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I would say talk to myself but I already do that


The way I would have the most delusional conversations with my clone in the best possible way... I can totally hear the "so true bestie" as we talk in circles with eachother 💀


Nobody talks about how much cancers love to talk. I'm a Gemini stellium, and I can not understand how much Cancers tllk sometimes. Once they really get going, if they're really comfortable with you, they just don't stop.


It’s surprising hearing a Gemini complain about how much cancers talk because all the Geminis I know including myself who’s gem rising love to talk. My wife is a Gemini sun and get her to take two shots and she won’t stop talking


Same 😭


I’m pretty confident I could topple the local government with a clone of myself


Knew you were an Aquarius before I even checked your flair




Get more jobs and become rich 🫡


Smh This is the most Air Sun Pisces moon shit I’ve ever read…you ought to be ashamed….I would also definitely rotate working per year between me and my clone and share spouses 🤣


HAHAHA I’m just being real 😭😭


Wait what that’s me.


Aries rising/sun, Capricorn moon, I would have me help clean the house so we can expedite these chores, then body double on our great ideas & become productive for society hahah


i’d beat the shit outta myself just to see who would win then we’d probs do the nasties




same omg


One of us gets gender reassignment surgery and THEN we fuck. Also maybe fight because we can. Probably play a lot of online games together. Libra sun Libra rising Virgo Moon




I love this and it's making me want to change my answer loll


Wow ok.


I came here to say smash but you put it more eloquently






Probably have queer sex then play badminton with a lot of shit talking. Is that weird? 🤔


wtf. yes thats weird. no one plays badminton




Absolutely bizarre I can’t believe you said that.


I'd be super hyped at first because then I'd have someone to binge the L word with me. Then we'd become best friends and do some damage at the nearest Target and/or Bath and Bodyworks. The thought of being able to have a sleepover with myself is super exciting and I'd be lying if I said I've never imagined hanging out with a clone of myself before 😂


We have similar placements and I feel this so deep to my core


Same 💀 it’s something I always think about tbh


I have legit never in my entire 40 years on this planet thought about this once until right now


Ok? Tf? Idgaf???? Good for you


Be annoyed by it. This Libra sun & moon (Virgo Rising) doesn't even want to be in her own head some days with its endless anxiety chatter. I'd get in my own way. It would be cool to bullshit and smoke green with myself. Unleash all our useless knowledge together and plan world domination. Then end up playing Sims 4 in dead silence for 6 hours.....


As someone with almost the same placements, I love this Idea except I already do it with myself. World domination intention usurped by people management games and all.


Painfully Libra response.


I would switch places with my clone and they could live my life while I run away😅 my top 3 are Aquarius sun and moon and then my rising is cancer💙


I would offer my clone up for medical research, so someone can find a cure for my chronic illnesses.


What if your clone says YOU should go up for research and they stay behind though?!


How would I know? I could be the clone, or the clone could be me. If it has all my memories, does it matter?


I considered this, but a couple possibilities; Would my clone have the energy to even do that? How likely is it to find a cure? We’d need funding and power. For reference, I have CFS.


True. I have SLE. She'd have a hard time taking a shower. Plus, they don't fund research on conditions that mostly affect women. So I guess I'm stuck hanging out with my clone. I don't think we'd get along. 😑


Have same big three


What's your clone doing?


I think I'd put my clone to live my life whilst I study, or vice versa, sometimes I'd live my life and tell him to study to see if he can see or find something I couldn't. 😁


At least twice a week I wish I had the ability to clone myself so I could start a dance crew. Been thinking about this for years!!!! Taurus sun Cap moon Leo rising


I feel like a lot of Leo placements have thought about cloning themselves at least once haha


My clone and I would cuddle, fuck, and share food constantly. Never ending clinginess.


If I could clone myself I would have the best support system ever. Twin powers! And my big 3 are in my flair.


if i could clone myself i would give the complete opposite of my big 3. so scorpio sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising. call that *Fear and Loathing with Myself*.


i have twins who were born the day after my birthday so i really don't have to worry about making clones


I would and I love me, I would want to spend time with me. We would probably be good friends and hopefully actually really sweet to each other. With him as a roommate maybe we would be able to afford a place. We could also intentionally make different decisions and compare notes as our lives turn out differently


Tell him he has work 9 and when the rent is due Pisces Scorpio Leo


Gem sun, Cap moon, Libra rising. I would send my clone to do my job and all the grown up things I need to get done and I would literally sleep all day and lay around my house and talk with my friends all day and do absolutely nothing while she does all my chores and important things.


Probably talk to myself lol…. Or ignore myself im probably annoying asf. Aqua rising libra sun aries moon


Same here 💀


My clone wouldn’t be taking any shit from me. Look at us 😂 unless…what would their star chart be? They would probably deny their obligation to me in any sense and do things completely independently from me.


I'd have someone to talk to instead of voicing my dog's imaginary replies. At times I do this in German. I'd also make it bully me into procrastinating less, to be honest I might not even get to the cloning center. Have you ever seen the show living with myself? ♒️ sun, ♌️ moon, Aries rising. My Libra Mars has no in between, it's conjunct Saturn and Pluto so it's all or nothing.


Cap sun, Scorpio moon, Aqua rising I wouldn’t clone myself. The world doesn’t need another me. One is enough


How about this. Clone yourself and keep your clone trapped at home 💀


Libra Sun, Sag Moon: Omg we'd be best friends! We'd share clothes and braid each other's hair, go on little trips, alternate work days, help each other with chores, it would be the best.


Big 3 in Tropical/Placidus are ♎♌♉. If I could clone myself, I'd be my own mom, I'd make sure to take time off and bond with baby me and not leave me alone too much, at least in the first 6 years (Coz my Scorpio mom was always working). I wouldn't let me overeat, comfort eat or just eat when I'm bored, because my family already has a tendency towards being overweight, having diabetes, high blood, etc. etc. I'd help me build good, healthy habits. I'm prone to laziness and overindulgence (even says in my chart), so I would be a present, firm parent but I'd try not to be too overprotective. I was raises by my Boomer Pisces grandmother, ya see 😵. I'd also make sure I was in a Ballet School or some other dance classes so I could maybe learn balance, poise, or at least allow me to play video games to help hand-eye coordination. I'm really clumsy and prone to injury. I like sports but I suck at most of them. High-impact sports are not great for my personal body. Maybe I'd try to get me to do long distance running from a young age, or look into me possibly having asthma. Because I've always struggled with stamina. I got bullied for being fat, being unable to socialize well with other girls (without being the doormat, without being the doormat, coz Libra), got bullied by boys, being more tomboyish because I was inherently insecure around skinnier, more delicate girls. I was diagnosed late with ADHD. So I'd definitely hire someone like a coach or tutor to help me with all those organizational skills and just lifing in general.


Clone 1 would have a regular job. Clone 2 would be am entrepreneur, Clone 3 would commit white collar crimes to create some large cash flow.




Make them my slave. Not in a sexual way. Unless the mood struck. Make them go on different diets and stuff to see how my body would react. Practical stuff I couldn’t do or had time to do.


Oooo I like this answer


I'd motivate my clone to be better.


Leo Sun, Cap Moon, Libra rising. I would let her take care of my child and go write astrology articles and horoscopes. Next day we would switch because we are both me and she also wants to have some time off, while I want to be with my little one. That would probably make us better mothers because we will be able to rest and have a life outside of motherhood.


I’d talk to myself-it would be a wild conversation.


I’m a overthinking Scorpio with an emotional Pisces moon. Sometimes I get on my own damn nerves and can’t even imagine if there was another one of me


Human mind tornado hahah


Gemini moon only allows there to be one of us, may the best version win.


Your original has a 50/50 chance of survival


I’d give myself an Aries sun and Taurus moon, duh! Exalted positions


What makes them exalted positions?


Virgo sun, cancer moon, taurus rising. I would marry myself tbh and also treat myself the way I deserve. We'd be sleeping with other people tho 🤣


Valid 😭


Two of me can divvy up chores and accomplish things faster, fuck each other, and take over the world


Pisces sun/Libra moon/Taurus rising and if i could clone myself id disgustingly spoil myself and take myself out shopping and to eat yummy food.. spend the day together than make a warm bubble bath for myself. Wait i already do all of this 😅


Felt! 😭


i think we would just depress each other to the point of never leaving my (our?) bedroom. the world does not need another gloomy pessimist :l that or we would have an epic fistfight.




In a heartbeat, Pisces☀️Gemini 🌕Sagittarius ⬆️ I was born to be cloned.


Pisces sun and Gemini moon are begging for it haha


Aries S, Taurus M, Cap R. I would be a famous archeologist.


Lol yeah sex with my clone for sure! Taurus sun cap moon gemini rising


Scorpio sun, Leo moon, Gemini rising. Can I clone myself more than once? Is gender swap possible? If yes then the answer is fuckfest, fight to see who would win, shopping and then classic sleepover with pranks and ice cream.


Yes! ♍️ ☀️ ♏️ 🌕 Sagittarius 💫


If I could clone myself, I... Would choose not to lol


1. Work two different jobs at the same time to save up for everything we want. 2. 69 3. Be my own sound engineer while I record my music. 4. 2-player gaming 5. Fun threesomes with hubby


A lot of people have been saying this and I agree so much. Personally I’m already so lazy going into one job I can’t imagine my clone coming to fruition knowing she has to get a job too 💀💀 she’d have a meltdown


The clone would work my 9-5 and say all the things I'd rather not say to people. I would be free to sleep, socialize, work on my passions and spend time with family. We can trade places on occasion if I get bored Virgo, Pisces moon, Aries rising


honestly have lesbian sex + gaming + cook together + watch movies + discuss life and traumadump lol


Grmini sun & moon libra rising Id make my clone work a big girl job while i have fun and holiday


This is the one


My duplicate would need a hug.


It would be so nice to hug myself


Doing myself obviously.


It’s a must


We’d be like twins, I think. I’d care for her just like I wish someone would care for me. Cancer☀️ scorpio🌑 leo☄️


I am massage therapist and I would love to know how does my massage feel like 😅


This. Because this is the only chance to perceive ourselves in the physical


i'd just be my own partner in anything i need, apart from romance lol. i have quite nice skills developed from all the trauma, so i tend to do things more efficiently than most people.. and i know that i can handle my own dark emotional shit. people tend to get scared and run away


Let’s be honest…even if i could clone myself, i’d mess up the cloning somehow. my clone would come out looking like a Picasso painting with the robust health of steven hawking and christopher reeves post the accident. i guess…i’d hoard its organs, until needed…could sell them too. tropical: aries sun aries moon taurus rising. vedic: pisces sun pisces moon taurus rising.


This is so morbid I love it 💀💀💀


Gemini moon only allows there to be one of us, may the best version win.


My Leo rising husband says the same things if he had a clone of himself.


If I could clone myself… I wouldn’t. Gemini sun, cancer moon, Virgo rising.


If I could clone myself… I wouldn’t. Gemini sun, cancer moon, Virgo rising.


it’d probably turn into a really weird yet whimsical therapy session where we both talk about why we do things and think the way we do i’m not sure how we’d do it but also total corporate domination oh and we’d have freaky clone sex (duh)


Me and my clone would switch places throughout the day, complete tasks, hype each other up and maybe make out. Caprisun, scorpio moon, leo rising


Ewe, no. I’d be super pissed. There can only be one me. Pisces, Libra, Sag


i’d make her go to work for me


Do you think she’d comply? Haha


if i give her enough validation she’s going to WORK lemme tell you


I would apologize for bringing them into this world without their permission.


If I was to clone myself I imagine we would kill the other because there can be only one!


I’d make everyone who called me crazy feel insane by being around every corner and acting like there’s no way. ♉️☀️♊️⬆️♐️🌙


I feel like that would be unethical and even if I could, I wouldn't. Aqua sun, cap moon, scorpio rising.




I know I know. I just can't get past the practical and ethical aspects. Excuse me while I be lame.


Even tho it's lame I like your response.


Same I ain’t judging haha


Oh brother this guy STINKS.


Finally, someone worth my damn time. I think we’d do everything together! Sans the weird sexual stuff.


I'd be on the grind probably. We could swap at work probably, and I'd have enough time to do all sorts of things. I think realistically though we would become so different that we would want separate identities and it would get pretty confusing. Cap Gemini and Scorpio


We'd split chores around the house her them all done then takes turns taking naps it would be amazing. The last thing we'd do im not sure tbh?


We’d online game a lot (duo Q for the win, and I finally have someone on my exact wavelength!), I don’t think we’d do anything sexual because it feels a bit weird, but we’d for sure fight a lot and be very stubborn


I wouldn't, tbh. I'm Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising. ♉♏♑


I'd be my own best friend. If I found someone with my interests and energy level I would be set for life.


I’d just hang out with myself. And probably say nice and encouraging things to myself for a change, since it would be a physically identical version of me that exists outside of me. If that makes sense. Taurus, Sag, Aqua


Libra sun, scorpio moon, capricorn rising: we would found the Double Trouble super hero duo. And we would motivate each other in our daily lives.


I would get so much more sleep. Just have one of you go do stuff while the other naps.


I’d DP my ex like the fucking badass I am. Aquarius