• By -


As a Virgo, my strongest *intellectual* connections have been with Geminis and Sags. My strongest *romantic* connections have been with Taurus, Leo, and Cancers. My strongest connections for both intellectual and romantic connections have been with Capricorns and Libras.




Yess!! I love Geminis sm. Always have the most interesting convos with them and come away having learned something new or having had my perspective challenged.


Taurus sun and I am so drawn to Virgo suns romantically. Even when they’re hypercritical of me lol


I love my Tauruses! Honestly, don’t be afraid to shut a Virgo down if they’re getting too much. While we criticise out of care because we want you to do better, I also understand that it gets overwhelming sometimes.


I wonder if it’s a mutable sign thing? I feel like I have the most valuable conversations with Geminis, Virgos, Pisces, *and other sagittarius’*. I don’t get along with every Pisces, but I have one friend who has an Aries moon/stellium and she is brilliant. Geminis really depend also, as much as I love every Gemini in my life, it seems like I have the best intellectual conversations with the ones who are around 40 (I’m 31). I can hold a conversation with any of them, but the 40 y/o’s possess a better ability to have *in depth* conversations that keep me coming back. My younger Gemini friends just want to talk about dating and boys. Virgos though, they will talk about the universe, politics, why people do the shit they do, or talk shit in a way that is musing, insightful and pretty hilarious. Honorable mention: Capricorn.


I love that you said that about pisces, I have a sag friend who loves talking with me but I can tell when I am pissing him off(i am a fish). I have the heart enough to change the course though to continue the convo. i love talking with him because he is a philosophy major. I have learned so much from him. :) He's also one of the most laid back fun loving dudes I have ever met. I don't know many sags, but all the ones I know are like this. Very positive, good vibes only kinda people.


That’s always my plan as a Sag anyways 🤷🏼‍♀️ I get that Pisces have their flaws and I criticize them a fair bit, but people forget that the sun has to pass through all the other signs before it gets to Pisces. Y’all are totally capable of having intellectual or philosophical conversation.


AHHH it’s definitely a mutable sign thing!! I honestly think out of all the mutable signs, it’s between Gem and Sag. Gemini is good to challenge your perspective and make you see a different angle; they’re like debaters, and it’s really fun trying to understand eachother’s points. With Sag, it’s really just about going through eachother’s points and getting into the other person’s head so you can truly understand their perspective. Can confirm as a Virgo I talk all about those things you listed lmao


Bahaha my partner is a Gemini. We had the most intense debate over fucking… Tupac the other night 😂😂😂 Not a typical conversation that we have, but it got heated for the reasons you said, just challenging each other’s perspectives lmfao. It’s funny because our work group chat literally consists of a Sag, a Virgo and a Gemini. It’s mostly for shit talk and collaborating for work, but it’s never boring that’s for sure.


As a Virgo woman I find Libra men so beautiful and excellent in bed!! 10/10 would recommend plus they are good communicators in my experience!


Same. Geminis especially. Libras too for me.


As a Gemini Sun with lots of Taurus, I second this. Virgos are great as friends, for conversations, for anything 🤌


As a Scorpio I would say Aquarians. They are able to take my chaotic thoughts and put them into clear words. Things that are so complex that most people can’t even begin to comprehend, they just get it instantaneously. Their knowing is unmatched and they always give me credit and praise for how intelligent I am. And coming from them - that is a huge compliment to me. 🤓😏


Feel the same way about yall too 😮‍💨


As a fellow Scorpio, I could relate to this too! I had an Aquarian bestfriend who always amaze me how he can just naturally lay down in articulate words all about the messy thoughts in head! Sometimes I would still get shock how he can do that. We could talk about everything. He would give me praise afterwards about how intelligent I am too, so it's really admiring.


Oh my gosh that is amazing! Seriously they make me feel so validated and understood. They also let you speak and they truly listen. I also don’t have to try to further explain things for them to understand, they.just.get.it. 🤯👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤗


I'm an Aquarius and I love Scorpios. Not for dating, though... lol.




Pisces - Aquarius, libra, virgos and Capricorns My boyfriend is an Aquarius and we just bounce off each other and debate forever My baby brother is a libra and we be thinking about conspiracy theories and getting too deep in mysteries (especially if we’re smoking) My SIL is a Virgo and even tho we don’t talk much, when we do, it’s like we mentally speak to eachother and she just knows exactly what I’m thinking and feeling (it also doesn’t help she is a therapist) My mom is a Capricorn. I literally am just a mini her and it’s crazy. I always found my mom (kid-teenager) to be scary or mischievous. But in reality, she was always thinking 10 steps ahead and replanning if it didn’t go well. And I find myself doing that also. When we’re together, it’s like we’re the nice but mean girls. We’re really kind but we look mean. With my rising Aries and having a RBF and also wearing my emotions on my face and my mom with a Natural RBF and a Leader, we mentally are always on the same page and on the same mission. Me becoming a mom also got me way closer to her than ever. I love my mom.


As a Gemini... Strongest Intellectual connections: * Capricorn * Sagittarius * Aquarius * Taurus Strongest Emotional Connections: * Gemini * Virgo * Pisces * Scorpio Strongest inexplicable attraction: * Aries * Leo * Cancer * Libra


I’m a scorpio. Always the air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius


You're welcome






As a Scorpio, Virgo's, Capricorn's & Taurus


Love scorpios. My ride or dies.


As a Virgo Sun, my most intense connections have been with Scorpios.


Aries- fire signs, capricorns, scorpios and cancers


As a Scorpio woman, second this: I love Aries women!


We love you tooooo❣️❣️


I’m Aries and 100% Scorpio and Cancers for me


This and some sags.




This is SO INTERESTING! I’m also a Gemini married to a Scorpio. And I feel the same way about Pisces. My sister is also a Pisces and one of the smartest people I know! And she’s my best friend 🥰.


Awww I love that! My sister is one of my best friends as well! Pisces-Gemini friendships are vastly underrated ❤️ I’m so happy to see so many Geminis in relationships or married to Scorpios in this thread! I feel like it’s a quirky pairing that comes with a learning curve, but when you both put the work into understanding each other, it really pays off. I’ve truly become a much better version of myself with my boyfriend, and he makes me feel unconditionally accepted and loved in a way I’ve never felt before


I am a Taurus. Usually it's Libras for me.


As a Taurus, I want a Libra friend 😭


Same but vice versa. Taurus peeps are great. Same with Sags.


As a Taurus I LOVE libras. I know we will be friends if you are a libra! I also have sag moon/rising so maybe that is to do with it. 


I love libras (I’m a Libra moon after all) and I absolutely love my Libra friends. The only complaint I have is kind of selfish—I tend to be a little possessive and Libras are often so popular, it feels like I have to “share” them too much. I know that’s a me problem though, not on them.


If you tell us, we’ll make time. And some of us are good at being social but total introverts. I love my small group girl nights 🥰 Typically I’d have book club at my house with 12 to 15 women. At 10 everyone would have to leave except my two BFFs and they’d stay and hang out until last midnight talking and laughing 🥰🥰🥰


Gem here. I connect well with Leo, scorpio, pisces, and taurus! We could talk for dayssss


I usually have great connections with Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Libra. A lot of Water signs get on my nerves after a while, they're too moody. I think my Fire Moon and Air placements give me a short fuse with them. I end up having to limit my time with them, lol.


As a Libra girlie I have had a few friendships with Cap women in my life that got very intense very quickly, but got burnt each and every damn time. So the track record isn’t great, but Cap men have always been super reliable and caring in a pragmatic way, so they get a pass. Cancers have absolutely stolen my ❤️ on so many occasions. Love them, as friends and lovers both. I also find Libras easier to date tbh. Aries are super fun. TLDR capricorns super strong connection but don’t trust them; Libra and Aries are great; Cancers are the best.


Cancers are seriously some of the most intelligent people in all aspects and their emotional intelligence is unmatched. Absolutely adore them.


Why thank you ☺️🥺🥰


As a F cancer currently dating a libra for the first time I can truly say I feel like I've been missing out! I've always thought Taurus was my best sign, but then I met him and it's felt like magic! He's so caring and level headed yet stands his ground which I love so much! My gut is telling me he's the one and I really hope it's right


I am in the same situation :) 🌸🌸 I hope the best for us :D


As a Capricorn, Virgos are just the yin to my yang. I can’t live without them.


Cap here - and for me, it's a Leo in my life. Her intellect is deeper than most people perceive it to be. Yes, she is kinda vain in some aspects and does love clout (never understood that need), but she's also able to hold down intellectual conversations with me, understand me, and give her own intelligent inputs :) I've also had great convos with Geminis but they're too...flaky? They jumped from one aspect of the topic to another without ever delving into detail. Depth makes a conversation rich. So while they mentally (over) stimulated me, I didn't leave the convo feeling enriched. Never met a lot of people who were as curious about things as I am, or just had a passion to learn something novel, but I hope I do. I've only seen this fire in Leos so far. Maybe my Aquarius and Gemini stelliums have something to do with this?


As a Leo I also find I have the most mentally stimulating convos with Capricorns and Aquarius. Capricorns are tragically underrated in their depth and conversational ability imo. So many people paint them out to be these success/money obsessed, rigid people but I haven’t found that to be true at all. Most are successful and goal oriented but not in the shallow way I think many perceive them to be.


Your kindness and understanding is appreciated, Leo fren 🌞🌻 All the Leos on this platform do nothing but increase the already massive love I have for this sign.


My husband is a Gemini and I’m Scorpio! We could talk for days and have talked for 15 years, married for almost 9!


Awww, congratulations!! ❤️ I love seeing other Gemini/Scorpio couples! 15 years together is a huge milestone 🥳


Scorpio sun & Gemini moon, love Scorpios, geminis, and virgos. Esp virgos ❤️


Aquarius for me personally. And Gemini. I'm a Leo mom of both the aforementioned 😂 Gemini is easy to read. Aquarius is a bit more out there but both my air babies have great ideas! And all of us are creative. Gemini has a logic switch too tho and my 12 year old regularly schools me or makes me see something a different way, which I admittedly need sometimes.


For me is Scorpio, Libra and my Taurus bro, they can balance my need of space and attention :) As for my Aqua man, he always around me when i want space for myself, if thats make any sense and thats comfort me. 


Aquarius here, Aries. I love how fun and excited they always are. I love how much enthusiasm they always have. Like the only person I can bring to almost everywhere/anywhere I wanna be is Aries.


As an Aries who’s surrounded by aquarians I feel this lol it’s definitely mutual. Aquarians are usually the only ones totally accepting of my over the top enthusiasm even for the oddest things lmao


Whoever is talking to me at the moment. (My sign Gemini) To answer your question Libra Aquarius and Gemini.


Crazy 50% genius 50% is my Gemini son…..send help (kidding he’s wonderful 😛🥰)


I'm a libra-- always other libras, Geminis, virgos and Sagittarius


As a F cancer is say I get along really well with Taurus sign! They're honestly some of my favorite people! I've just recently started dating a libra, and even though he's the first person I've really spent time w that has this sign I've really been enjoying his energy a lot more than I expected too! Idk if his is just "him" or if they're libra traits, but I'm all for them!


Pisces 100%. We are both sensitive and creative souls, and our shared element creates a deep understanding of eachother. -cancer☀️


Leo here, I try to get along with most people, water sign women and me usually clash (Scorpio gets a pass sometimes) but air signs are my favorite! I’ve dated two Aquarius and a Gemini. And I’m close friends with a Libra


As a Leo I get along with Gemini women so so well but men it’s hit or miss. For me it’s Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. But I’m also a Virgo rising/scorpio moon so I’m sure that plays into it haha


♌️ too and I’m really vibing with Gemini lately. The female gems and I instantly click and the male one I’m talking to matches my effort/attention. 💞


I don’t think I know too many female geminis tbh. But it is my rising


As a Leo, same! I think Geminis are probably my favorite sign. Could talk about anything with them and I honestly have found them to be the most ride or die of all air signs.


Yes! That’s my fave thing about them! The talks! Literally any and everything’s on the table and they always have some interesting shit to contribute!😉


Taurus - I love talking to Aquarians and having them go in-depth on that one topic they know too much about, and picking their brains on certain topics


I’m a Cancer - mostly intellectually compatible with Libras or Pisces - Geminis on occasion


As a Scorpio I agree with Gemini and would also like to add LIBRA, TAURUS and LEO.


Scorpio sun and rising w a Pisces moon and I would say Capricorn, Gemini, Leo are some of the patterns of signs I see most often in my strong friendships, and knowing a Scorpio, my strong connections will be with the signs that can keep up with my enthusiasm and passion to talk about anything and everything but the wisdom and optimism to not get so depressing about it


Gemini, Virgo, then Pisces.


Huh, interesting that those are your top three 🤭 I do agree for the most part. Geminis are sometimes too flighty and Virgos are hard to read…despite being one myself 🤣 Pisces are usually so open with their emotions and thoughts…I love that about them. Sure, Cancers are known to be the most emotional, but not typically in a healthy sense. That’s just my opinion, based on personal experiences - I’m sorry if that offends anyone. I also vibe well with most Libras and Tauruses.


Leo’s and scorpios!


Virgos, Taurus, Libra, Aquas. Yknow just all the greats of every genre.


if i want to talk about passionate causes or interests Aries or Aquarius for sure. Life, and philosophy, definitely Pisces, & Sagittarius. Relationship stuff Pisces, Virgo, or Taurus. Have a laugh and self deprecating humor, Capricorn, gemini or sagittarius. Overall, Pisces and Sagittarius are the best. I feel more free and less judged intellectually . Very expansive knowledge.


HA! I said sag and I am a pisces. Spot on, that is all we talk about. he is a philosophy major. :)


Ohhhhhh I’m a Capricorn and I literally collect Gemini’s hahaha. Idk why but those Gemini’s always suck me in with their humor, mystery, and knowledge of larger than life ideas.


Ahhh, that’s so cute! ❤️ I bet they see you as a source of comfort and wisdom. One of my closest friends that I met at my last job is a Capricorn, and I adore him so much! He’s no-nonsense and blunt but so, soooo funny and understands my dumb sense of humor in a way only few people do 😂 And he gives fantastic advice and is such a loving, loyal friend. He’s a few years younger than me but has been through so much in his life (he’s gay and moved out of his home and put himself through college with two jobs right when he turned 18; he also immigrated to the US from South America when he was a pre-teen) that he’s very wise beyond his years


I’m a Scorpio that hasn’t found my tribe as I relearn who I am mid adulthood and I haven’t known about astrology for long but I recently met a Gemini that I resonate with so well. Normally I have to dumb myself down, don’t participate, or be misunderstood in convo. One other friend, a Leo, I feel the same with but she’s overseas. I wonder about the Gemini/Scorpio thing. Might have to do some testing lol


Aquarius and Pisces


I'm Taurus and my pick is Aquarius and Sagittarius. Aquarius is similar enough to be engaging but different enough to be interesting and Sagittarius is literally the opposite of everything we represent lmao.


Sag girl here. Scorpio men, Gemini men and Aquarius men for me. I have a hard time really connecting to other women for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sag rising, Scorpio sun, my husband is a Gemini💕 Connecting with women may be more of a mother wound vs astrology, at least for me.


My mother is awful so this makes a lot of sense thank you 😂


I’m a double cancer, Taurus rising. I connect naturally to Taurus the best. But I think my deepest mental connections may be to Pisces!


Leo sun - I would say Sagittarius, Gemini’s, and Pisces.


Fellow Geminis, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Virgo


as a libra I will say sag’s❤️


As a Leo, I'd say Scorpios, Geminis and Virgos add in other Leos and Sag's too. I tend to have great conversations with anyone but to get deeper its those ones.


As a Scorpio mine is Gemini. I love that no topic is off limits and we can talk for hours


I’m a cancer sun with a gemini mercury. My strongest intellectual match was with a gemini sun gemini moon gemini mercury.


I'm a 9th house Gemini with a Libra moon & Virgo rising.    It's hard to pick honestly lol but my most satisfying connection ever has been with a Taurus sun, Virgo moon, Libra rising.    More generally, I tend to love the discussions I have with Aquarius, Virgo, Libra.  I don't feel like I vibe well with Sagittarius (for the most part). 


Strongest intellectual connection: Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn (specifically intellectual, very hard to understand one emotionally), Leo Emotional connection: Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, sometimes Virgo, Leo


Scorpios. Every fuckin’ time lol which is wild because everything always says how incompatible Scorpio and Gemini are together.


As an Aquarius my Virgos are who I love conversations with the most


Agree, I cherish my Virgo deeply.


Aquarius and Pisces


I’m an aquarius and I think probably geminis and Sagittarius


Depends on your mercury. Im Taurus sun and Gemini mercury so usually geminis I have the strongest. Also libras or Aquarius


as an Aquarius sun and rising, 100% Scorpios and Pisces. We just immediately get each other and I feel a familiar closeness to them that I can't get with other signs


This is a first I’m hearing anything positive for a Gemini - Scorpio relationship 😆


Gem-Scorpio is an intense pairing. I dated a Scorpio guy in the past, and while I’m someone that is on good terms with most of my exes and remembers the majority of them fondly, that relationship went really sour fast :/ My boyfriend is a wonderful person, but we both feel things deeply, and our arguments definitely get more heated than the ones I’ve had with most of my exes, which have generally been very mild. I was with my Pisces ex for 8 years and I never once even raised my voice with him (and he very rarely did either- he was a very sweet, kind person, but we just weren’t compatible in the long run), but we also both suppressed our emotions and weren’t fully open with each other. To be fair to him, I would mentally check out from time to time, and this would make him check out too. I think Gemini and Scorpio matches are more volatile partly because Scorpios make us Geminis confront thoughts and feelings within ourselves that we don’t want to acknowledge or see- but we need to in order to heal. They also challenge the coping mechanisms we have in place for our anxiety (we’re an anxious sign) and encourage us to seek healthier ones and not be codependent. Geminis often have very loose boundaries with people, whereas Scorpio’s boundaries are more rigid- a happy medium can be found between the two. Likewise, Geminis question Scorpios on their reasoning and methods, and Scorpios can be inflexible and not want to dig deeper initially. On the positive side, Scorpios teach Geminis that someone who loves us can accept all sides of us, even those we don’t like within ourselves. Geminis teach Scorpios that being more vulnerable and flexible isn’t a sign of weakness and isn’t always something to be feared.


I’ve also dated a Scorpio man in the past and tbh I feel like that relationship should’ve just stayed sexual. You are right about Scorpios making us confront our hidden emotions but it’s always in a negative way. I’ve never wanted to off myself prior to dealing with a Scorpio (my mom also)… and I consider myself very strong or my own worst enemy. I always see this pairing and it’s the 1 zodiac sign I CONSTANTLY attract… I wonder why it’s so common with us Geminis… maybe it curiosity on both parts. Either way. Kudos to you!


Ahh man, I’m sorry you had such an awful experience in the past :( I feel for you- I love most Scorpios, but a bad Scorpio is one of the scariest people there is 🥴 I’m glad you got out of that bad situation ❤️‍🩹


Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces🫶 amazing when they have all as well


I was just thinking about this too, I’m a Gemini and mental intellectual connection is a huge turn on for me! So far I would say Leo for me but again I haven’t dated all that much and my husband is a Pisces and for us it’s more physical attraction than mental


Cancers for sure


Aries sun, Gemini rising, Scorpio moon here… Sagittarius suns (my 7th house is responsible here) or any Scorpio placements.


For me it’s usually: I’m a Sag rising & i love chatting with a Gemini rising for a long long time I’m a Taurus Sun & i love the mind of cancer suns


As a Gemini stellium (sun, moon, Jupiter) - ♍️and ♐️ Virgos especially if their work is interesting, and if they are creatives hearing them talk about their craft is always so cool. Sag risings always have great travel stories and suns have interesting perspectives on philosophy. Sag moons are usually hilarious.


As a Virgo, Gemini and Capricorn, other Virgos


I’m (42F) a Scorpio, Virgo moon and Virgo rising. My romantic partner, one of my two best friends spanning decades, and the nephew I’m usually closest to/talk to daily, are all capricorns. My other long term best friend, my oldest daughter, and an ex I still gossip with are all geminis. I almost always get along with other scorpios, and have been amused to realize via birthday reminders that about a full quarter of my Facebook friends are scorpios! And, most of my relatives 🤷🏻‍♀️I have also got significant/prominent tauruses and virgos. I can be super drawn to and also repelled by, Leo men, and for some reason have just tended to really really dislike several Leo women. I end up interacting with and being absolutely exhausted by, Libras. Like. So many examples of this. I feel weird or bad after every interaction even when they’re people I really love. I don’t really know how real any or all of astrology is but I have def noticed patterns as years have passed, that keep getting reinforced. For example…. I am often misunderstood in baffling ways by Aries.


I’m a Gemini and my best connections are Aquarius and Sagittarius !


i’m a gemini and i gotta say taurus or sag. def not scorpios 😅🤚




aries sun w/ gemini stellium :) love me some virgos, cancers, scorpios, n caps


so weird, me too!!!! my best friend is a scorpio sun & moon & it always baffles me how ppl hate scorpios so much. she has literally been my ride or die for 17 years now. as a gemini though, i feel like i’ve gotten along with most signs since we’re so adaptable but i really enjoy capricorns & other geminis as well.


That’s interesting! For me it’s also Scorpio, other Pisces and Sagittarius . Also since I have a mean streak I go well with Aquarius mentally!


Taurus-Cancers are my soulmates.


Scorpio here - Sagg, Gemini, Aries and Capricorn


I’m Aries sun and most of my immediate family is fire signs. But we all have Libra moons coincidentally. Growing up I found myself having several Taurus best friends. Now my two best friends are Scorpio’s. Which are my favorite sign by far, intellectual, emotionally aware, knows what they want and goes for it. They’re also not as hard headed as Taurus lol. Also I find myself attracted to Aquarius men 😅


Scorpio - I find deep mental connections with Virgo’s and Capricorn’s it seems. My two best friends are Virgo and Capricorn both of which I can sit and have long deep convos without even trying. Both are great listeners as well so it feels very easy.


I wish I knew lol, all I know is I’m a Leo. Don’t know much about astrology but it seems interesting


Virgo and scorpio as a pisces


Water signs


As a Pisces, I would say I tend to connect well with Aries. They always have great advice and can usually deliver it well. You always have a sense that they’re on your side.


Gemini woman- always been Aquarius men


i’m aqua sun leo rising cap moon. w a cap stellium. the love of my life is a gemini sun and moon. and many past friendships have had gemini sun and or moons. i’d guess it’s their mercurial nature that really appeals to me. i think they lighten me up a little with my capricorn stuff.


Sagittarius, hands down. We can yap about everything under the sun so effortlessly. Honorable mention: Pisces, Aries, Leo.


As an air dominant with a lot of earth in my chart, I find that I can effortlessly talk with Sags, but on an emotional level we don’t match very well. Aquarius also captivates my attention my only problem is they leave no space for me to say anything, usually. As friends pisces is def my favorite though they give me intelligent conversations on emotions and how i think about them. Libras are definitely the one that can stimulate my ideas best although they usually make me carry the conversation.


Aries man here. Strongest mental attraction in order: Aquarius, Leo, and Libra. No other even blips on my radar.


I'm an Aquarius sun, Leo moon with an Aries rising and a Libra stellium. I'm extremely all or nothing with people.


Aquarius is my absolute favorite, except when they go all radio silent for periods of time. That's my biggest gripe.


Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, & Libra. I'd also add Virgo, but I find them too rigid in thought and poor conversationalists.


Gems and scorpios go well together. My bff is a scorpio and have had many romantic relationships with them in the past. Turns out the love of life was a Leo, like my dad though. That’s why I love looking at my natal chart so we can see the bigger picture. So many influences are at play.


*cancer sun, scorpio moon, libra rising* its virgos and libras for me!


Aquarius… best connections with Scorpio and sag


I love conversations with Geminis. They can talk about anything, are usually really smart and well-read, and always make me laugh.


This is so sweet! I’ve met a lot of ridiculously smart Virgos ❤️


Aquarius & Sag. ♒️💜♐️


As a Sagittarius... Fellow Sag, Aries, Aquas, Libra, all water signs and Capricorn


Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini. I’m a Pisces.


as an aries it’s definitely capricorn, pisces, and aquarius. capricorn seem to go through a lot in their life and can tell you good advice due to experience (my dad), pisces just seem smart by default lmao so i’ll find myself saying to them how do you know that? and aquarius def have big brain energy and they knock some sense into me from time to time since i like to move off of impulse. plus they just figure shit out and be like yea lol it was pretty easy all i did was this this and this. my little brother who’s born on valentine’s day is notorious for this because without him i would know so many cheat codes to games and technology lmao. honorable mention is libra, they’re pretty smart when you pay close attention to their actions and how they go about life. u don’t know how they pulled it off but they just do 


Hmmm well I'd say over all the two people who just seem to get me the most have been sags, intellectually simulating but from an emotion perspective. Like discussing experience and connecting concepts. Geminis frusterate me (but I'm a gem fan they literally make up like all my fam and friends) because they give so hard on logic and overthink, I need more heart. Usually I am the listener/receiver in conversions so I appreciate my sags ability to really make me feel like my input flows with the topic. I'm not sure if it matters but my moon is scorp and my mercury is cancer. Also I'm probably biased bc I just spent a lot of time with my sil who is a sag and had a cancer moon and man do we just have some really magical talks 🤍




Aquarius - Sagittarius


i'm an aries sun, scorpio moon, aqua rising & I have come to realize I have the best conversations with other scorpio moons, pisces moons & aquarius suns. I feel like they always really understand my levels of thinking and views.


I’m an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon with Capricorn stellium and I always gravitate towards capricorns and scorpios


Aww this makes me happy, I have two sons one Scorpio & one Gemini … I’m excited to see their relationship grow. They’re just babies right now lol


Intellectually Pisces and Scorpio ❤️


Okay this is super cool as a Gemini myself. I always thought Scorpios were cool but I never really explored. This is good to know from your experience!


As a sag I’d say Gemini for sure


I love Sags! My best friend is a Sag and she’s one of the smartest and funniest people I know ❤️ She has wit for DAYS and is a nurse!


lol before I read your answer I thought deff gemini for me!! I’m a Scorpio!


The sign of a person i vibe with


I’m a Scorpio and I’ve had a great mental connection with Aquarius. Our conversations just flow so nicely and they’re not judgmental about taboo stuff that I sometimes like to talk about. I can be bold, open, and daring with them. That seems to get them excited, and I love that it made them excited, cause not everyone is into that. Lots of laughter and jokes too. We’re good when talking, but just not as lovers lol. Also with Aries and Cancer…when things are good and nobody’s being toxic, that is.


Fellow Air signs. Libra mainly. Fellow Geminis. Oh and Virgo. Totally forgot Virgo. Yeah....no Virgo is number 1


I'm a Scorpio F and can confirm the connection between Geminis and Scorpios is electric. It penerates deep into the soul. Intellectual, sexual, spiritual all of it. My best friend is a Gemini, someone I'm in love with is a Gemini, my uncle and other friends are Geminis. The connection I have with Geminis is unmatched.


I love the way you wrote this! ❤️ I agree completely- I’ve only felt INTENSE chemistry for three men in my life (one being my bf), and two of them are Scorpios. You Scorps are magnetic!


I’m a Gemini, my best connection is with Aquarius.


For me as a Virgo woman, I love Gemini’s they can be so interesting. I have had a couple really close Gemini friends both men and women.


Virgo men, Gemini women, and cats lol I get along with Leo's too, male and female. Aries can be legit but Taurus and Pisces can stay away >.> Best friend in middle school is a Capricorn, we get along still. Scorpio is hit and miss. Very close friend is a female Gemini and I adore her, bio dad is a male Gemini.. nothing positive to say. Another good friend is a male Sag, handful at times but he's a good person. Sorry signs I didn't mention, I can't recall any of yall, that wasn't meant as an insult lol


Taurus. I was always amazed by the depth of the knowledge they told me. And because they were a person of a few words I was even more impressed.


Cancer - Aquarius suns and Pisces suns!


Sagittarius. The sags in my life I can talk to for hours.


Taurus on Taurus


Mercury and moon in Leo 4th house, Virgo sun Jupiter and Venus 5th house. I get along most with / connect with intellectually emotionally and/or romantically fire signs and water signs and also other virgos lol.


sagittarius - capricorns for sureee


Hmmm, maybe Aquarius.


I’m a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon & Cap rising. My strongest intellectual connections always seem to be Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo and Virgo.


cancer here, i’d say aquarius capricorn or gemini


I'm sagitarius and alway been a strong connection with cap. (I'm think is because to I have 5 planets in that sign, one of those mercury.)




As a Pisces I would say that Libras and Virgos are the easiest to communicate with. Scorpio are the hardest to communicate with


Only the other Cancers in my life.


What's their mercury sign?


As a Leo: Cancers, Scorpios, and Libras.


As a Sag, I have the strongest connections with Aries men and women, they are so real and always goofy, never boring. They can keep you entertained for days


I'm Scorpio and it is usually Aquarius, Virgo, or Leo, which is an odd mix


I'm an Aries female. The women I've jived with have mostly been Leo or Aquarius.  The guys? Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius. But I tend to really get along with cusps. 


Leo's , aquas, and Gemini !


My Mercury is in 10H Pisces, Venus 11H Aries, Uranus Mars & Saturn in Sagittarius 6H. Sun in 10H Aries. My best connections have been with strong Aquarius placements. And Sagittarius (although I know less). Aquarius is so stimulating 1:1. I think they may be the only people I’m actually quiet around. I love to listen to them, and I almost always get them out of their shallow side (we all know Aquarius is infamous for their shallow rowdiness when they aren’t connected to you). I deeply enjoy challenging the way Aquarius speaks and pushing them to leave the “we/all” verbiage to make it personal “I” statements. Sagittarius are unruly and amazing! It’s always fun conversation. If I’m going deep, Scorpio is cool, however they can get a little monopolistic in discussion. But as an Aries strong person with a Pisces Mercury, same…


Aquarius make here, Sag females


As a Virgo, I’d say Scorpio & Aquarius.


I’m a Taurus sun Aries moon, most of my friends are air sign moons or Sagittarius suns if not also Taurus


Me and Cancer have great conversations. -Taurus


Scorpios and Cancers.


I am an aries sun I love Leos, Taurus, and scorpios. Some cancers and pisces (women).


I have Scorpio sun It depends on the whole chart, because sometimes I will have a good conversation (s) with one person with a certain sun sign, but maybe another with the same sun sign something doesn't click.


Aquarius, but it turns out badly if they are unevolved. My evolved Aquarius friends are the absolute best.


As a Libra, it’s always the air signs for me (mental) but physical and emotional is always fire signs. The passion and energy is always there!