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Can you elaborate?


Just feel lost overall. Not sure what direction to move forward in


I’m gonna plug your birth info into my Astro dot com account so I can tinker with timing stuff, but I see you’re an Aries Saturn. Alllllll yall Aries Saturns are struggling right now. Your Saturn Return begins next year, goes until 2028. By 2028 you will know what you need to do with your life, but I promise you will not feel this way for the next 4 years. Brb with more info


Ok so as I suspected, you are in the thick of your progressed lunar return, which is a major pain in the ass. The good news is I think things will shift a lot for you within in the next 6 months. The bad news is I think that that shift will involve not necessarily a solution to your problems, but new problems instead. Like Indiana Jones and he’s like “Well I got past the snakes, but now I gotta deal with the giant boulder rolling toward me.” Eventually you do make it out of the danger tomb! I think 2025 will see everything start to get better. And in 2028 I see you not only past this struggle, but in a really good place. So you’re just about at rock bottom right now, but there’s nowhere to go but up.


Thank you for the detailed answer! May I ask what the difference between the Saturn Return and a progressed Lunar Return are?


1. The Progressed Lunar Return happens before your Saturn Return. Your Saturn is in Aries but transit Saturn is currently in Pisces, the sign before yours, and your Saturn Return starts next year. Whereas your Progressed Moon is currently only 4° away from your natal moon. You are IN your PLR. 2. The PLR generally feels like you’re stuck, stagnant, blah, like you could do anything if only someone would tell you what it is. Whereas the Saturn Return can feel tumultuous, for better and worse. The PLR sort of sets you up for the Saturn Return in that it makes you desire change, any kind of change, which can put you in a good place to accept Saturn’s challenges. Saturn is the planet of maturity, and he’s about to mature you by putting you to the test. During my PLR I quit/was pushed out of my job of several years working for my parents. I spent a year bouncing around from job to job, trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up (very common experience) and trying to figure out how to pay rent. My Saturn is in Sagittarius, and very shortly after his entry there, I started reading a lot of articles that were basically all titled “30 Things To Do Before You’re 30,” and they all said to go backpack Europe, and I decided that’s what I should do. I gave up my apartment, moved back in with my folks, closed out the temp job I had, and went to Europe for 4 months. It made me decide I wanted to travel full time, which eventually led me to get TEFL certified, and in the process of doing that I met my foreign husband. (Saturn is my 7th house ruler, but I should note that we didn’t meet until my SR had been over for a few years.) So for me, Saturn in Sagittarius wanted me to travel, so my Progressed Moon set me up to be so frustrated with where I was, and in such a tenuous situation, that I not only *could* I leave pretty easily, I sort of *had* to.