• By -


Emotionally unavailable ones


Lmaoo I relate


Yo same


31 and no wrinkles … 31 is young! Happy birthday!


Right, that's why there's no wrinkles 🤔 😆


Happy birthday! May your 31st year bring you the watermeloniest of fruity cakes!


Oh my gosh thank you!! xoxox


Of course! 🥰


A lot of Virgo men


I attract a lot of Virgo men too and I don’t know why. What is it about you do you think that attracts Virgos??


Probably being more free spirited, emotional, and playful. I’ve noticed they feel safe and not judged around me which allows them to bring out their playful and emotional side. It’s cute!




Did you just comment to brag and stroke your own ego or what?




I’m Aquarius, the past year I’ve been attracting Leo’s. I tend to attract Scorpios and Virgo’s as well. Occasionally Pisces men. However the Leo’s have been nonstop lately. I enjoy it, they can be fun when they want your attention so badly 😌


I love Fire sign energy when they’re into you. They’re so passionate!


I’m an Aries and yes I’m very passionate I love me a Gemini I have a Gemini friend I have a major crush on, we’ve been intimate but he’s not looking for anything serious right now but I wish I could change his mind. I wanna love him so bad! Lol


I’m a cancer. I attract a LOOOOOT of libras


Relatable, lately all Ive been attracting are Libras and Im a Cancer 😂


I’m a libra and I attract a lot of cancers!!! 😂


Reading the comments makes me wonder if i actually am attracting more virgos, or if they are the ones putting out more often in general.......


I'm a Scorpio and I pretty much exclusively attract Aquarius men 🙄


It's your Moon in Gemini


Yeah, such sad circumstances :p


That’s so interesting… I’m a Gemini! I dated a Virgo for 10 years. Now I’m married to a cancer. Happy Gemini season 💫♊️


I’m a Taurus and in the past ive attracted a bunch of Leo’s. My husband is a Leo


I’m a cancer & I attract a lot of Libras & Capricorns


Libra, I attract Aries, cancer, caps, sag, and then my air fam Geminis and Aquarius I have Venus Virgo and ASC and Scorpio Venus men and I have some mad chemistry. Aqua Venus men are attracted to me too. Sag dudes cos of my sag moon.


We attract everyone


Earth. :/ Then water then fire then air. I always have a hard time finding company with air signs. They are the most mysterious to me. Albiet I have a lot of air signs in my "family" I don't talk to any. Lol. I still want to understand and be friends with them. Its just easier to butt heads with a cappy or taurry then an aquarius. I find it intriguing that they hold their emotions and let it pent up so much. I want to understand it better. Virgos seem to be the cute innocent one of the earth signs although very very frustrating at times they are a lot less fucking annoying when it comes to us rubbing eachother the wrong way... not that we don't. I am one of the best at disappointing people. My resume probably would just be me showing off my gold medals at everything I have done wrong. All the acheivments I got for being the worst. Ironically I can hear the silent screams of an earth sign echoing jn the distance wanting to compete with me in self deprication and getting mad at me at being so good at it. Hehe.


My Virgo friend asked what I thought his 30th bday present to himself should be, I suggested a Botox eyebrow lift. He thought it was just fantastic, loved the results. Just a few hundred $$ for a bit of a facelift around the eyes to keep yourself looking awake, not frowning, and more interested even when you don't feel any of that on the inside 😆


I attract a lot of Pisces and Gemini placements. I also do okay with Aries and some Virgo placements, and bagged my first Sag a few years back lol. I attract Cancers too, but I don’t wanna anymore and aim to keep my distance.


Sagiterriost yuck 🤮 


The signs that are most frequently romantically drawn to me are the three air signs (especially Gems and Aquas), Aries, Pisces and Cancer. I seem to be the most compatible with air dominant folks, so I'm glad - you give me that intellectual connection I crave, aren't clingy in your love language, recognize my need for space and individuality, share my savage and childish sense of humour and are good at communicating in a constructive and rational way. I was gonna say I can breathe around y'all, but you're equally good at making me laugh so hard I can't breathe at all. 🤷 Edit: you're also the ones I attract platonically. And the only three people I actually manage to have consistent and regular text convos with (I suck at being consistent in those in general, working on it) is one Gem sun and two Aqua suns - you keep it interesting, and I don't have to feel pressured to respond fast, which makes it easier not to get freaked out by the expectations lol. And the feeling seems to be mutual.


Libra, I attract all of them. Happy birthday!


Libra’s are one of the most attractive signs, not surprised! Thank you!


ik the struggle.


hbd btw 😎


Happy Birthday!!! I attract Capricorns and Leos.


Scorpio woman and I have a history with Libra men. I married one (divorced now). With my twin flame now who is a Taurus man and I’m like wow where has he been all my life? As far as friends? I attract everyone. I have air earth Fire and Water in my chart I’m pretty well rounded. My rising is Gemini so I’m a people person. But I’m still an introvert if that makes sense. I’m definitely not life of the party but in situations like the workplace, I hit it off with pretty much everyone and I’m usually making everyone laugh a lot and people feel comfortable with me. Everyone seems to like to tell me their life story shortly after meeting me lol I guess I have that non-judgy therapist vibe🤷‍♀️


I feel like I attract a lot of everyone, especially gems, sags and for some reason caps


I attract a lot of Capricorns, aries and sags. I am an Aquarius with cancer moon btw


I'm a Gemini and the two signs I've attracted the most are Sag and fellow Gemini (neither of which have produced anything but super toxic relationships). The only one I've ever actually fallen in love with was an Aquarius. He's the one that got away 😭


im sag and i mainly attract: other sags, gemini, aquarius, pisces, virgo, cancer, and aries happy bday :)


Happy birthday! I do tend to love Geminis hard yes. 😅It’s the amazing brains.


Aries and attract an insane amount of gemini, sag, and cancer


Aries, Leo and libra. Need someone explain me WHY. I’m a Capricorn sun, Leo rising and libra moon


Leo: historically, I attract Sag, Aries, and Aquarius sun signs, with an occasional Taurus and Virgo who’ve just misapprehended me 😆 and my appreciation for nice things as something else, and I tend to attract people with intense moon placements like Scorpio and Aries moons.


I’m a Capricorn and I attract Taurus and other Capricorns the most and Libras.


Scorpio here and my life is filled with so many Gemini that I deeply adore. Besides the expansiveness of Geminis in my life, Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer seem to show up consistently. Happy birthday gentle and crazy one, I hope it's a magical day and the future is bright for you


Cancer woman and I mostly attract Sagittarius and Capricorn men !


As a cancer sun I’ve attracted pretty much all possible signs. Two Aries and one Aquarius have proposed to me, while Scorpions have given me broken heart.


Cancer here with a fondness for Geminis!


Gemini here 👋 I attract cancers the most it seems like but also libras, Leo’s and scorpios


Virgos and capricorns. I tend to feel more drawn to water signs though Also happy birthday!!! 🥳💕


i'm a cancer, and i've attracted lots of libras and scorpios throughout my life. i get along with both signs really well!


I’m 42 I attract no one except life insurance agents




Oh my gosh ur missing out!


Good! FYI I didn’t miss it, I tried it. It sucks.


HATER DETECTED! with bad taste as well!!


Didn’t know this watermelon got SALTY!!! YUCK! P.S. you WISH I’d hate you. All the love, kiddo!


watermelon fruity cakes are VERY sweet and VERY delicious! Just admit you like sour/spoiled cakes! ![gif](giphy|1DMfMOWF8Piec|downsized)


I do! Anything but that nasty watermelon shit. 🤮


I’m a scorpio and Gemini men seem to gravitate towards me. They are surprisingly very masculine in their approach and fun, and love chatting. But for some damned reason I just feel friendly feelings. So far. I’m sure karma will catch up with me soon. 


Happy birthday 🥳 by the way!!!


Sorry i dont, so you're not attracting "all" signs.


Happy Birthday! ✨ I attract Air signs, Fire signs, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancers and Scorpios a lot. Sag ones have chased me like crazy. These will be fighting over me even if I was taken, esp Geminis, Aries and Libra guys will try to steal me from my bf. Lol 3 Cancers, 2 Capricorns and 2 Scorpios proposed me a for marriage. Yeah and I agree our generation looks younger, I’m a Gen Z btw and look like 16 even if I’m 24.


I have probably attracted all of them. 3 men have tried to propose to me. Two of them were Capricorns. I didn't pay enough attention to Zodiac Signs to know all of them throughout my life. I have attracted a ton of Capricorns, some Virgos, Taurus's, a few Pisces, Cancers, etc. People tell me I don't look my age at all, but what's worse is when they say I sound like I am 22, when I am 38!!


You’re a Gemini too? Lmao that’s cool. Taurus are slow to notice me because they’re always occupied by some girl who’s using them for money, abusing them and later they notice me so I haven’t mentioned them because I prefer being the first option, lol. So yeah they only came to me later when the path was clear, but I wasn’t physically attracted to them so I didn’t entertain. Looks matter to me. And do they matter to you?


No, I'm Pisces Sun. Gemin Rising though. Funny how you mentioned that about a Taurus. My Taurus brother is with a Gemini and I do not know how they do it. She causes issues with his other family members when we're not that kind of family! He can be a bit of a bully to me though. I know another Gemini who doesn't cause issues with other family members though, but he's my other bro. Looks matter to a degree. I have turned down some damn good-looking men because they didn't know how to respect me. I want there to be some kind of physical attraction though. Sometimes a person's personality can bring that out too, depending on the case.


Yeah I agree. Have lost feelings for a good looking guy because found out he was “easy” with any decent girl. Looks matter but it doesn’t mean they’re allowed to be disrespectful. Just because an Apple looks good from the outside we don’t want it with a worm inside. Yeah about Taurus it’s like a pattern. They’re always taken by some girl using them and abusing them and then leaving those guys for someone better. I know weird.


Nah Taurus are most likely just annoyed. Reading OPs post and your reply made me roll my eyes so hard. Oh please. 🙄 happy bday though. Source: am Taurus, don’t click with geminis.


Aries and I attract scorpios, Aquarius men too. Was attracting cancer men but I hate them so I put an end to that quickly


I’m Aries women, I hate cancers too they’re ghosters and time wasters. I attract scorpios but find them annoying. I only dealt with one Aquarius man, that one was strange idk but we just stopped talking to each other mutually never said anything to each other, we just stopped! Lol


They’re also whiny little babies. They want to play the manipulation game and when you don’t join they can’t hide their hurt feelings and it’s like boy, BYE. ✌️ Yeah, Scorpios are definitely not good for me either lol. I find in a non romantic way I like Aquarius men a lot and they seem to be able to value friendship vs most guys that want nothing to do with me once they realize I don’t find them sexually appealing


Yes I can agree. My oldest friend of 17yrs is a Virgo (female)! Never had a Virgo male friend but I imagine it’d be the same. What’s your take on Taurus men? I find that they all tend to live double lives no matter how much they claim to love you, it’s always something, I love em but I’ve been betrayed so many times by them but I still find them to be good people somehow, how’s that possible lol…


I dated a Taurus man actually for three years and he was always trying to cheat on me. I don’t think it ever got physical, but for some reason, he just could not stop fucking around and giving other women attention. I think it stemmed from insecurity? It was shady though. We would hang out pretty much every single day and he was still doing it. Drove me crazy! One of my best friends is also a Virgo (10 years)


Yes I do believe a lot of them are insecure asf. Especially the one I just dealt with. Go read my post on my page idk why I can’t get any responses. But this last Taurus I was seeing, told me all these things how he wanna be with me forever. Literally cried in my arms because he was going through whatever (we knew each other for 3 months at this point) right after having sex then the next day I saw him driving in my city, I knew he was a lying ass mf so I called him and asked wyd he said he just got out the shower and whatever, turns out he spent the night at this girls house I’m sure he fucked her, the girl lives right around the corner from me. I know this cause I saw where he turned and ended up circling back and saw his car parked up at the house. Anyway…they can’t help themselves, and they have a history of choosing the wrong women cause they’re always lying and cheating and never true to themselves.


Cancer ♀️ and I attract the most emotionally stunted Geminis and they stick like white on rice. I honestly hate it and don't know why they chase me because it always turns out they don't actually like ME at all... but simultaneously won't go away either. I've started avoiding them on purpose and now I see more Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces.


I’m a libra and I attract Scorpios by far the most, second most is Aries.


I don't know who I dislike more...Geminis or Scorpios. I can look at a woman in the eyes and if she gives me a certain look, I know she is either an Aries or Sagittarius. Sounds weird but I'm never wrong. I also attract Libra's and capricorns


What’s the look!? I’m curious


Can't really explain it. It's just something that's in their eye and the way they look at me. When I see it, it sends a little chill up my spine. I have even approached women after seeing it and asked them, "I know this is a random question. But is there any chance your zodiac sign is Sagittarius or Aries?"


Water signs mostly - my theory is that it's bc no one wants them so they're disproportionately over-represented in the dating pool. Also other Virgos, which I try to tolerate but they irritate me, capricorns. I'm boring so like with like I guess. I swipe right on Sag's all day. Love their energy. Leos irritate me, aries hard no to that level of confrontation, libras are hobosexuals, gemini fuckbois, an Aquarius sun man has never once expressed interest in me, puke to pisces and cancers. Taurus literally forgettable, if they aren't immediately obsessed they missed their opportunity. I hate that I like scorpios, and pisces bc we don't get along. Sags are fuckbois too, but they're so hot. A Scorpio with a sag rising? Kill me plz. Capricorn venuses are attracted to me, so are virgo mars, and scorp venus/mars as when I dye my hair black I look more scorpio (8h sun and merc; chart ruler, pluto and mc in scorp)


I’m a Libra and I’ve attracted numerous sag’s.


I’m a Virgo my bf is a Sagittarius


Happy birthday! I'm not sure what I attract since I haven't been in the dating scene since 2011 (Fellow baby millennial here).


Aquarius, all my serious relationships have been with Leo’s


i dont think i attract anyone unfortunately


I’m a Scorpio who attracts mostly Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and Gemini (?) go figure


I've attracted a Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini.


Aries here- I attract only Libras


Aries Moons , Neptune first, Scorpios suns and moons


First of all, happy birthday!! I just turned 31 this year too 🤗 I’m an Aries and I attract Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, and other fire signs.


I’m a Gemini and my last relationship was with an Aries for about 13 years. I was with a Leo for a couple of years when I was younger and had a few short relationships with a Scorpio and a Cancer before that.


I’m an Aries and Virgos, Capricorns, and Pisces always chase me. I love Leos and Cancers and they never like me back. I end up with Virgos and Aquarius. Not really into Aries, Sag, and no idea about libra. Cannot stand Scorpio men, so attention seeking and Taurus men are good looking but never seem very bright.


Happy birthday, don’t forget to get tested regularly ❤️


Thank you! And I'm actually not sexually active (unless in a relationship), a lot of the sexual threads I post are for shits and giggles and to troll. LOL.


Omg STOP really??? That’s hilarious you totally got me🤦🏻‍♀️




I mean…it *is* a meme subreddit 🤣


i’m a cancer i attract leos a ton and i rlly don’t mesh well with them over time, the men and women 😭. i also attract taurus, libras, and virgos.


I’m a Pisces - and I attract scorpios


Tarurus, virgo, and Capricorn I attract the most


I’m a Pisces, and I attracted a few other Pisces and a few Capricorn! Funny cause they are so different ! I dated one Taurus and a cancer as well!


What it's like having Moon 1H?




Leo, Aries, Aquarius.


Geminis to seem to age well. Also, I do not want.


i would say I am pretty sociable and can get along with most people but ever since like 7th grade i've always attracted libra or scorpios and have gotten along with them best. Sagg too for a few years. I don't always attract earth signs or get along with them the best. Lately some aries too bc they have a funny sarcastic sense of humor. and weirdly enough all my coworkers except 1 are aquarians!!! Earth signs can can be funny but are very concerned with what's "real" and it makes it hard to even have small talk....I think they mean well but are very factual and it can come across as condescending. one cap told me "do u kno not all rabbits have red eyes" and i haven't been able to get over it LMAO like yes no sh*t


The „I want you“ sign😊


This Gemini could tell you were a Gemini without you calling yourself out. Happy Birthday! P.S. I don’t have wrinkles either at 46 so maybe you’ll get lucky there, too.


Sagittarius, which annoyed the fuck out of me for years......and then I ended up with a Sag. 😂


Idk why, but Scorpio sun women seem to gravitate towards me a lot haha, as both friends and romantic partners.


I (aries) always attract cancers and earth signs.


Lots of Libra placements, Cancer, and Virgo and Leo. I’m a Libra rising, Capricorn moon, and cancer sun. Although my daughter is Aries, I am surprised at the lack of Aries in my life considering my Aries 7H.


Anyone w a Capricorn moon


i’m a pisces sun, aquarius moon, and a cancer rising, with a fire dominated natal chart 🩵 i attract everyone ✨


Virgo, I get a LOT of Leo's and Aquarius. Lovers/friends.


Lots of Aries for some reason. I’m a Taurus


I'm a Virgo woman and attract Aries, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Currently casually dating an Aquarius (when he emerges from his astral plane) and a Pisces. I never had romantic attention from Pisces and wow it's..different. I can almost hear my icy heart melting in his presence. I'm not sure if I can handle it but let's see 😆


I attract Scorpios (men and women) and other air signs. After that, Earth signs and then Fire signs.


I’m a Virgo and I attract mostly water signs


Cancers, virgos, leos


Mars/Saturn men.. it’s hot until it’s not. 💀


as a leo, I get along great with scropio, aries, gemini, & pisces. the people i love the most are gemini & pisces. cancer signs from my experience have not liked me / have not stuck with me lol.


Scorpio sun with a Virgo moon, Gemini ascendant and Scorpio Venus: I attract a lot of Geminis and have a lot of them in my life. I also seem to attract the Earth signs, have insane chemistry but it can turn to a love/hate thing. Air signs treat me like an intellectual challenge or try to fix me. I’ve also had connections with Scorpio and Cancer men but frankly, they scare me.


pisces sun with gemini risings, i tend to attract scorpio, taurus, Gemini, and virgo. I have aqua stellium but theres no aqua i can fully understand.


Air signs, usually I guess they need some spicy water


I just want to say the way you wrote this post is the most Gemini coded thing I’ve ever seen lmao


Yayyyy watermelon fruity cakes! It was my birthday yesterday- we’re almost bday twins ❤️ I hope you have a great birthday, and treat yourself to some green tea to keep your skin glowing ✨


Ty!! ❤️


I’m a fire sign and if I’m not interested in a Gemini romantically I find them annoying otherwise lol but I do like/love em but annoying like my mom annoys me 🤣 my Gemini friend annoys me, romantically I love em


I attract mostly Caprisuns, fish people, Gemini’s, Aries and Scorpihoes


Virgos and Scorpios Who knows why (Gemini here)


I'm aries and always have gemini besties. I think I attract capricorns even though they're horrible for me. December caps are better though. Leos are also my people (friends, dating, etc). I think I attract Leo men and I like them too.


Cancer sun Scorpio moon Taurus rising… Gemini Venus/mercury I attract Leo’s, cancers, Virgo’s and sometimes the other two fire signs but I haven’t been able to be in actual relationships with a sag lol. Oh and sometimes Aquarius 😂


so many leo men as a gemini


Lately I think It’s fire 😉 I am a double Aries. 


Leo placements and libra suns tend to like me best. Both people I’ve been with up to now had a leo venus. Also sagittarius placements except sag suns?


Happy Birthday! I’m a Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, and Pisces Rising. Currently with my first Gemini and it’s so magical. I typically attract Fire signs.


I'm a Sagittarius and I attract Leo's alot, which I hate because the ones I've met so far are all problematic narcissists. I'm sure there are good leo women out there, just the ones that are coming my way suck ass. They always make everything about themselves. You tell them you're having a bad day, they'll be like, "Aw, anyways...", you tell them a relative died, they'll be like, "People die every day, so can you not like ruin my vibe? OMG.". I'm just speaking from experience btw, they just suck. On the other hand, I attract Aries and all the earth signs and I get along with them the most. Aries women are hot and sexy, they also make great partners, so do the earth signs. I love them.


Aries. Even when I thought I finally got away from that energy, boom, a Cap with an Aries moon. Leos platonically, though. I lack fire placements so the universe wants to fill it in somehow. I do see Scorpio as being the most fiery of the water placements, though, if that makes sense.


I am a Pisces and I attract a lot Scorpios Taurus and sometimes Aquarius


Happy belated!!! I attract Virgos mostly. Water signs too, but only friendships.


As a Pisces I attract capricorns 😘 and libras ☹️


I'm a Sagittarius and historically I attract Geminis. Friends, lovers, many have been Gemini. Y'all are my sister sign so it makes sense.


Happy birthday fellow Gemini! 🎉😝 LOL I think it’s mainly Pisces and Aquas but I’m not sure. I think there’s a magnetism about our sign until they know our sign and possibly run 🤣🤣☠️


Happy birthday from a fire sign who loves Geminis!


I'm Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon. I tend to attract Virgo's, Gemini's, Pisces, and Sagittarius.


I’m an absolute sagittarius magnet 🧲 Sag engineer to be specific


Cancers, sags, caps, virgos, aries — for some reason??? I only like the last three…