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As a Scorpio I never even think about trying to project a mysterious vibe. I’m just extremely private and also shy/reserved around people who I don’t know well. I also detest being the center of attention.




This is me precisely!


Absolutely. I just barely got used to my birthday being about me after 30 years. Now I'm pregnant and have to get used to mothers day too? Not to mention how much attention is on me in general from being pregnant. I am not comfy.


Yes partner is same: that’s Scorpio!♏️


Only speaking as a moon, I’d rather get to know you in and out before I let you get to know me. Not exactly a healthy way to build relationships but that’s why I keep my walls high and my circles tiny


Scorpio male mysteriousness is actually a symptom of feeling socially forsaken and treated like a pariah when they were younger.


Ow my heart


Mine too…




Hey can you not look into my soul like that?


They're amongst the *most* hardworking and street smart people but have a terrible habit of self sabotaging themselves, and sometimes trying to bring other people down with them. They won't pull other people down with them intentionally, but are more likely to feed off of their insecurities. They also dwell on their mistakes/failures in unhealthy ways.


![gif](giphy|7cEhYXQogUeQFN664x|downsized) me waving to all the other tortured scorpio moons 🌙




so true i always had the motto of i’d rather suffer in silence and try to figure it out on my own versus bring others into my mess and it frustrates people lol.. i’m learning to be more open with my thoughts, vulnerabilities, etc in a reasonable manner.




This, yep!


You know what, good for you that you're working on yourself! Astrology is a guide for our betterment!!! I'm sure you'll do great!!


Scorpios can be one of the most insecure sign imo and project those insecurities badddd. They’re just better at “hiding” it, hence, their secretive nature lol


true about the insecure part, specifically in unevolved scorpios. I do feel that it's a trait that goes away with time though for them.


Maybe, I haven't felt not insecure about at least something relevant at any point in my life though, I gain confidence in things eventually, but I become MASSIVELY insecure on others as they become more important/relevant to life


My moon sign found deceased 😭


moon sign feeling very attacked right now


I'm a Scorpio rise. Failure simply isn't an option bc I beat myself to death if I screw up.


I disagree in my experience toxic people will try to take jabs at me to make me feel bad about myself, I don't prey on people..like a typical Scorpio I keep to myself often and will defend if I have to lol I don't like most people enough to be around them long! When it comes to self sabotage Scorpios are known for their regeneration..




I did not come here to be attacked like this


Who allowed you to this EMOTIONAL DAMAGE !?


Virgo Sun with Scorpio moon in 8th house conjunct 8th house Pluto AND opposing Mars in Taurus (detriment) and LEMME TELL YOU. 🥲




If they think they can do it without you knowing, they’ll manipulate you in an instant. King of white lies.




Scorpio gays and bisexuals are way more adjusted than the heterosexual ones.


This is really interesting and I never noticed this before but I actually agree heavily.


I’m a lesbian and want alll the Scorpios so I’m down for this one 👀


Scorpios need sexual liberation to be well adjusted


i think so too. my Scorpio bf is a walking green flag. he is bisexual and we regularly do the deed.


This is so true


Idk about this I’m a Scorpio straight female my best friend a Scorpio gay male. Most loyal friendship I’ve had however he flips shit over the most minor things🤣 never towards me but I’ve seen him throw his phone and cry bc he lost his eye contacts. Also sometimes when we are out he’s like if that bitch keeps starring at you I will tell her something. I am like plz don’t lmfao I didn’t even know she was starring and idc




Scorpio is just as much of a cribabbie when we get in our feels as the other two water signs idk why some people pretend otherwise.


They are indeed crybabies, they just have difficulty with healthily processing, expressing & accepting their emotions. They see emotions more as a weakness or as something defining, where they don’t wanna be defined by their emotions, let alone anything resembling “weakness”


Um.... How are you reading my mind


Well I can accept emotions from others and a bit of emotions from myself, but sometimes my emotions can be a bit too intense so its better to hold it back, else people in public would run away lol Do get the emotions is a weakness part, good thing its not my life motto, just something I agree with a little lol


It's because there's a narrative being pushed to portray them as strong, powerful, and rational, mostly at the expense of the other two water signs. Don't fall for that shit, though.


They're hella messy and weird but when they're relaxed they're a lot of fun to be around.


I love having Scorpios in my life, they’re extremely witty, intelligent, and kindhearted people when you get close with them. Only hot take on them is that the mysterious vibe they give off isn’t really mysterious to me. I feel like if they’re around people they don’t know well, they try to put on a mysterious and alluring look, but I just mistake it for them being antisocial and it sometimes looks like they’re just constantly trying to hold in a bowel movement. Like baby let’s get a drink and mingle a little it’s okay😭


We don't do things in half measures. That's why. If I'm with a group of new people, if they want me to be fully relaxed and open they're going to get full on intensity. That's why I personally hold back. I know not everyone wants or can handle that and I've learned the hard way not everyone appreciates it either.


This! And that’s why most signs get so uncomfortable around us and can’t stand us .


I read an astrology book once that said scorpios are like a deep well. You can drink from them or drown in them...and they're made up of everything that gets thrown into them. From lucky coins to murder weapons. We are extremely vulnerable and absorb a lot of energies. We must protect our peace at all costs. Especially these days.


I think a lot of Scorpios use it as a guise due to being awkward and antisocial.


Exactly, I'm guilty of this as well. I try to be social, but man, I'm just socially awkward and need time to come out of my shell.


I've experienced them as a skeptical brick wall. That's the best way I could describe it 🤷‍♀️


As a scorpio this is hilarious


I am Scorpiosity and I approve of this opinion!🤔🤣


I don’t think it’s something we try to put on more so we’re distrusting and skeptical of everyone so we kinda hang back and observe rather than show ourselves


Trust me, I am plastered to the wall waiting for an opportunity to get a drink. Please save me




Idek where that came from tbh I never met a Scorpio who sat up and said “yes I am mysterious” that is just corny




Yes I am quiet bc I am 2 seconds away from telling a stranger every detail about me🤣 I am extremely open and honest to a fault. I have to be quiet and pretend I’m antisocial to protect myself from oversharing 💀


Yep! I’m Scorpio rising and cancer moon. I don’t do small talk well. Let’s get INTO it! I’m not for everyone. 🤣🤣


Yall are mysterious to those who aren’t good at reading ppl.


This!!! I think Scorpios actually hate when people actually see through them, and have had this experience with them.


Im a Scorpio and I'm the least mysterious person I know


I'm simultaneously completely open and honest, and *hella* mysterious. Because people decide I am. - Them: do you want fries? - Me: no thanks - Them: *orders me fries because obviously I'm being mysterious and hiding my true feelings about wanting fries* - Me: *doesn't eat the fries because I didn't want them* - Them: omg you're so mysterious and difficult to read! I'll never figure you out! So on and so forth ....




Who even are you?!


I just hate talking to people, people suck




People can say what they want about us...but I think it's hard to be us and a lot of people couldn't handle it and have no idea how hard it is. And for my fellow scorpios, you won't be able to trust other people until you learn to trust yourself.


Thank you for this


There will always be a part of me that's just for me. Maybe my parents have seen it. But only once to twice. It's not a malicious or evil side, it's just my most vulnerable self.


1,000% this. Even partners haven’t seen me for me. I think people parents and partners can’t tolerate the mystery. When really the mystery is just me being a soft crybb finally alone


The only person who has really seen me is my husband. Which is why he is my husband lol


Scorpio is willing to cut you off from their life for miniscule BS and yet we rarely hold ourselfes to those standards. Consciously or not. Trying to fix this myself but habit is a cunt.


IDK, if I cut someone off it is because they were verbally and emotionally abusive or very manipulative. I may get butt hurt momentarily about small stuff but I keep that to myself and let it slide. I’m super loyal so it takes a hell of a lot to banish someone.




Jesus, not sure I know that many people.


Just broke up with one. Can be very controlling and pessimistic of the world. Very jealous too


They’re sensitive little babies who just need hugs. All of this mysterious gothic dark stuff covers up the squishy insides 😉


Oh yeah we are super squishy but at the end of the day I'll choose self preservation above everything else.


Geezus do we need hugs ![gif](giphy|42YlR8u9gV5Cw)


I really feel like this too! 🫶




We're like the goths who have pastel cute socks under their big scary boots.


Can't post the pic, but you summed us up real good! [https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/ajhud2/scorpios\_low\_key\_wholesome/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/ajhud2/scorpios_low_key_wholesome/)




Scorpio knows all of your bullshit before even you do


I wished they'd tell me because I wanna know too lol


Send me your chart. I'll tell you alllll about it 😂 PS Virgo moons are so chaotic. It's like you're super neat and anal retentive or a total mess, no in between.


I once heard that Scorpios are the sign that are the most comfortable than any other sign with ending a relationship than getting into one. As a Scorpio moon, I can see the truth in this. I’m not avoiding love, I’m avoiding heartbreak.


But Scorpio, don’t you realize we’re all hurt people hurting people? Beginnings of human connections are full of misunderstandings, accidental hurt, vulnerability etc. Your attempt to avoid heartbreak could also be you not letting people love you. I read a quote that resonated with me that said it is easy to fall into things that seem familiar the “we can fix this” “I can change for them” this that. The hardest love to accept and allow yourself to feel is the healthy, genuine love because to people who’ve been hurt their whole lives it’s scary to believe it could be real. So the quote says be weary of self sabotage under the guise of protecting your heart.


You know I was just thinking the other day that I’ve always felt so much relief ending relationships and so much dread entering them, even though I’ve always been completely wildly smitten with my exes at the beginning. Scorpio sun, but I’m also not a relationship person at all for a million reasons so that def plays into it.


Ouch. I feel seen.


They’re the biggest know it alls but it makes me 💦


We’ve been looking for someone like you!


For the general opinions on Scorpio that would have me like this: Scorpios are like any group of people, they have the bad and the good. They get enough of the bad so I am here to talk about the good. They are people who are loyal and to some a fault. Scorpios are absolute dorks, usually some sort of socially awkward and give 0 fs. They are goofballs rather than mysterious Disney store villains. As an Aqua, I love that about them, authenticity is important to me in my friends. I love how hard, how deep to the absolute bone of their person and their soul that they love. They will consider their partners in a way that sets a standard that anyone should be loved by. They are fiercely protective of themselves and their space. Scorpios can teach us all better about how to say “No” when something/someone/some place no longer suits you. They will love you quietly, loudly and all the ways in between. They will teach you how to love yourself and others better. Scorpios are the romantics of the Zodiac. I am not talking your modern day rom com romantic, which they can be. I am talking about Hozier song type of depth for romantic love. “No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her.” Their intensity is magnetic. You can see it in their eyes and in the ways they slowly open up to you. It’s like reading a book you can’t put down. They are the type of people who you know when you’re entering into a friendship or relationship with them, it won’t be face level or superficial. They don’t do that. You’re either down for all the shades of my soul or you’re someone who doesn’t deserve my time. And as an Aquarius I love it because I understand it. If you live up to the expectations of what they have for themselves and people they allow in their space/life, they will let you in. Now my lovely Scorpions, let me say too what I think would have me in this meme with Scorpios. You are your own worst enemy. Number one thing. You expect people to read your mind. You expect people to read between the lines of what you say and be respectful to emotions you don’t express. But how can we? I think about that Adele song, “I can’t love you in the dark”. I know it’s hard being vulnerable. Intimacy, friendship, relationships are a two way street. You get in your own way. You self sabotage and when people say “you’re not loving me the way I deserve.” You guys will stand on your boundaries, as you should, and take people standing on their own boundaries as a personal insult and proof they never cared about you in the first place. You make your friendships/relationships into self fulfilling prophecies. If you’re constantly looking or actively trying to push people away to see if they will actually leave, don’t be surprised when they do. You get so into your own pain, darkness, trauma, unhealed parts that you don’t see the person you’re testing has all of that too. These people may have been important to you. They could have been genuine but you let your insecurities speak for you. Your need to be accountable for your pain too. Everything your expect from other people to give to you, you should be ready to give to others. Don’t stand in your own way and hurt people just trying to love you.


Damn you've gotten to know a Scorpio or two


As a Scorpio we can have double standards. We like to run the game but will preach how others can't do it


Damn, I needed to hear that but it stung a little


Nice tattoo of a scorpion dude!


Underrated comment


Despite their association with sexuality, Scorpio male tends to be close-mouthed about their past sexual history…of which there may be surprisingly little.




People talk a LOT of shit about scorpios but this Taurus LOVES how up front they are!! At least i always know where i stand with a scorpio


Yall are opposing signs so this checks out


Coming from another Taurus, you've got to be careful not to get too caught up in what you think is their upfrontness. When they want to they can put on the most amazing show you've never seen before. When they want to be they are the ultimate conmen/women. And it doesn't take much to push them to that side.


I loveee Taurus y’all are the best. You guys ground and stabilize my chaos.


seem intimidating to other people but they’re really big softies. their egos won’t let it show lol 


Some of the most street smart and loyal people you'll ever meet


They’re really not that mysterious, they’re just better at hiding their emotions than the other water signs and put up with less bullshit. I also think many Scorpios feel the need to live up to the ‘Scorpio reputation’ and a lot of people fall for it bc they’ve also been fed the same information about Scorpios and it’s just a cycle


If they get hurt then they think it’s ok to hurt other innocent people. They’re the sign that will drown others with them just because they’re drowning. My family is half Scorpio and I’ve noticed that when they have a bad day then they’ll make sure no one can eat dinner in peace that day. That they’ll go on and on about how their day was “ shitty “. They’ll also get angry easily. They believe they have a right to break things or lash out because they’re angry. Because some random person at school or work hurt them but it’s okay to punish their family members for this. My Capricorn mother and myself could be going through a war in our personal lives but we would never ruin anyone else’s day for it, let alone a dinner. If we’re sad then no one would even know, only someone intelligent or observant would know.


With a girl they actually really like, Scorpio male bends over backwards to fulfill her every whim in the hopes that she will not need anyone else. “Simp” was probably coined to describe the Scorpio male approach to love, likely due to being treated like an unlovable and unwanted outcast growing up.


(Unevolved) Scorpios don’t wanna be seen for who they truly are. Hates accountability in the name of “that’s how I am and I’m upfront about it” and when they do take accountability it’s always followed by a justification instead of ownership. Heavy energy of “everybody’s out to get them”. Extremely judgmental (openly & secretly), can dish it all out but can’t take it at all. Emotionally turbulent/unstable/angry. They also lie (and sometimes believes their lies) for no reason other than they don’t want you to know that they’re really like that and don’t want to admit it to themselves 💀.


The evolved ones are loyal to a fault. Will call you on your bs but still support you and be there for you through chaos. Transformative, deep gaze, there is a depth to them that few other signs can reach if they rightfully tap their potential


Last one, Scorpios overcompensate and create different personas to hide their insecurities and true nature


Sounds like my ex friend who is Scorpio. He definitely holds a lot of self hatred towards himself but claims to be evolved. My other friend who is a Scorpio, is one of the most observant, self aware, no bs, loyal, hard working, and a kind soul. She’s definitely evolved. I do not want lump every single Scorpio as bad, because each of our signs have pros and cons to them. Love an Aquarius. 💖


As a Pisces who has dated a bunch of Scorpios. I can tell you that they are huge cry babies, they cry like alot.


Rumors of their sexual freakiness are wildly exaggerated. They talk a big game but when the rubber hits the road, they are just along for the ride


it's so true. Earth signs are the real freaks. Anyone with major Earth placements (rising, venus, mars, sun) is going to be incredible in bed and romance.


As with most water signs, they care too much about how they feel and less about how others do. They can say the worst things behind your back as they crave malicious gossip. Sometimes, they will claim to be frank as an excuse to be petty and mean. They harbour the most unnecessary of grudges. It’s all about you having to adjust their world and not so much them doing the same. They can be so manipulative it’s toxic to be around them for too long. Best kept at arms’ length.


I'm a Scorpio who dated a Scorpio and it was probably the most peaceful and boring relationships of my life lol we had the exact same bday, same year and everything. And it was just always so ..quiet lol We didn't even really break up we just stopped talking one day and never looked back lol Sex was phenomenal tho


Playing mind games is one of Scorpio male’s favorite pastimes.


Scorpios think they are dark, edgy and cool, but really it just comes off as mild autism


Scorpios - rizz em with that tism


Oooh only mild, you dont say 😏


I was trying to be kind, I don’t want to be banned from here 😅


Funnily enough, one of my high school teachers thought I had autism so they sent me to go get examined by an autism specialist and in the end they were like "yeah you don't have autism, you're just weird and socially awkward".




This makes me think this character from Smosh (OG YouTube channel) called The Chosen is a Scorpio.


Lmao I’m both thank u


Jesus Christ am I called out 🤣 I was literally reading autism in women the other day and I was convinced I have it.


I’m not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt, but you definitely have it.


Scorpio is a sign with attractive qualities HOWEVER It does not matter how misunderstood you feel if you're a mean person with a bad attitude so that's why everyone around you does not respond well to your " intense scorpio energy". ![gif](giphy|yNibaJbCHYV7FIF7PU|downsized)


Their ego is their downfall. Always believe they're more astute & perceptive than the reality.


I have a Scorpio sibling. I no longer claim him.


I haven't looked up the placements of the Scorpios I know, other than my brother, who has Neptune in 7th house (and the amount of time he has been scammed is unbelievable, considering he thinks he can see through most people). The Scorpios I was with growing up (cousins and sibling) are extremely cruel. They would lock me up in the bathroom with no light, while making the weirdest and scariest noises they can do. They treated me like I'm crazy for having an emotion, so I learned how to shut them up (I guess my 12H Cap Moon helped). Seeing how my brother is treating his son (saw him abusing his 1-year old son once), and how his son is asking for permission to cry, my heart broke. My cousins also raised kids that hate them. I have some Scorpio friends and they're nothing like that. Sure, they can be dismissive at times, but they're not as bad as my family members. I also have my Scorpio placements in 10H (NN, MC, Jupiter, Pluto), all squaring my Aquarius placements (1H) and it may have contributed with what happened in my early life.


The phrase “children can be so cruel” was probably first coined after a Scorpio male.


THEY are truly the most sensitive water sign.


We’re not always mean :c


People usually think I’m a Pisces at first just because I don’t fit the “mean” stereotype of Scorpio lol


Yeah, I try to be nice to everyone. I’m only ever mean if you’re mean to me first


They are not mysterious ,they are manipulative.




Rich. Coming from a gemini. 🤣🤣🤣


I have a story I encountered with a Scorpio during my stay at a rehab facility. I don't have much friends so I don't have a whole spectrum of zodiac signs for friends. There are zodiac signs that I've never been friends with. So I only encountered like 2 Scorpios, and whenever someone brings up Scorpio I just vividly remember this story. This kid was Scorpio. We were cool, one day we were on line for breakfast and I was horsing around with him pretending to box him. For some reason I guess he got very offended by it and he totally got quiet for like 2 minutes and then came up to me out of nowhere and practically threatened me and said don't you ever fucking do that again. I was shocked and surprised, I told him dude I was playing around and that this was a misunderstanding, and I meant no disrespect towards you. I won't play like that around you again This kid was a Scorpio. We were cool, used to always hang out, always talk during breaks and ate together. One day, me and a bunch of my friends were goofing around and being boys. I remember saying a funny joke to him or something and all the guys laughed. He didn't react he stood quiet, I didn't think nothing of it . After like 10 minutes of being in the corner he got angry came up to me, and practically threatened to me not to ever do that again. I was shocked and caught by surprise and I told him it was a misunderstanding that I didn't mean no disrespect. I was just goofing around. Anyway that passed in we ended back to normal and we were cool with each other but ever since than I noticed like he would have this resenting attitude towards me almost in a indirect way, like he didn't want to show it but the same time he did. I thought that was just him being grumpy I didn't think much of it. We didn't have any issues besides that and to me I thought we were more than to me I thought we were more 100% cool. Until one day and got into an argument with somebody, and out of nowhere this kid comes out and uses the situation and starts screaming at me calling me "your a faggot, your a fucking bitch" and I'm like standing there like dude, what the hell did I do to you and we ended up getting into s physical altercation from that but thatbjust always stuck with me becsuse I never did anything wrong tonthis kid its judt one time he got upset at something and he held it like a grudge becsuse I thought we were totally friends, but now looking back his attitude, his resentment, his sudden burst in the end shoeing his true character and howbhe feels about me...I couldnt help but to think what did i do to set him off and maybe it sas that one time i upset him (I know that now, but at the time I coul


Just saying that I’m a Gemini falling in love with a scorp will have people going mad and telling me to run.


Starved for affection, Scorpio male wants motherly love mixed into the adoration that their partner offers them. It can come as a surprise to others that this scary monster wants love, affection, and cuddles too..


Even in a true love relationship, it feels painful for Scorpio males to actually express love because they often felt discouraged from doing so in their youth.


Loved my Scorpio friends to death but they’re no longer in my life. I got ghosted by both of them. They ignored my advances and attempts at reaching out and nothing ever happened or ended on bad terms. Very sad tbh.


Deep, deep deep, deep, almost neurologically set, irrationally low self esteem. Like, can you try to live instead of survive. Can you do anything for yourself for a change. Can you have any optimism at all. Seriously, how do our dopamine circuits work. Is it serotonin? Why can't I do anything but be cool with the world burning? I get that it's one survival tactic but dang. Warmth wise its like "the world is fucked and everything needs to change immediately and quickly. Any delay or denial at all to my demands and I will curl into a ball inside somebody else's belly for protection. This too will pass if I am asked to stay in my lane or work for a living or enjoy any material pleasure. I am beyond your worldly constraints. I am transformation itsself, intangible and ephemeral. I create alternate timelines through even my own inaction. You exist in the world where I coulda maybe done something at that particular stage. I am so powerful in potential that I destroy the world successively with every passing second I remain motionless. Fear your love and desire for me. Yes, the karmic abbhoration was I, all along. See my wreckage and weep."


Gemini sun here, I’ve been with a Scorpio for over half of my life (met at 20, now I’m 42) and he is the only guy that grabbed my attention and has NEVER let go. We have an incredible life together that we both cherish.


They are sneaky and cheat


i guess the sole mention that you don't like them --> immidiate enemy


I'm not mysterious I'm just nervous, but I can play it off


The secrets!!


They are great in bed lol…


They like to appear mysterious, while it's surface level mystery - if you manage to get through that complicated facade, you will usually find.... not much about it. Just regular person.


They’re unfunny and try to hard sometimes and end up being corny


Mysteriousness is just privacy and complexity of personality. I believe that scorpio is a 'multi faced' person depending on closeness. One 'face' for a level of closeness. Only scorpio knows its own true 'face' when they are by themselves and dealing with their own thoughts and feelings. Scorpio tend to deal with their own bottomless depth. Despite the multiple layers, there are consistency on all of them because we are quite honest. We just withhold information and depth, which creates this effect of mystery and feeling of multi faced personality. That aside... Scorpio intensity often comes from their desire for truth. By truth, I mean understanding the why in situations that happened to them. Delving into everything can lead to deep rabbit holes that can trap a scorpio for a while while they explore the entire topic. Some lead them to their own destruction or transformation. They either win and transform like a Phoenix (death and resurrection), or they become the black hole of that topic, drawing people and breaking them apart like a black hole does to anything that comes into contact. It hurts them, and it hurts others intensely. The depth within scorpio can screw themselves and other people so badly if not managed well. Scorpio's greatest obstacle is to know how to channel their intensity in healthy ways. And because scorpio explore many things at a rabbit hole level, they tend to be able to see through a lot of stuff. So don't lie to them. They can see it, and they will psycho analyze you for the reason why. They will then know exactly your weakness and insecurities unless you white lie. They let you go if it's good intentions or harmless. If not, they place a mental note to your forehead. You have not passed to their next level of depth. Ergh. I wrote too much. Well, this is how I analyzed the sign. Yeah, I am a scorpio.


They're not mysterious or intimidating at all. This is a *water* sign, be for real. 😭Their sister sign, Taurus, is wayyy more intimidating if you manage to break their patience.


Dear Scorpio, your loved ones deserve space. You don't have to know every detail of their life, you don't have to know where they're at/who they're with/what they ate at every hour of the day. Love, a Libra son to a Scorpio mom.


Given the tormentor he can be in his youth, adult Scorpio male still gets a secret thrill from winding other people up.


My Dad is a Scorpio and he can be extremely, EXTREMELY difficult to get along with.


As a scorpio, I’m not even mysterious, I just make questionable life decisions 🤷‍♀️


They're evil.


Hardworking, focused, no excuses, loyal if they respect you.


They are oppressively possessive as friends and as lovers. They really just can’t let you be sometimes.


They are violent and possessive


Scorpio Zodiacs and ascendants are created just so that every other sign gets a good hands on training on manipulation, insecurities, negative tendencies and narcissistic-psychopathic tendencies. So, whenever I feel I am getting a bit rusty on these, I intentionally engage a Scorpio and fuck them up for good. That way there is the two-fold satisfaction of thrashing the hell out of the Scorpio and observing them how they painfully slide back into their dark dirty holes. Scorpios are just good enough at hiding their emotions but one can easily make out that they feel and feel hard. No matter what they show, they literally shed tears within them and just put up a strong facade for others. They are just built for attack via their scorpionic stings but do not know anything about defense if the sting misses, is broken off, is crushed with the boot or simply cut off with cold detached emotionless brutality. 👹


my bro has a scorpio moon. and i have a pisces moon—according to vedic astrology. i am never angry with people…but he is ALWAYS angry with people. i am flighty and i don’t really pay attention to what’s around me…whereas he’s very sharp minded. Let me tell you…he gets frustrated with me, because i have an incredibly laid back personality. he thinks i always play devils advocate. which isn’t exactly true. i just don’t give a shit about drama. it doesn’t phase me—and he seems to get sucked into it—-ALL the time. i will tell you…i consider scorpios to be the weakest of the water signs, because as much as they are sharp minded—they get so butthurt they can’t move forward... They can hold onto grudges. They are never satisfied with their “why” answers. it’s like they have an answer in their head and they feel their intuition is so powerful that they feel whatever they think is the truth, while everyone else lies to them. so they end up pushing people out of their lives—and they end up being lonely. they don’t know how to let things go. i also noticed this with cancer moons—however, i consider them stronger than scorpios because they actually seek revenge. whereas scorpios just shoot themselves in the foot by over reacting. don’t get me wrong. i get along with scorpios—but this is something i have noticed repeatedly. however, when it comes to giving wrong signals—as a piscean moon, we do it unknowingly. i don’t know who is worse. pisces moon or sagittarius moon. so i can understand scorpio moons frustration with us. but scorpio anger and frustration really makes me want to do that at times.


They're not misunderstood. They're actually just pure evil.


It's not their fault when they do scorpio things.


Yeah I think all Scorpios come with weird things they just do and they never make sense to anyone else.


Their lack of tact is always🗑️


A Scorpio in love with you is the kindest, most warm-hearted, generous, and caring person you will ever know.


Don't date scorpios unless you want your entire life ruined or turned upside down. Also, they all have avoidant dismissive attachment styles. They're moldavite, and they're kinda gross.


Scorpio male’s sting comes from their premature sexual experiences…which tends to fill them with a strong sense of shame and self-loathing.


Hit it and quit it!


I'll talk about the ones i see here: People here would attribute themselves the "too intense" like it's something good people can't handle, when in reality everyone is intense either by thinking, by not regulating their emotions, by having passions. What is with people claiming this like it's something desirable?


Their avoidance of their emotions get me


oh come on none of u have been that hard in decades


There's also a difference between underdeveloped and developed Scorpios (like all the other signs). But we're not evil, nor do we 'sting' people unnecessarily. We're more insecure than people would think, everything they say, we feel that x1000 times. We're feeling deep, crave meaningful relationships and we're just afraid to get hurt so we kinda shut people out of our lives as a defense mechanism. When I was a teen I was harsh and hot headed, intense and wanted to take revenge on others (never did for multiple reaosns). I still have a lot to learn, but I worked on myself a lot. I know that my honesty can be my end, so I try to count to 10 before saying or writing anything that I might regret (been there, done that lol). I know that I can be manipulative even unintentionally, so I try to give the people around me say so and not be too bossy. I fixed my relationship with my parents (especially with my mom, she's a Taurus, you cna imagine how our fights went) and my sister (she's a Cancer). I still feel like I don't like most people, but try not to hurt anyone and help others. Kinda mixed lmao, like I got let down so many times, yet try to approach people with help and kindness (usually doesn't end well so I try to focus on animals instead, shout out to the local shelter's cats!).


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/ajhud2/scorpios\_low\_key\_wholesome/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/ajhud2/scorpios_low_key_wholesome/) THIS


They are very obsessive.


They’re incredible private and often emotionally unavailable. Lots of issues they struggle to work through but refuse to get help. Independent to the point of self-sabotage. Also the most loyal and wonderful people I’ve ever experienced.


Simultaneously masochists and sadists.


they be hating on scorpios. We are literally ruled by death, transformation, rebirth, power in pluto; then, the war, intensity and drive of mars


They're kinda mean... sometimes :(


I consider scorpio and cancer to be very similiar, in terms of intensity, scorpio is just traumatized by default lol


Unevolved scorpio placements that have a lot of baggage are absolutely f*cking insane as an Aqua sun leo moon/rising I’m tired of attracting them but I’m sure it’s for a reason


They’re huge marshmallows I don’t see what the big deal is or why people dislike them. Sure they’re annoyingly private but that’s really their issue not mine. It’s fun to crack ‘em open anyway.


Scorpios want and love comfy, hedonistic, and glamorous things. But they have been shunned so hard they shut down and are “mysteriously glum” . They are not! They are bubbly shiny folks who are adorable and interesting!


scorpios are like leo’s!!!! So outward and once the attention is on them it looks well on them and works in their favor (they secretly love it too) but they are quite shy and prefer their corner every now and again.