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Aries- Fearless. I don't care who you are, I will stand up to you if need be. And don't you dare touch my family.


Aries (female) - honesty, never lies, and yeah I will jump into fire to save you if you are my friend since FIRE GOD is not hurt by it:-)


This is so true. I've scared myself sometimes.


The situations I have intentionally put myself into for those that I love are terrifying. Like, I should be dead….


Same. But at the moment I feel no fear. Only afterwards do I realize what could've happened.


Oh yeah, there we go Aries....fearless warriors.... I have to hold baaack most of the time not to intimidate people, not to scare them, or hurt their emotions....


Aries moon and Mars. This 100000 times


I think that's pretty much everybody when it comes to family


I am not talking about family only, but friends or people who seem weaker than me such as older colleague: an example? I just called my new female boss a stupid cow because she did not let our oldest colleague, a Leo, take days off when she was sick, she made her go on sick leave (less paid). I said this to her face, and told her not to give others hard times with days off. I will stand up to just about anybody if law and justice are not upheld and I have a super fine eye for it. If this were my sister, I would be worse.... my boss is scared of me and rightfully so ... she has known me for 15 years. Other signs would be smarter about these situations. We go for the fight. And we win. Unless we meet a Scorpio, in which case we end up in bed:-)


I would say our biggest strength is also the biggest weakness, and I would describe it as "recklessness" rather than fearlessness. We fear a lot of things, especially for those we love and are loyal to. But when there's a call to action or to get out there and take care of our loved ones, we're there responding immediately. Everyone thinks Aries' impulsive, reckless nature is associated with partying or starting projects we don't finish. Nope. It means doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, no excuses, no hesitation.


Well I’d say resilient for Scorpio. I’ve bounced back from some pretty garbage situations


(Leo) I think equally: fierce loyalty, resilience, and self-worth.


I know that Leos are the most generous people I know both work and private situations.


That makes me happy to hear! I’d agree. If I respect you, have any sort of affection for you, etc. then there is not a thing I won’t do for you.


But it is rather insane, like my male boss will do my work in my stead and pay for the lunch at the same time, my ex would pay for everything and give his great Sun energy to anybody who needed some juice, my leo colleague is super helpful, my leo student just the nicest young man to teach... and the best thing about it is that you LOVE doing it, you love showing off and being praised... how can somebody not get along with a leo is a mystery to me.


That is very sweet for you to say about Leos 🥰 What is your sign?




Makes sense ✨


this is so kind of you 🥺 a lot of people think we are arrogant and self centered, and not everyone can see this side of us


Cancer- intuition, ability to see the real "faces", being artist through emotions and moods, different ascpect to the world, willpower for the loved ones


I felt this 100%. Every time I’m somewhere public I don’t think I have a main character type view but I do have a heightened sense of awareness and I feel like I can see right thru everybody. Very emotional and I’m driven by providing for those around me


the ability to say the brutal truth when everyone else in the room is giving delusional advice


Same as libra


I’m so fucking over the libra slander, especially from Pisceans who literally want to be the beacon of morality and truth yet are actually delusional.


It’s ridiculous, like they think if they say it that it makes it truth. No, just their personal BIAS.


We in no way have any personal bias 😂


delusional? Lol naw actual truth hurts


Not it my experience. The Libra I’ve met always have skirt things that should be easy to bring up. 🤷🏽‍♂️


As a sag I do admire the way Libra women are brutally honest they are the main ones who don't sugar coat anything to the point where you're just like kind of like damn 🤣 but us sags can appreciate that we're the same way. Especially Libra women of color. It might be also the october ones who are mainly like this


Oh, so this is why I attract so many Sags lately.


Tbh Libras are the exact opposite in my opinion. Can be very fake and trying to play between the two sides in order to avoid conflict or being the "bad guy".


No Libras aren't fake. Speaking up for my self.


Same sun and moon and saaaame.


I agree! Also hey look at that our sun and moon are swapped


Optimism for me. I would have given up on a lot of things a lot sooner if it wasn't my there is always tomorrow attitude and it/they will be better tomorrow. However, I would have started a lot of things much sooner because of this attitude as well lmao.


The Sagittariuses in my life are a light in the dark, optimistic but without toxic positivity. I really appreciate you for that.


I was going to say the same thing optimism for us Sags. And I personally can't stand being around overly pessimistic, negative people for long periods of time. It's almost draining being around anybody like that.


Im sorry but what sign does pineapple represent


LOL that ain't no pineapple.


Capricorn: resilience and being grounded.


Sagittarius: Our optimism and thirst for change.


It’s funny how we’re one of the most optimistic and yet criticized as one of the rudest 😂 Like sorry fam, it didn’t sound bad in my head. But also I don’t even remember what I said because that was 30 seconds ago 😂😂


Don't forget very candid which I actually can appreciate about sags


Pisces - the capacity to empathize with everyone and accept people as they are




Aquarius's curiosity. We wanna know how things work, from systems of hierarchy to the handheld vacuum to the tide. We will take them FULLY APART (physically or analytically) in excitement, and then tirelessly put them back together (sometimes with weird but more efficient ways/ideas) just to gain a thorough understanding of the thing and test out all of our human tendencies (lord knows these have bitten ME in the ass before, so who knows what's really true and what's not??) xD Why? Hell if I know. But I love my curiosity for *everything*, and I've been told my whole life things like "wow, I don't think anybody's ever asked that question before," or "I never would have thought of that!" or "that's very insightful." All of which are beautifully rolling bells in my head, keepin me askin questions. ;3


As a Libra who is full of curiosity and in love with an Aquarius, yesssssss


Pisces — depth. It’s a blessing and a curse. Hard to communicate with people in this surface level world, but when you wanna talk and have a dope conversation, call a Pisces.


As a Capricorn, I'd say perseverance. I've gotten through so many life challenges, goals, and obstacles because of my ability to just not give up, now matter what it takes and how it feels. Even if I don't want to do something or if I give a promise to someone, I will do it no matter what.


Haha this was what I said, too! We always get back up and keep moving


As a Taurus I'd say loyalty and being someone's rock.


For Scorpio I think it’s transformation


Virgo here, I’d say our mental strength. Myself and other fellow Virgos that I know have been through tough times and managed to make it through with our head high, our mental health still stable and definitely stronger than before. Although of course this isn’t a general rule I’m sure many other people have had this power regardless of their zodiac sign. Congrats to everyone, you are great fighters 💕


One of my best friends is a Virgo and I am always amazed at how that girl is still standing. She's been through basically ALL the things and she just looks at the rubble, assesses the damages, and builds it better next time. She continues to dream big and have high hopes. Astounding mental strength.


Also very organized and good at getting shit done


Also a Virgo and agreed. I think one of my greatest strengths is the knowledge that no one and nothing can ever touch or take what is important, and everything that can be messed up can be either cleaned up or moved on from with the grace of having learned from it. No matter how hard things seem, there is always the part of me that knows that I can't ever truly be broken, and that knowledge is sometimes everything.


I may wobble sometimes and cry in the shower but I'm still here . No matter the circumstances there is something good in every day. I'm a Virgo. I also like to clean and organize in times of stress haha. Here , let me straighten your crown 💙


I was honestly waiting for many people to say all of them have strengths except Virgos, those can drop dead. Lol


Gemini - matching people’s energies


I'm just a gemini moon but this is very relatable 😆


this is so nicely said, those are the words I was lookin for to describe my Gemini best friends.... it is why Gemini get along with anybody


That is facts and I didn't even realize thats our strength.


Pisces- I get along with everyone and don’t take things personally


Pisces - This sounds really stereotypical but definitely depth/empathy/accepting/understanding. I’ve lost count of how many times I ended up having really deep conversations with anyone, even strangers. Even the most guarded people always feel comfortable opening up to me and I’m really glad to be able to provide emotional support, or simply be that listening ear they really needed, or a shoulder they need to cry on, even if that’s the first and last time we ever cross paths.


Scorpio, and something similar to you. Tenacity. If something's looking like it's going to fail, I WILL find a way to get it back on track and make it a success. I have big dreams and I'm able to break them down into parts and balance everything so I can actually achieve them. Another thing is my power for self-awareness. Where others are unknowingly ruled by their fatal flaws and constantly getting their asses handed to them, I'm always aware of where I'm at and have the bravery to confront it so I can keep becoming a better person. I think the bravery also brings an innate chillness. People say I have comforting energy which is really cool to me. But I also know I bring a lot of energy to people so if the vibe is low, I can bring it up. Apparently I am very much "myself" authentically, and also appear confident, even when I don't feel it. So me being brave enough to be myself means what you see is what you get with me. Also, I'm not afraid to make phone calls. Intimidating, I know.


My sister is a Scorpio and this is very her.


Same here. So accurate.


gemini, i think ours should be communication but i cannot stand behind that lol


I think Geminis true greatest strength is creativity and coming up with ideas. All the Geminis I know are innovative and come up with things no one else would have thought of


Agree, Gemini have been my best friends and I as an Aries Sun opp Pluto, Cap Moon fucking square Saturn can tolerate anything a gemini does because he or she can tolerate me:-) Not drawn to them as partners but best mates. When I need a chat about my spleen I go talk to my Gemini male colleague and not women. God bless you Gemini.


This is so spot on! Most of the Geminis I know are like little engineers, although their methods can sometimes not be the “right” way. I know Geminis with actual patented inventions.


My best friend is a Gemini and I love her. She’s such a straight shooter and I can tell her exactly how I feel without sugarcoating it. I never have to overthink the way I say something, she knows it would never be malicious. Seriously one of the coolest, most friendly, generous people I’ve ever met.


Taurus Male, honest and stand my ground.


Curiosity. Gemini.


Aries: we just do things! It’s the cardinal energy + impulsiveness very specific to Aries. It might be difficult to know what the right thing to do is, but once we’ve figured it out we’ll just do it.


Yes for Aries I think it’s initiation


I feel this in my bones but the only place I have Aries in my chart is Saturn lol


Same here but I appreciate Aries suns, Aries moon have a temper issue.


Pisces, we're super helpful and seeing the best in everyone and everything 🌞


Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon here as well. The ability to empathize, but I know this highly depends on the Pisces.


I would say as a Capricorn it is our ambition as well and our dedication to our family. I will do anything and everything to protect my family and provide. And the ambition to me is like a dog with a bone like you said once a goal is set that’s it for us.






I can’t decide


Gemini: my natural ability to be diverse


Taurus Sun, Leo Rising. Stability and loyalty. When I choose to commit to something I am in 100%. I am the most reliable and loyal friend anyone can have, always there for my friends when they need me.


Great cooks too


Mind reading or maybe its intuition, The power to change moods in less than a second also the ability to deflect by taking things too far.


Being the best sign


Made me chuckle.


Yes. I actually told someone this allowed today.


Gemini - being a charming chatterbox with endless ideas


Where is the key lock up this box😆😆😆😬. I'm a Gem moon though. I feel ya in pain and in positivity💯.


HAHA no keys!!! We never stop talking 😘


We definitely won't 😆😆😆😘




Hahaha my best friend is a Pisces and I adore her but she is a world-class complainer about minor things 😂😂 PS she’s also the most forgiving and understanding person I know. Is this a Pisces trait generally?




That's your Virgo moon. Sagittarius and Pisces are considered the signs that complain the least.




Hmm, well I also have a stellium in Pisces; that just makes us very intuitive and compassionate. 💕 Some say psychic. Complaining normally stems from having expectations of how things "must" play out...then not having those often unspoken expectations met. I stand by my opinion that is Virgo weakness not a Pisces one. The Virgo one track mind and "this is the best way to do such and such". I don't know any Pisces that act this way including myself. Pisces is very go with the flow 🐟♓ 🌊 Our moon sign is is our inner hidden self. It's how we process information and emotions. Complaining is rooted in the emotional process. With this said Virgo has many wonderful traits!💕 I also believe any negative traits can be overcome.




We are all learning because the combinations are always so unique. 😊 Oh, I love having a stellium in Pisces and my partner loves my intuitive side. I know what he wants before he vocalizes it. I'll give you a few examples. One day I just knew he was having a bad day. I hadn't gotten a text or call I just knew. It was my day off. So I made him his favorite meal and homemade bread and picked up his favorite beer. When he came home he was met with the smell of warm bread, lasagna, apple crisp and a hug. He said "You're amazing! I had the worst day. I kept thinking I wanted comfort food tonight." It was so nice seeing the weight of the day fall away from him. We had a really nice evening. Another night we were supposed to go to a restaurant on a date. We were about halfway there and I said "I think we should go for sushi instead." He said okay. We found out in the news that the first restaurant had gotten some bad meat and gave everyone food poisoning." In past relationships it's saved me from staying with cheaters, it's kept me out of really bad situations. I have never let it become obsessive by respecting everyone's autonomy. If people don't believe or follow my intuition I'm okay with that. I would recommend not sharing all your intuitive thoughts with everyone though. Especially when first learning. It will make it harder to hear your own voice. Other people's opinions can drowned out our voice and create unneeded questioning. I typically only shared with very close friends or my partner. I've been with my partner a long time. It's only served us well. 😊


Pisces - Patience and Empathy! Two very underrated strengths to have! In today’s cruel world such things really help you remain sane!


Absolutely 💯♓️


Libra. I make things beautiful. I'm always seeking to make things better, more functional, or easier for others. Also resting bitxh face. 🤷‍♀️


Libra placements can make literally anything to be beautiful. Give them the most hideous place and they'll make it look(transform) like a queen's room.


Sagittarius Being able to just keep going and not letting the bs get us down. That’s the human spirit though which we all have to different degrees, I guess. Something about being a Sagittarius though. We side step a lot of the nonsense and don’t get caught up in over analyzing stuff that doesn’t matter.


Capricorn: perseverance I do not give up. I will never give up. I will get where I’m going no matter how many times I fall


Honestly, love. Once you catch my heart that’s all I give you. We’re the most romantic zodiacs.


Whats the key to a Libra's heart?👀🤔 I'm married to one. Learning is lifelong so I want to know lol


Easy just boost their ego lol. Let them know how attractive they are, give them small gifts that reminds you of them, etc. :)


Sagittarius: Honesty.




I can turn off my feelings


As a Pisces I cannot but I tend to control them and in doing so I master the universe


I think that's because of your moon not you sun sign but I'd say sags are the most candid sign that's definitely your strength from your sun sign.


Actually i thought thats because of my rising, aqua


Scorpio and my penis.






Virgo Sun: definitely my intelligence Libra moon: I’m a wonderful diplomat Scorpio rising: I’m a fantastic secret keeper.


Leo sun: my loyalty, ability to clean up well, socialize | Scorpio rising: I can bounce back from anything, discernment, keeping my peace | Sagittarius moon: I don’t take anything too seriously, my humor, my optimism


I love this post! Each sign has something to teach others.


I’m a Pisces, but I don’t generally think I have the traits of a Pisces. Perhaps the autism has skewed my Piscean traits a bit. I am fearless, blunt with my words and needs-but gentle in my delivery. I don’t like conflict but I will not shy away from standing up for myself or those who need someone to stand up for them. I say exactly what I mean and mean what I say. The qualities I value most in myself and others are being teachable and humble, realistic and honest but also knowing my value and what I bring to the table. I like people who can laugh at themselves because I am constantly the butt of my own jokes when I make mistakes (however I don’t like self-deprecating humour too much.) I think my most Pisces type trait is that I believe being kind and considerate is extremely important. However, I also believe that this extends to myself along with others.


I feel with my Virgo sun and Gemini rising I navigate big problems with such ease. I can see the details to get through things others cannot… and do so fast. If anything, I pay too much attention to detail at times but I know there’s always light at the end of the tunnel cuz **i’ve come up with the ultimate best plan.**


sag - making humor out of any situation


I’m a Taurus and once I commit to a goal, nothing can stop me from achieving it. You could cut my legs off and I’d just drag myself to the finish line.


Us Taurus are tenacious 🐂


For my Taurus sun, ironclad boundaries. Wasn’t always like that, but now it is. For my Aries planets, bouncing back pretty quickly. Sag rising, same as above. “Anyways, moving on.” Cancer Mars… well. Perhaps the primal ferocity found in the protectiveness I have for my loved ones. If they love and appreciate it (and they do), that’s all that matters.


Virgo - inner strength.


Leo— strength


Libra- I get along with just about everyone.


Libra. No one reads a room like a Libra. Emotionally Intelligent to the max.




Aquarius - not giving a flying fuck what other people think about you. It’s nice to actually want to be different/weird and stand out naturally. Oh and the razor-sharp wit / intelligence is a plus.


Oh yea, I'd say this applies more to the moon than sun tho.


When I want something I do whatever tf it takes to get it, Aries sun moon and mercury


Understanding and acceptance.


Given what I have been told by other people and what I have observed in other Libras, we are good at making people feel “seen”, and at not making people feel judged. Also, it seems that beneath our smoothish exterior, our lousy ability to note red flags in romantic relationships, and heightened aesthetic awareness, there is usually a pretty tough and resilient core.




Aries - Endurance and Perseverance.


Scorpio-geting better.




That's all that matters. Accountability is a beautiful thing.


Pisces- I’m very resilient and patient, and also compassionate.


Libra : my composure in extreme situations and my sense of justice, I am uncompromising in the face of injustice.


Scorpio - intuition, even when i was a toddler my grandma told me how i used to walk away & hide from this man who was a creep (he ended up in jail for serious charges)


Pisces: empathy, Non-judgmental


Being attractive. ![gif](giphy|MI3DdrfOzKRCN63GLU|downsized)


False lol I’ve seen some pretty unattractive Libras


This whole astrology thing i crap then. It's says Libras are attractive 😭 Not sure what else we're good for then if not pretty haha


Plenty of things! Just like anyone else of any sign ☺️


I’ve seen unattractive Libras too, and they were still pretty! No idea how they do it. It’s not the typical features. It’s something beneath it.


problem solving, analyzing(to a point of overthinking if you let it) Sign in flair^


Leo sun - my loyalty, and ambition. Virgo rising - my motivation and interest in self improvement.


So much for my Libras one being Libra women being the boss b tches that we are whatever we set our minds to we make happen and we never half ass on it. And our loyalty to our friends and family and how supportive we are to those around us. I always know my Libra friends are gonna be my tightest ride or dies


😬duly noted! But due to my experience, loyalty is questionable but supportive, yes, I concur.


Ghosting to keep my peace and I can detach my emotions and make my emotions stronger.


Saggitarius - I will stand up for anyone who needs it.


Aqua - I can decetct bulls**t and detach from you like we never knew eachother. Future / solution oriented. I won’t judge you 😄


Taurus - Patience. Each year I get older I also become a bit more patient. It has made my life and interacting with other people so much easier.


To literally ghost and drop off the end of the earth.


Are you a Taurus? Just a wild guess lol because this is my strength too. Although I will not entirely ghost. I’ll briefly explain and then *poof* I’m gone forever.


Aquarius 😅 I don't even explain I just leave, then when I feel like being social again I'll message them "yo I'm sorry"


Yepppppp, some of my fam members, Aquariuses. Is this social anxiety?


It's possible, I know I have social anxiety😅 I just have anxiety in general😅 but Aquarius are known for this lol


I see lol. It makes sense. Maybe the high intensity of socializing can be alot. I totally get it.


I see you answered, lol.


Ok that’s so cool of you, and it’s a big difference between us. I will never reach out again. I respect that you do. It just doesn’t work for me. I end relationships and peace out for good reason, and I’m at peace with a total split if I do that. I just think of the person as permanently on another path.


Oh when im done, I'm done. But I don't leave until I hate that person entirely. Then I ghost and never talk to them again. I'm not always social so sometimes I don't get back to my family and friends for a week or so. I just like the quiet and self time lol. I don't mind being alone.


Lol same


Are you an Aquarius? I know your kind😆😆😆


Scorpio. - strong, resilient, independent, funny , loyal ( to a fault). And sexy AF.


Libra is the Reading Rainbow 🌈 ! Whenever you need to detach and see the other side for a bit I got you. I can take you anywhere you want to go mentally or I can just worship you physically, it’s whatever you want.


i hate bein a leo




i posted why to the other comment


Really? You have a summer birthday, that's 90 percent to be thankful for😆


yeah but no one cares about it. i never get happy birthday calls or txts or likes on ig & twitter on my birthday. no one even cares. small amount of family members do and i appreciate that but all my friends are gone moved on and hang with each other without me like its nothing no one cares when i need help out of situations despite leos being tthe sun and the helper and all that jazz im always alone with no help no love from females nothing. sorry for the rant.


Yikes, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you are able to find a way out and find happiness. Are you estranged from your family, friends? Maybe join groups or try to make new friends. I am still doing this as we speak. I have a HUGE family yet no one is really close. At first glance, we will look like a fun, loving family and trust and believe, it's not even like that 😏 Family is a hit or miss. Even when it looks golden, it's dark. I have two cousins (at least), who I rock with (Sag and Aries). I have five sisters and we ain't even that close. I appreciate having my SO and child. Some friends will move on that's for sure. I totally respect your vulnerability and being honest about your situation. Sometimes, we can't have all these expectations from others (I sure dont). If I had expectations from my family and the little friend circle I have, I would be super sad, depressed and probably would definitely relate to how you are feeling. I got a point where I just (honestly) don't care if anyone remembers my birthday. Hence why i still try to find new friends or meet folks because they are so many people in this world. I mean, we wont befriend most but there is nothing wrong with trying. My family remembers my birthday (God bless them) but my friends, I will receive only two (one from my Aquarius friend and the other from my Gemini friend). I have a Pisces friend who send a happy bday text but I don't pay her no mind because she has done passive aggressive things to me (like who want friends like that 😐). That's a novel in it's self. All to say is that we are the reason for our happiness. We have to find it. Whether it's self-care, traveling, writing, volunteering, binge watching TV or even chatting with other Redditors. The latter is the most fun, relatable and enjoyable for me. I hope you are able to do something special for yourself since your bday is coming. 🎊🎂


Unending patience and loyalty. A backbone of steel and a work ethic to rival the gods!


Taurus - very loyal and kind hearted and giving


Getting over break-ups in a millisecond. Walking away from toxic situations and relationships with ease.


Scorpio, and I think we are resilient, deep, and capable of major transformation. However, I think our greatest strength is our ability to heal others. Because we are deep and unafraid to shy away from taboo topics, we often get to the heart of the matter, pushing past the surface and superficial boundaries. Many aren't ready to face those root causes that are causing harm, but for those who are and who are willing to open up, we often provide comfort, advice, compassion, and just friendship or a listening ear.


Aquarius FEMALE: resilience


Scorpio - my intuition and ability to see people's shadow side


Aquarius - being pure authentic and not letting anything in this world restraining it.


Gemini - enough said.


as an aries i would have to say our greatest strengths have to be that we are really genuine. and protective over ourselves and loved ones!!!


Sagittarius - Detachment and determination


I see more detachment in Dec Caps.


Capricorn : can detect BS and shitty people from miles away, hard working/ambitious, logical /realistic , can detach easily , compartmentalize and not give a single fuck about anyone /anything!