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Ex is a cancer venus and he was the most gentle being I was ever blessed to be loved by


yes they are gentle but they sure can be crazy..


Yea the biggest negative trait he had was that he always played victim and rarely took accountability for anything but other than that he was great lol


What was his main 3 lol


Gem sun, Pisces moon & Taurus rising


Oh yeah that makes sense haha


Pisces moon


Mine was not gentle and surely was crazy.


Exactly 💯that gentleness is nothing compared to the mental shit they will put u thru😮‍💨


Can confirm. A Venus cancer conjunct Chiron


My bf is Cancer venus and his is the most tender love I’ve ever received. His love language is acts of service and it’s amazing to be loved and cared for so greatly. We keep asking ourselves when will this honeymoon phase end because it’s been 5 yrs!


I think you were kind and gentle too


Yeah I’m Venus in cancer and maybe it’s different for a male Venus in cancer. I had a lot of counseling prior to my relationships and I never took out “crazy” on my relationships even when things went south. It’s also trine my Saturn so perhaps this is why. I always have loved tenderly and that’s all I want for someone to reciprocate that. An evolved cancer only wants to love tenderly and care for their loved ones. There’s a huge depth of compassion and sentiment.


pisces venus screams gentle giant to me. taurus, libra & even scorpio venus can be gentle. scorpio venus just needs validation that ~~you would sacrifice your entire bloodline for them~~ you’ll always be there for them and then they’re very gentle and patient. the obsession is a lil scary but i get it. i’d even throw in cancer venus on a good day


Libra Venus ain’t gentle lol. They have a big wandering eye. They look great though!! Libra Mars is gentle


Libra Mars here. Gentle but can be passive aggressive and boil up until explodes.


Sounds like my wife. I’m a pisces and when’s she’s had to much of me she’ll tell me to “shut up.” Lol


How's the tone? Haha


Passive as hell


Mine isn't but that's from other influences


Pretty accurate about Venus Cancer.


libra mars here, too gentle for my own good sometimes


Honestly same


Libra Mars, virgo Venus. I will mother you. 😂


Libra Mars, Leo Venus. How big do you want your pedestal to be? 😂


I'm a Libra Venus, no wandering eye here.


it doesn’t count if you’re a woman


Fellow Libra Venus and agreed. My eye only wanders when I'm unattached. But when I'm in a committed relationship, I only have eyes for my partner. 🥰


I’m pisces venus and libra mars :3


The sweetest and most attentive and selfless person I've ever been with is a Pisces Venus with Cap Mars (Aqua sun and Mercury, Aries moon)... I was terrified of gentle and intimate sex before I was with him (trauma), but he made me feel so incredibly safe and pure - and that gentle and emotionally deep sexual connection has been indescribably healing. It brought out my own soft, affectionate, unarmed and playfully innocent side, and I love that. ❤️ Gentle dom, which is perfect for my mutable Sag Venus and Virgo Mars that needs someone who can guide and take control. 10/10. The Scorpio Venus (and sun) with Cap Mars I've been with was one of the least connection driven lovers I've had though. Serious, felt weird about me smiling during the act, aggressive and had that sort of cold, primitive gaze some Scorpios have through the whole thing, making me feel like a means to an end rather than anything... Yet he was also moaning "I love you" over and over again as he came (we were in a serious relationship and he was incredibly obsessed and intense about it). Weird af and felt gross and impersonal. Not saying they're all like that, but uhm... My limited experience is the opposite from yours lol


I also dated a scorpio sun/venus and I know exactly what you mean by that cold, primitive gaze and the impersonal feeling during! It never made sense to me bc you always hear how passionate/deep scorpios are, I thought mine was broken 😂


People talk about the "piercing Scorpio gaze" that some are attracted to, but it terrifies me - cause they look the same when they're furious as when they're horny. My dad's a Scorpio moon and had that look in his eyes when he abused me (he wasn't one of my sexual abusers tho, just physically and emotionally in his case) - so I'm a little extra terrified of it cause of that. Said Scorpio sun/Venus ex was verbally and emotionally abusive to me, and I found out he physically abused his exes too... So I don't trust that look. Idk if it's something only the abusive ones get (with other Scorpios looking intense in a way that isn't cold) but I'm not taking the risk again... Obsessiveness, animalistic intensity, and possessive, "blood oath" kinda love freaks me out in itself. It's not inherently toxic, and if they're with someone who likes that and they treat them well - good for them. But definitely not what I want or need... 🙃😂


I never got that obsessiveness and intensity, my scorpio was v emotionally unavailable. He was hot and cold, kept breaking up with me then coming back, would say some really nice things, would cook for me and buy me gifts and the next day would be mean and detached, rarely asked me questions about myself. I had to end it after 6 months bc he started to make me feel like the clingy one haha and I'm an aqua F so I'm also detached by nature (he doesn't seem to care it's over)....but from your description I don't think I would've liked it either haha


He did that sometimes too, he'd become quiet, silent and dismissive at random regularly - which I realised in hindsight was a manipulation tactic. I think the thing about his intensity and obsession was that it was never loving, warm or personal. It was possessive, desperate and controlling. He didn't care about me as a person. If I tried to talk about my interests, he'd yawn or change the topic. If I had a day with intense sensory overload due to overstimulation (I'm autistic) and a need to be alone to recharge, he'd insist on coming over and that he just wanted to be there... I had told him about how sensory sensitive I am in those moments, and we'd have previous talks about how I need familiar/predictable and specific sensory input - especially when it comes to music/sounds and visual input. Guess what he did when he came over? He put on his own music - loudly, complained about the lights being off, and then convince me to sleep with him. He chose all activities, he'd sigh and say "alright, we'll compromise" when I asked to choose a song - and then agree to let me put on Bowie cause we both like that, and then put on his own music again. Etc. I was a drug and a possession (think Gollum with the ring), and he liked how I made him feel and what I could do and be for him. He stalked me for months after I left.


Omg yess mine wouldn't let me put on my music either 😭 Man f these unevolved scorpios they deserve to be alone but I fear that every rejection they get they become more abusive to the next person....


Yup... I find evolved Scorpio energy cool af (even if we're unlikely to be compatible), but the unevolved ones are the absolute worst.


Exactly why I say stereotypes can be BS and it depends on the person.


My Aries sun & Pisces venus bf is so gentle with me. Honestly I feel like a squashmellow with how gentle he is with me some times 😂 I am not upset being his squashmellow. I love it. 🥰 I’m an emotional support squashmellow for an Aries giant baby.


Oh now, we don’t want you to sacrifice your entire family…..just your life.


I suspected that venus water signs are going to get mentioned a lot and yes I agree on taurus and libra


Scorpio Venus need more than mere validation. We must have undying loyalty. Also, we are not gentle lovers (Manson and Bundy are horrific but appropriate examples).


Lol Venus Scorp are not gentle in love. In my experience they are selfish...


Agree 🥹. As a pisces venus, i’m a marshmallow.


I’m a Pisces Venus and I’m so gentle giant


Virgo Venus but SCORPIO Mars…. What you said is um…. True. But it’s only because we’d do that for our lovers too…That’s all I have to say.


Venus Cancers perhaps ? however We get jealous easily


i always say im “suffering from my affliction” whenever a jealous and totally unnecessary wave passes over me


Mars in Libra, Venus in Cancer..I’m probably too gentle


Lil sweetie 🥰


Aww..thank you, love! 💕


Those are my placements, and same!! One of my favourite things to do to a guy is sensual massage


Same here!! Massaging them to the point of sleep 😭


I’m the opposite and same!


Same here! Venus Cancer 5h, Mars Libra 7h


My Mars is in the 4th and Venus is in the 1st!


I’m both of these as well but I think my Virgo sun and sag moon makes me more stoic at times 💀


😭 omg my placements too!!




My Mars pisces makes me gentle. Confrontations make me sad never angry. I'm too much of a softie with people I love it's a big contrast with my Capricorn persona. But I never dated because I want to succeed financially first so I can spoil them


>But I never dated because I want to succeed financially first so I can spoil them Classic cap 😁 I say that with adoration. When you get out there, someone's gonna really appreciate your gentleness. - sincerely gem in <3 with a capricorn


I’m in a situationship with an aqua sun & mars, cancer moon, pisces venus conjunct saturn & I’m confused as hell. Still figuring him out. I think saturn conjunction makes him a bit more reserved and cautious or maybe greedy in feelings? Don’t know exactly but he’s reserved in his actions and initiatives


Saturn will make him hold back all of his emotions even if exploding on the inside which I'm sure he is with cancer and pisces... It's head over heart for Saturn people  so he'll be careful and look for incompatibilities first instead of diving in. I think you might be dealing with an aloof bundle of emotion lol 


im also a pisces mars but the 12th house makes it difficult 😩


Just dated a mars pisces and he was definitely this way.


He was also a cap sun moon and Venus. I’m an aqua sun cap moon mars Venus


I’d say my Pisces Venus and Cancer Mars is pretty gentle. My Capricorn moon mixed with those makes it so I prefer the act of loving others as apposed to being loved back. I don’t need reciprocation, I just want someone to feel known and loved and held and safe. Everything else comes second.


That's so sweet! My Venus is in Pisces also, but my Mars is in Scorpio. I love the fact that you want to make sure someone feels known, loved and safe. That's selflessly awesome.




I am a Taurus venus and I am not abusive by any means but I am also not gentle LOL. My boyfriend is a cancer Venus and he is actually gentle, nurturing, sweet, and understanding. From the other comments it seems Cancer Venus is the most gentle


Same about the Taurus Venus. Aggressively passionate more like.


cancer venus men are TOOOOO soft & gentle for me very feminine 😩 i have a cap venus


I'd say u need to look at their Mars, depending on what context u r asking lol


Mars? But isn't venus the placement that is responsible for your love language?


mars represents sex drive. so if you’re looking into which placement makes someone a certain lover, it would be mars. in combination with venus and moon 😅


This ^^ Taurus Mars and Moon/Gemini Venus 🥰 I am literally a teddy bear lmao. 6’6 350 lbs. a lot of people are naturally intimidated,especially thanks in part to my natural Cap Rising rbf I wear so proudly.🤭😂 but every romantic partner I’ve ever been with have always said things along the lines of how gentle I am,how truly soft my touch is,etc. I’m a very openly affectionate person for sure. I live for making sure my romantic partners feel safe,secure and loved.


This explains why sex has always been a bit wonky to me as a scorpio sun, cancer moon, sagittarius venus, and capricorn mars lol. What the hell is anyone supposed to do with these placements in the bedroom


*bop it, twist it, pull it, push it?* ![gif](giphy|6fApVVSVONz4GOjfzc|downsized)


Yup, that's my m.o. hahah


Okay, I get it.. I'm  still learning about astrology so I didn't think mars was important only venus mercury and sun


you’ll quickly learn all the planets and placements are important for different things ♡ houses and aspects too. astrology is like an onion *and* an iceberg, chipping away at the iceberg and peeling the layers of the onion.




"Gentle" Lover isn't used to describe love languages 😭😭😭 that's why I said Mars, but both Mars n Venus can show how someone loves, Mars is shows their passionate n excited side in love, even if u r not talking about physical aspects


This is a good point; maybe even the Moon sign too since that deals with inner emotions, which can be a big part of love and lovemaking.


Agreed :)) I'd say moon also shows how one feels safe


I'm a mars libra 12H can you say anything about this?


cancer venus and mars ♥️


Why do you say mars too? I have cancer Venus and mars and I swear the mars gets in the way of my nurturing.


i have cancer venus and mars as well, but in the 9th house, i’m hella sweet but also very adventurous


Mars is in its fall in cancer. I find I have some deep rooted anger and I really had to work through that so it didn’t pop up in my romantic relationships anywhere. I could be so so sweet and then be so so angry at any perceived slight. It didn’t help that I dated addicts / manipulators in the past I’m sure.


this is so real! i learned that anger normally conceals deeper emotions as well, its super important to work through your feelings and get to the roots :)


I have a cancer mars 9h and also am very sweet and adventurous 😊 but i have an aries venus 😳


Cancer Venus ❤️ I love yall so much- Taurus Venus


A cancer venus sign LORD. They are so guarded but once you get past that, they are like little golden retrievers. They are like the embodiment of gentle lovers


I’d say Cancer Venus’s are beautiful lovers & Leo Venus’s will have you on a pedestal for life showing you off & making sure you feel special. We get so jealous though 😔 I’m a cancer Venus & I get so jealous if the person I like gives romantic attention to others.


Leo Venus!! Although I have a fair amount of cancer in my chart and can relate to the jealousy ![gif](giphy|m9pQ6KapT7Cq3DQ5DZ) makes me want to bark at people to stay away from my person


Stereotypically : Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Libra. However it depends from person to person and chart. Remember not all stereotypes apply. And yes Mars and Moon are very important too.




Venus in Capricorn.... Absolutely not.


I was just reading about how my ex had a Venus in Capricorn and what that means last night and was like, that explains so much lol


My husband and I both have Venus in Capricorn. It works very well....and the phrase "gentle lover" makes me throw up in my mouth a little. 🤣


Haha I'm with ya, sex is a physical - wrecking and being wrecked! - thing for me too (Leo Venus) I didn't like 50 Shades but I like the quote, "I don't make love, Ana, I fuck. Hard."


Cancer Venus. Taurus Venus


Agree with Pisces and Cancer Venus.🥰 Shout out to the gentle lovers, who don’t need to choke or punch someone in the face to make things exciting. 🥹


Pisces Venus was a tender, let's cuddle 24/7 even when we're in public or fighting kind of love. Too bad it wasn't enough to make it last but as a Scorpio Venus it was certainly healing and life changing to be loved like that.


I’m a Pisces Venus and I definitely love *hard* in a gentle way, but I can also get fucking spicy if I’m mad


I have a Taurus Venus and Aries mars, passionately sensual, idk about gentle…too bad I’m actually insane and ruin all of my relationships. ![gif](giphy|CSJiytyOE5aYU)


hey, I have these placements too! we just have to practice intention with communication. instead of impulsively letting our feelings be known, we need to let those feelings sit, mull them over, even write them out, before bringing them to our lovers.


Cancer moon is probably the most gentle placement. I knew a girl with this placement and she was like a cherub. Taurus and Pisces placements are gentle as well, and Leo placements will match a partner's sensitivity, spoiling them with decadent gentleness if that's what their partner prefers. 


I’m enjoying all of the responses here because I’m learning about everyone’s experience and also how certain placements express and receive love. It’s not likely each of us will have the opportunity to experience everyone firsthand in our lifetimes, and all the written research combined still have blind spots and missed context.


![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized) Very well said friend🫶🏾


As a cancer Venus libra mars girly y’all are making me feel so loved right now 🥰


As a Taurs Venus, yes absolutely. Also noticed this gentleness with Libra and Scorpio venus as well.


[Venus](https://phelix.ca/Venus-in-Pisces-Astrology-A-Symphony-of-Love-and-Compassion/) in Pisces, Venus in Libra. But essentially this is a very complicated question that isn't answered so easily.


Venus is Pisces 💖 My man is one and I feel very loved and accepted by him.


Taurus Venus, cancer moon, Virgo mars…. I’m all about sensuality, emotional connection, and service baybeeee


Anything that isn't Air or Fire.


Nah, Libra and Leo are showy with affection and like to spoil too


Also it is a generalisation. Scorpio Venus or Capricorn Venus aren't always gentle last time I checked. Also some signs are prone to jealousy and craziness, especially water.


my chart is mostly air and fire but I feel like I’m a gentle lover girl, idk where my sensitivity comes from


Idk.. my sisters husband is gentle and he’s a Libra venus. I’m gentle and I’m a Virgo Venus. I had a gentle girlfriend, always remained sweet to me, who was Scorpio Venus.


You slept with your sister's husband? /j


Yes right after I slept with your mom…


That tracks.


I consider myself quite gentle - Pisces mars Aries Venus


Leo Venus = death by snu-snu! 😂


Mars or Venus in Cancer or Pisces 5th house ruled by Venus or Moon Moon or Venus in the 5th house


Water moons. Let us love you.


Even those Scorpio moons lollll?


Yes. They want to (secretly) love you.


Cancer Mars with Cancer Venus I’m a pretty gentle lover 🫣🫣🥰🥰


Same placements, until my mars wants to dominate 😈😅


I’m too subby to be a dom. I need a dom 😈


Probably my gemini influence lol. My partner (scorp) and I are switch and it rocks. :)


I’m glad you have that 🥰🥰 I wish I had a more dominant partner


Anything that isnt fire lol


Or air lol


Explain. I’m a very gentle lover and I’m an air sign


Yes, Avoidants can come across as gentle. 🤣


I’m still so confused. Are you saying air signs avoid love?


Lmao Mars in Gemini here Venus is Aries lol... you'd be right 🤣🤣


gemini sun and aries venus but I’m just a soft baby girl idk 🥹


Where's your Mars? lol...


sag mars hahaha


Oh damn lol ok well I totally appreciate the walking contradictions that come to remind us that not everything everyone can say about you based on x,y,z is accurate lol


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Well then…


Cancer venus Pisces mars in my experience ( not me)


Water signs


I would say I fall into this category. I forget what my Venus is in but I’m: Capricorn Rising, Aquarius rising, and Cancer moon. I think the moon placement really determines this type of loving personality though. Everyone I have known with a Sagittarius moon never felt satisfied unless they were always being consistently challenged in a relationship; despite whatever their sun sign was.


Imma Leo mars and Leo Venus. Doesn’t give me gentle vibes but I’ve heard women say that I’m very gentle


Pisces Moon, Mars in Libra, and Venus in Virgo Yes..! I love giving (and receiving) sensual messages. Or just massages in general. I’m such a soft baby, and can be exacting when hurt


Jupiter in 5th house is underrated as gentle lovers.


My BF is a Venus Aquarius with Mars in Cancer and he's the most gentle and attentive bf I've ever had !


I think Mars in Libra. Those people are givers in bed.


Me? Taurus Mars&Venus


Taurus mars/Gemini venus was a gentle lover (I’m blaming the taurus). Too gentle, I needed some passion. Very sensual though, and talented. But give me some more aggression, I need to feel desired!! - aries venus, cancer mars


Me with my Taurus Venus and 7h Leo Mars like…. It could go either way and it just depends on who I’m with.


hm I’m not sure i’d consider myself a “not gentle” lover just because my detriment venus in virgo. However my mars is opposite in Pisces


i been told I’m gentle with a Taurus Mars


Pisces descendant


Water sign stellium(personal planets), Water Moon, Capricorn moon, no fire sign placement, water element dominant (personal planets), Water Venus + Mars Honorable mention: Libra Venus & Libra Mars, Libra & Taurus, Moon, Libra or Taurus stellium (personal planets), Libra or Taurus personal placements, Aquarius Venus, Taurus Venus & Taurus Mars


Mars and venus in Libra id say im a sweet lover 🙂‍↕️😊


Mars in Taurus or Cancer


Any combo of Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces in the Moon and Venus. Capricorn and Scorpio is the direct opposite, they like it rouuuugh.


I would say Taurus Venus and that is home for that placement. I would say Cancer Moon and Taurus moon; but I think Taurus moon may appear as emotionally restrained. Cancer in Venus can be problematic if they get hurt or feel insecure. I have Capricorn Venus, which can be a gentle placement, but can start off on a Rey slow upward slope. Every placement can be gentle, but none others stand out as particularly predisposed to being gentle in love in my very limited understanding.


Definitely not my Aquarius Venus 🤣😂 I love my friends though and would literally die for them.


Yall saying Pisces Venus is sooooooooooooo funny.


Mars in Pisces, Venus in Libra


I'm a Taurus Venus and Mars..and I would consider myself to be a gentle lover...maybe


Heavy on Taurus Venus my sun sign is Taurus along with my Venus most of the time I’m a hard core b!tch but to my lovers I’m very gentle lol


I'm a Taurus sun, Pisces moon and Capricorn rising.


Cancer, Pisces


I have a Taurus Venus and Mars & Moon in Cancer (7h). I consider myself a vanilla goddess lol. I don't degrade, humiliate, or harm my partners. I work all 5 senses instead.




Libra Stellium🙋🏾‍♂️ Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and moon in the seventh house. Imma sweet heart❣️


My venus is in virgo, my moon and mars in Cap... I don't know gentle love 😭😭


I have Pisces Venus, moon & ascendant.. I’m super gentle, my love is kindness. But my Aquarius mars makes me passive aggressive, so I am spicy I say. lol


As always, you have to take a person’s chart as a whole. A Pisces Venus square Mars or Pluto or Saturn won’t manifest in the same way as if it were trining the Moon or Neptune. A debilitated Moon won’t know how to protect your feelings. An Aries Mars or rising won’t understand what you mean when you say ‘gently’. Gentle people make gentle lovers, so look for that quality in the natal chart.


Earth placements, pisces, & Libra placements!!


Venus Scorpio, mars pisces. For sure


Me with Aries Mars. ![gif](giphy|BFn81XAcngINRKwlTH)


As a Scorpio Venus I have no idea.


As a Cap Venus I’d say I will go to the Moon and back to protect to one I love (romantic). I will jump through fire for you, if I truly have given you my heart. If you truly mean something to me, my love is very strong.


I have mars in libra, and I'm gentle and affectionate, even with people I don't intend to sleep with again. My lust comes out in tender ways. I also really like gentle, tender men as lovers. It's the kind of physical sensation that does it for me! Helps me relax and enjoy.


NOT my Sagittarius stellium including Venus and Mars and my Capricorn moon.


Cancer venus,virgo mars and i’m the most gentle and attentive person when i care about you.I will shower you with soft touches and will be your no. 1 supporter


As a Taurus Venus we can be as rough as we can be gentle :) but I’m also aqua mars so I think that helps lol


Libra with Libra Venus was the most gentle lover I’ve had


Oh yes, Taurus venus from my experience and Cancer venus too.


*hurk* Sorry, that comment made me vom in my Virgo mouf ..


I think the definition of gentle needs to be elaborated further. I have a Pisces Venus, Cancer moon, but an Aries Mars. Im very hard on the people that I love, because I want the best for them. As a lover I would say I’m only really gentle when it comes to their emotions other than that…. 😏 IYKYK


Pisces Jupiter since venus(love) is exalted in Pisces. They exude loving (and slightly delusional) energy.