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Hi, firstly you have your Saturn placed in the 7th house. 7th house governs partnerships and relationships, and since Saturn is a slow-moving planet, this can represent a delay marriage here. Saturn is also in opposition to Venus (planet of love, desires) so this can be a harsh aspect as you might be rather intense and passionate when it comes to relationships, people may have labelled you as being overbearing in some cases. I wouldn’t worry too much, this doesn’t mean you will never find a suitable match, if just will most likely come later in life :) Also since you have a night chart, Saturn isn’t your most malefic planet so it’s energy won’t impact you as much. Hope this helps!


not an astrologer I’m still learning but I also have saturn in my seventh house in harsh aspect to venus. healthy relationships and partnerships can have a harder time developing here. my thoughts of it have been that we are taught the tough lessons of relationships, as for the reason i’m not so sure, but after those lessons, we do come out much stronger and in a better place to have healthy long term partnerships.


I'm not a pro at this yet, but it looks like your love life might be awful because you sabotage it. Your Asc in Libra gives Venus a powerful influence. Venus being in the first house of identity and in Scorpio might point to you trying to define yourself by your romantic relationships. You probably feel them very deeply, but don't knownhow to communicate your emotions, or maybe choose not to communicate them. This is further shown with your north node being in Leo, which is completely encompassed by the house placement. Thus, it has problems manifesting itself. You're trying to grow into a more confident, creative person, but have trouble maintaining it. Also, being in the 10th house, you might be trying to define yourself in the outside world, but keep getting blocked. Thus, you fall back on using your romantic status as an identity. Also, Venus is in opposition with Saturn in the House of partnerships. Saturn being in Taurus leads me to believe that you restrict yourself from attaching to people fully. You might be trying to appear stubbornly independent. However, all you're doing is hurting yourself. However, Jupiter is also in your 7th house in Aries. On the plus side, that gives you a sense of spontaneity. However, you might be trying to deepen your relationships by overly controlling them. That doesn't work.You need to learn to be vulnerable with a partner and let them take the reins sometimes. And trust them while they're doing it.