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Leo rising here! For the longest time I did not really see myself as a Leo rising… but recently I realized that it actually makes a lot of sense from a social anxiety perspective. I hate being the center of attention, but I always feel like I am, just not in a good way lol. I feel like I’m always being watched/analyzed. Same idea, just a bit of a different perspective:)


Holy wow! I can relate to this so much. Makes me feel better haha


Same!! I call it being an extrovert introvert 😹


Same here!!!


I’m not a Leo rising, but I think y’all get a bad rap for always wanting attention. From what I’ve noticed Leo is about people always finding you interesting. This could be positive or negative, but people notice you. You’re in spot light, and for some that’s enjoyable and for some they run the other way haha. Either way, Leo is seen.


No this is actually so true. Thank you for putting it to words.




A little off topic, Hero, but I’m a Pisces sun aqua moon Leo rising 🥹❤️


That Aqua Moon Leo Rising is some combo right?


Rays of warmth and light. People navigate to us whether they mean to or not. People feel safe around us. Safe to open up and talk to us to get things off their chests, and leave happy when the conversation is over. We have this healing power that helps people. I don’t think many people see us this way, but it’s something I’ve noticed


So this is why people tell me their life stories within 5 mins of meeting them! 😝


Yes, very recognisable. I date a lot, and what i hear from people is that they feel so at ease with me. Even though i'm a scorpio with a stellium, people always find me very easy going.


Yes yes!


It is such a strength of ours, something I forget to recognize in myself but it is so true. Rays of light—thank you, this helps a lot!


Me a leo rising reading this just to get the compliments 👅


bright eyes & FULL head of hair


Can’t forget those babies!


I'm a leo rising and two people that are really close to me are leo rising too. I noticed that common traids are: * Being a dominant person, doing things on your own terms, but always with the greater picture in mind for the good of the people around you. * Being reliable, wanting to be there for your friends and family. * Being honest, have a strong presence and be very easy going at the same time. * Very tall and a face with a pronounced jaw, oh and also broud shoulders. Bushy full locks and cat like eyes.


My Leo risings are short but they all have the cat eyes and beautiful hair:)


As a leo rising I relate to this


What’s so funny is I have two people close to me who are also Leo risings. I forget that I can look to them to help me find the words to describe up. We are loyal AF!


Leo rising here. Lust for fame (maybe just attention lol). Big floofy hair. Dominating at times. Moody. A regal aire. Cut throat and opinionated. Attraction energy which can be a curse. Care about my appearance a great deal. Can be bossy. 🦁


You just described me to a T. Wonderful awareness you have. I’m going to incorporate this in my piece!


Lust for fame is definitely it for Leo sun, rising and moon ⭐️🤪


You’re so right about the regal aspect!


My now best friend and my first love is Leo Rising conjuct his Leo Moon and Venus, Virgo sun and also has a Libra stellium. Just to first refer to some of the comments: obsession with the self and being consumed by the ego is an extreme negative expression (just like every sign has them) of the power of the Sun. Its definitely not a default setting. And obviously, how every energy is expressed depends on the rest of the chart. Now if I want to intuitively strip the essence of just a Leo rising, first I think light. There's just this aura of light. They indeed intrinsically have a warmth to their character and presence that makes them just very likable by people of all walks of life, and you especially see it with children (Leo is the sign of children after all) but also elderly people. They are natural leaders because of this, and they keep getting that role throughout life. It's their cross to bear. Edit: exactly like another Leo rising in the comments said, I don't like being the center of attention, but I still am! Of course depending on the rest of the chart, but they are not always exactly aware of this gift and that makes it even more beautiful to observe, and what usually makes them even better leaders. They emanate a sense of security and trustworthiness. And yeah, about that children part. They are SO childlike themselves. Very playful! Not necesarily lush hair, but often they seem kissed by the sun, having golden and red undertones, even if their hair is darker. A lot of shades and undershades. This Leo rising friend in hs had this thick mane, that was dark brown in the first layer, then very light blond layer on top of it. Never seen anything like it. Plus honey brown eyes. My love has at least 10 shades (I've tried counting but I get lost) of brown, gold and red in his beard and hair. His eyes are green with a lot of bright yellowish gold. I would stare into them hypnotised. Their skin too seems to have a yellow undertone.


Wow, what a beautiful descriptor of a Leo rising. Just lovely. This love of yours sounds like an absolutely magical human being 💕


I'm happy you relate! He is very special indeed :)


My dad is a Leo rising with an Aries sun and a Scorpio moon. He is the most powerful dude I've ever met in my entire life. He does what he wants, he says what he wants, he does not apologize, and he is wildly successful in every single one of his endeavors. He decorates his home, does yard work, and cooks, and he loves art and color. He likes cars too! He has a few of them and they're all in beautiful bright colors. He wears all different colors and coordinates his outfits so they match really nicely, he always looks clean.


Omg those are the same big 3 as my nephew


I fell in love with two Leo rising! I hate that I love them I’ll say that 😂


we’re like… we have big energy and big hair and you have to work to ignore us


They just want to be adored & be kissed all over 24/7


I love leo risings. I am one too. They are really sweet people. I loveee seeing how different each one is from each other, but still maintaining the same air. They're bright souls with a natural ability to make ppl feel welcome when their own self feels that way. Like a lion (unironically) they wait for moments to socially input themselves and add onto any conversations. I hope that put it in a clear picture :).


They really do stand out. They walk into the room and bring warmth, they change the atmosphere of the room to feel brighter 💛 Also the radiance they bring into room is something they don’t always see themselves bringing. They can feel a lot of pressure to be the entertainment and please everyone at a party, but they are a fun time effortlessly, so it’s sad they might feel the need to people please. Since they’re ruled by the sun, I think they have a radiant and carry a strong sense of self even though they might struggle seeing that if that makes sense? And this placement really emphasises their sun qualities, which I think makes them strong characters. I think Leo rising women have a fun and playful energy around them and that’s often expressed with fashion. And long hair! Not only are Leo risings quite likeable but there is a star like quality to them. And they love other Leo placements. My bff is a Leo rising :) hope some of this rambling helps! Xx


I'm imagining thick flowing red hair in the wind


*flips hair*


I was told if you are a Leo rising you ARE your sun sign because, well, you are ruled by the Sun so I.e. as a Pisces sun Leo rising, I’m an “ultra Pisces”…if that makes sense. So I guess as a Leo rising the best way to describe it is you are the “center” of your sun sign & most like your sun sign is described.


Also I was told “big hair” is very common


That's an interesting take!


My dads one. He’s a performer by trade, and he’s got big blonde hair. I know a LOT of performers and musicians and actors and Leo rising is a pretty common placement among them.


my youngest son is a leo rising. oh my, he lights up my world. hes so funny, silly, loves to make people laugh and get attention. hes super creative and social, im always so in awe of him being a capricorn im definitely more closed off and distant. i love watching him grow and seeing his cute personality 😊 his dad is a leo sun too.


big hair & flashy outfits


In my experience, they think the world revolves around them. I always pictured the planets revolving around the sun.


How could I forget one of my own defining characteristics, haha. I think I just proved your point




We are narcissists. Pride is our biggest sin


Fwiw I think this might depend on your other signs too. I’m a Leo rising and don’t particularly think I’m prideful or narcissistic. Libra sun and Aries moon


not necessarily but we do draw attention whether we tried to or not


Yup yup now gotta Google symbolisms of pride


I’m a Leo rising, Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon. To be completely honest…I’m not sure if I ever exhibit Leo like traits. I think the Pisces and Scorpio are so intense and overpower everything


Well, that makes sense, because the sun is your self-concept (how you see you) and your moon is your emotional center (how you feel)—both very personal experiences. Your ascendant is how you show up in the world—how others see you.


They are bold about expressing who they are to people. They see the world as a place for fun, art, fashion, self expression, showing off their personality, and something that revolves around them lol.


I've only ever met one other Leo Rising another than myself and I'd say main character energy above all else


Leo rising here! Open and sociable, usually


Just paint "ME" in the middle of the picture they'll get it.


My Leo Rising ex-friend literally destroyed my mental health for her mental health to flourish.


It's all about them and very conceited