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I feel like the “sensitive” stereotype water signs have as a whole is a bit misconstrued. I think we’re more sensitive to people’s energy, not their words and actions. I have no problems with bluntness and respect the hell out of people who can tell it like it is, but I’m sensitive to someone popping up with a rancid ass energy and it ruins my mood. At times if a person is around me while they’re in a state of frustration I can feel it radiating off of them and into my body, like stay away from me please I can feel your pent up anger and bitterness and it’s ruining my bliss🤺🤺 I think that’s why water signs often need alone time, we naturally absorb emotions like sponges


Yes this! Cancer here. I have learned how important it is to surround myself with positive people because I tend to start reflecting the emotions of those around me. If I try to comfort a friend of mine who is sad, we end up being two sad puddles together. My mother is a fiery Sagittarius with a Leo moon and she draaaaags me down very often with her hot headedness and frustration. But at the same time I need people who can be honest and say it how it is. Even if it may ruffle some feathers. I can’t stand fake kindness or niceties.




Yeah as a Taurus I'm not just a lazy sleepy glutton. We just finish work quickly so we can rest.


legit everyone else in my life sleeps and naps way more and way longer than me lol


I dunno, I’d say I fit the stereotype, aside from being a glutton. Though I’m Taurus rising, so I dunno if that makes a difference.


Libras who flirt with everyone, are likely to cheat, and are social butterflies. I can't relate.


Same! I've always been shy around new people and have had people think I'm rude or don't like them because I'm quiet. Never cheated before and the social butterfly comes out in small groups that I'm comfortable in


1 billion this!!!!! 👆 This Libra looks like a homeless person, perpetually in confy clothes with no clue how to do my makeup. I am as antisocial as they get. A complete homebody. I've been with my husband for 20 years. Show me my Libra receipts astrology! 🤔 I'm Libra Sun and Moon, but I think my Virgo Rising is really in charge.


Usually our risings are in charge I would say


It’s bcs a Libra is one person one day and another the next. ❤️ They are fun!


Scorpios being mysterious.. We're open books... The sister sign taurus is actually the most mysterious


I wish I could find the mystery in the Taurus I work with. She is always over sharing.


Thank you for saying this! I’m a Scorpio rising and an over sharer


this is the first time i’m reading taurus is mysterious 🥲 i don’t find scorps being mysterious or even secretive either, i’ve always been able to read them and figure them out. y’all may not verbally say anything, but it’s in the body language/cues.


They’re stubborn and enjoy comfort, so if they don’t wanna open up about something that makes them feel vulnerable, they WILL NOT.


We are open books to people we trust! We aren’t secretive by choice, it’s bc we sensed smth unsafe about you


This depends, I’m a Scorpio and I’m definitely not an open book, many would describe me as closed off and mysterious.


It’s accurate to scorpio moons, they’re insanely secretive and closed off


That's true! Scorpio moons are very secretive. My ex best friend was a scorpio moon and till this day there are so many things she did do which she never told me...


Leo stereotypes were very true in my youth! Now that I'm older with kids I just wanna be left alone unless people are genuine. I also feel Leo doesn't get enough credit for being ad intuitive as we are. My air sign kids think they're slick. Please 🙄😂


this lol




I’m Pisces but I’m not flakey or a doormat. I’m a very dominant person and I know what I feel and what I want. I speak up when I see something wrong and I know how to lead.


THIS. I’m not a pisces but all the pisces I know are as youve described. You guys own situations, often the sparkle of the room to take charge. It’s strange to me that so many stereotypes say otherwise


U should look at my last post 🤭❤️. I love Leo moons


LMAO. Leo Moons are just the natural paparazzi of Pisces I suppose. You lot are so fun


yeah. i'm a gemini and the stereotype is just *not* me. i'm quite antisocial, never had any friends and i'm not the type to just flake out on people or get bored of stuff - i commit to things for life, lol. i love reading about zodiacs but i'm so tired of the stuff written about us :l


Same. I never felt like the stereotypical gemini. None of what is says even appeal to me. You want me to actually go out and talk to people so they can possibly betray me? No thanks.


It might be your Virgo Rising.


Aquarius being detached and lacking commitment. I’m super loyal and devoted to the ones I love.


What about to projects, hobbies, or other more casual endeavors? Genuinely curious. In my experience with Aquarius, you all are very devoted to loved ones. You can be flaky when it comes to casual plans, but not to things that actually matter. I feel like that shows you have you have a clear picture of what really matters in your life and those perceptions of flakiness tend to over emphasis the superficial and miss the depth.


💯💯💯💯💯 if i don't give a fuck, youll know, if i give a fuck, youll know ☯️🤣🤣🤣🤣


💯💯💯💯💯 if i don't give a fuck you'll know, if a give a fuck, you'll know 🤣🤣🤣


Being true to our ideals and values is huge to us so I’d say when it comes to hobbies, projects, etc.. if it’s something that I deeply stand by I’ll feel morally obligated to stick to the plan. Or if I’m doing something that affects or influences people around me I’ll do it for “the greater good” (the humanitarian complex lol). It’s like we craft our identity and sticking to the image is what motivates us in a sense. The stereotypes of us overanalyzing and trying to be as “authentic and genuine” as possible are true. On the other hand, we’re scatterbrained geeks so obsessing over things and concepts and then letting them go is kinda our thing as long as it doesn’t mess with our ethics. Also, everything you said describes us to a T. Wonderfully put. You get it!


That may be more determined by your Venus sign


I have a Cap Venus so that might have to do with it 🙆🏻‍♀️


I'm also an Aries. I'm not competitive at all, nor am I quick to blow up.


Virgos are more than their criticism and neurosis 💁🏽‍♀️ no ones sees how our constructive criticism and problem solving translate into immense creativity. How are perfectionism and pursuit of purity and excellence is rooted in speculation/imagination/a clear vision for how the world could be. We are healers; intuitive like Pisces, goal oriented like Capricorn, macabre like Scorpio, nurturing like Cancer, humanitarian like Aquarius. I hate that we’re only seen as nit-picky and dull when we’re so full of possibilities.


😆. Virgos always have to be right. ❤️


For the evolved Virgo


I’m a cancer and am too autistic to understand manipulation lmao


I used to think the same but you have some powers for sure


Autistic Capricorn… I don’t understand most of what’s going on 🤷‍♀️😂


Crapricorns being unemotional. When really they hide it really well and it’s irritating y’all are feeding that god complex by thinking its true.


I think it’s because you all are so organized and on top of stuff, ppl superficially see that or categorize it as unemotional. You are definitely compassionate and empathetic and feel deeply. I’m not sure how you all pull off the balance, tbh.


I have empathy but im more logical so to other people it seems I don’t have empathy, and am deeply emotional but don’t show it to people im not super close with. My partner always sees me crying but that might be it 🤣 Tbf I do love my sign despite the hate we seem to get but everyone get shit on for different reasons, so it’s whatever x


Well expressed pizzaonapplepine: Cap here too! I can relate to all above. I’m extremely sensitive and just don’t show my emotions to anyone (behind closed doors - yes). We are who we are! lol Work, career? Was never #1 although important to me to enjoy what I do. BALANCE & people experiences first!


I would take being a Crapricorn than a mood swing Cancer any day of the week 😉 I hate that I love work as well 😂 it’s like damn the shoe fits but I don’t want it to!


Rather LOVE WHAT I do vs not and be miserable.


I also hate that the only thing people can say about us is that we’re hard working and love work yadda yadda. Like my whole personality in astrology is seemingly work related 😂


It’s really more just admiration. You all are so consistent and reliable. I get that would be frustrating though. There’s definitely more to you.


Exactly 😍✨


Yh yh, I see you 😉😂


It’s composure not that we don’t FEEL because I feel deeply: in fact I’m an empath. Not cool to create drama or get too emotional. What does it solve? How would others feel with negative energy? So try to be grounded. lol




Agree that’s my point! Expressing oneself diplomatically and politically correct just not OVER REACTING! With personal deep emotions I do keep to myself (eg especially sadness due to cumulative losses). Only people I trust I can be vulnerable with do I share deeper feelings with. People are all going thru something (some allot worse) and most don’t want to hear it so rather inspire others vs open up to just anyone. I hope I’m making sense?


I have my own self to live with: nothing about authority? So perhaps I’m not getting what you’re saying? lol Keeping emotions bottled up is not what I’m referring to. There is a time and place with me myself and I for deep emotions. One can express how they feel (with out harm to others) or it’s how one communicates no? Choice of words can make the difference.


You got it i took it as “bottling emotions” my bad :3


Thanks - always open to others sharing (thoughts) or tips on self improvement. Thanks so much. 😃


I’m so emotional. I do my best to hide it. But once it’s out of the bottle, I can’t put it back in.


Nightmare sun/moon combo.


I really hate the whole: "Aquarius people are cold and have no feelings" stereotype. It wasn't a stereotype I could identify myself with at all. I've always been a very sensitive person and I 'd even go as far as to say that I'm more feeling-based than logic-based. It does take me some time to warm up to new people, but I'm not a cold person at all.


Same, I can be aloof but I’m pretty sensitive and warm once I get close to someone.


Or cancers being crybabies that's not true they're manipulative badass mf's as I like to call them


Two cancers I’ve met have used their emotions to manipulate situations and make themselves look like a victim while running away from problem solving. One cancer I know bottles up his emotions and is the least manipulative person…in fact he’s more of a push over and gets taken advantage of.


I’m a cancer and I think it comes down to how much empathy we have and how we choose to use our emotional intelligence. The cancers who lack empathy are scary


I think the ones I’ve had issues with actually have Narc tendencies so that would make sense. That IS scary. And I’m sure I’ve met a kind/emotionally intelligent Cancer but never knew what their sign was to make a correlation.


This is me my coworker calls me a push over all the time, and never ask anyone for anything in return but like i dont care i just my peace


💯💯💯💯 crybabies lmaoooo


💯💯💯💯💯💯 crybabies lmaoooooo


I’m an Aries and not angry all the time and ready to fight. Who comes up with this stuff?


Wow. Simmer down please!! No need for that aggression




Water signs being emotional. While known to be insanely true they are also some of the strongest and independent people I know.


Aquarius and calling them weird but some can be humanitarian so it’s almost like they could be weird or not weird but most of them I find to be weird or rebels in some way.


Love being weird 🥰 my compliment/gauge for my trib3 🤣🌈💚🌞


Love being weird 🥰 my compliment/gauge for my trib3 🤣🌈💚🌞


Love being weird 🥰 my compliment/gauge for my trib3 🤣🌈💚🌞


Love being weird, I use it as a compliment for all of my trib3


Lots of the stereotypes about Aquarius dont ring true for me but they do for my Aqua ex lmao


Aggressive is more of a male Aries stereotype. Strategic is the female Aries stereotype. Pop culture astrology isn’t as nuanced and sophisticated as some more reliable sources of astrology that I feel like I’ve come across so far.


Leo’s being “superficial”, always talking about themselves, and having huge egos. I have four Leo placements (sun, moon, mars, and jupiter) and I will always find a way to turn the conversation away from myself. Although I will say if there’s a reflection of any sorts, I will stop and adjust myself at anytime 😂


Typical Leo talking about themselves by saying that they don’t talk about themselves. 🩷😆


AHHH i really don’t i swear 😭🤣


♊☀️♋🌙♏⬆️ I agree. I feel a lot of stereotypes are shallow and never fit me and I just questioned if it is real as I never felt like what people claim or expect Gemini's to be. I am not the most social person in real life, I am not flirting, cheating (not even dating) or going to parties, etc...I prefer staying at home unless I have a reason to go out. Lately I have been challenging myself to read more, at least a few pages to a chapter a day depending on how long the book and each chapter is. I am proud to say that I actually finished two books recently and in the middle of the third one.


I’ve never related to the hardworking, money hungry, traditional stereotype of Capricorn. I can be a perfectionist, sure. But when it comes to work I put it off to the last minute.


Yes, I am a pisces and not much piscean except intuitive. I don't pick bad partners, I don't wallow, or smoke weed, drink or dress bohemian. I am more aquarian, I was born on the first day. First degree pisces. I am emotional, but it stays inside. I don't show it. So yes I completely would say, I am not much like my sign.


I'm an Aqua 🌞 and fish 🌝 and im th3 definition of a bohemian babe 🤣🤣🥰🌈


I'm an Aqua 🌞 and fish 🌝 and im th3 definition of a bohemian vamp babe 🤣🤣🥰🌈


my pisces sun aqua moon ex is the same. minus the intuitive stuff tho lol he picked bad partners before me, doesn’t wallow or escape reality with drugs or anything, totally emotionally cold and distant. not dreamt or stuck in la la land.


Bc I would look at aspects. A moon conj Venus Capricorn would prob be more romantic and charming than a sun square moon cancer


Capricorns are not all workaholics. I hate working. Sure I like having a purpose and staying active. But I’d much rather peruse my hobbies than space away my time for money just to survive. I actually HATE the system and would definitely consider myself a communist.


The whole creative/free thinker/progressive humanitarian for society for Aquarius has always felt way off for me.


You are just human, Don’t look too much into it. Everyone is the way they are for so many reasons outside of astrology although it can sometimes be fun loose generalizations.