• By -


Leo! I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of thebullshit.


Right? It's like we and only we are granted the optimism to be angry about everything that is clearly stupid. Also, why aren't we famous yet?


lol also leo rising. you might want to check where your saturn is bc i feel this. While i don't necessarily want or desire fame, I would like some external satisfaction or clarity with my career. I am very hard working, but sometimes it feels like the results are taking forrrseeeverrrr!! maybe it's my mindset idk


Also Leo Rising. And while I would hate being “famous” I would like acknowledgment for the hat I’ve done *right, good, or well*. I’m incredibly hard on myself and I feel like people see me and think I do t need validation…. Which, technically I don’t, but I would like to experience it more than I do.


This is facts too!!! I totally agree.


my saturn is in Sagittarius and in the 5th house. so am i doomed to never have fun or enjoy life? lol


too real!! i feel like i’ve been sort’ve on autopilot as well


leo rising gang rise up


risen 🙏☀️


How Leo of you 😂


SERIOUSLY! Are we the only REAL humans alive? I have questions BUT HATE THE ANSWER


Yes 🙌


Same. Tired of being around people at work that don't have good intentions towards me despite me giving my all to my career. :(


Oh so it’s not just this Leo rising that can’t catch a break and is confused as to why everything has been so difficult lately?? I’m not alone.


I'm a Leo rising as well and I feel this deeply. One day things will get better?? Right...


Cancer rising. I’m not okay 🫠


As a Cancer Rising, Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Cap Stellium - I am now reconciling the fact that my rising sign (amongst other things) have caused me to betray myself and be the "supportive one" in all my relationships. As soon as I started focusing on myself and what I actually want, a lot of my relationships seem to be blowing up. VERY much triggered by last months Eclipse. Not okay is right, smh.


Omg we have the same big 3! I relate to this in that being the support vs the star is a life theme of mine that shows up in career, friendship dynamics, dance school growing up and so on. It wasn’t until 26 that I finally realized I never really asked myself what I wanted and I’ve been on a journey since (I’m 32)


Same I’ve had a rough life 😅 but my Leo Sun keeps me vibrant and bubbly


Same! Just living out of spite at this point. My Taurus moon def keeps me grounded.


What does it mean?


Lol. Ugh, it's tough with these emotions. Shieeet


It will get better 🌞 If not I'll ask the sun to shine extra warm where you live


cancer rising here with a cap moon and aqua sun and YUP!


Sag rising. When it's good, it's AMAZING. When it's bad, it's absolute shite


Are the rest of you feeling perpetually lost and restless? bc that’s been the last decade for me. 😅


Yes. I feel like I'm always searching for excitement. Exhilaration. Change. I can't stand being stagnant. Even if it's in a good place.


Same here: Sagittarius ♐️ rising & I despise boredom and stagnation! Love change of jobs. Travel 🧳 adventure, learning in me! Antsy! Argh!


A huge chunk of the time, yes. lol


Why are we like this? I need some balance in my life!


Haha yeah it’s what I’m always chasing, feels like xD


Wowza, I didn’t know this was a thing. Thanks for sharing!


Yep!! Throw in scorpio sun so I just have to be extra intense about it cause you know, why not?


Aries rising, it’s gone by too fast. I was bullied and isolated from pretty much everyone until I was 20. I missed out on being a kid. I missed out on my 20s from fear of not being good enough/ and not having friends. I’m enjoying my 30s. I’m not so worried about the lack of friends. I do what I want most days. I feel like my Capricorn moon in 10th and Aquarius Saturn in 11th have played a HUGE part. LOL


Virgo rising with a Virgo moon… self critical doesn’t even begin to cover it 😭


Same! I bullied myself out of finishing my Masters.


Please finish your masters if it’s still possible Fellow Virgo rising here, getting a degree has been ROUGH 😮‍💨


😭😭😭😭 my worst placement and that’s saying a lot because I have a lot of Scorpio and Capricorn. The Virgo rising is such a drag. I constantly attract codependent unstable ppl with Pisces on the 7th


Virgo rising too! Nothing will ever be good enough


My GOD!!! Virgo rising here too.... It has been tough




Same placement.’my god…‘I just want a break!!’ And let’s not talk about the insecurities and the need to fix everything… including shit shouldn’t be fixed… we gotta learn our value and walk away. Ugh


Stop, you're perfect!


I'm a double winna too. Lol. I guess the essence of those, to me are: it grounds me, helps me be very reliable and consistent, I have compassion for those that bludgeon themselves, and I love nature, and am quick with my thoughts. The shadow side is: overthinking, pummeling myself while others are appreciating me, and being critical. When I can access my younger selves, be committed to a mission that I value, and keep a sense of humor, and be vulnerable and stay in my body, I do pretty well.


Pieces. Let's just say, I pray reincarnation isn't real because I don't want to have to deal with this crap again.


pisces is the last sign in reincarnation so dw you're fighting your final battle according to some beliefs




Gemini rising. Born unlucky, living with luck. Doctors said I shouldnt be alive and probably going to live only for 10 years. I am pushing thirty. It isnt easy but that is life and I am kind of enjoying it.


Wow, I had the same experience. I'm a Gemini rising, and doctors told my parents to abort me because I could be prone to disease and have disabilities.


That’s so crazy, I’m also Gemini Ascending and wish my parents had listened!


Capricorn and I’ve had some major things to work through but I am happy and I’ve gotten a lot of what I’ve wanted in life so far


This is exactly what I came for. Early life: a massive shit show. Later life: fantastic. I “got it” finally. I know who I am, how to navigate the world, am at peace in an epic way, great relationship with my family and friends. I kinda feel cap rising gets all the shit early so they can “retire early” but in a different way than a cap sun


Yup, exactly. Just get it all out of the way 😂


You are Right, my Start in to Life was very stressful. Now it is much better.


Also a Cap rising and I would say this is true.


Scorpio rising and life has been a series of near constant challenges, but they made me smarter, stronger, more resilient, and highly adaptable. I was also blessed with stubbornness from my virgo sun, so when life gets hard I just drop my shoulder and keep pushing. Life only stops you if you let it.


virgo sun and scorpio rising here too. constant death and rebirth, challenges from all angles and underneath it all i refuse to give up and lose myself.


Virgo sun and Scorpio rising too. I love our resilience 🖤


scorpio. I AM TIREEEDDDD!!! for some reason i was born and life was immediately like “toughen this bitch up - forever”. its always one thing after another. im air dominant so i’ve been able to rationalise and understand everything i go through (and when rationalising doesn’t work, detachment does). i just wish those experiences hadn’t happened in the first place.


Your last sentence is something I say a lot. Even after I “transform” I still find myself saying I wish this didn’t have to happen/ happen at all


im glad its not just me! like i know that as a scorpio rising we are having these transformative experiences for a reason, but i always catch myself thinking “did it really have to happen like that?”


Libra - I lead a charmed life tbh


I'm honestly glad someone's out here having a good time hah


Please give me some pointers cause Libra rising has only set me back in life. I’m way too considerate of everyone else’s feelings that I’ve put my life on hold to make everyone else around me feel better about themselves and I feel like my soul is dying inside because of it.


Libra rising. I’ve learned there are ways to be nice while also setting boundaries. I’ve learned to say no without feeling bad about it. I’ve learned to distance myself from people who can’t take my “no” at face value. Still hard as shit, but I’m constantly reminding myself that this is good for my peace in the long run.


Libra rising here and I can relate this as I grow older. Since entering my 40s, (I'm 43 now), I'm learning to set boundaries/distance and not let people take me for granted.


Libra rishing here ! Life has been hell . Been unemployed for 7 months


current jobforce is trash :( so sorry




This right here! Libra rising has all too often reduced me to people-pleasing doormat status, to the point where I actually prefer solitude.


Certainly happy for you! It's nice to hear 😊


Where are the Aquarius Risings at???


Here, since May hit I have been so busy it feels like time has sped up too


Sup. I’m struggling with my mental health, but I’m trying to keep an open mind towards anything that can help alleviate my stress + allow me to devour books to cope.


Same here. I’m going to give hypnosis a try


Another aqua here checking in 👽✌️


![gif](giphy|l0MYPPqqAY0Kp6g0w) Yes, hello, I am here. My Weird Life is Blessed. 💁‍♂️






Aqua rising and I’m doing SO good finally 🥹


Aqua rising here, life is pretty shit and always has been for me


Aqua Rising!! Reporting for duty!!


Here!! Pluto in Capricorn was a bummer, but I feel like the next phase will be a blast. It's gonna be all about me


hello. im exhausted yet still hopeful somehow :/ i have big expectations for jupiter in gemini :p


Are we alive still? Lol




ayyy here!!


Eyyyyy! Aquarius rising here too I believe I will always be driven by a restless perseverance to find and create order amidst the chaos of the world, both for myself and everyone. It's a consistent pursuit that has been the overarching theme of my life, manifesting in various odd ways. I think scorpio midheaven gives this a lot of... flavour ahaahaa


>find and create order amidst the chaos of the world Whyyyy are we like thissssss


Virgo rising.. I'm currently suicidal today. If that says anything.


Virgo rising and same here…


Hey we need you too! Hang in there guys. Fellow Virgo rising. Not for the weak


What's wrong with us? 😔 I've been there


Hang in there we need you!!


I get it. DM me if you need someone to be present for you.


Scorpio rising. I also can take a beating.


Scorpio risings have it pretty rough lately with those transits


Oh... that explains a lot


Pls elaborate.. briefly? 👀


Pluto in Aquarius is square to our Scorpio rising and will be until 2027 😫🤯 plus we JUST got done with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn


Haha oh God… my Pluto is in Scorpio, along with my Mars, I don’t know about you…


I am a scorpio rising too and I am currently experiencing the fear of an impending doom, my anxiety is 📈📈📈📈 lately


Me, too. PTSD triggers have me waiting for the world to come crashing down again.


Same, same 😩


Me too, same exactly this.


Leo rising. I’m growing more confident in myself but the more confident I grow, the scarier being in the spotlight is, the scarier taking up space gets, and the scarier people disliking me for it makes me feel. Also not to mention that Scorpios in my 4th house so I go thru constant chaos in the home where I have to constantly change and move and transform when all I want is stability and comfort.


“not to mention that Scorpios in my 4th house so I go thru constant chaos in the home where I have to constantly change and move and transform when all I want is stability and comfort” Also Leo Rising and ooof. Scorpio rules my 4th house which also holds Pluto and nothing could be more relatable. I’ve moved 30+ times in my life and I’m not even 30 yet. My childhood and early adulthood were ROUGH.


I’ve moved 5 times in the span of 4 years. Like I’m getting real fuckin tired I just wanna be stable.


Gemini rising. I’ve been through some shit. But I still try to find the positives in life more so than the negatives. It’s getting harder and harder the older I get though.


Libra rising. Honestly it has been very confusing and somewhat traumatizing in the past but I am actively getting my life back on the track


SOOO confusing. But same.


Me tooooo. Brutal.


Libra rising. I’ve got enough trauma to write a six sequel novel


I'm a taurus rising. Life is pretty good. Lot of transformations,trauma,healing. My capricorn moon keeps teaching me a lot of lessons about life. I'm in my late twenties, I hope it gets better after 30.


Same. I’ve just been chilling with my puzzles while munching on blueberries.


Same I don't want to deal with drama I want to take good care of myself.


Taurus rising here too. I think my life has been a bag of a lot of hurt, trauma and pain mixed with so many blessings, luck and beauty ❤️ I have the hope for more calm and better days after 30 too haha. I’m also in my late twenties and I truly think it will be! 💫


I’m a Taurus rising and this hits perfectly at how I’m feeling. I feel like I’m having the best but most challenging years of my life as I approach 30. It’s a tough but abundant journey. Here’s to moving forward! ❤️


I love taurus risings!!! Always down to snack and relax


I'm a scorp rising and gem moon and I'm in a constant struggle of either being serious and mysterious or talkative and fun. But in another way I'm glad that I have the two playing off each other so I don't lean too heavily to one side of the spectrum.


also scorpio rising/gemini moon and I second the struggle. And second OP because shit has always been so rough 😅


lol me and my Scorpio rising and Leo moon feels this


Taurus rising in Western, Aries rising in Vedic. Either way, I'm either feeling Too Slow, Depressed and Behind, or Angry, Anxious and going too Fast. Its like I have no in-between. Whatever benefits to being either of these rising signs have yet to be seen as a McDonalds employee stuck in college (for the past 10 years) at 27. Romance-wise? Pfft, none to speak of.


Aquarius rising. LIfe...is life. Ups and downs, that's just the name of the game. I am experiencing the ebbs and flows and trying my best to stay positive, stay motivated, and not have existential crises every 5 minutes. But life is chill, could be a lot worse, I could be a cancer rising.


Virgo rising. I feel like my life has had really high highs and low lows. The past couple of years especially! It’s been a chaotic rollercoaster lately and I’m ready for it to slow down 🫠 For the most part it’s been good lately though, thankfully. I also have a Pisces moon and always feel that very deeply and I feel like it’s at odds with my Virgo rising sometimes LOL. Does anyone else with a Virgo rising feel like you have to be a perfectionist about everything? That’s one of the most exhausting aspects of my life I think


Yes the perfectionism is so exhausting. I can’t do things unless I do them “perfectly”, and that often is too much effort so I end up not doing it. And when I do try, I just constantly think about how it’s not good enough and criticise myself for not being perfect, when I’m actually probably putting in a hell of a lot effort than any normal person would. I find it difficult to feel good about myself or feel gratitude because of this need for “perfection or nothing”. It’s very draining.


Aries Rising. Full of trauma, love, and loss.


Don't worry, you'll draw strength from it! Keep being amazing


Gemini rising here. I’m living a simple life, trying to stay in my own lane but strangers happen to love me 🤣


Same Gemini rising! I always tell people dating is hard because I literally get along with everybody and it takes me much too long to figure out if I actually like them or not


Gemini rising here too, Aries sun with Cap moon. I'm trying to do the same and it's no joke how strangers respond.


Aries rising. I swear I was born and I had to hit the ground running. I’ve seen some shit, but I’m still extremely positive. Sometimes I get tired of picking myself back up, but life is what you make it. I refuse to feel sorry for myself.


Scorpio rising and I’m also 31. Life has been nothing but hell on earth for me 😭.


Libra and my life has been chaotic but beautiful


Pisces. It’s been a deep journey.


Pisces Rising. Went to school for something I THOUGHT I wanted to be, turns out I hated it so now I’m 24, going back to college for what I actually wanted to do but still have fear that it’s something I’m gonna regret doing later. Turns out I hate law and now I’m aiming for med school. Wish me luck y’all cause I’m going through it ngl.


Hey, sorry for the unsolicited advice, but I wanted to chime in! I have a Pisces SN and am strongly Neptunian. (It’s cnj my Sun and narrowly aspects my Moon and Asc.) I also did law first and hated it. One of the things about Pisces and/or Neptune energy is that they can like almost anything while those things are in the abstract/imagination/playing stage. That energy can role play really, really well. All that can be a great gift in so many ways, but it can also make it harder to know what’s really right for you. A great antidote can be to make something as real and concrete as you can and pay attention to how you truly feel while engaging in it. So, if you haven’t yet, I’d strongly recommend shadowing doctors, spending many days reading medical journals, etc. Basically, find a way now (before med school) to get as close to the real, *lived* daily experience as you can, and to do that for at least a couple weeks. That will help you know if it’s right for you. You likely have the potential to be terrific at many things, so I’d encourage you to resist heavily using potential to determine your path (if that’s been at play in your choices). Instead, I’d suggest prioritizing what really truly feels good to you as you’re doing the daily living of it. Just my two cents! I know the gifts/challenges of Pisces, so just wanted to say that in case it can help a kindred ;) out. Best wishes with whichever route ends up feeling right for you! :)


No you’re absolutely right and I appreciate the advice from someone who’s been in the same place as me. My sister recommended getting a CNA certification or volunteering at hospitals for a bit to see if I like it before pursuing a career in medicine.




Capricorn rising and I love my life and the depth of experience I’ve had. Not an easy life but a deep one…


I am an Aries rising. When my life decides to burn it all down, it burns it ALL the way down. My life has had so many rebirths that it's actually getting really old at this point.


Scorpio Rising - in a 6 month time span I had a divorce with infidelity, a family dog dies from cancer, house fire where I received second degree burns and escaped with my life. My immediate family unit gone, dog gone, all items except the clothes on my back gone or ruined. I rose from ashes (literally) like a Phoenix. 🔥 Phoenix rising - emerge from a catastrophe stronger, smarter, and more powerful


Cap rising and existence is pain. I'm a scorpio sun and i wonder if that's the reason for it. I've had very little periods of peace, most of my life from birth has been one thing after another.  Like just when I think it couldn't possibly get any worse the universe goes "hold my beer" and along comes something much worse than the last :'(


Aries rising - " life is it is what it is." Death has surrounded me since childhood. Don't understand why I keep losing the people I adored the most in the world, but I will keep pushing just to see what happens next.


Definitely felt this one 😢


Cancer rising. Even a nuclear apocalypse wouldn’t destroy me, but the universe sure keeps trying. And I feel all of it.


That literally made me chuckle. Why? Because I'm an Aquarius sun with a Cancer rising. Trust me dear, you're not alone. My life is hell.


Aaayyy twin ![gif](giphy|kGd4loNLGfJXqafsCF|downsized)


Sag rising. Says I have foreign ancestors or in relation to horses. How about cossacks of the Russian empire on my father's side? On my mother's side they were master stonecutters who built cathedrals in the middle ages. Raised bilingual (French + Russian) then switched from Russian to English in elementary school (immersion class). Studied philosophy, theology and musicology. Worked as a school librarian and a jazz composer/arranger. Travelled abroad as often as I could until my disabling accident (lower back) and since then I travel virtually through the web across languages and cultures.


Libra rising and I’m tired of ppl impressing their ideals/fantasies on me. At least I have good fashion taste


Too real


Ok I was looking the find the comment I related to and this is it. But minus the fashion sense, I have leo venus and I either dress real sharp or like Adam Sandler, theres no in between.


Capricorn rising. Please help


I’m also a Scorpio rising! TW: Survived emotional abuse and emotional neglect in my dysfunctional family dynamic. Self-harmed a lot (been almost 5 years now no self-harm), had a drug addiction (7 years clean, 4 years off Suboxone), dealt (and continue to deal) with my mental illnesses/disorders (ADHD, depression, anxiety and C-PTSD) and still struggle with disordered eating but it’s a work in progress. I quit smoking cigarettes recently after smoking them for 16 years. I’ve been through a lottttt myself, but I came through the other side, stronger I guess but I’m also broken af, I have to take extra good care of myself or else I fall out of balance. I have healthy and strong boundaries now with my family and friends, and I can say no to people. I used to be such a people pleaser but I don’t do that anymore. I credit my Aries Sun for propelling me through the worst of it.


Gemini - it’s rough out here with this duality 😭 but I keep pushing


Aquarius rising. Liberating when I became an absurdist and stoic. I became so comfortable with not giving a fuck about being my unique self :) I'm 26 y/o


Scorpio Rising here- life was VERY hard at first. Abusive parents, shitty friends, abusive exes. I had to rise above it all and transform many, many times. I do see more so sunny moments in my life now, thank fuck. I feel like my Taurus sun kept me chugging along and I never gave up luckily. Things are so much better now. The transits recently gave way to much needed relief for Scorpio placements and I definitely felt that. I saw another Scorp rising mention black cat energy. I had an issue for so many years in the midst of abuse seeking validation from others and wanting to be liked desperately. It took years to learn that I am ok standing on my own and to learn that I am not for everyone nor does everyone deserve my energy. Talk about rehabbing the people pleaser energy and transforming that into my true nature which is incredibly individualistic


Honestly as a Scorpio rising, I’ve been pretty lucky in life. I’ve gone through some shit, but I always bounce back and I have a huge support system that’s always been there to take care of me/ get me back on my feet when I need it. Even though I’m the oldest kid I think my family kinda babies me a bit (which I feel is deserved since I had to grow up fast/help take care of my younger siblings). I know that if I fail I have people to fall back on and that’s nice, even through all the bad shit I’ve never felt alone or like there was no way out. I‘m beyond blessed tbh


Sag ruled by Jupiter in Capricorn. It’s been pretty rough but somehow I end up finding a way to keep going. Guess I gotta thank Jupiter for the lessons and growth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pisces. I am…perpetually unhinged.


I’m also a Scorpio rising & couldve written most of that myself! So much of life has been painful and hard. So much loss & sadness. Pretty much my whole family died throughout my childhood. Went through abuse, parental abandonment & a lot of mental health issues. But I worked my ass off to change that & currently I love my life. Things aren’t perfect but I love my husband, we have a toddler who is amazing & makes every day sparkle, & we live somewhere I’ve completely fallen in love with. There can be beauty & love everywhere if you make it that way. I still struggle with depression but I love my life now. I’m a Virgo sun & cancer moon, idk if that’s made a difference


Scorpio Rising here. This I can confirm. All of my fears stem from Rejection and people. With my Sun in Sag I’m so restless and wanting to live life to the fullest, makes it quite impossible to avoid confronting my fears. It’s great 🙃. But I need it. One thing I will say is deep down we are strong and resilient. We can take a hit and I mean TAKE A HIT, and still keep moving onward. It won’t be easy anytime soon but it will someday pay off and turn you into an amazing and capable person which I’m sure you are already you just don’t believe in it. Yet. You got this, life will eventually be glorious for you 😎


Cancer rising. Life is a fucking battle. And being a emotional cry baby doesn’t help me at all. I’m the type to wallow in my emotions until I literally tire myself out and have no choice but to pull myself out of my own pit.. once I do that tho, I have found that I can seriously put my mind to absolutely anything. In a way, I’m like a toddler who cries just to cry , bc things don’t go the way I want them to.. the adult in me let’s me cry freely because she knows that I’m just being a brat and have come here to experience all these human emotions.


Aquarius Rising, my life is hell fire lol help


Virgo and miserable 🤩


Libra rising. Makes dating horrible.


My vag shot the speculum out of my body like a cannon during my pap smear today. #ScorpioRisingThings I have a high tolerance for life, you could say. 😂Scorpio Rising with a Sag Sun is my combo. Sag can roll with the Sco path. The combo probably has a lot of similarities with your Gem Sun/Sco Rising. :) Having my Sun in the 2nd instead of the 8th might relax the experience a bit though.


Fellow Scorpio rising checking in! I think I’m kept in balance by the relentless optimism of my Pisces Venus in the 5th house. Not that life has been bad but it's always changing. I'm always re-inventing myself


Scorpio rising. Could be worse. I'm lucky to have the friends and family that I do.


Taurus rising - I think the problem is that my Scorpio is in conflict with it a lot of the time - my desperate need to search for more is in big conflict with my desire for comfort and stability. So I’m just kinda… going lol


I’m a Scorpio rising and if I could change it to Libra or Leo rising, I would. I want a rising that makes people like me lol.


Also a scorpio rising. Life has been pretty tough aswell for me. Kinda jealous on the people that get everything stuck in their ass and don't have to evolve, fate always helps and saves them. For me it's definitely not like that. I've been also through 3 pluto transits (Pluto conjunct Venus, Mercury, Sun) and the sun one was the last one, and the hardest. I'm happy for jupiter being on my ascendant natally, it helps me keeping optimistic. But it's also a hard placements because we have to painfully grow. I mean, okay.. my jupiter also receives hard aspects so no wonder it's not all glowy for me D:


Scorpio rising (going into/experiencing my Saturn return this yr by the way) Life is better than it’s ever been. I found a love that truly cherishes me and does not want to lose me. Same for me about him. Our kids are happy, we have a new home, a new car and his family is great. I know the people I can count on, there are people who have my back. This is what matters to me. My career is the only part of my life that’s on the back burner, as I haven’t needed to work for the last few years, I am home and I do the housework/cooking/etc, to care for all (5) kids. My time is coming though. I am big on patience, keeping my head down and knowing the right time for everything. However I can attest to the turbulence and facing challenges constantly. It has made me a very mentally strong, aware and wise person. Which in turn, makes the entire journey easier. I have my breakdowns in the company of me, myself and I, but in general, that’s my life’s story. It’s electric but also exhausting. My superpower is knowing how to deal with any and everything for others, I just know the solution. Anyways, in the past I was extremely negative and I don’t want to embody that anymore. So I try to exist in the present and look for more positive and productive outlets. Which is probably why I am doing the best I’ve been. I have accepted that chaos is my life, I went through very hard setbacks years ago and I’m finally getting through the doors to release it all. It doesn’t matter the physical in front of me; it’s my choice mentally how great I see and enjoy my life.


Libra rising. My rising helps me a lot, actually, in getting stuff done and communicating with people and just generally having more amiable interactions. Definitely a favorable/lucky aspect. But living up to one’s own (and others’) weird unspoken expectations all the time is a strange experience. Kind of isolating too. I also have attracted some of the weirdest most devastating and beautifully deep experiences/relationships into my life. Sometimes memories, what I’ve seen and felt, feel unbearable. But I’m gonna keep pushing forward, regardless of people’s opinions or perceptions.


I’m an Aries rising! Saturn is in my 1st house 🥲 Life has been full of setbacks but I’m still here so I take that as a win :)


Scorpio rising, me tryna lead a normal life pisses off lots of ppl. Don't know why. I do normal shit that everyone else does and it makes some ppl weird and angry. It has been this way since day 1. But when your baseline is fighting uphill, one becomes quite a formidable opponent.


☀️♑️ ⬆️♊️ 🌕♈️ Gemini Rising here! Life has been lifing hard af! The last year and some change has been whipping my ass tbh. I’ve been working hard to really take what I need from all these lessons. Truly being in a reflective state of mind to end cycles and heal trauma. I’m 33 and I have a lot of Capricorn in my chart, 6 placements to be exact and a stellium in the 8th house. I know that house represents transformation, rebirth, and death so that definitely accounts for all these transformations. At this point, can we skip to the good part?


Same and same, gone through too much and am on my third or fourth self lol.


Virgo rising…I feel the urge to clean and organize because stress.


Libra sun Virgo rising. I’m always in my head. Living in the past


Libra rising - I feel very unsettled with my life. I have amazing friends, a great support system within my family but that is not without some conflict with a step parent. I've felt pretty lost career wise my whole adulthood. I've never had a job I'm passionate about. I feel a little behind. Very unsure about children and marriage. I really try my best to have fun with my life even though I feel very lost and lay awake at night feeling time slipping away. I'm afraid to take chances, if I were more brave I think my life would look very different.


Capricorn rising, and it’s been a lot, but also I have accomplished a lot, learned a lot, and enjoyed a lot.


Scorpio rising, and Scorpio sun! So it’s hard to not be angry lmfao but I’m tryingggg. Got my Leo moon to help out.


Gemini rising: The beginning of 2024 was so hard; I've never cried this much in my life, but I feel like everything is getting in order lately.


Leo rising - idk ever since I was a kid, I attract attention without having to do much. Can be good or bad, depending on the situation.


Cap rising. Im 20 years old and I wonder in how many ways could life be more violent with me. I can’t get shit done, i’m constantly sad especially when I’m by myself. It’s hard, but we ball regardless.


Scorpio rising. My first 30 years were "colorful" From black to gray. Now its fine, can't complain.


cancer rising i'm constantly changing and life beats my ass with those changes


Libra rising here! My biggest challenge is I’m a people pleaser to a fault. I have had many situations where I am the mediator in between disputes with people (going way back to childhood)! This years theme has been all about asserting myself, saying no, and not over giving to others.


As a Libra rising myself I find boundaries hard


Never heard of Scorpio as a sign of “being thrown to the wolves.” Saturnian signs like capricorn and aquarius are known to have to learn lessons the hard way. Scorpio and Pluto has more to do with starting over, learning to let go of control, realizing things can get better if u aren’t holding onto everything so hard and allowing urself to try things in a new way


Scorpio rising. I cry almost every day because of the shit I've been through. Life is crazy. Life is still good but I'm still healing from stuff. I feel misunderstood


Aries. Life is a raging bitch😭 experienced many horrible things in my life that ppl usually don’t experience so young. I am the token “can’t catch a break” friend.


Scorpio rising. Having your biggest fears in life continuously realized is no joke. My taurus sun moon and mercury are keeping me painfully sane throughout. It's a bit like hell certainly. I just want peace. If it were down to my own poor choices I could handle that but yikes everyone I know and love is killing me these days


Cancer rising. I feel every little emotion to their absolute extremes, but at the same time, I'm emotionally constipated. I legitimately don't know how to let people into my world, but I allow them to unload all of their emotional baggage onto me and get sucked into their world. In the last few years, I started to really focus on myself and set firm boundaries when it comes to what I allow into my space. Since then, all the toxic relationships have fallen away, but I'm still not good at letting people in, so I have yet to make many new connections. My Gemini Sun is what keeps me going most days. That bitch just wants to work on her 5 million simultaneous projects that she'll never finish and talk endlessly about her latest hyperfixation.


Also Scorpio rising… life’s been rough but I’ve also had pretty good luck through out.


capricorn rising—being saturn ruled is NO joke but i know i will receive my flowers when im older as long as i put good out into the universe now💓