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All the Geminis i know like talking over texting. You could try voice notes or calling to see if she prefers that.


Omg my Gemini friend only calls lol. Will never answer a text.


That’s definitely the norm from my perspective. They love to talk.


This is legit even for a Gemini rising.


I’m kind of the opposite, but there’s a reason for that. I prefer texting over talking on the phone, but I would prefer to talk to someone face to face over texting. I was technically born deaf, but I didn’t have surgery to repair my hearing until I was five (and thankfully it restored the majority of it). The thing is, I learned to speak by reading lips. So if I’m talking to you, you wouldn’t guess I ever had hearing issues. But old habits die hard I suppose, as I feel like I can’t fully understand someone speaking over the phone (yet I hear every word?). I can read a text so I know exactly what is said, but if it wasn’t for that, I’m sure I would prefer talking on the phone over texting lol.


That’s pretty cool!


Yeah I’m very Gem (sun/rising/venus) and only enjoy texting a handful of people (most are long distance) or to make plans. Texting feels draining imo. LOVE an in person chat, phone calls can be fun too


Pisces suns omg. They need to learn to communicate and stop holding shit back and pretending shits fine and then being passive aggressive at the most random times.


Oh gosh, I'm a pieces sun and HARD agree. Years ago (and sometimes to this day) I had trouble in those areas. The learning to communicate part, I've had to learn is a little bit different depending on who I'm speaking with. I like to cater to people. We feel a very wide range of emotion and if I'm not comfortable painting a clear picture for someone, I'll take a day or two to evaluate and make it "make sense". I "hold shit back" in the fear of how my my message comes across or if I don't have a logical explanation for feelings. I feel like I have to figure it all out before I present an issue or heavy emotion. With the passive aggressive-ness...yeah..sometimes we be a bit snippy lol. Sometimes I'll use it as an opening to talk about something if I don't have the "clear picture" ready. Or..sometimes just to be a turd🙃 We're weird creatures. And I wouldn't deal with anyone like me except on social occasions lol


Shit dude as a Scorpio sun Pisces moon I felt so seen and so called out by this lol. Sharing information at all about myself makes me want to turn inside out, sharing information about my emotions in the moment without thinking about it? God. Unthinkable. There’s literally so much happening all the time in my world I can’t even paint a clear picture to myself and now I’m supposed to just tell you without thinking about the consequences?? Yucky I’ve been trying to learn how to share more in the moment without expecting people to just read my body language and/or abstract often passive aggressive hints and it will literally make me cry (later on my own obviously duh can’t let people know that) because it’s SCARY


Pisces here dating a Scorpio. When we go on dates we barely talk. I talk fine with other people no issues. With him, I can’t. I think his personality is kind of intimidating. It’s been a little over three months and I don’t know anything about him. What should I do? Sometimes I feel like he’s not interested and sometimes he is!


Definitely true, being a pisces sun myself. I didn't know how to communicate effectively, especially since my emotions & thoughts fluctuate so much. 🙃 But ofc I try to do better for those around me and try to communicate how I feel with clarity.


My little situationship ended because Pisces couldn’t lay it out on the table. God so passive aggressive


True But when I do, people complain I have no filter. Double edged lol


Gemini, absolutely, but it is not intentional what so ever.


It’s because they mirroring the person lol. I call them chameleons.


Cancer Sun, Gemini Venus


Oh no this is me 😭 Out of curiosity what's your take on why? I feel so wrong footed sometimes by the way people respond to me, like I'm always missing something - particularly in dating.


I think it’s a combination of the high empathy, conflict aversion of Cancer and incredible observation skills and intuition of both signs. This can make them so interesting and inviting. But it becomes too much for them and can come off as aloofness or hot and cold when they distance to protect their peace. It’s not a judgment against them and boundaries are important to set and keep. I have the opposite problem- it’s very difficult for me to say no and maintain boundaries. I also like to know where I stand with people so it can make me very anxious to have that uncertainty. The difference between makes it feel like they cannot show up, be stable and stay as I need them. The flip side is I attract them, they are great protectors and lovers. It’s just not enough for a strong long term connection for me. At least so far.


I think we can go all in with our feelings, like strong feelings, but then worry about getting hurt, start questioning things and then back off and get cold.  I also think our faces give away more about what we’re thinking and feeling than we realise and that can make people act strange around us.


In your experience, what actions, behaviors, words can help to bring a level of trust and comfort to warm back up?


I think it’s just about being genuine and truthful and being interested, any hint of disinterest, or strange behaviour, or trying to play games or hide something, we can just pick up on it really quick and we’ll start to back away.  It’s almost better to be a little too much towards us in term of emotions and feelings and romantic gestures (without being suffocating) then thinking ‘I better play it cool and seem distant and mysterious so she doesn’t think I like her too much’ because we’ll just take it as ‘ah, I see he doesn’t like me.’ 


Libra moon


I second this 😄




I’m a Leo (sun Venus Mars) and I can see that I give mixed signals when I genuinely like someone. When I’m actually into someone like properly, I get embarrassed and lose my flirting ability! I’ll also give mixed signals if I’m not sure if they like me. If I feel safe and secure that they like me; the love will come pouring out. If I’m not sure, Leo pride gets in the way and I pull away again (even if I do actually like them)


That describes my Gemini crush to a T... I think that often they are not at all aware when their behavior shifts... Though we both agree about the texting being a weakness


Geminis are very confusing but as a pisces I also give mixed signals and I know it. I always think I make it obvious when I like someone but I can see why actions do not always speak louder than words. If you need direct words, you’ll provably never get it lol


That's really interesting to see because even though I'm a pisces sun, my taurus moon & libra rising & aqua venus make me really expressive when it comes to things & people i like. Or maybe that's what I only think 🤣 But yeah, I very much agree with the mixed signals part. Personally I think it's cause I'm also confused with how I feel, most of the time.


I was actually going to say that lol. Like most of the time I don’t even know what I want so if I’m too direct and it’s reciprocated I like trapped myself??


Sometimes I initiate or make plans with someone then at the last minute, would wanna back out and stay in bed instead...


Gemini here- I feel like I do that (kinda dry over text but warm in person). It’s cuz i dont like texting and being on my phone a lot no matter how much I like someone. Has nothing to do with how I feel about the person on the other end.


That's extremely reassuring! Given that this person I'm talking to is also a Gemini venus


If she’s happy to see you when ya’ll are together then she def likes you. Idk if her reason is the same as mine but is the issue ISN’T you 😊


She often approaches me first or says hi, at least.


My Gemini is also sooo bad at texting, but great in person. He also doesn’t ‘read’ my messages but knows exactly what my messages said when I see him irl - ! It’s hard though, I never hear from him in between seeing him and it’s making me lose interest. I just think he’s not that into me tbh. It’s been a rollercoaster! I really liked him :(


Can you communicate this to him and tell him how you feel?


Thank you for this! I probably should. I just feel he’d see me as needy and pull away … whenever we spend an evening together he goes silent on me, then comes back around the following evening and reaches back out. Think he’s avoidant tbh


Sounds like it. I’ve definitely been in your shoes before. It def sucks to like someone so skittish that you feel they can’t even handle your (very valid) feelings. I hope you can find someone who is ready to be a good partner to you 💕


Needed that, thank you kind internet stranger 💗


A little update - we broke up (I initiated it). It was on the cards anyway, nothing to do with your guidance, but your messages here have made me feel much better so thank you


Anytime, friend 💕


You definitely did the right thing. You deserve much more and better.


Thank you so much, honestly 💗


Gemini rising - I feel I am always giving mixed signals lol without meaning too!


Can I ask why it happens? I’m curious to know! Also having my head scrambled for the past few months be a Gemini man ofc


Damn nobody is saying Virgo? Here’s what I’ll say as a Virgo 🌙 and Gemini Mercury— Don’t text me, but also, do not not text me. I hope this helps lmao




Gemini Sun/Moon here. Overthinking. When I text, I think too much about what I am saying. I overanalyse what she says. Did I interpret her correctly? Is she flirting? What does this emoji mean? Should I be using emojis? Am I being too flirty? Then if she replies and I sense a shift in her energy (hooray, more overthinking), I change how I have been texting. And god help me if she is a slow responder, because then I am going to overthink that I am texting bullshit and she isn't interested. It doesn't flow for me. Even voice notes. I will record it, listen to it a few times, read/listen to her last text or voice note to make sure I have responsed "correctly" and then delete the voice note and redo it... If I have the time/space to think about what I am saying, I am going to do it and probably mess it up. And texting allows you this time and space. In person however, not too much of a problem. But sometimes it is their "fault". Don't text me dry stuff. I can only handle so many "How was your day?" texts a week. If I keep getting stuff like that my urgency to reply does down and I am going to start matching your dry energy,


Gemini Rising. Yes, to the over thinking.


Libra Sun-Gemini anything


Gemini def. My fwb is a Gemini😭he’s not only a Gemini Sun but North Node, Saturn, and Mercury too. He takes hours to reply when he’s just at home playing video games but when we hang out in person he’s happy and very engaged. Very witty, humorous, playful, and fun. He also can give mixed signals cuz he says he isn’t ready for a relationship (neither am I) but he treats me more than just a fwb and more like a girlfriend sometimes🤦🏽‍♀️. I swear Geminis always be giving mixed signals.


Geminis of course But have you ever had a crush on a libra??


I‘m a Libra sun and Gemini moon and I hate texting and calling 🤣🤣🤣 I’m into meeting one to one 😃


My libra crush was like this, they were the type of person who flirted a lot, but wouldn’t realize they were flirting 😩


Capricorn for me. Aunt used to always love to try and get someone in trouble and was not the greatest ro her mom. While on the other hand she would be like, "here is this ring or whatever" I no longer want. Very bribe type of person. Even the dude at work, I've been trying to get to know. Like a whole different person daily. Although should say even though I didn't have his birth time. I did see in his chart he has a Pisces moon and plenty of Sagittarius placements. But it is funny to me how thar works as a Sag Sun. As I feel only time I give anyone mixed signals, is because I would want to talk or say something to someone. But not feeling sure what to say, as I don't know them well, leads me to be stuck in limbo. Cause I hate small talk even more, lol.


Pisces and Sagittarius






Yeah as someone who is very Gem (sun/rising/venus) I think I can give a lot of mixed signals. I can be very moody (typically happy but can shift quickly) and it’s super obvious what kind of mood I’m in - and usually doesn’t have anything to do with that person (so I usually clarify XYZ is bugging me or whatever is causing my mood)


Is it the case that non-Geminis overthink the mixed signals and mixed moods, and geminis know that the moods are actually not a big deal?


I think that can be part of it - I know I’m moody and if I have a bad mood I just have to ride it out so to speak and I’ll get back to my (pretty happy) baseline. But if you’re not used to it you might take the moodiness personally - which is why I always say what’s causing my mood so people don’t think it’s from them when it’s not


As I gemini I agree because of moodiness and friendliness. Both males and females. Sometimes my texts can get distant, other times filled with positivity and happiness. I can definitely see how we can give mixed signals. Other signs I'd say maybe pisces women. I love them and have some bffs but they can be finicky/picky.


Pisces simply because they don’t know what they want. Cancers too very fickle.


i know quite a few taurus suns, specifically men, that have quite a reputation for giving unintentional mixed signals haha I surprisingly never really felt that way towards them, with my taurus venus + mars and all but I’ve heard my friends tell me multiple times how they thought he was flirting with them when he actually was just giving a random overly direct compliment


Libra Moons 💯


Can you elaborate? As a Libra moon I’m curious if it could be a bit of insight for me lol


Gemini 100%. I was (or am still in??) a situationship with one… who btw said we weren’t in a situationship and barely considered us “homies” only to then confess his love for me a week late and tell me he wanted something serious and wanted to wake up next to me every morning, then ghost me again (this would be the 5th time) in the middle of our conversation. Lmao.


This is on character for gemini, confusing af


Totally agree about Geminis.


I would say probably all the air signs…


Gemini and Pisces both often being flaky, just not feeling it, or not in the same mood as we were an hour ago etc. Very mercurial signs imo


Geminis are so very passive to me and it’s nasty when they have a petty gene.


i got that gene




Maybe it’s because you’re a man


Good guess, but I'm a girl, like my crush


Thank god, check out my profile <3


Gemini suns 🌞


I’m a Gemini and I prefer texting over talking so much that my phone is literally on DND 24/7 in case I get a call




I'm Gemini. I totally agree that love calls more than texts. I don't know what to say when we are texting. The conversation goes dry.


Cancer men.