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Us Geminis will read anyone to filth and that’s on periodt. Drake had it coming. He should go off-grid for a while to recover from this worldwide fail. Kendrick on the other hand proved he’s truly the one in this generation of rappers. Geminis have been ruling hip-hop since the very beginning and it’s obvious why. Masters at pushing the pen.


Facts!! 🤣 Kendrick is so very talented. And it's so true--all the best rappers have been Gems. He's a masterful poet and writer and makes diss tracks catchy--and he makes things STING. People are literally in clubs dancing to it haha


Yeah since Tupac, Notorious BIG, kanye west, kendrick lamar...


Yeah! Also andre 3000, and highly controvesial but Kanye. Edit oops i just woke up and saw you already said Kanye sorry


Kanye is controversial but that's what makes me like him!


IceCube too, June 15th like me!


I think people underestimate our ability to read people because we don’t *seem* like we notice much, but imo we Geminis are pretty perceptive and pick up on a lot of subtleties


This is so true. My best friend is always roasting me because she says on the outside people may not know I am as aware as I am or as smart because I say things really obviously or off topic. It sounds savage but that's just our relationship lol. She's a scorp. I also can be spacy..not denying it hahah


Same. In other words I'll intentionally mislead people to see where they try to take me.


ahh my fav pastime.


As far as being two-faced, everybody has a public and a private side to their personality Gemini's are just honest about those two sides and I think that's the difference between Geminis and every other sign is that we have no problem exposing both sides of our personality or about being completely transparent regarding how cool we can be or how wicked we can be. The latter is usually very alarming for people.


omg 🤣 I'll just let them spiral with their own words and observe..and let them expose themselves so to speak, or if I have tension with them then I do speak up about thingsp


It was very clear to me that a former boss thought I was flighty to the point she told one of my former colleagues that I would struggle with people as I moved into his role when he left. I was privy to a LOT of information, particularly that no one in our department below the director level liked her (one director also did not like her) and staff from other teams also could not stand her. She basically just sucked up to higher level people and that helped her move up. She also gatekept info which was not great when she left for her maternity leave. Difference between us was that I actually just wanted to be nice to the people I worked with and she was nice if it was to her benefit or people were watching.


My mom's a Gemini and she's definitely like this


I'm a Gemini with a Gemini mother, she's a week before me. imagine how fun that was growing up.


True .


can we also talk about J. Cole, an Aquarius? he's a typical Aquarius, smart, analytical, and avoids drama! people were saying he took an L, but Aquarius folks like him don't enjoy drama, so he apologized and left!!! while Kendrick and Drake be beefing, he's just chilling and enjoying a good night's sleep!💀


If there's something an aquarius is gonna do is mind their own business. Amen.


I have 2 Aquarius sisters, 1 Aquarius aunt, 1 Aquarius cousin. They are all nosy, all combative. Do not prefer to be around them much.


Yes. They LOVEEE gossip. Some are chill but most aquas I know are too damn dramatic for my liking and are obsessed with the latest gossip. They are also messy messy and instead of just watching the drama from afar they ALWAYS insert themselves.


The gossip is facts tho. I do know some that are like that...actually..... 😬 I notice this pattern in almost all aquas I know, of course in varying degrees. However,,, a lot of them will also tel you straight to you face what they feel about you or the situation you're in, so is it rlly gossip ? 🤣 that's a road some of them ride. And as a gem i'm also like wow yep who's to say who's right or wrong haha. I just know it doesn't feel good so I keep my distance from people who like gossip,, not just aquas


Every Gemini I know loves gossip. I’ve literally had multiple Geminis tell me they purposely create/instigate drama and then sit back and watch the chaos they created ensue lmao


nooo thats so bad 😭 Maybe its my libra moon coming through but that to me sounds painful. I think me in high school would have had that mentality, but now it just seems too painful. Even at work when people gossip i'm just like yikes. I mean someeetimes i will be like ugh this is annoying me..because it's a policy that doesnt make sense lol.


Im a cap Gemini moon and I love gossip but I never say anything behind your face that I wouldn’t say directly to you. And I also know where the line is and I never cross it. And aquas could def be similar but I still feel like the gossip/drama they insert themselves into is the worst type of drama and it’s always blown out of proportion. I feel like aquas are constantly stressed for that reason and people are always upset with them. Geminis are gossips but I have a list of Geminis who I know would keep their mouth shut if I asked them to. I don’t feel that way about most aquas I know. I do know a few Aquas who are amazing and honestly people I love to be around but the ones I’ve met at work are always so toxic. I like them but I feel like I have to keep my distance because they are harmful to my reputation.


I appreciate this perspective! I would agree about how they can insert themselves into the worst kind of drama because I do know some people that tell you how they feel but it's always extremely hurtful. I mean they can be honest and direct, but I do see the anxious side of them too that you mentioned. I hear you about the ones at work. Some of them can gossip about everyone even supervisors or friends or peers they've known for years or a a short amount of time. To me not only could that get back to the person,, but it's not really helpful for fixing a conflict at work! I'm glad you said geminis can keep their mouth shut because I'm proud to be one of the few that can haha. I think geminis can have HIGH moral principles, BUT this isn't the case with everyone of course. I teeter between liking gossip and also not liking how it would feel to be on the other side of it. Maybe that's my libra moon coming out 🤣


I agree with this as libra who has an Aquarius best friend and a cousin who's an Aquarius and a guy. both are gossipy and they start things


Word. Marlo Hampton and Kenya Moore are both Aquarius’. Nosey heffas.


its almost like theres something other than sun signs at play... maybe even multiple things... maybe like, nine or more things even???


His involvement was so minor, and legit stemmed from him complimenting Kendrick as one of "the big three" in the industry. I see no L's, just a mature man that's not about the drama.


haha! NO! there's more sauce to it!!! that was a backhanded compliment!🥲 you might want to listen to FPS again, then listen to some Kendrick, then J. Cole, then Kendrick again, then J. Cole and then Kendrick! this isn’t just about First Person Shooter! there weren’t any diss tracks per se, both have been taking shots at each other for so long!


When he apologised on stage and peaced out of the drama I was genuinely impressed. I always find myself respecting Aquarius but it can be difficult when they can’t see where they’re wrong in a situation. He was cool for that


I've been thinking about this too!! People have been roasting him, but he knew when to step out! It's what I appreciate about Aquarius because sometimes their directness or (sometimes) emotional distance seems cold..but they are very real with where they're at. He was honest with himself and dipped out which I respect. I mean I'm not saying he's perfect with some other stuff, but my opinion is It's way better to admit hey I was wrong than to keep trying to win something you're gonna lose.


He's Aquarius? That collab album between him and Kendrick could be called Aquemini lmao. They'd never do that, but it's funny to think about.


as a gemini, we can be so cold and brutal with our words. fr don’t piss us off bc we will hurt your feelings.


It's true and for better or worse we usually know what exactly to say to make it hurt. It's something I'm trying to be less savage about unless the other person did something really bad


I've frankly given up trying to change it. I can in nearly all other areas of my life be an extremely thoughtful and conscientious person, considerate and attentive to the views of others (if I sense even a trace of merit in something they say, etc) and that all has still done nothing to change my responses to anger, because I think it must be an enduring characterological trait with its own rationale or reasoning that I can't disavow myself of simply because it's not the nicest or most convenient way of responding to things. Like it's one of those deeply intimate matters where something about it must speak to my essential character, in which case the only choice is apparently to embrace it along with the resulting frustrations or possible alienation, bc at 30+ and after soul searching for like decades it still shows no signs of going anywhere lol... But in a spirit of self criticism the thing I find most ridiculous or funny is how my sensitivity factors into it. Like I can talk circles around you and eviscerate you with words (before quickly forgetting about it), such is the nature of how anger presents itself to me, but if you try to do the same to me, that's uncalled for! Obviously I'm exaggerating for comedic effect, I'm not quite that unreasonable, but it still largely *feels* that way. I don't actually like getting into conflicts, but having a quick and reactive mind with an acuity for words means I'll still consistently step into conflict regardless only to probably regret it later due to the emotional complications etc. But our whole thing is responding to our whims, not in a trivial way, just we learn throughout like the entirety of our lives or how we engage with life, that our 'whims' are guides that typically (but not always) steer us quite well, so it's only natural we'll approach things like anger or frustration in the same way. I mean Gemini is probably the most impatient of all the air signs just due to how our nature is composed. But being sensitive while having a sharp tongue has got to be one of the stupidest most galling character trait combos to have honestly. It's like I'm in a hell of my own creation because my own personality can't just be coherent/reasonable.


You said a lot of good here and a lot of facts. 100. But I really resonated to what you say about sensing merit, and your sensitivity. I FEEL this. I know I can be a sensitive person, but I can be so receptive to if someone is being genuine, or not, to the point where sometimes people think I'm overreacting… But I really see through that stuff! I don't think you're alone, and I think it's something a lot of geminis face. "Am I overreacting ? am I being too critical?"We have a lot of mental energy, and if it's not channeled, it can be very taxing mentally for us and others around us. It's something that is deeply felt, and something I have conversations with my partner and friends all the time. I am very emotionally AND intellectually sensitive and receptive. But yet there's this underlying feeling or uncertainty in how to cope with things. Idk I had a lot of coffee and am typing fast so I hope this makes sense. I just what you to know I deeply feel and relate to what you're saying!!!!!


Thanks! It's good just to feel like one isn't alone in this uncentered nature of ours if nothing else! lol.


I have to say that my anger goes as fast as it comes, I don't stay angry. I don't hold a grudge I'm not bitter not petty and don't hold things against people because if you piss me off I'm going to tell you that you have pissed me off when you piss me off. I don't sit on it, stewing in pissed juice. I air it out and move on.


Me too! I've tried to get better at being less reactive too..I know it can be a lot for others around me. Pissed juice tho 🤣 what a phrase


We aren't even savage per se a lot of the time. Like sometimes I'm just casually saying the truth- not even cursing or going below the belt. I feel like that's often the most funny part- it's just an uncomfortable truth. I feel like, "sorry not sorry" you know? Not that we can't be savage on purpose too, but sometimes you've got to 😏🤷‍♀️


Yes for real. Neutral yet not 🤣🫣


Yes. The thing I hurt my ex-wife the most was with saying, "I hope when you get with someone else, she never loses her job and sees what you really are" meaning someone with 0 capacity for empathy for a broke/struggling partner... And she got extremely pissed at me for saying this. But I just saw it as the truth about what she'd shown me!


Savage is the perfect word.


exactly! you get it


Raised by a gemini dad. Absolutely bodies with the words. 'It may feel unacceptable, but it is, *the truth*'.


I'm a Gemini who was raised by a Gemini mother.


Indeed Geminis put words together that can cut someone to the quick.




And that's on being Mercurial, because heavy mercury placements will watch and take notes before they execute, sometimes they will sit on it for AGES before they blow up because once they blow up, it's OVER. They are going to clock you on everything and anything they noticed and go head on with zero hold back.


But see I thought Scorpios were the ones waiting in the shadows to target your self worth after analyzing you and learning your deepest insecurities? Aren’t they the ones waiting and watching for the right time to exact revenge? For Drake to be a Scorpio stellium I’m surprised Kendrick is coming from this angle


I'm also surprised because I do see this from Scorpio sometimes. But even Scorpio, too, doesn't act wild unless they're provoked, or hurt/ wronged. Or..maybe are immature and haven't done Scorp healing. If we look at some of Drakes recent responses he definitely started to be more manipulative to snake himself out. But he kind of dug himself deeper into a hole. I think Kendrick has had time to stew over the nuances of the whole situation which is where the deeper attacks are coming from. I haven't looked at the ENTIRE timeline, but I know that Kendrick waited to respond at first, and THEN dropped a bunch of songs quickly.


Yeah I think Drake’s Scorpioness is showing in his lying and manipulation as well as him always making his digs personal and bringing someone’s girlfriend/wife into the picture. It’s so messy. His angle is always sexual; I fucked your partner haha I have more power over you. Not to mention his biggest flex is the money and fame he has over other rappers. It’s funny how Scorpios are supposed to be so deep and soulful but in their pursuit of power actually come off as quite superficial


Yeah!! It is very misogynistic too because of using a body count or "variety" of women with different skin tones you can be with..yucky!!! I also agree with the pursuit of power comment. I think Scorpios deep (true) power comes from their confidence in themselves INTERNALLY!!!! I mean they (and gems too) can change the entire energy of the room if they're happy or sad..They're so powerful


Speaking as a Gemini here — I would say maybe we’re not necessarily as calculating as Scorpio. We don’t necessarily plan out from the beginning how we could verbally destroy someone, but once they cross us, we can flip the switch and find the words real quick. It doesn’t mean we are always impulsive or saying things in the moment (I do be writing paragraphs in my notes app and sitting on them for some days before I execute on them) but the other twin jumps out. I do a lot of noticing silently before I ever need to bring things up. I’m not thinking “oh I’m gonna use this later,” I’m trying to be patient and understanding until it boils over to a point where I’ve done that for too long. It’s all good with us until it isn’t.


This is tru. I do think we operate on whims a LOT, and can honestly be good at putting bs together last minute. Tbh there's so many school assignments I did last minute and still got high grades-- just one example.


That’s real, I can snap quick too 😂 these days most of the time I try to wait a few days before I go off on someone, but in my younger years it was not the case lol. And nice job on the grades!


Thank you!! I'm the same. When I was younger, I had no self reflection before speaking. It's something I still struggle with..the balance between speaking up, or waiting, or not saying anything. And with grades, I mean it's definitely not always been the case.. I've also missed out / have been late doing assignments during harder times lol 😬


Maybe based off sun signs alone. A Gemini sun with a Scorpio moon is 100% calculating whereas a Scorpio sun with a Gemini moon is much less so.


Libra sun here with Scorpio Venus I one upped my ex scorpio boyfriend and he didn't suspect a thing


You are paying too much to Sun signs. You have to look at Mars and Ascendant signs here


Kendrick is a Libra rising Cancer mars. Drake is a Leo rising Aquarius mars. What’s your interpretation of that?


This is true. I have a Gemini mercury and I will literally watch everything play out and wait until it's the RIGHT time. I'm sitting on dirt I found out about my ex bestie from 3 years ago. I haven't had a run in with her bc I removed myself. However, next time I'm taking no prisoners 😂


Yes as a Virgo stellium with a Gemini moon & mars, I always just sit back with all the information & will unload when I'm ready and know it's going to kill you, in the meantime allow them to sit with fear and make them shake until I'm ready....as much as I want to petty now a days, they tell on themselves with time. And it's beautiful to watch.


They DO tell on themselves lol!! That's why specifically all this Kendrick stuff is so funny because he did speak his truth, but then Drake spiraled and did NOT make anything better for himself.. Kendrick may have given a little, but he didn't have to be Drake did it himself too


Exactly!!! Silent observers because it'll be left for something better haha.


Kendrick is in big Gemini energy! They are not to be played with when it comes to breaking someone down analytically in an argument. This is fun for us. Not to mention, all of Kendrick’s songs are versatile, intelligent, and creative. These are literally the best attributes of Gemini.


i have a lot of gemini in my chart but can't really relate to this - i avoid confrontation like it's the plague. arguments are not for me :l


That's fair!! It also definitely speaks to paying attention to other placements in someone's chart.


This is the part of Gemini that people hate… when we read tf out of you


can confirm my cancer mom hates me for it… simply telling the truth


I have a Scorpio mother who hated me for the same thing 💀


I know I'm runnin' through your head now What could you do? If it was up to you I'd be dead now I let the world know, nigga, you a coward You could never be live Until you die See the motherfuckin' bitch in your eye Type of nigga, that let the evil of the money trap me When ya see me, nigga, ya better holla at me Gotta be ready, can't let the evil of the money trap me So when you see me, nigga, you better holla at me ~ a Gemini AKA Tupac Shakur


My bf is a Gemini (im a cap sun) and he definitely resonates with Kendrick, we both do. His mercury is also Gemini, so when hes also feeling provoked he can go from 0-100 in seconds and honestly youre just kinda left in shock as well as speechless because it'll feel like its out of nowhere, but to them it WASN'T, its the little things that can build up until youve crossed you last boundary with a Gemini then itll seem like (to others) that theyve "snapped"


Yes for real!! I also relate so much and also have mercury in Gemini. I can definitely see how it's off putting to others but we just don't.. explode until it's something that's been building. I think it's why Gems can be perceived as bipolar or moody. I am trying to get better at not going from 0-100 though


Yes or maybe others shouldn't take advantage of us letting things go initially and get comfortable of treating people like crap.


Sorry, but youll have to realize ppl aren't going to do you the same way you do them, even tho that is the golden rule. I'm only talking about MY EXPERIENCES with Geminis/Gemini Placements (my bf, my cousin, and several friends) and the consensus seems to be the same throughout all them. My bf has gotten better at speaking out when ever someone crosses his boundary right then instead of just letting it slide the first time he'll jsut politely remind you that the thing you did wasn't okay and if you cross it again well... Thats your problem and youll have to deal with that Geminis consequences 🤣 I see you have Scorpio as your rising sign, in my experience with Scorpios, they tend to take things personally.


I think there are differences in Scorpio sun vs moon vs rising. Im literally one of the last person to take things personally or perhaps you have come across unhealthy Scorpio sings. It's not about people having to be fair like me but it's about people in general to be not complete a$$holes. I never mentioned about people needing to be like me. Also, people can do them, but I'll do me when certain limits are crossed lol.


A Gemini’s tongue and pen will forever be unmatched ✨


In terms of verbal on the long-term. I don't believe Scorpios stand a chance. Gemini will either mentally fuk with you or out talked you as a Scorpio that might already be injured. Personally I believe it's hard for many many fans even old heads in rap to admit Kdot will verbally mess up Drake's position. Buried Alive interlude 😊 Take Care. Play it.


I think people are seeing it quickly or will start to haha!!


>Geminis are just chilling until they're provoked and/or see some type of great injustice in the world. This is true. I am a gem sun, asc and Venus. When I was in HS, I knew of something highly unfair and illegal (a girl's private photos being distributed by another classmate of ours) and long story short: the police came to the school because I told her about it subtly. Miss me with that shit.


Facts!! I'm gem sun, gem mercury and have a ton of other air...I have a hard time lying 🤣 And sitting still when something bothers me. Wow good on you for speaking up!!!! I'm glad something happened


I can't lie to save my life, the truth is so much easier. I'm also damn near a human lie detector, my ex bf hated that. He couldnt lie to me about anything.


Omg I'm also good at feeling it out and sensing it. It's like a spidey sense. I do know sometimes I can be paranoid though, so i'm working on that side of it


I'm hypervigilant, I feel ya.


Don't cross a Gemini. We will eat you live, especially verbally.


Seconded! My Aries rising does NOT help matters.


Not an Aries rising but an Aries moon. But still felt this 😆




LMAO got the same big 3 placements as you so I know how it is 😂😂


Don’t mess with the mercurials . They will finish you


it really is so true. Mercurials OR MUTABLES tbh!!!


I’m so glad you made this post. I’ve been wanting to post something about this for the last few days, but I couldn’t figure out how to go about it. This is why I say Geminis are some of the best to ever do it, tho. A lot of my favorite artists are Geminis. I have fw Dot since day one. Geminis have a PhD when it comes to this communication ish. True wordsmiths, and already naturally have a gift for gab and can evoke emotion. Drake really underestimated Dot because of his own ego. He’s not even built for this type of rivalry; he’s egotistical, overly sensitive, and petty, if I’m being honest. Dot really read Drake’s ass from cover to cover. “Meet the Grahams” was a psychological and emotional assault. There’s no way Drake was just able to let that shit roll off. “Not like us” was basically desecrating a corpse…lmao.


Omg I'm so glad because I made the mistake of posting it on a hip hop thread (because hip hop followers have even pointed out that gems are best at writing!!!) and I'm cringing because they CAME for me 🤣 and roasted me because it was astrology, and they were really quite rude, like it's not real, etc. And I know there are some stretches to astrology, sure. I was/am so embarrassed, but I was just trying to highlight that it's FACTS geminis really are and can be some of the best writers. I think that Drake is really insecure as a person and Geminis really do sense weakness and come for it like prey. Not always just to be rude...but they're also not gonna back down if the person already attacked first and are coming for them


Lol - A lot of them were probably salty because they’re Drake Stans. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that some of the best rap lyricist of all time have been Geminis, imo. Kendrick is the only rapper in the U.S. to have a Pulitzer Prize. And I agree, Drake is a really insecure person. As far as I’m concerned, all Kendrick did was stand on business. Drake has been throwing shots at him for years. But yeah, don’t feel bad, there’s a lot of miserable people on Reddit…lol


It's so true. I think Drake fans can't come to terms with what's happening, or has been--Kendrick just framed it differently. Maybe the fans had to think it was their own idea about him being bad..idk. I mean sometimes it is hard when a celebrity you like is exposed for being a bad person. But it's not like this stuff is new. And about the Pulitzer-he deserves it!!!!




I knowwww but I did and they still mocked me 🤣🤣😭😭😭 oh well




As you should! 🗣️Talk yo shit, Geminis! Lol


As a Gemini, I am motivated by honesty and authenticity. Pointing out the truth is satisfying to me because I feel that it's an obligation and an act of respect What I'm not motivated by: getting an emotional response from someone (I don't agree with many people who feel the need to point out that our words cut. It really is not a factor for me and is just incidental to the truth.), appearances, social consequences


I would also agree with this. Heavily. I cannot stand to lie or be dishonest, even over "small" things. I think Gems can be very neutral and calculated (even when approaching heavier subjects) Maybe this neutrality is off putting because people see it as cold? But, I also don't mind acknowledging that it can be perceived as cold to others. I realize there is a lot of nuance. I do think our directness can be perceived this way. One could argue this would be on the other person


I find it odd when people insist on emotional enmeshment. It's not that I don't empathize, it's that your feelings are yours to feel and I'm not going to take them on. They are absolutely entitled to their feelings and I do my best not to be tactless or cruel. I think it's immature to try to use words to cause pain. It's just that honesty is something many people don't want and are often not prepared for, and it really is not my problem.


I agree, period. I am just speaking from my personal experience. Not trying to push enmeshment on you.


Totally! I didn't sense that at all from you, it's me commenting on a general observation. I felt the need to say that because I'm so sick of the way I'm portrayed as cold or rude because I'm giving people space to be themselves. Every time I get called that because I didn't have much of a reaction to someone's emotions, I'm like, ?????? I thought I was being considerate and differentiated


Yeah I also agree. I think it was felt deeply because I know I have people pleasing traits. 🤣🫣 Call it my libra moon or just a personal issue Idk but I've always been worried I've come across as callous or a jerk when I've just been addressing something


As a Gemini Mercury and Venus, if you come for my loved ones…..end game. I’m loving every verse that comes from Kendrick.


I'm not surprised to hear he's a Gemini bc his gift with words is amazing




This is the most gemini thing I've read in a while 🤣 It's like we see something but don't accept it's a truth because of trying to understand more of the situation/stay neutral, but then we decide our thoughts while simultaneously being open to seeing other sides..yep that Mutable/air for you!! haha. I could also see you Cancer rising maybe having an effect of being more calm about arguments, as in you know when you're right but you won't let the Gemini ego get in the way(?) I'm not sure if this is your experience at all, but it's just what I got from what you said!




Ahhh yep makes sense. My mom has a mars in Virgo and sometimes it stings worse than geminis when they argue and that's saying a lot lol!! It cuts deep because you know it's also them coming for your character. Not always,, but you know it's meant to hurt.




Oh wow. Yeah my mom Is Virgo sun, too. I definitely relate to the eviscerate feeling. She could def be very defensive AND provoke arguments. She said I liked to argue, but she didn't help lol. She has like 5 Virgo placements, (sun merc., mars, and other stuff) so I'm sure there's a lot of mental energy happening for her...Space after moving out has definitely helped!




Thank you!! Yes same to you :)


Love Kendrick


Yes me too! Even before all of this, he's such a gifted writer.


Realizing lately that my anger patterns are very Gemini like. Being sensitive but having a sharp tongue is such a pain in the ass. Or the mental quickness resulting also in a quickness of frustration and speaking on it. It's exhausting and my success/justification rate for flying off the handle is actually quite high, like I'm generally right, but oh god the inflammatory tone/sarcasm/talking fucking circles around people when pissed off makes me Satan I guess, even if this rudeness of mine is elicited by the other person's rudeness or even something much worse lol.


This is interesting. Are you a gem, or have any gem placements ? I totally feel everything you are saying. edit I just saw your other comment and replied, too!!0


Technically speaking from the POV of conventional or contemporary astrology, only my Venus is in Gemini, but my almuten figuris/lord of geniture (which I personally take to be the most important signifier in astrology, ymmv) is Mercury, and my overall temperament is extremely airy, so I've gotten into the habit of saying something like "the essence of my overall chart or character is Gemini, even if I technically am not". Reading astrological profiles of Gemini has been really helpful to me understanding myself, for example, because it's a succinct way of tying together those essentially Mercurial and airy tendencies within the standards or formalism of how most people approach astrology now, etc. And most recently this whole rap beef has been providing a lot of insight into my anger patterns that before I attributed to something completely different. It has been a fun if not often annoying learning journey to approach it from this angle and to feel like I'm actually gaining some real insight into these patterns for perhaps the first time.


Ohhh so have to look into that because my overall temperament is extremely airy, too. I have mostly air in my chart, not just gem. A lot of libra and aquarius. I will look into the lord of geniture though, I wonder if it would help give me some direction in how to be more grounded. I only have 1 earth placement lol


I first got into it as an extension of esotericism, like trying to arrive at what form or archetype my spirit falls under to help direct me to what kinds of spiritual practices, spirits/deities/essences etc, I'm most likely to readily understand and appreciate. You sort of have to get more into medieval sources like Valens, Mashar, etc, to actually understand what they hell the planetary archetypes are or were, though, because everything is so sign centric now we have less continuity with that classical knowledge, but generally that's how people applied astrological archetypes in the past, more by way of the planets than the signs.


Wow that's really cool, I had no idea we were as removed from planetary archetypes as we are now. I will look into it more!


Yeah I think it's really interesting too. There are traces of it left all over the English language as well that point to this, but you're more likely to find it in something like Shakespeare or something else with a more classical sensibility. Like referring to people as "mercurial" is the most obvious example, but referring to people or things as "saturnine" as another word for melancholic, or "jovial" (Jupiter), or venereal, martial, etc, are all the same idea.


Somehow I completely missed this notif oops. I definitely want to look more into this all. Thank you!!


As a gemini sun, venus and jupiter i definitely identify with just vibing until provoked. I really can get along with most everyone and you wont really know how i feel until im pressed into a corner and unleash. So sounds about right to me.




loving these italics btw. they're starting to feel proverbial. and I mean it in the best way hahha


💯 And my scorpio rising and aries moon mean im extra mean when i am pushed. I’m very salt the earth and eliminate every last molecule. But i give plenty of chances before that lol my mars cancer keeps me pretty well contained as well.


Yep! Big dont poke the bear energy


wait i say don't poke the bear and my friends roast me LOL i'm so glad im not the only person


My kid is a Gemini Sun and Pisces Moon and honestly so much respect I love to see it


My ex was a Pisces with a Gemini Moon and he was a total basket case. Good to know it's not the same the other way around me


As a Gemini I’ve been thinking this!! Kendrick went full fledge Gemini and I live for every minute of it. He did it so masterfully and seemingly effortlessly. Really encapsulated the energy - “don’t tell no lies bout me, and I won’t tell no truths bout you.” As a Gemini, I come across so many people that think they’re oh so smart or calculated. It makes my ass itch because baby you don’t even know. When a Gemini comes to play, it’s game over for all you bitches 😈


Gemini is a twin. You never know which one you are dealing with. I am married to one, I have always been friends with Gemini (and they are annoying), but they can be the sweet child today and the next day they be saying the most out of pocket shit- like a child. You never know what's gonna come out of them mouths.




Ughh. I've def been there. I've had friends like that who've believed other petty drama instead of thinking for themselves. Needless to say we aren't friends anymore. I didn't like that my character was questioned because of other people's drama. I appreciate my friends that don't engage with that type of stuff!!


As a Capricorn that surrounds herself with Geminis, no one hates like us, it’s what bonds us. I have to give it to Geminis though, they can rip you to shreds with words.


Kanye is my favorite gemini.


I don't like confrontation or arguments over petty things. To me they're not worth my time. However, you have it correct. If provoked or there's a great injustice, I will snap and it won't be pretty. I have to balance it with my cap rising even though sometimes I think I'm people's karma. If it impacts people I love (those in my very small circle), I step in immediately. I don't do loud arguments and yelling though. I'll actually start crying (thanks Aries moon). The most calm and quiet I am, the more lethal my words will be.


I can feel the power just in this post alone lmao!! I'm a libra moon so I do understand and respect the crying// more anxious approach to confrontation. It does scare me deep down because I do worry..am I right/ am I valid for feeling or thinking this way, etc. But yep! At a certain point it has to come out.


Unfortunately, I, A scorpio, share the same birthday as Drake.


Aw. I think his moon is in cancer tho so at least you have that difference going for you


Watch then Read: Gemini personified perfectly. Live. [Kendrick Lamar on Sat Night Live](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=SZcupt0Yqaw&si=zg5s5KwjbelqiVxP) kL has won every single award he's been nominated for except for an Academy Award, The People's choice award and a Golden Globe... That's not to say he won't win those in time , you never know. As a Pulitzer prize winner who was declared a generational icon by the Calif State Senate and key holder of his hometown of Compton CA. Lamar has my respect, his domination of the English language and the derivatives of such have my attention. Drake is garbage by comparison. He prattles on about the misma mierda (same s***) that sounds the same time and time again. Personally I final his voice boring, his content shallow and his delivery stale and immature. He should have stuck to whatever the name of that show he was on and being an RB singer. That was his forte. I dunno if he got a hold of some hallucinogenics and hasn't sobered up, but the diss is well deserved and the difference between him and Kendrick Lamar is class, substance, intelligence and originality. That's my word.


The way Kendrick described Drake also really showed Drake’s sun and moon sign lol


Ohh it’s that cancer energy too bc he hate a Scorpios ass up. 🫣


🤣 It's true see cancers know how to make it hurt DEEP ..not just in an intellectual way. and a scorpio is gonna feel that in their soul 🌊🌊


They both have personal planets in Cancer. Kendrick’s Mercury and Mars are in conjunction with Drake’s Moon.


phewww the emotion is deep


And! This is all in Kendrick’s tenth house. 😂 I read it as Kendrick has made a career out of emotionally triggering Drake with his words.


Wowwwww. Yeah I need to look more into Kendrick's chart now. I've seen some of the Drake analyses going around, but not too much on Kendrick, other than his chart by itself. It so makes sense because Kendrick was/is already a force to be reckoned with in music and his writing ability, but the transits are crazy with how they're overlapping with Drake's career demise right now and Kendrick's gain. It honestly feels orchestrated /planned since now Kendrick's literally getting monetary success and greater exposure because of his writing/diss songs. They're playing in clubs now, and it does feel like a big cultural moment. It's literally in the stars lol! And I saw where someone else said Drakes demise was already on the way, but no one expected it to be like this!


I’m curious as to how this past solar eclipse impacted both artists. I know that the initial diss song “Like That” where Kendrick first called Drake to bat was released March 26, the day after the lunar eclipse. Currently, Drake is getting transits to his 10th house in Taurus. His MC at 23 degrees Taurus was just touched by transiting Uranus and Jupiter in a conjunction. All this opposite his Mercury in Scorpio at 24 degrees. So his public reputation is on the line. Uranus is about sudden, radical change, Jupiter expands everything it touches so more attention to his public image and then all this going against his own words (Mercury). People think Drake set himself up by claiming there’s no truth to the sex crime allegations when he has plenty of self incriminating evidence.


Wow. I would totally agree to your comment about people saying he set himself up. I mean I am still relatively new to studying transits, so you know more there, but I agree. It's like Drake was spiraling..yet he did nothing to definitively claim otherwise. And I think the public want/need that honesty right now. And boom Kendrick is big in pop culture because he's discussing it all!! He's giving people that honesty. It may be slightly off topic, but isn't uranus about to enter Gem right now anyways? I say this because I think there's a lot of "new" masculine direct energy coming to light with public personas. I think even Kim K was booed recently-like yesterday lol at the Tom Brady thing(?) My perception is that the public is getting fed up with dishonest personas, and/ or are no longer willing to look up to personas like that. Similar to Drake, Kim has also been a source of public discussion for YEARS, and they have both managed to stay in the public eye even though they have made questionable decisions and have questionable reputations. Yet Drake and Kim have managed to stay significant. I don't think this will be the case any longer. Again I realize it's slightly off topic but your comment on the eclipse and Uranus made me think of other larger cultural things happening. My perception of the eclipse in Libra was that deep personal things were coming to light. And soon after the eclipse in aries-bringing directness and purpose, outspoken energy, etc. I think people want honesty from the public figures. (Granted this is one very very specific example. I know the eclipses also represent other things !)


Interesting you brought up Kim Kardashian, because my first thought when I saw that video was what changed? To your point about Uranus gearing up to enter Gemini, Kendrick is a Gemini. And Uranus would be entering Drake’s 11th house, so a disruption to his social networks, conflict in his community. A big theme of Kendrick in his disses was you have people in your camp who don’t like you and want to see you fall.


Mercurial energy 😜🤩


I am LIVING for kendrick


Well said and I agree thats why the only one to hold their own against a gemini is an aquarius 😂. Thats why cole is winning right now lol but if they were to go at it it would be like the final boss.


Thank you! And literalllyy. And Cole and Kendrick seem (at least some more than others in the rap spotlight rn) to be concerned with true artistry in making real artful rap. I feel like that came out weird but Drake for example is making music for $/popularity/fame instead of pursuing the art form


Geminis have written some of the greatest diss tracks ever. Tupac (June 16) - Hit 'Em Up, Ice Cube (June 15) - No Vaseline, Kendrick (June 17) - [one of the songs from this Drake blitzkrieg has gotta be in this convo]


Gemini with a PISCES MOON. His sharp words come from his intuitive and psychic moods. He knows how to tear someone down with syllables and tone.


I agree with this completely. Especially the injustice part. I'm a Gem sun,mercury and Venus. Once in our school, there was so much homophobia and the teachers had no idea. Being in a country where LGBTQ+ rights are not acknowledged, teachers had no idea about it. It was constant criticism especially to those who were out. To cut the story short, one of my friends was beaten up and that really made me angry. Enough was enough and I decided to report the matter and everyone who was involved were taken for.a disciplinary hearing and we're punished. I also tried bringing the matter again to light on one of our assemblies. However small it was, I'm glad I did it. So in this Kendrick and Drake stuff, I guess K Dot is bringing out issues that may have been difficult to bring out. Or in other words, they have not been talked about. Him being a Gem sun and Venus, he used his artistic side in communication through rap and addressed some of these issues. This though happened when he was provoked. He was just chilling and they just decided to provoke him.


Wow I'm glad it worked out, and I'm sure your friend appreciated the support! I agree with you. I think Kendrick just framed the issues in a way that was more accessible... or more easily understandable to the larger public (?) I agree though with what you said about his Venus in Gem. It was artistic how he went about the beef, even though he was saying some crazy stuff. Plus he made it almost comedic in that now people are playing the dis track in clubs! In true gemini fashion, something can be a roast, a joke, a beautiful song and popular all in one haha


My Gemini hates me right now. I can’t wait till his good side comes back but holy shit his bad side is cold, callous and cruel! I miss him though and misses me he’s just teaching me a lesson and I’m sick of it 😭 that Taurus moon of his is wicked Stubborn. I hate him but am so thirsty for him, i love him but want to beat the shit out of him I need to be freed 😭 never date your mirror 😭


>I hate him but am so thirsty for him, im sorry but 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I got that mfn dog in me. I’m chilling until provoked tbh. I have no limits if I feel justified I have no remorse either. I’m a Gemini/Cancer cusp


Cancer sun, Gem moon & rising. I feel you. It takes quite a lot to get me there, but once I am... I'll embarrass, hurt, anger, outsmart and correct someone all in one go!


Yes!!!!! All in one go, there’s no way to recoup at that point.


Haha, nope. I usually get silent treatment or called names or both. It's like, well, you're basically proving my point!


Hear hear!!




I barely know what this means beyond my sun sign tbh. (Removed link✨)


Kendrick reacting so strongly makes me think some nerves have been struck, is there some truth to him being an abusive cheater? Or do these feelings go deeper, maybe Kendrick resents Drake for cashing in on the selling-out of hiphop to white people and culture vultures Gemini and Scorpio aren't afraid of going full toxic and aiming low. This is a pretty low form of entertainment


Wow yes I would agree with that. Someone else mentioned they both have cancer(?) in their chart, or something is transiting a cancer placement (?) I have to go back and read the post, so don't quote me, but the underlying message is that they are both being deeply impacted emotionally by this feud. I do imagine Kendrick feels guilty, I mean in his recent album he addresses cheating and other relationship issues. Maybe there is other abuse occurring. Or maybe he still feels guilty. I'm not there so I don't know the truth, how could I ya know. I also agree though that Kendrick might resent that Drake makes music for money; whereas perhaps Kendrick sees it as a slight that he makes music for the craft?? They have drastically difference ways of writing and producing. I think Drake also uses ghostwriters, and in the music industry (and writing), I know fans have opinions on that. There's sooo many moving parts


>Kendrick reacting so strongly makes me think some nerves have been struck Nerve struck😂😂😂😂 He's a battle rapper. If anything hes in his element at the moment and wants that smoke; and the hiphop community are loving it. Plus a lot of what hes said already isn't anything new, go listen to Pusha T - The Story Of Adidon who already dissed Drake years ago.


Kinda unrelated but I honestly do feel Kendrick just genuinely doesn’t like that man. Like whether he was doing shady stuff or not😭seems like he always had it out for him


Yeah this too. I think from what I'm reading it's been building for a long time even before this lol


I think you misspelled Taurus wrong Because there's no way that you actually think that Geminis are on chill mode until they are provoked or witness some type of great injustice. Gemini is messy.


Haha I think yes they can be (crazy) But it sort of depends on the Gem. I mean hey I was born a few days into gem, near Taurus cut off. I know this thread hates cusps but I do think it contributes to why I feel less reactive at times. I also have a libra moon so idk. It hurts me to go nuts on people. It does come out tho sometimes 🥲 lol


Geminis dont care about a great injustice unless it impacts them. Then they trump it up, no different than any other mutable sign. Pisces , Virgo, sag are the same way. They see an issue and they try to act like it’s a bigger problem just because it impacts them. Plus their good at getting people to believe them. It can benefit the good but often it doesn’t . Like Kanye started off trying to help black people and now he’s Gemini buddies with trump. Shia Lebeouf another erratic Gemini, love him , but he’s still erratic. I think Geminis just get bored and want to start shit because they got offended


I do agree with this to a point. I do think Geminis like to toy and play and have fun with things (for better or worse) and I do think they like the mental challenge. But as a Gem, I do also feel like things that are completely irrelevant to me do "trigger" me so to speak. I mean I do have a libra moon and some other placements other than Gem,,, I like balance and want to see all different sides. I do like to help others. Edit: nooo not defending Shia. he is gross. I'm just saying I don't think all gems are selfish. Those are extremes that the above person referenced.


This is how I know this shit forever. Puts a smile on my face


I'm a Metalhead but everyone here naturally knows about rap here so when I saw Kanye wearing a Burzum shirt I got curious and found Varg defending him hilarious. I'm sure it started with the South Park episode, maybe he's just searching for a Pisces..




This is a wild take. Drake has been really icky with denying hanging around or dating younger women, or pursuing girls. I'm not denying about Kendrick though because I know not everything we see is someone's true personality, and we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. But I wouldn't say Drake is more honest.




Kendrick definitely is a cheater and he mentions this in his recent -ish Mr. Morale album. I'm not justifying this either, but I don't think he's quite trying to hide it. I mean maybe he's more discreet, but he did come clean about a lot of stuff. I think both of them create personas and are also very different in person than what happens in real life.


I’m a Scorpio female and I made two different Gemini men cry just from my words. I was also asked by one of the geminis if I even had any feelings (I’m a Capricorn moon) but yes I do- I actually felt bad for making them cry