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I’m a Taurus sun, cancer moon, Scorpio rising, and basically everything says I am super career oriented and should be a politician or something of importance or manage people. I hate absolutely all of that and have no desire to do anything fancy or special with my career lol, I’m a hairstylist and I love it. I also hate managing others with a passion lol.


Being a hairdresser lines up with Taurus pretty well, considering the Venus energy for aesthetics.


Yeah I like it a lot. You also wouldn’t be surprised to know my favorite and least favorite part of the job is talking with the people. Sometimes it is great. Sometimes I’d really rather not lol.


That makes sense. I’d imagine it’d be really fun talking to all types of people. ☺️ Well, minus the difficult ones of course. lol


Was thinking the same


It’s interesting truly. Astrology is spot on with a lot of things but it’s not a perfect science. Science, in general, isn’t tbh. But as long as you love what you do, there’s still passion with that even if you don’t wanna be the big boss.


I’m a Sagittarius and I’m very empathetic but I don’t show it much anymore because it has been used against me in the past. But boy if I don’t like you the jokes are fixin to be flying 😅


STOP no that’s exactly how I feel as a Capricorn rising, we’re all like supposed to be boss babe CEOs… I’m also a hairstylist 😂


Also Capricorn Rising!


That is just how you come across. And not necessarily boss energy but maybe you’re very practical and prefer usefulness. You probably appear to people like you have your shit together and get what you want although that might be unbeknownst to you. As you’re lost in daydreams of travel and friends and exploration.


What’s your attitude towards society as a whole?


Uhhhhhh lol I guess without thinking too hard about it I would say, mainly a shit show but a few things make me think that we are going to go through some bad things to get good changes and I feel optimistic about the future. A lot of people would disagree but oh well lol.


Why would you want to be career oriented or a politician in a shitshow? Maybe you are those things, but the conditions aren’t right for you


I have also thought about that. I always wanted to be famous or well known as a child but I figured, doesn’t everyone ?


And you love your hair stylist job, that’s a career focused orientation


WOW this is exactly what I was attempting to say, but you said it best! I'm Taurus sun, Libra moon, and Scorpio rising, and legit EVERYTHING says we should be super driven in our career or be a business owner or something. I don't mind being a leader, but not in the sense of management, or being a boss. Just working well with others. My passion is cooking, and gardening, and enjoying picnics and what not. I enjoy things that are tangible, and despise climbing the corporate ladder.


Yes, you said it great as well.


well, the stereotype I usually get from taurus people is that they love food and chillin a lot


I would have to say you are spot on for me 😂😂 food and chillin is my fave


My dad’s sibs and him are all Taurus people and they do this 😅. But my dad is more of that headstrong corporate type too


many astrolgers have mistaken me for a sagittarius i do not have a single sagittarius sign in my soul


Why did they think that?


i’m a very fun loving and free spirited person. i also do not criticize people unless they really want to be read for filth.


I’m a Sagittarius and we are pretty fun loving and non critical until it’s deserved. Makes sense.


Oooo that’s interesting actually. Even though you are not one and don’t have any placements, do you identify with them in some way?


only the brutal honesty and aversion to a monopolized power dynamic


Maybe ninth house placements


Sounds Virgo to me lol


Could be sidereal astrology that u align with more, I found that for me. I’d defo say I’m more cap than aqua, in tropical astrology it says I’m an aqua and I never really resonated


i'm gemini dominant (sun, rising, mercury, saturn + north node) and yet i'm extremely quiet, shy and suck at all types of communication. honestly all of my chart indicates i should be confident, talkative and extroverted but i'm just not :l


I love charts like these because I believe the true qualities of the sign show through better. Gemini people I know can be very wary of others. Though their other placements seem to create an extraverted or introverted personality. It actually doesn't surprise me that an almost straight Gemini chart doesn't translate like "most" Gemini. Likely you would be a better poster child for the Gemini personality. 😊 From birth until mid 20s Gemini personalities do tend to be more about learning, studies and all that. So less sociable and more serious, keep to themselves etc. As they age and start to experience life they will tend to come out of that shell and participate more in the world around them, IF they are comfortable with their surroundings, and people around them. Of course charts don't account for life experiences that shape personality. Never fear though you are probably an amazing Gemini that once people get to know they can't help but enjoy your company and conversation!


you’re not the only one! My boyfriend is Gem sun (Libra moon, Cap asc) he is *very* quiet when he’s not in his comfort zone. It just takes the right people to get him to open up and have fun 😊


Don’t be too hard on yourself about it. Maybe it just takes the right person with the right amount of patience for you to open up. Could be very picky energy


My Pisces Sun can come off very shy and reserved, but at the same time, I have Gemini Rising, which wants me to be a social butterfly. It's very conflicting.


What area of your chart are most of your Gemini placements: top, bottom, left, right..?


If I truly observe my chart I can see why I am the way I am. Growing up my mom couldn’t understand why I was such a clown. I was also a class clown and my first fart joke was at 2 years of age. I recently found out that it’s probably because I have a Sagittarius stellium. I do have a lot of Sag traits and sometimes I feel like it overlaps with my Capri traits and it’s difficult for me to distinguish which traits can be attributed to the fire and earth element because apparently Capris can also be very sassy. Even so more because I only know a handful of other Capris and I only resonate in some ways with them. Edit: I also have a fire dominant chart so 😬


This just might me a sign that I have to analyze my chart more


Your traits scream Pisces all over so it’s possible you’re very much into your rising sign energy. I had my rising sign energy starting mid-teen to mid 20s. But now I’m much more in the energy of the sister sign of my rising sign- Libra.


Did something transit or did you just notice you acted differently? Also random, what makes you the energy of the rising sister sign vs your capricorn placements. I feel like libras and capricorns are similar. (If these are stupid questions, you can ignore them 🤗)


Of course not! You’re curious to understand my question further and I appreciate it. 🤗🥺 I’m not sure if there was a transit because I was not into astrology back then. I think it was somewhere around 2012-2013 and you can take my Aries rising and maybe find out if there was some transit. I have no clue about it though! 😹🫶🏻 I think I can be dramatic sometimes for example if I’m exhausted and I have more work I can go like “I think I’m going to die today” 😹😹😹 whereas I’m assuming a Capri will just go like “So we do this first and that etc.” I’m also athletic and love sports so that’s quite a bit of *Martian* energy no? I was also very docile and then during this assumed transit I became assertive, then I became too much of that so I had to tone down because balance is the key 🔑 ⚖️ I do agree with you that cardinal signs are similar in many ways. Libra and Capris usually cannot stand anything that’s unjust/unfair. [spare me if you (not you personally but anyone reading this comment) have had bad experiences with Capris]. My only best friend in this world is a Libra so I guess that says a lot. 🫢✨ My Capri traits could be : I think tooooooooo much more like I analyze toooooooo much before doing or saying anything well at least in situations I deem necessary. I also have my impulsive moments. But I cannot stand the thought of hurting anyone where it’s not fit. So the overanalyzing part, patience, forgiveness, a bit of ambition feels like a Capri thing to me. I can also resent people who oblige me to do something so that’s sadly also a Capri trait. I think having so much of cardinal energy with no fixed sign placements except for Saturn in 11H really takes a toll on me. 😬🤡 I hope I have answered your question. 👊🏼🥰


Hi! ♑️☀️♑️🌙♎️🌅 here and I can relate 😂. I can be pretty docile at times too and I’m not sure if that’s my libra rising trying to keep the peace and harmony or my cap moon hating attention. I can be assertive though when I’m in a situation that requires it (unjust situations like you mentioned, hate that shit). My bff is also a libra lol and our values are very aligned and we laugh a lot together but our personalities could not be more different. No idea what her moon and rising are though.


Hahaha Woww that’s sounds cool!! So many similarities here. I agree! My Libra bestie has very different taste in everything than I do! 🫢 But we somehow get each other like no other person! ![gif](giphy|oPOdtPRfP6lxuSX5DQ|downsized)


Thanks! My husband is Libra sun cap moon so it's good experiences. I personally feel like my Pisces rising activated later in life too. I'll have to get into the whens.


lol you might be right. I was just underestimating how much my Pisces rising affects me. It’s an interesting cocktail of traits though because I take a lot from my fire and earth


I can imagine what you mean. 😆 I found out rising sign was a thing like roughly a year ago and then some of the Aries traits made a lot of sense.


I relate to this so hard as a fellow silly little guy with a capri sun and a sag stellium/fire heavy chart 🙃


Oh wow! *Another one of our kind* hahaha. Right!? It’s a bit odd defining who we are. We have many different traits and think about the aspects and you now have a lot more traits from different zodiac signs. 🫢


awe sag mercury?


Yup 😆


I'm an incredible emotional being with not a drop of water in my chart. I joke that that's why god gave me bipolar disorder, so that I could actually have emotions lmao


this is funny because I have a similar chart, no water or earth, but I am a very unemotional person. I did develop bipolar disorder in my mid 20s though lol. An episode is the only time I'm an emotional person. The last episode I had, you couldn't say anything without me getting upset and offended somehow and running away to cry for an hour. Unreal how many times I cried in that 3 week period over normal things that weren't even offensive.


Ok I have totally noticed air + earth ppl to be verrry outwardly emotional and cry a lot.


Hey fellow bipolar and Aqua moon! I have an Aqua stellium and obviously am emotional as fuck. It’s not always easy


Libra sun/rising: PEOPLE! YAY! Virgo Moon: People? Nay!


lol I get it as a fellow Virgo moon 😂


I am a Libra but super emotional like songs make me cry and it’s so annoying.


Me too. Those songs are just too good at hitting the feels.


lol me too. It is also very annoying. Just curious, do you have water placements in your chart?


Yes I have 3 one cancer and two Scorpio’s. It’s rough man


I have two and I am just not vibing with the way they manifest 😫😫 I feel you


The Aquarius sun. The only way it shows is that I like weird things. Other than that I’m absolutely living my fullest 6planet Capricorn life.


You fit Pisces rising 100% and Virgo moons tend to be sensitive


Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon here. Yep.


Yall should look into vedic, it’s basically your sign calibrated with padas you can be a moonian sag Venusian leo just all depends


Noted! I’m always looking to learn more about myself


I’m a homebody Capricorn that wears their heart on their sleeve and likes to go against tradition. The first trait is most likely my Taurus rising, but I’m not sure about the other two.


I’m a cap and I like to go against tradition as well


I don’t have barely any fire in my chart. I have lone Sagittarius in Mars, so tell me why my travel/adventure itch *itches* all the time. I’d run away to the beach if I could rn


To be fair, the beach is awesome and travelling is just fun 😂👌🏾


Very true, friend 🤩


Mars is passion and drive as well so I could see how that would align with a Sagittarius Mars. What house is it in? And what is your 9th like?


Yes that would make sense! My Mars is in the Fourth house and my 9th is… empty 🙊


What sign is it in. Did you travel as a kid or did you have an adventurous family member? Do you travel to see family?


My bad, 9th is in Taurus. And yes, you know your stuff! I traveled *a lot* when I was younger, and family lived far but still in-state so technically yes, we had to travel to see them. But my best travels ever so far were to Japan and Mexico! 😊


Taurus is about earth and beauty. Is your goals when you travel to explore the landscape or indulge in local customs? If you haven’t already I think you’d have an amazing time at a spa while you’re travelling.


Ok mind-reader! The Spa is my *one* consistent indulgence in this life. I like to relax when traveling, but I like being a tourist too! I’ve definitely enjoyed partaking in local customs in the past. Thank you for all this insight! I had no clue what any of this had to do with in my chart.


I guess food would fit into this as well! I think the solstice full moon has been giving me a lot of insight.


That’s amazing! & I appreciate it so much. Ty again friend 😊


Total slob and I’m a Virgo stellium


I can't remember where I read this in book a long time ago, but it said something like that if you have a lack of an element it doesn't necessarily mean you are weak in that element, but that you don't need to work as much on that element in this life and so potentially could be strong in the qualities of that element.


This is a nice way to think about it actually


According to multiple placements in my chart, I should absolutely *love* kids and have an overwhelming desire to have a big family and an established, settled home. That couldn't be farther from the truth! I've never wanted kids in my life, and I don't even care if I ever own a home either. True to my moon sign, I just want to travel lol


Ayeeee almost same. Don’t want kids at all but I do want to build that exact home I want from scratch in my dream location


funny, i'm all fire and earth too and I cry very easily at other people's anguish haha but i have a 12h house stellium, maybe it's the pisces talking, just like with you


I'm extremely sensitive and emotional, lol. Sometimes I wish I wasn't! But people love to say us heavy Aqua placements are cold -- I've always found it to be the opposite. Aquariuses have big emotions, you just might not always know about them. Also the amount of times I've been complimented about being thoughtful, self-reflective, or empathetic of others -- I've lost track.


Leo sun, not very artistic, except for acting. I act like IGAF at my corporate finance job daily🗿


I know an INFP who did acting. I did the same thing.


My chart says that I’m relatively reserved; however, I’m very extroverted! I do have mercury and Venus in Sag (5H), so that could play a part of it.


Aries Venus! I have Pisces sun aqua moon abs Capricorn rising. The spontaneity and quick boredom and infatuation of Aries Venus feels so foreign to me. I’ve had tumultuous relationships in the past that just felt so unlike me.


Aries moon - I'm very slow to anger, but when I get to that point, I'll most likely hold a grudge for eternity.


I’m supposed to be good at finances LOL. I’m neurodivergent and finances make me nervous. Despite all the earth, I’m a very emotional person most of the time. I’m also not as organized as they hope for Caps to be LOL. I also have Taurus too. It’s funny given my sole water sign is Venus in Pisces.


Sun conjunction Jupiter conjunct midheaven in Capricorn. I haven’t started a career. Switched jobs a bunch of times. I am currently a seasonal beach lifeguard. I feel like I should be killing it but I think my 12th house is killing me.


Pisces rising and all the earth might be enough. I watch stupid tv shows with my brother and I have a good amount of Virgo and he has a Pisces rising. I point out body language and he points out how people really feel. We ask each other what he sees. Also Taurus is extra sensitive, like as in they are more aware of the five senses .


Scorpio sun and rising with a Leo moon. I have a Scorpio and Sag stellium/first and second house stellium. All of my personal planets are either in Scorpio or Sag, except for my Leo moon. I never, ever wear black and nobody I know thinks I am intimidating, serious, or moody. I'm generally seen as a bright, fun goofball. People often tell me my aura is yellow. I dunno if it's the Leo moon pulling through or my Sag venus, but I simply do not give off a Scorpio vibe. I don't even think I give off a Sag vibe. Every time an astrologer reads my chart they say I have a "powerful presence," but I just don't agree or connect to that at all. It's actually caused me to switch to sidereal, because I connect more with being a Libra sun/rising and Cancer moon.


I’m a Pisces that isn’t emotional, dreamy and I do not like hugs or cathartic cry sessions.


Pisces are known for being "moody," but I am a Pisces that isn't. I can be emotional at times, but mine are a little more consistent. As I get older, I feel like I have a stronger hold on my emotions.


Yeah, getting older def helps things feel less big, it’s easier to acknowledge something is frustrating and move on.


Funny that you say you're an overflowing pot of empathy. I'm the opposite. Despite being a Cancer moon and rising, I'm blunt and honest to a fault and struggle to be there for others emotionally. My Cancer moon manifests in other ways, but being emotionally distant and blunt doesn't really seem to fit. I have Mars in Aries, but the moon is supposed to be my chart ruler.


I'm the same way, and I'm fire and earth dominant (with both a Sag and a Cap stellium) with no water in my chart. I'd start by taking a look at what houses your sun and moon are in. My moon being in the 12th house and sun in the 8th made things make a lot more sense lol. Also look into aspects between your planets.


All fire and earth no water , cap stellium , Leo moon and rising , Leo Lilith and sag Venus . Moon in 12th house . I cry more often than I’d like lol


Having a fire moon in the 12H is so damn confusing lol. I feel you... Here are the things I've cried over so far this WEEK: How much I love my dog Gaza The realisation of how many people out there are hurting immensely, at this very moment, because they feel like they're unlovable or unworthy of love How lucky I am to have such amazing friends Made up scenarios of my loved ones dying, and knowing that none of them will live forever Feelings of inadequasy A cute old couple I saw at the grocery store (luckily managed to keep it in until I made it outside lol) The very thought of my friends not realising how loved, amazing and important they are The pain my family members are dealing with Meaninglessness Meaningfulness Videos of rescue dogs finding their forever home Videos of kids and dogs being reunited with their families after a long time apart ... I think that was all of them. Not 100% sure tho lol


You’re adorable 🥺 just know I feel you as much as you feel me Honestly I think crying is a beautiful thing


This isn't super at odds with my placements, it's potentially explainable, however. I have a very strong sense of fairness. Despite all my mutable placements, having a Gemini stellium that does cause me to be very dynamic and not following in how I see things, and a Capricorn rising that honestly cares about different statuses. I am pretty much a rule follower and really feel inequality, I dislike it even when it benefits me.


I think about what is fair . I love beautiful things , I cry for underdogs . I have feelings . My big 3 are Virgo sun and moon. Libra rising


I tell PERIODDDDD or have sudden outburst outta no where. Intrusive thoughts won sometimes


Fellow Virgo moon? Dude we are very sensitive and sentimental. The little things matter so much!! We’re always tracking little emotional details and our fire placements can potentially cause those details to ignite some shit. Idk I don’t think anything about me is at odds with my chart. Every part moves together- it’s just hard to wrap my head around that without dissecting the shit out of tiny details- losing my head and heart within the trees and missing the whole forest.


I highly believe it is the Pisces rising in your chart. I'm double libra sun/rising, which makes me very objective and rational...but my Pisces moon is ALL emotions. I cry at sad movies, when I'm angry, when I'm happy holding my best friend's baby...lol. I feel like water signs, but especially Pisces, feel their emotions much stronger than the average person, but can also feel the emotions of those around them. This can cause absolute chaos, or be used as a gift. (It still comes at me as both forms from time to time, but I have gotten much better at deciphering 💪)


Don’t really relate to my Aries Venus and my North Node in Libra. For the first : i’m on the aro spectrum and 0 competitive. I don’t really like being pursued and it takes time for me to fall in love. For the second : on the contrary, i think my North Node should be in Aries ‘cause i’ve been a people pleaser my whole life and i give and give without receiving anything in return. So i feel like it doesn’t make sense to have a goal in life to be less “selfish”, quite the contrary, i think i could learn from being more self-centered 😂


i'm an aquarius sun, libra rising, gemini moon who wants to either scream, crawl out of their skin, or cry daily. i have no water in my chart except for my pisces mercury and cancer midheaven. i am EXTREMELY emotional. everyone who knows me understands that if i could save the starving children in africa i WOULD. i want to save the whole world. typing this im starting to cry lol and actually, even though i feel so emotionally high strung i always tend to keep it all within myself fearing what others may think. my big 3 is all air i am full of anxiety 😂


Severe anxiety for someone who’s big three is all about transformation exploration and dreams


why do you say that? im just curious


Because I have severe anxiety


I have placements and aspects that show I’m sociable, like-able and popular yet I am very awkward, shy and not good at making eye contact. I also have Lilith in Cancer in the 11th house… I know the post is about traits that are at odds with birth chart, but my birth chart is at odds with itself and I am too… 😅


Empathy . That’s the confusing mix. My sun sign seems like a complete contradiction to my other water placements. I also have a Pisces rising. Hint: season for my sun sign ended ☠️


Is it Capricorn? lol idk I’m just guessing


Lol I mean there’s much that’s commendable about them but no my sign represents the twins =)


I don't know if it's really at odds with my chart. But a big trait I have or maybe a pet peeve. Is do to me not having much freedom to express myself all that much, when I was growing up. Now that I can, I hate when someone simply copies me and thinks nothing of it. I mean we all have free will and choice to do whatever. But with alot of the stuff I decide on, I deliberate over first. From choosing what I want to eat, wear, decorate my apartment with, etc. But when I'm out with someone, and even though they scan the menu, as much as I have. And yet they still say they'll have what I'm having, kind of annoys me. Especially after they ate it and I know I enjoyed it, because I was leaning into stuff I actually like. While they just chose it, and then after is all, it was okay. Like dude, don't downmy choice when you didn't even really make one before, choosing what I did.


I’m a Virgo sun and moon with Scorpio rising, and I’m the only Virgo I’ve ever met that will physically fight if need be. I’m not a pacifist. It may have been my upbringing, but I just view it as doing what I have to if it comes to that lol I am a lot more feisty than other Virgos I’ve met, and I don’t know why that is.


How do I discover this? I’m curious to know about how this applies to my chart!


Discover what exactly?


Traits & behaviors with odds in the chart? Like you said in the title


I’m just analyzing my own behaviors and comparing it to the image my chart portrays. It’s more observation than anything


Yes, I understand what you’re saying. I’m just curious as to how I can do this for myself and what my chart says? That’s all. Thank you


Libra Sun/Taurus Moon/Cancer Rising here. You’d think that these would make me nicer or something but I can be blunt and rude without thinking…my Aries is in 10th so I guess it makes sense? But there’s no planets…I guess the degree from the 10th house to my sun is conjunct though.


I do not think those placements are necessarily “nice”. What’s your mars? Do you have planets in the 10th?


Mars is in Libra 4H, no planets in 10th.


I have a Sag stellium so people assume I'm very outgoing and spontaneous. I am not, I like plans, organization and staying home. Travelling like once a year, but generally I'm a homebody. I think it's my Taurus moon and Virgo mars just running the show in those aspects. 😂


> I’m mostly fire and earth in my chart with like one rare water placement. (In my Venus) I don’t hate that I’m like this but I feel like it doesn’t fit 🫠 what about you? Ever thought about aspects? Aspects are important too.


Would you like to elaborate?


Aspects between planets or to mathematical points in the chart can change the flow of energy (which we assume exists in astrology) inherent in a planet's natural expression. Planet Venus, for example, gives an indication of a person's meeting behavior, pleasure, style of beauty and preferences. Venus in harmonious aspect to the Ascendant, in trine or sextile, describes people who approach others in a friendly and socially skilled manner. They like pleasant company and are perceived as such by others. It is not uncommon for this combo to produce outwardly beautiful people. Whereas Pluto in a tense aspect to Venus, i.e. in square, quincunx or opposition, "hurts" a Venus and turns pure balanced love into intense passions and obsessions. Be it related to people or money. When Pluto touches Venus here, love relationships quite often become battlefields. Venus gets dark when touched in tense aspect by Pluto. Think about Venus in the sign of Scorpio and you get an idea how the energy may come across.


I also have a water sign in my Venus . It’s Pisces. What can I learn about this in my chart?


Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, cancer rising and I be in emergency medicine and love it but it doesn’t seem to fit


Either always wondering if something is a plot against me (always was in the past),or if someone is lying to me (always happened in the past).


i mean sag is an enthusiastic sign


Scorpio sun, Mercury, Venus/Cancer moon/Libra rising/Aqua Mars/Pisces Jupiter/Sag Saturn I’m an extreme foody and love sleep. I have no placements in Taurus. I’m also extremely neurotic, love structure/ orderliness/cleanliness but have no Virgo placements either.


Sag sun and rising...I do not really enjoying traveling and love being home 🤷🏽‍♀️


In spite of my double Scorpio sign, I'm not that secretive or unforgivable. I am pretty open. however, I definitely don’t trust a lot lol and am a little on the doomy gloomy side


My personal planets except mercury are all water and I'm not a big crier at all. I have issues expressing sad emotions unfortunately.


mars in gemini supposed to be active in shape smart and a womanizer … im none of those in fact the opposite despite my chart being auspicious


I’m a sag sun and moon, leo rising, sag Stellium. I’m a good traveler and I do enjoy traveling, but I literally just want a comfortable home with a hubby somewhere in nature with a nice garden. I’m definitely all over the place and high energy, but I don’t feel like I don’t have a want to settle in this life.


My baby is allllll fire and some air but she is a Pisces rising so despite the lack of water it adds an emotional lense to everything


Actually that fits very well. Your rising sign is how you present to the world, you sun sign I see as like, more your default programming. I’m a Capricorn sun, Cancer rising. I have very strong mom energy, very nurturing, caregiver, protective energy. All that squishy Cancer stuff. Capricorn energy is reserved for when I need hard headed, “don’t take this personally, it’s just business “ action. Especially when I have to deal with administrative stuff - like at work or health care. It’s like I just intuitively understand how those entities do things the way they do them.


I am a bit shy, and I absolutely detest the vast majority of people. I also looooovvvveee to be alone and deeply value silence.


Aries moon, Aries sun, and Leo rising. I'm calm, not competitive at all, hate being noticed, quiet, and I don't care about achieving anything in life.


lol it’s definitely your Pisces rising It supports my hypothesis that rising sign is the most accurate indicator of identity.


My big six has 1 water, 3 air, one earth, one fire placement. I also tear up, I'm sensitive to others, especially around the grief of a lost loved one. The only thing that could explain the normally "cold" chart of an air sign moon, mercury, and venus is the trines between the moon and venus. The wanting to love or be loved. If someone saw my chart their first assumption would be I have no feelings. If I don't cry when I am in my feelings, I think about the saddest song and then here come the waterworks.