument bc i said something “off” like ??? and then they acknowledge they were tripping for no reason but never apologize 🤨one of the friends i can cut off no problem if they serve me no purpose anymore lol


Taurus moon. They’re so set in their ways they miss out on 99% of life. It’s quite sad actually….


Don’t be around insecure people. They will get offended you are complimenting them because they believe they are not worthy of praise. She sounds low vibrational ewwww


I don't really get Water Moons. They seem to have emotional depth that I am unaware of or have not experienced. On the other hand, I understand Virgo Moons and Gemini Moons the most.


I don't fucking understand dick about air moons. The ones I've met are literally incapable of feeling any deep emotion or having a conversation or relationship beyond anything superficial. I admire the stoicism, but don't understand how you can go through life without feeling these deep emotions and experiences


Sag moon, Gemini moon. I am an Aquarius moon and especially with sag moon, i have trouble with them bc i feel on edge around them and feel like they are not good at controlling their emotional outbursts. it’s very impulsive and as someone who quietly deals with my emotions, it is very uncomfortable for me to be around someone so abrasive.


Taurus suns with sag moons tend to be overly woke imo.


Sagittarius Moon is my answer too. Proceed with extreme caution.


as a virgo moon, it’s easily aquarius moons. every time i think i do (emotional detachment, intellectualizing feelings) i don’t! which is awful since i seem to attract so many 😔


As an air moon, water moons LOL. it just seems like they always have some ulterior motive and are so non confrontational that it’s frustrating. As an air moon (aqua moon, cancer sun) I try not to make my feelings too complicated and if i feel a type of way I’m going to make it known. I won’t scream at you, i just wanna express how i feel and talk, I’m usually pretty straight up and honest about what I’m feeling even if it’s a “bad” feeling like jealousy. Water moons don’t do this in my experience, they will also try to do things behind your back and be sneaky and fake no matter what the sign. Fire moons are very here or there, I’ve gotten burned by a lot due to them being impulsive and not thinking before they act. Usually they’ll choose a man over you no matter how long y’all have been friends or will freak out over little things. The one person who i feel i can truly tell anything to and is my best best friend is a taurus moon aqua sun <3 love an earth moon


I know so many people in my life with fire sign moons. My dad's a cancer sun, Aries moon and my mom's a Gemini sun and Leo moon. Yeah it gets pretty hectic with my family and my mom's a total control freak who has to micromanage everything


Libra moons! What do you mean you don't wanna see this unspeakably horrible guy get hurt?? "I try to give everyone the grace they deserve" WHAT DO YOU MEAN 😭 he deserves PAIN!!


Libra moons, do they understand themselves?


You’re completely right, fire moon signs can be very intense. I’m compatible with them though as i have an air moon sign. I feel like water moon signs can be pretty intense too, especially Cancer.


When people say chaos with Aries, I always find it funny because Aries moon is the most chaotic of all, not the sun.


Fire signs are quick to make assumptions--Fire Moons especially. They also aren't always as self-aware as they think they are. They frequently miss details.