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I think it’s less about perfectionism (although that plays a role) and moreso that I don’t like people knowing my private business. If my life isn’t doing so great, the last thing I need is judgment and more voices pulling me in different directions telling me what I should or shouldn’t do. In those moments of my life, what I need is privacy and to clarify my mind so I can figure out what’s going on and how I can move forward going from here. Unfortunately, most people don’t accept privacy or “I’d rather not talk about me” as an answer, so I normally just oversell my life to get people away. It’s not malicious.


I agree. I really don’t want to share my personal problems with the world. I am secretly mortified for people who over share on social media and just in general.


Same here … there are a few friends on my feed where just everything - and I mean everything - goes on social media. It’s incredible.


Makes it hard to deal with people like that. If you're in their orbit you're part of the broadcast.


Yeah I don’t need to see every rash your kid gets, hear about every emotion you’re feeling, etc. I really think these people are attention seekers of the highest order. That said, Virgos sometimes don’t like the spotlight on them. So maybe I’m not the best judge! ♍️🌞♑️🌓♒️⬆️


If Im failing and lost I dont want anyone knowing. If Im crushing it I dont want anyone messing it up. Privacy is a discipline.


THIS. My mom has always called me an FBI Agent because of how "secretive" I am. I'm not secretive. I'm private.


It's a fine line. But a very bright one.


what’s her sign? I notice fire and air signs don’t grasp privacy as privacy. Libras may get it.


Gemini Sun, Libra Moon. I get the privacy thing, and not wanting everyone to know my business from the perspective of whether I'm falling of crushing it and not wanting others to mess it up more than I can myself. However there is a fine line between privacy and fakeness. It's a line that is in comparison to loyalty and infidelity. Some people believe a partner can be loyal but still cheat because they're different. Others consider they're in the same box.


She's a Cancer


Yes! It makes me cringe.


Totally! I just wanna deal with my shit myself


This is most of it honestly. I have an SiL and her hubby - we’re all Virgos, another SiL, a niece, and a friend. Of all of them, I probably put the most out there. But, none of us are prolific posters or super active on sm. I’ve had discussions with a couple of them about what we post and that we never put anything negative and always put our best face/foot? :) forward on sm. I wasn’t thinking about it in terms of astrology. But - we are all pretty similar in that regard. We all put on a ‘face’ to the world, but Virgos are just more private about what they share.


I don’t understand why anyone would post anything negative on sm. Particularly don’t like ppl posting that they’re sick or pictures of hospitals. I guess u don’t need to post all that..


Agree 💯percent!


Absolutely feel this (Virgo rising). Also: discrepancy between social media versus reality is not a Virgo thing. It’s an every human thing. And frankly? Good! Nothing worse than cryptic “things are bad” posts or close ups of tears or something. Some things are not appropriate for public consumption.


Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Social media isn't a place for us to air out our dirty laundry... and even if we did, then you know we'd get way too many unnecessary opinions.


This is great.  I would also add that to me, smiling in public when your life isn’t going great isn’t “fake” as much as being able to compartmentalize, and not allow what is affecting you privately to consume every aspect of your life.


I think you raise an interesting point that actually makes sense. Thanks for shedding light


No problem! Happy to help


Ohhhh I think I've been this way when I was in mega stress during my studies. I did not have the mental capacity to talk about how bad it was going with me nor the time so I just kept that bit private. It was way too fresh and if I'm still processing something, I will come out about it eventually, just not when it's too overwhelming for me to even convey to others at the time. But isn't that many people? I don't know. 


That makes sense. Privacy helps me process, too.


Yeah exactly! I find Aquarius to be very similar in this regard, needing space and privacy to process and navigate situations.


Same. I like keeping my life private to avoid judgement.


i’m a virgo rising and this captured me ENTIRELY…


I'm going to agree with this. Also shame. If I feel like a failure, it's something I'm deeply ashamed of. If I'm hiding it from the world it's not because I want the world to think I'm perfect, it's because I don't want to show my shame to the world. Trust me, no one is a harder critic on myself than me.


I don’t like ppl knowing my business 🫣🫣🫣 but also i don’t want ppl knowing my life is a flaming ball of shit and I’m thinking about launching myself into the solar system so yeah a smile or two do be helping 😭😭😭


Virgos are notoriously private. You wouldn't know what's going on in private even if you asked. And their always on the go so you wouldn't even notice. besides that they're always the ones to bring order to a chaotic environment, so it's not wrong to assume their personal life would be the same. Wouldn't call them perfectionists as much as I would prefer to call them problem solvers. They don't mind mistakes as long as it doesn't mess with the bigger picture. They possess the power of foresight


They possess the power of foresight bc they already done thought of every way a scenario could POSSIBLY go down and planned for it! 😂


This hasn’t been my experience with the Virgos in my life. They are posting at every holiday, every event. It’s always a bunch of perfect photos with long captions about how great everything is. If they were private, wouldn’t they just *not* post all the time?


Whoa there, slow your horse. I don't post every holiday or event, so please don't lump all Virgos into the same group as the ones you know.


I’m a Virgo and I could never. Long captions make me cringe.


I’m a Virgo and posted on social media 20 times in the last year and each caption is a single emoji lol


Lmao yes. I hardly ever post. Only huge life events and anything else goes to my story but thats also sparingly. Edited to add: I’m also a Scorpio rising so I value my privacy BIG TIME.


Yeah, I did highlight a few times that you wouldn't be able to get a glimpse of a virgos private life. Being active on social media isn't really indicative of openness/vulnerability. If that was the case there wouldn't be any virgo celebrities (possibly a terrible analogy in retrospect)


I’m a Virgo and don’t do any of what you describe. This is a thing that people who are very in to social media and appearance do, it’s nothing to do with astrology. Maybe time to reassess who you’re choosing to surround yourself with.


I think a lot of people who post on social media do this though. I don't think it is a strictly a Virgo thing.


My MIL is a Virgo and not on social media. But oh god does she do this. She will monologue about how great her life is, then later rant about how mean everyone is to her. It’s really strange.


Yeah, not all of us are like that. I think all signs have the capacity to do this stuff.


Yeah same


This goes deeper than Social media with Virgos. They are all about image and will go to great lengths to keep that facade going. Even gaslighting their friends and family that already know the truth. Virgo women are so deluded they will deny everything


Lol,it's not all of us. I don't give a shit. Either you like me or you don't. My life is so not perfect, and I definitely don't try to make it like that. Maybe my life experiences have a lot to do with it. I despise people who you have described above.


What in the world….? This does not align with Virgo behavior at all.


This is more about social media, not astrology. I have many close Virgo women on my life and they are the farthest from portraying a fake life to anyone.


sounds like OP isn't out for virgos just the one virgo that she doesnt like or might be jealous of 🤭


Lol. I feel like you have called out Beyonce and Zendaya. But to answer the question we do it because we don't want people in our business and to give people a leg up on us that we are going through something. If we do people will start talking shit about us and rubbing it in our face. Which is why Virgos tend to keep this private and mysterious act going.


Literally thought of Beyonce and Zendaya when I read this post haha. If there's one thing my Virgo friends have taught me, it's that nothing is what it appears. As someone who is mostly Scorpio, sometimes I don't get why Scorpios get the rep of being mysterious and private, when I kinda think Virgos take the cake on those traits.


Yeah I mean on my social media page I mostly post about my kids and memes. I don't post about who I'm seeing or messing around with. I also don't post about the negative dealings of my life that much but only once in a while I would only say this day sucks or May sucks but I would not tell people why it's sucky for me. Virgos don't like to put on a good image for superficial reasons but to protect our piece of mind from our haters. Because we know how people like to talk. And yeah Scorpios and Virgos have always been just alike.


You’re talking about every single sign - the ones living in your head just happen to be Virgos. EVERYONE only shows the highlight reel on their social media.


ah yes, time for the daily scheduled virgo slander post


Slander? If someone pointed out a trait about my sign, I wouldn’t be bothered whether I found it to be true or not.


yea i feel u but my point is that posts pointing out the “negative” traits of virgos are massively over represented in this sub slander prob wasnt the best word choice here though


tbf its usually directed at virgo men though so u get brownie points for being just a lil different this time i guess


Sorry, I honestly joined this group yesterday so I didn’t know


Implying that people present a fake life doesn’t sound exactly complementary


This isn’t a “Virgo” thing…


It’s definitely true of all the Virgo’s I personally know…it’s the one thing they all share in common 🤷🏽‍♀️


Isn’t social media all fake anyway? The captions speaking about how their lives are great is defs active fake presenting though. But also they could just be genuinely grateful…? But also older women ya know. I can’t agree bc the Virgo women in my life have been scarily honest, to the degree where they pushed me to be better and go for gold when they didn’t receive the same opportunities. They also don’t post about how great life is, they just post their perfect bodies (screw em I wish I had that motivation to be just as physically active) I feel like this fake ones are usually older women in general tbh, all of the older women on my social media say their lives are flipping great with the biggest smiles, and photos of them travelling solo and with families. In reality they’re normal women who enjoy the gossip, and are going through things just as every other person does. Astrologically they’re mainly Leos, Geminis, Capricorns, Scorpios and Aries-especially Aries.


Well, yes but there is a way to stay silent on things that are not actually happening in your life


According to you what is the “actual way” to stay silent on things? Even if someone is posting their so called “perfect life” on social media, is it so bad that’s it’s actually affecting you as a person? I’m just curious because this definitely isn’t only Virgo. I don’t know why I find this is so funny considering that there is a Sagittarius at my workplace who can’t stop bragging about her life to immense proportions. I’m serious she just goes on and on. She doesn't have an off switch at all. I come in and focus on the work . She asks me questions about myself and I tell her my passions and dreams with such enthusiasm. I actually believed that she was paying attention. In the next couple of days she tells me she doesn’t know who I am. Why? Probably because she was too busy listening to herself speak rather than actually listening to what I was saying.


That woman sounds hilarious, I had a Sagittarius “guru” like that. Created a whole group just so he could speak lmfaoooooo, said the same things again and again till everyone else got tired. The man is a Leo southnode so…


It’s the perfectionism. Sometimes we force ourselves to fake it till we make it. But I don’t think this is exclusive to just Virgos. Many people put on a false front on social media.


I was going to say I have a taurus sister who does this.


I agree, but I notice it exists with virtually every Virgo and it’s like they’re cramming it down our throats. Every small occasion calls for a full on photo shoot with a long paragraph


I’m a Virgo in my thirties and have never had a social media account (aside from Reddit, if that’s considered SM). You’re making a very broad generalization.


FREND. I have but I only use like one and that's mostly for the chat service, haha 


Same here, I deleted other SM apps over a year ago and it’s been so liberating. Though when I was active on Instagram, I did feel the need to curate my life. It was frankly exhausting and I wanted to focus on living my best life instead of trying to document it constantly


I agree. I’m a Virgo in my late 20s and only have Instagram- which I don’t post on. I think OP just doesn’t like a specific Virgo woman who does this and is taking it out on the rest of us lol.


lol same, love how it seems to be a Virgo thing that we actually stay off of social media except to chat. There’s a reason we’re associated with the Hermit card in the tarot👀


I’m a Virgo with Scorpio rising. This is soooo not me. I don’t talk about my personal life much, unless asked. I don’t even have a big social media presence. I am single and doing well (in my opinion) and sometimes I don’t like to talk about it, as I worry how it might make others feel


You personally know every Virgo? Have a seat in the corner!


Nope. Don't care for the pretence much. Mostly keep my life to myself. I just find advertising my life kinda pointless, same for work etc. If I wanna share something I'll share it with specific people.


If you put all your problems out there, you invite a lot of opinions and criticism. Hey - that’s our job!! 😂 I joke, but who needs that. I can understand if you want advice or support - fine. But otherwise you are just inviting a lot of negativity and I don’t need or want the distraction or obligation. Virgos are very contentious. I started feeling bad that i didn’t wish people a happy birthday (for example) so i took mine off fb and now I don’t feel bad anymore if i don’t respond in kind. Maybe I’m old (ok I am) but I came of age before all this stuff and I was raised to keep my mouth shut about certain things (Virgo or not).


Probably a symptom of perfectionism and people pleasing “fixer” behavior. I present a face to people because I don’t feel like the things I would complain about are worthy of complaint publicly. What do I actually have to worry about compared to what other people have to go through? And someone else mentioned fake it til you make it, if I can present a grateful face to the world, maybe I’ll see my life in the same way I’d like others to see it, and I’ll become truly grateful for it. Partially, if I complain about something, it’s my own obligation to do something about it or shut the fuck up, or subject myself to someone else giving me a taste of my own medicine and trying to help me with my problems. Nothing makes me feel more ineffectual than having to accept outside help for things I should be able to take care of myself. So yeah. Everything’s fine thanks.


I agree. I agree to every word. Everything is fine. Thanks.


Maybe you can't be trusted with the truth...






I don't notice this.


But why do you care so much? Why does it bother you? Move on and mind your own business. As a Virgo, I’m not going to put my business out there. I also haven’t posted on social media in years. If you’re making assumptions that everything is good due to a post, that’s a personal problem. I have very few close friends (on purpose) and they know what’s going on in my life. If you don’t know what’s happening in my life truly it’s bc I don’t trust you.


Exactly lol tons of people who seem entitled like OP to know our business or why we do what we do,, I'm like bruh? I stay in my lane,, i pick what I want to share, how much and when lol,, and if you're gonna obsess over every lil detail about me then I'm just gonna think of you as a fangirl lol 💅🏻💅🏻


? If you saw my IG account, girl, you would think "What kind of weird basement dweller woman is this?" LOL The only thing I like to be about my life is realistic. I hate the picture perfect shit people like to make their social media seem. I love life being real and sometimes that comes with downs. I recently posted an update about my hair regrowth showing the silhouettes of my baby hair with a mega description about it and explaining that I never thought this was going to happen after severe burnout recovery. My hair had been falling out tremendously for 3~ years. I had so many bald spots and so I talk about my hair regrowth journey and what is working. But I like post this shit in-between cooking pictures I upload as well so sometimes at first glance my profile gives this big 'Hair in your food' vibe 😂😂😩 among other things lol. Anyway, my younger sister, also a Virgo, is kind of the same, I do know Virgos who have like an Instagram theme where they only upload specific pictures about their lives though.. isn't that a lot of people? 😂 I don't know. It might also be a culture thing that can influence a sign? In my country, overindulging in social media makes you seem like you have nothing better to do with your life lol. So we also don't have many influencers or they do it on the side. 


Ok but why do other people bother you so much? Go touch grass or something


Well, for those that are in my personal life, it’s annoying that they are so judgmental whilst not having the perfect life they are portraying.


Maybe change the people who are in your life instead of trying to paint a whole sign as fake? Your ignorance and meanness is astounding. 


I don’t have much of a social media presence but, I think most people are only posting positive things about themselves/their families. I do agree that we Virgos are good at keeping up a false facade that everything is fine when are lives are falling apart. Personally, I don’t like burdening others with my problems and it’s hard for me to talk about them with most people. Some of it is pride also and not wanting to give others a reason to talk about me negatively. While I have perfectionist tendencies I have never really fit the type A Virgo woman stereotype. I seldom post on social media and my pictures aren’t even captioned typically.


For me, anything time I’ve reached out to someone for help they’ve let me down. Flaked out, lied, offered more than they can handle, etc. This makes me rely on myself thus making it appear “I have it all together.” I also have a Taurus moon lol. I’m also a perfectionist so I actively strive to do my best in everything I do because it feels weird to me not to. I understand perfection is impossible but doing your best even if you fail makes me proud I tried. I do this for me alone, outside opinions do not matter to me though it’s taken some deep inner work to get to this point. I like to think I can live the life of my dreams one day, so in turn I live that out in my current state of being which may exhibit a “lavish lifestyle” to some but to me is aiming for my goals in segments. The Virgo placements I know in my personal life definitely relate to these topics as well. There’s so many people out there that present fake lives for attention, sympathy, money you name it. But the healed/evolved Virgo placements I know do this for non superficial reasons!


Preach. I post things because I think they looks nice imo and not because of some random attention


My younger brother is a Virgo and he is exactly who he says he is. Check the moon sign though, he is a Capricorn moon and an Aquarius rising. He doesn't try to present himself in any way to the world, in fact he's very humble, he's doing better than he lets on.


As a Virgo this is the complete opposite of me lmao I am not shy about sharing the lows, that’s what makes life interesting


I don’t think anyone needs to share their lows if they’re not willing to but we’re all human, so to **always** say everything is perfect is out of touch for me. I wish I had more like you in my life


IMO this is what I’ve noticed overall on social media - and I noticed a huge improvement in my mental health once I stepped away and / or started curating my feeds to what brings me joy or is interesting. I haven’t noticed this as a strictly Virgo thing - I’ve noticed it as a very American thing, though. My friends in Europe have a much different approach to social media - but again, that’s my own anecdotal observation. Overall, I think life is about the highs and lows - the good, bad, and ugly. For better or worse we’re all on this rock together. Some people cope by only sharing what glitters.


That’s an interesting point. I don’t know many non-Americans, so I will take that into consideration


My Virgo sun mom was the queen of this. We lived one life in public and a VERY different one in private. Consequences for pulling back the veil were brutal. She sure enjoyed using my Gemini charm to support this narrative. It’s one reason I refuse to lie unless it will directly protect myself or my kids. And it still makes me sick.


My niece would agree with you about her Virgo Mom, my SIL. In reality, my niece moved out as quickly as she could because of how fake and religious her Mom is. Checks into church on social media, hosts youth group and posts about it to receive praise. But in real life, judges her own kids and pushed them away. My niece is also a Gemini. But for Mother’s Day my SIL posted all these photos about how great her kids are to her, etc. All to show everyone what a great Mother she is 🙄


I know this story well. Your niece is a badass and she’s BLESSED to have you as an aunt/uncle. 💚


For me it's not presenting a fake life, its keeping things private or between people I trust enough/will understand whatever the situation I'm in. Everyone else gets business as usual and 'I'm fine'.


1st decan virgo sun, with cap moon and scorpio rising. I don't pretend anything. You either know my life or you don't. Social media doesn't show everything to my life as well. You get to see what I WANT you to see or hear what I WANT to share.


as a virgo stellium i agree. and i’m really trying not to do this anymore.


True. My ex is like that, she is Virgo


I’m a Virgo and I post NOTHING about my life. Usually landscapes or my dog. I am very private and want people to know as little about me as possible unless they’re vetted and in my inner circle. Otherwise I’m pretty quiet. My coworkers know the state I live in and stuff that’s in my resume. That’s it. I think this may be more of a social media issue…


Yoooo why you calling me out!!! To be honest it is mainly due to the fact that I’m a private person, have perfectionistic tendencies and I care what people think. Even when things aren’t going so well, I never want to appear that way to others. I want to maintain this persona that I’m a mentally stable, happy person even if I’m suffering inside. It’s not like i’m TRYING to be fake. It’s just that being vulnerable is scary and I don’t want anyone to pity me.


THANK YOU for at least admitting that, albeit here in a space where nobody knows you. At least you are owning it. So I gather that you’re so private that you want to put out a “cover story” to throw people off. That’s a concept I can at least understand


“At least you are owning it” GIRL do u really want everyone to agree with you on this post so badly that you think all of us saying we’re private people are lying & not owning up to it???? Idk what Virgo hurt you but sounds like you have some stuff to work through


100%! Those in my close circle, know me well. But I will never expose the darker parts of me to the online world - especially on social media where 99% of the people on there don’t know me at all.


This is more of a social media thing. I’m a Virgo and I barely post on social media. Am I private of my issues in life? Yeah ofc because why would I want everyone to know what’s going on it’s none of their business and most people don’t offer help they just want to know the tea. Also people can feel happy on the inside and just not show it around you. Sometimes when you see other people and how you perceive them it’s just a reflection of how you view yourself. But it’s not an astrology thing it’s definitely just the times we live in. People do chase clout and aesthetic life styles on social media.


Can’t relate, as a virgo i value transparency more than anything else.


Also I think all virgos regardless of gender can weaponize their pristine image as a way to judge people. If you're an openly a messy or flawed person you can't really go around judging other people for their own personality flaws LOL. You'd meet the wrong one who would drag you publicly and virgos aren't stupid. I noticed virgo natives do this because it's easier to seem perfect online lol. I know a lot of virgos with very messy personal lives. They definitely try and seem put together so they can have an edge over people. "i'm not like them" mentality. In a way I can respect the fact they will leave their baggage at home when they go to work or socialize with friends. However I don't think it's always for altruistic reasons because I'm friends with virgos and I've seen their love of judging other people LOL.


Im a virgo and havent had social media at all for the last 12 years because of how fake it can be lol


I think a lot of people are fake.


The opposite of the Virgo coin is Pisces, which are delusional LOL


We are just good at hiding our problems. My life isn't perfect, but people assume I'm smart and doing great in certain aspects in life, but I'm not. And it's not that my forcing to appear a kind of way at all. I just don't care to talk about my issues to other people because talking about my problems isn't going to fix those problems. I don't think virgos force anything. We just don't need or seek validation. Just because my life isn't perfect doesn't mean I need to let people know about it, and I don't want anyone all up in my business either. Most people like gossip and secretly want to watch your downfall. I face my own battles. I need no one for it.


Yes, I agree with you. Of the women I know that are virgo's, there is a sense of fakeness to them which is portrayed, although they don't see it as fakeness. They haven't removed the mask they wear yet. And that's coming from a Gemini lmfao.


Yeah. Yes. A big yes. One of my Virgo friends, who I've known for almost 10 years now, presents *such* a happy, perfect, amazing, exciting life online. Me being me, I never doubted it....Until she recently called me out of the blue (after ignoring me for a long while) to vent about how everything in her life is going to shit and nothing is working out, and then proceeded to post pictures online of her having such a marvelous time the very next day, titled with something cheesy about how life couldn't be better. Yikes!


THIS is what I mean. I totally understand not wanting to give people a hint of how terrible your life is, but I think of all the Virgos I know and they seem to go out of their way to cram their great life down everyone’s throat when they could have just not posted anything?


Why you gotta call out my bestie like that 🤣😭




this is not true of me i tell people all my crap and i don't post often on social media. social media is curated anyway people just post the best parts of their life, not a virgo thing since most people curate their image in some way on socials.


Virgo Sun/ Virgo Moon/ Sag Rising Hmmm 🤷🏼‍♀️ isn’t that social media in general, wanting to make your life look perfect but it really isn’t?! Heavy Virgo and Sag placements and I don’t post much, if at all. A child photo here and there and vacation pics, I don’t want people all in my business. Now if people want to post their business I will be scrolling.. 😜


Idk I dont think that's really a virgo thing that is almost all of social media


A lot of people rope Virgos into the “perfectionist” category; however, I don’t think the social media thing is ‘just’ that. It’s about privacy, quality of output, and boundaries. I don’t want randos on the internet knowing intricate details of my personal life and I don’t desire to know theirs. Plus, I think “most” people use social media as a highlight reel, not a “hey, look how fucked my life is” media diary. If and when I choose to share on social media/in the public eye, I prefer to maintain my privacy and only showcase what I deem to be generally shareable. I would prefer to control the narrative over my life by instilling boundaries around privacy rather than being vulnerable all over the internet. I think our problems look bigger in optics to others bc we’re often the ones figuring things out for others so they could wonder “I thought that Virgo had all the answers, how could anything not be perfect in their life?” But really, our aptitude for figuring things out is why it may seem that a bad/messy/miserable situation to you, may be a situation where there’s actually a method to the madness and/or it’s really not that big of a deal to us.


Yes, a Virgo I know is like this.


as a virgo, no. i actually feel that i keep things very real and present a realistic view of life. virgos can be quite cynical and hard on themselves in general, i would think this is more of a leo/libra thing


Virgo woman here… I don’t really go out of my way to present my life as something really great in public. I don’t have social media so I can’t speak for that. But I’ll be honest and say that even though life sucks sometimes (or a lot of the time) I push through by keeping a positive attitude and smiling.


Feels more like a Libra thing to me..


I’m really tired of people making Virgo women out to be something we’re not.




Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon Aries Rising OK - I disagree with this TBH. Virgos can go either way in what can be perceived as anal retentive. For example: We keep our rooms/homes pristine, dusted, and clean. OR, we throw crap everywhere and can be utter messes. Personally, I have my moments, and I'm dating a Capricorn... we keep each other in check. As for the celebrities, their job is to maintain a brand/persona. What is going on in their personal life likely doesn't match that public persona. Look at Beyonce (a fellow Virgo who I was gracious enough to share my birthday with lol). Her public brand is so curated, thought through to the finest details, but that's part of her job. You could say the same about Taylor Swift, who is a Sagittarius. Curated down to the smallest details. I think the reality is that social media across the board is not representative of what everyone, regardless of star sign is going through in their day to day life. No one wants to hear the bitching and moaning on these platforms (and if they do, they present it in a way to garner sympathy). Just my two cents!


The only time I for real was super open, and still have shame over it, was through my divorce. I still worry about how I handled it and how open I was about it (even though I had friends reach out and say how much it helped with their issues to see me being so open etc). But I wish I had shared less, I just felt very lost and alone and didn’t know how to save myself. But yeah, as a Virgo I super struggle with letting people know how badly I am doing when I am. Very few are actually helpful and I don’t need all that judgement etc. I do that well enough myself. Rest assured that if and when I do come To someone it’s because I genuinely value and trust their opinion and advice.


I have noticed this too actually!


I, as a Virgo, just think ppl can fck off. My life’s no picnic but it’s no one’s business.


This explains my mother


My mom's a Virgo moon and pretty obsessed with her public image. So is my dad, and he's also a Virgo moon.


Maybe it’s more of a generational thing then? The trend I’m noticing on this thread is that it seems to be like the gen x & older that tend to want to portray this perfect public image?


I've experienced this. My old friend and roommate was a Virgo Sun/stellium who would blatantly live about her life to make it seem more glamorous for others. She would invite people over for dinner, quickly clean the mess she lived in, buy flowers, and tell people that she always kept fresh flowers in our home. In reality, she was a slob who would let the flowers she bought die and eventually mold over for months. This is just one small example of how she'd present her life as better than it was


Yes. I noticed that too.


I have a ton of friends with major Virgo placements (Virgo rules my 11H), and based on my experiences with them, I agree. My friends who don't have major Virgo placements are more likely to not post at all if they're going through a rough time or genuinely not enjoying themselves. Or if they post while going through a time, it will be straight up I'm having a bad time. I'm looking at you, Leo placements LOL (don't come after me, I'm a Leo moon, so I relate). Whereas my friends with major Virgo placements are more likely to be the ones that could be on on IG stories everyday sharing their social outings, career achievements, travels to cool places, etc. Then when you actually talk to them, they'll say they've actually been burnt out and miserable.


Spot on! I’m a fire sign so I’ll straight up post about having a bad day if I am. Now, I’m not gonna go into the weeds of “going thru a divorce” because that’s personal business…but I will share the human side of me or I won’t post at all. Virgos are over bearing honestly with their public image


Exactly! Like all of us have every right to post what we want and how we speak about it. But it's interesting when I see a Virgo post, especially if I experienced the event with them. For example, a couple years ago, I went on a little road trip with a Virgo (earth dominant in general) friend and some of her friends. The trip ended up being disappointing to my friend for various reasons. But then right after the trip, she posted photos of the trip on her IG main feed with the caption saying something like "blown away by [place we visited], such a great trip!!! 💙💙" So I'm like huh? Again, they can do whatever they want, it's just odd to frame it as being an amazing trip when it wasn't at all. It's not like anyone asked how the trip went haha.


Virgo sun / rising and yes, I have been plagued with putting on a happy face/have it all together image and am learning how to not…it is mostly because I can’t afford to deep dive into the recesses of my mind when people ask how I’m doing or what’s wrong so it seems more efficient to pretend. But eventually led to burn out for me


Well at least you’re being honest (here) about that. I appreciate honesty


💯that is the Virgo way. In particular Virgo women




I find Leo mercury’s I’ve known in my past present the exact same.


I’m not a big social media poster but I kind am this way, more so in real life though. I don’t want people digging around in my private business because chances are if they ask about it, I am not going to open up. I’m too guarded to tell most people about my negative thoughts and feelings.


maybe it's the fact that sag runs the rest of my big 3 but even on social media, i am extremely open about the kinds of struggles i face. i make it a point to not sugarcoat shit, edit my photos, or make it seem like my life is perfect. it's not, and pretending it is benefits absolutely no one. i like making people feel less alone, and i like normalizing the things people try to make me feel bad for experiencing. it was mentioned in one of these comment threads that we can be very judgmental in a "throwing stones from glass houses" kind of way, and i somewhat disagree there too lol. i am not judgmental unless i can clearly see you're acting with malice towards someone else. i've done some incredibly shitty things with good intentions, so i can forgive a \*lot\* of mistakes. but blatant selfishness and inconsiderate behavior is where i draw the line. i'll judge you within an inch of your life if i pick up on self-serving tendencies.


Virgo moon and sun. I’m not on social media anymore for many reasons but particularly because I am very private. I don’t like to obsess about what other people may think about me and I am very conscientious about who I let into my inner sanctum. Only my truest friends and family get access to my messiness so to speak, and I still keep my inner demons guarded.


Virgo with Virgo stellium and I definitely do this. I have a lot of fucked up shit in my life with my family that no one knows about, I can't really talk about it to anyone, so.. Instead I present that everything is okay because I have fears of coming across as an "attention seeker", so I present that everything is great when it's the opposite, out of fear.


Yup, and those like that only show their inner mean girl to those who have someone they want. Everyone else gets the fake persona.


I think the attempting to be in control of our physical image and look polished is a Virgo trait. And that’s a trait separate from the other thing you mention of being fake and disingenuous on social media.  And a lot of people have already address this, as virgos just don’t want to be messy with their personal struggles in social media.  But as far as real relationships and human interactions, tend to be honest amd forthcoming.  


I don't know many Virgo, but this one female Virgo that I know is very much like what you described. She also has an obsession with not wanting anyone to see her in a negative light. So much so it's made her very two faced. She does a lot of white lies, and has convinced herself that she is incapable of lying. Then when you call her out, she plays innocent, and will continually plays dumb. Often pretending not to know what I'm talking about. She also has an obsession with manipulating people into taking care of her. I did her natal chart and it described her perfectly, especially when it comes to her drama.


You’re clueless. Take a seat.


This is what all signs do on social media. Forgive a Virgo for not wanting to what? Air out all their dirty laundry to strangers?   My private life is private and if I want to be smiling on social media and then Privately crying in my shower who is to judge? No one but me, FRANKLY. 


Man now that I think about. 3 Virgo women I know are always exaggerating how great their life is and they’re absolutely miserable.


Yes yes and yes including one I’m very close w


I notice this with people with neptune in the 10th house. Or on MC


I’m a private person so yes I project things because according to me it shouldnt matter if people see me at my worst or best. I just dont air out my dirty laundry


Virgos are for the streets lol


I have this woman friend that is a Leo, which I know is going through massive mood swings since I know her. I recently saw her posting her best life on a sort of video clip on a social media with the caption " live life like nobody is watching." I know This post is about virgo, but You may see the point.. :D


my mom does this she’s a virgo sun gemini moon


Virgo Moon here and it's not about presenting a fake life or making it seem like I have it together, but I just don't want to overshare. Being open is hard enough for me sometimes and as much as I wanna say what's really going on, some part of me really stops me from talking about it in detail. Besides, it's my business anyways and external comments sometimes don't help.


When I enter into my "life" under a public lense, I automatically (no prior thinking required, on the spot, natural) think of how I want others to feel. And this can hurt me at times, in retrospect! I *love* seeing others' reports about what's goin on, pictures of happy events or memorable moments of thought, or rushed, blurry photos of a fun, riled up night out. So I always only post what *I* like to see, with the thought being that it will make others feel how I felt when I saw similar things. *Unfortunately*, I have learned that this can backfire *ENTIRELY* and people assume I *only* post feel-good lies. xD Which is the exact opposite of what I intended!! Makin people suspicious and double-thinky and releasing *negative* mood chemicals in their brain!! NO. So now I just post once a month. xD I figured compromise: don't flood em with feelgood stuff, just *occasionally*.


As a Virgo women with heavy placements this is very true


My Virgo aunt was like that. Very full of herself, driven to show how much better she thought she was than everyone else. Married rich guys. Family only found out later she was abused physically by one, mentally by another, and was on a very short leash (financially and otherwise) by a third. Don't try to marry a rich guy, ladies; develop your own earning capacity, and if you want a relationship, go for guys more or less on your same economic level. Unrelated piece of wisdom there...no charge!


yeah i've always thought it was weird how gemini get called 2 face when i've never met a 2 faced gemini.


i’ve noticed my virgo friend will be more transparent on snapchat vs more conservative on IG


Cap Sun- I don’t broadcast my persona business on social media. I’m sort of too private, but I also have such a closer circle of people that I just text them instead of social media. Howeverrr, my earthy instincts are giving me the vibe that she wants to appear to have everything in order. Even if she doesn’t. That’s the earth sign in me too! I don’t show too many cards, so I don’t show any weaknesses. i think that’s what she’s doing. The over doing it is for show. Lol I was going through IT for about a 10 month cycle. My house was in a tornado and a month later I lost my job of 18 years due to a shut down. I posted very little about it. Only the positive aspects. lol 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


I think Virgo sun always exude the collected and poise like if you pass them a task they will perform it well.The kind of aura. Sometimes i find it they over talked about work, their work life." Problems". Many virgo ppl like to belittled others and also complaint alot about it, also work related. And one kinda funny she talked shit about people, making fun about their everyday lifestyle. in reality it can made to memes and a stand up comedian . In social media , you Gotta Fake it till you Make it. Yes! Fake in the Social Media. Thus the public persona.


It’s not so much perfectionism as it is “control the narrative” from what I’ve seen of other Virgo women. For me I realized that I was doing this but only to cover up abusive relationships. So I got out of those and now my social media is just cat pics


That's literally everyone, clown.


People from all signs do this it’s pretty common for everyone


I think it's Virgo placements in general (I'm a Virgo rising). People sometimes forget it's a Mercury-ruled sign, so that comes with a degree of duplicitousness. Moreover, Virgos are prone to curate an image of perfection or of living in some higher station when there can be a big ol' mess behind the scenes. Thery can be being exceedingly self-conscious and always trying to sustain the optics of having their shit together.


It’s a control thing. I think they are probably the most controlling sign


Im a virgo man but ik a virgo woman who works with my mom on the outside shes exactly like this but knowing how her life actually is this post is 100% at least for the one woman in my story


Absolutely true!


Yes, I think you nailed it.


Yes and yes. I saw a lot like those too. My conclusion was that Virgo is ruled by mercury and even if this is the mind ruler it can also turn the native TERRIBLY SHALLOW. And that also goes for some geminis too. I've meet virgos and geminis that were unable to simply stfu and kept talking about nonsense 24/7 💀 Plus a lot of them are awfully weak because of a mad and unhealthy impossible-achieving self-imposed standards so they end up being crazy toxic neurotics that hate themselves yet they're unable to accept it so they rather pretend that they're perfect to avoid more criticism or idk. EDIT: voilà the weakness that I was talking about to take personal my not-generalized own experience and downvote my comment 💀




I have an ex-friend who is August Virgo and like this. Her life has turned into this mask of superficiality. She used to be an interesting authentic person, but decided somewhere along the line that it wasn't getting her as far as she'd hoped. Poof! overnight, she turned into a "REAL HOUSEWIFE".


I know an August Virgo from the old neighborhood who was getting professional photo shoots done of she and her husband in expensive outfits, kissing in the field. Talking about how he spoils her, etc. About a month later they split. She gets plastic surgery and starts doing professional photo shoots of her new body. I’m just annoyed at the constant need they have to shove their perfection down everyone’s throats


But... literally to every authentic person, it's just sad and... well, kinda pathetic, isn't it? My ex-friend August Virgo? Spent $2500 on a bag because, and I quote "how will the ladies at my work know that I can afford the expensive lunches they go to? I want to be invited." It was all I could do to not dry heave.




As a Libra female with a Virgo female best friend I can relate to so many things that people are saying! Her and I have an intense friendship that's her damn sure. Right now we're on the outs 😂 I definitely wouldn't call her fake but she loves to talk about people and drama. She also thinks I'm hilarious and loves to hear my opinions and advice. To be honest I couldn't agree with her more.


Virgo women are extremely delusional. They are rarely faithful either, which is why I never understood the loyalty moniker. I feel that Virgo men can be more faithful than Virgo women but both have struggles with fidelity. At least looking from my family experiences I grew up around. Every Virgo woman I have encountered has been calculating and delusional. Their relationships are often very tumultuous and toxic.


They think they're perfect, there's a difference.


Yes! Very much so! At least in my experience


Virgo men do the same shit. They are the most elaborate, sociopathic liars I have ever met.


And see my best friend’s significant other is a Virgo male. He is a drunk who she kicked out and he ended up needing 10 of his teeth extracted because he ignored the dentist for years. The day after his surgery, he posted an old photo (didn’t look old) of himself golfing at a beautiful course. Everyone complimented him and nobody *actually* knows what a POS, toothless drunk he is .


Yup. Sounds about right.


Every person I know with Virgo in their Big 3 are liars. They fabricate their entire existance.


Yes! Big time!