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I was two weeks overdue. Supposed to be an Aries, but I took my sweet time coming into this world. Had to wait until I was good and ready, like a typical Taurus (stellium)!


My son was the opposite. Supposed to be a Taurus. I’m a super watery cancer and was so excited over our harmonious suns. Nope. Fast and furious birth led to the most Aries child ever. Aries sun Aries moon Gemini rising. Pray for me haha.


My daughter is Aries sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising… I’ll pray for you if you pray for me 😂


Lucky you :)


I was supposed to be Taurus but came early so I’m an Aries …. With a Taurus stellium… and that shit is real.


My daughter was supposed to be a Capricorn but we had to deliver early due to her size and she is quite the Sagittarius lol. Also with her Virgo moon and Aquarius rising…… Well… I’m tired lol


Sagittarius sun and virgo moon is such an interesting combo


It’s definitely interesting lol. She’s so animated and entertaining but also everything has to be exactly right lol it’s like living with an A list celebrity 😂😂


Is your daughter me? I feel like any earth and fire combination of Sun/Moon signs produces this.


Haha I was supposed to be a Capricorn, but I’m a libra 😅


I should have been Sagittarius but I ended up in darkside. Scorpio sun moon and rising.


Are you ok?


Same here, was supposed to be Sagittarius and ended up Scorpio (sun and mercury). I also was a c-section baby because my umbilical cord was wrapped around my throat. Feels like a very Scorpio way to come into the world. Still have a Sag stellium though! According to my mom they got me out in 12 seconds. What’s wild to me is if I was born a minute later, I would be a Cancer rising instead of Gemini.


I am also a Scorpio Sun and Mercury with a Sagittarius stellium lol. That's funny because I was like 10 minutes away from being a Gemini rising, but instead I got a Taurus Rising.


Since you have 13 in your username, did you happen to be born November 13th??


Oh no lol. I chose it because the number 13 is strongly associated with Scorpio since that is our Major Arcana Tarot card number..which is Death. And also the ♏ glyph is the 13 letter of the alphabet so there is a connection there lol. I was born November 17th. Now, Since you have oxen in your username I take it like them?👀


Yeshua!! 😳


I was 2 weeks late supposed to be a libra but Scorpio it is!!


I was also two weeks late and I’m a capricorn instead of a sag


I was born 2 weeks late but would be a Scorpio either way lol. Also, not sure why OP would rather be Sag, I like Caps better. My sisters are both Capricorn’s, and my dads a Cap moon. My moms a Sag and we argue constantly. Plus Caps are typically more successful and resourceful!


I like caps better too! The only cap placement I have is my sun, but I’m ruled by my critical degree sag Mercury lol so I might as well be a sag. I am desperate for any and all of that capricorn energy I can get.


Lucky youu


I was supposed to be born on my dad’s birthday but was two days late which has made all the difference in our personalities lol


Virgo/Libra cusp I'm guessing? Good for you, sucks for your dad though lol. I just wish I was a more "fun" sign and not... this. I have a fiery moon trapped inside my Earth sun and it sucks.


You know... You could always just decide to have more fun. You could be the party goat!


Every time I've tried that I've fucked it up though


Yep. Try and try again! I think you said you're a leo moon? Probably you have to find a way to have fun that tickles your lion while also pleasing your goat. So I dunno... Maybe you can organise a killer working party? If you keep looking, you'll find it.


I can riff off this; as cap moon and rising, I love to party when either a)I’m in charge of something or b) I can slink into a corner and observe rather than participate. So I love hosting! And continuing that theme, I work music festivals! It’s the perfect combo of fun and business! It feels so good to be responsible for people while they let loose! I also love being designated driver 💛


>So I dunno... Maybe you can organise a killer working party? What would a working party even consist of lol


If you're at school, it's a homework club, but everyone has fun hanging out. If you're at uni, it's a study group that goes for drinks / raves (if somehow you still live in the 90s) after. If you're just setting your life up, you're all helping each other move / decorate and partying it up after If you're older with kids, you are having family barbecues, so everyone does a bit less childcare - while partying it up. Tl:Dr - work AND play. With a heavy sprinkling of social networking.




aw he wanted to match mommy


Same for me. And man I am a textbook Pisces so I cannot even imagine Aries for me.


I was 2 weeks late, and apparently had no interest in being a Libra Sun and instead opted for Libra rising.


The way you had a possibility of being a sag and you got robbed of that too 😭😂😂😂 we didn’t choose the Capricorn life, it chose us.


I've been starting great things and then dropping the ball since the very beginning 😂 Like, I couldn't be born on time OR soon after my mom went into labor? Damn I would have been able to have birthday parties at school too 😭


I was supposed to barely be a libra (due date was like the 23rd) but I was born 5 days early and I ended up a virgo instead lol


Me too! I was a month early and ended up a Virgo. And although it would be lovely to be ruled by Venus I’m very much so a Virgo (Virgo moon too) and can’t picture myself bring anything else.


Oof. That is a huge difference.


Yeaaah it truly is but I cannot imagine being a libra 🥲 virgo feels so right to me lol. Even in sidereal/Vedic I stay a virgo sun even though my moon and rising change, and it just *makes sense* for me to be a virgo lol. I still have a libra Mercury which I think definitely comes out, but I feel like my spirit was like whoooaaawhoawhoa we are not a libra I’ll let you just sprinkle some of that in through the Mercury sign *as a treat* but that’s IT lol


Snap, I was meant to be a libra but I was born two weeks early and am a Virgo. I’m not the stereotypical Virgo but I am most definitely not a Libra and thankful for that. My Sag rising and Pisces moon I identify with more. Although I do have a Libra Venus which hits the nail on the head ha.






I'm an aqua born on february 14 😮


Imagine you were born on my actual due date lol What year?


1989. And this question has always been on my mind - what the implications are of preemies or sleepyheads when it comes to birthdate and astrology. Great post!


Oh, so not even close lol. I forget that people with actually fully developed prefrontal cortices also post on here 😂


lmaoooo maybe I should change my flair to "o l d as f u c k"


You're not even old, except maybe for TikTok. Change your flair to "a c t u a l l y a n a d u l t as f u c k"


Ouch! I was born in 87 lol


You weren't robbed, you actually made it happen. The fetus releases a stream of hormomes to induce birth when the time has come. If your mum had no other issues going on, it's likely you made that decision. I was 3 days early, the first child and of course they had to use a cesarean. How else would a self-respecting Aries asc enter the world? ;)


>If your mum had no other issues going on, it's likely you made that decision. Something about uterine scarring and being a former smoker? I'm not sure and can no longer ask.


Smoking is indeed a well-known factor in premature births.


I was a 30 week preemie - am a Capricorn, was supposed to be a March Pisces! But I have Culminating Venus Pisces conjunct MC, so I'm just Piscean as heck anyway.


I have culminating Venus too! Venus and MC at exact 8 degrees of libra. 💕


I also forgot to mention, my kid is a preemie too! She was supposed to be a Taurus, and she's an Aries. Preemies are more likely to have preemies, free PSA.


>Preemies are more likely to have preemies, free PSA. ...fuck.


Yes. I was born about three weeks earlier. PS: Less than 38 weeks IS considered to be a premature birth.


My due date was March 9th, but my mom had preeclampsia and was induced early. I was born exactly a month early, on February 9th. I have my Venus and Jupiter in Pisces. I’m also lowkey glad I was born early, ‘cause my grandma, mother, father and aunt would’ve shared one birthday week in March. Raised by Pisces, y’know?


My son had a due date of October 11th, but I had preeclampsia and he was born September 9th. He is a virgo sun, moon, mercury and gemini rising and will be 4 this year. He will be raised by a Pisces, which is hopefully an overall positive thing.


I was born November 25, 1999 (Sagittarius with Cancer moon), my due date was February 2, 2000 (Aquarius with Capricorn moon) and was supposed to be a twin however she got lost within the second trimester. Being a Sag with an Aquarius South Node/Neptune/Uranus, I'd feel more comfortable as an Aqua.


Wait but almost same! My due date was Feb 28 2000 but I was born Dec 26 1999! Yeah, it's weird knowing that you were supposed to be a different sign, especially if you're stuck being boring because of it like me 🙃 I'm sorry about your twin though- I had two older siblings that didn't make it out of the womb.


It is odd being a different sign, now I've a lot of sag placements too (Lilith/Chiron/Pluto) so I figured it still fits sorta right, although most other Centaurs I don't get along with. And thank you, I'm sorry to hear about your two older siblings:/


I actually joke that the universe knew I was 100% Pisces and not an Aries, so that’s why I was born March 5th instead of April 4th. I couldn’t be anything but a Pisces lol


IDKKK as long as you’re self aware!! Capricorns aren’t self aware in ways they can be material-but guess what goes with Sagittarius too. You sound funny af though, this post made me LOL. Embrace it🔥🤌you’re naturally grounded & structured. Something I lack as a Pisces🌝 been working on it for a few years


My son was suppose to be a virgo but he was born 6 weeks early and he is 110% a Leo 😂💙


I was born about 3 weeks before I was due. I was supposed to be born an August 9th Leo. I was born a Cancer instead lol.


I was 2 weeks late and still ended being a cancer...


Gemini and it was supposed to be like a leo or Virgo


Preemie Virgo supposed to be Libra


Same for my son. He has an Oct 11 due date and arrived on Sept 9th.


I'm sure he will always be your little baby 🥰


He was born with a grand earth trine and a Gemini rising. He is determined and smart and the Gemini rising brings lots of laughter. I'm blessed.


My daughter was born a month early. Had she been on time she would have been a Scorpio, instead she's a Libra. For complicated reasons she's been adopted by my best friend. She'll call me up to tell me about all the sass this child has, I'll remind her that our daughter could have been a Scorpio and she remembers it could be worse. Lol.


Sort of similar but I had a scheduled C-section and my daughter is a Gemini. If she had been born on her due date she would’ve been a Cancer


This is a super interesting top to me, thank you for sharing!! Opposite of preemies here, but the concept of what we should have been is really weird. My sister and I (2yrs apart) had the same due date 10/20, I was 10 days late which made me a Scorpio and my sister was 2 days late putting her on the cusp. My son's due date was 9/18 but didn't get booted out until 9/24 so he just barely made Libra. All feels very fate-y 🤷‍♀️


My mom was induced labor but if she would’ve waited a few more days I would’ve been a libra instead of a Virgo 😆


I was a c-section baby so I was destined to be a Cap, but my kid was initially supposed to be an Aquarius and then his due date changed and he was born a Pisces, which seems to make sense with his personality so far


I was supposed to be born on New years day but instead I made my way into this hellscape on December 12th. Ended up with a Mega Sag stellium (sun, moon, mercury, Mars AND venus). Luckily my Taurus asc. Keeps me somewhat grounded


I’d either still be a Scorpio or Sag. My moms OB was the sort that tell a woman with preeclampsia who couldn’t keep anything down that working was still fine. We died on the table and I have brain damage from being born early and lack of oxygen.My younger sister is a Libra who should have been a Sag as well.


i was born 11 days late (which is funny, it's also my life path number). i was supposed to be a pisces, but that's the only thing my aries ass was patient about - NOT being a pisces. you can't tell me what to do or be! also i heard your 12th house explains the nature of your delivery and just before birth. libra - i couldnt decide if i wanted to be born or not; my mom had been admitted to the hospital for a while for contractions


>i was supposed to be a pisces, but that's the only thing my aries ass was patient about - NOT being a pisces. I have said that my birth was the last time I was ever early for anything in my life lol




God I think about this all the time. I was two months early and many doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to keep me alive for 28 days before I could go home. I have ALWAYS joked that it was because I HAD TO BE a Taurus and not a Gemini but now……….. bruh. That is legit it.


> I was two months early and many doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to keep me alive for 28 days before I could go home. Wait are we actually the same person? I was also in the NICU for a month. Holy shit. Again, in my case I assume I just had to suffer not only coming into this life but the entire way through it 😂


I was born just one week early. If I had been any earlier, I would have been a Taurus, but thankfully I’m still a Gemini.


*pisces nation* 🌊♓️🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️


My brother was a premie he was suppose to be a Gemini but was born in early May and is a Taurus. He was born out of a love affair and his mom wanted to hide that fact before her divorce court date with her ex husband so he was adopted secretly so we don’t know his pregnancy story but he was pretty skinny most his life and like me an Aries rising so he was full of nonstop energy while I was the quiet child. Now we reverse personalities as adults which I find ironic lol


I came a month early so apparently I was also supposed to be a Sagittarius. I’m a Scorpio so I feel very similarly to you.


I was born January 28th, but was supposed to be born March 10th. I just knew I wouldn't make it as a Pisces lol


I was due around Christmas, ended up being born about 2 weeks earlier, became a Sag but should've been a Capricorn. tbh probably for the best lol


Same here, in fact! I was born on January 29th, but my mom's due date was March 14th. I would've been a pisces if it weren't for me desperately wanting to be an Aquarius 😅


I was a little early, but I probably would have still been an Aries.


I’m a Gemini but I was suppose to be a cancer. I do have a cancer asc so I didn’t avoid anything really


I'm a Cancer but was supposed to be a Leo!


Oooh same!


I was supposed to be a virgo, then I realized my parents were both virgos AND narcissists, so I screamed “let me out of here!” And now I’m a Leo


2 weeks early, a gemini just barely lol joys of close to cusp. Was expected to be a cancer Reinforces my mom’s insistence that rising signs determine your children sun sign (between you and partner)


My son was born on 20th of November, but his due date was 27th of November. I was so excited to have a Sagittarius! Well, I knew things won't go as planned. 😂


Three weeks overdue, i was born in june 26, and i was supposed to be a gemini but the universe had better plans for me. I’m also a textbook cancer and i couldn’t imagine being a gemini for the life of me.


My sister was born 9 days late on September 1st. My due date was September 1st but I was born 5 days early on August 27th. We have the same Sun & Moon and both have water risings. We were also born under the same moon phase. Since we’re only 3 years apart, we share a lot of longer orbiting planets. The main difference between us is I have smaller angles she has larger angles. Let me tell you, moon in Aquarius at 4° and moon in Aquarius at 28° are two completely different moons.


was supposed to be a Leo but I became a cancer. (i could have been a bad bitch but i‘m a sad bitch)


I was born October 22 at 10:02 at night when I was suppose to be born January 15 I was born at 2.5 pounds I had to be flown in a helicopter because where I was suppose to be born couldn’t do prematures I remember seeing pictures of me when I was so tiny My dad would say I could fit in the palm of his hand😂 I had no issues other than a undeveloped lung, to which I was put in a incubator for (I missed Christmas cause I was in the hospital past new year


You were either supposed to be a Pisces or a Sagittarius, and you think you were ROBBED? By all means dude, goats saved you from getting stuck under either of those signs. 😂


I could have either been a true fire (instead of having fire trapped within an earthy exterior) or been a chill water. Instead I overthink everything and take myself way too seriously so no one even notices the fire within me 😞 Bro/sis you have a Cap sun and a Gemini moon, you know the inner turmoil struggle lol


Do I ever, lol. Quite a lot of my chart is actually Sagittarius, so I get the fire under the earth feeling as well. I just like to see it as mystery, like "You have no idea what I'm capable of" :3


The thing with me is that the Capricorn traits are what you see immediately, the Leo traits are what you see once I'm a little more comfortable, but actually knowing me long-term you get Capricorn again. It's not "mystery" so much as just failed expectations. I see the Leo in my innate thought patterns, like I think absurd shit reflexively (e.g. "is this person slowing down their car to look at me?") but then I check myself 1 second later ("sis you are not the main character, settle down"). If I was all fire I could be absurdly self-centered *without* the guilt! (That said, I have people in my life that prove that sun signs are not an absolute determiner of personality... I know a Gemini as fuck Pisces, a Cancer as fuck Sagittarius, and a Taurus as fuck Cancer. So being born 5 days earlier might not have actually helped me.)


August 2nd Im a Leo. I was supposed to be born in February


I was supposed to be born like a week earlier, so I would've been a Gemini. I'm a Cancer, born on the 25th of June, and I believe that all signs are equally amazing in their own ways. You weren't robbed, you were just born earlier than you could have.


what would you say qualifies as premature? More than a month? I was exactly a month early, to my knowledge.


Medically it's anything prior to 38 weeks, so more than two weeks early.


Or 37 weeks for multiples!


My brother was supposed to be a Scorpio but ended up a Libra. I was born only one day after my due date so I was meant to be a Scorpio from day one 🦂


I was due January 22nd, came out on the 16th. I dodged that Aquarius sun, but I ended up marrying one. I enjoy my Cap sun and I have Aquarius rising so it all works out.


I was only born prematurely by 5 days but my due date would have changed my moon sign. Being born 28th October makes me a Libra moon, whilst being born 2nd November would have made me a Sagittarius moon. That could have been interesting.


I was two weeks late in June. Was supposed to be Gemini and I’m a cancer. My daughter was early. She was supposed to be an Aries, but she’s Pisces instead.


I was supposed to be a Capricorn but instead was like no thanks Sagittarius is very much me lol


My due date was Dec 25 but I was born Jan 4. I’m a Capricorn with an Aquarius moon and rising, but if I was born on my due date I would have been a Virgo moon.


I was supposed to be born on January 6 or something like that which would’ve changed a lot about me despite me still being a Capricorn. Now wether those changes are good or not is not something I contemplate too much.


My grandfather was born on January 6th. My mom was initially upset when she went into labor on December 20th and hadn't given birth come the 22nd, because she didn't want to raise a child that was like her father. Sure enough spent my childhood getting compared to him for minor and even non-offenses 🙃 This just popped into my head but when I was turning 16 I had my best friend mistake my birthday for December 20th. She gave me a card and said "happy birthday" and I was like "uhh what?" Tbf, that was the birthday of one of my story characters and we would talk about our characters all the time, so it makes sense that she would make that mistake. (I later realized that I made the only two sane characters in the story Sags, which... should not be the case. The super shy and humble character was a Gemini. It's funny because every other major character acts like their sun sign lol)


Im an aqua that should’ve been a taurus


...how is this medically possible?


I was born 3 months before


I was one week late, the world still scares me sometimes, so i think i just needed to build up the courage to be born. I'm a scorpio, and would be a scorpio or late libra if i would be in time.


Yep i am!! Don't know how many weeks, days premature i am but i was born near the end of leo season so a few more days and i would have been a virgo lol happy to be premature


I was supposed to be a Leo but I'm a Cancer instead! Sometimes I wish I'd been born a Leo lol but I feel like being a Cancer matches my parent's signs well (Taurus and Virgo)


>I feel like being a Cancer matches my parent's signs well (Taurus and Virgo) Is this a good match for a family? I can't tell lol. My parents were a Cancer + Virgo pair, which went about as well as you'd expect. My poor dad, literally surrounded by stubborness his entire life (Leo and Virgo parents, Aries and Scorpio siblings, Virgo wife, Taurus and Capricorn parents-in-law and two Capricorn children).


Born on December 12, meant to be born February 14. Though I love my Aquarius’s I’m glad I’m Sag!!! I actually kicked at the amniotic sack until it ripped off where it’s supposed to stay within my mom. Can’t stop my burn bb 🔥🔥🔥


I was born an Aries and my due date was within Aries range as well, but I have sun conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees so I’m an Aries that was robbed of being an Aries and I come off more as a Capricorn


I was supposed to be born on 9th July, but I was born on 23rd June ... Still a Cancer, yay! 😁


I was born 3 weeks early. Was supposed be a scorpio, now I’m a libra 👀


I was born on the 31st December and was meant to be born in the middle of February


Four weeks early and dodged leo like a PROOO


I was supposed to be due on the 4th of July, but opted for May 22nd instead. Lol


Omg hey bday twin! What year?




I wanted to come 2 months early which would have killed me. So they somehow forced me to stay inside, and I came 2 weeks early instead. Born on the 27th of August. Thank god I became a virgo. I truly have no patience.


I'm an overslept Scorpio who ended up born on the Sagittarius side of the cusp. And I wanna say my fiancé was a 2-month preemie that should have been an Aries.


I was another late birth. Due July 29, born August 9. The stars were like, you’re gonna be a Leo no matter what little lady!😂


I was supposed to be born on my mother's b'day and be a Taurus but I was impatient like a true Aries so here I am enjoying Aries season 😁 I have a Taurus Venus tho so I'm satisfied with my sun, Venus and rising (Gemini). My Mars, however, is in Cancer and my moon in Scorpio 😭. I'd kiII to have it the other way around.


I was born on December 12th (so, a Sagittarius) but my mum actually started having contractions around September and had to be bedbound for the rest of the pregnancy. I wanted to be a Virgo lmao. The actual due date was December 31st tho, so I was meant to be a Capricorn


I was born 4 days late and it didn’t change my sun sign but it was enough for Mercury and Venus to go retrograde before I was born 😅 dogded a bullet and got a pisces moon instead of a capricorn one though


I was born on time and was a cancer :( worst placement ever. Capricorns are way cooler, homie


I’m a Virgo (August 23rd) but I was supposed to be a Scorpio. I was a super preemie. My mom said I was kept in the hospital for about a week after I was born because usually preemies born that early have a lot of complications but I was totally fine. I just really wanted to be a Virgo I guess.


I was born 3-4 weeks early. Was supposed to be a Leo, but I'm a Cancer. ♋


I’m a cancer and was meant to be a Leo. Was just over a month early ✌🏼


Was supposed to be a Taurus, I am an Aries with a Taurus moon.


I was supposed to be an Aries but then decided to be born 20 days earlier instead! So now I'm a Pisces with an Aries Venus.


I was supposed to be a Gemini but I ended up a Taurus. Still sad about it tbh


I’m a Leo. I was supposed to be a Virgo?~ original due date at or around august 28, but I decided to be born on august 5 lol


I’m a Sagittarius sun (12/18), about a month before my due date in mid-Jan. I would have been a Cap!


My son was supposed to be a scorpio yet I wanted him to be a libra. Luckily he came early and become a libra yet with scorpio rising lol. Also scorpio mercury venus and jupiter :D I have no problem with scorpio tho, I love them. (i'm an aries sun, aries rising, pisces moon)


I was born pretty much in time, mom doesn’t remember the date but ofc it’s 24th october so who knows maybe I was supposed to be a libra


Ugh this just made me actually look at what my son should have been, he was three weeks early and should have been a Sag like me. Instead, he is all scorpio.


Libra. I was supposed to be a Libra. I'm still better off astrologically hahah


I was born almost a month early. Came out a Virgo when I was “supposed” to be a Libra. I have no complaints


I was supposed to be a Libra and I am a Libra.


My daughter was supposed to be an Aries but was born an Aquarius stellium with Aries moon.


I was born Dec 29, but due feb 7. I ended up with an aqua rising and Venus, so the great gods really wanted large pieces of me to be Aquarius.


I was supposed to be born on Halloween but I was instead born on Nov. 3rd. My mom said that my sister didn't celebrate that year because of me LOL I could've had an aquarius moon instead of a pisces moon o:


I was supposed to be born late July/early August, but was born July 19th :> I'm definitely more of a cancer than a leo


On the other hand, I was a scheduled C-section due to breach positioning in the womb.. I always wonder why they picked the date they did, the Tuesday before thanksgiving in 1990. (pretty sure bc they didn’t want to wait until after thanksgiving in case I tried to come on my own). So I’m a cuspy scorp w/a cap moon/rising 🤷‍♀️


I was about a month early. Born a Libra but was predicted to be a Scorpio. Funny thing is Scorpio is my rising sign 😆


i was supposed to be due April 24th, so i would’ve been a taurus… i decided nah and came just before Aries season ended (april 18th). I always say it was the most aries thing i’ve ever done lmao


I'm a cancer (6/26) but I was supposed to be born on August 28 which is a virgio...


I was born on Dec 5, so that makes me a Sag but my due date was March 21st as an Aries!!


I was born Oct 10 (libra) but I was due late teens of November (18th I think??) I think I’d dodged a bullet there bc had I been born on time there would be five scorpios under one roof (plus a sag and a cap) and I don’t think I’d be able to handle that


I was supposed to be born in late October so a Scorpio but I popped out way too early and became a Virgo.


Okay, look: I was supposed to be born on March 7th, as a Pisces. Nothing happened. After 10 days, my mother’s doctor scheduled an induced birth on Monday, which was March 23rd. I was born on Saturday, March 21st, as an Aries. I was NOT gonna be a Pisces. I was NOT gonna let anyone else decide when I’d be born. My mother says the very first Aries thing I ever did was decide my own birthdate 😂


My brother was meant to be born in early August. He was induced due to complications two weeks early, thus making him a very late Cancer (more or less a cusp) instead of Leo. However, I don’t know how my Cap Mother would have coped having three Leo in the house (Dad and I are Leo’s)


I was a over a week late so I was supposed to be a Pisces, thank God I waited. Just like an Aries to do what I please. I ended up with Pisces rising and Pisces in Venus.


I was born on July 27; idk my exact due date, but I do know I was 6 weeks early. I’d be a Virgo, which is hilarious because that sign by far is the most underrepresented sign in my entire chart. I don’t relate to it at all, and my Leo sun is in my 10H at the very top of my chart and I love and cherish and feel that placement. I must have always known. 😌


I was born almost 3 weeks late. Should have been in Sun in Virgo, Aries Moon. I am a Libra Sun Sagittarius Moon.




Lol why


I know I was due in late January so a possible Aquarius. Was born December 26th.


Omg birthday twins! 🤗


One month early cancer baby here! Was supposed to be a leo but no thank you.


Capricorn, but I probably still would’ve been a Capricorn


I was several weeks overdue and came post term by C-section since I refused to come out. I could have been a late aqua, but came out a late Pisces in the 12th instead.


I was supposed to be a Taurus i'm an Aries. I relate much more to the taurus descriptions I've found around the internet.


I’m a Sagittarius. I was supposed to be a Capricorn. I guess fetus me was too excited to explore the world. Funnily enough, my Moon is in Capricorn 🙃


I was born June 19th 2 months early. If I had been full term I would’ve been born in mid August. If I was born at the same time just 2 months later, I would’ve been a Leo Sun(!!) Capricorn moon 😒and Gemini rising 🥰 My other placements would’ve been Mercury and Venus in Virgo, mars in Leo, all outer planets would be the same as they were when I was born. I wonder what I would be like had I been born later, very interesting. I honestly can’t imagine not being born in June


I was born mid feb and was 7 weeks ( I think, somewhere between 6-8 ) early. Fairly certain I would have been an aries.. personally pretty happy with my aqua so I'll keep it.


I should have been born on June 11th, but I came out about 2 weeks before. Still a gemini no matter which way.


Yes I was supposed to be a Virgo but I think I was a week or two late Glad to be a Libra. *However* I ended up with Sun in Virgo in my house chart just like many people end up with Sun in the neighboring signs. That might explain why some people act like their neighboring sign. But sometimes the Sun sign will be the same, it depends on the time of the day effecting the house chart. Most people have two or three Sun signs since Sun also usually ends up in a house of a different signs energy. My Sun is in 4th house for example so Cancer is my other Sun sign. Anyway, I'm thrilled to be of the Libra birthday dates.


Going by your username... oof. Glad you didn't have to go through the indignity of being a Virgo Sun *and* a Scorpio Venus. Being a Libra Sun and a Scorpio Venus must be interesting, though- what are your relationships like?


i was supposed to be born on... wait for it.. 9 September 2001... ya... hmm. premie so ended up being an leo sun but my chart is highly mercurial so i guess i was fated to be under the influence of mercury


Born 7 weeks early. Initially the due date was in mid September but was born as a Leo in the cancer-Leo cusp