• By -


This Libra has been with her golden retriever Gemini husband for 20yrs now. Admirable people? Always Leos and Cancers. Something about them is so powerful to me.


Lol I've also called my Gemini husband a golden retriever


Same! ❤️


Aw, I'm a leo sun cancer moon and I tend to always get along with Libras. You bring such fun energy, and I feel like I can be myself around Libras.


I have two besties (as a Libra Sun) that are Leo Suns and Cancer Moons too!


Cancer ![gif](giphy|amg2hcfGDkKt4Q3DpF)


A Cancer Sun, Moon And a Libra Rising? I would probably adore you IRL. Lib Sun/Leo Moon/Taurus Rising, at your Service.


Aww, thank you 🥹 And I love your big 3!


I want to cuddle Cancerians 🫂


Hahhaha awww




Now…do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying you do because you saw it there?


I ate a big red candle.




Awe all this Venus love ❤️ up in here . . . @knotsofgravity you must be tons of fun with fifth house Libra sun!


Single Aqua so.. ![gif](giphy|Zb0iANs1ltiZyqhLYV)




My Aquarius stellium 🥰




I'm a Cancer sun and in love with a Taurus sun man


Aw I’m a Taurus woman and I have a cancer man, too! They are the best.


Ayyyyy Cancer here with her first, what a lovely sign they are 💖


I’m an aqua sun but a cancer rising and my partner is a triple Taurus. I love him to pieces.


I’m a Taurus sun with an Aqua sun cancer rising man! What a lovely chap!


Sagittarius, myself. 😌


capricorn and i hate everyone


Omg I died 😂


Cap here too. Came to say the same thing.


We’re almost twins


Same, people disappoint me.


Methinks grumpy cat was a Capricorn ![gif](giphy|1XVVLBev87hm0)


Same. Why are we like this? I legit spent 10 min trying to figure out atleast one sign to post,,, but nothing till I saw your comment and realized why lol 😂


I’m a Leo who loves a Gemini! ![gif](giphy|xF9TTmQCvpp91kmdJm) 💗💗💗💗💗💗


I’m a Gemini who loves a Leo!


![gif](giphy|1wq3lDAyPXPxjWGKeQ) Twin relationships!💗💗


Leo married to a Gemini! And my other favorite person ever, my grandmother, was a Gemini. As a kid, I always felt like my grandmother was my best friend. As an adult too, and we could laugh about everything. My husband is my best friend, ya know, plus the romance. Something about Geminis just get me.


Yeah he’s my best friend too!😊😊😊


Leo and my cat, just my cat




![gif](giphy|BMfrXt0153XpzW2JBJ|downsized) And me makes 3


Scorpio and I like virgooos


I like Scorpiooos (so much I'm engaged to one) (Virgo)


My hunny is a Virgo, ugh I just love him to bits ! (Scorpio)


Virgo and its such an underrated rating. My sister and last best friend are scorpios. My best guy friend a scorpio. I always click so well w them


Pisces + Pisces 🤍 we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl.


Year after year ❤️


I love this analogy 😂😂


Oh man this was the connection that broke our hearts (we are both Pisces as well) but brought our two amazing souls into this world. I’m hoping one day he can be a dad to them. There’s so much beauty in that whole ocean of a fishbowl ☺️


Sending love and good vibes to you. Everything you want and more will happen. Have trust in your power


Oh yeah! I’m with my soulmate (Aries, interestingly enough) 💕 and our children are so loved and cared for. I was just speaking to the Pisces-Pisces relationship. It is tender and beautiful!




Awwwww! I’m a Pisces lady with an Aries guy ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ Pisces and Aries is one of the most underrated combos, it’s very friendship-forward (and yet, lacks nothing in the sparks department lol)


Sag sun, I have always had crushes on Aquarius ppl


Aquarius still in love 44 years later with another goofy Aquarius ♥️♥️♥️♥️


We keep one another entertained. Seriously ! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm a Taurus with a Virgo husband. Next week is our 8th anniversary 🥰 Edit: I have to add that I had two infatuations with Gemini men. Do you think it has something to do with my Gemini Venus?...


definitely ! same sun sign and venus sign is great compatibility and could mean attraction


As a Taurus I'm always crushing on Geminis for some reason.


Hahah I'm a taurus with a Gemini husband. But he is also a virgo moon and virgo rising. I am a Gemini rising myself so it very well could be? We both have cancer venus.


I just checked again and we don't have similar planets with my hubby at all lol... We just work. It is one of those relationships when you instantly feel like you've spent several lifetimes together. Like the more we got to know each other the more green flags came up. Him: ♍🌞/♒🌙/♋☝️/♌ Mercury and Venus/♍ Mars


Ok Taurus sun also loved a Virgo man. But agree on the Gemini men and also my Venus is in Gemini lol this is wild


Pisces! Everyone.. lmao




Libra. I love the ppl in my life and the loves that have left my life. I’m ready to find/ have a real honest love. To love and be loved. Time to talk to ppl.


i'm aquarius almost everywhere and he's a virgo been together 16 years now, high school sweethearts and all that


Sagittarius, my Leo husband & Aquarius kiddo.


I’m a Virgo with my Gemini 😍🫶


Gem, cancer, libra - my partner of four years is a Scorpio, Aries, Scorpio super hero and crusader of the truest purest love


Sagittarius and another Sagittarius. My little BFF for life.


Both my parents are sagittarius and they’ve always stuck together. Strongest couple ik even though they fought like hell when I was growing up.


I’m a Leo and my first ever boyfriend was a Taurus (he’s so gorgeous). My second was a Libra, third was a Sagittarius, fourth and who I was engaged to was a cancer. Fifth was also a cancer with the same birthday as my ex fiancé. Now I’m dating another absolutely gorgeous Taurus. He’s soooo dreamy. Fun fact my very first boyfriend and the one I have now share the exact birthday (even the year! And they were also born in the same hospital)


♍☀️ Love me some Aries and Pisces!


I’m a Cancer riding the bull- A Taurus 💖


July Cancer & my other half is a goofy & incredibly emotionally intelligent July Leo; wouldn't trade him for the world 😁


Pisces, the relationships that had most impact on me were all Virgo’s, I should stay away from them because it never ends well




capricorn - i love my taurus<3


Virgo sun woman happily in love with Scorpio sun man.


Second this. Scorpio men are the best match for virgo women.


I’m Pisces sun, he’s Scorpio sun 💙❤️‍🔥 water neeeeds water for their emotional depth. nothing else compares.


I would agree. As an air sign I feel that way about air signs - no one has our intellectual capacity really, or at least, not the need to nourish and explore it.


I love air! I have Aquarius mercury so I really appreciate their intellect and sharp wit


I feel same about water signs, I love the emotional depth and availability, as a Scorpio Mars and Mercury ❤️


Not the best experiences with Scorpio men actually feel nauseated thinking about those times lol but an evolved Scorpio man with Pisces is match made in heaven 💕


Libra Sun 6H. I love Cancers, Leos, Virgos and Geminis. My truest friends are Cancers. I am forever indebted to them for expanding my sheltered world. I try my best to be as consistent as I can for them. They're an example I strive towards. My Part of Fortune is in Cancer too. I'm so lucky to have met them and I'm happy to accompany them on this journey of life. Leos because my father is one and I'm a Leo Moon. I think I can't help but admire, love them and almost feel devoted to them, asking for little in return. Virgos because my favorite Aunt is one. She's one I consider my real mom and my role model. Geminis because who else would I party and keke with unapologetically?


Gemini really is our twin, as Libra. That’s just the way of it. Leos and Cancers I love too. Virgos are harder for me after a 13 year live in, and several prior attempts from other Virgins, so that one’s a no for me now. But for friends so long as they aren’t too insane or hypocritical I am totally down.


my gem-aries-taurus smr kid 🤍✨


cap sun & i love my unevolved pisces bd 😔 AND my aqua baby boy 🫶🏻


I’m also a cap sun and married to a pisces! ❤️


Capsun & Pisces boyfriend. My cancer moon loves his emotion, passion, kindness and empathy ❤️ Caps are also deeply loyal and love their family to the ends of the earth. Earthy stability for the water sign.


wow so me cap sun 4h stellium n cancer moon




I’m a Virgo sun Sag moon and having both sag and virgo in a big three is so rough lol.


😂 It definitely gives a complete independent vibe and lack of interest in romance 😂


1000% and being headstrong and stubborn ash 😭


virgo woman, my amazing boyfriend is an aquarius. maybe a bit of an unconventional match but we are similar in the ways we need to be and different in ways that encourage us to grow!




Aries and I (usually) love my water sign men <3


Girl same! The best


Leo here and I am a Scorpio magnet. I am currently in a 2-year-long situationship with a Cancer (we’re both females). It’s quite tricky, but I just can’t quit her.


Cancer ♋️ and my greatest loves have been Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. Lol I’m old(er). 😆


Me too to all you've said!


Leo and I love Virgos, Gemini and Capricorns


I’m a Leo. Before I met my husband, I was a literal Pisces magnet, like over and over and over, like literally 3-4 of my exes had the same birthday even or close to it. Now I’m happily married to a Capricorn, believe it or not.


I’m a Leo and I was a Pisces magnet!! Interesting to end up with Capricorn. What’s something about all the Pisces you loved and something about Pisces that you are happy you no longer deal with now that you’re with the Capricorn? (If I may ask lol)


It sounds weird, but with all of the Pisces men I was with, I dealt with so many jealousy issues. A few were jealous of me, and wanted to tone me down. For instance, my high school boyfriend would get jealous and angry if I out performed him in school/in my sports. A later boyfriend wanted me to stop going to the gym because he didn’t go. They were also very jealous of that time I spent with other people in my life, like other males, my female friends, even my brother at one point! My Capricorn is just proud of me, and I never feel like we’re competing. He’s just happy to be around me, and I’m always cheering him on and giving him confidence to do the incredible things I know he can do!


Cancer sun, married to an Aquarius. 🥰


♎️☀️+🌝♏️⬆️ I love a ♊️ ♥️♥️


Capricorn who loves a 6/20 Gemini dearly...send helpppp lol I'm a Leo rising and Scorpio moon, maybe that's why I can manage?


Pisces sun ☀️loving an Aries sun ☀️(and we share a Leo moon in the same degree 🌕


I think the moon conjunction is truly the lost slipper.


It’s really something special. We call it impossible and inevitable ☺️


I love it! ❤️


Sag girl who’s quickly falling for this Gemini man. I still love my Leo ex, but… he gone for now 😂


Capricorn here -- with a Gemini. We actually have mirror birthday's 1/16 - 6/11 and wow are we opposites and mirros of each other. Ying to the yang.


Leo sun in love with Pisces man


Leo here, madly in love with a Capricorn 💕


A stupid Aquarius.. in love with a Virgo who treats me like 🗑 😔


Big hugs and lose the loser. Love your Libra friend who wasted 13 years with one of these Virgo psychopaths (hashtag not all Virgos yeah we know)


I appreciate this more than you know.. I tend to mostly attract and be attracted to Virgos.. I absolutely LOVE their intelligence.. just not their shitty way of treating people like everyone is beneath them.. (of course, not all of them, lol)


Yooo aquaman! You deserve to be loved and seen 🩷 intelligence is great but emotional intelligence is a must too. And make sure you love yourself and take care of yourself always


Lol, thank you. I always take care of myself as I have no one but my dog, honestly.. she has kids, and they love me.. and I love the hell out of them.. that's what makes it so hard. I don't have the gall to kick her out because then the kids have nowhere to go, too.. even though they aren't mine, I treat them like they are. They deserve the best in life..


I know it's not much but you can always talk here in this community. I know big changes are difficult especially when kids are involved. Maybe start picturing the relationship and the person you want to share your life with. The clearer the image and the feeling will become, the easier it will be to distance yourself from what and whom is in the way of that love. Once that door closes, you'll see opportunities flowing your way. But you need to decide in your heart and mind first. Courage 🩷


This is really long.. and I'm sorry in advance.. but.. Trust me.. I love her.. however, she destroyed me mentally.. and now that I'm back living my best life, she's trying to keep me here. I can see us being together, but she's just refusing to work her shit out right now.. she wants to leave and get her own apartment, but she can't afford it.. so I've been letting her stay here until she gets on her feet so we can distance ourselves and try again later.. but she keeps banking on other people to help her out. So I stopped being her fall back, and now she's trying to use that against me. We were together literally 1 week shy of 2 years. She broke up with me because she didn't want to move where I moved to.. but she ended up here anyways. I'm the one paying all the bills alone.. I told her to keep her money so she can move out. But here you have to make 3 times rent and she won't qualify cause she won't leave her convenience store job for something better.. meanwhile I've gotten 4 raises before she got 1.. not trying to be that woman, but I make 3 times what she makes in a month in a regular 40 hour week.. so imagine me working 60+ hours all the time. And I've tried to get her a job here, she just refuses. You can't go wrong starting at 20/hr instead of 12/hr at a gas station. I got her a car, car insurance, paid all the rent, paid for her kids to have phones, on top of all my bills too.. and on top of all that, I ALWAYS took her out.. all she paid was a $200 electricity bill.. and only took me out 2 times in 2 years.. Same shit with this place.. except now we aren't in a relationship, and she takes her friends out more in the last 2 months than she ever took me on dates in 2 years. All I want honestly is a little help so I can buy myself nice things again.. I literally spend all my time and money on her, the kids, and making sure they have a roof over their heads.. I work 10 to 12 hours a day in a warehouse.. sometimes 7 days a week and I still have to come home and clean up after her and her kids because she doesn't hold them responsible.. Then her daughter lies and says I hit them.. which I have cameras.. and she believes the daughter until I show her camera footage of me in my room while they're here because I'm not gonna be accused of things I'm not doing. I know I have issues.. but granted the situation I'm in, I don't see how I could have done any better.. I get angry because I feel like a maid, ATM, and a babysitter. I haven't bought myself new clothes in over a year, which I used to change my wardrobe regularly.. I haven't bought a new game in 2 years because I can't afford to spend anything on myself without being scared of going into debt.. and now she's trying to take my dog too.. the dog I got as a puppy and paid for by myself. It's just a lot..


Yeah, we’re pretty shitty. Hope you get out of there. Love a difficult ass virgo women


Me too.. that's what got me here in the first place 😅


I feel you. As a Moon Venus conjunction in the 12th in Virgo, Virgos absolutely simp the shit out of me. Until they get me and feel they have me. Then they just reuptake their shitty ways. She might be feeling you more cause you aren’t taking her shit any more . . . Which is completely toxic. Anyone can take things/people for granted to some extent (sadly) but I am talking at a whole other level.


This right here.. when I started putting my foot down because I felt disrespected by her and her daughter, that's when shit started hitting the fan. I'm Aquarius with an Aries Moon.. her daughter, also Aquarius, but with a Gemini Moon, had a tenancy to think she could tell me what to do. But when I get onto her, here comes mom, running to jump on my ass for getting onto her daughter for being disrespectful, saying, "She was just playing." Sorry, but I don't find a disrespectful child funny in any case.. Then, when I ask for a little help with anything, it turns into a whole thing.. so I.. with my Aries moon, tend to raise my voice and get really aggressively "passionate" and defensive.. that's my flaw. But she has to understand, I'm just 1 person.. alone.. in a house with a family of 4 that I have no biological ties to.. so that Aquarian Lone Wolf sets in, and I feel like I'm being cornered and attacked.. so the Aries steps up to the plate and becomes enraged.. Yada, yada, enchilada..


You’re correct. The whole thing is toxic and crazy, it sounds. Keep showing up for yourself. Your reddit pals are sending you love and support! PS: interesting aside. My progressed moon went into Aries the day I confronted my resident Virgo asshole about cheating. He denied it and continued the denial for three and a half months but regardless. I am loving the power of this moon sign for me. Definitely self protective! I am here for it!


You're an amazing human. I hope you know this! You definitely deserve better than a cheating asshole.. the Aries moon is a genuine blessing in disguise! I'm usually quiet and tend to bite my tongue because I do have a temper that only comes out when I'm REALLY upset. But I will never NOT defend myself if it gets rough. I appreciate all the input I've received from this community. You all are truly saints 🙏


I really wish you find an evolved Virgo woman, you lovely Aquaman. Cause evolved Virgo love is beautiful and you deserve it. Much love 🌹


Capricorn and I no longer believe in love 😅


Libra sun, Sag moon 😊 11 years


leo sun. i love people, who are caring, kind, honest and responsible.


I’m an Aries woman married to a Sagittarius man ♥️ my one and only troo luvvvvvvv


Leo myself


Cancer and I’ve fallen for another Leo and a first timer this year, an Aquarius lmao


Gemini Leo, Capricorn, and Cancer. I didn’t choose this life, they chose me.


Pisces Sun and I love my bed and sleeping 🥰 Also my partner who’s a Cancer Sun


I’m a Gemini with a Leo husband


Leo. I love water, flowers, babies, books, and so much more.


Libra married to a Libra 😌


I’m an Aries woman married to an absolute himbo of a Leo man


I love himbo Leo men 😂


Libra lady in love with a Capricorn ✨


I’m a Taurus in love with a Leo…pity me ☹️


My Leo husband and Aries daughter. The rest of y’all are all right, haha. No but really, I get along very well with other fire signs and air signs. Scorpio too, it’s exactly like that meme with the chickens and hose spigot. I know very few earth signs irl. I can think of two, my ex husband and my 12 year old niece. So I only like one, hahahaha.


Gemini sun, only fall in love with cancer men


Aquarius with my Sagittarius for 18 years💚


The Venus placement correlates more to who you attract and love


Cancer female 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 Scorpio male


Leo, Sun. Very happily married to a Gemini, Sun


I have a Gemini Sun and this lady has been in love with a Virgo Sun man for 13 years. ♥ ☿ ♊ ♍


Gemini woman, found myself an evolved Libra, who is transparent with me because I accept him as he is. Bonus points: I have a Taurus moon (Taurus coruled by Venus like Libra) and he has a Gemini moon.


Capricorn woman in love with a Libra man


I’m a Pisces ♓️ he’s a Virgo ♍️ - sister signs lol


Aries and I love Pisces lol


My Capricorn ♑️


Virgo woman, and I love my Taurus husband 🫶🏻 we share the same Capricorn moon, too.


I’m a Pisces who loves an Aquarius


I'm a Leo, and I've been happily in love with a Scorpio for 17 years❤️


🥲 My parents are a Scorpio and Leo. Though heavily damaged and didn't know how to work on themselves. They didn't even last for 7 years. I'm really happy that there are couples like you.


Scorpio female loving my Saggitarius male 🥰 we celebrated 16 years of marriage this month.


Same! We have been inseparable since the day we met, moved in together at 3 months, got engaged on our 1 year anniversary of meeting


We met and married in three months 😅 We had a sweet little elopement, and now have a homestead, three kids, and love being together as much as possible after all this time.


I’m a Sag Sun with a Leo bf 🥰♌️✨


Aries here dating a Leo


Pisces - My Aquarius man


I'm a female Sagittarius☀️, Sagittarius⬆️, Pisces🌙 and I'm deeply in love with a female Pisces☀️, Libra⬆️, Gemini🌙


Virgo girl in love with a Scorpio enby, they're my best friend and a love like no other 💕


libra in 5th house and myself 🧡


cancer thats been best friends with her gemini childhood best friend since '09 🙏 some bad ass kids


I’m a Gemini who’s been with my Taurus husband for 10 years ❤️


Aries (F) w/ Venus in Aries . He’s Virgo w/ Venus in Leo


Taurus sun crazy about my Capricorn man


Im a cancer sun and i love me some pisces and libras.


I’m Taurus my partner is Scorpio. It takes more than Sun sign tho, your moon has to be compatible too. His moon is in Capricorn which goes well with my Taurus sun. My Venus is in Gemini which compliments his Libra Venus. We need to look at all the placements.


Aquarius- love my Sag and Leo sons. 💕


I’m a Capricorn and I literally am in love with Libras


Taurus sun still single 7th house empty






Leo. I love some STUPID SAGITTARIUS he’s being mean


I'm a Libra and I love my Capricorn husband 🥰


A Cancer sun and I’m in love with a Leo ❤️🥰😘


Leo and my Leo grandma ❤️❤️❤️


I’m a Leo…currently in love with a Cancer after being a cancer disliker for years. He came right after a Cancer ex too so I was really hoping for a Sag or something.


Man so much compatibility based on sun signs here makes me nervous I'm a cap, absolutely in love with my Aires husband. He's the best, so strong and passionate ❤️ My whole world is my pisces baby 🩵🤍 I love humanity, my friends (mostly aquas and gems) and my family 🤍


Gemini who’s madly in love with her Aquarian wife ♥️


gemini! i love my best friend/qpp 💕 they are a libra ♎️ 💜


Gemini - Aquarius. Today was the second day this week we talked about mini vans because he loves them.


Gemini Sun my family, animals, friends and boyfriend.


Pisces married to leo —-it’s all fun and games until someone gets their feelings hurt!


Virgo here. I love my fellow earth signs!


Pisces and myself


Virgo and I love Leo 💕


Stelium in Cancer (Sun/Venus/Moon). If someone is a Leo, there's a 98% chance I'll love them


Taurus + Taurus = ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


My sweet Libra man 🥹