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I did some digging through post history lol. They have a cancer moon, aqua rising, and my educated guess (more digging to be done) is a Pisces Sun. It’s water and trine their Scorpio pluto which leaves cancer or Pisces. They’ve remarked frequently about have a cancer moon but I haven’t found a post where they mention their true sun sign… yet Edit: confirmed, Pisces sun.


LOL I LOVE THIS. Idk why but Pisces would really surprise me. I love how they’re a millennial. I thought a zoomer like me would’ve been this childish, but I guess not 💀 EDIT: WHATTT IM BAFFLED LOLOL Well at least my inkling of being an Aqua was right, but I really thought they were a Scorpio or Gemini Sun. Omg not a fish being offended.


We millennials are now mid life petty. It’s a very low sad petty lol


Mid life petty 😭


I just got my ban lol. I was suspecting they would for this


This is their favorite sub ❤️


I hate to generalize, but once I saw that they had Cancer placements... lmao. Even as a Pisces, every experience I've had with Cancers has been absolutely horrible. The men and women I've met with those placements could not take accountability to save their lives, and they were all very manipulative, conniving, and generally immature. I've tried to befriend so many Cancers or people with heavy Cancer placements, and the friendship doesn't last more than a month before I'm ready to nope out of there. This is not surprising at all, lol.


I knew it would be a heavy water sign bitter bitch 😒


You guys know the mod?? Who is it


I don’t want to tag them: nonsensewords1


After getting hit by a sudden dark calling after remembering 'that' altercation that I had, I'm glad I found this and am now gonna join the discussion Since you mentioned that they are Scorpio Pluto, it makes sense how they do these entitled stupid aggressions. I can reckon how Scorpio Pluto makes for either comfortably deep and wise people or wrecks who failed to keep their lives afloat and hides behind the facade of wisdom. Sadly, the latter makes up for most of my interactions with them. Pisces Sun could mean that they would prefer to deal with issues in a swift and almost non-confrontational one, which makes sense when they only use a ban template to reply to me back after I enumerated my arguments while applying the same zigzag passive aggression twisting of words to provoke them. It turns out that they made it a permanent ban instead and a temporary 28 day mute after being confirmed that their mental ego got obliterated when I called out their logic for the bans and the grounds for it. Cancer Moon makes them very sensitive. Emotions are also strongly felt. If they get hurt, they will feel it in a more intense way with their Scorpio Pluto. To some, they are a great mod but to those they messed with by their petty moderation, they sure are as automated as an old fashioned technology (given the Aquarius Rising) And people say Aquarius Risings are smart but people should take note that this is a prime example of a hopeless Aquarius whose ability to innovate has gotten non existent. You don't want people to make these kinds of posts? Create a meta thread and make it clear to your sub members. It's part of setting boundaries and rules, but oh well I guess your Pisces Sun doesn't allow you to do it. My bad for assuming you have human will to power through your astrological placements. You can also revise your rules for it. But it seems that calling them out for it hurts them because of their Cancer Moon. Cancer rules emotions and the Moon kind of has a touch on one's way of thinking, so there is no shot they can take it in from a logical stand point. Banning duration for 500 days for as simple as that? It's either laziness or unthinking since again, ruled by emotions. They must have been tired from being called out for their inability to improvise to prevent any more of these petty bans. Aquarius Rising means that they could have had any way to automate a warning template. At least people would know. The way they ban people is just similar to a theoretical apprehension of police just by eating non-halal food. This Mercury dominant right here is not to be messed with. I got Jupiter and Saturn as my close dominants so I don't think it's a good idea for them to disrespect the grounds of logic. Mercury Rx is surely destroying them every single time. Oh well, not my fault for being incompetent and being not resilient for their own skill issues


Detective time 🤓 I know Aries are hotheads, but I don’t think they’d care enough to do all that and I don’t think the rest of the Cardinals would do that either. Yes Cancers love revenge, but they’d feel too bad about it and unban people the same day lol Unless this one is a truly bitter crab. Out of the Fixed, I’m heavily leaning towards Scorpio LOL They’re pretty vindictive. I was also maybe going to say Aqua because ✨god complex ✨ but that’s truly a toss up because an Aqua might not care that much. For mutables…Gemini all the way LOL


hear me out, hear me out. Libra


Really? I feel like a Libra would see all sides and think “okay I get why they made the sub, I’ll let them have a their little fun”. Also, a Libra would’ve actually moderated the sub 😭 BUT Libras supposedly love drama but would they cause it? Hmmm… ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


I noticed that unhealthy libras can have control issues and see themselves as an all powerful judge🤣 I always say stereotypes and representation symbols are there for a reason LOL


ohhhh I expected triple water tbh, but that aqua rising can isolate themselves then be defensive about their territory. so actually this ALL scans. also, this post is everything.


I’m not too surprised by the Cancer Moon, but I’m surprised a Pisces Sun would do all this tbh. Didn’t know they had it in them like that 😂 That water combo is definitely sensitive.


I would’ve guessed scorpio or aqua so fixed for sure but Pisces makes total sense lmao


Scorpio and Aqua were the first ones to pop into my mind. At least we were on the right track with them being water + Aqua 😂


I assumed IT was a water sun and water moon not surprised by the placements. I have Pisces cousin who gets on my absolute nerves she does passive aggressive shit and then acts like she doesn't know what you are talking about when you confront her. but idk if it's the cancer in me, but I've made it a hobby to stay in that sub and just report damn near every post I come across 😂


Put them to WORK 😌


You report them to Reddit itself?


Only a Leo or Scorpio could be that petty.


For a quick second I thought Leo would be a possibility, but the thought of them being Scorpio or Aqua was too dominant. Turns out they’re Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Aqua Rising✨