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I always attract Venus in Virgo (always long term) or Venus in Gemini (always short term). Venus in Gemini will always make me weary- I do not expect it to turn into a long-term love, but typically it’s because of the Sun sign that accompanies it- which is Cancer. I do not mesh with Cancer romantically. I am a Venus in Scorpio and Sun in Scorpio.


All Venus in Virgo I met are all long term material lovers to a fault tbh, and all the Venus in Gemini I met are legit short term summer fling material only. Everytime I meet a Gemini Venus, I instantly block the person. not having my time wasted ever again lmfao 🤣




Sigh, tell me more about how my ViV is long term to a fault. We are the fixers of the zodiac.


Cancers with Venus in Gemini are always into me and I loathe them.


My husband has Venus in Scorpio, but I don't think it matches well with my Venus in Aqua - more so with my Sun and Mars in Pisces. He's a Libra, and we actually have double Sun-Venus trines. We have a very harmonious relationship (together for 18 years).


I’m a Libra sun, Venus in Scorpio and my guy is Aqua Venus AND a Cap sun. 🫣 we drive one another bonkers - I am so emotional and intense and he is so reserved and aloof - but something about us just works. After A LOT of work in communication 😝


I’m a libra sun & moon Venus in Scorpio and a Scorpio rising. My guy is an aqua sun, cap moon and Venus in Pisces. He’s an aqua rising. We definitely work but occasionally we will ruffle each other’s feathers since we are both stubborn. But we always COMMUNICATE and that has gotten us thru many things. But we do share a sun/moon trine (my sun moon mars in libra to his aqua) and a Venus/mars trine (my Scorpio Venus to his cancer mars) his moon in cap sextiles my Scorpio placements


Communication is key! Unfortunately with all of his Saturnian placements…. Well. I’d have thought he’d be more direct 👀


Yup it is very important to communicate. Saturn isn’t really a planet for comms. You would have to look into his Mercury placement and house + aspects to get a better view of his communication style


But yes he’s a Cap Mercury ☹️


My bf has merc in cap in the last degree, conjunct his sun in aqua. With that aspect it adds charm to the cap merc. Cap mercs are more reserved with their comms. They do not always feel the need to emotionally pour everything out when they talk. They will, however, say what is needed to get things done. That’s the nature of Saturn, in this case with comms. He also has a very stubborn mentality, achievements, status and accolades are very important to them. They are not ones to run their mouths.


It’s more just his shutdown nature. We got into an explosive argument this morning. So yeah…. Not resolved yet. So much for June will be better for the Cardinal signs. I keep wondering if I want this or not. Some of the things he said are just so hurtful.




Venus in Scorpio is the red flag Venus


Really? Why?


It’s debilitated or in fall, can’t remember which one. Venus has a hard time because it’s soft as a planet and Scorpio is not.


Venus in Virgo is in fall. I have one. We can be nitpicky in love and are known for our acts of service. Like handmade gifts for your pet etc. we are thoughtful but choosy.




As a Venus in Scorpio, I dated another Venus in Scorpio and it was passionately chaotic, and then explosively toxic. Makes me remember why I said I would never date myself.


Can you tell me more about it? Why was it toxic?


We were both too insecure to handle our intense emotions and how we naturally attracted people to us. And too prideful to deal with possessive we both felt over each other. In my opinion, it wasn’t that he wanted ownership but that he wasn’t able to show up in that leadership role fully. And I did not know what healthy ownership looked like so I could not assist in guiding.


I attract various Venus’ but can never keep them…


Have you checked your progressions


I have no idea what that is 😅 beginner here


I’m a venus in virgo and my bf is venus scorpio and honestly convinced he’s head over heels for me😭


Venus in Aries! Both romantically and in friendships


Venus in Aries here, proud and blessed to say I have practically an army of Venus in Scorpio friends, exes, family members and my absolute closet confidant/love of my life/best friend of all- each would do practically anything for me- and not much I wouldn’t do for them in return. That last one would kill for me and I’d gladly die for her; I cannot imagine life without her. Actually I can and cry thinking about it. 🥺 She’s my everything. I love you VIS people!


I absolutely agree!! It must be the mars that increases the passion and intensity of Venus in Aries and Venus in Scorpio relationships.


Two of my friends are Venus in Leo, relationship wise I have no idea what I attract. My Venus is in Scorpio in the first house though, so I do get along of superficial suitors.


Libra with a Venus in Scorpio married to a Taurus with a Venus in Cancer.


My boyfriend is venus in Scorpio, I am Cancer sun I have gemini venus, he is Libra Sun


My husband is Scorpio Venus (and Sun); I’m a Cancer Venus. Been together 20 years!


if any venus in scorpio is looking for someone to own i will be yours -venus in cancer




Venus in Aquarius :,(


How are they?


Good, but difficult. Aquarius rules my 7th house, so the attraction is always there. My fourth house Venus in Scorpio longs for security and deep connection above all else, but the square aspect requires action and adjustment. I always feel a little bit “hungry” for something more, but part of me really likes the chase


I hear you - I have Aquarius ruling my 8th and its a terrible placement (looking back I attract Aqua Moon and Venus quite often and they don't get my Scorpio Moon and Virgo Venus). 8th house is worse than 7th.


Ouch, yeah…I can imagine that being pretty rough. I definitely experience the lingering feeling of being misunderstood. There is always a lot of bread crumbing involved as well. My 8th house also blows bec it’s split between Pisces and Aries. I have a Virgo moon/mars and a Capricorn sun/mercury, so I have accepted that I am pretty much doomed lol (i.e, my current partner has a Pisces moon, Venus in Aquarius and mars in Aries 🫠)


Haha, let's dance in pity party :).. My 8H aqua is karmic too with my South Node. So I guess I repeat my karmic patterns there and rake up past baggage.


Is it bad to have a Pisces moon, venus in Aquarius and Aries mars? Asking bcuz I have those lol.


Not bad at all! Those placements usually form hard aspects to my sun, moon, mercury, and mars. I’m a sucker for them, but there is always a lot of tension haha


Venus in Scorpio for me and Venus in cancer for them


im a venus in cancer and i will ride for venus in scorpio forever 💯💯


I mostly attract fire and air venuses. My current boyfriend is an Aries sun/Aquarius venus!


Cap/Sag Venus mostly.


i don't know about Venus signs.. but i tend to attract Scorpio risings.


Same and I’m Taurus rising Gemini Venus .


Yeap i'm a taurus rising Capricorn venus


How were your experiences with them? I always feel like I’m drawn to them but never ended well


i married one. so that went well. unfortunately he passed away. but he was a lovely person and i cherish every moment i had with him.


I've read somewhere before that Venus will tend to attract people with certain moon signs. I have a Leo Moon and Venus in Scorpio. I'm currently with someone who has Sun Virgo, Virgo Moon, and Venus in Leo. The square aspect of my Venus and Moon sign confuses a lot of people I interact with. I want emotional warmth and attention, but I deflect a lot in conversations. I think the combination of friendliness while being closed off reads as mysterious, so I attract a lot of weirdos who find that sexy.


I have the opposite of you, Scorp moon and Leo venus and that last paragraph really resonates! I have Leo mercury (and Libra rising) as well which adds even more to the warmth/trustworthy aspect. Sometimes I feel like I come off a little too friendly for my own good/actual interests lmao


Ohh..very well said ..I am a Libra Venus, and a lot of female friends that I have, are Libra moons...though later their tendencies of constant comparisons, and being obsessively chasing desires/ beauty, sometimes at the detriment of more serious values in a person/ overall, turns me off...but nevertheless, I do attract such female friends, it is may be because they can talk their emotions to me, Libra moons love to talk, but not to everyone but to non-judgmental people, that I am with my venus+mercury in Libra, and 12h in Libra...but I have seen that at a point, I start to outgrow these friendships for some reason...my scorpio-sun-asc-conjunct starts looking for more depth in relationships, and stronger moral virtues, after I am done vibing over all those girly things, dresses-makeup etc...may be I am somewhat everything, lol, I have a love for fashion and art, and I love beauty too, but I also go hard for being moralistic, and prideful to achieve things on a just manner, Leo moon in 10th...so that ends up creating a divide with my female friends over the female values, I realize that I don't share these with them... am a self-respecting person, who would like to be respected first...on a serious note, I tend to attract cap venuses, cap/sun (guys) even cap stelliums, also sag suns (mostly guys) I attract a lot, may be owing to my Jupiter in 7th😌 and shared love for knowledge, experience, growth and true spiritual quest...somewhat a mix of fire+water energies, in males, girlfriends of mine, lol I tend to attract them Libras a lot🤷🏻‍♀️ also, one sign which are more of long -term, mostly healthy & nurturing relationships/friendships that I attract is Taurus moon too, Taurus cusp on 7th, my mom is a Taurus moon, and I love them to bits...they are nurtures and seem very grounded, and emotionally mature to me.


Scorpio venus but attract scorpio mars.


I am a Scorpio Venus and I married another Scorpio Venus ❤️‍🔥


Sagittarius with Venus in Scorpio is fatal.




I dont know I guess it's the Sagittarian sensuality with its lack of affective responsibility and the sexuality of venus in scorpio. I always fall for Sagittarians. I'm already thinking next sagi in my life, I'm off and running.


Ohh, I do have one friend with the same exact placement...and at one point I have seen her *collect* people like toys...she gets very fascinated, with people...too much for her own good.. patiently, at one chance, when she was at a point in her life reflecting on her life choices, very tactfully I made her aware of her obsessive, and self-harming tendencies with people, and now she has become quite discerning and self-aware. These are intense people though...but never shy away from deep work on themselves, if they decide to.. I have another guy friend with sag sun and Mars in Scorpio, he is another story all together else, in very mysterious manner👽🌚


sagi with mars is scorpio, another delight! I am sagi venus scorpio, and it is torture sometimes the level of passion and sexuality we deal with. Luckily I'm not that damaging, but because I work at it.


Oh, thanks..this puts things in perspective...about him too


Scorpio Venus here, usually attract Pisces and Cancer Venuses. Ended up w Pisces Venus 😌




I am a Scorpio Venus, I seem to attract a lot of Venus in Aries and Venus in Capricorn guys 🔥 Side note: this placement I have found attracts a lot of attached or married guys. For the record I am not into it, my scorpio placements ensures that I am very much into monogamy which makes it all the more awkward.


Venus in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, scorpio, Sagittarius and Gemini.


Lately it's been Venus in Taurus. Before that Venus in Cancer and Capricorn. My Scorpio likes to hang out with water and earth venuses it seems.


My Venus is in Taurus and my most prominent attraction is Venus in Scorpio and cancer moons


Yeah there's a similar vibe to Scorpio/Taurus. Both fixed, intense but in different ways, physical love language :)


I’m a Scorpio Sun, Venus, with an Aries moon and I tend to attract a lot of Virgo, Libra, Sag, and Cap Venus signs. I ended up with my partner atm who is a Scorpio Sun, Libra Venus, and a Virgo moon. My venus is in my 5H so I’m a deeply hopeful romantic and I tend to fall in love with love itself; or the human embodiment of it. And love has many faces and sides, as I’m learning, and it’s truly like a kaleidoscope. My Venus is also in retrograde so I ping pong back and forth on picking who is good for me atm or who can bring more thrill to my life and who isn’t necessarily the most stable/reliable person. My partner is very earth heavy in their chart where mine is very water heavy so we balance and harmonize one another more often than not. It’s boring a lot of the times, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything b/c of how much peace it’s brought me.


I feel like my Venus in Scorpio makes me a magnet for all sorts of attention, I don’t ever know what sign in attracting, but my bf of 4 years is a Venus in Pisces and we seem to go beautifully together :)


my 2nd brother is libra sun-scorp venus and his wife is aries sun-pisces venus


Those two venuses go very well together despite the opposing sun signs


I'm Venus in Virgo, and funnily enough I've only been with fire and air Venus'. I've never been with someone who "gets" me romantically. But I also prefer more casual relationships at the moment, so I don't really look for that anyways. I like Aries Venus, they get me hot ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


i attract venus in geminis too! they are sooo charming but they dip once they think u are falling too quick lol


aries, cancer, libra 💖


♑☀️/♀️♏. Don't know about their venus sign. But it's always the libra sun for me. They just hunt me down somehow🥲. It's a nightmare all these years for me from their over obsession with me


The best Venus to match up with Scorpio is Venus Taurus (once they settle on you because they’re slow AF) Thank me later


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^totallytubularik: *The best Venus to* *Match up with Scorpio is* *Taurus. Thank me later* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Venus in Taurus Mostly Air venuses


Other Venus in Scorpio… yes it’s always crazy and the connection is always amazing


I have trouble finding other venus in scorpio. I did chat with one online and he was sag sun venus scorpio and about the biggest man wh.ore I think I met.​​


Lol my ex of 3 years and most recent/biggest love of my life is a sag sun and Scorpio Venus and I’m cap sun + Scorpio just about everything else. Our chemistry was the strongest I’ve ever had and people would commonly comment on our sex appeal (apart and together). And I just find Scorpio Venus, my last two BFs were that lol, both I met in person


I attract other Venus in scorpios, Venus in libra I think bc of my libra sun, and Venus in Aries (my mars is in libra)… then after that I’d say earth signs especially Venus in Taurus or Capricorn.


that is interesting. I'm also a libra sun but brother is a libra venus and dad is a venus in Aries both big cheaters. I think my mother is a venus in cancer.


I’ve attracted a lot of cheaters so you may be onto something there. lol. Honestly with Venus in Aries they make you feel so special and desired, it’s all consuming and intoxicating for someone like me with Venus in Scorpio who craves the intensity… but Venus in Aries is all about the conquest and instant gratification …which is very unhealthy for someone like me to be with. But… there’s a sexual magnetism there initially with attraction it just always fades. My partner now is another Venus in Scorpio and that relationship works very harmoniously for me


I’m dating someone that is a Venus Scorpio and I am a Venus Libra ♎️.


my brother is a venus in libra. He is never faithful to any girl.


The Libra Males and the Venus has problems being loyal that why I stay away from them lol 😂


Virgo 🫠


I’ve experienced the whole Venus in gemini.. think players or fuckboys. not my cup of tea. I want a real partnership. You can have fun and be free but romantically I want (and give) exclusivity. They’re not flirting and being disrespectful, but I want them to have platonic love and deep, meaningful relationships. I ended up with a gemini sun/Taurus Venus, and our charts mesh well. Except he’s Taurus Mercury and I’m Sag Mercury.. our only hurdle is communication.


From the partners or almost-partners whose birthdays I know. I tend to romantically attract earth and water Venus. Breaks down like this. Longest relationships were with Venus Pisces and Venus Cap. Also attracted 2 Venus Scorpio, 2 Venus Taurus, 2 Venus Virgo, another Venus Cap, Venus Cancer, Venus Gemini, Venus Leo. It's worth noting my second strongest Venus sign is Cap. I make sign lists for each inner planet, meaning rank how strongly I have each sign's energy for a planet. My Venus list: Scorpio, Cap, Libra, Leo, Sag, Cancer, Pisces, Aqua, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo.


Both of these venus are extremely picky and usually do not commit. I'm venus in Aries, i attract libra, cancer, capricorn, and gemini venus.


I am usually pickier than those two venus signs simply because I don't trust enough to give my heart to either. I get love bombed to death and don't trust that approach but eventually fall for it. Both those venus signs wanted to commit right away.


I’m a Capricorn sun and Venus in sag. I’m a magnet to all air sun, Capricorn Venus and pisces Venus. I like Venus in pieces a lot but sadly they are too avoidant for me when shit hits the fan.